Spring 2016 Edition Dean’s Funding Workshop · 2019. 12. 17. · FSO Group Travel Appointment Spring 2016 Dean's Funding Application Dean's Funding Events Submit DF Volunteering

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Dean’s Funding Workshop

Spring 2016 Edition

for Fulton Student Organizations


Group bonding

Dean’s Funding




Other funding

who are you?name, org, position,

need-to-know question

who are we?

Engineering Dean’s Office

Undergraduate Student Engagement


Academic and Student Affairs

find your passion



empowerpromote success

our goals for you…

shape future plans

Consider this… Org’s financial status?

You need to know where you came from in order to know

where you’re going…

Where’d you get your money?



Dean’s Funding?

Corporate donations?

Individual donations?

Got money in the bank?

Can you access it?

Change of officer form

Does the advisor get statements?

Fantastic fundraisers?

Total failures?

Any advice for fellow orgs?

Questions for the crowd?


Dean’s Funding



Student Fee

Allocation Board


funding types



Student Government

Dean’s funding: the Fulton Dean’s Office loves FSOs

amount: varies each year BUT is steadilyincreasing

purpose: supporting orgs, events, activities and supplies for the Fulton community


interaction with

faculty / staff /

professional org

Bring prestige and

recognition to the

Ira. A. Fulton

Schools of


Enhance the


education of





meet IRA,

our Dean’s



Dean’s Funding Eligibility: the IRA Standard

travel to


K-12 outreach supplies


networking event






we fund this!

org T-shirts

travel to conference

just for fun

food for gen’l

body meetings


promotional items

we don’t fund this!

pop quiz the “is this eligible?” game

If my future were determined just by my performance on a standardized test, I wouldn't be here. I guarantee you that. - Michelle Obama

o-rings to build a rocket to go to competition?

yes! IRA all the way!

honorarium for an industry speaker?

yes! interaction and academic

candy for passport to asu?

no. not Fulton-focused

attending a regional conference?

no. you gotta do more than sit

with Dean’s Funding

camera for pictures?

You CAN request a Fulton

photographer for your event!

no. it can grow legs and walk


K-12 outreach kits?

yes! IRA domination!

2 Dean’s Funding application periods: fall and spring

to be eligible…

Spring 2016: application due online by noon January 15

I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.- Douglas Adams (Meet the deadline - don’t be Douglas.)

funding is competitive: $2K max/org

Provide the basics: e-board contact info

membership list

need to be 60% Fulton students

and primarily undergraduates

faculty advisor approval

DF Proposals have:org description

semester goals

overall budget request

fundraising plans

expense breakdown

description / impact / evaluation

Use the template provided. It’s designed for your success!

Overall budget request

Here’s your template. Now just fill it in!

Dean’s Funding Overall Budget Request

Expense Item # Expense Item Name Expense





Total Expenses

Overall budget request


You plug in the major category estimated expenses…

Dean’s Funding Overall Budget Request

Expense Item # Expense Item Name Expense

1 Dinner with the Professors $360

2 K-12 Outreach Activity $175

3 Industry Info Session & Mixer $1000


Total Expenses $1535

Budget expense #1

The itemized template…

Expense #1 (Expense Title)

Line Item # Line Item Name Expense





Total Expense

Budget expense #1


Update it with your needs, such as food, outreach supplies,

relevant décor, competition supplies, travel, etc.

Expense #1 Dinner with the Professors

Line Item # Line Item Name Expense

1 Chips, buns, burgers, brownies $300

2 Soda, water $60



Total Expense $360

Budget expense #2


Include the name of the project and the total for the expenses.

Expense #2 K-12 Outreach Activity

Line Item # Line Item Name Expense

1 Piezo Popper Kit $10


Magnets used for superconductor, paramagnetic graphite demo,

and water dipole $35

3 Paramagnetic graphite $30


Gallium to show corrosion in aluminum and can be used in

thermal demos $100

Total Expense $175

Budget expense #3


Think about all those little details that matter. Do you need to

rent the room? Pay the speaker? Plan for tax expenses?

Expense #3 Industry Info Session & Mixer

Line Item # Line Item Name Expense

1 University Club room rental $150

2 Appetizers $550

3 Speaker honorarium $300


Total Expense $1000

projects: do this!describe how it meets IRA’s standard

be specific

describe what is already planned

list confirmed and tentative dates

Make it clear why your request matters and that you’re ready

to put your Dean’s Funding to work!

projects: don’t do this!request $$ for projects that we don’t fund

request $$ for projects outside of the semester

(prepping for the event is acceptable, ex:

competition prep)

assume we know what you’re talking about

Make it clear why your request matters and that you’re ready

to put your Dean’s Funding to work!

Our organization plans to host a large faculty-student mixer on October 5, 2014. Students will not only have the opportunity to interact with faculty members, but will also be able to enhance their engineering education. By conversing with faculty, they will be exposed to various research areas the professors work in and could learn of research positions in the faculty’s lab. Additionally, they will have more experience in approaching and talking to professionals, which is critical in the student’s career.

Project/Activity Description: Dinner with the Professors

This outreach activity is meant to trigger the curiosity of younger audiences and educate them through meaningful and fun visual experiments. Magnets and graphite are used to better explain superconductivity, and Gallium is used to demonstrate corrosion. We plan to present these activities to five local middle schools, including (list schools)….

Project/Activity Description: K-12 Outreach Activity

In collaboration with our local chapter, we will be hosting Mr. Smith, a lead engineer in Aircraft Configuration Design for the Boeing Company. In addition, local professionals will be in attendance. After networking and dinner, Mr. Smith will give a presentation on current challenges facing the airline industry. There will be an opportunity to ask questions about the presentation and the speaker’s experience in industry.

Project/Activity Description: Industry Speaker

impact of funding

1. why does it matter?

2. how many people will it affect?

3. is there a lasting impact?

evaluation methodshow will you know if your event is successful?

what are your attendance goals?

list your planned # of K-12 visits and students

track and provide quantifiable data for final report

Think about how you will determine if your project was successful.

You’ll communicate that information in your final report!

Dean’s funding timeline: 1. President/Treasurer submits FSO

proposal by noon, 9/2

2. USE contacts president with funding


3. President submits agreement by the


4. Funds transferred to your org account

5. USE communicates deadlines

throughout semester

Dean’s Funding Checklist

Didn’t meet the requirements? Your group will be ineligible or

penalized for Dean’s Funding in the following semester.

Funded orgs work with Cortney Loui to manage funds

Send a representative to the monthly Fulton Student Council meetings

Volunteer for 10 Dean’s Funding points

Spend your funding by noon on 12/2. Unspent funds will be removed from the account at the end of the semester.

Submit your Dean’s Funding Final Report by noon on 12/4

need to change the project funded? talk to Cortney Loui, stat

We want to make sure you’re meeting the IRA standard, and meeting your FSO’s goals, too!

eligible events are sponsored by

Engineering Dean’s Office

Undergraduate Student Engagement

Fulton Student Council

the organization minimum = 10% of active membership

Points based on:• time spent volunteering

• # of members

• Nature of the event

Submit the online Dean’s

Funding Volunteering

Points Submission form

The events that do not require a volunteering form are listed on the

online form. Enjoy!

final report: flipped version of the proposal…

what happened?

Tell us what you did with your Dean’s Funding – the successes and failures, the impact made, and how you met your goals.

final report… assess how FSO met their goals

list DF events FSO volunteered for

budget breakdown- what was spent?

Give us the inside loop on what worked and what didn’t work.

What are you proud of? Is there room for improvement?

project/activity assessment

detailed expense report for each project

project(s) description(s) and lessons learned

describe the impact – who benefited?

#s, such as attendance, competition

results, survey results, fundraisers, etc.

Didn’t do any activity? Replaced it with a different activity?

Talk about both here.

What does your FSO need to do maintain Dean’s Funding eligibility??

1. Spend the money by the deadline2. Volunteer for 10 Dean’s Funding points3. Represent at the Fulton Student Council

meetings 4. Submit the FSO final report by the

deadline5. Work with USE for guidance

Review time!

Tempe-USG: 4 appropriation cycles/year

Poly-SFAB: can vary, check the site

donations: charged a 5% fee from the ASU foundation

no 8.5% fee!

donations: can be corporate or individual

donations: now online or check

contact Cortney Loui for help!

check donations: must be addressed

“ASU-Foundation: Student

Org’s Name”

check donations: requires donation letter

name of donor


name of recipient

contact information


what funds can be used for

check donations: letter exampleTo whom it may concern,

Paul McCartney, Beatles representative, is

donating $600 to the Funky Fulton Engineers for

activities that encourage funkitude among Fulton

Students. Let it be.

Paul McCartney


699 S. Mill Ave,

Tempe, AZ 85287

other funding: dues, nat’l org support

fundraiser ideas: book sales

FSO eat nightsgarage sale


Fulton Schools Startup Center:

entrepreneurship and

innovation courses




FinancesDean’s Funding


FSO Tools– check them out now!

Find it all at http://studentorgs.engineering.asu.edu/

Master FSO


Supplies to

check out

Meet with Cortney

for advising

Meet in Tempe-

ECF 130


Make a p-card apt

Funds Request-Reimbursement Form

Business Meals Form

FSO Group Travel Appointment

Spring 2016 Dean's Funding Application

Dean's Funding Events

Submit DF Volunteering Info

Dean's Funding Points Guidelines

Check your Dean's Funding points!

USE’s role

train you on policies &


assist with managing

Fulton accounts

offer officer development


student org advisingfinances recruitment

event-planning retention

and more!

other opportunitiesFulton Undergraduate Research Initiative (FURI) conduct research with a Fulton faculty mentor.

Grand Challenge Scholars Program endorsed by ASU and the National Academy of Engineering. Includes:

– Research - Service learning

– Interdisciplinary coursework - Entrepreneurship

– Global experience/courses

Engineering Projects in Community Service (EPICS) social entrepreneurship program where teams design, build, and deploy ideas to solve engineering-based problems for charities, schools and other not-for-profits

Study Abroad connect with various study abroad opportunities

Startup Center get connected with signature entrepreneurship and innovation courses, workshops, expert mentoring, new venture competitions, and other curricular and extra-curricular events.

Get connected. Make a difference. Talk with us to learn more!

Amy Sever

Associate Director

Undergraduate Student Engagement



Cortney Loui


Undergraduate Student Engagement



Terri Beck


Undergraduate Student Engagement



You can connect with us in person in Tempe-ECF 130, via

email, fso@asu.edu, or even on the FSO Facebook page!

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