SPORT CV - 2015 resume

Post on 07-Feb-2017






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Dave vvaann DDyykk

OObbjjeeccttiivvee III aaammm aaannn eeexxxpppeeerrriiieeennnccceeeddd cccoooaaaccchhh hhhaaavvviiinnnggg wwwooorrrkkkeeeddd aaacccrrrooossssss aaallllll aaagggeee gggrrrooouuupppsss iiinnn mmmeeennn’’’sss aaannnddd wwwooommmeeennn’’’sss rrruuugggbbbyyy aaasss wwweeellllll

aaasss cccoooaaaccchhhiiinnnggg ppplllaaayyyeeerrrsss ooofff dddiiiffffffeeerrreeennnttt aaabbbiiillliiitttiiieeesss iiinnn mmmyyy cccaaarrreeeeeerrr sssooo fffaaarrr...

III cccuuurrrrrreeennntttlllyyy wwwooorrrkkk pppaaarrrttt tttiiimmmeee aaacccrrrooossssss aaa nnnuuummmbbbeeerrr ooofff rrrooollleeesss bbbuuuttt III aaammm ssseeeeeekkkiiinnnggg aaa pppooosssiiitttiiiooonnn wwwiiittthhhiiinnn aaannn aaacccaaadddeeemmmyyy,,,

rrruuugggbbbyyy uuunnniiiooonnn,,, sssccchhhoooooolll ooorrr uuunnniiivvveeerrrsssiiitttyyy wwwhhheeerrreee III cccaaannn hhheeelllppp cccooonnntttrrriiibbbuuuttteee tttooo ttthhheee dddeeevvveeelllooopppmmmeeennnttt ooofff fffuuutttuuurrreee tttaaallleeennnttt aaasss

wwweeellllll aaasss fffuuurrrttthhheeerrr mmmyyy ooowwwnnn eeexxxpppeeerrriiieeennnccceee aaannnddd cccaaarrreeeeeerrr dddeeevvveeelllooopppmmmeeennnttt... III aaammm ppprrreeepppaaarrreeeddd tttooo rrreeelllooocccaaattteee aaannnyyywwwhhheeerrreee aaannnddd aaallllll

pppaaaccckkkaaagggeeesss aaarrreee nnneeegggoootttiiiaaabbbllleee...

CCCooommmiiinnnggg fffrrrooommm aaa hhhiiiggghhhlllyyy ttteeeccchhhnnniiicccaaalll aaannnddd cccooouuurrrssseee eeeddduuucccaaattteeeddd bbbaaaccckkkgggrrrooouuunnnddd III aaammm dddrrriiivvveeennn aaannnddd dddeeettteeerrrmmmiiinnneeeddd,,, wwwiiittthhh aaa

wwwiiilllllliiinnngggnnneeessssss tttooo llleeeaaarrrnnn aaannnddd III bbbeeellliiieeevvveee III’’’ddd bbbeee aaannn aaasssssseeettt tttooo aaannnyyy ppprrrooofffeeessssssiiiooonnnaaalll ooorrrgggaaannniiisssaaatttiiiooonnn wwwiiittthhhiiinnn ssspppooorrrttt... III wwwiiissshhh tttooo

wwwooorrrkkk iiinnn aaa dddyyynnnaaammmiiiccc wwwooorrrkkkppplllaaaccceee,,, aaasss pppaaarrrttt ooofff aaa ttteeeaaammm ttthhhaaattt ssshhhaaarrreee ttthhheee sssaaammmeee pppaaassssssiiiooonnn fffooorrr rrruuugggbbbyyy aaasss III dddooo... MMMyyy gggoooaaalll

iiisss tttooo fffooorrrmmmuuulllaaattteee cccuuuttttttiiinnnggg---eeedddgggeee tttrrraaaiiinnniiinnnggg ppprrrooogggrrraaammmsss,,, ppprrrooovvviiidddeee cccoooaaaccchhhiiinnnggg aaannnddd sssuuuppppppooorrrttt,,, aaannnddd ttteeeaaaccchhh ooottthhheeerrrsss

vvvaaallluuuaaabbbllleee ssspppooorrrtttiiinnnggg aaannnddd llliiifffeee ssskkkiiillllllsss wwwhhhiiillleee aaalllsssooo dddeeevvveeelllooopppiiinnnggg mmmyyy ooowwwnnn kkknnnooowwwllleeedddgggeee ooofff cccoooaaaccchhhiiinnnggg,,, rrruuugggbbbyyy

aaadddmmmiiinnniiissstttrrraaatttiiiooonnn aaannnddd ssspppooorrrttt...


Phone +27 82 358 9497

Address 22 Wolwekop Street, Vaalpark, Sasolburg, South Africa

Emphasis on Coaching

During my rugby, coaching career I have presented more than 100 coaching clinics to other coaches and players of different age groups and with different knowledge levels. I have also attended more than 150 coaching sessions presented by other professional coaches. In the past 22 years I have completed 33 rugby related courses and online exams. During the past 21 years I have only been coaching teams for 15 years but have also been coaching squads or academies in-between. During the past 11-years I have been blessed whereby many of my players achieved representative accolades, but during the past 7-years of coaching, my teams’ performances have surpassed all expectations. During the past six years of coaching I have been appointed as the head coach for a local universities’ Academy. I have also been appointed by SARU as an (IRB) World Rugby Coach Educator, for the past 7 years, since 2009. The greatest honours bestowed upon me in 2012, was when SARU invited me personally to attend the IRB Level 3 Coaching course. This nomination did not come from my Union but straight from SARU training office. The only person to be invited from SARU. There are only 60 coaches that have completed this course in S.A. to date. I was also 1 of 18 senior SARU/ IRB Trainer and Educator staff members that were invited to attend the SASCOC South African Coaching Framework regarding the Capacity Developer programme. And I was also invited as a delegate that represented SARU at the SASCOC LTPD & LTCD conference. (SASCOC) is South African Sports Confederation and Olympics Committee in 2012. I have also been blessed in filling numerous positions within the Valke/Falcons provincial/representative structures during the past 8 years I’m extremely enthusiastic and a contributor to the online network of rugby coaches that regularly features on a sport website and popular internet blogs where my open and honest and personable nature has helped form close links with coaches and players all over the rugby playing world. As rugby coach I am known as an all-round coach, as I never had the need to specialise in just one area of the game i.e. Just Forwards or Backs or Defensive patterns. Understanding every playing position is one of my coaching strengths. I have, throughout my coaching career coached entire teams or squads, hence my performance statistics to date. My average squad sizes have been 28 or more players per session.


CCeerrttiiffiieedd IIRRBB RRuuggbbyy CCooaacchh // LLiicceennsseedd IIRRBB EEdduuccaattoorr // CCSSCCSS

0 100 200 300 400

I coached 289 Playersfrom normal teams &

88 PlayedRepresentative

Total Players

Representative Players

Total Representative Players 74 from 88 Representative

players produced within

the first year with me

Played representative

rugby after our encounter

15-Man Matches Coached during 15-years

Provincial Teams Represented (Some represented more than one) Curry Cup

Premier Curry Cup


Division Vodacom Cup

Curry Cup Under-21

Curry Cup Under-19

Amateur Provincial

Blue Bulls 3 1

Cheetahs 2 3 1

Lions 1 1 2

Falcons / Valke 3 1 2 8 8 38

Griquas 1 2 1

Leopards 6 13 12 5 17

Boland Cavaliers 1 1 2

Griffons 2 2 1 1

Pumas 2 3

Eagles 1 1 1

EP Kings 1

Northern Natal (Sharks) 1 2

By completing 33 rugby related courses certainly helped improve my knowledge but the courses that really made their mark and has

helped me achieve coaching results to date was all my (IRB) World Rugby coaching courses.

Understanding the skills it takes to play the game properly and clinically also helped form my career. Hence the demand I have had

from numerous coaching peers in helping them with technical coaching sessions and technical skills information. This is also a

contributing factor with many of my coaches’ LTCD paths to their extreme success that completed the range of (IRB) courses with

me as their educator and mentor. I have had the privilege educating more than 500 coaches within my region as well as country

wide dependant on SARU requests.

Understanding player demands and working on team strengths and weakness and building on them and making players understand

where rugby skills fit into the game and understand the tactical dimensions of the game before they are able to make intelligent

decisions are also some of my strengths.

One of my best features in the game is my management style. This includes administration and people management. I served on

every board or management committee of every institution that I was involved with.

Being in a team sport and being a team player is also one of my strengths. This with management and with all coaching peers.

I also believe that I have mastered and understand the following key components making a good coach.

Coaching Skills – how to get the best out of players

Technical – teaching the skills required to play

Tactical – instilling an understanding of the game

Psychological – assisting players to be mentally prepared for rugby & life skills

Physical & Lifestyle – assisting players to be physically prepared for rugby & life skills

One other strength in my abilities is, understanding the individuals needs in Strength and conditioning.

I am totally results driven and have a passion for success and energy to reach a common organisational goal. I am a firm believer in

integrity, leadership & moral values. I am also autonomous and self -managed and I possess strong organisational skills.

Skills & Strengths

Additional Skill

I am well versed in most Microsoft products such as Word, Outlook and, Power Point as well other collaboration products and to a lesser degree Excel and I have a strong background in presenting information to all types of audiences. I have used a number of applications on the field using a Samsung Galaxy Tab device including coaching products; such as Sport Planner, and video capture products, such as Coaches Eye, and have a good all round knowledge of the latest applications available to grass roots and development centre coaches.

IRB Coach Educator Individually presented all


IRB Coach Educator Number of IRB Coaches

Educated up to October 2014

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

2014 IRB Strength & Conditioning Level 2 – Online Exam 2014 IRB Concussion – Generic Public – Online Exam 2014 IRB Concussion – Management for Doctors and Healthcare Professionals – Online Exam 2014 IRB Medical Protocols for match day Medical staff – Online Exam 2014 IRB First Aid in Rugby – Online Exam 2014 IRB Rugby Ready – Updated 2014 IRB Laws – Online Exam 2013 IRB Level 3 Coaching (First ever in South Africa – Only 30 delegates nationally) 2013 IRB Laws – Online Exam 2013 IRB Key Factor Analysis – Awareness test (Online) 2013 IRB Functional Role Analysis – Awareness test (Online) 2013 IRB Introduction to Coaching – Awareness test (Online) 2013 Boksmart #3 – Updated September – Licence Number 0000006 2012 IRB Strength & Conditioning Level 1 Course Accredited practical (1st in SA) 2011 IRB Strength & Conditioning Level 1 Online Exam 2011 IRB Laws – Online Exam 2011 IRB Rugby Ready – Updated 2009 IRB Strength & Conditioning Level 1 Online Exam 2009 IRB Laws – Online Exam 2009 SARU Boksmart Trainers Course 2009 IRB Educators Course – Licence Number 660 2007 Valke Touch Judge – No Certificate Only T-Shirt 2007 IRB Rugby Ready 2006 IRB Level 2 Coaching 2005 TAG Rugby Course – Valke No Certificate 2005 IRB Level 1 Coaching 2002 Leopards Rugby Rules 2002 SARFU Level 2 Coaching 2001 VALKE 7’s Coaching 2000 SARFU Level 1 Coaching 1998 SARFU 1st Aid Course 1994 Natal Rugby Union Rugby for Africa – No Certificate 1994 Northern Natal Rugby Coaching Course Endorsed by Northern Transvaal Rugby Union


Self Education

I am a firm believer in self-education. By completing all the listed rugby & rugby related courses formed me in the coach and

educator I am today. By understanding the core essence of coaching has helped me achieve the results during my coaching career.

This in turn has also benefitted many of my peers whom I have shared my information with and who in turn also became successful

coaches. All my (IRB) World Rugby accredited coaches are evidence thereof.

My personal belief is that if a coach stop learning this ever evolving game the coach should consider ending his or her coaching


By self-educating the coach will have the ability to coach players the latest rugby rules and all the newest trends. And with this the

latest information regarding players’ safety will be gleaned.

And as a CSCS this has formed me as a rugby coach to understand the body mechanics and periodization of a player and team.

Self-education is the key to success for every coach irrespective of sport.

SEVENS Matches coached during 6-years In 2001 I attended

a Sevens coaching

course by the

outgoing Sevens

Springbok coach

Deon Oosthuizen.

Sevens was not

played much at

any level I was

involved in until


This is the year I

was introduced to

the game and I

was fortunate to


understand the

basics of the

sevens game.

In my first

tournament as

coach my lads

achieved a semi-

final berth for the

Cup final of the

Valke Regional

tournament and

three of my lads

were selected to



rugby at the




whichever team I

coached had

success in

tournaments we

played in.

As coach I had

teams participate

in 13 tournaments

and from these we

played in 11 cup

finals and won 7 of


The happiest

moment in my

Educating career

is that in 2014

three of my

coaches were

selected as coaches

for the Valke

representative side

and they won the

Bowl final in their

first year coaching

at this level.

In total I had 6 of

my lads achieve


accolades playing

in the National


RRuuggbbyy AAcchhiieevveemmeennttss ((OOnnllyy hhiigghhlliigghhttss)) TTHHEE PPAASSTT 77--YYEEAARRSS 22000088 ttoo 22001155 2015 Valke Rugby Factory Under-19 Player Scout & Specialised Skills coach 2014 Completed seven IRB online exams IRB Educator presenting IRB Rugby Ready and IRB Level 1 & 2 Coaching as well as IRB

Sevens Level 1 coaching courses Coached Redhill high schools’ first team from March to July. This young group of players produced great results and with only four grade 12’s. They won teams that they have not been capable of winning in the past four to five years. Good learning experience for me as a coach. Bowl winner in 7’s final.

2013 Completed the IRB Level 3 Coaching course after my evaluation. I am one of only 30 coaches to have completed this prestigious course. I was the only coach personally invited by SARU/IRB and not nominated by a regional union. Valke Rugby Union Under-19 Currie Cup Selector Southern region (95% of players from within my region and they reached the Final Currie Cup play-offs)

Valke Rugby Union High Performance Senior & Junior player Scout Valke Rugby Union Currie Cup Senior & Junior player Scout Runners-up in the Vaal Sevens Rugby Junior tournament Under-21

Vaal Vikings rugby club Under-21 team High Performance head coach & 1st Team head coach

League winners Valke (Falcons) Merlin Reserve league – Under-21’s – Vaal Vikings Vaal Vikings 1

st Team – Runners up Merlin Reserve league

Vaal Vikings Club Coach Director Valke Women’s Currie Cup team coach director – training ladies coaches and assisting the senior women players with their technical and tactical abilities. (Head Coach) Valke Women’s rugby – Under-16 & 18 and Senior C-Cup women Player Selector IRB Educator presenting IRB Rugby Ready and IRB Level 1 & 2 Coaching as well as IRB Sevens Level 1 coaching courses

2012 Valke Rugby Union High Performance Senior & Junior player Scout & Coach scout Valke Rugby Union High Performance Senior & Junior - South region – Coach Valke Rugby Union Under-21 & Under-19 Currie Cup Selector Southern region Completed IRB Level 1 Strength & Conditioning course (Accredited) Completed the Theoretical part of IRB Level 3 coaching course IRB Educator presenting IRB Rugby Ready and IRB Level 1 & 2 Coaching as well as IRB

Sevens Level 1 coaching courses 2011 North West University Vaal Rugby Academy Head Coach – Up to Middle February 2011

IRB Educator presenting IRB Rugby Ready and IRB Level 1 & 2 Coaching as well as IRB Sevens Level 1 coaching courses Valke Rugby Union High Performance Senior & Junior player Scout & Coach scout.

2010 North West University Vaal Rugby Academy Head Coach IRB Educator presenting IRB Rugby Ready and IRB Level 1 & 2 Coaching courses SARU Boksmart Courses – Educated 450 coaches from August 2009 up to January 2010

2009 North West University Vaal Under-19 Head Coach North West University Vaal Rugby Academy Head Coach

NWU Vaal Under-19 Team played 16 and went through Unbeaten winning the Valke Under 21B League. This team scored a total 134 Tries and conceded 10. Thereby the total points for was 854 and only 84 against in the 16 matches played

Of this 28-man squad 20 players achieved various Valke (Representative) accolades. Won and were runners-up with both entered teams in a 7’s Junior tournament. Completed the IRB Educators Course – Licence Number 660

Completed the SARU BokSmart Trainer Course – Certification Code BST-0000003 Educated coaches from August to December 2009

Valke South Under-19 Amateur team – Head Coach (Representative team) Won the Valke Junior 7’s tournament with U-19’s

Won the Vaal Sevens Rugby Junior tournament. 2008 Vaalpark High School First & Second team Coach – (10 First team players played for various VALKE representative

age group teams and two Valke Curry Cup Under-19) First Team ended third in South Africa. Supersport Golden Division (Small schools) First Team ended 20th Nationally (All S.A. schools) for tries scored – Supersport

First Team ended 42ND Nationally (All S.A. schools) for points scored – Supersport

RRuuggbbyy AAcchhiieevveemmeennttss ((OOnnllyy hhiigghhlliigghhttss)) FFrroomm 11999933 ttoo 22000077 AAss ccooaacchh 2007 Falcons/Valke South Representative side’s Technical Advisor – Senior Men

Falcons/Valke South Representative side’s Convenor of Selectors & Head selector – Senior men Vaalpark High School First & Second team Coach – (14 First team players played for the Under 18 & 19 Regional teams) Won two sevens schools tournaments. Sasolburg Regional Under-19 representative team – Head coach

Sasolburg Regional Under-18 representative team – Team Manager 2006 Vaalpark High School Under-16 & First team Coach – (Runners-up Under-16 League) 2002 Rugby Head coach Potchefstroom University 2nd First team "IBBIES" (The Falcons/Valke Super League Club

Champions 1st League / Division 1) and (Club Champions Neser League North West Leopards 1st League/Division 1)

1999 Rugby 2nd Team coach at Vereeniging Rugby Club and Committee Member (Valke/Falcons Super League club champions 2nd League runners up)

1998 Rugby 2nd Team coach Vereeniging Rugby Club and Committee member (Valke/Falcons Super League club Champions 2nd league/Division)

1995 Rugby Northern Natal Rugby Union Development Player Selector (Seniors/men) 1993 Rugby Asst Coach/Player Eshowe Rugby Club and Committee member (Natal League winners - First time ever

for a Zululand team in 85-years) Won Bozas Cup / Brockwell Cup / Findley Cup & Stewart Shield.

I ONLY COACHED AT 8 DIFFERENT INSTITUTIONS AND ACHIEVED THE FOLLOWING (At every institution) Eshowe Rugby Club – Assistant coach – League Winners in one season 1993 Ladysmith Rugby Club 1St XV – Was 8/8 Improved to 4/8 in one season 1995 Vereeniging Rugby Club 2nd XV – Was 8/8 Improved to 1/8 League winners in one season – First season 1997 PUKKE (NWU Potchefstroom) – IBBIES – Participated in Valke/Falcons Premier division and won the league in one

season 2002 PUKKE (NWU Potchefstroom) – IBBIES – Participated in Neser League, Leopards Premier Division & won the league

in one season 2002 Vaalpark High School 1St XV – Ranked 3Rd best small school in SA in 2-years (Never ranked before in schools history)

2007 & 2008 NWU Vaal Under-19 Academy team – League winners in one season – 20/25 players played representative

(854 points for & 85 against in 16 matches played) 2009 Vaal Vikings Under-21 – League Winners in one season 2013 Vaal Vikings 1St XV – League Runner Up in one season 2013 Redhill High School 1St XV – from only 2 wins in 10 matches in 2013 I coached them to 8 wins in 10 matches in one

season 2014 with predominantly under-17 lads in an Under-19 league

During the past 7-years; 2007 8 of my players played at the SASS Under-18 Craven Week and played against the SASS Under-18 S.A. National team. (Sasolburg Invitational Under-18 team) 2 of my players played at the SASS Under-16 Craven Week and played against the SASS Under-16 S.A. National team. (Sasolburg Invitational Under-16 team) 7 of my players played for the Sasolburg Regional Under-19 team. 2008 6 of my players played for the VALKE Academy Under-18 Craven Week team. Of these players that played representative rugby only one has played rugby before they joined me in 2005. 1 of my players played at the National PUKKE Under-19 Craven Week. 3 of my players are in the VALKE Curry Cup Under-19 squad. Two of these players are in the starting 22. None of these representative players have ever played rugby before they joined me in 2005. 5 of my players represented the VALKE South Under-19 team. Therefore in total, 10 of my players played VALKE (Provincial/State) representative rugby in 2008. And only two of these players have played rugby before they joined me in 2005. 2009 This year had more success where 20 of my 25 Academy players played representative rugby 2 of my players played Valke Currie Cup Under-19 2 of my players played Amateur Under-21 16 of my players played Amateur Under-19 (3 of these Players were still U-18) Two additional players did receive call-up to the Valke Currie Cup team but due to work obligations had to withdraw. 2010/2011 7 of my players went on to play Curry Cup representative rugby at Under-19 & Under-21 level. 2012 The greatest honour was bestowed upon me when I received a personal invitation directly from SARU training department to attend the IRB Level 3 coaching course. My nomination did not come from my Union but straight from SARU. This means I am 1 of 45 handpicked South African coaches that started this Level 3 course. Secondly I was personally nominated through SARU to attend a SASCOC workshop as 1 of 18 delegates to attend the important workshop with all the top IRB Trainers and SARU staff throughout South Africa. The workshops framework was; South African Coaching Framework regarding the Capacity Developer programme. And I was also invited as a delegate that represented SARU at the SASCOC LTPD & LTCD conference. (SASCOC) is South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee. 3 of my High Performance players played in the regional Under-18 Bokkie team this year. 2013 3 of my players were members of the Valke Under-21 Currie Cup team I was also the Head of coaching for Women’s rugby at the Valke rugby Union. I was also the head coach for the Women’s Currie Cup team. I was one of only 30 South African Coaches that completed the first ever IRB Level 3 coaching course. 2014 This was another trying year coaching at a small school that has rugby as a minor priority. But the lads outperformed all expectations as we only had 4 Grade 12’s in the squad. The rest were made up of grade 11’s & 10’s. They beat teams that the records shows have not been achieved in the past three to five years. We at least had a 80% win rate. In 2013 the first team won 2 from 10 matches played. This year that I coached them they won 8 from 10. 3 lads achieved the Lions Invitational team in 2015 and two are still in grade 11


I was or am still active in some of the following positions within the Valke Rugby Union from 2007 to present

The only active Boksmart Educator 2009-2010

The only active (IRB) World Rugby Coach Educator 2009 to end of 2012 (Still active to date)

Team Technical advisor Men (Senior) Valke South

Team Head coach Under-19 Men Valke South

Team Head Coach Women’s Currie Cup

Head of coaching all Women’s Rugby

Squad Head Coach High Performance men Under-18 to senior

Team Selector Under-19 Men Currie Cup

Team Selector Under-21 Men Currie Cup

Team Selector & Selector convener Women Currie Cup

Team Selector Women Under-16

Team Selector Women Under-18

Team Selector & Selector Convener Men (Senior) Valke South

Team Selector Men Under-21 Valke South

Team Selector Men Under-19 Valke South

Talent Scout Men

High Performance Talent Scout & High Performance Coach scout


The following positions were or are held by me within SARU / IRB-WR & CAR from 2009 to present

(IRB) World Rugby Licensed Coach Educator – Active

SARU Delegate at SASCOC LTPD & LTCD Conference

SARU Delegate at SASCOC SA Coaching Framework regarding the Capacity Developer programme

SARU Boksmart Trainer

Position Sought Director rugby Coaching, Rugby Coaching manager, Head Rugby Coach, Rugby Coach, Rugby Administrator, Rugby Organiser, Rugby Development officer or coach, Rugby coach Educator or Rugby S& C Coach or Educator.

References Personnel references are listed from the beginning of my coaching involvement to all my current


PERSONAL INFORMATION Surname : Van Dyk First Names : Dawid Frederick (Known as Dave) Home Language : English Date of Birth : 01-07-1960 (Pretoria, South Africa) Age : 55 Marital Status : Single Children : Three – Keren (25), Kyle (23) and Nicole (22) – (All out of Home) Schooling : Empangeni High School (Natal) 1978 Standard passed : Matric (Grade 12) Home address : 22 Wolwekop Street, Vaalpark, Sasolburg, South Africa Mobile phone : +27 (82) 358 9497 E-mail address : Driving licence : Code: EB (No restrictions)

1. Eshowe Rugby Club Mr Mark Hulley Ex Player & Management

+27 83 2565516

2. Ladysmith Rugby Club Mr Piet Koortzen Ex player & Chairman Mr Dolf van Rensburg Ex player & Management

+27 32 7749539 +27 82 49337138

3. Vaal University of Technology (VUT) (Vaal Triangle Technicon & my coach at Vaal Triangle Under-21)

Mr Piet Brandt Ex Coach & President VUT

+27 83 6268888

4. Vereeniging Rugby Club Mr Tommy Koekemoer Was also Head coach 1

st Team / my Ex-Player

+27 82 4568513

5. North West University (Potchefstroom University) (NWU PUKKE)

Mr Attie Strauss Coaching Colleague Leopards Under 21 Coach & PUKKE Coach Lt Col Marcus de Beer IBBIES Coaching Colleague Mr Mervin Taylor PUKKE Rugby Institute General Manager & Leopards Rugby Union Vice Chairman

+27 82 7737185 +27 18 2891376 +27 84 2076173 +27 18 2992429

6. Team Manager – 5-Years School & Club & Valke & NWU Academy Mr. Carl Dawson +27 82 8262175

7. Vaalpark High School Mr Petrus Lombard Ex-Head Master – Now at TUKKIES

+27 86 5148830

8. Lions/Ex Valke & SARFU Rugby Union Panel Referee

Mr Pine Pienaar +27 82 4156578

9. Sport Manager North West University Vaal Mr. Shaun McCallaghan

+27 78 9018898 +27 16 910 3196

10. Coaching Colleague / Ex Team manager / SASS/LSEN Schools Coach SA Special Schools Head Coach

Mr Francois du Toit +27 82 9299369

11. North West University Vaal Rugby Club (NWU Vaal) And Now Vaal Vikings Rugby Club

Mr Koos Blomerus Ex Club Manager and now Valke Director Development Mr Hans Labuschagne Ex Coach 1

ST Team / my Ex-Player / Valke Currie Cup U-

19 & Under-21 coach

+27 61 7408249 +27 82 9798728

12. Ex Valke Development Director / Craven week selector SA U-18 Team Manager

Mr Gert Tsostetsi +27 73 1976997

13. Valke Rugby Union High Performance Manager & Mentor Board of Directors Valke Rugby Union

Mr. Deon Oosthuizen

+27 82 4451141

14. Valke Rugby Union Manager Clubs, Schools & Courses Mrs. Gesie van der Merwe

+27 11 7409037

15. IRB – South Africa / SARU – Training Manager HEAD of SARU Coach & Officials Education/Training Department

Mr. Hilton Adonis

+27 82 9921415

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