
Three Layer Subsurface Scattering in Blender

1. Starting with Cycles Switching to Cycles Nodes

Shader Nodes Mix Nodes

2. Subsurface Scattering With Nodes Conventional Three Layer Method

Subdermal Color Epidermal

Standalone Materials Seperate SSS Bump Specular

3. Node Setups Standalone SSS Bump Specular Epidermal & Diffuse Mixing

Starting With Cycles

Before we go on to the main attraction, I’d like to show you some of the basics of the methods that will be used to create the shader for this tutorial.

For those who already know about the basics of shaders and materials in cycles, you can skip this section and move to the actual tutorial. For those who are just starting using Cycles, here is a brief overview of the node based shader method that Cycles employs for creating materials.

I recommend always keeping on top of downloading new Blender builds as they come out, as Cycles is regularly updated as new features are finished. A great resource for all downloads that are related to Blender is .

Switching to Cycles

Cycles works completely differently from the original Blender Internal renderer and makes extensive use of material nodes, which were originally created for the Blender Internal engine. Cycles, however, takes material nodes to a whole new level. Cycles totally redesigns Blender’s materials panel. Gone are the days when all the options for a material we available in one panel with, all of the materials settings being moved to the node editor in Cycles.

If you are running a relatively newer build (2.61 or newer), this tutorial happens to be made with Blender 2.63.17, than Cycles is already included. If you are running a build below 2.61, then you have to either enable Cycles in your add-on menu, or get a new build. If you must move to a new build, all I can say is: “get moving you slacker!” There are so many new features that Blender offers in its newer builds, that upgrading is definitely worth it.

Once you have Cycles, fire up Blender and look at the top information bar (the one that says “file, add, render, window, help”) and to the left of the dropdown menus there should be a button that says “Blender Render”. Drop down that menu and you should see “Blender Render” “Blender Game” and “Cycles Render”. Choose the “Cycles Render” option.

And there you have it! You’ve switched to Cycles!


The easiest way to think of nodes is to think of packets of information that are all connected together so that one connected to another impacts the outcome. The end of this string of information is where the final outcome is given. When nodes are used in any setting in Blender, they all work together to form the features of a material.

There are two basic types of nodes that are key to this tutorial: shader nodes and Mix nodes.

The way that I personally like to divide up a shader is:

Switching to Cycles

Shader nodes Materials Final shader

In this method of dividing up a shader, there are multiple shader nodes that make up materials in themselves (like bump, standalone SSS, and specular materials) which then are combined to create the final shader.

Shader Nodes – Shader nodes in Cycles have different presets, such as glass, diffuse, emit, and translucent. In the Blender Internal render engine, a user would have to tweak certain settings in order to create the desired effect. In cycles, different effects can be created with just two clicks.

A shader node usually has two inputs and one output. “Color” governs the color or pattern that the shader displays (images can be connected to this input) and the second input is used to dictate the attributes of that particular shader. Images can be connected to the second input to achieve different strengths of the shader in different areas. For instance, if you were to connect a checkered image to a glass shader’s IOR value, than the glass will be less transparent in a checkerboard pattern. This is caused by the computer picking the difference in value and how it corresponds to the clearness of the glass. I really hope that made sense.

The output of the shader node is what is created when the data from the two inputs is put through the shader preset’s code, giving the final shader’s appearance. If the shader was created to be mixed with other shaders to form a material, then that output can be connected to one of the inputs of a mix shader node.

Mix Shader Nodes – In order for materials to be combined effectively with other materials, we need mix shader nodes.

Mix shader nodes combine any shader together, creating materials, but they can also mix other mix shader nodes together to mix materials together.

A diffuse shader node.

Subsurface Scattering With Nodes

Subsurface Scattering (SSS) is a feature of Blender Internal renderer that makes skin look realistic. The three layer method, which makes skin look the most realistic, is very popular among artists.

Unfortunately, with the new render engine Cycles being introduced into Blender’s trunk, the people who use SSS in the Blender Internal (BI) render engine, are at a loss when it comes to Cycles. Because, as it stands, Cycles doesn’t include any noticeable SSS feature. Luckily, a branch of Blender is being developed to accommodate the need for SSS in Cycles render engine (Fried Chicken Branch However, this branch is not ready for extensive use (yet).

Until a fully integrated option is created for cycles, this overview will show you how to create realistic skin using a three layer method similar to the BI method.

All of the image files used in this tutorial will be offered at

*Note: I will not be showing you how to create the image maps, rather how to combine them and the results that each combination will create.

Conventional Three Layer Method

In a nutshell, there are three basic color maps to the three layer method in the Blender Internal renderer: Subdermal, Color, and Epidermal.

Subdermal – The subdermal mask is used to create red tints to the shadows created by baking the lamps in cycles. This layer also allows for a red tint to be added to the color map, giving the render depth and a feeling of smoothness.

The subdermal mask is created by editing the curve data for the color map in GIMP, or any other image manipulation program. The saturation of the original color map is turned up on the top end of the graph, while it is then turned down on the bottom end of the graph (see fig 1.2).

A separate mesh is required for the subdermal layer. To create this mesh, we will select the entire mesh and add a solidify modifier. Uncheck the “fill rim option” and turn the modifier up to about .02 (see fig 1.3). Apply the modifier and press “L” to select the inner portion of the mesh. Assign a new material to the selection.

Fig 1.1 Subdermal map.

Fig. 1.2 Curve settings for saturation.

Fig 1.3 solidify modifier settings.

There is one last step to making the subdermal layer for our SSS shader: creating the material. There are two shader nodes used within the material, emit and diffuse. Both nodes are connected to the Subdermal image map (all node setups will be shown at the end of the tutorial).

Color – The color map was created by projection painting an image onto the model, while using the clone brush in GIMP to smooth out the seams, as well as to duplicate such detail as earlobes.

The color map itself has no special settings or nodes, it is just the map that gives it a textured appearance.

See fig. 1.4 for the color map itself.

Epidermal – The epidermal layer of the shader is used to allow the subdermal’s warm color bleed through the color map, giving the textures depth.

The epidermal map is created using the burn brush in GIMP to darken portions of the original color map. Then, the entire map is desaturated, so that it is completely black and white. However, feel free to add a blue tint to it, as it helps with giving the shader even more depth.

When the epidermal layer is connected to translucent shader mixed with a diffuse shader, the black will favor a more transparent value, while the lighter values in the map will favor an opaque value. When the factor of the mixed shader node is set to a number above .5, the mix will favor

the translucent shader slightly more than the diffuse shader. More on this will be covered when the node setup is shown.

See fig 1.5 for the map.

Materials Without Specific Maps

Some materials that are involved in the shader are not reliant on a specific map. These materials include, separate SSS, bump, and specular materials.

Separate SSS – This material creates the illusion of translucency among the thin areas of the mesh. The material requires the mesh to have a solidify modifier (applied or unapplied). Luckily, the subdermal layer utilizes the mesh created by a solidify modifier, so there is already one in place.

Fig 1.2 Color map created in GIMP.

The material uses a Layer Weight node to achieve the effect of translucency only among the thinnest parts of the mesh. This works best for lips, eyelids, and ears. The material has a red texture to it, in order to create a feeling of veins and tissue blocking the light.

Bump – The bump material is used to give the skin shader an appearance of pores and a 3D depth for tiny details.

The material is just created by connecting the epidermal map to the “displace” value on the output shader node.

Specular – The specular material creates the illusion of shininess of the skin. Obviously, we don’t want the skin to look slimy, but we do want it to reflect a certain amount of light.

The specular material is created by using the epidermal texture connected to a glossy shader, which is then mixed with a black diffuse shader. The two shaders are then mixed with a “fac” value of .75.

All of the node setups are available as images.

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