
St. Anthony the Great

Jan. 30, 2011 – Tobe 22, 1727 AM

Follow Me

• “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me” (Matthew 19:21)

Young Anthony

• Born in Coma- Upper Egypt• Rich Coptic Christian family• 18 years old: mom and dad died• 6 months later : at church Anthony heard

the priest saying:

– If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me‖ (Matthew 19:21)

Anthony Heard the Voice of God

• He left all his money to the poor – 300 acres of land

• He left his only sister the nuns to take care of her.

• He went to live an “ascetic” life.–Where did he learn this?

• The cave in the Mountain of the Red Sea

Fighting the DEMONS

• The devil did not leave Anthony alone– In visions– In dreams– In daytime

• Different forms:–With treasure– Fascinating women–Wild animals and beasts –Memories of his sister and former life.

THE BATTLE• St. Anthony's friend after a length of time returns to the

cave and finds St. Anthony unconscious, and carries him to the village church as he believes him to be dead.

• St. Anthony wakes in the middle of the night and insists on being taken back to the cave where he challenges the demons attack.

• St. Anthony prays to God, "Where are you? Why did you not appear from the beginning to cease my pains?"

• St. Anthony heard this reply, "I was here Anthony, but I waited to see you struggle. Because you have remained firm and have not yielded, I will always be your helper, and I will make your name known everywhere."

Always Victorious

• He struggled but was always victorious !

• His weapon was – faith in Christ.

Monks and Monasteries

• 305 AD – disciples were attracted to him and his teachings.

• A teacher to the monks– 100,000– Several monasteries.

• How do we know about him?– St. Athanasius lived during that time and recorded

his story– In the Sayings of the Desert Fathers

About St. Anthony

• “a physician given by God to Egypt”– St. Athanasius

• Visited by all for his advice

• A letter from Emperor Constantine:– “Wonder not that the emperor writes to me,

for he is a man; wonder much more that God has written the law for man, and has spoken to us by His own Son.”

Out of his cave Twice

• 1) 311 AD : went to Alexandria to encourage the martyrs persecuted under Maximanus

• 2) 338 AD : went to St. Athanasius his friend to help him defend the Orthodox FAITH ( WE BELIEVE IN ONE GOD) against the Arian’s heresy.

• “As a fish out of water, so a monk out of his solitude dies.”

Last 15 Years

• Went back to the cave in Mount Colzim• Kept only 2 disciples with him at the time of his

death – 356 AD : 105 years old

• Then the monks, as he had ordered them, prepared his body for burial and hid it in the earth as he ordered them adding: – In the day of the resurrection, I shall receive it

incorruptible from the hand of Christ.

• And to this day no one knows where he is buried.

Final Words to the Monks

• I will be going the way of the fathers, as it is written, for I see myself being called by the Lord, and I am going to Him. Now you watch yourselves, and do not deviate from the ascetical practice you‘ve been doing for so many years, but act like you are just starting out with your asceticism and keep your enthusiasm. You know the tricks of the evil demons. You have seen what weaklings they are; do not be afraid of them, but entrust yourselves to Christ at all times and get your strength from Him, spreading the sweet smell of incense in Christ. As though you were going to die each day, remember the things you have heard from me.

The Fame of St. Anthony

• Only through his Devotion and Love to GOD


• Once the saint saw in a vision the whole earth covered so thick with snares, that it seemed scary to set down a foot without falling into them.

• At this sight he cried out, trembling: – Who, O Lord, can escape them all?– A voice answered him:

• Humility, O Anthony!

• He always looked upon himself as the least and the very outcast of mankind;

• He listened to the advice of everyone, he says he received benefit from that of the meanest person.

Be like a Stone

• St. Anthony taught St. Ammonios, saying: – You must advance yet further in the fear of God.

• And taking him out of the cell he showed him a stone, saying: – Go and insult that stone, and beat it without

ceasing. • When this had been done, St. Anthony asked him if

the stone had answered back. No, said St. Ammonios.

• Then St. Anthony said: – You too must reach the point where you no

longer take offence at anything.

STORY HIGHLIGHTS•St. Anthony's Monastery is one of the world's oldest inhabited monasteries •The monastery's founders were disciples of St. Anthony the Great •St Anthony lived as a hermit for more than 40 years to be closer to God

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