


Archeologists divided the Stone Age

1. Old Stone Age or Paleolithic (2million BCE-8000BCE)

2. Middle Stone Age or Mesolithic Age(11,000-6,000BC)

3. New Stone Age or Neolithic Age (6,800-3,2000BC)

Old Stone Age or Paleolithic Age

The term was coined by John Lubbock in 1865

Greek word palaios which means "old" and lithos which means "stone"

People at this age who inhabited the continents of Europe, Asia, and Africa

They lived by hunting and fishing

Skill with fire and stone tools

They have vague religious ideas such as offering sacrifices, food, and ornaments to the dead

Experts think this came about when people began to hunt large animals

They needed to be able to give out clear instructions

They also learned how to make fire

Early people used fire to keep Early people used fire to keep them them warmwarm

Middle Stone Age or Mesolithic period

Involves the gradual domestication of plants and animals and the formation of settled communities

Dogs became valuable for hunting and guarding property, they were probably the first animal to be domesticated

Early people developed a language, before they learned to talk, early people simply made sounds

Hand signals were also meaningful

Gradually people developed languages

New Stone Age or Neolithic Period

The term neolithic was derived from greek word neolithikos where neos means new and litos means stone invented by John Lubbock in 1865

Two important discoveries changed people from being good gatherers to food producers

First was learning to grow food

Second learning to herd animals

They also learned to use animals in dragging their primitive plow in transporting their belongings

"The lovers of Valdaro" Believed to be from the Neolithic period. Excavated in a singleblock, so as not to separate them from each other. Named for the little village near Mantua, in Northern Italy.

Another step in man's advancement was the building of permanent homes

Earliest known villages in the world were found in Middle East one of these is in Jericho in Israel

Another village was in Catal Huyuk in present-day Turkey

The Age of Metals Egyptians first to used copper as early as 5, 000 BCE

At about 2000 BCE, man discovered that mixture of copper and tin produced harder metal bronze

With this discovery, man created stronger and better tools, weapons, and utensils




Iron age started about 1,000 BCE it is more stronger and durable compare to copper or bronze

As a result of this discovery , civilization leaped and bounced. Transportation methods were improved when iron made the building of sturdier and faster vehicles possible

Civilization rose in the valleys of the Nile River in Egypt

The Indus River in India

Yellow or Huang Ho River in China

Nile River in Egypt

Indus River in India

Yellow or Huang Ho River in China

Emergence of Civilization

Five characteristics of civilization

1. Advanced cities2. Specialized workers3. Complex institutions4. Record keeping5. Advanced technology

Advanced Cities Advanced cities were birthplaces of civilizations.The word "civilization" came from latin word civitas which means "city"

A city is more than a large of people living togeher, it is the center of trade for large area.

Specialized Workers Such as traders, government officials, and priests

Specialization is the enhancement of skills for a specific kind of work

Social organization in cities became complex, people ranked according to their jobs.

Complex Institutions

The growing populations of early cities made a system of government necessary

In civilization leaders emerged to maintain order among people and to establish laws

The priests usually occupy the top level in the society

Below them are the few merchants

Followed by the artisans Those below are the majority of the people

Slaves are on te lowest level.

Record Keeping

Was equally important as government officials had to document tax collections, the passage of laws, and the storage of grains and other products

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