ST. AMBROSE CATHOLIC CHURCH & SCHOOLSt. Ambrose as the Director of Music Ministry, he will also teach Theology and work as a Campus Ministry consultant at Chaminade-Madonna College

Post on 25-Aug-2021






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Rev. Dariusz Zarebski, S.D.S. Pastor

Rev. James Long Hai Do Parochial Vicar

Deacon Jerry McGuinn Deacon Randy Millikin

Music Ministry Director Jim Stayton

Cantor Giuseppe Barioli


Monday-Friday: 7:30 & 11:00 am Saturday: 7:30 am only Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm

Sunday: 7:30, 9 & 10:30 am, 12 & 6 pm Vigil Holy Days: 4 pm

Holy Days:7:30,11:00 am, & 7 pm Confessions:

Saturday 11—12 Drive Through or call the Rectory Office (954) 427-2225

to make an appointment.

Livestream: Facebook: AMBROSE EAGLES

Monday-Friday 7:30 & 11 am Saturday 4 pm & Sunday 10:30 am

PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Friday: 9 am to 5 pm

Saturday: Closed Sunday: 8 am to 1 pm

Phone: (954) 427-2225 Fax: (954) 421-1638

Parish Manager Bob Colasanti Office Staff

Kristy Guttuso & Susan Crawford


Saint Ambrose Catholic School Lisa Dodge, Principal Phone (954) 427-2226

Church Address: 380 S. Federal Highway, Deerfield Beach, FL 33441 Email:

Web Page:

St Ambrose Catholic Church Page 2 September 12, 2021

Message from the Pastor Welcome to St. Ambrose—we are happy to have you join us today to celebrate the Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time. From toddlerhood to old age, we grow in mastery of our own lives, our bodies, and our destiny. This mastery is hard won, and we don’t let go of autonomy easily. Much of this self-mastery involves the avoid-ance of pain or discomfort, so when we hear things like “take up your cross” and “lose your life,” we tend to resist the message. James says that faith without works is dead. Ouch! That is really a direct message! One way to look at this, as well as the part about losing our life to find it, is that faith is a process of more and more open-ness to God’s direction of our lives. It is very hard for us to give up control, but perhaps what we are being asked to do is not to become passive and babyish, but to allow God to direct where our self-mastery will lead and what it will accomplish. We are asked to relinquish the need to control the results of our efforts; to risk, as Jesus did, the loss of everything we are working to achieve. We are asked to let God take the lead and to control the results, even though we may never see those results.

Have a great week—stay safe and well and enjoy the gifts and blessings God has given us. May God bless you always,

SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time; Grandparents Day Monday: St. John Chrysostom Tuesday: The Exaltation of the Holy Cross Wednesday: Our Lady of Sorrows; Yom Kippur (Jewish day of atonement) begins at sunset Thursday: Ss. Cornelius and Cyprian Friday: St. Robert Bellarmine; St. Hildegard of Bingen Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary

Archdiocese of Miami—2021 Non-Parochial Collections Sunday, October 17— Society for the Propagation of the Faith/World Mission Sunday Sunday, Nov. 21—Campaign for Human Development Sunday, Dec. 12, 2021 Retirement Fund for Religious

Pastor’s Musing A meat counter clerk, who had had a particularly good day, proudly flipped his last chicken on a scale and weighed it. “That will be $6.35,” he told the customer. “That really is a little too small,” said the woman. “Don’t you have anything larger?” Hesitating, but think-ing fast, the clerk returned the chicken to the refrigerator, paused a moment, then took the same one out again. “This one,” he said faintly, “Will be $6.65.” The woman paused for a moment, then made her decision. “I know what,” she said, “I’ll take both of them!”

Thank You!!! We thank you for your spectacular generosity.

Your generous support of our Parish and your help with the needs of our community through your ongoing

participation in our various ministries is greatly appreciated! Saturday/Sunday August 28th & 29th—$13,189.00

2nd Collection—$3,380.00 Please put your envelope for the first collection in the basket

as you enter the church and your envelope for the second collection in the basket on your way out. To make an offering on line just go to our website:

St Ambrose Catholic Church Page 3 September 12, 2021

Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Lectionary: 131 Reading I Is 50:5-9a The Lord GOD opens my ear that I may hear; and I have not rebelled, have not turned back. I gave my back to those who beat me, my cheeks to those who plucked my beard; my face I did not shield from buffets and spitting. The Lord GOD is my help, therefore I am not disgraced; I have set my face like flint, knowing that I shall not be put to shame. He is near who upholds my right; if anyone wishes to oppose me, let us appear together. Who disputes my right? Let that man confront me. See, the Lord GOD is my help; who will prove me wrong? Responsorial Psalm Ps 116:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9 R. I will walk before the Lord, in the land of the living. I love the LORD because he has heard my voice in supplication, Because he has inclined his ear to me the day I called. R. I will walk before the Lord, in the land of the living. The cords of death encompassed me; the snares of the netherworld seized upon me; I fell into distress and sorrow, And I called upon the name of the LORD, “O LORD, save my life!” R. I will walk before the Lord, in the land of the living. Gracious is the LORD and just; yes, our God is merciful. The LORD keeps the little ones; I was brought low, and he saved me. R. I will walk before the Lord, in the land of the living. For he has freed my soul from death, my eyes from tears, my feet from stumbling. I shall walk before the LORD in the land of the living. R. I will walk before the Lord, in the land of the living.

Reading II Jas 2:14-18 What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister has nothing to wear and has no food for the day, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, keep warm, and eat well, ” but you do not give them the necessities of the body, what good is it? So also faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead. Indeed someone might say, “You have faith and I have works.” Demonstrate your faith to me without works, and I will demonstrate my faith to you from my works. Alleluia Gal 6:14 R. Alleluia, alleluia. May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord through which the world has been crucified to me and I to the world. R. Alleluia, alleluia. Gospel Mk 8:27-35 Jesus and his disciples set out for the villages of Caesarea Philippi. Along the way he asked his disciples, “Who do people say that I am?” They said in reply, “John the Baptist, others Elijah, still others one of the prophets.” And he asked them, “But who do you say that I am?” Peter said to him in reply, “You are the Christ.” Then he warned them not to tell anyone about him. He began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer greatly and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed, and rise after three days. He spoke this openly. Then Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. At this he turned around and, looking at his disciples, rebuked Peter and said, “Get behind me, Satan. You are thinking not as God does, but as human beings do.” He summoned the crowd with his disciples and said to them, “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and that of the gospel will save it.”

St Ambrose Catholic Church Page 4 September 12, 2021

Spiritual Communion As you temporarily participate at Mass in this

different way, you and you families are encouraged to make a daily Spiritual

Communion by praying: Spiritual Communion Prayer

My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love You

above all things and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally, come

at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there, and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to

be separated from You. Amen.

PARISH ORGANIZATIONS ADORATION – Come join us as we sit before our Blessed Lord and pray the rosary with our Holy Mother. Every Wednesday beginning at 2 pm—4 pm in the Main Church. ANNIVERSARY MASS — All Wedding Anniversaries for the month will be celebrated on the Last Sunday of the month at the 10:30 am Mass. Please call the Rectory Office to provide your name and anniversary date at least one week prior to the Anniversary Mass. BAPTISM — By appointment only. Must be a registered member for a minimum of 6 months. Please call the Rectory office for more information. You must register for the Baptism Class, which is held the first Tuesday of each month, by calling the Rectory Office at 954-427-2225. The next Baptism Class will be held on Tuesday, October 5th at 7 pm in the church. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS – John A. Hill Council 4955 For more information contact Bill Whiting at 561-368-6531 or email MEN OF ST. AMBROSE — General Meetings held on the first Wednesday of the month at 7 pm in the Parish Hall. Next general meeting will be held October 6th. R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) – Classes are held Thursday evenings 7 to 8:15 pm. Registration forms are available in the Rectory Office. Classes will begin October 2021. PROJECT RACHEL—Post Abortion Counseling & Reconciliation. 954-981-2984 or 888-456-4673. RESPECT LIFE — St. Ambrose is a Respect Life Parish, from conception to natural death. Respect Life Hot Line (954) 977-7769. ROSARY MAKERS—Meeting the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month 10 am—12 noon. September meetings: Tuesday the 14th & 28th. Contact Eileen Manalas at 954-531-1092 for more information. SAINT AMBROSE B.L.E.S.S. MINISTRY FOR LIFE – Come and pray the Rosary with us. Monday—Friday at 10:35 am in the Main Church. Meetings held the first Thursday of each month at 1 pm. For more information please contact us at the following Email address: ALL ARE WELCOME!

Join us on Facebook: B.L.E.S.S. St.Ambrose Ministry for Life SAINT AMBROSE WOMEN’S COUNCIL Two General Meetings are scheduled for 2021-22: October 21 (postponed due to Covid) and March 24, 7 pm, upstairs parish hall. Board Meetings are held the second Saturday of each month, 10 am, downstairs parish hall, unless otherwise noted in the bulletin. For information, please call Elaine McGuire, 954-481-9593.


“The Catechetical program of St. Ambrose Parish seeks to provide adults, youth and children with the knowledge, experience and skills necessary to become faithful and fruitful disciples of Jesus. In keeping with their age, they will assume responsibility as vital members of the parish and be able to participate in the church’s mission to proclaim, celebrate and serve the coming of God’s reign.” Our CCD program scheduled classes are: Grades 1-8 will be held on Sundays from 11:30 A.M. TO 12:45 P.M. 1St Communion classes will be held on Wednesdays from 4:00 P.M- 5:30 P.M. RCIA will be on Thursdays- 7:00 P.M-8:15 P.M. What is RCIA? (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) RCIA is a process through which adults

become members of the Roman Catholic Church. This consists of steps, periods, and rites that make up the model of Christian Initiation as restored in the second Vatican Council.

Religious Education Registration is now open. The registration forms can be picked up at the Rectory Office. Sunday, September 12th there will be a representative in the main parish hall after all Sunday Masses to

register students for Religious Education classes, including RCIA for adults.

Upcoming Events Sunday, September 26th, 2021

“Meet and Greet “Members of B.L.E.S.S. Ministry for Life After all Morning Masses

Sunday, October 3, 2021 – 2:00 pm– 3:30 pm 3rd Annual “Life Chain”

Stand with B.L.E.S.S. in Front of St, Ambrose For a Peaceful, Prayerful Event for the Voiceless (the Unborn)

(Signs will be provided) Saturday, October 23, 2021 7:30 am – 11:00 am

Prayer Breakfast 7:30 am – Mass Prolife Rosary

9:00 am – Breakfast with Guest Speaker (TO BE ANNOUNCED)

St Ambrose Catholic Church Page 5 September 12, 2021

Saint Ambrose Women’s Council Women of Faith—Making a Difference

Dear Parish Family: Looking forward to the arrival of fall on September 22nd and, at long last, to the time when we can resume our council activities.

Today’s Thought: The secret of happiness is to live moment by moment and to thank God for all that He, in His goodness, sends to us day after day.—Saint Gianna Beretta Molla

Hotline Numbers Statewide (DCF) Abuse Hotline

1-800-96-ABUSE (1-800-962-2873) Archdiocesan Abuse Hotline

1-866-802-2873 (1-866-80-ABUSE) Victim Assistance Coordinator

Peter Routsis-Arroyo 1-866-802-2873

A Prayer for Hurricane Season O God, Master of this world, hear the humble voices of your children. The Sea of Galilee obeyed your order and returned

calm to the seas. We live in the shadow of danger over which we have no control. During this hurricane season, we turn to

You, O loving Father. Spare us from all storms that may harm us or our loved ones. O Virgin, Star of the Sea, Our Beloved

mother, we ask you to watch over and protect us until we walk in the footsteps of Your divine Son and reach the heavenly Jerusalem where a storm-less eternity awaits us. Amen.

to do list: WAIT PATIENTLY—PSALM 27:14




St. Ambrose Catholic School News Lisa Dodge, Principal

Welcome Back to School!

St Ambrose Catholic Church Page 6 September 12, 2021

Saturday, September 11, 2021 Patriot Day 7:30 Fr. Bryan Dalton by St. Ambrose Parish Family 4:00 William Potter by His Loving Family Bill Salvato by His Family Carl F. Schoeppl, Sr. by His Family Dick Wermich by Marge & Daughters Joseph Dotro by Frances Armeli & Family

Sunday, September 12, 2021 7:30 Joseph Dotro by Mr. & Mrs. J. Campesi Marnie Teresa Anak Stokes by Tessie Stokes Francois Lucas by Jeannine Lucas Adeline Gigele by Her Family Joey Di Simone by Russell & Almira Di Simone 9:00 Della & Sons, Daniel & Albert by Husband & Father, Albert Casagrande Sophie Kelleher by Tim & Amy Kelleher Brenda Murray by Bliss Family 10:30 For all the people of St. Ambrose Parish by the Pastor Richard V. Wiesenecker by Loving Family Lola Jagolta by Husband, Richard Rose Heindl by Her Family Teresa Androsiglio by Rosemarie & John Rementeria Peter Marchione by Albert & Kari Rinaldini Robert Siravo by Siravo Family Robert Belissimo by Sandra & Rick 12:00 George Hall by Dorothy Hall McLean Victor Cordero by Halcomb Family Ona Coleman by Jonelle Milton & Dr. Roy Gegerson 6:00 Betty Jane Baker by Debra Leisten Joseph Gareau by Bliss Family

Monday, September 13, 2021 7:30 Janie Bakos by Malcolm & Veronica Tarry 11:00 Patricia Ann Jones by Frances O'Grady Birthday Blessings - Nicholas Bakum by Mom & Dad Tuesday, September 14, 2021 7:30 Frank & Jane Anne Preston by Loving Family 11:00 Carl F. Schoeppl, Sr. by His Family Wednesday, September 15, 2021 7:30 Birthday Blessings - John McElroy by Maria Maratea Maryanna Nowakowski by Mary & John Leanza 11:00 Madeleine Bayardelle by Her Family Alfonso Gentile by Connie & Family Thursday, September 16, 2021 7:30 Perry & Gertrude Jackson by Loving Family 11:00 Giuseppine Armeli by Daughter-in Law Alfonso Gentile by Connie & Family Friday, September 17, 2021 7:30 Peggy Jean Etchison by Loving Family 11:00 Valentino Papaleo by Frank & Maria Falsetta Saturday, September 11, 2021 7:30 Fr. Bryan Dalton by St. Ambrose Parish Family 4:00 William Potter by His Loving Family Bill Salvato by His Family Joseph Sortino by Betsy Hoak 50th Anniversary Deacon Jerry & Jody McGuinn

Make a Retreat Weekend Compassion is the most powerful force in the world. It can defeat indifference, intolerance and injustice and help us to reinstate peace, Love and unity. Please join St Ambrose parishoners and those from other parishes

for a retreat weekend to relax, reflect and renew your spirit. For more information please contact: Donna Kinney- 954-290-7952 Pat Glass- 954-673-3708 Women’s Retreat is September 24-26, 2021 Men’s Retreat is October 8-10, 2021

Be Compassionate As Our Heavenly Father is

Compassionate (U6:36)

Retreat Season 2021-2022

St Ambrose Catholic Church Page 7 September 12, 2021

“To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven” “...a time to be born of water and spirit…”

“...a time to be healed…”

“ ...a time to die…” Joseph Dotro, Patricia Ann Jones, Dorothy Schaedtler, Victor Cordero, Raymond Thomas Wheatley & Suzanne Groebbel

“...and a time for peace.” Ecclesiastes 3:11 To have someone from your family enrolled on our prayer list, please call the Rectory Office. Names will be listed for one month. Thank you.

Judy Acevedo Kathy Ahlert Warren Allen Arthur Alcide Annabelle Anderson Jennifer Andrews Vincent Angarola Mary Jane Baggott Jim Baker Diane Bartholomew John Bartholomew Barbara Bartz Jerome Beresch Marne Black Mary Ann Blair Henry Blanco Marcia Bogdan Albert Boudreau Mary Jane Boyle Emmy Bringley Sally Brinkworth Kevin Burger Justine Buontempo Ralph Buontempo Mary Buttermark Juliana Cadavid

Sal Carbone Maite Casanova Christine Castoro Joe Cauley Michelle Centurrino Kathlyn Chassey Hailey Cheston Terri Cheston John Chikerotis Rose Childress Jack Clarkson Janie Cobb Margaret Costello Alice Crandall Alicia Crandall Beverly Cunningham Kay D’Ambrosio Mildred Danciu Dora Day Ryan DeFeo Linda DeFronzo Annette Del Giorno Marian Del Giorno Peter Del Giorno Martha Destefano Barbara De Ville

Helder Dias George Dravorkis Caroline Enes Beatrice Farrell Michael Farrell Bob Foster Darlene Lan Franco Donald Flynn Patricia Flynn Bob Fuca Victoria Fuller Kathleen Harrington Joseph Giancola Ann Giozaniello Jeff Goldsmith Mario E. Gonzalez Joanne Guerbo Doris Harnish Anna Hickey Norma Hurley Mercy James Kaitlyn Jasper Lorraine Kamm Dr. Patrick Kamm Sam Kazazian Jenine Kinsella

Kriziaenos Vinnet Kuruvilla Mary L’Estrange Lucia LaPardo Hanne Lore-Schleu Jillian Larkin Leonie Lewis Joan Lojpersberger Paul Lojpersberger Frank Luca Sarah Maiorana Raymond MacDonald Paul Mannino Carmi Manetti Beverly Masich Delores Masich Donald Masich Kathi Matthews Mary Matus Nancy Matus Tom Matus Arlene Mauskopf Margie Mays Gregory McCabe Tyler McGuinn Marie McGovern

Frances McGrath Arlene McDonald Heather McMechan John Mercario Lorraine Moon Brandon Moran Doreen Mullins John Mullueville Brenda Murray Cecelia Murray Margaret Murray Frank Nanicola Ralph Nappi Loren Nicole Kristen Nordstrum Mark Nordstrum Jean O’Byrne Lisa O’Connor Glenn O’Grady William O’Grady Alison O’Rourke Henry Ostheim Jimmy Pasvantis Mary Pavone Lou Pennachia Nicholas Perez

Bill Phelan Del Philips Donna Phillips Willie Pickens Paul Piazzolla Ethel Pilgrim Angela Pinto Jeanette Pinto Mary Pond Olive Posidaeff Katie Radigan Thomas Radigan John Rafter Kim Raudenbusch Ken Riesweber Amy Richardson Barbara Robbins Roger Robbins Lisette Rochon Alex Rodger Della Rojas Mireille Royer Arlene Rubin Tommy Saladino Joanna Scafaria Jim Settles

Linda Settles Rosa Settino Grace Silveira Heather Snow Keri Ann Soliz Katie Speicher Eric Staley Tom Sullivan Nancy Sweeney Robert Sweeney Stacey Tompkins Suzanne Treacy Charles Triay Christian Valiquette Baby Victoria Isabella Anita Waldrop Fr. Paul Weirichs Robert Williamson Kim Williams Debbie Wilson Victor Patrick Windle Mark Yeomans Mike Zeff Lou Zembell

WHAT ARE THE COLUMBIETTES? We are a unified body of Catholic women who will work side-by-side with the John A Hill Knights of Columbus Council 4955. Join us and enjoy the challenges and satisfaction of making a difference. You can do more for your church, family and your community as a Columbiette. Discover activities that involve the entire family, thereby building spirit from within; be a more effective Catholic by actively working toward goals of unity and understanding. Set the example through works of charity, devotion and promotion of Catholic values. Join others in programs that brighten the lives of the less fortunate, the sick, the handicapped, the elderly and the young. Strengthen the community from within. Have fun - make friends. Join others in events that bear fruit. Social activities are a necessary part of life. “No man is an island.” We are now building an auxiliary locally with the blessings of Knights of Columbus council 4955. Signup sheets located at each entrance.

For more information contact Trish Macejko Cell: 330-718-3959 or email:

Saint Ambrose Catholic School News

Saint Ambrose Catholic School is starting up our After School Program again. We are looking for qualified individuals who love children and have a lot of energy. The hours are 3p-6p Monday through Friday. 1p-6p on

the First Friday of every month and the third Wednesday of every month

Please contact Mrs. Dodge at 954-427-2226 or

St Ambrose Catholic Church Page 8 September 12, 2021

News and Announcements Archdiocese of Miami News

The latest news on the Archdiocese of Miami at your fingertips! Website:

Facebook: /ArchdioceseofMiami Twitter @CatholicMiami

Instagram: @CatholicMiami YouTube: /CatholicMiami

Catholic Hospice Broward Office: 2900 W Cypress Creek Rd, Suite #7

Fort Lauderdale FL 33309 Phone: 954.676.5465

Fax: 954.676.5466

Would You Like To Become A Lector or Eucharistic Minister?

It takes a special calling and maybe God is calling you. There are certain requirements that are required of you. You need to be a registered member of Saint Ambrose Church for at least one year. You must have made your Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation and present us with an updated Baptismal Certificate. You need to have a strong and abiding Faith that causes you to attend mass on a weekly basis. If you have the above qualities and would like to know more about being a part of these ministries please call: Lectors: Jody McGuinn at 954-821-5782 or Eucharistic Ministers: Scott Scovin at 561-306-8860 leave your name, phone number and the time of the St. Ambrose mass that you regularly attend and they will contact you. Thank you for your consideration.

Marriage Preparation All registered couples who wish to be married in a Catholic ceremony in Saint Ambrose church must first meet with Father Dariusz or Father James in preparation for the Sacrament of Marriage. It is advisable that cou-

ples not set a firm date for the wedding until they have attended this meeting. Individual appointments and confirmed dates for marriage will not be set until after you attend this session. For information on the Archdiocesan guideline steps to receive the Sacrament of Marriage and

for the Marriage Preparation course schedule please go to:


Join the people who set up for Mass and prepare for special liturgical celebrations. They have a special close-ness to the Lord. Sacristans are needed for weekend and daily masses held at 7:30 & 11 am. If you are interested in becoming a Sacristan please call the Rectory Office at 954-427-2225. Thank you.

St. Ambrose Religious Gift Shop Located in the Parish Center, open Saturday after the 4 pm mass, and on Sunday from 8 am to 1 pm. Visit us for all your Catholic gifts. Currently NOT open due to COVID-19.

SAINT AMBROSE FOOD PANTRY Thank you to our Food Pantry Volunteers. Every Thursday morning from 8 am to 10 am, distributing food to the needy and homeless of our area. Thanks to all who respond so generously to our

requests. Although many answer our call, the need is still great. The poor and needy are always among us. Thank you for caring.

PROJECT RACHEL 954-981-2984/1-888-456-4673

Post Abortion Counseling & Reconciliation RESPECT LIFE

5115 Coconut Creek Parkway, Margate, FL 33063 Respect Life Hot Line (954) 977-7769. Web site—www.

“Thus says the Lord: Cease your cries of mourning. There is hope for your future.” Jeremiah 31:16-17

St. Joseph Retirement Residence

A caring Assisted Living facility, sponsored by the Archdiocese of Miami, offering beautifully furnished apartments or suites with a 24 hour emergency pull cord system. We provide three delicious meals daily, weekly housekeeping and linens, plus a full-time Activities Director. We also offer assistance in bathing, dressing, and monitoring medications. The Residence has a beautiful chap-el offering scheduled and private worship for all faiths.

All this for a reasonable monthly rate. Call for more information: 954-739-1483.

Small Memorials Sanctuary Candles $40.00/month

Oils for Candles $50.00/month Altar Breads $100.00/month Altar Flowers $100.00/week

Memorials can be dedicated in memory of a loved one, to celebrate a special occasion—birthdays, anniversaries, etc… or for your own special intention. Please come to the rectory

office to schedule your small memorial. Thank you.


Offered in Loving Memory of Rocco Cingari By Susan Cingari Oils for Candles

Offered in Loving Memory Ernest Bourgeois By Wife, Joy Martindale

ST. AMBROSE MAILING ADDRESS ATTENTION: St. Ambrose no longer has P.O, Box 999. Please mail all correspondence to our physical address.

380 S. Federal Hwy, Deerfield Beach, FL 33441

St Ambrose Catholic Church Page 9 September 12, 2021

Got Problems? Life can seem overwhelming.

Get help from a Catholic counselor. Don’t suffer any longer.

Catholic Charities offers affordable, confidential counseling with a Catholic perspective to help you cope

with life’s challenges. • Child/Adolescent Counseling or Teen Issues • Marriage Counseling, Trust, or Empty Nest • Grief, Sickness, or Major Life Changes • Financial Difficulties • Depression, Trauma, or Abuse • Caregiving for disabled child or aging parents Sessions are available for a flat fee of $20.00 per session. Call (954) 332-7070 for a telephone consultation or to make an appointment with a Licensed Therapist.

Contribution Statements for Tax Purposes St. Ambrose will issue a substantiation of charitable contributions in excess of $250, collectively, between January 1st and December 31st. They will be auto-matically mailed out from the Parish Office directly to you. If you prefer to have it emailed please email us at Thank you. Get this weekly bulletin delivered by email—for free! Sign up here:

WELCOME - Newcomers, Visitors and Parishioners The priests, deacons and ministries of St. Ambrose Parish Welcome you. If, perhaps, you would like more information about entering more fully into our parish life and ministry, we ask that you complete the form below and then give the form to an usher, a greeter or send it in to the Rectory. Thank you.

St. Ambrose Parish Community I would like . . .

_____ To become a Parishioner _____ To change my address _____ To receive Budget Envelopes _____ To let the Parish know of someone who is ill, or home bound who would like to receive Communion

Name: _______________________________________ Address: _____________________________________ Phone: ______________________________________ Email: _______________________________________

STAY IN TOUCH During this time of separation due to COVID-19 we want to stay in touch with you. So if you want to register or if you are already a parishioner and need to update your information, add an email, change of address, etc... please email the Rectory Office at:

Col. Scott Fitzgerald CPO Thomas Kennedy

Capt. Dale Gregory C.P.O. Michael Zisler

Mstr SGT Daniel McCracken Cpl. Eric Waizenegger

SSG Robert Moore Lance Cpl. Marty L. Waite, Jr.

P.O. Brian Jones Capt. Nicholas Toth

Capt Lowell Wallace Major Andrew Curtis

Lance Cpl. Kirk Patrick Syros Lt. Cmdr. David Wuestewald

Lance Cpl Shaun Wuestewald Sgt. Vince Johnson

Lance Cpl. Michael J. Paul Cpl. David Schuler

Lt. Dillen Andrew Stuhlsatz P.O. 3Class Gregory H. Ayers

PFC Maulana M. Reid Capt. Barry Elliott

Sgt. Michael Catron AM3 Christopher Deimel

Lt. Jr. Grade Brian Gleason PFC Adam Elia-Lucarelli Cpl. Gabriel Castaneda

A1C E3 Christopher Korleski Lance Cpl. Michael Joseph Hern

Lt. Cmdr Charles Johnson SP4 Brian Herzig

S Sgt. Jeffrey Orban Tech Sgt John Werth

Specialist Gerald Squirlock, Jr. 2 CPO James Vanzella

Lt. Zachary West Sgt. Eddie Alegria

USN Capt. Dennis Farrell SPC Michael Smith

HMC David Hartzell Sgt. James H. MacDonald

Adm. Andrew L. Lewis Lt. J.G. Andrew L. Lewis, Jr.

Ens. Thomas Nieporte, III Seaman Kevin Duffy 1st Lt. John Schettino

Cpl. Frank Spano BM3 Jessica Moran

2nd Lt. John Paul Vaders A1C Nicholas Vaders

Capt Matthew Gibbons Lt. Patrick Gibbons

Lt. John Paul Gibbons Ens. Matthew Gibbons

Col. Amy Ninneman Lance Cpl. Emilio Luis Otero

Ens. William Parker Lance Cpl. Edward Parker

Lt. Steven Hollender 1st Lt. Mark Schumacher

Cpl. William J. Ward PVT 2 Carl Kahlich SPC Dominick Tomanelli, II

Cpl. Michael Smith Tech Sgt Octavio Blanco, Jr.

PFC Curtis J. Parker PFC Luk Tortu

ADAN Alana Reynolds STG 3 Glenn DeBolt

Lance Cpl. Collin Murray Sgt. Timothy Foley

Capt. Natalie Aguilar Sgt. Marc A. Leon BU1 William Miller

Capt Jeffrey Huddle SSgt Stephen Wille, Jr. 1st Lt. Paolo Bonventre Cpl. Matthew A. Curtis Cpl. Georgina Lewis

Cpl. Jonathan J. Brown, Jr. Cpl. Shannon C. Curtis

St. Ambrose Family Members in the Service of Our Country

Please pray for our family members in the service of our country. To have a family member listed please call the rectory at 954-427-2225.

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514211 St Ambrose Church (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240



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