Standards for Planting Material

Post on 11-May-2017






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Mango (Mangirfera indica L.) 1. Application and Amplification of General Clone Certification Standards a. The General Clone Certification Standards are basic and together

with the following specific standards constitute the standards to certification of mango clones.

b. The General Standards are amplified as follows to apply specifically to mango. All certified clones shall be produced by asexual methods like veneer grafting or soft wood grafting or epicotyls grafting or inarching

II. Land Requirements

a. Land to be used for clonal propagation of mango shall be free from volunteer plants

b. Soils with high chloride content should be avoided III. Field Inspection a. Root stock

A minimum of one inspection shall be made before grafting when the rootstock has attained graftable stage

b. Mother Plant/Scion

Mother Plant should be healthy, true to type and free from diseases and pests. The trees should be certified for the desirable characters by the Certifying agency and a certificate to this effect shall be given to the nurseries. A minimum of one inspection shall be made at the time of fruit maturity for health and fruit quality of the mother tree.

c. Grafted Clones

A minimum of two inspections shall be made before the sale of the clones after attaining the specified size to verify relevant factors.

IV. Field Standards A. General Requirements

1. Isolation: The clone propagation plots of mango shall be isolated from the contaminants as shown in the following table.

Contaminants Minimum distance (meters) Foundation


Field of other varieties Fields of the same variety not conforming to varietal purity requirements for certification

3 3

3 3

2. Spacing: The spacing between plants in clone propagation plots

should be 20-30 cm and between rows 30-40 cm. 1. Rotation: Nursery should be rotated to other plots after raising

mango three times in the same plot. B. Specific Requirements a. Foundation Clones 1. Foundation clones being a group of common ancestry shall be

genetically pure in Absolute terms. Off types should be discarded under the supervision of Certification Agency.

2. The plants should be free from malformation, anthracnose and dieback. b. Certified Class

Factor Maximum permitted (%)* Certified

Off type Plants infected with malformation or anthracnose Plants infected with dieback

0.10 0.20 None

* Standards for off types shall be met at final inspection. V. Clone Specifications

The specifications in respect of size of clones for foundation and certified classes shall be as follows:

1. the diameter of the stock should range from 1.0-1.25 cm 2. The height of the grafting should range from 15-25 cm 3. The diameter of the grafts at 10 cm above the graft union should

range from 1.25-1.5 cm and height of the graft 60-100 cm. 4. Height of the plant should be 25-40 cm in case of 5. The grafted clones should be free from suckers. 6. In the clone lot, clones not conforming to specified size shall not

exceed 5.0% (by number)

VI. Clone Standards

Factor Standard for each class

Foundation Certified

Pure living clones (minimum) Other living plants including rootstocks (maximum) Plants infected with dieback

99.5% (by number) 0.5% (by number) None

98.0% (by number) 2.0% (by number) None

Sweet Orange (Citrus chinensis Osbeck) I. Application and Amplification of General Clone Certification

Standards a. The General Certification Standards are basic and together with

the following specific standard constitute the standards for certification of sweet orange clones.

b. The General Standards are amplified as follows to apply specifically to sweet orange. All certified clones shall be produced by asexual methods like shield budding or patch budding.

II. Land Requirements a. Land to be used for clonal propagation of sweet orange shall be free

from volunteer plants. III. Field Inspection a. Rootstock

A minimum of one inspection shall be made before budding when the rootstock has attained graftable stage.

b. Mother Plant/Scion Mother Plant should be healthy, true to type and free from diseases and pests. The trees should be certified for the desirable characters by the Certifying Agency and a certificate to this effect shall be given to the nurseries. A minimum of one inspection shall be made at the time of fruit maturity for health and fruit quality of the mother tree.

c. Budded Clones A minimum of one inspection shall be made before the sale of the clones after attaining the specified size to verify relevant factors.

IV. Field Standards A. General Requirements 1. Isolation: The clone propagation plots of mango shall be isolated

from the contaminants as shown in the following table.

Contaminants Minimum distance (meters) Foundation


Field of other varieties Fields of the same variety not conforming to varietal purity requirements for certification

3 3

3 3

2. Spacing: The spacing between plants in clone propagation plots should be 25 cm and between rows 40 cm.

3. Rotation: Nursery should be rotated to other plots after raising mango two times in the same plot.

B. Specific Requirements a. Foundation Clones 1. Foundation clones being a group of common ancestry shall be

genetically pure in Absolute terms. Off types should be discarded under the supervision of Certification Agency.

2. The plants should be free from malformation, anthracnose and dieback.

b. Certified Class

Factor Maximum permitted (%)* Certified

Off type Plants infected with dieback

0.10 None

* Standards for off types shall be met at final inspection. V. Clone Specifications

The specifications in respect of size of clones for foundation and certified classes shall be as follows:

1. The diameter of the stock should range from 0.6-1.00 cm 2. The height of the grafting should range from 15-20 cm 3. The diameter of the grafts at 10 cm above the graft union should

range from 1.0-1.25 cm and height of the Budd 30-50cm. 4. The Budded clones should be free from suckers. 5. In the clone lot, clones not conforming to specified size shall not

exceed 5.0% (by number) VI. Clone Standards

Factor Standard for each class

Foundation Certified

Pure living clones (minimum) Other living plants including rootstocks (maximum) Plants infected with dieback

99.5% (by number) 0.5% (by number) None

98.0% (by number) 2.0% (by number) None

Mandarin (Citrus reticulate Blanco) I. Application and Amplification of General Clone Certification

Standards a. The General Certification Standards are basic and together with

the following specific standard constitute the standards for certification of mandarin clones.

b. The General Standards are amplified as follows to apply specifically to mandarin.

All certified clones shall be produced by asexual methods like shield budding or patch budding.

II. Land Requirements a. Land to be used for clonal propagation of mandarin shall be free

from volunteer plants. III. Field Inspection a. Rootstock

A minimum of one inspection shall be made before budding when the rootstock has attained buddable stage.

b. Mother Plant/Scion Mother Plant should be healthy, true to type and free from diseases and pests. The trees should be certified for the desirable characters by the Certifying Agency and a certificate to this effect shall be given to the nurseries. A minimum of two inspection shall be made at the time of fruit maturity for health and fruit quality of the mother tree.

c. Budded Clones A minimum of two inspection shall be made before the sale of the clones after attaining the specified size to verify relevant factors.

IV. Field Standards A. General Requirements 1. Isolation: The clone propagation plots of mango shall be isolated

from the contaminants as shown in the following table.

Contaminants Minimum distance (meters) Foundation


Field of other varieties Fields of the same variety not conforming to varietal purity requirements for certification

3 3

3 3

2. Spacing: The spacing between plants in clone propagation plots should be 25 cm and between rows 40 cm.

3. Rotation: Nursery should be rotated to other plots after raising mango two times in the same plot.

B. Specific Requirements a. Foundation Clones 1. Foundation clones being a group of common ancestry shall be

genetically pure in absolute terms. Off types should be discarded under the supervision of Certification Agency.

2. The plants should be free from viruses. b. Certified Class

Factor Maximum permitted (%)* Certified

Off type Plants infected with dieback

0.10 None

* Standards for off types shall be met at final inspection. V. Clone Specifications

The specifications in respect of size of clones for foundation and certified classes shall be as follows:

1. The diameter of the stock should range from 0.6-1.00 cm 2. The height of the grafting should range from 15-20 cm 3. The diameter of the grafts at 10 cm above the graft union should

range from 1.0-1.25 cm and height of the Budd 30-50cm. 4. The Budded clones should be free from suckers. 5. In the clone lot, clones not conforming to specified size shall not

exceed 5.0% (by number) VI. Clone Standards

Factor Standard for each class

Foundation Certified

Pure living clones (minimum) Other living plants including rootstocks (maximum) Plants infected with dieback

99.5% (by number) 0.5% (by number) None

98.0% (by number) 2.0% (by number) None

Acid lime (Citrus aurantium Swingle) I. Application and Amplification of General Clone Certification Standards a. The General Certification Standards are basic and together with

the following specific standard constitute the standards for certification of sweet orange clones.

b. The General Standards are amplified as follows to apply specifically to sweet orange. All certified clones shall be produced by layering or nucellar seedlings.

II. Land Requirements

Land to be used for clonal propagation of sweet orange shall be free from volunteer plants.

III. Field Inspection a. Mother Plant/Scion

Mother Plant should be healthy, true to type and free from diseases and pests. The trees should be certified for the desirable characters by the Certifying Agency and a certificate to this effect shall be given to the nurseries. A minimum of one inspection shall be made at the time of fruit maturity for health and fruit quality of the mother tree.

c. Clones (Layers/Nucellar Seedlings) A minimum of one inspection shall be made before the sale of the clones after attaining the specified size to verify relevant factors.

IV. Field Standards A. General Requirements 1. Isolation: The clone propagation plots of Acid Lime shall be

isolated from the contaminants as shown in the following table.

Contaminants Minimum distance (meters) Foundation


Field of other varieties Fields of the same variety not conforming to varietal purity requirements for certification

3 3

3 3

2. Spacing: The spacing between plants in clone propagation plots

should be 25 cm and between rows 30 cm.

3. Rotation: Nursery should be rotated to other plots after raising acid lime two times in the same plot.

B. Specific Requirements a. Foundation Clones 1. Foundation clones being a group of common ancestry shall be

genetically pure in absolute terms. Off types should be discarded under the supervision of Certification Agency.

2. The plants should be free from viruses, canker and greening. b. Certified Class

Factor Maximum permitted (%)* Certified

Off type Plants infected with dieback

0.10 None

* Standards for off types shall be met at final inspection. V. Clone Specifications

The specifications in respect of size of clones for foundation and certified classes shall be as follows:

1. The diameter of the stock should range from 0.6-1.00 cm and height of the clone 20-40 cm

2. In the clone lot, clones not conforming to specified size shall not exceed 5.0% (by number)

VI. Clone Standards

Factor Standard for each class

Foundation Certified

Pure living clones (minimum) Plants with virus, canker or greening

99.5% (by number) None

98.0% (by number) None

Lemon (Citrus limon Burn.) I. Application and Amplification of General Clone Certification Standards a. The General Certification Standards are basic and together with

the following specific standard constitute the standards for certification of lemon clones.

b. The General Standards are amplified as follows to apply specifically to lemon.

All certified clones shall be produced by asexual methods like air layering or cuttings.

II. Land Requirements a. Land to be used for clonal propagation of lemon shall be free from

volunteer plants. III. Field Inspection a. Mother Plant/Scion

Mother Plant should be healthy, true to type and free from diseases and pests. The trees should be certified for the desirable characters by the Certifying Agency and a certificate to this effect shall be given to the nurseries. A minimum of one inspection shall be made at the time of fruit maturity for health and fruit quality of the mother tree.

b. Budded Clones A minimum of one inspection shall be made before the sale of the clones after attaining the specified size to verify relevant factors.

IV. Field Standards A. General Requirements 1. Isolation: The clone propagation plots of lemon shall be isolated

from the contaminants as shown in the following table.

Contaminants Minimum distance (meters) Foundation


Field of other varieties Fields of the same variety not conforming to varietal purity requirements for certification

3 3

3 3

2. Spacing: The spacing between plants in clone propagation plots

should be 20 cm and between rows 30 cm.

3. Rotation: Nursery should be rotated to other plots after raising lemon two times in the same plot.

B. Specific Requirements a. Foundation Clones 1. Foundation clones being a group of common ancestry shall be

genetically pure in absolute terms. Off types should be discarded under the supervision of Certification Agency.

2. The plants should be free from viruses and canker. b. Certified Class

Factor Maximum permitted (%)* Certified

Off type Plants infected with dieback

0.10 None

* Standards for off types shall be met at final inspection. V. Clone Specifications

The specifications in respect of size of clones for foundation and certified classes shall be as follows:

1. The diameter of the clone at 10 cm above the ground level should range from 1.0-1.25 cm and height of the Budd 25-40cm.

2. In the clone lot, clones not conforming to specified size shall not exceed 5.0% (by number)

VI. Clone Standards

Factor Standard for each class

Foundation Certified

Pure living clones (minimum) Plants infected with dieback

99.5% (by number) None

98.0% (by number) None

Guava (Psidium guajava L.) I. Application and Amplification of General Clone Certification

Standards a. The General Certification Standards are basic and together with

the following specific standard constitute the standards for certification of guava clones.

b. The General Standards are amplified as follows to apply specifically to guava.

All certified clones shall be produced by asexual methods like patch budding or ring budding or stooling or inarching or air layering.

II. Land Requirements a. Land to be used for clonal propagation of guava shall be free from

volunteer plants. III. Field Inspection a. Mother Plant/Scion

Mother Plant should be healthy, true to type and free from diseases and pests. The trees should be certified for the desirable characters by the Certifying Agency and a certificate to this effect shall be given to the nurseries. A minimum of one inspection shall be made at the time of fruit maturity for health and fruit quality of the mother tree.

b. Clones (Budded/Grafted/Stool layers/Air layers) A minimum of one inspection shall be made before the sale of the clones after attaining the specified size to verify relevant factors.

IV. Field Standards A. General Requirements 1. Isolation: The clone propagation plots of guava shall be isolated

from the contaminants as shown in the following table.

Contaminants Minimum distance (meters) Foundation


Field of other varieties Fields of the same variety not conforming to varietal purity requirements for certification

3 3

3 3

2. Spacing: The spacing between plants in clone propagation plots

should be 20 cm and between rows 30 cm.

3. Rotation: Nursery should be rotated to other plots after raising guava three times in the same plot.

B. Specific Requirements a. Foundation Clones 1. Foundation clones being a group of common ancestry shall be

genetically pure in absolute terms. Off types should be discarded under the supervision of Certification Agency.

b. Certified Class

Factor Maximum permitted (%)* Certified

Off type Plants infected with dieback

0.10 None

* Standards for off types shall be met at final inspection. V. Clone Specifications

The specifications in respect of size of clones for foundation and certified classes shall be as follows:

1. The diameter of the stock should range from 0.75-1.00 cm 2. The height of the grafting should range from 10-15 cm 3. The diameter of the grafts at 10 cm above the graft union and self

rooted plants at 10 cm above ground level should range from 1-1.25 cm and height 50-75 cm.

4. The grafted clone should be free from suckers. 5. In the clone lot, clones not conforming to specified size shall not

exceed 5.0% (by number) VI. Clone Standards

Factor Standard for each class

Foundation Certified

Pure living clones (minimum) Other living plants including rootstocks (maximum)

99.5% (by number) 0.5% (by number)

98.0% (by number) 2.0% (by number)

Apple (Malus domestica Brokh.) I. Application and Amplification of General Clone Certification

Standards a. The General Certification Standards are basic and together with

the following specific standard constitute the standards for certification of apple clones.

b. The General Standards are amplified as follows to apply specifically to apple.

All certified clones shall be produced by asexual methods like tongue grafting or chip budding.

II. Land Requirements a. Land to be used for clonal propagation of apple shall be free from

volunteer plants. III. Field Inspection a. Rootstock

A minimum of one inspection shall be made before grafting/budding when the rootstock has attained graftable stage.

b. Mother Plant/Scion

Mother Plant should be healthy, true to type and free from diseases and pests. The trees should be certified for the desirable characters by the Certifying Agency and a certificate to this effect shall be given to the nurseries. A minimum of one inspection shall be made at the time of fruit maturity for health and fruit quality of the mother tree.

c. Grafted / Budded Clones A minimum of one inspection shall be made before the sale of the clones after attaining the specified size to verify relevant factors.

IV. Field Standards A. General Requirements 1. Isolation: The clone propagation plots of apple shall be isolated

from the contaminants as shown in the following table.

Contaminants Minimum distance (meters) Foundation


Field of other varieties Fields of the same variety not conforming to varietal purity requirements for certification

3 3

3 3

2. Spacing: The spacing between plants in clone propagation plots

should be 20 cm and between rows 30 cm. 3. Rotation: Nursery should be rotated to other plots after raising

apple three times in the same plot. B. Specific Requirements a. Foundation Clones 1. Foundation clones being a group of common ancestry shall be

genetically pure in absolute terms. Off types should be discarded under the supervision of Certification Agency.

2. The plants should be free from woolly aphis, collar rot, rubbery wood and sanjose scale.

b. Certified Class

Factor Maximum permitted (%)* Certified

Off type Plants infected with woolly aphis, collar rot, rubbery wood or sanjose scale

0.10 None

* Standards for off types shall be met at final inspection. V. Clone Specifications

The specifications in respect of size of clones for foundation and certified classes shall be as follows:

1. The diameter of the stock should range from 0.6-0.75 cm 2. The height of the grafting should range from 15-20 cm 3. The diameter of the grafts at 10 cm above the graft union should

range from 0.75-1.0 cm and height 75 - 120cm. 4. The grafted clone should be free from suckers. 5. In the clone lot, clones not conforming to specified size shall not

exceed 5.0% (by number) VI. Clone Standards

Factor Standard for each class

Foundation Certified

Pure living clones (minimum) Other living plants including rootstocks (maximum) Plants infected with wooly aphis, collar rot, rubbery wood or sanjose scale

99.5% (by number) 0.5% (by number) None

98.0% (by number) 2.0% (by number) None

Banana (Musa paridasiaca L.)

I. Application and Amplification of General Clone Certification


The General Clone Certification Standards are basic and, together

with the following specific standards constitute the standards for

certification of banana clones.

II. Land requirements

Land to be used for clonal propagation of banana shall be free from

volunteer plants and diseases.

III. Field Inspection

Mother plant:

Mother Plant should be healthy, true to type and free from

diseases and pests. The plants should be certified for the desirable

characters by the Certifying Agency and a certificate to this effect

shall be given to the nurseries. A minimum of one inspection shall

be made at the time of fruit maturity for health and fruit quality of

the mother tree.

Clones (Suckers)

A minimum of one inspection shall be made before the sale of the

clones after attaining the specified size to verify relevant factors.

IV. Field Standards

A. General Requirements

1. Isolation: The clone propagation plots of banana shall be

isolated from the contaminants with 3-meter distance.

2. Spacing: The spacing between plants in clone propagation

plots should be 1.5 m and between rows 1.5 m.

3. Rotation: Nursery should be rotated to other plots after

raising banana three times in the same plot.

B. Specific requirement :


1. Foundation clones being a group of common ancestry shall

be genetically pure in absolute terms. Off types should be

discarded under the supervision of Certification Agency.

2. The plants should be free from bunchy top, nematode and

Panama disease.

V. Clone Specifications

The specifications in respect of size of clones shall be as follows:

1. The diameter of the sucker should range from 7.0 - 10.0 cm.

2. In the clone lot, clones not conforming to specified size shall

not exceed 5.0% (by number).

Litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.)

I. Application and Amplification of General Clone Certification


The General Clone Certification Standards are basic and, together

with the following specific standards constitute the standards for

certification of litchi clones.

The General Standards are amplified as follows to apply specifically

to litchi.

All certified clones shall be produced by asexual methods viz., air


II. Land requirements

Land to be used for clonal propagation of litchi shall be free from

volunteer plants.

III. Field Inspection

Mother plant:

Mother Plant should be healthy, true to type and free from

diseases and pests. The trees should be certified for the desirable

characters by the Certifying Agency and a certificate to this effect

shall be given to the nurseries. A minimum of one inspection shall

be made at the time of fruit maturity for health and fruit quality of

the mother tree.

Clones (Air Layers)

A minimum of one inspection shall be made before the sale of the

clones after attaining the specified size to verify relevant factors.

IV. Field Standards

A. General requirements

1. Isolation: The clone propagation plots of litchi shall be isolated

from the contaminants with 3-meter distance.

2. Spacing: The spacing between plants in clone propagation plots

should be 30 cm and between rows 50 cm.

3. Rotation: Nursery should be rotated to other plots after raising

litchi three times in the same plot.

B. Specific requirement :


1. Clones being a group of common ancestry shall be genetically

pure in absolute terms. Off types should be discarded.

2. The Off-types should not exceed to 0.1% by number.

VI. Clone Specifications

1. The diameter of the plant should range from 1.0 - 1.5 cm and

height of the plant 10-75 cm.

2. In the clone lot, clones not conforming to specified size shall not

exceed 5.0% (by number).

Grape (Vitis vinifera L.)

I. Application and Amplification of General Clone Certification


The General Clone Certification Standards are basic and, together

with the following specific standards constitute the standards for

certification of grape clones.

The General Standards are amplified as follows to apply specifically

to grape.

All certified clones shall be produced by asexual methods like chip

budding or cutting.

II. Land requirements

Land to be used for clonal propagation of grape shall be free from

volunteer plants.

III. Field Inspection


A minimum of one inspection shall be made before budding when

the rootstock has attained buddable stage.

Mother plant:/Scion

Mother Plant should be healthy, true to type and free from

diseases and pests. The trees should be certified for the desirable

characters by the Certifying Agency and a certificate to this effect

shall be given to the nurseries. A minimum of one inspection shall

be made at the time of fruit maturity for health and fruit quality of

the mother Block.

Clones (Budded/rooted cuttings)

A minimum of one inspection shall be made before the sale of the

clones after attaining the specified size to verify relevant factors.

IV. Field Standards

A. General requirements

1. Isolation: The clone propagation plots of grape shall be isolated

from fields of the same variety not conforming to purity and

field of other varieties by 3-meter (Minimum).

2. Spacing: The spacing between plants in clone propagation plots

should be 20 cm and between rows 30 cm.

3. Rotation: Nursery should be rotated to other plots after raising

grape three times in the same plot.

B. Specific Requirement :

1. Clones being a group of common ancestry shall be genetically

pure in absolute terms. Off types should be discarded.

2. The plants should be free from nematode and anthracnose.

3. The Off-types should not exceed from 0.1% by number


VI. Clone Specifications

1. The diameter of the stock should range from 1.0 - 1.25 cm.

2. The height of the budding should range from 8-10 cm.

3. The diameter of the grafts/rooted cuttings should range from

1.0-1.25 cm and height 25-40 cm.

4. The grafted clone should be free from suckers.

Pineapple (Ananas comosus Merr.)

I. Application and Amplification of General Clone Certification


The General Clone Certification Standards are basic and, together

with the following specific standards constitute the standards for

certification of Pineapple clones.

The General Standards are amplified as follows to apply specifically

to Pineapple.

All certified clones shall be produced by asexual methods like

suckers or slips.

II. Land requirements

Land to be used for clonal propagation of Pineapple shall be free

from volunteer plants.

III. Field Inspection

Mother plant:

Mother Plant should be healthy, true to type and free from

diseases and pests. The plants should be certified for the desirable

characters by the Certifying Agency and a certificate to this effect

shall be given to the nurseries. A minimum of one inspection shall

be made at the time of fruit maturity for health and fruit quality of

the mother plants.

Clones (Suckers/Slips)

A minimum of one inspection shall be made before the sale of the

clones after attaining the specified size to verify relevant factors.

IV. Field Standards

A. General requirements

1. Isolation: The clone propagation plots of Pineapple shall be

isolated from fields of the same variety not conforming to

varietal purity and field of other varieties by 3-meter


2. Spacing: The spacing between plants in clone propagation plots

should be 30 cm and between rows 60 cm.

3. Rotation: Nursery should be rotated to other plots after raising

Pineapple three times in the same plot.

B. Specific Requirement :

1. Clones being a group of common ancestry shall be genetically

pure in absolute terms. Off types should be discarded.

2. The plants should be free from mealy bug.

V. Clone Specifications

1. The weight of sucker should be 400-500g and slip 350-450g..

2. In the clone lot, clones not conforming to specified size shall not

exceed 5.0% (by number).

Sapota (Achras sapota L.)

I. Application and Amplification of General Clone Certification


The General Clone Certification Standards are basic and, together

with the following specific standards constitute the standards for

certification of Sapota clones.

The General Standards are amplified as follows to apply specifically

to Sapota.

All certified clones shall be produced by asexual methods like

inarching or air layering.

II. Land requirements

Land to be used for clonal propagation of Sapota shall be free from

volunteer plants.

III. Field Inspection


A minimum of one inspection shall be made before grafting when

the rootstock has attained graftable stage.

Mother plant/Scion:

Mother Plant should be healthy, true to type and free from

diseases and pests. The plants should be certified for the desirable

characters by the Certifying Agency and a certificate to this effect

shall be given to the nurseries. A minimum of one inspection shall

be made at the time of fruit maturity for health and fruit quality of

the mother tree.

Clones (Grafted/Air Layers)

A minimum of one inspection shall be made before the sale of the

clones after attaining the specified size to verify relevant factors.

IV. Field Standards

A. General requirements

1. Isolation: The clone propagation plots of Sapota shall be

isolated from fields of the same variety not conforming to

varietal purity and field of other varieties by 3-meter


2. Rotation: Nursery should be rotated to other plots after raising

Sapota three times in the same plot.

B. Specific Requirement :

1. Clones being a group of common ancestry shall be genetically

pure in absolute terms. Off types should be discarded.

2. The Off-types should not be more than 0.10% (maximum).

V. Clone Specifications

1. The diameter of the stock should range from 1 - 1.25 cm.

2. The weight of the grafting should range 15-25 cm.

3. The diameter of the grafts at 10 cm above the graft union

should range from 1 - 1.25 cm and height 50 to 75 cm

(inarched) and 30-60 cm (air layered).

4. The grafted clone should be free from suckers.

5. In the clone lot, clones not conforming to specified size shall not

exceed 5.0% (by number).

Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.)

I. Application and Amplification of General Clone Certification


The General Clone Certification Standards are basic and, together

with the following specific standards constitute the standards for

certification of Jackfruit clones.

The General Standards are amplified as follows to apply specifically

to Jackfruit.

All certified clones shall be produced by asexual methods like

patch budding or ring budding or veneer budding.

II. Land requirements

Land to be used for clonal propagation of Jackfruit shall be free

from volunteer plants.

III. Field Inspection


A minimum of one inspection shall be made before budding when

the rootstock has attained buddable stage.

Mother plant/Scion:

Mother Plant should be healthy, true to type and free from

diseases and pests. The trees should be certified for the desirable

characters by the Certifying Agency and a certificate to this effect

shall be given to the nurseries. A minimum of one inspection shall

be made at the time of fruit maturity for health and fruit quality of

the mother tree.

Budded Clones

A minimum of one inspection shall be made before the sale of the

clones after attaining the specified size to verify relevant factors.

IV. Field Standards

A. General requirements

Isolation: The clone propagation plots of Jackfruit shall be isolated

from fields of the same variety not conforming to varietal purity

and field of other varieties by 3-meter (Minimum).

B. Specific Requirement :

1. Clones being a group of common ancestry shall be genetically

pure in absolute terms. Off types should be discarded.

2. Off-types should not be more than 0.10% (maximum).

V. Clone Specifications

1. The diameter of the stock should range from 1 - 1.25 cm.

2. The height of the grafting should range 15-20 cm.

3. The diameter of the grafts at 10 cm above the graft union

should range from 1.25 - 1.50 cm and height of the graft 30 to

50 cm.

4. The grafted clone should be free from suckers.

5. In the clone lot, clones not conforming to specified size shall not

exceed 5.0% (by number).

Passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims)

I. Application and Amplification of General Clone Certification


The General Clone Certification Standards are basic and, together

with the following specific standards constitute the standards for

certification of Passion fruit clones.

The General Standards are amplified as follows to apply specifically

to Passion fruit.

All certified clones shall be produced by asexual means viz.,


II. Land requirements

Land to be used for clonal propagation of Passion fruit shall be free

from volunteer plants.

III. Field Inspection

Mother plant(s)

Mother Plant(s) should be healthy, true to type and free from

diseases and pests. The trees should be certified for the desirable

characters by the Certifying Agency and a certificate to this effect

shall be given to the nurseries. A minimum of one inspection shall

be made at the time of fruit maturity for health and fruit quality of

the mother plant(s).

Clones (Rooted cuttings)

A minimum of one inspection shall be made before the sale of the

clones after attaining the specified size to verify relevant factors.

IV. Field Standards

A. General requirements

1. Isolation: The clone propagation plots of Passion fruit shall

be isolated from fields of the same variety not conforming to

varietal purity and field of other varieties by 3-meter


2. Rotation: Nursery bed should be rotated to other plots after

raising passion fruit three times in the same plot.

B. Specific Requirement :

1. Clones being a group of common ancestry shall be genetically

pure in absolute terms. Off types should be discarded.

2. Off-types should not be more than 0.10% (maximum).

V. Clone Specifications

1. The diameter of the plants at 10 cm above ground level should

range from 0.42 - 0.60 cm and height of the plant 15 to 25 cm.

2. In the clone lot, clones not conforming to specified size shall not

exceed 5.0% (by number).


Tissue Culture Raised Plants : Standard guidelines/parameters

Plant tissue culture or micropropagation is the aseptic culture of cells,

pieces of tissue, or organs. It is the true-to-type propagation of a selected

genotype using in vitro culture techniques. By this technique, it is

possible to regenerate new plants from small pieces of plant tissue

because each cell of a given plant has the same genetic makeup and is

capable of developing along a pre-determined pathway leading to the

formation of an entire plant that is identical to the plant from which it

was derived. It has been ground that plants can reproduce whole plants

from fragments of plant material when given a nutrient media capable of

supporting growth and appropriate hormone control. Using

micropropagation, millions of new plants can be derived from a single

plant. Micropropagation can be used to establish and maintain virus

infected, even though the remainder of the plant may be. Once new

plants are developed from the apical meristem, they can be maintained

and distributed as virus-free plants.

The standard process flow chart for production of quality planting

material is as follows

1. Establishment and maintenance of 'Elite certified mother nursery'

2. Selection of mother plants - Testing for virus & quality

3. Explant

4. Multiplication through axillary bud/meristem culture

5. Rooting, primary, secondary hardening and rouging

6. Periodic identification of somaclonal variations and off-types

7. Nursery plantation - Testing for virus & quality

8. Field transfer - Testing for quality, Virus indexing and


Criteria for production of quality planting material

I. Evaluation of Tissue Culture Labs

A tissue culture lab is governed by infrastructure facilities, quality

control mechanism and competence of the technical supervision. Each of

these areas have a prominent role in ensuring the production of good

quality planting material.

Score Card for Assessing TC Units.



Description Marks

1. Infrastructure and Lab facilities

� Washing room

� Media preparation room

� Inoculation room

� Growth room





2. Quality control

� Maintenance of certified mother block nurseries

Selection of mother plants

Periodic virus indexing of mother block nursery

Explant selection and culture initiation

� Virus indexing of explant

� Clonal fidelity and number of multiplication

Identification of somaclonal variations and off-







� Overall quality of the plants


3. Hardening facilities

� Transfer area, Greenhouse/shade area, Nursery


4. Technical supervision and monitoring

� Monitoring of the production process and the staff

involved therein

� Technical competence of the production supervisory


� Operators



The TC I units getting an overall score of less than 65 should not be

considered eligible for distribution of micropropagated planting material

till such time when the facilities are improved as per norms. The lab

facilities including hardening facilities carry the maximum marks of 60

followed by quality control with 30 marks. These two areas are most

crucial for enabling the production and supply of disease free planting


II. Testing for virus and quality

Tissue culture is an useful approach for generating virus-free planting

material. In order to minimize the risk of inadvertent propagation of virus

infected plants and introduction of somaclonal variability, tissue culture

raised plants need to be thoroughly indexed for freedom from viruses and

checked for quality. Careful indexing based on recent biotechnological

methods such as immunoprobes, nucleic acid probes and polymerase

chain reaction (PCR) would ensure phytosanitary safety during the

movement of planting material. Similarly, molecular testing will ensure

quality control. The PCR based technique known as Randomly Amplified

Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) provides a reliable methodology for identifying

genotypes and studying the genetic variation.

Virus testing

Various immunological and molecular techniques like ELISA, DIBA,

Western blotting, immunofluorescence, nucleic acid hybridisation using

radio-labelled probes have been used successfully for the diagnosis of

virus infection in a variety of plant species, ELISA, immuno-electron

microscopy, dot-blot and PCR are the most sensitive and reliable and can

be very effectively used for the purpose of diagnostic services to tissue

culture industry in the country. Nucleic and hybridization, c-DNA probes

are also available for the Gemini-, poty-, tobamo-, and badnaviruses.

Electrophoresis and direct electron-microscopy are also being commonly

used particularly for detecting viroids and unknown viruses.

Quality control

With the advent of the PCR technique and DNA based molecular

markers, some laboratories in India expertise in these areas and are

using them for assessment of genetic diversity, phylogenetic analysis for

establishing true to type nature of tissue cultured plants. From the

contrasting reports on the use of molecular marker techniques for

analysis of micropropagated plants, it is essential that the marker system

chosen for analysis needs to be evaluated for its suitability for the

application before it is used.

The above guidelines are generic and would vary in terms of the steps

and parameters for assessment for individual species. Some species-

specific parameters are listed.

* There is a difference of opinion among researchers and production labs

on the number of passages that could be regarded as "safe" for shoot

multiplication in banana with respect to clonal uniformity of plants. In

tissue culture it is well known that lesser the number of subcultures, lower

will be the chances of somaclonal variation. However, it must also be

realized that if the number of passages are far too small then the entire

production process becomes economically unviable. Therefore, efforts

should be made to optimize the shoot multiplication process and extend the

number of passages only till the clonal uniformity of the progenies is

maintained. This could be achieved through a) strict monitoring of shoot

multiplication process ensuring that adventitious shoots are not multiplied

and b) confirming the clonal fidelity of tissue cultured plants using

molecular markers in different passages. However, in banana under no

circumstances shoots should be subcultured for more than 8 passages.

Quality Standards for production through tissue culture

Standards for Laboratory and Greenhouse Facilities

1. All micropropagation and greenhouse facilities must fulfill the

standards set by the competent authority.

2. Laboratory and greenhouse facilities used for production of

plantlets shall be maintained free of pests or vectors of banana

pathogens. Failure to keep such pests under control may cause

rejection of all lots maintained in the facility. All potting or growth

media shall be sterile. Water sources used in the laboratory or

greenhouse operation shall be treated or otherwise rendered free of

all possible pathogens by the applicant.

3. Hygienic conditions shall be strictly observed during

micropropagation, potting, planting, irrigating, movement and use

of equipment and other laboratory and greenhouse practices to

guard against the spread of diseases or pests in the facilities used

for banana plant multiplication.

Minimum Quality Standards for growing of plants inside


The following requirements must be met for production of plantlets :

1. Elite mother nursery block' and Selection of mother plants

• Mother plant should be healthy, true to type and free from diseases

and pests especially virus diseases. It should be certified for the

desirable characters by the certifying agency and a certificate shall be

given to the nurseries. Minimum two inspections shall be made at the

time of vegetative phase (6th month) and at the time of flowering and

fruiting stage.

• Mother plants whose varietal purity is confirmed through molecular

markers should be used as source plants.

• The male flower bud should be retained to check the presence of virus

diseases (Male flower bud exhibits symptoms of late infection of

viruses like BBTV and BBMV).

• Mother plants should be raised under topless insect proof shade net

with sufficient height.

• Isolation distance - Mother nursery location must be away from other

banana plantations with an isolation distance of 500m to maintain

purity and to avoid spread of virus diseases.

• Mother plants should be grown under very good management

conditions so has to facilitate the true expression.

• Individual plant should given a master code number so that the

plantlets developed could be traced back to the mother plant.

• Pedigree record and source of each mother plant should be

maintained and catalogued.

• Varieties must be separated by physical barriers, which will prevent

varietal mixture.

2. Virus indexing of mother plant nursery

• Should be done twice during its crop duration,

1. at 6 months stage

2. and at fruiting stage

• The indexing should be carried out primarily for four viruses, namely

Banana Bunchy top Virus, Banana Bract mosaic virus, Banana

Streak virus and Cucumber mosaic virus.

• The entire clump of plant, suckers along with infected mother

underground corm should be removed and destroyed.

3. Explant selection and culture initiation

Choice of explant is vital

• Well maintained mother plants should be selected

• The sucker should be healthy and not less than 60-80 days of age

• Growing meristem should be of 1.0 cubic cm in size

• The explant should not be cut to avoid injury to the growing meristem

and eventual abnormalities

4. Number of subculture cycles and rouging

a. No. of subculture cycle

The maximum number of subculture cycles should be 6 or less

and should not be more than 7

b. Rouging at various stages of proliferation

• Only true to type proliferating buds should be selected for

further sub culturing

• Differentiated plant in the culture bottle should exhibit true to

type plant traits and those exhibiting abnormal growth should

be discarded

5. Rooting, primary hardening and rouging

(Ex agar Management and selection of proper container and

potting mixtures)

• The rooting media should be 100 per cent free from pathogen

• Water used for irrigating the plants should be free from

pathogens and nematodes

• Strict rouging by trained personnel should be done to remove

the off types once in 7 days

• Sample plants from each batch should be randomly virus

indexed (at least 10 plants from each batch/explant)

• While shifting of primary hardened plants, two longitudinal cuts

of net pots should be given to facilitate further corm growth.

• Indexing of plants at nursery stage - 1% from each batch

will be indexed.

• True to type quality assessment using molecular markers -

10% of the pants have to be assessed.

6. Maintenance of Pedigree Block

7. Plants from each batch should be maintained for one year for

cross confirmation.

8. Ideal Tissue Culture Plant

• Plant should be free from all viral diseases and confirmed

through virus indexing.

• Plant is confirmed for its true to its type.

• A well hardened plant should be 30 cm in height and should

have a pseudostem circumference of 5.0-6.0 cm after 60 days of


• The plant should have 5 photosynthetically active leaves and

inter foliar space must be not less than 5.0 cm

• The plant should have approximately 25-30 active roots at he

end of secondary hardening stage

• The length of active roots should be more than 15 cm with a

good number of secondary roots

• The polybag should be of size (20.0 cm in length and 16 cm in

diameter) with potting media filled to ¾ full of the bag

• The media/potting mixture approximately should weigh about

750-800 g. on dry weight basis

• Plantlets should be free from any visual symptoms of leaf spot,

pseudostem rot and physical deformations.

• Plantlets should be free from the presence of root pathogens like

Erwinia rot symptoms, nematode lesions and root knots.

Random checking of roots is very essential at the time of


• Those exhibiting abnormal growth must be discarded

Certified class

Factor Max. Permitted

Off type <1%

Plants infected with virus diseases None

Plants infected with nematodes None

Plants infected with fungal diseases None

Banana is highly susceptible to tissue cultured somaclonal variation and

it varies from 4-40% depending on the variety. All Cavendish clones

including, Grand Naine, Robusta, Dwarf Cavendish, Giant Cavendish,

Shrimanti, Williams etc. are highly susceptible. This group is followed by

Plantain group which includes Nendran and its ecotypes. Mysore and

Poovan group are medium susceptible to variations. Keeping a broad

spectrum of susceptibility among varieties, the maximum

acceptable variation <1%


BRINJAL (Solanum melonegna L.)

I. Application and Amplification of General Seed Certification


The General Seed Certification Standards are basic and, together

with the following specific standards constitute the standards for

certification of Brinjal seed.

II. Land requirements

Land to be used for seed production of Brinjal shall be free of

volunteer plants.

III. Field Inspection

A minimum of three inspections shall be made, the first before

flowering, the second at the flowering and fruiting stage and the

third at mature fruit stage and prior to harvesting.

IV. Field Standards

A. General requirements

1. Isolation

Seed fields shall be isolated from the contaminants shown in

column 1 of the Table below by the distances specified in columns

2 and 3 of the said table:

Contaminants Minimum distance (meters)

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Fields of other variety 300 150

Fields of the same variety not

conforming to varietal purity

requirements for Certification

300 150

B. Specific requirements

Factor Minimum permitted


Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Off types 0.10 0.20

** Plants infected seed borne diseases 0.10 0.20

* Standards for off types shall be met at and after flowering and for seed

borne disease at final inspection.

** Seed borne disease shall be: Phomopsis blight (Phomopis vexans (Sacc.

& Syd.) Harter.)

V. Seed standards

Factor Standard for each classes

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Pure seed (minimum) 98.0% 98.0%

Inert matter (maximum) 2.0% 2.0%

Other crops seeds (maximum) None None

Weed seeds (maximum) None None

Germination (minimum) 70% 70%

Moisture (maximum) 8.0% 8.0%

For vapour-proof containers (max) 6.0% 6.0%

CAPSICUM (SWEET PEPPER) (Capsicum annuum L. Var. grossum

Bailey) AND CHILLI (HOT PEPPER)(Capsicum frutescens l.)

I. Application and Amplification of General Seed Certification


The General Seed Certification Standards are basic and, together

with the following specific standards constitute the standards for

certification of Capsicum and Chilli seed.

II. Land requirements

Land to be used for seed production of Capsicum and Chilli shall

be free of volunteer plants.

III. Field Inspection

A minimum of three inspections shall be made, the first before

flowering, the second at the flowering and fruiting stage and the

third at mature fruit stage and prior to harvesting.

IV. Field Standards

A. General requirements

1. Isolation

Seed fields offered for certification shall be isolated from the

contaminants shown in column 1 of the Table below by the

distances specified in columns 2 and 3 of the said Table:

Contaminants Minimum distance (meters)

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Fields of other variety 500 250

Fields of the same variety not

conforming to varietal purity

500 250

requirements for Certification

Fields of Capsicum from Chilli and vice


500 250

B. Specific requirements

Factor Minimum permitted


Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Off types 0.10 0.20

** Plants infected seed borne diseases 0.10 0.50

* Maximum permitted at and after flowering in the case of off types

and the final inspection in the case of seed borne diseases.

** Seed borne disease shall be: Leaf blight (Alternaria solani

Sorauer.); Anthracnose (Ripe rot, Die back) : (Collectotrichum

capsici (Syd.) Butler & Bisby)

V. Seed standards

Factor Standard for each classes

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Pure seed (minimum) 98.0% 98.0%

Inert matter (maximum) 2.0% 2.0%

Other crops seeds (maximum) 5/kg 10/kg

Weed seeds (maximum) 5/kg 10/kg

Germination (minimum) 60% 60%

Moisture (maximum) 8.0% 8.0%

For vapour-proof containers (maximum) 6.0% 6.0%

OKRA (BHINDI) (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench)

I. Application and Amplification of General Seed Certification


The General Seed Certification Standards are basic and, together

with the following specific standards constitute the standards for

certification of Okra seed.

II. Land requirements

Land to be used for seed production of Okra shall be free of

volunteer plants.

III. Field Inspection

A minimum of three inspections shall be made, the first before

flowering, the second during peak flowering and fruiting stage and

the third at mature fruit stage and prior to harvesting.

IV. Field Standards

A. General requirements

1. Isolation

Okra Seed fields shall be isolated from the contaminants shown in

column 1 of the Table below by the distances specified in columns

2 and 3 of the said table:

Contaminants Minimum distance (meters)

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Fields of other variety 500 250

Fields of the same variety not

conforming to varietal purity

requirements for Certification and wild

Okra (A. ficulneus (L.) Wt. & Arn. A.

manihot (L.) Medic. And A. moschatus

500 250

(L.) Medic.)

B. Specific requirements

Factor Minimum permitted (%)*

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Off types 0.10 0.20

** Objectionable weed plants None None

* Maximum permitted at and after flowering.

** Objectionable weeds shall be wild Okra: (A.ficulneus (L.) Wt. &

Arn. A. amnihot (L.) Medic.,

A. moschatus (L.) Medic.)

V. Seed standards

Factor Standard for each classes

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Pure seed (minimum) 99.0% 99.0%

Inert matter (maximum) 1.0% 1.0%

Other crops seeds (maximum) None None

Total Weed seeds (maximum) None None

* Objectionable weed seeds (maximum) None None

Other distinguishable varieties (maximum)

10/Kg 20/Kg

Germination including hard seeds (minimum)

65% 65%

Moisture (maximum) 10.0% 10.0%

For vapour-proof containers (maximum) 8.0% 8.0%

* Objectionable weeds are the same as given at IV.B. above.

LETTUCE (Lactuca sativa L.)

I. Application and Amplification of General Seed Certification


The General Seed Certification Standards are basic and, together

with the following specific standards constitute the standards for

certification of the Lettuce seed.

II. Land requirements

Land to be used for seed production of Lettuce shall be free of

volunteer plants.

III. Field Inspection

A minimum of three inspections shall be made, the first before

heads have formed in heading types, and before full grown stage in

on-heading types, the second when heads have formed in heading

types, and at full grown stage in non-heading types and the third

at flowering stage.

IV. Field Standards

A. General requirements

1. Isolation

Lettuce seed fields shall be isolated from the contaminants shown

in column 1 of the Table below by the distances specified in

columns 2 and 3 of the said table:

Contaminants Minimum distance (meters)

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Fields of other variety 100 50

Fields of the same variety not

conforming to varietal purity

requirements for Certification and Wild

100 50

lettuce (Lactuca scariola L.)

B. Specific requirements

Factor Minimum permitted (%)*

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Off types 0.10 0.20

** Objectionable weed plants 0.010 0.020

*** Plants affected by seed borne disease 0.10 0.50

* Maximum permitted at the final inspection.

** Objectionable weeds shall be:wild Lettuce (Lactuca scariola L.)

V. Seed standards

Factor Standard for each classes

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Pure seed (minimum) 98.0% 98.0%

Inert matter (maximum) 2.0% 2.0%

Other crops seeds (maximum) None None

Total Weed seeds (maximum) 5/Kg 10/Kg

* Objectionable weed seeds (maximum) 2/Kg 5/Kg

Other distinguishable varieties (maximum)

10/Kg 20/Kg

Germination (minimum) 70% 70%

Moisture (maximum) 8.0% 8.0%

For vapour-proof containers (maximum) 6.0% 6.0%

* Objectionable weeds are the same as given at IV.B. above.

ONION (Allium cepa L.) HYBRIDS

I. Application and Amplification of General Seed Certification


A. The General Seed Certification Standards are basic and, together

with the following specific standards constitute the standards for

certification of hybrid Onion seed.

B. The General Standards are amplified as follows to apply specifically

to the hybrids of Onion:

1. Eligibility requirements for certification

(a) An inbred line to be eligible for certification shall be from a

source such that its identity may be assured and approved by the

Certification Agency.

(b) Hybrid seed to be eligible for certification shall be the

progeny of two approved inbred lines, one of which shall be male


2. Classes and Sources of seed

(a) An inbred line shall be a relatively true breeding strain

resulting from self-pollination with selection.

(b) The Foundation class seed shall consist of an approved male

sterile line to be used as a female parent and an approved inbred

line to be used as a male parent for the purpose of producing

hybrid seed.

(c) A male sterile line shall be a strain (A) carrying cytoplasmic

genetic male sterility, which sheds no viable pollen and is

maintained by the normal sister strain (B) which is used as


(d) The Certified class seed shall be the hybrid seed to be

planted for any use except seed production.

II. Land requirements

Land to be used for seed production of hybrid Onion shall be free

of volunteer plants.

III. Field Inspection

A. Mother bulb production stage

A minimum of two inspections shall be made as follows:

1. the first inspection shall be made after transplanting of

seedlings in order to determine isolation, volunteer plants, off types

including bolters and other relevant factors;

2. the second inspection shall be made after the bulbs have

been lifted to verify the true characteristics of bulbs.

B. Seed production stage

A minimum of four inspections shall be made as follows:

1. the first inspection shall be made before flowering in order to

determine isolation, volunteer plants, out crosses, planting ratio,

errors in planting and other relevant factors;

2. the second and third inspections shall be made during

flowering to check isolation, pollen shedding umbels, off types and

other relevant factors;

3. the fourth inspection shall be made at maturity to verify the

true nature of umbels and other relevant factors.

IV. Field Standards

A. General requirements

1. Isolation

Seed fields offered for certification shall be isolated from the

contaminants shown in column 1 of the Table below by the

distances specified in columns 2 and 3, 4 and 5 of the said table:

Contaminants Minimum distance (meters)

Mother bulb

production stage

Seed production


Foundati Certified Foundati Certified

on on

1 2 3 4 5

Fields of other variety

including commercial hybrid

of the same variety

5 5 1200 600

Fields of the same hybrids

(code Designation) not

conforming to varietal purity

requirements for Certification

5 5 1200 600

Fields of the other varieties of

different skin colour

- - 1500 750

Fields of the other hybrids

having common male parent

and conforming to varietal

purity requirements for


5 5 - -

B. Specific requirements

Factor Minimum permitted

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

* Bulbs not conforming to varietal



(by number)


(by number)

Off types (umbels) in seed parent at and

after flowering

0.10% 0.050%

Off types (umbels) in pollinator at and

after flowering

0.010% 0.050%

Pollen shedding (umbels) in seed parent

at flowering

0.050% 0.10%

* Maximum permitted at second inspection at mother bulb

production stage.

V. Seed standards

Factor Standard for each classes

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Pure seed (minimum) 98.0% 98.0%

Inert matter (maximum) 2.0% 2.0%

Other crops seeds (maximum) 5/Kg 10/Kg

Weed seeds (maximum) 5/Kg 10/Kg

Germination (minimum) 70% 70%

Moisture (maximum) 8.0% 8.0%

For vapour-proof containers (maximum) 6.0% 6.0%



I. Application and Amplification of General Seed Standards for


A. The General Seed Standards are basic and, together with the

following specific standards constitute the standards for approval

of PTCMT. As the name implies, these standards are applicable to

tissue culture raised mini tubers multiplied under laboratory and

greenhouse conditions as laid here.

B. The General Standards are amplified as follows to apply specifically

to the PTCMT:

1. Eligibility requirements for PTCMT production:

The PTCMT to be eligible for production shall be from a source

meeting the following standards for laboratory and greenhouse


i. Laboratory and greenhouse facilities used for production of

plantlets/microtubers or minitubers shall be maintained free of

potato pests or vectors of potato pathogens. Failure to keep such

pests under control may cause rejection of all lots maintained in

the facility. All potting or growth media shall be sterile. Water to be

used in a laboratory or greenhouse operation should be free from


ii. Hygienic conditions shall be strictly observed during

micropropagation, potting, planting, irrigating, movement and use

of equipment and other laboratory and greenhouse practices to

guard against the spread of diseases or pests in the facilities used

for seed multiplication.

iii. All micro propagation and greenhouse facilities must be approved,

as per the standard/guidelines. These facilities must have a

changing area between the double doors.

iv. The greenhouse (protected environment) must be “insect proof”

and be equipped with a double-door entrance, provision for

footweat disinfection prior to entering the protected environment

and insect proof ventilation screening on intakes and exhaust

openings. The persons entering the protected environment should

use Wellington boots (Plastic boots) and change lab-coat in the

changing area to reduce the chances of inadvertent introduction of

vector insects clinging to clothes.

v. The material being initiated for producing PTCMT must be of

Registered/Notified variety1 and confirmed identity. It must be duly

documented with respect to origin.

vi. The plants of a potato varieties being initiated for tissue culture

should be tested in an accredited laboratory2 for freedom from the


PVA, PVS, PVM, PVX,PLRV, PALCV, PSTVd and endophytic or epiphytic

bacteria and fungi. Tests must be carried on a minimum of ten plantlets

of each variety selected at random. For virus testing ELISA or an

equivalent method should be used, for viroid RT-PCR should be used,

and for fungi and bacteria light microscopy and culturing on media

should be used.

2. Sources of seed:

(i) The facility should use recognized aseptic initiation and

propagation procedures (i.e. follow procedures and use equipment,

which will maintain sterile conditions as per standard tissue

culture norms.)

(ii) The initiating facility must maintain following information on each

variety for review and audit by the competent authority once in a

year: variety identification, date of initiation, origin and testing

results from accredited laboratory.

(iii) Tests must be carried out on a minimum of ten plantlets, selected

at random, for each variety by an accredited laboratory. No plant

should contain PVA, PVS, PVM, PVY, PVX, PLRV, PALCV, PSTVd

and other endophytic or epiphytic bacteria and fungi.

(iv) Valid pathogen testing results are required prior to the initiation of

micro tuber production cycle or planting of test tube plantlets in

the greenhouse.

(v) PTCMT shall be produced and multiplied from approved source in

vitro plants or microtubers, as per the requirements.

(vi) PTCMT may be used as breeder seed for further production

certified classes of seed as prescribed in the Indian Minimum Seed

Certification Standards.

(vii) Concerned laboratory should issue a certificate to the effect that

the PTCMT has been produced with the standards as prescribed

under their supervision.

II. Greenhouse/Controlled Environment Requirement

1. All micropropagation and greenhouse facilities must meet the

standards given above under eligibility requirements.

2. The soil used for PTCMT production should not be infested with

pathogen and pests of potato, particularly the following:

• wart (Synchtrium endobioticum (Schilb.) Perc.) and or cyst

forming nematodes;

• brown rot (Pseudomonas solanacearum (E.F. Sm.) E.F. Sm. Or

non-cyst forming nematodes within the previous three years;

• common scab (Streptomyces scabies (Thaxt.) Waks. & Henrici).

III. Inspection of Greenhouse/Controlled Environment facility

used for production of PTCMT

1. The grower must notify the Competent Authority of his production

plans well in advance of the planting.

2. The crop must be grown from approved basic source in vitro plants

or micro tubers, which were produced, in an aseptic environment.

3. A minimum of three inspections shall be made as follows:

i. The first inspection shall be made 35 days and 45 days after

planting for plains and hills respectively to verify growing

conditions, extent of disease infection and off types and also to

confirm isolation requirement of one meter between different

varieties as to avoid mechanical admixture.

ii. The second inspections shall be made at 60-65 days after planting

to verify off types, disease infection if any and pathogen testing, on

a representative samples, comprising of 1% of the plants with a

minimum of 5 and a maximum of 25 plants sampled for each


iii. The third inspection shall be made immediately after haulms

cutting/destruction in order to verify that haulms have been

cut/destroyed by the prescribed date and proper manner.

4. Effective sanitation practices including insect and disease

monitoring and prevention must be adhered to.

5. Basic Stock can be planted in commercially available medium,

which has not been recycled. If nursery beds are used, the

substrate should be properly sterilized before planting.

6. The greenhouse must be free from all potato and solanaceous plant

debris before planting.

7. No field-produced seed potatoes (including pathogen tested clonal

selections), non-seed potatoes, nor any other solanaceous species

of plants can be grown in the protected environment while used to

produce Basic Stock.

8. Varieties must be separated by appropriate partitioning of

greenhouse to prevent varietal mixture.

9. If testing performed by an accredited laboratory reveals the

presence of banned virus (es), fungus or bacteria all the crops in

the protected environment will be ineligible for multiplication and

the entire material will be destroyed.

10. In the eventuality of detection of insect (particularly aphids, thrips

and white flies) vectors (for which yellow stricky traps should be

put at least at three places in a greenhouse) by competent

Authority, the grower must provide post harvest test results to this

authority. A representative sample, representing each variety

grown in the protected environment must be post harvest tested

and if the results are negative for PVA, PVS, PVM, PVX, PLRV and

PALCV, the crop will be assigned basic stock status or otherwise


IV. Field Standards:

A. Field Standards of PTCMT at greenhouse

a. General requirements

1. Isolation: Minimum 1 meter between the different varieties grown

in greenhouse so as to avoid mechanical admixture.

2. All micropropagation and greenhouse facilities must be notified

(approved) by DAC, as per the standards given above under

eligibility requirements.

b. Specific requirements

Maximum permissible limits


* Off types 0.05%

** Plants showing symptoms of:

- Mild mosaic 0.05%

- Severe mosaic, leaf roll, yellows and apical leaf curl


** Plants infected by brown rot (syn. Bacterial wilt)


(Ralstonia solamacearum)

* Maximum permitted before dehaulming

** Maximum permitted at final inspection, though the diseases

mentioned above are not expected to be present in tissue culture

raised plants but it essential to maintain a good crop hygiene.

c. Seed Standards for PTCMT

Factor Standards for PTCMT

Weight of mini tuber (minimum) 1.0gm

Germination/sprouting (minimum) 90%

Varietal Purity (minimum) 99%

Pure seed 98%

Virus 0.01%

B. Field standards for Foundation Crops and Certified Crop raised out

of Potato-Tissue Culture raised Mini Tuber (PTCMT) (shall be same

as prescribed for conventional method)3 at Annexure-III.

1 In vitro multiplication for custom production of an imported variety or a

non-notified variety can be taken up by the industry exclusively for export

purposes. Such varieties, however, should be introduced following the

approved guidelines of Government of India.

2 The following laboratories of the ‘National Facility for Virus Diagnosts

and Quality Control of Tissue Culture Raised Plants’ are currently

accredited for virus testing: (1) Advanced Centre for Plant Virology, Indian

Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi (2) Indian Institute of

Horticultural Research, Hessaraghatta Lake PO, Bangalore, (3) Institute of

Himalayan Bioresources Technology,2 Post Box. No.6, Palampur (HP). In

addition Central Potato Research Institute is also accredited. Of these four

laboratories, Advanced Centre for Plant Virology, Indian Agricultural

Research Institute will act as Referred lab.

3 Details not required here but given for reference



Under the National Facility for Virus Diagnosis and Quality Control

of Tissue Culture Raised Plants, the following three centers are working

for the virus testing.

1. Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi (Referral


2. Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore

3. Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology, Palampur

All the three centers of the National Facility for Virus Diagnosis

and Quality Control of Tissue Culture Raised Plants have excellent infra-

structure facilities and welt trained and experienced scientists to test for

plant viruses using state-of the-art diagnostic techniques like ELISA,

PCR, dot blot hybridization, Western blotting, immuno-

electromicroscopy, etc. Considering the availability of expertise and

necessary infrastructure, these laboratories are accredited to test and

certify plants for freedom from viruses. Apart from these three

laboratories considering the availability of expertise and necessary

infrastructure for this work, the Central Potato Research Institute,

Shimla is also accredited for virus testing of PTCMT.

1. Advanced Centre of Plant Virology, Indian Agricultural Research

Institute, New Delhi-110012 (Referral Laboratory)

The Centre was established in 1988 for characterization of plant

viruses and development of management practices. Since then, a large

number of viruses have been characterized, their diagnostic reagents

prepared and technologies developed for the management of important

viral diseases of plants. This center is well equipped with all the

necessary facilities required for virus work like ultra centrifuges,

electron-microscope, electrophoretic sytems, PCR machines, nucleic acid

sequencer, insect-proof glass houses, environment controlled glasshouse

meeting biosafety requirement and plant growth chambers. The Centre

has scientists trained in various laboratories in the USA and Europe on

different aspects of virology including molecular virology. It is a leading

National Centre for work on plant viruses.

2. Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore

The Indian Institute of Horticultural Research has a very strong

unit for work on plant viruses affecting horticultural crops. It has the

basic facilities like ultra centrifuges, electromicroscope, electrophorotic

systems, PCR machine, etc. It also has a very good insect-proof glass

house facility for growing plants under controlled conditions. The

scientists working in the unit are very well trained in India and abroad.

The Centre is playing an important role in testing for viruses in

horticultural crops.

3. Institute of Himalayan Bioresources Technology, Bangalore

Institure of Himalayan Bioresources Technology has also developed

excellent facility for work on plant viruses. It has developed diagnostic

technique for testing of viruses affecting horticultural plants particularly

the ornamentals. The Centre has good with ultracentrifuges,

eelectrophorotic systems, PCR machines, ELISA reader, Sequences, etc.

The Centre has a good team of scientists trained in India and abroad.

Considering the above capabilities, it would be useful to identify all the

three centers as testing centers for the purpose on certification for

freedom from viruses.

4. Central Potato Research Institute, Shimla.

Central Potato Research Institute, Shimla was established in 1949 to

improve potato production in the country through intensive multi

disciplinary research and production of healthy seed potato. As a result

of technologies developed at this institute potato production has

increased by nearly 15 times and potato productivity 2.67 times, making

India the fourth largest producer of potato. The Institute has developed

excellent facilities and has highly competent scientists for virus testing of

PTCMT. The facilities available at the Institute include electron

microscope, ultracentrifuges, electrophoritic systems, PCR machines,

EUSA reader, nucleic acid hybridization facility etc. They also have well

maintained insect-proof glasshouses. The scientists of the Institute have

been trained in India and abroad.

General Requirements for accrediting a laboratory for virus testing

1. The laboratory must be adequately equipped for virus diagnostic

work. It must have basic equipment like ultracentrifuge,

electrophoritic system, PCR machine, ELISA reader, etc.

2. The laboratory must have facilities for growing plants under insect-

proof conditions.

3. The laboratory must have at least two scientists with good training

in virology, preferably Ph.D in virology, and experience of working

on virus diagnosis.

Labelling of Potato – Tissue Culture Mini tuber (PTCMT)

PTCMT shall be supplied in sealed containers. A cloth-lined label of

12 cm x 6 cm containing following information shall be affixed on the


Label No.

Crop Potato


Class of seed PTCMT

Lot No.

Approved laboratory and reference:

Date of test

Germination/sprouting (Minimum)


Producing Agency

(Name and address)

“The container should also have printed on it the kind, variety and

name of Institute’.

2. The label shall be rubber stamped with signature, name and

designation of the concerned Agency. Colour of the label shall be

diagonally yellow No.356 (IS 5-1978) and opaline green (IS No.275).

3. PTCMT (Breeder seed) producing Agency shall maintain the

account of labels printed and issued.

Seed Certification Standards for Potato Tissue Culture raised

Minitubers (PTCMT)

I. Application and Amplification of General Seed Certification


A. The General Seed Certification Standards are basic and,

together with the following specific standards constitute the

standards for certification of seed potato.

B. Classification of seed potato on the basis of area of Production:

There shall be two types of seed ptatoes, namely the Hills and

Plains – grown and shall be designated as Hill (HS) and Plains

Seed (PS) respectively. Hill Seed (HS) shall be grown in the high

hills generally 2500 meters above the mean sea level or in

situations declared technically suitable for seed production.

Plains Seed (PS) shall be grown in such areas where aphid

infestation is low during the crop growing season and which are

technically suitable for seed production.

II. Land Requirements

A crop of seed shall not be eligible for certification if grown on land

infested with:

- Wart (Synchytrium endobioticum (Schilb.) Perc. And or cyst

forming nematodes;

- Brown rot (Pseudomonas solanacearum (E.F. Sm.). E.F. Sm.

Or non-cyst forming nematodes within the previous three


- Common scab (Streptomyces scabies (Thaxt.) Waks. &


III. Field Inspection

A minimum of four inspections shall be made as follows:

1. the first inspection shall be made about 45 days after

planting the PTCMT in the hills and about 35 days after

planting the PTCMT in the plains to verify isolation, off types

and the extent of disease infection with specific reference to

mild and severe mosaics, leaf roll, yellow, brown rot and

other relevant factors;

2. the second inspection shall be made about 60-65 days

planting the PTCMT for early varieties and about 70-75 days

after planting the PTCMT for late varieties or at appropriate

growth stage depending on the crop duration of the variety

concerned to check isolation, off types and extent of disease

infection with specific reference to mild and severe mosaics,

leaf roll, yellows, brown rot and other relevant factors;

3. the third inspection shall be made immediately after haulms

cutting/destruction in order to verify that haulms have been

cut/destroyed by the prescribed date and in proper manner;

4. the fourth inspection shall be made about 10 days after

haulms cutting/destruction and before harvesting in order to

verify that no re-growth of haulms has taken place.

IV. Field Standards

A. General Requirements

1. Isolation

The fields of seed potato shall be isolated from the

contaminants shown in column 1 of the Table below by the

distances specified in columns 2, 3 and 4 of the said Table:

Contaminants Minimum distance (meters)

Foundation Certified

Stage-I Stage-II

1 2 3 4

Fields of other varieties 5 5 5

Fields of the same hybrid not conforming to Varietal purity

5 5 5

requirements for Certification

B. Specific Requirements

Maximum permissible limits

Factor Stage Stage-I Stage-II Stage-III

1 2 3 4 5

Off types I & II Inspection

0.050% 0.050% 0.10%

Plants showing symptoms of:

- Mild mosaic

I & II Inspection

1.0% 2.0% 3.0%

-Severe mosaic, leaf roll and yellows

I & II Inspection

0.50% 0.75% 1.0%

*Total Virus - 1.0% 2.0% 3.0%

** Plants infected by brown rot (Syn. Bacterial wilt) (Pseudomonas solanacearum (E.F. Sm.) E.F. Sm.)

I & II Inspection

None None 3 Plants per hectare

***Re-growth of plants after destruction of haulms

IV Inspection

0.50% 0.50% 0.50%

* Of the two inspections, the higher virus percentage will be

considered for the purpose of the specified limits of tolerance.

** The presence of brown rot infected plants within the specified

limits of tolerance shall be permitted in the areas known to be

infected with this disease. In case of plants suspected to be

infected with brown rot, the neighbouring plants, one on either

side should also be rogued along with tubers.

*** Standards for re-growth after destruction of haulms shall be

met at fourth inspection to be conducted about 10 days after

haulms cutting.

Note: 1. All off types and diseased plants should be rouged out along

with the tubers

and destroyed.

2. Gaps in the seed plot should not be more than 10.0%.

3. Haulms must be destroyed as close to the ground as possible

before the date specified by the Certification Agency. Failure to

destroy haulms in time shall render the crop liable for rejection.

V. Seed Standards

A. Specification in respect of size and weight of seed material for

Foundation Stage-I, Foundation Stage-II and Certified class shall

be as under:

Size Mean length and two widths At the middle of


Corresponding weight

(a) Hill Seed (HS)

Seed Size

Large size

30 mm – 60 mm

above 60 mm

25 – 150 gm

above 150 gm

(b) Plains Seed (PS)

Seed Size

Large size

30 mm – 55 mm

above 55 mm

25 – 125 gm

above 125 gm


1. The size of tuber will be decided either on the basis of mean of

two widths of a tuber at the middle and that of length or on the

basis of corresponding weight of tuber.

2. In a seed lot, tubers not conforming to specific size of seed shall

not exceed more than 5.0% (by number).

3. (a) The seed material shall be reasonably clean, healthy, firm

and shall conform to the characteristics of the variety. The

tubers not conforming to the varietal characteristics shall not

exceed 0.050% and 0.10% (by number) for Foundation and

Certified seed classes respectively.

(b) Cut, bruised, unshapy, cracked tubers or those damaged by

insects, slugs or worms shall not exceed more than 1.0% (by


(c) Greenish pigmentation on tubers will not be a

disqualification for certification.

B. Maximum tolerance limit of tubers showing visible symptoms

caused by the diseases mentioned below will be as follows:

Minimum permissible limits

Diseases Foundation Certified

Stage-I Stage-II

1 2 3 4

Late blight )Phytophthora infestations (Mont.) de Bary), dry rot (Fusarium caeruleum (Lib.) Sacc.) or Charcoal rot (Macrophomina phaseoli (Tassi) G. Goidanich).


(by number)


(by number)


(by number)

Wet rot (Sclerotium rolfsii) Sacc.)

None None None

* Common sacb (Streptomyces scabies (Thaxt) Waks. & Henrici)


(by number)


(by number)


(by number)

** Black scurf (Rhizoctonia solani Kuehn.)


(by number)


(by number)


(by number)

*** Total diseases 5.0%

(by number)


(by number)


(by number)

* Even if a single tuber infected with common scab is detected in a

seed lot, the entire seed lot shall be treated with approved

fungicide before seed lot is declared fit for certification. Seed lots

having infected tubers more than the prescribed limits will not be

certified even after treatment.

** (a) A tuber carrying 10.0% or above scurfed surface will be

considered as one infected unit.

(b) Seed lots having black scruf infection more than the prescribed

limits could be certified after treatment with approved


(c) For all diseases, the higher disease percentage will be considered

for the purpose of the specified limits of tolerance.


ASTER (Callistephus spp. (Linn.) Nees syn. (Aster sp.. Linn.)

I. Application and Amplification of General Seed Certification


The General Seed Certification Standards are basic and together

with the following specific standards - constitute the standards for

certification of Aster.

II. Land requirements

Land to be used for seed production of Aster shall not be eligible

for certification if planted on land on which the same kind of crop

(including Aster – singles) was grown in the previous year unless

the crop(s) as grown in the previous year was/were of the same

variety and of an equivalent or higher class of certified seed and

was/were certified.

III. Field Inspection

A minimum of three inspections shall be made, the first at pre-

flowering stage, the second during flowering and the third before

(harvesting) pappus or “fuzz” begins to show.

IV. Field Standards

A. General requirements

1. Isolation

Aster seed fields shall be isolated from the contaminants shown in

column 1 of the Table below by the distances specified in columns

2 and 3 of the said table:

Contaminants Minimum distance (meters)

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Fields of other varieties 600 300

Fields of the same variety not

conforming to varietal purity

600 300

requirements for Certification

B. Specific requirements

Factor Minimum permitted (%)*

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Off types 0.050 0.10

* Standards for off types shall be met at after flowering.

V. Seed standards

Factor Standard for each classes

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Pure seed (minimum) 98.0% 98.0%

Inert matter (maximum) 2.0% 2.0%

Other crops seeds (maximum) 10/Kg 20/Kg

Weed seeds (maximum) 5/Kg 10/Kg

Germination (minimum) 60% 60%

Moisture (maximum) 9.0% 9.0%

For vapour-proof containers (maximum) 6.0% 6.0%


Caryophyllus Linn.)

I. Application and Amplification of General Seed Certification


The General Seed Certification Standards are basic and, together

with the following specific standards constitute the standards for

certification of the seeds of Annual Carnation.

II. Land requirements

Land to be used for seed production of Annual Carnation shall be

free of volunteer plant.

III. Field Inspection

A minimum of three inspections shall be made, the first after

transplanting, the second during flowering and the third before

(harvesting) capsules start opening (shattering).

IV. Field Standards

A. General requirements

1. Isolation

Annual Carnation seed fields shall be isolated from the

contaminants shown in column 1 of the Table below by the

distances specified in columns 2 and 3 of the said table:

Contaminants Minimum distance (meters)

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Fields of other varieties 600 300

Fields of the same variety not 600 300

conforming to varietal purity

requirements for Certification

B. Specific requirements

Factor Minimum permitted (%)*

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Off types 0.050 0.10

** Plants affected by designated disease 0.10 0.20

* Standards for off types shall be met at and after flowering and for

designated disease at final inspection.

** Designated disease shall be

Streak mosaic virus.

V. Seed standards

Factor Standard for each classes

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Pure seed (minimum) 97.0% 97.0%

Inert matter (maximum) 3.0% 3.0%

Other crops seeds (maximum) 10/Kg 20/Kg

Weed seeds (maximum) 5/Kg 10/Kg

Germination (minimum) 75% 75%

Moisture (maximum) 8.0% 8.0%

For vapour-proof containers (maximum) 6.0% 6.0%

SNAPDRAGON (Antirrhinum spp. Linn.)

I. Application and Amplification of General Seed Certification


The General Seed Certification Standards are basic and, together

with the following specific standards constitute the standards for

certification of Snapdragon seeds.

II. Land requirements

Land to be used for seed production of Snapdragon shall be free of

volunteer plant.

III. Field Inspection

A minimum of three inspections shall be made, the first before

flowering, the second during flowering and the third at maturity

prior to harvesting.

IV. Field Standards

A. General requirements

1. Isolation

Seed fields of Snapdragon shall be isolated from the contaminants

shown in column 1 of the Table below by the distances specified in

columns 2 and 3 of the said Table:

Contaminants Minimum distance (meters)

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Fields of other varieties 600 300

Fields of the same variety not

conforming to varietal purity

requirements for Certification

600 300

B. Specific requirements

Factor Minimum permitted (%)*

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

*Off types 0.050 0.10

** Plants affected by designated


0.10 0.20

* Standards for off types shall be met at and after flowering and for

designated diseases at final inspection.

** Designated diseases shall be:

Anthracnose (Colletotrichum antirrhini & C. fuscum)

Blight (Phyllosticta antirrhini_Syd.)

V. Seed standards

Factor Standard for each classes

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Pure seed (minimum) 98.0% 98.0%

Inert matter (maximum) 2.0% 2.0%

Other crops seeds (maximum) 10/Kg 20/Kg

Weed seeds (maximum) 5/Kg 10/Kg

Germination (minimum) 70% 70%

Moisture (maximum) 8.0% 8.0%

For vapour-proof containers (maximum) 6.0% 6.0%

SNAPDRAGON HYBRIDS (Antirrhinum spp. Linn.)

I. Application and Amplification of General Seed Certification


A. The General Seed Certification Standards are basic and, together

with the specific standards constitute the standards for

certification of hybrid snapdragon seeds.

B. The General Standards are amplified as follows to apply specifically

to the hybrids of Snapdragon.

1. Eligibility requirements for certification

a. An inbred/parental line to be eligible for certification shall be from

a source that its identity may be assured and approved by the

certification agency.

b. *Hybrid seed to be eligible for certification shall be the progeny of

two approved inbred/parental lines, one of which shall be male


2. Classes and Sources of seed

a. An inbred/parental line shall be a relatively true breeding strain

resulting from self-pollination with selection and/or developed

through in-vitro culture.

b. he foundation seed class shall consist of an approved male sterile

line (genetic male sterility-apetalous sterile line) to be used as a

female parent and an approved inbred line to be used as a male

parent for the purpose of producing hybrid seed.

c. *A male sterile line shall be a monogenic recessive strain carrying

genetic male sterility, which sheds no viable pollen and is

maintained by the monogenic dominant heterozygous strain and is

used a maintainer in propagation blocks.

d. The certified class seed shall be hybrid seed to be planted for any

use except seed production.

(*Applicable if male sterile line is used)

II. Land requirements

Land to be used for seed production of Snapdragon shall be free of

volunteer plant.

III. Field Inspection

A. Foundation and certification seeds.

A minimum of three inspections shall be made as follows:

1. The first inspection shall be made before flowering in order to

determine the isolation, volunteer plants, outcrosses, and other

relevant factors.

2. The second inspection shall be made during flowering / podding

stage to check isolation, off types, fertile segregants in seed parent

and other relevant factors.

3. The third inspection shall be made at pod maturity and prior to

harvesting to check off types, the designated diseases and other

relevant factors.

IV. Field Standards

A. General requirements

1. Isolation

Seed fields of Snapdragon hybrids shall be isolated from the

contaminants shown in column 1 of the Table below by the

distances specified in columns 2 and 3 of the said Table:

Contaminants Minimum distance (meters)

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Fields of other varieties including

Hybrids of the same cultivar

600 300

Fields of the same variety not

conforming to varietal purity

600 300

requirements for Certification

B. Specific requirements

Factor Minimum permitted (%)*

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Off types in seed parent 0.050 0.10

Off types in pollinator 0.050 0.10

Fertile segregants (Pollen shedding spikes in seed parent)

0.050 0.10

** Plants affected by designated diseases

0.10 0.20

* Standards for off types and fertile segregants (pollen shedding

spikes) in seed parent shall be met at and after flowering and for

designated diseases at final inspection.

** Designated diseases shall be:

Anthracnose (Colletotrichum antirrhini & C. fuscum)

Blight (Phyllosticta antirrhini_Syd.)

V. Seed standards

Factor Standard for each classes

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Pure seed (minimum) 98.0% 98.0%

Inert matter (maximum) 2.0% 2.0%

Other crops seeds (maximum) 10/Kg 20/Kg

Weed seeds (maximum) 5/Kg 10/Kg

Germination (minimum) 70% 70%

Moisture (maximum) 8.0% 8.0%

For vapour-proof containers (maximum) 6.0% 6.0%

ANNUAL CHRYSANTHEMUM (Chrysanthemum spp. Linn. )

I. Application and Amplification of General Seed Certification


The General Seed Certification Standards are basic and, together with the specific standards constitute the standards for certification of Annual Chrysanthemum.

II. Land requirements

A seed crop of Annual Chrysanthemum shall not be eligible for certification if planted on land on which the same kind of crop was grown in the previous year unless the crop (s) of Annual Chrysanthemum grown in the previous year was / were of the same variety and of an equivalent or higher class of certified seed and was / were certified.

III. Field Inspection

A minimum of three inspections shall be made as under:

1. The first inspection shall be made at pre – flowering stage in order to determine land requirements, isolation, volunteer plants, and other relevant factors.

2. The second inspection shall be made during flowering to verify relevant factors;

3. The third inspection shall made at maturity prior to harvesting.

IV. Field Standards

A. General requirements

1. Isolation

Annual Chrysanthemum seed fields shall be isolated from the contaminants shown in column 1 of the Table below by the distances specified in columns 2 and 3 of the said Table:

Contaminants Minimum distance (meters)

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Fields of other varieties 600 300

Fields of the same variety not conforming to varietal purity requirements for Certification

600 300

B. Specific requirements

Factor Minimum permitted (%)*

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Off types at and after flowering 0.050 0.10

* Plants affected by designated


0.10 0.20

* Designated diseases shall be:

Grey mould (Botrytis cinerea Pers.)

Blotch (Septoria chrysanthmella Sacc.)

V. Seed standards

Factor Standard for each classes

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Pure seed (minimum) 98.0% 98.0%

Inert matter (maximum) 2.0% 2.0%

Other crops seeds (maximum) 10/Kg 20/Kg

Weed seeds (maximum) 5/Kg 10/Kg

Germination (minimum) 50% 50%

Moisture (maximum) 8.0% 8.0%

For vapour-proof containers (maximum) 6.0% 6.0%

PETUNIA (Petunia spp.)

I. Application and Amplification of General Seed Certification


The General Seed Certification Standards are basic and, together

with the flowering specific standards constitute the standards

for certification of hybrid seeds.

II. Land requirements

Land to be used for seed production of Petunia shall be free of

volunteer plant.

III. Field Inspection

A minimum of two inspections shall be made the first before

flowering / during flowering to check isolation off types etc. and

second at fruiting state / maturity prior to harvesting.

IV. Field Standards

A. General requirements

1. Isolation

Seed fields of petunia hybrids shall be isolated from the

contaminants shown in column 1 of the Table below by the

distances specified in columns 2 and 3 of the said Table:

Contaminants Minimum distance (meters)

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Fields of other varieties 600 300

Fields of the same variety not

conforming to varietal purity

requirements for Certification

600 300

B. Specific requirements

Factor Minimum permitted (%)*

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Off types 0.050 0.10

** Plants affected by designated


0.10 0.20

* Standards for off types shall be met at and after flowering and

for designated diseases at final inspection.

** Designated diseases shall be:

Leaf bright (Alternaria alternate (Fr.) Kiessler)

Crown rot (Phytophthora parasitica Dast.)

V. Seed standards

Factor Minimum for each class

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Pure seed (minimum) 98.0% 98.0%

Inert matter (maximum) 2.0% 2.0%

Other crops seeds (maximum) 10/Kg 20/Kg

Weed seeds (maximum) 5/Kg 10/Kg

Germination (minimum) 75% 75%

Moisture (maximum) 8.0% 8.0%

For vapour-proof containers (maximum) 6.0% 6.0%

PETUNIA HYBRID (Petunia spp.)

I. Application and Amplification of General Seed Certification


A. The General Seed Certification Standards are basic and, together

with the specific standards constitute the standards for

certification of Petunia hybrid seeds.

B. The General Standards are amplified as follows to apply specifically

to the hybrids of Petunia.

1. Class and source of seed

a. Only the class “Certified” shall be recognized.

b. A Hybrid to be certified must be produced from certified foundation

seed or seed stocks approved by the certification agency.

2. Eligibility requirements for certification

a. A hybrid is one to be planted for any used except seed production.

It may be one of the following:

(i) Single cross

The first generation resulting from controlled crossing of two

approved self – incompatible but cross – compatible inbred lines. It may

be of three types depending upon procedure of seed production.

- Seed of only female percent are harvested and certified

- Seeds of both the parents are harvested separately and

certified and

- Seed of both the parents are harvested together, mixed and


(ii) Double cross

The first generation resulting from the controlled crossing of two

approved self – incompatible but cross – compatible single


(iii) Three way cross

The first generation resulting from controlled crossing of an

approved inbred line and certified foundation single cross being

self – incompatible individually but cross –compatible to each


II. Land requirements

a) Land to be used for seed production of petunia hybrids shall

be free of volunteer plants.

III. Field Inspection

A minimum of three inspections shall be made as follows:

1. The first inspection shall be made at pre – flowering stage

check isolation, out crosses and other relevant factors;

2. The second inspection shall be made during flowering to

check isolation, off types and other relevant factors;

3. The third inspection shall be made before harvesting to

check off types, the designated diseases and other relevant


IV. Field Standards

A. General requirements

1. Isolation

Seed fields of Petunia hybrids shall be isolated from the

contaminants shown in column 1 of the Table below by the

distances specified in columns 2 and 3 of the said Table:

Contaminants Minimum distance (meters)

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Fields of other varieties including commercial Including commercial hybrids of same cultivar

600 400

Fields of the same variety not conforming to varietal purity

600 400

requirements for Certification

Between blocks of the parental lines in case seed parent and pollinator are planted in separate blocks.

- 005

B. Specific requirements

Factor Minimum permitted (%)*

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Off types in each parent 0.050 0.10

** Plants affected by designated


0.10 0.20

* Standards for off types shall be met at and after flowering and

plants infected with designated diseases at final inspection.

** Designated diseases shall be:

Leaf blotch (Cercospora petuniae (saito) Muller &)

Leaf spot (Ascochyta petuniae)

Phyllostica leaf spot (Phyllostica petuniae Speg.)

Leaf bright (Alternaria alternate (Fr.) Kiessler)

Crown rot (Phytophthora parasitica Dast)

Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)

Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV)

V. Seed standards

Factor Standard for each classes

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Pure seed (minimum) 98.0% 98.0%

Inert matter (maximum) 2.0% 2.0%

Other crops seeds (maximum) 10/Kg 20/Kg

Weed seeds (maximum) 5/Kg 10/Kg

Germination (minimum) 75% 75%

Moisture (maximum) 8.0% 8.0%

For vapour-proof containers (maximum) 6.0% 6.0%


I. Application and Amplification of General Seed Certification


The General Seed Certification Standards are basic and, together

with the specific standards constitute the standards for

certification of Ornamental Sunflower seeds.

II. Land requirements

A seed crop of ornamental sunflower shall not be eligible for

certification if planted on land on which the same kind of crop

was grown in the previous year unless the crop (s) grown in

the previous year was / were of the same variety and of an

equivalent or higher class of certified seed and was / were certified.

III. Field Inspection

A minimum of three inspections shall be made as follows:

1. The first inspection shall be made at the stage of 6-7 pairs of leaves

in order to determine isolation, volunteer plants, designated

disease and other relevant factors.

2. The second inspection shall be made during flowering to check

isolation, off types and other relevant factors;

3. The third inspection shall be made at maturity and prior to

harvesting to verify designated diseases, true nature of plant and

head, characteristics of seed and other relevant factors.

IV. Field Standards

A. General requirements

1. Isolation

Ornamental sunflower seed fields shall be isolated from the

contaminants shown in column 1 of the Table below by the

distances specified in columns 2 and 3 of the said Table:

Contaminants Minimum distance (meters)

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Fields of other varieties 400 200

Fields of the same variety not

conforming to varietal purity

requirements for Certification

400 200

B. Specific requirements

Factor Minimum permitted (%)*

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

*Off types at and after flowering 0.10 0.20

Plants infected with downy mildew

diseases (Plasmopara halstdii (Feri.)

Beri & De T.) at each inspection

0.050 0.050

Plants infested with Orobanchi cumana

Guss, Non- Wallr. At final inspection.

None None

* Sterile plants of the same variety shall not be considered as off


V. Seed standards

Factor Standard for each classes

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Pure seed (minimum) 98.0% 98.0%

Inert matter (maximum) 2.0% 2.0%

Huskless seeds (maximum) (By number)


(By number)


Seeds (maximum) 5/Kg 5/Kg

Seeds infested with Orobanche cumana

guss Non – wallr (maximum),

None None

Germination (minimum) 70% 70%

Moisture (maximum) 9.0% 9.0%

For vapour-proof containers (maximum) 7.0% 7.0%

ORNAMENTAL SUNFLOWER (Helianthus spp. L.) Hybrid

I. Application and Amplification of General Seed Certification


A. The General Seed Certification Standards are basic and together

with the following specific standards constitute the standards for

certification of Ornamental sunflower hybrid seeds.

B. The General Standards are amplified as follows to apply specifically

to the hybrids of ornamental sunflower.

1. Eligibility requirements for certification

a. An hybrid line to be eligible for certification shall be from a source

such that its identify may be assured and approved by the

Certification Agency.

b. Hybrid seed to be eligible for certification shall be the progeny of

two approved inbred lines, one of which shall be made sterile.

2. Classes and Sources of seed

a. An inbred line shall be a relatively true breeding strain resulting

from self-pollination with selection.

b. The foundation seed class shall consist of an approved male sterile

line to be used as a female parent and approved inbred line to be

uses as a male parent for the purpose of producing hybrid seeds.

c. A male sterile shall be a strain (A) carrying cytoplasmic – genetic

male sterility, which sheds no viable pollen and is maintained by

the normal sister strain (B) which is used as pollinator.

d. The certified class seed shall be the hybrid seed to be planted for

any use except seed production.

II. Land requirements

A seed crop of ornamental sunflower hybrid shall not be eligible for

certification if planted on land on which the same kind of crop was grown

in the previous year unless the crop (s) grown in the previous year was of

the same variety and of an equivalent or higher class of certified seed and

was / were certified.

III. Field Inspection

A minimum of four inspections shall be made as follows:

1. The first inspection shall be made at the stage 6-7 pairs of

leaves in order to determine isolation, out crosses, volunteer

plants, planting ration, errors in planting, designated disease

and relevant factors;

2. The second and third inspection shall be made during

flowering to check isolation, pollen shedding heads, off types

and other relevant factors;

3. The fourth inspection shall be made at maturity and prior to

harvesting to verify designated diseases, true nature of plant

and head, characteristics of seeds and other relevant factors.

IV. Specific requirements

A. General requirements

1. Isolation

Contaminants Minimum distance (meters)

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Fields of other varieties including

commercial Including

commercial hybrids of same


600 400

Fields of the same hybrid (code

designation) not conforming to

varietal purity requirements for

certification and wild Helianthus


400 200

B. Specific requirements

Factor Minimum permitted (%)*

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

*Off types in each parent at and

after flowering

0.20 0.50

Off types in pollinator at and

after flowering

0.20 0.50

Pollen shedding heads in seed

parent at flowering

0.50 1.00

**Objectionable weed plants at

and after flowering

None None

Plants infected with downy

mildew disease (Plasmopara

halstedii (Farl.) Barl & de T.) at

each inspection.

0.050 0.50

Plants infested with Orobanche

cumana Guss Non – Wallr.) at

final inspection

None None

* Sterile plants of the same strain shall no be considered as off

** Objectionable weed plants shall be: Wild Helianthus spp.

V. Seed standards

Factor Standard for each classes

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Pure seed (minimum) 98.0% 98.0%

Inert matter (maximum) 2.0% 2.0%

Huskless seeds (maximum) 2.0%

(By number)



(By number)


Other crop seeds (maximum) None None

Total weed seeds (maximum) 5/Kg 10 /Kg

*Objectionable weed seeds (maximum) None None

Seeds infested with Orchanche cumana

Guss Non- Wallr. (maximum)

None None

Germination (minimum) 70% 70%

Moisture (maximum) 9.0% 9.0%

For vapour-proof containers (maximum) 7.0% 7.0%

*Objectionable weed is the same as given at IV. B. above.

MARIGOLD (Tagetes spp. Linn.)

I. Application and Amplification of General Seed Certification


The General Seed Certification Standards are basic and, together

with the specific standards are basic and, together with the

Specific standards constitute the standards for certification of

Marigold seeds.

II. Land requirements

A seed crop of Marigold shall not be eligible for certification if

planted on land on which the same kind of crop was grown in

the previous year unless the crop (s) grown in the previous

year was / were of the same variety and of an equivalent or higher

class of certified seed and was / were certified.

III. Field Inspection

A minimum of three inspections shall be made as follows:

1. The first inspection shall be made at the stage of 6-7 pairs of leaves

in order to determine isolation, volunteer plants and other relevant


2. The second inspection shall be made during flowering to check

isolation, off types and other relevant factors;

3. The third inspection shall be made at maturity to verify designated

diseases, true nature of plant and other relevant factors.

IV. Field Standards

A. General requirements

1. Isolation

Marigold seed fields of shall be isolated from the contaminants

shown in column 1 of the Table below by the distances specified in

columns 2 and 3 of the said Table:

Contaminants Minimum distance (meters)

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Fields of other varieties 600 300

Fields of the same variety not

conforming to varietal purity

requirements for Certification

600 300

B. Specific requirements

Factor Minimum permitted (%)*

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Off types at and after flowering 0.050 0.10

*Plants affected by designated disease

at final inspection.

0.10 0.20

*Designated diseases shall be:

Leaf spot (Alternaria tagetica shome & Mustafee)

Flower bud rot (A. alternate (Fr.) Keissler & A. dianthi Stevans &


Collar rot (Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn)

V. Seed standards

Factor Standard for each classes

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Pure seed (minimum) 97.0% 97.0%

Inert matter (maximum) 3.0% 3.0%

Other crops seeds (maximum) 10/kg 20/ kg

Weed seeds (maximum) 5/Kg 10/Kg

Germination (minimum) 70% 70%

Moisture (maximum) 9.0% 9.0%

For vapour-proof containers (maximum) 7.0% 7.0%

MARIGOLD HYBRID (Tagetes spp.Linn)

I. Application and Amplification of General Seed Certification


A. The General Seed Certification Standards are basic and, together

with the specific standards constitute the standards for

certification of hybrids Marigold seeds.

B. General Standards are amplified as follows to apply specifically to

the hybrids of Marigold.

1. Eligibility requirements for certification

a. An inbred line to be eligible for certification shall be from a

source such that its identity may be assured and approved

by the certification Agency.

b. Hybrid seed to be eligible for certification shall be the

progeny of two approved inbred lines, one of which shall be

male sterile.

2. Class and source of seed

a. An inbred line shall be a relatively true breeding strain

resulting from self-pollination with selection and/or

developed through in-vitro culture.

b. The foundation seed class shall consist of an approved male

sterile (apetalous) line to be used as a female parent and an

approved inbred line to be used as a male parent for the

purpose of producing hybrid seed.

c. *A male sterile line shall be a monogenic recessive strain

carrying genetic male sterility, which sheds no viable pollen

and is maintained by the monogenic cominant heterozygous

strain and is used as maintainer in propagation blocks.

d. The certified class seed shall be hybrid seed to be planted for

any use except seed production.

*(Applicable if male sterile line is used)

II. Land requirements

A seed crop of hybrid marigold shall not be eligible for certification

if planted on land on which the same kind of crop was grown in

the previous year unless the crop (s) grown in the previous year

was/were of the same variety and of an equivalent or higher class

of certified seed and was/were certified.

III. Field Inspection

A minimum of four inspections shall be made as follows:

1. The first inspection shall be made at the state of 6-7 pairs of

leaves in order to determine the isolation, volunteer plants,

out crosses, planting ration (demarcation between female

and male block if planted separately) and other relevant


2. The second and third inspection shall be made during

flowering to check isolation, pollen shedding heads in seed

parent, off types and other relevant factors;

3. The 4th inspection shall be made at maturity and prior to

harvesting to verify the designated diseases, true nature of

plant and capitulum and relevant factors.

IV. Field Standards

A. General requirements

1. Isolation

Seed fields of marigold hybrids shall be isolated from the

contaminants shown in column 1 of the table below by the

distances specified in columns 2 and 3 of the said table:

Contaminants Minimum distance (meters)

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Fields of other varieties including commercial Including commercial

600 300

hybrids of same cultivar

Fields of the same hybrid (code designation) not conforming to Varietal purity requirements for Certification

600 300

Between blocks of the parental lines in case seed parent and pollinator are planted in separate blocks.

- 5

B. Specific requirements

Factor Minimum permitted (%)*

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Off types in seed parent at and after


0.050 0.10

Off types in pollinator at flowering 0.050 .010

Pollen shedding heads in seed parent

at flowering

0.050 0.10

** Plants affected by designated

diseases at final inspection

0.10 0.20

* Designated diseases shall be:

Leaf spot (Alternaria tagetica shome & mustafee)

Flower bud rot (A. alternata (fr.) Keissler & dianthi Stevans &


Collar rot (Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn)

V. Seed standards

Factor Standard for each classes Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Pure seed (minimum) 97.0% 97.0%

Inert matter (maximum) 3.0% 3.0%

Other crops seeds (maximum) 10/Kg 20/Kg

Weed seeds (maximum) 5/Kg 10/Kg

Germination (minimum) 70% 70%

Moisture (maximum) 9.0% 9.0%

For vapour-proof containers (maximum) 7.0% 7.0%

Descriptors – Flowers & Ornamental Plants

Plant height, plant spread, leaf shape, branching habit, flower

type, days required for flowering, number of flowers per plant or per

stem, colour and size of flowers, flowering duration fragrance, petal

texture, cut flower life, longevity of flower on the plant, length of flower,

stem stalk, flowers single/semi-double, double, flower yield,

common/commercial use, suitable for domestic/export market,

suitability for growing under open/cover conditions and reaction to

diseases and pests.

B. Specific for different crops:

a) Perennials

b) Rose

Bud length, foliage flossyness, colour retention, bloom center and

reaction to cold.

ii) Carnation:

Calyx splitting, bud opening and shape of Corolla margins.

iii) Chrysanthemum:

Photo-sensitiveness, colour rentention and disc florets


iv) Orchids:

Habitat (epiphytic/terrestrial), lip shape and sepal colour.

v) Gerbera:

Hollowness of flower stalk and petal shape.

vi) Anthurium:

Spathe shape, spadix shape and flowering type/non-flowering type.

b) Bulbous Plants:

i) Gladiolus: Spike weight, internode length, floret arrangement

number of florets remain fresh at a time, branching of spike,

dormancy period and corm and cormel multiplication.

ii) Narcissus and Daffodil: Shape of perianth cup or corona, leaf

colour and flowers in umbel or solitary.

iii) Tulip: Flower shape and leaf colour

iv) Hyacinth: Leaf colour

v) Iris: Beard present/absent, beard shape and rhizomatus/bulbous.


Petal shape, growth habit, flower shape and foliage colour.

c) Annuals:

i) Marigold:

Flower weight, stem colour and foliage colour present/absent

ii) China Aster:

Growth habit and stem colour.

iii) Carnation:

Calyx – splitting and petal shape

iv) Antirrhinum:

Flower shape and growth habit.


SEED CERTIFICATION STANDARDS FOR COCONUT Land Requirement: Avoid using the same nursery area again the nursery should not be in any diseased area particularly root (wilt) and ganoderma disease. i) Selection of seed garden: Garden should have a record of consistently high yield Garden should contain a high proportion of heavy bearers Garden should be free from the incidence of disease and not prone to severe attack of pests Do not select mother palms from very small holdings maintained under highly favorable conditions of growth. Palms located near cattle sheds, compost or manure pits, waterways etc., should preferably be avoided. ii) Selection of mother palms: Palms selected as mother palms should be regular bearers and should give annual yield of not less than 80 nuts under rain fed conditions. The copra content per nut should be around 150 g. Select palms which have reached full bearing stage and giving regularly high yield for at least four consecutive years Very old palms (above 60 years) should be avoided Mother palm should have at least 30 fully opened leaves on the crown The leaves should have short and strong petioles with vide leaf base firmly attached to the stem. The trees with crown having leaf orientation to all directions which are commonly known as umbrella stage is ideally suited as mother palms. Trees having a drooping or upright position for the leaves are generally poor yields and such palms should be avoided.

Every leaf axil should have one inflorescence with a large number of spikes The female flower distribution per spike should be one or two which insures high set and stability in yield, At any time, there should be minimum 12 bunches with nuts at different stages of development on the crown. Peduncle should be short and stout so that there is no chance of bucking of the bunches. Palms producing barren nuts, alternate bearing irregular should be avoided. iii) Selection of nuts: For seed purpose; nuts of round and oblong shapes without ridges should be selected. Palms having higher proportion of husked nut, thickness or kernel and size of the embryo should be selected. The seed nut collection season should be adjusted according to the rainy season of the area. Tall cultivars, two months storage of seed nut is required for greater germination Nuts with fully dried husk alone should be sown lest germination will be delayed. 15 days to 1 month storage is required for dwarf nuts Store the nuts under shade, to retain nut water Seednuts should be fully matured (i.e.,) 12 month old. Nuts with irregular shape, size and improper development should be rejected. Nuts having cracks on the husk at the stalk or at the base should be discarded.

SEED CERTIFICATION STANDARDS FOR COCOA I. Application for general seed certification standards. (a) The general seed certification standards are basic and along with

the following standards it forms the standards for certification of cocoa plants for varieties pods.

(b) The general standards are amplified as follows to apply specifically to cocoa. All clarified classes fo cocoa viz. Criollo, Forastero, trinitaria and hybrids shall be produced through graft/budded (clonal) plants whose source and identifications may be ensured and approved by certification agency.

II. Land requirements (b) Nursery area should be away from old and ill managed cocoa

gardens as well as away from cashew plots so as to avoid infestation of scion materials with ten-mosquitoes.

(c) The area should be free of cocoa swollen shoot virus, vascular streak disease and phytophthora stem canker disease.

III. Varieties

(a) Selection of mother plants as per the specific characters of the variety has to be inspected and approved.

(b) Mother scion plats must not be from a diseased tract and the plant must be free of disease.

(c) Mother scion plants must be an heavy bearer, with precocity, high vigor, less pod index and with other quality parameters like high been size <(1.0 g) less shelling percentage (<10.12%) and high butter content (>55% and with tolerance to stresses of biotic and abiotic nature.

(d) Nurseries inspection should be carried at 4-5 times to confirm the pedigree, and proper, maintenance, to cull out the diseased and off types and to ensure the proper clonal multiplications

IV. Field standards A. General requirements I. Isolation The biclonal orchards with known compatible cocoa lines may be maintained at an isolation distance of 300 mm from other blocks. So as to avoid mixing of pollens in the desired hybrid combinations. Otherwise

it does not carry any meanings while only scion materials are to be procured from the mother plants block. Polyclonal orchards must be avoided in hybrid pod production. II. Specific Production of clones o f selected mother varieties can be carried out through soft wood wedge grafting or patch budding using only chupons (orthotropic branches with helical leaf arrangement and symmetrical leaves) as scion sticks / budwoods. The hybrid pods and the seedlings there of from the biclonal orchards must be subjected to verification with reference to their F1 hybrid characters as per the descriptors. Characters of clones Six months old grafted or budded clonal cocoa plants with vigorous scion having hardened green 5-6 leaves and no sprouts from rootstock portion are ready for planting on to mainfield. The clones/hybrid seedlings must be free of pests and diseases.

SEED CERTIFICATION OF ARECANUT I. Application for general seed certification standards.

3. The general seed certification standards are basic and along with following standards it forms the standards for certification of arecanut seeds for varieties.

4. The general standards are amplified as follows to apply specifically to arecanut. All clarified classes of arecanut viz. Tall and semi tall shall be produced through seednuts which source and identify may be ensured and approved by certification agency.

II. Land requirements

(b) Land to be used for nursery shall be free of old nuts and must be protected from nuts falling from arecanut palms if nursery area is in the arecanut garden. Swammy and clayey conditions may be avoided.

(c) Avoid using the same nursery area again. The nursery should not be in any diseased area particularly yellow leaf Disease.

III. Varieties

(a) Selection of mother palms as per the specific characters of the variety has to be inspected and approved.

(b) Mother palm must be from a diseased tract. Palms must be free of disease.

(c) Inspection during harvesting of seednuts must be carried out. Mother palms should be early bearers with high percent age of fruit set, and more than ten years old. From these palms, fully ripe and heavier (>35g) nuts should be selected.

(d) Nursery inspection must be carried out four times to rogue out off types. Seedlings markets specific to the varieties must be listed for rouging off types.

IV. field standards V. General requirements I. Isolation The mother blocks of arecanut varieties shall be isolated from the other contaminants at a distance of 500 m. All off types in the population must be removed.

a. Specific Production of pure nuts of selected varieties must be carried out by inter use mating/sip meting. The population from which the nuts are produced must be confirm to the varietal characters as per the descriptions. Characters of seedlings (i) One year old seedlings should confirm approximately the following

criteria apart from being vigorous.

Cultivars Girth (cm) No. of leaves

Tall 20 cm 5-6 Semi tall 15 cm 5-6

Twelve to eighteen months old seedlings with five leaves and high selection index (SI) should be used for transplanting to the main field. SI. No. of leaves x 40 – height. Shorter seedlings with 5 to 6 leaves are preferred for planting. (II) Seedlings should be absolutely free of insects and diseases. (III) In case of sale of seednuts, seednuts should have germination level

of 90% and above.

SEED/PLANTING MATERIAL CERTIFICATION STANDARDS FOR CASHEW ESTABLISHMENT OF CASHEW SCION BANK: Land : Soils with water logging and excessive salinity or alkalinity should be avoided. Scion banks for the recommended cashew varieties should be established by adopting a closer spacing of 4 m x 4 m Plants should be fertilized with the recommended quality of NPK (500 g N, 125 g 1205 and 125 g K2O per plant) during monsoon season. Tender shoots should be protected from tea mosquito & other sucking pests by giving timely sprays of insecticides *Endosulfan/ Monocrotophos @ 1.5 ml/l) During flowering season, the flower panicles should be cut off in order to get more no. of scions. If mature scion sticks are not utilized due to some reason, such shoots should be headed back so that more no. of lateral shoots are produced. The plants in the scion bank should be maintained by heading back the top (detopping) to a height of 1.5 m from ground level. The pruned trees should be sprayed with Bordeaux mixture (1%) Selection of scion and pre curing: Select non-flowered lateral shoots of current season growth (3-6 months old) The selected shoots should be 10-12 cm long, straight, uniformly round with pencil thickness brown coloured. The top leaves (4-5) should be dark green in colour indicating proper maturity. Precure by clipping off leaf blades. After 10-15 days scion sticks can be detached The procured scion sticks should be separated from the mother tree before they sprout. The procured scion sticks should be separated early in the morning. Variety name should be labeled

The scion sticks should be dipped in water wrapped in moist cloth and placed in polythene bag and brought to nursery shed. Raising of root stick seedlings: 1. Collect the seed nuts during peak period of Harvest (February-

April) 2. Seed nuts are sun dried for 2-3 days 3. Medium sized nuts (6-7g) should be selected 4. The seeds should be perfect formation (well filled) and with the

highest possible specific gravity. 5. The seeds should be treated with carbaryl (5 g/kg of seed) before

storing in gunny bags. Preparation of grafts: 1. Root stock seedlings of about 60 days old should be used 2. On the selected rootstock seedling, two pairs of bottom leaves are

retained and the other leaves removed using a sharp grafting knife. 3. At a height of 15-20 cm from ground level a transverse cut is made

and the terminal shoot is removed. 4. A cleft of 6-7 cm deep is made in that middle if the decapitated

stem by giving a longitudinal cut. 5. The wedge of the scion is inserted into the cleft of the rootstock 6. The graft joint is secured firmly with 2-5 cm vide 30 cm long

polythene strip of 100 gauge thickness. 7. A white H.D. polythene bag (15 cm 12-5 cm 100 gauge) is inserted

on the grafted. Plant tied at the bottom. 8. The grafted plants are left for 2 weeks to encourage sprouting 9. After 2 weeks polythene caps are removal 10. 70-80% grafts sprout within 3-4 weeks. Management of Cashew grafts: 1. Cashew grafts should be watered daily during dry periods. 2. During heavy rains, excess water in bags should be removed by

pressing the sides. 3. Grafts should be arranged in beds after spreading black HD.

Polythene sheet of 100 gauge. 4. During summer month, grafted plants should be protected from

sun by providing partial shade. 5. Bordeaux Mixture 1%) spray to be given at 10 days interval as a

prophylactic Measures.

6. Insecticides such as Ekalux/Monocrotophas 1.5 ml/l to be sprayed to control sucking pests.

7. The shoots arising from leaf axis of root stock below the graft joint to be removed.

8. Flower panicles to be removed. 9. Polythene strip should be removed from graft joint after 4 months

of grafting to avoid girdling of the graft joint. 10. The bottom leaves on the root stock should be removed after 3

months of grafting when the scion leaves turn from bronze colour to green.

11. 5-12 months old grafts are to be supplied.



In black pepper, the rooted cuttings constitute the planting material. Hence the standards are for the production of quality rooted cuttings. Phase of certificate 1. Field Inspection for selection of the field (for single season certified nursery – conventional method – three nodded cuttings). 1.1. Selection of mother vines: The material meant for multiplication should be selected only from an uniformly established gardens free from diseases/inoculants of diseases such as Phytophthora foot rot, Stunt and Phyllody diseases. Elite mother vines are to be identified at such gardens with the following characteristics. a. Age of the elite mother vines should at least be not less than 7 years. b. The vine should have given stable yield of at least 2 kg dry

pepper/vine/year for 4 consecutive years. c. Management practices followed for those vines during the last five

years should be noted. d. These selected vines should be monitored at least once in a year for a

possible infection of the disease and continuously monitored for future use.

Vines with above characters are identified, labeled and runner shoots

from such lines only should be used for large scale multiplication. In any such selection, varietal purity should be maintained. Close examination is essential to avoid physical mixing of varieties. To avoid such mixing, support trees and vines should be examined carefully so that if more than one variety of pepper vines are growing on the same tree support, such vines should be rejected.

1.2 Field inspection team: The field from which planting material are to be collected should be inspected by a team consisting of a breeder, pathologist, entomologist and nematologist besides an agronomist. 1.2.1. Minimum specific number of field inspection: Two inspections are to be carried out; one during October-November for identifying mother vines with the specifications of the crop field as

mentioned in para 1.1 and the other during January-February to inspect field for the incidence of pests and diseases if any particularly to locate Phytophthora foot rot and stunt/phyllody diseases. A certificate to the effect the vines selected meet the standards para 1.1. It is mandatory for any commercial nursery to obtain this certificate annually. 2. Standards for planting material production methods 2.1 Nursery inspection – standards The are in which nursery is to be established in a well drained preferably in a slightly elevated place. This surface soil (0-15 cm depth) in this are should be tested for the present/absence of disease causing fungi/bacteria/nematodes particularly for the fungus Phytophthora capsici, nematode viz., Radophollu similes and Meloidogyne incognita. These tests should be carried out by the qualified personnel. 2.2 Method Collect the runner shoots from the mother vines selected as per the criteria in the para 1.1. Keep the vines to prevent them from striking roots in the soil. Separate the runner shoots from the vines during February-march. The middle one third portion of runner shoots are preferred for planting. Avoid very tender and too hard portions for the shoot. Cut the shoots into pieces of 2-3 nodes. Clip the leaves, if any leaving a small portion of the petiole on the stem. Dip the lower cut end (up to 2 cm) of the cuttings in 1000 ppm solution of 3 Indol Butyric Acid (IBA) for 45 seconds will substantially increase root formation and development (This solution can be prepared by dissolving 1 g of IBA in one litre of water containing 3-5 g of sodium carbonate (Washing soda). Adhere to the dipping period of 45 seconds as any deviation from this may be injurious. Treating the cuttings with Seradix B2 is equally effective. But IBA treatment is cheaper and hence is recommended for large nurseries where technical supervision. Seradix B2 can be conveniently used by the farmers and small scale nurseries. Plant the treated cuttings in polythene bags (20 x 15 cm size with 300 gauge thickness) filled with potting mixture. The potting mixture is prepared by mixing two parts of fertile top soil, one part of river sand and one part of well decomposed Farm Yard Manure of Compost. When polythene bags are used sufficient number of holes about 20) may be provided at the base to ensure good drainage. The cutting should be planted at least on node deep in the soil.

In large commercial nurseries, where the soil contains more than 200 nematodes per gram of soil, the potting mixture should be fumigated with methyl bromide @ 500g per tonne of soil to destroy the nematodes. Planting of cuttings in such a potting mixture is to be taken up only after 21 days of fumigation. The cuttings after planting should be kept under good shade. The cuttings are to be well protected from direct sun light. Light and frequent watering in recommended in the nursery to maintain a humid and cool atmosphere around the cuttings. Heavy watering which makes the soil slushy and cause water logging is to be avoided. 2.3. Minimum specifications for the rooted cuttings of black pepper

i. The age of the rooted cutting should be 21/2 moths old from the date of planting in the polythene bags.

ii. A minimum of five leaves should be preset with vigorous growth without exhibiting any nutrient deficiency symptoms

iii. Profusely developed roots with the absence Phytophthora capsici spores and nematodes viz., Radopholus similis and Meloidogyne incognita on the cuttings as well as in the potting mixture

iv. Maintaining varietal purity. v. Each such bag may contain a minimum of two such rooted

cuttings Black pepper rooted cuttings fail to meet above requirements should not be considered as a quality planting material of black pepper.

3. Multi-season Nurseries This nurseries are based on the bamboo method of rapid multiplication. 3.1. Nursery inspection The nurseries should be inspected by an expert team consisting of a plant pathologist, nematologist, entomologist and an agronomist and certify that the nursery plants are free from sources of inoculums specifically for the fungi Phytophthora capsici, nematodes incognita and Radophollus similis, viral disease symptoms Stund and Phyllody disease. This expert should inspect the nursery at least once in six months and issue certificate as the case may be. 3.2. Minimum specifications for the rooted cuttings of black pepper The standards prescribed as in para 2.3 are applicable here.

i. The age of the rooted cutting should be 21/2 months old from the date of planting in the polythene bags.

ii. A minimum of five leaves should be present with vigorous growth without exhibiting any nutrient deficiency symptoms

iii. Profusely developed roots with the absence Phytophthora capsici spores and nematodes viz., Radopholus similis and Meloidogyne incognita. Black pepper rooted cuttings fail to meet above requirements should not be considered as a quality planting material of black pepper.

iv. Maintaining varietal purity v. Each such bag may contain a minimum of two such rooted

cuttings II Land requirement/Nursery requirement Nursery shed to be used for propagation of black pepper shall be of convenient size e.g., 24 m x 6m. Roof should allow sufficient light to pass through it 950-75% light). Rooting medium made of forest soil, sand, compost (or powdered cattle manure in the para 1.1.1. * Poly bag 15 x 10cms size. III Field inspection / Nursery Inspection Minimum of two inspections shall be made as follows:

1. The first inspection shall be made about 30-35 days after planting the cuttings in the poly bag to check the sprouting.

2. The second inspection shall be made about 75-90 days to verify cutting growth Phytophthora, mealy bugs and scales infestation.

IV Field standards A. General Requirements 1. Isolation The cuttings of particular variety shall be isolated from contaminants shown in column 1 of the table below by the distances specified in columns 2 and 3 of the said table.

Contaminants Minimum distance (meter)

Foundation Certified

Blocks of other varieties Blocks of the same



variety not conforming to varietal purity requirements for certification

1 1

B. Specific requirements

Factor Foundation Certified

1. Sprouting 2. Phytophthora/viral

diseases 3. Scale insect/Mealy


95% 0 0

90% 0 0


2. Original mother plant should be free from Phytophthora, stunted and phyllody disease infestation whose runner shoots shall be used for propagation and it should be certified by authorities.

3. Periodical fumigation of nursery site as well as rooting medium is required.

* Poly bag 15 x 10 cm size. V. Cutting standards

Factor Foundation Certified

1. Height 2. Minimum No. of leaves 3. Phytophthora foot rot/leaf

spot 4. Virus infection 5. Nematode infestation 6. Scale/Mite/Thrips/Mealy


20 cm 6 0 0 0 0

15 cm 4 0 0

0-1% 0-1%

Note: * Cutting shoot be healthy, vigorous free from pest and disease and also true to type * Before transporting it should be sprayed with approved pesticides.

CARDAMOM (Elerraria cardamomum Maton) 1. Application and amplification of general seed certification


A. The general seed certification standards are basic and together with the following specific standards constitute the standards for certification of cardamom.

B. The general standards are amplified as follows to apply specifically to cardamom.

All certified classes shall be produced by seedlings raised from field collected open pollinated seeds, seedlings, from hybrid seeds produced in clonal seed production gardens and vegetative, through suckers (slips). II. Nursery requirement/land requirement. The nurseries should be established as far as possible only in virgin soils or in soil where cardamom/other related zingiberaceous crops were not planted earlier. Avoid soil infected with pythium, phytophthora, Rhizoctonia, nematodes and soil borne insect pests. The land after preparation can be subjected to soil solarisation. III. Field inspection/Nursery inspection. For selection of mother plants for collection of open pollinated seeds minimum two visit is needed. The first inspection should be at time of the full bearing stage in the previous season (August-September) for marking the plants having high yield parameters. The second inspection shall be made just before the harvesting season of the current year (September) for assessing the performance of the selected plants and also for pest and disease incidence. For hybrid seeds from clonal crossing blocks minimum three inspection shall be made i.e., before flowering during flowering to rogue off unsuitable plants if any, and also to ascertain the freedom from pests and diseases, third inspection shall be at harvest to assess the quality of seed capsules. In case of nursery, minimum here inspection shall be made first at 3 months after sowing and second at 6 months to check off-types, pest and disease and seedlings shall be transferred to poly bags final inspection made before at the time of distribution (9-10 months) to assess the quality of seedlings and pest and disease incidence.

IV. Field standards A. General requirements 1. Isolation The clonal crossing blocks of cardamom shall be isolated from the contaminants. Contaminants Foundation Certified

Fields/Blocks of general 200 m 100 m Note: In nursery minimum 3 m isolation distance is required between varieties.

A. Specific requirements Standards Foundation Certified 1. Uniformity of the crop 1. Present of diseases

a. Katte virus b. Clump rot c. Azhukal (capsule rot) d. Kokke kandu

2. present of pests

a. Thrips b. Capsule/shoot/Panicle

borer c. Root grube d. White filed

0 0 0 0 0 0 5% 0 5%

0 0 0 0 0 0 10% 0 10%

V. Capsule/seedling standards

A. Capsule Standard

Standards Foundation Certified

2. Appearance 3. Uniformity 4. Thrips affected

capsules 5. Borer affected capsules 6. Deformed capsules 7. Contamination with


Bold and healthy 95% 5% 5% 5 1% Brownish black

Bold and healthy 85% 10% 10% 10% 5% Brownish black

8. Colour of the seed 9. Germination percent

a. without acid treatment

b. with acid treatment

60% 80%

50% 70%

B. Seedlings standard.

Standards Foundation Certified

1. Height 2. No. of leaves 3. NO. of suckers 4. presence of diseases

a. Katte virus b. Kokke kandu c. Fungal diseases

5. Insect pest 6. Undesirable seedlings

60-75 cms 5-7 - 0 0 0 1% 5%

60-75 cms 5-7 - 0 0 0 5% 10%

Note: The seedlings are first sown in raised beds of convenient size at 6 months seedlings are transferred to secondary nursery i.e., in poly bags of 25x10 size filled with nursery mixture.

CLOVE (Syzygium armaticum (L) Merrill & Perry) 1. Application and amplification of general seed certification


A. The general seed certification standards are basic and together with the following specific standards constitute the standards for certification of clove.

B. The general standards are amplified as follows to apply specifically to clove

No distinct varieties are recognized in India. The common method of propagation is through seeds collected from healthy and regular bearing trees.

II. Nursery requirements

• In order to select elite mother clove tree, minimum two inspection shall be made. One before flowering second at the time of flowering

• In the nursery, only one check at the time of distribution shall be made to assess the quality of seedlings

IV Field standards

A. General requirements 1. Isolation AS there is no distinct varieties isolation is not required. However, in nursery clove seedlings kept 2 meter away from other crop seedlings to avoid pest infestation. B. Specific requirements

Healthy and regular bearing mother clove tree with following characters:

1. Number of terminals per branch

2. Number of clusters per branch 3. Number of flower branch 4. Length of flowers

>10 First inspection >14 First inspection >100 Second inspection >1.5 cm Second inspection

V. Seedlings standard

Height -50 cm


• To reach sufficient height it will take 9-24 months depending upon management

• First, seed will be sown in sand beds, after germination seedlings will be transferred to poly bags

• Normally no pest and diseases infests clove seedlings in the nursery

CROP STANDARDS FOR CINNAMON (Cinnamomum verum Bercht. & Prest.) In cinnamon, the rooted cuttings constitute the planting material. Hence the standards are for the production of quality rooted cuttings. 1. Nursery requirements

a) A nursery shed which can allow 75% sunlight b) IBA or IAA 2000 ppm or Seradise-B c) Polythene bags of 30x22 cm size and 300gz thickness for

rooting d) Coir dust and sand mixture (1:1 ratio) e) Potting mixture made up of well powdered garden/forest soil,

pure fine sand and well powdered dried cow dung (3:3:1 ratio) 2. Parent tree requirements: The parent trees must have a very good regeneration capacity, high quality bark with good yield. IISR Navashree and IISR Nithyashree are the national varieties released recently. 3. Planting material (rooted cuttings) production:

Six month old shoot cuttings with 2-3 nodes are to be made from the present tree. Half leaf only has to be retained at each node. The lower cut end of the cutting (up to 2 cm) has to be dipped in 2000 ppm solution of IBA or IAA for few seconds (quick dip method). This will substantially increase root formation and development. This solution can be prepared by dissolving 1g of IBA or IAA in 2 l. of water containing 3 to 5 g of Sodium Carbonate (washing soda).

Treating the cutting with Seradix B2 is equally effective. But IBA or IAA treatment is cheaper and hence recommended for large nurseries where technical supervision is feasible. Seradix B-2 can be conveniently used by farmers and small scale nurserymen.

The shoot cuttings which were kept in the polythene bags could be taken 2 to 3 months later, when roots were found through the polythene bag. The rooted cuttings must be carefully lifted and separately planted in polythene bag containing 3:3:1 garden soil, sand and farm yard manure (dried and well powdered). At the time of planting, care has to be taken that primary root is well developed (minimum 25 cm) with lot of lateral roots (about 20). One year old such bagged cuttings must be used for planting. It should have attained a minimum height of 25 to 30 cm.

GINGER (Zingiber officinale Rose)

I. Application and Amplification of General seed certification


II. The General seed certification standards are basic and together

with the following specific standards constitute the standards for

certification of seed ginger.

A. The general standards are amplified as follows to apply specifically

to ginger

All certified classes shall be produced by vegetative propagation of

underground rhizome, whose source and identity may be assured and

approved by the certification agency.

III. Land requirements

• Partial shade with gentle sloppy landscape.

• Soil should be loose, friable and offer minimum resistance to

rhizome development. Soil depth 30 cm or more, high organic

matter and pH of 6-6.5 are favourable. Virgin forest soils

particularly after defestation is ideal.

• Planting should be avoided if soil is infested with Pythium sp.,

Pseudomonas solanacearum and Meloidogyne incognita.

• Land to be used for seed/planting material production of ginger

shall be free of volunteer plants.

IV. Field Inspection

A Minimum of four inspections shall be made as follows:

A. The first inspection shall be made at the time of planting

variety isolation, rhizome rot, seed piece weight and spacing.

B. The second inspection shall be made about 45-125 days

after planting to check germination, sprouting, rhizome rot

and shoot borer incidence.

C. The third inspection shall be made about 180-190 days after

planting to check off types, rhizome rot and Phyliosticta leaf


D. The fourth inspection shall be made before harvest of or

between 240-250 days after planting to verify rhizome rot,

scale insect and meal bug infestation.

V. Field Standards

A. General Requirements


The fields/blocks of seed ginger shall be isolated from the

contaminants shown in column 1 of the table below by the

distances specified in columns 2 and 3 of the said table.

Contaminants Minimum distance (meters)

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Fields of other variety 3 3

Fields of the same variety not

conforming to varietal purity

requirements for Certification

3 3

B. Specific requirement :

Factor Inspection


Foundation Certified


1. Spacing I 45x30 cm 45x30 cm

2. Seed piece weight I 20-25 g 20-25 g

3. Rhizome rot I 0 0

II to IV 0 0

4. Shoot borer II to III 1% 5%

5. Off-types III 0.5% 1%

6. Phyllosticta Leaf spot

Bacterial wilt (Rhizictonis


III 1% 5%

7. Scale insect IV 1% 5%

8. Mealy bugs IV 1% 5%


1. All off types and diseased plants should be rouged out along with

rhizomes and destroyed.

2. Gaps in the seed plot should not be more than 10.0%.

VI. Seed standards

Factor Foundation Certified

1. Appearance Healthy & plumpy Healthy & plumpy

2. Uniformity


95% 85-90%

3. Dry rot (Maximum) 1% 5%

4. Phyllosticta


5% 10%

5. Scales (Maximum) 1% 5%

6. Mealy bugs


1% 5%


1. In a seed lot, rhizomes not conforming to specific characteristics of

a variety shall not exceed 0.5% and 1% (by number - maximum)

for foundation and certified seed classes, respectively.

2. The seed material shall be reasonably clean healthy and firm.

3. Cut, bruised, or those damaged by insects shall not exceed more

than 1.0% (by weight)

TURMERIC (Curcuma longa L.)

I. Application and Amplification of General seed certification


A. The General seed certification standards are basic and together

with the following specific standards constitute the standards for

certification of seed turmeric.

B. The general standards are amplified as follows to apply specifically

to turmeric.

All certified classes shall be produced by vegetative propagation of

underground rhizome, whose source and identity may be assured and

approved by the certification agency.

II. Land requirements

• Soil should be loose, arable and offer minimum resistance to

rhizome development.

• Soil depth 30 cm or more, high organic matter of acidic soil.

• The crop of seed turmeric shall not be eligible for certification if

grown on the land infested with Pythium sp., Pseudomonas

solanacearum and Meloidogyne incognita.

III. Field Inspection

A Minimum of four inspections shall be made as follows:

A. The first inspection shall be made at the time of planting

variety isolation, rhizome rot, seed piece weight and spacing.

B. The second inspection shall be made about 45-50 days after

planting to check germination, sprouting, rhizome rot and

shoot borer incidence.

C. The third inspection shall be made about 120-180 days after

planting in order to verify off types, shoot borer and rhizome


D. The fourth inspection shall be made before harvest of or

between 240-250 days after planting to verify rhizome rot,

scale insect and meal bug infestation.

IV. Field Standards

A. General Requirements


The fields/blocks of seed turmeric shall be isolated from the

contaminants shown in column 1 of the table below by the

distances specified in columns 2 and 3 of the said table.

Contaminants Minimum distance (meters)

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Fields of other variety 3 3

Fields of the same variety not

conforming to varietal purity

requirements for Certification

3 3

B. Specific requirement :

Factor Inspection


Foundation Certified


1. Spacing I 45x30 cm 45x30 cm

2. Seed piece weight I 20-25 g 20-25 g

3. Rhizome rot I 0 0

4. Shoot borer II to III 1% 5%

5. Off-types III 0.5% 1%

6. Scale insect IV 1% 5%

7. Mealy bugs IV 1% 5%


1. All off types and diseased plants should be rouged out along with

rhizomes and destroyed.

2. Gaps in the seed plot should not be more than 10.0%.

V. Seed standards

Factor Foundation Certified

1. Appearance Healthy & plumpy Healthy & plumpy

2. Uniformity


95-100% 85%

3. Dry rot (Maximum) 1% 5%

4. Scales (Maximum) 1% 5%

5. Mealy bugs


1% 5%


1. In a seed lot, rhizomes not conforming to specific characteristics of a

variety shall not exceed 0.5% and 1% (by number - maximum) for

foundation and certified seed classes, respectively.

2. The seed material shall be reasonably clean, healthy and firm.

3. Cut, bruised, or those damaged by insects shall not exceed more than

1.0% (by weight).

C U M I N (Cuminum syminum)

Open pollinated varieties and Composites

I. Application and Amplification of General seed certification


The General seed certification standards are basic and together

with the following specific standards constitute the standards for

certification of the seeds of cumin open-pollinated


II. Land requirements

Land to be used for seed production of cumin should be free from

volunteer plants and where cumin crop has not been taken over

preceding two years.

III. Field Inspection

1. The first inspection shall be made before flowering preferably

within 45 days of planting to determine isolation, volunteer

plant off types and other relevant factors.

2. The second inspection shall be made during 50% flowering to

check the isolation, off types and other relevant factors.

3. The third inspection shall be made at maturity and prior to

harvesting to verify the true nature of plant and other relevant


IV. Field Standards

B. General Requirements


Seed fields shall be isolated from the contaminants shown in

column 1 of the Table below by the distances specified in columns

2 and 3 of the said Table.

Contaminants Minimum distance (meters)

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Fields of other variety 800 400

Fields of same variety not conforming

to varietal purity

800 400

B. Specific requirement :

Factor Maximum permitted (%)

Foundation Certified

Off type Plants 0.10 0.50

Objectionable weed plants* 0.05 0.10

*Objectionable weed shall be plantago pumila

V. Seed standards

Factor Standards for each class




Pure seed (minimum) 97.0% 97.0%

Insert matter (maximum) 3.0% 3.0%

Other crop seed (maximum) 10/Kg 20/Kg

Weed seeds (maximum) 10/Kg 20/Kg

Objectionable weed seeds (max) 5/Kg 10/Kg

Germination (minimum) 65% 65%

Moisture (maximum) 10% 10%

For vapour proof container (max) 8% 8%

CORIANDER (Coriandrum sativum)

Open pollinated varieties and composites.

I. Application and Amplification of General seed certification


The General seed certification standards are basic and, together

with the following specific standards constitute the standards for

certification of the seeds of coriander open-pollinated varieties,


II. Land requirements

Land to be used for seed production of coriander should be free of

volunteer plants.

III. Field Inspection

A Minimum of three inspections shall be made as follows:

1. The first inspection shall be made before flowering preferably

within 45 days of planting to determine isolation, volunteer

plants, off types and other relevant factors.

2. The second inspection shall be made during 50% flowering to

check the isolation, off types and other relevant factors.

3. The third inspection shall be made at maturity and prior to

harvesting to verify the true nature of plant and other relevant


IV. Field Standards

A. General Requirements


Seed fields shall be isolated from the contaminants shown in

column 1 of the Table below by the distances specified in columns

2 and 3 of the said Table.

Contaminants Minimum distance (meters)

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Fields of other variety 200 100

Fields of the same variety not

conforming to varietal purity

200 100

Off type plants 0.1% 0.5%

*Objectionable weed plants None None

B. Specific requirement :

Factor Standards for each class




Pure seed (minimum) 97.0% 97.0%

Insert matter (maximum) 3.0% 3.0%

Other crop seed (maximum) 10/Kg 20/Kg

*Objectionable weed seeds None None

Germination (minimum) 65% 65%

Moisture (maximum) 10% 10%

For vapour proof container (max) 8% 8%

*Objectionable weeds Lathyrus

FENNEL (Foaniculum vulgare)

Open pollinated varieties and composites.

I. Application and Amplification of General seed certification


The General seed certification standards are basic and, together

with the following specific standards constitute the standards for

certification of the seeds of fennel open-pollinated varieties,


II. Land requirements

Land to be used for seed production of fennel should be free of

volunteer plants.

III. Field Inspection

A Minimum of three inspections shall be made as follows:

1. The first inspection shall be made before flowering preferably

within 45 days of planting to determine isolation, volunteer

plants, off types and other relevant factors.

2. The second inspection shall be made during 50% flowering to

check the isolation, off types and other relevant factors.

3. The third inspection shall be made at maturity and prior to

harvesting to verify the true nature of plant and other relevant


IV. Field Standards

A. General Requirements


Seed fields shall be isolated from the contaminants shown in

column 1 of the Table below by the distances specified in columns

2 and 3 of the said Table.

Contaminants Minimum distance (meters)

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Fields of other varieties 200 100

Fields of the same variety not

conforming to varietal purity

200 100

B. Specific requirement :

Factor Maximum permitted (%)




Off types 0.10 0.50

*Objectionable weed None 0.05

IV. Seed Standards

Factor Standards for each class




Pure seed (minimum) 97.0% 97.0%

Insert matter (maximum) 3.0% 3.0%

Other crop seed (maximum) 10/Kg 20/Kg

Weed seeds (maximum) 10/Kg 20/Kg

*Objectionable weed seeds 5/Kg 10/Kg

Germination (minimum) 65% 65%

Moisture (maximum) 10% 10%

For vapour proof container (max) 8% 8%

• Objectionable weeds Dodder (Cuscuta spp.)

Suwa (Anethum suwa L.) or Indian Dill.

Open pollinated varieties and composites

I. Application and Amplification of General seed certification


The General Seed Certification Standards are basic and, together

with the following specific standards constitute the standards for

certification of the seeds of Suwa (Anethum raveolens L.) open-

pollinated varieties, composites.

II. Land requirements

Land to be used for seed production of Suwa should be free of

volunteer plants.

III. Field Inspection

A Minimum of three inspections shall be made as follows:

1. The first inspection shall be made before flowering preferably

within 45 days of planting to determine isolation, volunteer

plants, off types and other relevant factors.

2. The second inspection shall be made during 50% flowering to

check the isolation, off types and other relevant factors.

3. The third inspection shall be made at maturity and prior to

harvesting to verify the true nature of plant and other relevant


IV. Field Standards

A. General Requirements


Seed fields shall be isolated from the contaminants shown in

column 1 of the table below by the distances specified in columns

2 and 3 of the said Table.

Contaminants Minimum distance (meters)

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Fields of other varieties 200 100

Fields of the same variety not

conforming to varietal purity

200 100

B. Specific requirement :

Factor Maximum permitted (%)

Foundation Certified

Off types 0.10 0.50

*Objectionable weed None 0.05

IV. Seed Standards

Factor Standards for each class

Foundation Certified

Pure seed (minimum) 97.0% 97.0%

Insert matter (maximum) 3.0% 3.0%

Other crop seed (maximum) 10/Kg 20/Kg

Weed seeds (maximum) 10/Kg 20/Kg

Germination (minimum) 65% 65%

Moisture (maximum) 10% 10%

For vapour proof container (max) 8% 8%

Ajawain (Trachyspermum anmi L.)

I. Application and Amplification of General Seed Certification


The General Seed Certification Standards are basic and, together

with the following specific standards constitute the standards for

certification of the seeds of Ajawain (Trachyspeermum ammi L.)

open-pollinated varieties, composites.

II. Land requirements

Land to be used for seed production of Ajawain should be free from

volunteer plants.

III. Field Inspection

A Minimum of three inspections shall be made as follows:

1. The first inspection shall be made before flowering preferably

within 45 days of planting to determine isolation, volunteer

plants, off types and other relevant factors.

2. The second inspection shall be made during 50% flowering to

check the isolation, off types and other relevant factors.

3. The third inspection shall be made at maturity and prior to

harvesting to verify the true nature of plant and other relevant


IV. Field Standards

A. General Requirements


Seed fields shall be isolated from the contaminants shown in

column 1 of the Table below by the distances specified in columns

2 and 3 of the said Table.

Contaminants Minimum distance (meters)

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Fields of other varieties 200 100

Fields of the same variety not 200 100

conforming to varietal purity

B. Specific requirement :

Factor Maximum permitted (%)

Foundation Certified

Off types 0.10 0.50

II. Seed Standards

Factor Standards for each class

Foundation Certified

Pure seed (minimum) 97.0% 97.0%

Insert matter (maximum) 3.0% 3.0%

Other crop seed (maximum) 10/Kg 20/Kg

Weed seeds (maximum) 10/Kg 20/Kg

Germination (minimum) 65% 65%

Moisture (maximum) 10% 10%

For vapour proof container (max) 8% 8%

FENUGREEK (Kasuri Methi (Trigonella foenumgracum L.) AND METHI

(Trigonella foenumgracum L.)

I. Application and Amplification of General Seed Certification


The General Seed Certification Standards are basic and, together

with the following specific standards constitute the standards for

certification of the seeds of Kasuri Methi and methi.

II. Land requirements

Land to be used for seed production of Kasuri Methi and methi

shall be free of volunteer plants.

III. Field Inspection

A minimum of two inspections shall be made, the first before

flowering, the second at the flowering and fruit stage.

IV. Field Standards

A. General requirements

1. Isolation

Seed fields offered for certification shall be isolated from the

contaminants shown in column 1 of the Table below by the

distances specified in columns 2 and 3 of the said table:

Contaminants Minimum distance (meters)

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Fields of other variety 50 25

Fields of the same variety not

conforming to varietal purity

requirements for Certification.

50 25

B. Specific requirements

Factor Minimum permitted (%)*

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Off types 0.10 0.20

** Objectionable weed plants 0.010 0.020

* Maximum permitted at the final inspection.

** Objectionable weeds shall be:Senji (Melilotus spp.),

V. Seed standards

Factor Standard for each classes

Foundation Certified

1 2 3

Pure seed (minimum) 98.0% 98.0%

Inert matter (maximum) 2.0% 2.0%

Other crops seeds (maximum) 10/Kg 10/Kg

Total Weed seeds (maximum) 10/Kg 10/Kg

* Objectionable weed seeds (maximum) 2/Kg 5/Kg

Other distinguishable varieties


10/Kg 20/Kg

Germination including hard seeds


70% 70%

Moisture (maximum) 8.0% 8.0%

For vapour-proof containers (maximum) 6.0% 6.0%

* Objectionable weeds are the same as given at IV.B. above.

top related