St. Elizabeth Seton

Post on 20-Mar-2022






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St. Elizabeth Seton

Catholic Church

9728 W. Palmeras Drive

Sun City, Arizona 85373

August 29, 2021 Song Sheet

Contact us:


St. Elizabeth Seton Staff


Pastor, Fr. Kilian McCaffrey,

Deacon Jeff Arner, Deacon Larry Grey,

Deacon Marty Pogioli,

Deacon Craig Reaktenwalt, craigreakten-

Deacon Sal Lema,


Administrative Assistant, 623-972-2129

Yvonne Sorrentino,

Business Manager, 623-866-5224

Allison Gonser,

Liturgy & Music Director, 623-866-5233

Steve Raml,

Facilitator of Evangelization, 623-972-2129

Sr. Mary Beverly Arao,

Faith Formation Director, 623-866-5221

Deacon Jeff Arner,

Youth Formation Director, 623-866-5229

Linda Watkins,

Maintenance/Housekeeping, 623-866-5232

Jeff Adams,

Jason Barritta,

Margarita Gonzalez,

Date: Plate: Online Giving: Total: Budget: Over/(Under):

08/22/2021 $8,169.00 $1,937.50 $10,106.50 $13,483.84 $3,377.34

- - - $121,483.00 $112,999.56 $8,483.44

Total Offertory

Thank you for your generosity to our parish. Please consider making a sacrificial commitment to the parish using envelopes or online giving at:

-YTD and Budget are based on fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021-

The figures shown are an estimate. Official year-end totals will be available by 12/22.

Ministries and Groups

St. Vincent de Paul

1st Tuesday at 2PM, Deacon Tone Room

3rd Tuesday at 2PM, Deacon Tone Room

Mike Ward, 623-640-0920

Knights of Columbus

2nd Tuesday at 6:30PM, Parish Hall

Dan Kudulis,602-647-3551

Holy Spirit Prayer Group

Every Friday at 9AM, Guadalupe Room

Maureen Kight, 602-503-5379


Every Wednesday at 9AM

Every Sunday after Masses

Parish Office, 623-972-2129

Women’s Seton Society

Postponed until further notice

Margaret Berg, 602-358-9414

Our Lady of Fatima

1st Saturday at 8AM, Church

Jack Limberg, 574-286-1562

Solo Group

More information forthcoming

John Battoe, 623-977-7073

Evening Prayer Group

Monday—Friday Chaplet of Div Mercy at 3:50PM

Monday—Friday Evening Prayer at 4:00PM

Parish Office 623-972-2129

Mass Intentions

Living ♥ | Deceased †

Sunday, August 29th

7:00AM Dolores Pietrzak † Fr. Jim T

9:00AM Parishioners ♥ Fr. Kilian

11:00AM Carlos Trujillo † Fr. Jim G

Monday, August 30th

8:00AM Ernest Cipollaro † Fr. Tom

Tuesday, August 31st

8:00AM Marie McGaffin † Fr. Jim G

Wednesday, September 1st

8:00AM Peri Derner † Fr. Kilian

Thursday, September 2nd

8:00AM Gene Kenne † Fr. Jim G

Friday, September 3rd

8:00AM Fr. Henry Dahl † Fr. Jim T

Saturday, September 4th

8:00AM Gordon B. Rappolee † Fr. Kilian

4:00PM Jim Smith † Fr. Jim G

Sunday, September 5th

7:00AM Rob and Rachel Szewc † Fr. Kilian

9:00AM Leo Mausbach † Fr. Jim G

11:00AM Parishioners ♥ Fr. Jim T

Votive Candles

Blessed Virgin Mary Candle:

Dolores Pietrzak

Requested by: Husband Ron

Tabernacle Candle:

Antonia Zmuda

Requested by: Mary Raasch

Saint Joseph Candle:

Gene Kenne

Requested by: Loving Family

To request a Mass Intention or Votive

Candle, please contact Yvonne at the

Parish Office 623-972-2129

COVID-19 Updates

Bishop Olmsted has announced

lifting of the dispensation of the

Sunday and Holy Day obligations

effective July 1, 2021

Nevertheless, there are circumstances

when a member of the faithful is “excused

for a serious reason” (CCC 2181) from

the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays

and holy days. A serious reason occurs

when one is physically or otherwise

prevented from attending. For example, if

a person is sick or unable to find

reasonable transportation, the obligation

no longer applies.

If you have any questions, please contact

the Parish Office.

Readings for the Week

Sunday 22rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Dt 4:1-2, 6-8/Ps 15:2-5/Jas 1:17-18, 21-22, 27/Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23

Monday 1 Thes 4:13-18/Ps 96:1 -5, 11-13/

Lk 4:16-30

Tuesday 1 Thes 5:1-6, 9-11/Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14/

Lk 4:31-37

Wednesday Col 1:1-8/Ps 52:10, 11/Lk 4:38-44

Thursday Col 1:9-14/Ps 98:2-6/Lk 5:1-11

Friday Col 1:15-20/Ps 100:1-5/Lk 5:33-39

Saturday St. Gregory the Great

Col 1:21-23/Ps 54:3-4, 6 and 8/Lk 6:1-5

Sunday 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 35:4-7/Ps 146:7, 8-10/Jas 2:1-5/Mk 7:31-37

Pastor’s Letter:

29 August, 2021

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

For The Lord of For Show?

The word ‘Pharisee’ has become another name for self-righteous, phony people.

They were, in fact, members of “an ancient Jewish sect, distinguished by strict observance of the traditional and written law, and were commonly held to have pretensions to superi-or sanctity.” God does not want that.

Who would want that? Nobody wants phony!

How Can You Tell If Someone

Is a Genuinely Holy Person?

Simple - by the way they treat other people.

What we do for our least brothers and sisters, we do for Jesus Christ.

What we do to our least brothers and sisters, we do to Jesus Christ.

It is easy to say and a lot harder to do.

Pray about this and translate it in to your life.

It’s not rocket science, to coin a phrase.

Let’s internalize this and own this spirituality. It is rather easy if we make the conscious, bold decision to live what Christ tells us to.

This is what the Church needs now.

That is what our country needs now.

This is what the world has always needed and what the world will always need.

So, the big question is: do we do what we do for the Lord, or do we do it for show? As St. James tells us clearly: “Be doers of the word and not hearers only, deluding yourselves…..

Jesus warns us of the hypocrisy of the Pharisees.

What is the depth of meaning of hypocrisy? St. Thomas Aquinas explains its meaning by quoting Matt.7:15. Jesus the Good Shepherd warned against false prophets who come to us in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. The problem isn’t that they are in sheep’s clothing but that they are ravenous wolves. How do we distinguish between a hypocrite and true follower of Christ? St. Thomas views the fruits of one’s actions. 1. Fruit of the heart or true love of God and neighbor. How do we treat people? Or has my heart grown cold? 2.Words Do my words betray a spirit of jealous or judgmentalism or impurity? 3.Actions How do I conduct myself in the details of life? 4.The final fruit is that of “patience and fortitude,” for it is in times of tribulation that it becomes clearer who are the true sheep of Christ. In contrast, Aquinas warns that “hypocrites make a display of their meekness, but when they have the opportunity of persecuting, then they do their utmost to persecute.” Jesus calls himself the Good Shepherd and says “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow Me” (John 10:11, 27).

For more information on our Parish

Holy Land Pilgrimage in January 2022, please contact

Magnificat Tours at (480) 726 8611

Pilgrimage Itineraries are available

at the Church Entrance and Office.

We welcome back Sr. Mary Beverly today,

Fr. Kilian, Sr. Mary Beverly, our Deacons,

Parish Staff, Disciples and Volunteers.

We at SVdP St Elizabeth Seton Conference visit and help the needy within our parish bounda-ries. Through the Voice of the Poor Guide, we also receive a deeper understanding of the issues that impact the lives of

those we serve. The Guide informs Vincentians and parishioners, of the needs of affordable housing, health care, hunger, restorative justice, immigration, predatory loans, rights of workers, spirituality of justice and homelessness. In these times, it is difficult to help direct those whom we cannot help as foreclosures and overdue pay-ments consume families. With God’s help, we try to serve those we can and direct those with deeper needs to agencies who can assist. Sadly, even these agencies sometimes cannot help as they are overburdened with people in need. We thank you for helping bring hope to those who are struggling, and we pray those in need will find their way to financial stability.

We have made it easier to join the Knights of Columbus! You can now join the Knights of Columbus and participate in our Initiation Cere-mony all on-line from the comfort of your own home, at your convenience, in less than 1 hour!

For More Information On Joining Our Order, Please Visit Our Website:

Dan Kudulis, Grand Knight 602-647-3551

Attention All Ministry Volunteers

It is now time to renew your Safe Environment

Training. Please login to your account and follow

the prompts to complete the renewal at:

Rite of Christian Initiation of

Adults (RCIA)

If you or someone you know is interested in be-coming Catholic or needs to receive the Sacra-ments of Confirmation or First Communion, we

Invite you to join us for weekly instruction.

Sunday Mornings 9AM—11AM

Guadalupe Room

For more information, please contact Dcn. Jeff

Arner, Director of Formation.

Grief Support Group

We all grieve when we experience loss. This last year has been very difficult for many who have

experienced loss during the pandemic. If you are struggling with grief, we will be

gathering for 6 weeks to share our stories and help each other through our grief.

We follow a Catholic program called Grieving with Great Hope that is found on

Wednesday Afternoons


Guadalupe Room

For more information please contact Dcn. Jeff Arner, Director of Formation

Online Giving Update

As of August 16th, 2021 we have implemented a new online giving platform that will allow us to

better assist you.

To easily sign up for online giving, please visit our website:

We earnestly appreciate your ongoing support and faithful stewardship.

Lukas invites all his friends to a great adventure at the dark reef. As soon as they arrive, they are afraid to help and play with some old forgotten friends so Lukas and Noah share with them the story of St. Teresa of Calcutta and how she asked God for a big heart so She could love eve-rybody. The story changes their lives and helps them to come back to the reef and have a great day with acts of love.

It’s Time to Register Again!

Classes begin September 15th Wednesday Evenings

6:00PM -7:30PM

Kindergarten through High School.

Registration fee is $45 Sacrament classes also have a fee of $30 per

child for materials

If you’re in need of a scholarship, please contact the Parish Office. No child will be turned away.

Please register online at

For more information, please contact

Linda Watkins, Youth Formation Director.

Welcome back to Book Club: Bishop Olmsted’s Apostolic Exhortation “Veneremur Cernui: Down in Adoration

Falling: Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist”

We are beginning our Book Study Club and we

are focusing on Bishop Thomas Olmsted's new

Apostolic Exhortation to all the faithful. If you

would like to participate please come.

Beginning September 8th for 5 weeks

Wednesday Mornings


Dcn. Tone Room

Please pick up your book in the vestibule of the

Church for a $5 donation and be ready to let God

do wonderful things in you.

Facilitator: Mary Ann Ronan. A parishioner who

has a MA in Religious Education and an MA in

Pastoral Ministry with an emphasis in Counseling

and Scripture. She has worked in the Catholic

Church for over 40 years doing Faith Formation,

Seminars, Retreats, Bible Studies, and more.

Romans: The Gospel

of Salvation

Romans: The Gospel of Salvation provides an

authentically Catholic, comprehensive, and

simple way to understand the overarching theme

of Romans—salvation. This fascinating book

reveals that salvation is not merely the removal of

a guilty verdict; it is about entering into Christ’s

life, death, and resurrection and sharing in

his divine life.

Tuesday Mornings


Seton Hall

For more information please contact Dcn. Jeff

Arner, Director of Formation

There are 3 easy steps for parishioners to

sign up on FORMED:


Enter our parish zip code or name

Enter your name and email

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