Spreadsheet Professional Sarbanes Oxley

Post on 14-Apr-2018






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  • 7/30/2019 Spreadsheet Professional Sarbanes Oxley


    Spreadsheet Professional& Sarbanes Oxley

    The worlds leadingspreadsheet

    development and

    testing tool


    Email: sales@spreadsheetinnovations.com

    Web site: www.spreadsheetinnovations.com

  • 7/30/2019 Spreadsheet Professional Sarbanes Oxley


    The Sarbanes Oxley act mandates that a report is producedeach year that testifies that adequate internal controls are in

    place for financial reporting

    Section 404

    (a) Rules Required. The Commission shall prescribe rules requiring each

    annual report required by section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Actof 1934 to contain an internal control report, which shall--(1) state the responsibility of management for establishing and maintaining an

    adequate internal control structure and procedures for financial reporting; and(2) contain an assessment, as of the end of the most recent fiscal year of the

    issuer, of the effectiveness of the internal control structure and procedures ofthe issuer for financial reporting.

    (b) Internal Control Evaluation and Reporting. With respect to the internal

    control assessment required by subsection (a), each registered publicaccounting firm that prepares or issues the audit report for the issuer shallattest to, and report on, the assessment made by the management of theissuer. An attestation made under this subsection shall be made in accordancewith standards for attestation engagements issued or adopted by the Board.

    Any such attestation shall not be the subject of a separate engagement.

  • 7/30/2019 Spreadsheet Professional Sarbanes Oxley


    Virtually all (all?) companies use spreadsheets in some part ofthe creation of their published accounts, and these

    spreadsheets can contain significant errors

    A single wrong figure on a spreadsheet forced Credit Suisse tomarkdown its profits by Swfr 200m (86m).

    The error came in the German subsidiary of the banksWinterthur arm, marking an embarrassing first year in charge

    for the insurers Lenny Fischer. It means fourth-quarterincome was lowered 16.7% to Swfr 1 billion

    London Evening Standard 26th March 2004

  • 7/30/2019 Spreadsheet Professional Sarbanes Oxley


    We believe that spreadsheet errors are significantlyunderestimated by the business and IT


    The European Spreadsheet Risks Group lists 72 publicly reported errors ofupto $1billion due to inadequate spreadsheets and/or spreadsheet controls. http://www.eusprig.org/stories.htm

    Both KPMG and Coopers & Lybrand have reported finding error rates of morethan 90% in live spreadsheets.

    "KPMG Management Consulting audited spreadsheets from over 21 major UK banking and financialorganisations. 92% of the spreadsheets dealing with tax issues had significant errors, 75% had significant

    accounting errors, and 59% were judged to have poor design".

    Academic studies (including ones using Spreadsheet Professional) regularlyreport 50% or more of spreadsheets containg code errors.

    Our own experience mirrors the above. We are aware of several othersignificant spreadsheet errors that have not been reported in the press.

  • 7/30/2019 Spreadsheet Professional Sarbanes Oxley


    To meet the requirements of Sarbanes Oxley,therefore, we believe that there are three key


    1. You must know the location of, and be able to control, yourbusiness critical spreadsheets and in particular those used for

    the creation of the companies financial results both at thecentre and in your companys operating units.

    2. These business critical spreadsheets must becomprehensively tested for errors, and both the spreadsheetsand the tests on the spreadsheets documented to meet the

    requirements of SoX.

    3. Training must be provided to those people creating and usingbusiness critical spreadsheets.

  • 7/30/2019 Spreadsheet Professional Sarbanes Oxley


    To meet these requirements therefore

    we believe organisations need

    1. A method of control. There are now a variety of vendorsoffering control packages for spreadsheets. we work with a

    number of them to ensure compatibility of our products.

    2. A method of testing and documenting the criticalspreadsheets. Spreadsheet Professional, created in 1994, isthe most established tool for performing such tests with,currently, 7000 clients worldwide.

    3. Training of end users. We have teamed with AuditExcel toproduce video training that can accompany the product toprovide an introduction to spreadsheet best practice.

  • 7/30/2019 Spreadsheet Professional Sarbanes Oxley


    Spreadsheet Professional

    How it helps meet the Sarbanes OxleyRequirements.

  • 7/30/2019 Spreadsheet Professional Sarbanes Oxley


    Spreadsheet Professional has been developed as apowerful testing and documentation tool, following

    some key design principles

    Design principles

    To save the end user time and effort. SP has been designed so that its use saves the end user time, therebyencouraging its use.

    To be easy to use It is designed as an addin for Excel driven by standard menus, so that it is familiar to end users.

    To not impact on the Spreadsheets tested. SPs testing and documenting tools leave the original spreadsheetunchanged.

    To provide evidence of the tests and documentation performed. All tests and documentation are stored in separateworkbooks.

    To be compatible with all versions of Excel and to work over a network, thereby easing issues of implementation anddistribution.

    Its tools are divided into four sections:

    Build tools that encourage the use of spreadsheet design best practice, thereby reducing the probability of an error occurring. Testing tools to aid the identification of errors.

    Documentation tools to ensure that the organisation can understand the key assumptions and design of the spreadsheetmodels.

    Usage tools to encourage proper use of the spreadsheet models developed.

  • 7/30/2019 Spreadsheet Professional Sarbanes Oxley


    The Build tools

    - Setting up the spreadsheet correctly

    SP is driven by aneasy to use menu


    The Build tools are

    designed to

    encourage best


  • 7/30/2019 Spreadsheet Professional Sarbanes Oxley


    The Build tools

    - Setting up the spreadsheet correctly

    The standard

    format tool

    ensures sourcesand units are


    The Build bar

    enables formatting

    and copying to be

    performed with a

    single key press.

  • 7/30/2019 Spreadsheet Professional Sarbanes Oxley


    The Build tools

    - Setting up the spreadsheet correctly

    The colour coding

    and formatting



    The translation bar

    provides instant

    translation into

    English offormulas entered.

  • 7/30/2019 Spreadsheet Professional Sarbanes Oxley


    The Build tools

    It is possible to apply formatting retrospectively

    The spreadsheet

    painter enablesyou to colour code

    a spreadsheet

    after completion.

  • 7/30/2019 Spreadsheet Professional Sarbanes Oxley


    Testing toolsThe test tools apply tests against commonerrors

    The automated

    tests capture manytypical



  • 7/30/2019 Spreadsheet Professional Sarbanes Oxley


    Testing tools and produce a comprehensive test reportindicating where errors may have occurred.

    As well as

    providing the list ofcells, SP explains

    what to look for.

  • 7/30/2019 Spreadsheet Professional Sarbanes Oxley


    Documentation toolsThe tools are designed to provide easy

    understanding of a spreadsheet

    The summary

    report details thesheets used and

    basic data about

    the spreadsheet.

  • 7/30/2019 Spreadsheet Professional Sarbanes Oxley


    Documentation toolsThe tools are designed to provide easy

    understanding of a spreadsheet

    Something odd

    has happened


    The Map report

    identifies potential

    inconsistencies in

    the development

    of the


  • 7/30/2019 Spreadsheet Professional Sarbanes Oxley


    Documentation toolsThe tools are designed to provide easy

    understanding of a spreadsheet

    The translation

    report translates

    each formula intoEnglish for easy


  • 7/30/2019 Spreadsheet Professional Sarbanes Oxley


    Documentation toolsThe inputs report enables you to check all the

    inputs to a spreadsheet against the source data

  • 7/30/2019 Spreadsheet Professional Sarbanes Oxley


    Documentation toolsThe formula tracer rapidly aids understanding of a


    Easy to

    understand printed

    documentation can

    be quickly


    This has proved

    the easiest way to

    understand how

    formulas are


  • 7/30/2019 Spreadsheet Professional Sarbanes Oxley


    Usage toolsThe quick reports tool enables reports to be created

    very quickly

    The quick reports

    tool provides an

    easy mechanism

    for printing out

    several reports at


  • 7/30/2019 Spreadsheet Professional Sarbanes Oxley


    Usage toolsThe comparison tool enables changes in

    spreadsheets to be spotted quickly

    The comparison

    tool enables you to

    check whether two

    spreadsheets are

    the same, and/orthe differences

    between two runs

    of the same


  • 7/30/2019 Spreadsheet Professional Sarbanes Oxley


    Usage toolsThe sensitivity analyser enables you to identify

    what drives your results

    The sensitivity tool

    provides a range

    of outputs both

    graphical andnumerical showing

    how a target cell

    varies when

    another cell is


  • 7/30/2019 Spreadsheet Professional Sarbanes Oxley


    Usage toolsThe sensitivity analyser and produce written


    SP is designed to

    provide hard copy

    reports of all its

    outputs. These

    are created as

    Excel workbooksso that they can be

    added to reports,


    electronically, or

    printed out.

  • 7/30/2019 Spreadsheet Professional Sarbanes Oxley



    The worlds leading tool for the production ofprofessional quality spreadsheets.

    Ideal for the implementation of appropriate controlsto meet the needs of Sarbanes Oxley.

    Designed to radically reduce the time taken to buildand use spreadsheets and at the same timeradically improve their quality.

    Impacts all aspects of the Spreadsheet design, build,document, test and use.

    Pays for itself the first time it is used.

  • 7/30/2019 Spreadsheet Professional Sarbanes Oxley



    Whatever controls are implemented, we believe that

    the success of the implementation will be enhanced

    through the provision of end user training.

    We have teamed with Audit Excel to provide a

    multimedia training package that can accompany

    Spreadsheet Professional.

  • 7/30/2019 Spreadsheet Professional Sarbanes Oxley


    The course consists of an introduction to using


    Introduction (2 min)

    Brief introduction to the topic and using this training course

    Auditing Toolbar(5 min)

    Loading and using the auditing toolbar which is a fundamental tool in Excel

    1- Auditing Toolbar exercise

    Load the auditing toolbar and see how it helps to find errors in the spreadsheet.

    Solution included in exercise

    How Errors Happen

    It is extremely easy to make errors in a spreadsheet. Below are some of the typical errors made. Look through the items you are familiar with:

    Basic Functions

    Copy and Paste (2 min)

    Inserting Rows (2 min)

    Inserting cells (1 min)

    Deleting cells (1 min)

    Hiding rows or columns of information (2min)Linking spreadsheets together(3 min)

    Intermediate and advanced functions

    IF functions (e.g. SUMIF) (3 min)

    VLOOKUP function (5 min)

    MIN and MAX functions (2 min)

    Referencing (absolute and relative) (2 min)

    2- How errors happen

    Work through each example of the functions you use. When you get to the external links example open the following workbook.

    3- More than one workbook

    Work through the example to see what goes wrong when you work across workbooks.

  • 7/30/2019 Spreadsheet Professional Sarbanes Oxley


    a comprehensive guide to how to use SpreadsheetProfessional to review spreadsheets (this is just some of the


    Getting Started with Spreadsheet Professional (3min)

    An introduction to Spreadsheet Professional ("SP") and the objectives of this part of the course

    Change the options as indicated in the introduction video. You can stop/ start the video to follow the precise steps.

    4- Feedback template

    A template to use when documenting a review. Use it for the upcoming exercises.

    The Spreadsheet Model review process (3 min)

    A high level overview of the spreadsheet review process and how spreadsheet professional assists in the task.

    A print out of the spreadsheet review process

    Maps (4 min)

    How to use the Maps feature in SP.

    5- Maps exercise

    Run the maps on the 2 sheets in this workbook. Review the maps and look at the inconsistent areas. Document your findings on the feedback template. Tick

    off the formula that you have looked at on the map.

    6-What your map should look like and where you should lookHighlighted in red are the areas you should have reviewed and documented on the Feedback Template.

    Prioritising the cells you look at (7 min)

    Which cells to look at first to find the errors

    7-Priority Exercise

    Run the test reports on the 2 sheets in this workbook. Review the report and look at the inconsistent areas. Document your findings on the feedback

    template. Tick off the formulae you look at on the maps.

    8- What your report should look like

    What your report should look like.

    9- Suggested findings after exercises

    After reviewing the maps and reports you should have found most of these.

  • 7/30/2019 Spreadsheet Professional Sarbanes Oxley


    and a section on Spreadsheet design and

    advanced features of Excel

    Good Spreadsheet Design (15 min)

    Basic concepts in designing spreadsheet models.

    External Links (5 min)

    Handle links between spreadsheets using Excels inbuilt features.

    21- External links exercise

    22- Input Data v1

    23- Input Data v2

    Open these 3 files, view the external links and make the changes.

    Find/ Replace (9 min)

    Use this common Excel feature to help in reviews and find cells containing external links.

    Use the files for the external links and find the stray link.

    The GoTo Special Command (7 min)Learn how to use this brilliant tool to navigate your spreadsheet.

    24- GoTo Special Exercise

    Follow the instructions in the file.

    The Function Wizard (3 min)

    See what is already built into Excel.

    25- Function Wizard Exercise

    Follow the instructions in the exercise

  • 7/30/2019 Spreadsheet Professional Sarbanes Oxley


    each section consists of video clips,

    exercises and worked examples

    Click on the picture to

    see an example video


  • 7/30/2019 Spreadsheet Professional Sarbanes Oxley


    Next steps and any questions

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