St. Boniface Catholic Church 1952 GA. Hwy. 21 S ... · 5/17/2020  · lor of Science in Biochemistry. He plans on working for the FDA. ... Tony Maples, Ma- ... Bruce Moss, Larry Moss,

Post on 16-Oct-2020






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St. Boniface Catholic Church

1952 GA. Hwy. 21 S

Springfield , Georgia 31329





Please contact Fr. Martino for an appointment. WEDDINGS

Please contact Fr. Martino for an appointment a minimum of four months before wedding date.

PARISH CONTACT INFORMATION Office: (912) 754-7473 Fax: (912) 754-1201

WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday, 5 p.m. Sunday, 8:30 & 11:00 a.m.

CONFESSIONS Saturday, 4:00 – 4:30 p.m.


Tuesday, 12:00 p.m. Wednesday, 8:30 a.m. Thursday, 8:30 a.m.

Friday 7:00 p.m. Religious Education

Sunday Mornings 9:45-10:45 a.m. When school is in session

ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please contact Fr. Martino at

706-825-3032 Bulletin Deadline

We welcome your contributions to the bulletin. Deadline for submission is Wednesday, by 12:00 noon

Andrew McIntosh

Andrew will be graduating from Penn Foster.

Andrew plans on entering the workforce after graduation.

Congratulations Andrew!

Bryson Milne

Bryson will be graduating from South Effingham High School.

Bryson plans on attending Georgia Southern University this fall.

Congratulations Bryson!

Stephan Monaco

Stephen will be graduating from Effingham County High School.

Stephan will be entering the work force and working with his fa-

ther in the family business.

Congratulations Stephan!

Tristan Oxford

Tristan will be graduating from his home schooling.

Tristan’s future plans are to attend the Police Academy and begin

a career in law enforcement.

Congratulations Tristan!

Amanda Ganser

Amanda is graduating from Georgia Southern University with a de-

gree in Bachelor of Science in Recreation with an emphasis in Ther-

apy and a minor in Psychology.

After a summer internship, she hopes to start her career in a physical

rehabilitation center. Congratulations Amanda!

Keri Monteleone

Keri is graduating from Georgia Southern University with a degree in

biology . She has future plans to attend Medical School and hopes to

specialize in oncology. Congratulations Keri!

Joshua David Lafond

Joshua is graduating from Kennesaw State University, with a Bache-

lor of Science in Biochemistry. He plans on working for the FDA.

Kaitlin Tanguay

Kaitlin is graduating from the University of South Carolina

with a Bachelor degree in Business Administration and a minor

in Accounting. Kaitlin hopes to begin career in Accounting as

soon as the economy opens back up.

Please pray for our sick For all those homebound, in the hospital or nursing homes and especially those who care for them. We also ask prayers for those not listed and those we are not aware of that are ill.

A time of war, and a time of peace: We pray for those that serve in our military. CW5 Scott Durrer A1C Cameron Rahn

MSGT Brian Lafond A1C Aubriana Butchko SFC Steven Liebl Protect and guide our men and women in uniform, strengthen them in their trials. Give them courage to face the perils which beset them; and grant them a sense of your abiding presence wherever they may be, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Bob Ahlfeldt, Carolyn Ansel, Owen Austin, Fr. Isa-dore Baky, August J Breton, Justin J Breton, Amy Brooks, Chuck Brown, Steven Burns, Stephen Bus-sey, Andy & Kathy Chester, Megan Corley, Keith Cornell, Jocelyn Cummings, Danny Dagon, Cathe-rine Dagon, Rindy Denmark, Eric Guge, Marty Haloda, Jim Hester, Stephanie Horton, Cindy How-ard, Jane Hughes, Julie Hunt, Josette Lafond Car-olyn Leonard, Linda Liebl, Rosa Lewis, Sandra & Vince Mackey, Frances Maher, John and Michael Maher, Tom and Bridget Maher, Tony Maples, Ma-rie & Bob Martel, John Miller, Bruce Moss, Larry Moss, Lorraine Nessar, Roy O’Connor, Kimberly Osucha, Larry Paige, Melanie Pitingaro, Chris Pow-ell, Alan Schwartz, Bill & Ada Seng, Anna Sey-mour, Angel Smith, Joanne Skorich-Smith, Bernie Weber, Morgan West, Edward Wonnink

17 de mayo de 2020 - 6º domingo de Pascua "Porque es mejor sufrir por hacer el bien, si es la volun-tad de Dios, que por hacer el mal". (1 PEDRO 3:17) Un viejo dicho dice así: "si quieres hacer reír a Dios, cuéntale tus planes". Muchos de nosotros somos dili-gentes en nuestra planificación y nos aseguramos de que las cosas progresen sin problemas. Luego ocurre un de-sastre, no obtenemos el resultado previsto o surge un problema imprevisto. Muchas veces podemos responder negativamente y preguntar: “¿Por qué a mí? ¡Hice todo bien! Aquí está la razón: la adversidad nos humilla y nos recuerda nuestra dependencia de Dios y no en nuestra au-tosuficiencia. Ten la seguridad de que Dios tiene un plan mejor para tí.

THE REASON FOR OUR HOPE “What is the reason for your hope?” Imagine some-body coming up to you and asking you that question. Not “What are you hoping for?” or “What are you hop-ing to do?” No, this isn’t about our desires for posses-sions or aspirations for life, it’s “Why do you hope?” Peter today tells us that we ought to be ready to give an answer to this question. Truth be told, few of us spend much time thinking about why we hope. Luckily, the scriptures today give us our answers. We hope because Christ suffered for us, in order that we might come to God. We hope because we know that, in the Spirit, God grants us another Advocate through Christ to remain with us always. No matter what we might hope for, whatever we might hope to do, we must always first know and proclaim the reason for our hope: the pres-ence of God in Christ, with us through the power of the Spirit. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

May 17, 2020 - 6th Sunday of Easter

"For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that be

God’s will, than for doing evil.” (1 Peter 3:17)

The old line says “if you want to make God laugh, tell

him your plans.” Many of us are diligent in our plan-

ning and making sure things are progressing smooth-

ly. Then disaster strikes, we don’t get the result that

was intended or an unforeseen problem arises. Many

times we may respond negatively and ask, “Why

me? I did everything right!” Here’s the thing – adver-

sity humbles us and reminds us of our dependence on

God and not on our own self-reliance. Rest assured,

God has a better plan in store for you.


Sunday: Sixth Sunday of Easter

Monday: St. John I

Wednesday: St. Bernardine of Siena

Thursday: The Ascension of the Lord

(unless transferred to Sunday);

St. Christopher Magallanes

and Companions

Friday: St. Rita of Cascia

Weekly Collection with YTD figures June 30-May 3, 2020

Weekly Offertory Collection: $2,633.00 Online Weekly Donations: $800.75 Year to Date Collection: $282,253.00 Bills Paid this week: $4,745.10 Bills Paid to Date: $292,280.30 Building Fund Collection: $519.00 Building Fund YTD: $63,204.70 Thank you for your continued generosity

Donate Now through online giving at follow the link on the front page.

Faith Formation News CCD classes are cancelled until further notice. Alternate First Communion scheduled Some parents have expressed concern regarding the safety of extended family flying in to celebrate First Communion on the Feast of Corpus Christi. In re-sponse, Fr. Martino has designated Sunday, Sep-tember 6, 2020, at 11 am, for an alternate First Communion Mass. The June 14 date will stand for candidates and families who choose. However, we need to know by May 30, 2020, how many will celebrate on June 14 and how many will celebrate on September 6. Please email or call Celeste Gish at or 912.754.1432 to indicate which Mass you and your family will be attending. Sorry for any inconvenience and thanks for your patience. We are doing our best to safely provide the sacrament of First Communion during these dif-ficult times. Attention Confirmation candidates During social distancing, we urge Confirmation candidates to work on their letters to the Bishop and saint research at home so fall classes can be devoted to catechism. God bless our kids, parents and catechists. Stay safe, everyone!

Mass Intentions For the Week

Sunday 05/17 ♥Sherry & Reggie Loper Monday 05/18 ♥Jacob Conelly Tuesday 05/19 ♥Hoat & Y Nguyen Wednesday 05/20 +Debra Lafferty

Thursday 05/21 +Richard & Ida Rohrer

Friday 05/22 +All Souls in Purgatory

Saturday 05/23 ♥For our Graduates

Please No Dumping!

The trash pile that was in the back of the church has been burned. This area is intended for church yard debris only when the grounds clean ups are done on the church grounds. Please do not dump trash into this area.

Thank you.

Please remember to continue to support St. Boni-

face with your weekly offering while we are

closed. You can donate through online giving on

our website, mail in, or drop

off your donation at the church in the black mailbox

outside the parish office. If you have any questions

or concerns please call the parish office.

TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — The people of Samaria accepted the word of God preached by Philip; they received the Ho-ly Spirit (Acts 8:5-8, 14-17). Psalm — Let all the earth cry out to God with joy (Psalm 66) Second Reading — Act with gentleness and reverence toward all, so that when you are maligned those who defame you will be the ones put to shame (1 Peter 3:15-18) or 1 Peter 4:13-16. Gospel — I will not leave you orphans, but will come to you (John 14:15-21) or Jn 17:1-11a. The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.


Monday: Acts 16:11-15; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b;

Jn 15:26 — 16:4a

Tuesday: Acts 16:22-34; Ps 138:1-3, 7c-8;

Jn 16:5-11

Wednesday: Acts 17:15, 22 — 18:1; Ps 148:1-2, 11- 14; Jn 16:12-15

Thursday: Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Eph 1:17-23;

Mt 28:16-20 (for Ascension); otherwise

Acts 18:1-8; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 16:16-20

Friday: Acts 18:9-18; Ps 47:2-7; Jn 16:20-23

Saturday: Acts 18:23-28; Ps 47:2-3, 8-10;

Jn 16:23b-28

Sunday: Acts 1:12-14; Ps 27:1, 4, 7-8; 1 Pt 4:13-16;

Jn 17:1-11a; or (for Ascension)

Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Eph 1:17- 23;

Mt 28:16-20


May 22

If you’re ever in Philadelphia on May 22, forget parking anywhere near Saint Rita’s shrine. Cars line

streets and fill medians as throngs pack a candlelight vigil and six Masses, honoring this patroness of lost causes,

hopeless situations, and—as her statue in countless churches built by twentieth-century immigrants testifies—

difficult marriages, troubled homes, and alienated children. Wise people warn, be careful what you pray for.

“Divine Savior,” Rita prayed, “let me suffer like you!” Obedient to parents who refused her wish to become a

nun, Rita married a man who returned her devotion with twenty years of abuse. When enemies murdered him,

Rita’s two sons swore revenge. Paintings depict her pointing the angry boys toward Christ crucified, whom she

begged to restrain them. Within the year, both sons died. Alone now, Rita went to the convent but was refused.

The nuns feared violence, since one of them was related to the murderer. Rita arranged peace between the fami-

lies, made vows, and became much sought after as a counselor and intercessor for forty years on earth—and ever

since in heaven.

—Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Sixth Sunday of Easter


There is a geography to the liturgy of baptism

that distills the journey of faith. Each part of the

liturgy is assigned to a distinct part of the church

building. Baptism, whether of infants carried to

church by their parents or of adults following the

paschal candle into a darkened church at Easter,

starts at the door. First, a threshold must be

crossed and a new community of meaning and

memory encountered for the first time. Then, the

celebration moves to the place for God’s Word.

Next, as the litany of the saints is sung, there is a

procession to the font. Finally, the movement is

to the table, the altar of the Eucharist. There,

newly baptized adults are brought to the sacred

meal, or the parents of infants are blessed and

reminded that their child will one day share fully

in the table’s banquet.

Many Catholic churches honor this geography by

placing the font near the door, or at least small

vessels with water. The doorway of our church is

a place of memory, and a passageway to a new

way of living.

—Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.


Every believer in this world must become a spark of light.

—Pope Saint John XXIII

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