Sports Quiz Mains

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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X was the first Indian-born athlete to participate in the Olympic Games . X was not an official representative of India. X was holidaying in Paris and participated at the 1900 Paris Olympic Games and competed in four events - 100m, 200m, 110m hurdles and 200m hurdles. X bagged two silver medals, one each in 200m and 200m hurdles. 

1-Id X ??

Norman Gilbert Pritchard

The move was invented by the Japanese-Brazilian football player Sergio Echigo. In 1964, Brazilian playmaker Rivelino learned the move from Echigo, who was his Corinthians teammate in the youth team, and performed it to a global audience during the 1970 FIFA World Cup. Interviewed on the television series Football's Greatest in 2012, Rivelino states; "He [Echigo] says now that he invented it, but I perfected it“




3-Whose names have been blacked out .Why is this match popular ??

Longest Match Ever-Both in terms of time and points

4-Something in CommonThese are two of the greatest strike trios in the history of football-Both plying their trade for FC Barcelona. What is common between MSN(Messi ,Suarez and Neymar) and this famous strikeforce from the 60s.

Luis Suarez! Quite a long career ;)

5-Quite a workable one !!Identify the two grips we commonly use in Table Tennis ??

Penhold Shakehand

6-The Allianz Arena is lit in 3 different colours-red,blue and white for 3 seperate events.Give the Funda ??

Allianz Arena is lit in red when the host team is Bayern Munich, in blue when it is 1860 Munich, and in white when the German national team hosts the match.

7-ID the batsmen ??

Jawaharlal Nehru Usain Bolt

8-Connect the picsThese two pictures are related to the crest of a football club. Identify the club and give the funda for the crest

BENGALURU FCOn the logo is Bangalore Palace and Gandaberunda(the mythical bird)

A Padma Shri and Arjuna Award recepient,X is probably the most famous Indian to play the sport Y. At the 2014 Commonwealth Games, X along with Z won India’s 1st ever gold in Y. X’s mother played international cricket for the Indian women's team. X married cricketer W in 2015. "Except W I hate all cricketers because they steal all the limelight and endorsements," X has said.


X-Dipika Pallikal Y-Squash Z-Joshna Chinappa W-Dinesh Karthik

Whitney, as a 14-year-old, was a national champion; she went to Rome for the 1994 world championships and to the 1996 US Olympic trials in Indiana, where she ranked No.1in 200m butterfly. She finished sixth in the trials and missed the Atlanta Olympics. Her career soon ended in tears, disappointment and pain. This was not the end, but the beginning of a legend.What followed?


That’s Whitney for you!

Her brother,Michael consoled hersaying he will go to the Olympics, for her...Bollywood story, isn’t it?

X entered the 2014 Asian Games in Incheon, South Korea competing in Y.X was controversially denied a shot at the gold medal and was forced to settle for Bronze. Following this, the Indian team lodged a protest against the decision, which was rejected. At the medal awarding ceremony, X refused to accept her bronze medal and handed it over to the silver medallist. However, she accepted the medal later. This was followed by provisional suspension of X and her coaches.

11-Identify X & Y

X-Laishram Sarita Devi Y-Boxing

In 17th September 2007 Newcastle United lost 1-0 at pride park stadium to Derby County. This loss went down in premier league history. What was so significant about that loss ??

12-History in the making

It was the only match that derby won in the 2007-08 season-The lowest no. of matches won by a top-flight team in a single premier league season

13-That’s way too many animals in there !!

(A)This is the national sport of Argentina .It is played on horseback and combines elements of polo and basketball.This game is said to have inspired the famous fictional sport “Quidditch”, since in early days it involved throwing a live duck instead of a ball.

(B)This is the national sport of Afghanistan, it involves competitors riding atop a horse with the objective of getting a dead goat from other players and having it land on a circular goal line. It could be taken as a game of polo without the sticks and balls, but as fierce as American football with all the violence of kicking, bashing, and sometimes even shooting.

(A) Pato(B) Buzkashi

A running joke among cricket fans is getting themselves videotaped at a popular location. In these tapes, they take a short bowling run-up, bowl an imaginary ball, express disappointment at the delivery and look back to check the 'umpire's' reaction. Who's the 'umpire'?

14-That’s a wide ball !!

Christ The Redeemer

 During “The Annual Ohio River Sweep” in 2014, it was business as usual for volunteers from state to state, that is, except for one man. Robert Bradbury, was born, raised and has lived his entire life in the thriving city of Louisville, Kentucky. What he found during the Sweep is most definitely one of the more mysterious and infamous pieces of sports hardware in American history.

“I saw something round and fairly large – well, bigger than any coin I know of, sticking out of the mud. I went to retrieve it and I realized it was a medallion of some kind,” Bradbury said. It was when he started to make out a figure on the medallion that Robert started to wonder what it really was.

“I finally rubbed the thing off enough so that I could see an image on the medallion, it almost looked to me like some ancient Roman God or something, then it clicked, I looked at my wife and said, ‘Oh dear Lord, the 1960 Olympics were in Rome!’ The thing totally looked Roman to me so I started to get excited. She told me to calm down because most medallions have that kind of design on them.”

It turns out that his wife was wrong, and there was a definite reason to get excited.

15-Why so Excited ??

It is the very medal won by Muhammad Ali during the 1960 Olympics.Ali cherished his gold medal so much that he wore it all the time, even while sleeping. Then one day, sickened by a horrific bout of racism he encountered that evening, the 18-year-old light- heavyweight boxing champion stood on the Second Street Bridge and threw the medal into the Ohio River.

P was a player of International repute of the game Q. In Denmark he played for “Hvidovre Club” with the Danish great Morten Frost .His daughter R was born in Copenhagen in 1986 while he was undergoing extensive training there. As a teenager R played the sport Q in national-level championships.

Id P,Q,R..

16-Like Father Like Daughter..??

P-Prakash Padukone Q-Badminton R-Deepika Padukone


V is considered one of the greatest upsets in the history of this sport. So much so that esteemed journalist David Frith wrote that if V happened ,then he would eat his words, which he literally did .

1.V is the connect (+100/-50)

X was chief minister of Bihar  and a member of the first ever Lok Sabha. His son Y is a famous former sportsperson who has represented India Internationally.

2. Y goes to the connect(+80/-40)

3. (+60/-30) A and B starred in this film.

4.(+50/-25)D-'The Champion of Champions’


Z is the only cricketer ever to score three consecutive test match centuries at Lords with the 3rd century guiding India to a rare serious win in England.

B was fielding at short third man and C at deep point when Viv Richards set about the opponents bowling . The way he was batting, it appeared as if he wanted to finish the game in less than an hour. When B made his way to the boundary to pick up the ball, C’s wife, who was watching the match from the stands behind third man, “requested” him to tell her husband to meet her at the St John’s Wood station, just outside the Lord’s Cricket Ground, in an hour. But moments after B had relayed the message, Richards “mishit” R only to be splendidly caught by P. The rest, as they say, is history

6.(+30/-15)-B,C,R,P go to connect

In the Wisden Cricketer's Almanack, it was reported that “P’s sportsmanship proved the deciding factor in a close-run match” .In the match P’s opponents scored 268 against his team. However, after the close of innings, P agreed with the umpires that the score should be increased to 270 as one boundary during the innings had been mistakenly signalled as a four and not a six. In their reply, scored 269 falling short of Australia's score by one run.


V-India winning the 1983 cricket worldcup

A-Syed Kirmani

B-Sandeep Patil

P-Kapil Dev

R-Madan Lal

C-Sunil Gavaskar

D-Ravi Shastri

Y-Kirti Azad

Z-Dilip Vengsarkar


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