St. Finbarr’s South Church, South Parish, Cork City · St. Finbarr’s South Church, South Parish, Cork

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St. Finbarr’s South Church, South Parish, Cork City

Presentation Day – 21 November 2013


Today is a momentous occasion for the Presentation Sisters, Associates, Friends of Nano, co-workers and all those across the world who are inspired by the life, vision and mission of Nano Nagle (1718-84).

We give praise to God for raising up, for the needy people of 18th Century Cork, a woman who chose to journey from knowing Jesus to loving him ‘with all her heart, all her soul, all her mind and all her strength; and to loving her neighbour as herself’ (cf. Lk. 10:27).

We give gratitude to Nano for choosing to live the gospel whole-heartedly and to do justice in the way of Jesus. Surely, she took the road less travelled: ‘In the face of fear, she chose to be daring. / In the face of anxiety, she chose to trust. / In the face of impossibility she chose to begin’. (Sr R. Consedine pbvm, Australia).

The fruit of Nano’s search for union with God, her choice of education as a vehicle of liberation for the vulnerable and the powerless, and her compassionate love for those in any kind of need found itself mirrored in the lives of Sisters and their companions down through the years and across five continents since the founding of her Congregation in 1775.

Today, we rejoice that Pope Francis and the Universal Church recognise Nano as a woman of heroic virtue – an acknowledgement of what many have quietly known for a long time.

May Nano become for people across the globe, as she is for us, a model of faith for those who are thirsting for God, a model of hope for those who live ‘in the shadow of darkness’, and a model of love for those whose lives know little warmth or compassion.

With joyful hearts and sincere gratitude,

Congregational Leadership Team


Celebrant: +Bishop Buckley, Diocese of Cork and Ross Entrance Procession:

1. Children’s Entrance Dance 2. Procession with Symbols 3. Processional Cross followed by Bishops and Priests 4. Nano with her Lantern

Entrance Hymn: Venerable Nano (Sr Cecilia Molloy)

Chorus Let us rejoice and be glad; Let us rejoice and be glad; For God has blessed a Venerable Lady. Let us rejoice and be glad; Let us rejoice and be glad; Today we celebrate with Nano Nagle.

Verse 1 In penal times she was courage

Championed the cause of the poor Set up her schools and their leaders, Gave them a hope to endure. (Chorus)

Verse 2 She brought the light of her lantern

Helped those in trouble and strife. Nourished the faith of her people Now we thank God for her life. (Chorus)

Verse 3 “Love one another” she told us

“As you have hitherto done” Her final parting and blessing Calls on us now to be one. (Chorus)

Verse 4 “If I could be of service in any place on earth

I would willingly do all within my power.” Today we realise your vision and your dream. This is your day, your glory and your hour. (Chorus)


Extract from the Letters of Nano

My dear Friends,

Greetings and love to each one of you. I take such delight in knowing how my little dream has evolved right across the globe and you are a wonderful expression of that dream. And I remember the beginnings … the journey … the fidelity to our God. “You see it has pleased the Almighty to make me succeed, when I had everything as I may say, to fight against … I began in a poor, humble manner; and though it pleased the divine Will to give me severe trials in this foundation, yet it is to show that it is His work and has not been effected by any human means. I must say every disappointment we have had the Almighty has been pleased to make it turn out to our advantage; though my impatience very often made (me) not submit to His divine Will as I ought. But the Almighty is all sufficient and will soon make up this loss to us. By degrees with the assistance of God we may do a great deal … It’s all in the power of the Almighty; we don’t know what is best for us and so ought to be resigned to the divine Will. The Almighty makes use of the weakest means to bring about His works. He (will) do everything for the best in it, I hope.” With God’s assistance everything promises well. I am so proud of you. With love and blessings,

Gloria (Seoirse Bodley) First Reading A reading from the Book of Sirach (44:1-14) Now let us praise those godly people, our ancestors. Each in their life-time gave God glory through their deeds. There were those who have ventured out and established settlements; others directed people by their advice and by the wise words of their teaching. Strong and dependable people, strongly established and at home with their achievements. All these were glorious in their time, each was illustrious in their day. Some of them left


behind a famous name and people tell the story of their deeds. But of others there is no such memorial. Yet, these also were good people whose virtues have not been forgotten. Through God’s Covenant with them their family endures, the generations follow for their sake. And for all time their descendants will endure, their glory will never be blotted out. Their bodies are peacefully laid away but their name lives on and on.

This is the Word of the Lord All: Thanks be to God Responsorial Psalm: (Psalm 95) Sing a Song to the Lord (Liam Lawton)

Refrain: Sing a song to the Lord’s Holy Name May the wonders of God be proclaimed. Sing a song to the Lord now acclaim Alleluia, Alleluia, Holy is God’s name.

Second Reading A reading from the Letter of St. Paul to the Philippians (1:3-6) I thank my God whenever I think of you; and every time I pray for all of you, I pray with joy, remembering how you have helped to spread the Good News from the day you first heard it right up to the present. I am quite sure that the one who began this good work in you will see that it is finished when the day of Christ Jesus comes. Alleluia (Seoirse Bodley) Gospel (Luke 4:16-20) Jesus came to Nazara, where he had been brought up, and went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day as he usually did. He stood up to read, and they handed him the scroll of the prophet Isaiah. Unrolling the scroll he found the place where it is written: The spirit of the Lord had been given to me, For he has anointed me He has sent me to bring the good news to the poor, To proclaim liberty to captives And to the blind new sight, To set the downtrodden free, To proclaim the Lord’s year of favour.


Reflection: Sr. Lucy Troy Prayers of the Faithful Response Sung: Lord hear our prayer x2, (Liam Lawton) Lord in your mercy,

Lord hear our prayer. Offertory Procession: Instrumental Music.

Holy, Holy, Holy (Seoirse Bodley) Acclamation of Faith (Seoirse Bodley) Lamb of God (Seoirse Bodley)

Communion Hymns: Be Still (David J. Evans) Be still, for the presence of the Lord, the Holy One is here. Come bow before Him now with reverence and fear. In Him no sin is found, we stand on holy ground. Be still, for the presence of the Lord, the Holy One is here. Be still, for the glory of the Lord is shining all around. He burns with holy fire, with splendour he is crowned. How awesome is the sight, our radiant King of light! Be still, for the glory of the Lord is shining all around. Be still, for the power is moving in this place, He comes to cleanse and heal, to minister His grace. No work too hard for Him, in faith receive from Him; Be still for the power of the Lord is moving in this place. A Mhuire Mháthair A Mhuire Mháthair ‘sé seo mo ghuí, Go maire Íosa, go deo im’ chroi Ave Maria, mo ghrá Ave. Is tusa mo Mháthair, Is Máthair Dé A Mhuire Mháthair I rith mo shaoil.


Bí liom mar dhídean ar gach aon bhaoil. Ave Maria, mo ghrá Ave. Is tusa mo Mháthair, Is Máthair Dé. A Mhuire Mháthair ‘tá lán de grást, Go raibh tu taobh liom Ar uair mo bháis. Ave Maria, mo ghrá Ave. Is tusa mo Mháthair, Is Máthair Dé.

Address Sr Mary Deane Liturgical Dance Sr Bernadette Purcell

Missioning Ceremony Srs Mary Deane, Elizabeth Maxwell, Mary Hoare, Imelda Carew Final Blessing +Bishop Buckley, Diocese of Cork and Ross Final Hymn

Who will light the Lantern? (Liam Lawton)

There was a time, such a time when hearts were hurting, Longing to find some peace of mind, find an open door. I knew a time, such a time when hearts kept searching, Trying to see through darkness to free, a heart without its soul. Chorus: Who will light the lantern and keep it burning bright? Who will search the darkness where shadows seek the light? Who will find the courage to sing a different song? Who will light the lantern and go one step beyond? We knew a place, such a place in the future, Where someone is lost, always a cost with uncertainties. We know a space such a space in our future, Where love heals the pain, love lights the flame through the nights of years. Repeat Chorus


GGGGo out!o out!o out!o out! For need calls loudlyFor need calls loudlyFor need calls loudlyFor need calls loudly iiiin the winding lanesn the winding lanesn the winding lanesn the winding lanes aaaand you must seeknd you must seeknd you must seeknd you must seek

Christ there.Christ there.Christ there.Christ there. Your pilgrim heartYour pilgrim heartYour pilgrim heartYour pilgrim heart sssshall urge you stillhall urge you stillhall urge you stillhall urge you still one pace beyond,one pace beyond,one pace beyond,one pace beyond,

And love shall be your And love shall be your And love shall be your And love shall be your lantern flame.lantern flame.lantern flame.lantern flame.

Sr Raphael Consedine pbvm,


E. Yates

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