St. Bernard Parish€¦ · St. Bernard Parish 2040 Hillside Ln. Green Bay, Wisconsin 54302 (920)468-4811 June 28, 2020 Sr. Caroline Castellini OP

Post on 03-Jul-2020






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St. Bernard Parish

2040 Hillside Ln. Green Bay, Wisconsin 54302 (920)468-4811

June 28, 2020

Sr. Caroline Castellini OP

Congratulations to you on your 60th Jubilee, and 24 years of service to St. Bernard Parish.

Thank You for your Social Justice and

Pastoral presence at our Parish.

Prayers and Blessings to both you and Corinne.

Mass Intentions

The saving graces of the Mass are for:

Monday, June 29

Tuesday, June 30 the souls of Jim & Elaine LeMieux and Joe LeMieux † Wednesday, July 1 10:00 am a Special Intention for Julie Lovering-Molzahn

Thursday, July 2 the soul of Jerome Siebers †

Friday, July 3 the souls of Homer & Elsie DeBaker †

Saturday, July 4 4:00 pm the souls of Ben & Stella Treml † the soul of Beata Huss † Sunday, July 5 8:00 am the People of St. Bernard Parish 10:00 am a Special Intention for Marianne Mason


Wedding Banns

I Nick Brunette & Stephanie Kmiecik

Congratulations to the couple who was recently married at St. Bernard:

Alyssa Canales and Jon Tabers-Kwak God Bless them with a long and happy life together.

2020 Bishop’s Appeal

77 Crozier Donors 485 Total Donors

We hit our Goal Thank You!

$109,583 Goal $89,255


We welcome those who were baptized recently: Quinn Louis Tobin

Sincere thank you to everyone's commitment to abiding by our diocesan directions for safely returning to church. I know it can be difficult and warm to wear a mask for so long at church. We are keeping the vulnerable safe and allowing the maximum amount of people at this time to join in prayer and song. Our Knights of Columbus have been amazing and their generosity along with our many ushers who have stepped forward. I appreciate your willingness to take the time to sign up each week for Mass. I understand this can be tedious, but it is necessary for now. I am so heartened to look out at the many of you each Sunday. I am very mindful of those

who are not able or not ready to return to our building. That day will come! Stay strong and faithful. Know of my prayers for you and I ask that you continue to pray for each other. This weekend we honor the retirement of Sister Caroline from her ministry here at the parish as pastoral asso-ciate. Looking back over the years of serving side by side with Sister I am grateful for the vast wisdom that she has passed on to me by her words and actions and her modeling of generous service. Sister and I share the same day anniversary, July 10th, of ordination and vows and I see God’s fingerprints over all of that. 24 years of ministry in a parish allows you to interact with almost everyone. What a grace and privilege for all of us. I encourage you to participate in the Drive-By of gratitude for Sister after the 10:00 AM Mass outside the entrance to our school. Corrine, Sister’s associate of the Dominican Sisters of Peace here with us, will also be present! You can thank two persons in one Drive-By! Sister will speak at all the Masses this weekend. The 10:00 AM Mass will be livestreamed and then posted. Join me in this weekend of gratitude and thanks. This weekend's gospel is fitting for the work of Sister. Every consecrated religious strives to fulfill the call of Jesus by leaving behind father, mother, brother and sister for the sake of drawing closer to God. Jesus promis-es in today's gospel that those who lose their life for his sake will find it. Sister has witnessed to the call to lose one's life for the work of Jesus. Many of us have experienced the generosity of Sister’s time and atten-tiveness poured out for our sake, ultimately for the sake of responding to this call of Jesus to serve. We say thank you! The gospel goes on to say that whoever gives only a cup of cold water to one of these little ones to drink will surely not lose their reward. I think of all the foods and drinks that sister has given to God's people in need and can only imagine the pleasure of God in preparing a reward for such action. May you know well the gratitude of God's people. Fr. Mark Vander Steeg


Spirit & Life 13th Sunday of Ordinary Times

”...whoever does not take up his cross and follow after me is not worthy of me.” MATTHEW 10:38 Pope Benedict XVI said “This world offers you comfort. But you were not made for comfort, you were made for great-ness”. “Comfort” puts me first. “Picking up your cross and following Jesus” puts God and others first. Why settle for comfort when you can achieve greatness! Pick up your cross, ask Jesus for guidance on using your gifts and live the life God intended for you!

Happiness is to Live Moment by Moment By Meg Lehman, Evangelization & Youth Coordinator

St. Irenaeus and Apostolic Succession By: Adam Horn, Director of Religious Education By now you may have realized from my bulletin articles that I am a big fan of celebrating the lives of the Saints on their feast days, so why stop now? June 28th is the feast of the great Church Father, St. Irenaeus of Lyons. Irenaeus was born into an already Christian family around 130 AD in the city of Smyrna in what was then called Asia Minor (modern day Turkey). Irenaeus is best known for writing extensively against a group of heretics lumped together as “The Gnostics.” Different Gnostic groups claimed to have acquired secret knowledge passed down to them by Apostles to whom Jesus spoke privately. Imagine Jesus teaching to a crowd of people and as everyone is leaving he whispers: “Psst! Judas! Now that I got rid of those non-believers let me tell you the REAL truth of my message!” Much of Gnostic thought centers on the idea that our spiritual selves are trapped in our bodies – a material prison. Matter is evil; spirit is good. Irenaeus is also important for historical reasons. Being born and raised in Smyrna he was taught the faith by his bishop, St. Polycarp of Smyrna. Polycarp was the last known figure of the time who had a direct connection to the Apostles, having been a disciple of St. John. So with Irenaeus, we have a direct succession of teaching that originated in Christ, passed down to the apostles, and continued to be passed down to others. Irenaeus knew this, and employed it when writing against the Gnostics. He pointed out that if you look to the many bishops around the known world it was amazing that they all held the same beliefs and traditions. This was because they all had that direct line back to Jesus and his apostles, whereas groups like the Gnostics did not. St. Irenaeus himself became very popular through his work as a bishop, missionary work, and writings that he in turn had many disciples learning from him, and apostolic succession continues on to this day. St. Irenaeus of Lyons, pray for us!

Are we making people feel better, calmer, happier, more peaceful? Or are we short tempered? Do we complain? Do we gossip? Do we put other people down? Are we critical? It’s definitely easier said than done, and you probably can think of times where you have done both. But this is such a good reminder that we as Catholics are called to be an instrument of God’s peace. Wouldn’t you rather someone bring you peace instead of gossip, complaints, or criticisms? So whoever you’re with, whether it be family, friends, acquaintances, strangers, or even people you find it hard to get along with, strive to be an instrument of peace. “Where there is hatred, let me sow love.” This one might seem more obvious – of course we should try to love others. But to me, this one seems to go deeper. It doesn’t just say, “let me sow love,” but rather “where there is hatred, let me sow love.” Have you ever been in a situation where a group of people was gossiping about another person? Maybe you were contributing to the gossip, or maybe you didn’t say anything at all. This is the time wherethere is hatred. This is the time where we are called to sow love. This could mean standing up for the person be-ing gossiped about, or this could mean bringing up positive qualities about the person being gossiped about. It takes courage, but imagine the look on the per-son’s face if they knew you were standing up for them. It’s easy to love when everyone else around you is loving. But it’s when there is hatred and division that is the most important time to love. How can you be an instrument of peace and sow love where there is hatred? Can you imagine the difference you would make?


Scrip News By: Ann Selk, Scrip Coordinator

SCRIP UPDATE Scrip sales of physical cards are ready to resume with changes. To minimize personal contact there will be no direct sales of physical scrip cards. No orders or sales will be taken or made at the Masses at this time. Orders for physical cards will filled by scrip volun-teers on Monday mornings. The filled orders will be available for pickup after 9:00 a.m. Monday mornings in the parish office. The parish office building is physically closed so we are asking purchasers to call the office 468-4811 prior to pickup. The parish summer office hours are Monday through Thursday 8:00 – 3:00. Special order scrip will be available according to the schedule below.

We still strongly encourage you to purchase escrip for vendors that provide that option. Escrip allows the convenience of receiving your scrip immediately in a contact free environment. With escrip your scrip is sent directly to your email. You then have the option of printing out the scrip certificate, using the code for online ordering or using the MyScripWallet mobile website to redeem the scrip. See

for more information. Any questions? Contact Ann Selk, scrip coordinator at HOW SCRIP SALES OF PHYSICAL CARDS WILL WORK WHAT TO DO IF:

1. You have an online account Sign in to your account. Place your order and pay for it online. Orders must be placed by 7:00 a.m. Monday morning. Quickscrip will be filled Monday morning and be available after

9:00 a.m. Special orders will be available according to the schedule below. Pickup your order at the parish office. The office building is physically closed so please call the office 468-4811 prior

to pickup. The parish summer office hours are Monday through Thursday 8:00 – 3:00. 2. You do not have an online account but would like to set up an online account Send an email to

Indicate the email you want to use to order scrip and a username. The username can be the same as your email or any name that will be easy for you to remember

Once your email and username are entered into our system you will receive an email from ShopwithScrip with instructions for setting up your account and your online payment registration. Follow the instructions under #1 above for your scrip order.

3. You do not have an online account and DO NOT want to set up an online account but can print the order form Download and print the scrip order form from the St. Bernard Parish website: uploads/2020/03/Scrip-Order-Form.pdf

Complete the order form and attach a check payable to St. Bernard Scrip Mail the form and check to:

St. Bernard Parish Scrip 2040 Hillside Lane Green Bay, WI 54302

Or drop off the form at the parish office. The office building is physically closed so please call the office 468-4811 prior to drop off. Note your order will be filled on Monday morning and not at the time you drop off your form.

Orders must be received by 3:30 Thursday afternoon in order to be filled on Monday morning. The quickscrip portion of the order will be available for pickup after 9:00 a.m. Monday morning. Special order scrip will be available based on the schedule below.

Pickup your order at the parish office. The office building is physically closed so please call the office 468-4811 prior to pickup. The parish summer office hours are Monday through Thursday 8:00 – 3:00.

4. You do not have an online account, DO NOT want to set up an online account and CANNOT print the order form For your first order please call the parish office 468-4811 with the details of your order. An order form will be com-

pleted for you. Several orders will be included in your filled order. Please use these order forms and follow the instructions under #3 above for subsequent orders.

Your order must be placed by 3:00 Thursday afternoon in order to be filled on Monday morning. The quickscrip por-tion of the order will be available for pickup after 9:00 a.m. Monday morning. Special order scrip will be available based on the schedule below.

Pickup your order at the parish office. The office building is physically closed so please call the office 468-4811 prior to pickup. The parish summer office hours are Monday through Thursday 8:00 – 3:00.

Special order placed Available for pickup

Prior to 7:00 am Monday, June 22 After 9:00 am Monday, June 29

Prior to 7:00 am Monday, July 6 After 9:00 am Monday, July 13

Prior to 7:00 am Monday, July 20 After 9:00 am Monday, July 27

Prior to 7:00 am Monday, August 3 After 9:00 am Monday, August 10

Prior to 7:00 am Monday, August 17 After 9:00 am Monday, August 24

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Dear St. Bernard Family, Lynn and I would like to extend a great big thank you for your generosity and continued support of Amigos for Christ and the people of Nicaragua. Your generosity never ceases to touch our hearts. There are many times that we get home from Mass and count the donations and we are brought to tears. Often we receive a check in the mail and open it with a lump in our throats. I have tears in my eyes as I write this thank you. Please know that your contributions go a long way to improve the quality of life of the people living in the area of Chinandega, Nicaragua. Also, your support helps Amigos for Christ bring the love, hope and joy of Jesus to the communities in which they work. To learn more about this area of Nicaragua and the Amigos for Christ organization please visit Sincerely,. Deacon Bernie and Lynn Terrien

Thank you from Deacon Bernie and Lynn Terrien and Amigos for Christ Rosary Run Team!!

109250 St Bernard Church (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170

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