
The 32 stood out too much, I had to do something that would incorporate the numbers. I did this by making it look like a trickle of lava. The lava didn’t stand out enough for and me and it didn’t look lava enough as it was on solid colour. You can’t tell on the images but the numbers are two tone as I duplicated the layer and make one a different colour.The main aspects were done, all I had to do was fill in the can with the advertising copy. The slogan and what the product actually is was added to fill the can. I thought the top and the bottom of the can was bare. I added a stroke because the font looked too bland, the stroke of the top text was to thick so I made it smaller.

The beginning of this design was very basic and boring. I wanted to stay with the simple theme but a simple and effective theme not simple and boring. The second picture, the 32 is meant to be transparent, hence the bubbles but it is hard to make a can transparent. Instead I decided to flip the colours from my first idea. Use the stroke to make the words instead of using a fill colour. The circle was to fill the can and make it look a bit more interesting. The slogan at the bottom makes the can look fuller and more interesting. Using a fill colour on these creates a nice contrast. Using the barr logo is a nice way to separate the slogan going round the bottom.

This design is very simple. The big numbers and average writing remind me of a sports shirt. So do the colours used and the stroke on the text. Keeping in with the sport theme I included the man at the bottom that is used on other Irn-Bru products. Black is too harsh compared to the light background. I think this design is okay but I will not be using it. It’s not the effect I want. The design is more American, which could appeal to the British public as American things are very big now but the product is Scottish not American.

I like this design, I think it looks very professional. The 32 is transparent in this design as it is a bottle and this effect it much easier to achieve. The 32 just by itself was too plain so I wanted to add a border. The next few images are of some of the things I tried instead of the border. To finish the design off I added banners and a slogan to complete the design to a professional standard. The barr logo finishes everything off nicely creating a simple yet effective design.

I decided to include the bottle top and the top half of the bottle this time. A lot of bottles have stickers on their neck. I think including the other aspects tie in the whole brand design nicely. However if I saw this in the supermarket I would probably walk right past it because it’s not that interesting. It’s very plain but I was going for the simple look, if you make a design busy there is too much to look at. It draws attention away from the product. The sports man used in other Irn-Bru designs shows that it is an energy drink and the slogan is only typed once instead of all the way round the bottle like my other designs. I like the neck of the bottle but I think the main design could use some work.

I tried to re-do the volcano can as I thought it was a good idea but I wasn’t to pleased with how it turned out. The front of the can is okay but the back is terrible. It is very blocky and is rushed.

I do like the barr logo going round the can though, I think it is very effective and looks nice on the can.

This is my last design. One splash on the can wasn’t enough for the effect I wanted to achieve. I didn’t like how it looked when the splash originated from the writing so I flipped the splash round. I prefer this much more and lowered the opacity so it looked more like liquid. On the last stage I added some more splash as I felt the current amount wasn’t right, it didn’t fill the can enough. I tried to have a borderer along the bottom but I wanted this design to be different to the others so I decided to only have the copy on it once instead of having it all the way round. I tried to turn the top of the can orange but I didn’t like what it looked like. I kept the pull tab blue though as this will make it stand out more. I got inspiration for this from red bull. The barr logo is also on the pull tab, which also was inspired from red bull. Overall I think this design is very eye catching and exactly what I wanted to achieve.

The back of this can looks more professional than the other one I did. It has the official signs with the recycle and bin it symbol. I tried to have the information without the border boxes but I thought they looked a bit odd.

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