SPM TRIAL 2007 English Paper 2

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SPM TRIAL 2007 English Paper 2



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Section A

[15 marks]

Questions 1 – 8

For each of the questions, read the question first and then study the information given to find the best answer. Then circle the answer A, B, C or D on the answer sheet provided.

Tanja first came to Malaysia with the intention of working and staying for just a few months. She never quite made it home to her hometown in Germany. She met her then-to-be husband, Oli, 49, in a breakfast bar in Langkawi, and now calls the island home. They have a seven-year-old son, Noah, who goes to a Chinese primary school in Kuah.

1 From the extract, we know that Tanja

A has returned to Germany

B has made Langkawi her home

C planned to make Kuah her home

D came to Malaysia to meet her husband

2 Based on the advertisement above, the sixth caller of the day will miss the

A 30% discount

B free consultation

C termite-free warranty

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A Beijing worker who broke into luxury villas to steal and get a good night’s sleep has been jailed for a year. The court heard that Yee, a migrant worker, broke into five villas “out of curiosity”, took showers, tried on clothes and slept in beds – even when there were people in the villas.

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3 Read the extract below and answer the question that follows.

The burglar was jailed for

A taking showers at night

B breaking into five luxury villas

C sleeping in beds while on duty

D trying on other people’s clothes

Our badminton players, Koo Kien Keat and Tan Boon Heong fulfilled their pledge to win back-to-back titles when they captured the Swiss

Open crown in Basel yesterday. Koo Kien Keat and Tan Boon Heong, who won the All England in Birmingham last week defeated World No. 2 Jens Eriksen and Martin Lundgaard Hansen of Denmark 17-21, 21-16, 21-12.

4 The word back-to-back in the extract means that Koo Kien Keat and Tan Boon Heong

A pledged to win more titles

B defeated World No. 2 players

C won two tournaments in a row

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5 From the newspaper report, the residents feared that

A their homes could be flooded

B their houses would collapse

C they would receive no help

D they would be drowned

Bird watching?

No……..It’s crime watch. So, feel safe with our round the clock security. BANDAR PUTRA MAHKOTA The Resort Township

6 The notice above tells the residents that

A they are safe because they are being watched

B the resort township is free from crime

C they can enjoy bird watching

D the security is 24 hours a day

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Appeal To Save Riverside Homes

KULIM: More than 20 families who live near Sungai Sedim are appealing for

immediate steps to save their homes. Residents of Kampung Jeram, Kampung

Merbau Pulas and Kampung Baru Jemerli said they could not sleep at night for fear

of severe erosion of the riverbank. They are even more afraid now with the current

rainy spell.

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I was recently involved in a hit and run accident.

The driver did not bother to stop to help. Luckily,

a motorist who passed by took pity on me. I am

forever thankful to that UUM lecturer who

stopped by to drive me to the hospital. I never

found out her name.





7 Wardah wrote to the newspaper to express her

A sorrow

B concern

C gratitude

D sympathy

An old man was teasing his wife to see whether she could hear him well.

When she had her back to him in the kitchen, he asked her in a normal

voice, “What are we having for dinner, dear?” Without getting an answer,

he took one step nearer and tried again. Still, he heard no reply. He took

another step and asked for the third time, “What are we having for dinner,

dear?” Then he heard her say, “I have told you two times already. We are

having chicken curry!”

8 From the extract above, we can conclude that the wife

A enjoyed being teased

B cooked tasty chicken curry

C answered her husband three times

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Questions 9 – 15 are based on the following passage.

Drugs are among the most useful means people have for relieving pain and suffering. Drugs

also help people’s bodies and minds to ____9_____ better during an illness. However, drugs have

to be taken _____10_____ in order for them to be effective. The wrong drug or the wrong amount

of the right drug can make an illness _____11_____, destroy blood cells, damage the body or

cause death. For these reasons, many drugs, especially very powerful ones____12_____ be given

only by doctors. They know how much to give and how long a patient should take drugs.

People are allowed by law to use _____13_____ variety of substances that are in fact

drugs. Alcohol, for example, is a drug. It _____14_______ a person’s body and the way he or she

feels. Like other drugs, it too can be dangerous if used frequently or in great amounts. People have

known about drugs and their powerful effects for thousands of years. The use of drugs

___15_____ certainly not new, but most people support the laws and customs that say it is unwise

for people to take drugs unless they are ill.

9 A function 13 A a

B functions B an

C functioned C the

D functioning

10 A gradually 14 A effect

B immediately B effects

C continuously C affect

D correctly D affects

11 A bad 15 A is

B worse B are

C worst C was

D were

12 A will

B may

C should

D could

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Section B

[10 marks]Questions 16 – 25Read the advertisement below on different types of talcum powder and answer the questions that follow.



Specially formulated for toddlers Gentle on skin and creates a protective barrier Gives an ultra soothing care Available at all supermarkets A gift comes with every purchase


Created for specially trained personnel

Comes in 3 fragrances – soothes you while inhaling the wonderful scent of sweet orange, mint and lavender.

Keep you looking fresh all day long no matter how much stress is thrown your way

Imported from Paris Only available at House

of Scent


The only talcum powder with anti-bacterial substance.

Highly recommended by skin specialists.

Safe even for sensitive eyes and contact lens wearers

Redefines the way teenagers look today


Deodorant is not needed with this talcum powder. Provides a silky smooth

even finish that won’t clog pores or irritate skin

Protects your skin from harsh environmental aggressors

Anti-perspiration and suitable for all types of skin Recommended for athletes


Special ingredients used to keep one feeling comfortable

Smooth and mildly fragrant

A versatile powder in convenient twin packs for family use

Economical Sold at hypermarkets.

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Questions 16 – 20

Using the information in the advertisement given, fill in the blanks with the correct answers.

Name of talcum powder Specially for

16 Sportsmen [1 mark]

Lovina 17 [1 mark]

18 Professionals [1 mark]

Trinity 19 [1 mark]

20 Toddlers [1 mark]

Questions 21 – 25

Based on the information given, give short answers to the following questions.

21 John, a college student, has developed some rashes on his back. He is most likely to buy..…….……………………………….………………..……………..……..[1 mark]

22 Blossom Soft is not suitable for newborns because……………………………………….

……………………………………………..……………………..…………….. [1 mark]

23 Mokhtar sweats a lot as he is outdoors most of the time. Why should he buy Charisma?

…………………………………………..……………………….…………….. [1 mark]

24 Mei Lin favours foreign made products. Where can she purchase the talcum

powder of her choice?

………………………………………………………………..………………….. [1 mark]

25 Ally has a tight budget to support her big family. Give one reason why she

chooses Lovina?

………………………………………..….…………………………………….. [1 mark]

Section C[25 marks]

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Questions 26 – 31 are based on the following passage.










Like most pieces of bad news, this one came from out of the blue. A friend called one April morning and woke me up. “Matt,” she said, “I thought you should know – Yvette died.” I was shaken. Yvette Pierpaoli was a woman who changed my life, a courageous person whose work took her to troubled, often dangerous places.

I first met Yvette when I attended a function held by New York Saves the Refugees (NYSR), an aid organization that has a strong presence in South East Asia working with refugees. She, a Frenchwoman of Italian descent, was an NYSR’s representative who shared my fascination with Cambodia. She had lived there for ten years during the Vietnam War and had returned many times over the next decades. She spoke Khmer and was delighted to enlighten me on the complexities of Cambodian culture.

As our friendship grew, I discovered that Yvette, a small woman with big smiling eyes, was a legend among the worldwide community of volunteers who work with refugees. Even though she was in her late 50s, she possessed the strength and enthusiasm of a much younger person. Yvette was one of the first Westerners to show up when a refugee crisis developed.

When Yvette was ten, her teacher pointed out the French colonies on a map. She saw Cambodia and felt a connection which she could not explain. From that moment on, she knew she had to go there and, at age 25, she finally saved enough money to buy a one-way ticket to Cambodia.

Eventually, Yvette started a successful import-export business in Phnom Penh and used a large percentage of her profits to provide food, medicine and shelter for the country’s refugees. She would also live with the refugees, gathering intelligence about their plight. It was harsh and dangerous work. Her enduring courage also took her to treacherous overcrowded camps where she would arrive with treats for the innocent and cheerless children.

To offer comfort and dispense hope, she also set up an orphanage where she placed all the orphans whose parents died in war. It was there she met Minh, a timid but smart boy. One day Minh put his arms around her neck and said, “Mama.” Since then, the child clung to her everywhere she went. Yvette legally adopted Minh six months later.

After the war, Yvette continued to work tirelessly on behalf of the refugees. She started several relief programmes. To support her programmes she used all her savings but that was not enough. Yvette managed to get some donations. She had a reputation for doing what it took to get funding, using her wiles and flattery with local politicians and wealthy donors.

In the Cambodian community, Yvette was thought of as a saint. She went all out to get financial assistance from millionaires around the globe to support her work to help refugees who had lost everything. Yvette continued to establish more relief centres at major towns in Cambodia. She also devoted herself to giving talks about her work and the sufferings of the refugees at international conferences on humanity.

The last time I met Yvette, she talked animatedly about a school she had built in









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Phnom Penh. She said things were getting better for the refugees in Cambodia but she would not stop helping the bereaved. I told her, “We need more people like you. Yvette, you do not only inspire me on one of the most significant undertakings of my life, but you also taught me how we should all live.”

Adapted from Reader’s Digest, November 2005

26 From paragraph 1, what was the bad news the writer received?

…………..………………………………..........………………………………..… [1 mark]

27 (a) From paragraph 2, give two pieces of evidence which show Yvette’s passion

for Cambodia.

(i) .…..…………… …………..…….……………………………..…….…… [1 mark]

(ii) ……………….……………….…….………….……………..………..…. [1 mark]

(b) From paragraph 5, what did she do to better understand the problems faced by the


……….…………………...……….………………..………......…………….. [1 mark]

28 From paragraph 7, how did she get the funding for her relief programmes?

(i)…………… ……….………………………………………...…….………… [1 mark]

(ii)………………………..…………………………..………… …..………… [1 mark]

29 From paragraph 8,

(a) which word has the same meaning as the word set up?

……….……...……………………………………..………………………… [1 mark]

(b) in your own words, explain briefly why Yvette was ‘thought of as a saint?


...………….………………...………………………..………......……….... [2 marks]

30 From paragraph 9, the bereaved refer to ………………….……………………..[ 1 mark ]

31 Based on the passage given, write a summary on:

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what Yvette did to help the refugees in Cambodia

Your summary must

be in continuous writing (not in note form)

not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below

use material from lines 21-41

be written in the space on page 12

Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the original meaning.

Begin your summary as follows:

Yvette started a business in Cambodia and she used her ……….

[15 marks]


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Section D

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[25 marks]

32 Read the poem If below and answer the questions that follow.

If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too;

If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or being lied about don’t deal in lies,

Or being hated don’t give way to hating, And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dream – and not make dreams your master; If you can think – and not make thoughts your aim;

If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster And treat those two impostors just the same;

If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken, And stoop and build ‘em up with worn-out tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,And lose, and start again at your beginnings And never breathe a word about your loss;

If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone, And so hold on when there is nothing in you Except the Will which says to them: “Hold on!”

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with Kings – nor lose the common touch;If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;

If all men count with you, but none too much;If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it, And – which is more – you’ll be a Man, my son!

Rudyard Kipling

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32 (a) Which line in stanza 1 tells us to be patient?

………………………………………………….………………………... [1mark ]

(b) Explain the meaning of the lines: “If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster And treat those two impostors just the same:”

…………………………………….…………………………………….……..…… …………………………………….…………..……………………..…… [1 mark ]

(c) In stanza 4, who are the Kings?

………………………………………………………..……..…………… [1mark ]

(d) Why do you think the father gives advice to the son? Explain in your own words.

…………………………………….…………………………………….……..…… …………………………………….…………………………………….. ..[2 marks ]

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Question 33

Read the extract from the short story The Necklace below and answer the questions that follow.

They looked, thunderstruck, at each other. At last, Loisel put on his clothes. “I shall go back on foot,” said he, “over the whole route, to see whether I can find it.” He went out. She sat waiting on a chair in her ball dress, without the strength to go to bed, overwhelmed, without any fire, without a thought. Her husband returned about seven o’clock. He had found nothing. He went to police headquarters, to the newspaper offices to offer a reward; he went to the cab companies – everywhere, in fact, whither he was urged by the least spark of hope. She waited all day, in the same condition of mad fear before this terrible calamity. Loisel returned at night with a hollow, pale face. He had discovered nothing. “You must write to your friend,” said he,” that you have broken the clasp of her necklace and that you are having it mended. That will give us time to turn around.”

33 (a) Why did Loisel and Mathilde look thunderstruck at each other?


[1 mark]

(b) How did Madame Loisel feel while waiting for her husband?


[1 mark]

(c) What is the name of the friend mentioned in the extract above?


[1 mark]

(d) Do you admire Loisel’s effort in finding the necklace? Give a reason for your answer.


…………………………….………………………………………………………[2 marks]

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SULIT 1119/2

The following are the novels studied in the literature component in English Language:

Jungle of Hope - Keris Mas

The Pearl - John Steinbeck

The Return - K.S. Maniam

Choose any one of the novels above and answer Question 34.

34 (i) State one moral value found in the novel you have studied.



(ii) How is this value portrayed in the novel? Support your answer with close reference to the text.















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[ Lihat sebelah

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[15 marks]


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1 A B C D 9 A B C D

2 A B C 10 A B C D

3 A B C D 11 A B C

4 A B C 12 A B C D

5 A B C D 13 A B C

6 A B C D 14 A B C D

7 A B C D 15 A B C D

8 A B C

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