Spiritual Platform for America Draft 1 08212015

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Draft of Online book H. Schroeder


Spiritual Platform

for America

Hal Schroeder


Edited by

Patricia O’Brien Libutti

© 2015 Hal Schroeder

All rights reserved.


To Those Whom I Listen To Shirley Calpine, my first guru, and an absolute angel of Love, a modern day saint. In memoriam. Charlie Sutton, Most dedicated Peace Corps teacher, a great inspiration for me to learn Ethiopian culture. Donald and Martha Murphy, my roommate from college, along with wife, Martha who took the barbarian out of Don. Reverend Paul Taman, great inspiration for following spirit, of truth telling, and of unconditional love. Reverend Dr. Marge Britt, fellow traveler in Spirit. Greatest mirror of my life. Nick Massed, Peace Corps volunteer, who passed too early. In memoriam, Great friend. Ralph Real and Bob Linn, two most dedicated teachers I ever met. ---Hal Schroeder, September 30, 2015



ACKNOWLEDGMENTS For all of my books, I have one major “Thank you”, and that is to my editor, Patricia O’Brien Libutti. Pat is phenomenal in taking my raw written words and putting them into publishable print. It is akin to taking a raw egg and turning it into an omelet. I am extremely fortunate, lucky, and certainly blessed for the skills of Patricia, as how many people want to be eating a raw egg?

I also wish to thank those who she asked to help her produce this book with their talents:

—Bruce Lohse Libutti, who provided proofreading and insightful comments, and

—James Scheirer provided photos of sunrises and sunsets taken in national parks, as well as research on copyright compliance for use of the photos in these book covers and accompanying blog Ascensionist Press. http://ascensionistpress.blogspot.com

September 30, 2015




1 The VA Tragedy 1

2 Taxation 6

3 Labor 10

4 Patriotism and Immigration 15

5 Photo IDs: We Shall Reap What You Sow 21

6 Education 27

7 Housing 33

8 Health Care 38

9 Full Employment 45

10 Community Banks 50

11 Energy 54

12 The Time to Act Is Now 60




Save a veteran today. Save our veterans today. Save those who have suffered every day after their military service. Do it now. This year, fraud has been perpetrated by lying about legal and established time frames for the VA to see veterans for health reasons. In waiting, some veterans died, and others waited-and still wait-- for needed medical services for years. The full extent of this fraud is still being investigated. The anecdotal evidence reported as actual medical care, is, in many cases, bordering on extreme malpractice. Recent reports picture doctors as pill merchants actually medicating veterans so that they sleep up to 23 hours a day. One of those veterans recently interviewed about his experience, stated: "I lost three years of my life where I barely remember anything," he said. "I'd sleep 23 out of 24 hours of the day because of those pills. It destroyed our family. It really destroyed me." After the VA scandal this year, legislators are alert and active in combating the injuries of all types endured by our vets. The bill introduced by Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) (The Sanders-McCain Veterans Bill ) was passed by the Senate on June 11, 2014. This bill calls for instituting new VA health care facilities, funding for new doctors, and expanding

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approval for private care for vets, among other things. However, the bill was not passed by the House. Legislators are moving ahead, but too little if anything at all is being done to ensure true quality health care for vets.not in the direction of quality health care for vets, the emerging legislation is all about emergency care of closing gaps opened by lack of attention to vets. The irony of all ironies is that we are great at giving our soldier’s extensive physicals to make sure they are physically and mentally capable of going to war, yet we let them languish, die, and in many cases are killed by the very system, the VA, that is supposed to be accomplishing this simple goal. Restoring our vets to wholeness also means restoring their sense of dignity as a human being, thus we must guarantee each veteran a job, worthy of the both the skills he/she previously possessed and those the military taught him. Yet how many thousands of veterans cannot find a job or find housing? We have all been blind, but through amazing grace, we can see and act right now. We need to awaken and acknowledge that our core values have been grossly lacking. The VA, even when giving their minimal medical care, has the implicit goal of warehousing these soldiers, without any idea of helping them. We, as a nation, need to find them not just housing, but a home. If you doubt this, just go to the wards of a VA hospital, and try to come out not sick to the depths of your very soul. Why should these vets- who fought for us be denied the very best medical care? Why should they not be allowed to go to the Mayo Clinic, Sloan Kettering Cancer facilities, John Hopkins Medical Center, and other renowned institutions for their specialties? Why would we, as their agents of recovery, not enable them in every possible way, including cross-country transportation if necessary, to get to the right place in an immediate way?

Spiritual Platform for America


Have we loved our neighbor, our veterans, as ourselves? If you want to be obstinate and say, “Yes”, go to the wards of a VA hospital. If you are a doubting Thomas, go see what effects our lack of action has caused not only the veterans but also their families, producing troubled generations. f you are still skeptical, go talk to the very veterans who lie in the warehouses called hospitals that we have created. But assuming your hearts are not made of stone, be prepared for tears and epiphanies as to how America failed our veterans. Have we allowed our vets to prosper after returning from service under the democratic principle that all men are created equal? No, not even when homelessness and joblessness are prevalent amongst our veterans. The surprise for many who have been blind to these issues is that this mistreatment has been going on for decades, at least since the Second World War. Unfortunately, many are more responsible than others. Where is the love, care, and concern? But how could doctors, the most trusted professionals.in our society, allow these conditions to exist? I know this personally because I believe that my father, a World War Two vet, was medically mistreated by the VA, and I believe that he finally died because of this treatment in 1980 at the age of 59. He had been under VA care since the 1940’s. Each doctor takes the Hippocratic Oath to "first, do no harm". Who amongst these VA doctors can make this claim? If they can, where is the evidence, where have their voices been? We need to abolish the VA bureaucracy today. We need to save our veterans by giving them the hope of having their lives restored. They put their very lives on the line for us, experienced the horrors

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that none of us will ever be able to fully comprehend, and have served every one of us. There is something better than a Veteran’s Affairs way of doing things: a voucher system. The United States needs a voucher system in which every veteran can be given all the medical services they need for whatever reason. We need to let every single veteran take these vouchers to any medical practitioner in the country that they think will help them. Let us solve the VA health issues by urging the development of legislation that abolishes the VA health system and replaces it with an all-inclusive voucher system. 1. This voucher system that will allow every veteran, past and present, to take this voucher to any medical facility in the country and use it for payment of all medical expenses. 2. This voucher system would include all medical disciplines, not just mainstream Western medical treatments that are often about stopping pain, and even worse, just medicating the problems away into zombiedom. Whatever is found worthy of restoring their health needs to be covered. Thus, treatments such as acupuncture, naturopathy, homeopathy, and others that might promise a relief or cure from the horrible symptoms of war would also be included. 3. This includes all necessary psychological and counseling services to reintegrate our vets back to the sanity they once enjoyed. Let anyone not in agreement go to the battlefield and discover the likelihood that they would not be traumatized by war, especially with the weapons of modern warfare. Since Christianity is the majority religion in this nation, the Biblical statement, “What you do to the least of me, you do to me” seems most important and germane. For us Christians, we fully know the meaning of this: what we do to our veterans when it is not adequate and when they are ill-treated, we do to Jesus the

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Christ as well. This statement is not meant to minimize the other great religions practiced in this nation, but simply to see the context the particular quote from the Bible. With the awakening to what we as a country have failed to do in caring for our veterans, why would any decision-maker delay one moment longer? Why would not every clergy person, after reading this, after looking in their own mirrors, be not preaching this solution from their pulpits until these goals are accomplished? Why would not each and every community rally around the churches in their community, and brainstorm the best ways that they can implement the Biblical injunction to “love ones neighbor as ourselves? The action needed is radical but so was Jesus’s message in the Bible. It does not matter whether the veterans are community members or not, they are our “Saint Georges” that demand our humanitarian, spiritual, and love energies in every way, shape, and form. Related material :See my Health Care article that deals with the spiritual principles underlying America's health care systems.





The United States of America is our Mother and Father; the United States of America is also our body politic. We are the organs and cells of that body. When one organ or cell gets sick, then the whole body gets sick. The body of the United States is sick now because we are not feeding it properly with our energy of money. The energy flow of money is a figure eight of constant flow with the money flowing from us to the government, and the government sending this money right back through this energetic energy matrix. When anything disturbs this flow, we get sick, and can even get sick enough to die. We are in a death spiral right now, and if anyone thinks that civilizations and countries, great countries, cannot die, then we send them to ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. We now send them to Europe which may be experiencing its own death knells right here and right now. We are sick because too many of us are abusing this body by finding every possible way to avoid giving to this body of America. And, we are sick because our leaders have fashioned a tax code that employs every possible exception for taxation for special interests which God himself could not understand. And we have failed to realize the most important fact; that if the body is healthy, we are healthy, and if the organs and cells of the body are healthy, then the country is healthy.

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Thus, I propose that we once again develop a system of taxation and revenues, food for the country based on spiritual principles, and bring about the renewed health of our sick country. We always start with principles that need to be rigorously adhered to and defended. They include the following: Principal 1.Everyone pays his fair share of taxes and revenue. As a citizen of the U, S., everyone pays taxes. As a citizen of the U.S., everyone is honored to pay taxes and reap the many advantages of living in this country. Principal 2.Everyone is created equal, and thus, has the duty to pay a fair share of the costs of maintaining that equality. Principal 3.The Bible talks about tithing 10 % of one’s income. The Government is our secular Father and thus, we have the responsibility to pay our government 10 % of our bounty for the privilege of living and working in our country. Principal 4.We understand that, by paying our fair share of taxes, we are starting to observe loving our neighbor as ourselves. Principal 5.By collecting enough revenue, and distributing it properly, we can observe the injunction of “what you do to the least of me l you do to me. This means that every financial transaction, whether small, or large needs to be shared with our partner, the Government of the United States. Principal 6. “To those whom much is given, much is expected.” We are interdependent, and those that have prospered, need to help this who have not, not to make them equal to them, but to give them the chance to prosper as they have. The first step in this process is to throw out the entire IRS Tax Code. Make it into the refuse that it is.

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Second, the tax form will be one side of one page. Since there will be no deductibles and no need for itemized expenses, more than one side of a page is too much. Third, we need to understand that all commerce in the U. S. is with the benevolence and permission of the Government. Thus, we are, in essence, in business with the government. This means that every financial transaction, whether small or large, needs to be shared with our partner, the Government of the United States. Thus, every financial transaction will engender a payment of 2% to the government, and these transactions would be sent to the Government weekly, so the government can recirculate the revenues immediately. So, for example, whether it is the building or sale of a nuclear reactor; if it is the sale of a car or the sale of candy in the local candy store; each individual financial transaction would send 2% off the top to the government. There would be no exceptions. Doctors, hospitals, lawyers and any professional transaction would pay this tax/revenue source, which would fund massive projects that would geometrically multiply the prosperity in the country. In the new taxation system, there will be no deductions whatsoever for individual. The minimum rate, under the spiritual laws of tithing would be 10%. This is with the assumption that all are receiving a living wage. Those earning an income over $100,000 would pay 20 %, $400,000, 30 %, a million, 40 %, and over 5 million, 50 % of salary and revenues. For businesses and corporations, the rate would be 10 % of gross revenues, with all profits remaining within the business, as long as maximum profit sharing is observed. Once again, all businesses are in partnership with our body, the Government of the United States. Rigorous enforcement of the new laws would be enforced, as to not pay ones fair share would be equivalent to treason, because one

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would be depriving the Body politic of its nutrition, and ability to flow. Since this is our very lifeblood, enforcement would include going after countries who are, in essence, encouraging cheating, by hiding assets. Computer programs would be developed so that we would know where and when revenues are not being paid, by tracking original and wholesale sources of economic activity. Lastly, under the penalty of strict laws and punishment, we would go after the scofflaws from the past, as they would be equivalent to a father not paying child support. Each scofflaw would be guilty of strangling our very lifeblood, as well as violating all of God’s commandments that make us human with divine destinies. It may not need to be said but it will be stated clearly. The Government, as part of the energy flow of money, needs to be accountable for every dollar received and spent. Controllers and czars of spending need to track every dollar, and waste needs to be immediately exposed as to waste this sacred money is to waste our very bodily fluids of energy. The final results of this approach will be unlimited prosperity for all of our citizens, the ability to create programs that will enable all to grow and develop, putting meat and substance into our foundational concept that all are created equal, and fulfilling the biblical injunctions to love our neighbor as ourselves, and take care of the least of me. Let us begin today.



LABOR, EMPLOYMENT, BUSINESS, AND TAXES Work, labor and employment, and the fruits thereof, may be one of the most misunderstood items in human existence, and certainly in the laissez-faire capitalism that is present in this country. And because of this misunderstanding, daily reports flow forth on how the gap between rich and poor grows exponentially. We have most certainly acceded to the Gordon Gecko philosophy seen in the movie Wall Street: “Greed is good.” Other misunderstandings occur in such "sacred cows" as "the poor will always be with us”, “anyone who works hard can make it in America," "it is the fault of the poor,” and “the way they manage their lives." In actuality, it is none of these. It is the greed mentioned, and even more so, the reality that those who can have taken more from the larder than they are entitled. The metaphysical law upon which this is based is that the universe was created perfectly, and has just enough of what is needed for everyone. But when one or more, and in our case, many more, take more than enough, then there is imbalance, and the classes of those who do not have enough, like the poor, are created. Stories, myths and legends are replete with examples of greed and even the Biblical Adam and Eve story is an example of greed. When Adam and Eve insisted on taking more than enough, in taking from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, a disease was created in the whole body politic. Disease rained down on all of us, and now we are separated into a Paradise for those who have more than enough, and a Purgatory for those who do not.

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Thus, I am recommending some very simple laws that will address this disease we have created, and start on a return to equality, where we can be proud that we have put forth the plans and programs that we are created equal. First, I would suggest that we adapt President Bush’s slogan of “compassionate conservative,” and change it to “compassionate capitalist.” The terms “benevolent capitalism” and “benevolent capitalist” would also be appropriate. Second, we make poverty illegal in this country, fulfilling the Biblical injunction to “love our neighbor as ourselves.” "Wow", you say, “Scandinavia has done this.” Third, we make a law that everyone works, with a new mantra of selflessness: God, Country, Family, and last, Self. Even people with disabilities will work, in some way. Christopher Reeve was proof of the infinite possibilities of people with disabilities. Everyone contributes to the blossoming of America. Welfare payments cease. Disability payments cease. The Social Security fund is restored. With everyone working, including the elderly, 70 becomes the new age to collect Social Security. All will feel good about themselves, and the direction the country is moving. Thus, we abolish welfare; we create ever-expanding employment opportunities in trainers of workers, and expanding industries like day care. It will cut down on illegal immigration, as our unemployed fill these positions that at present, the illegal migrants are taking.

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Why? Because these new laws will mandate that living wages are paid, and status and recognition of all will become an important part of the body politic. The Federal Government would be the employer of last resort, and if we need to employ FDR methods from the Depression, so be it. Better to have the energy flowing than having it stuck. Tax revenues will soar, and there will be a constant expansion of wealth. Fourth, we institute training programs that show how to make work play, and pay off for all of us. Fifth, we recognize the total interdependence of all of us, and remove the artificial boundaries of class and position. For this, there need to be laws limiting the difference between executive pay and benefits, and the individuals in said companies. I learned, when as a superintendent of schools, the two most valuable people in my organization were the custodian and the secretary. I learned that without the first, I could not even get into the building, and without the second, no idea that I had, no matter how brilliant, would go anywhere without my secretary. Let all executives learn this; let them learn they are nothing without those that surround them, and that pay be accorded this realization. In line with this, we need laws mandating profit-sharing so that each employee has a reason to see his or her enterprise work. Going back to the statement of working hard ensures success, what chance does an employee at a franchised MacDonald's have of getting out of poverty, no matter how hard he or she works, no matter how loyal, or how many years? This is seen against the backdrop of owners making millions of dollars off the sweat of these laborers.

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What has been totally ignored is the energy of money. Scientists and economists have demonstrated that one dollar changes hands seven times, if not locked up in bank vaults. What business in America would not benefit from all its citizens having at least $30,000 of disposable income? Would the Walmarts, Sears, auto dealerships and all retailers protest having millions of new customers, and the money to spend, and spend well? By obeying the laws of God, we shall be fruitful and multiply as the money will go round and round. With our present trickle down laws, the energy of money and wealth has been stultified because of our practices. Let our creativity of money flow go, and watch the expansion, exponentially, explode. We need a system of taxation that does not move to socialization, but to the concept of fairness, that is, everyone pays his or her fair share; that there are no free rides in our country. Thus, I propose minimum taxes be paid according to income. Perhaps the now-lower brackets, now making a living wage should be taxed 10%. But 50 % for the wealthy, as a minimum on the tax on their wealth. No matter what deductions they might put forth, they will pay a minimum of 50 % tax to a country whose rules and laws have enabled them to get rich. This concept would apply to all businesses and corporations as well. People cheat because they see the unfairness in the system. I would hire the best programmers in the country to devise programs to sort out those who are not paying their fair shares, and seek them out, both from the past, and present. I believe it is estimated that 250 billion dollars go uncollected each year.I would add a basic transactional government tax of say, 2 %, to all transactions to be collected at the time the transaction occurs. Thus, all wholesale goods and all transactions, for example,

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lawyer-fees by the hour, would be collected at the 2 % at the time of its occurrence and be paid to the government. Money could be used to iron out differences in pay across the board, now knowing that differences in salaries are not because of lack of effort or brains. I am sure there is much more that can be added, or developed in detail, but there is plenty here to attack the inequities in our present system, and energize a whole new class of voters, who may see hope in their lives for the first time.



PATRIOTISM AND IMMIGRATION Love conquers all. Love is all that there is. Love is the fabric of God, as God is love, and as his sons and daughters, we are beings of love. WWJD? What would Jesus do? He would love us all, and would inspire love of Country as the home of the Father. Thus, with a Spiritual Foundation, we can begin to understand Patriotism, and Immigration, immigration to our home, to our family, as we are family to one and all in America. Thus, what is patriotism? First, what is it not? It is not flag waving, singing of patriotic songs, and mindlessly defending administration war policies, simply because an administration says a war is justified. Patriotism is a very high form of Love, but a love that is active, that is doing whatever is necessary to constantly make the country better, wherever an individual thinks it can help. Love is giving, co-creating, and especially serving our Fatherland, our Motherland, the practical incarnation of our divinity. Patriotism is also a duty, and a responsibility to love our parent country, just as we love our parents as the leaders of our families, we need to love our County as our larger home, and larger unit of family.

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It has given us an existence, our existence, different from Outer Mongolia, Greenland, or Namibia, with no disrespect intended for those places. Second, we need to know the interdependence of individual to Country, and as we succeed, or fail, so does our Country, and vice versa. When the country is perceived as failing, we are perceived to be somewhat responsible for it. Thus, our very reputations, as Americans, have been harmed greatly throughout the world by the recent Iraq conflict, and we have been lessened. Our reputations were enhanced by the death of Bin Laden, so, we live and die by the amount of real patriotism that we engender. Third, Patriotism is always a search for the absolute truth. Thus, when an administration claims constant executive privilege, we see the height of unpatriotic behavior, and should always be followed by the question: “What do you have to hide?” Where is your search for patriotic truth? The Constitution was set up for each branch of government to be transparent. Every state has strict Sunshine Laws, and yet administrations continue to defy Congress, and hide its secrets in the dark, and then has the chutzpah to say that our requests to examine these documents are either unpatriotic or bring up National security issues. With a free and inquisitive press, we have been let down by them for the sake of protocol, and privilege, the privilege of being close, especially, to the presidential throne, where being able to ask a question using the epithet," Mr. President", colors all thinking, and where nothing obviously gets done, as answers are frequently given to hide and obstruct. The press must, to be people of integrity, follow every obfuscation to its ultimate conclusions. And, it must get out of the “Today” news cycle, never forgetting that true patriotism is finding the truth, the whole truth.

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Thus, in line with this, I recommend our press demand an accounting, under oath, of the entire administration, including the President and Vice President , and all cabinet officials pre 9/11 to find out what were the plans towards Iraq. I would depose George Tenet and Colin Powell, to see who knew what when, and sort out the lies from the truth, and if guilt and punishment of the most harsh kind needs to be administered, so be it, because under the false call of Patriotism and Honor of Country, close to 4,000 Americans have lost their lives, perhaps, needlessly. Would it be not the height of patriotism for those who died in the Iraq conflict to find out how heroic they were, recognized perhaps as being martyrs along with heroes, if the war was indeed, the epitome of unpatriotic fervor of misguided ambitions, and misuse of office, along with the oath to be patriotic. Let it be said that from the information known to this author, not one American needed to die in Iraq. I am ready to admit my error, if the truth and facts point elsewhere. But is it not patriotic to have a full and fair hearing and airing of fact and truth? Besides an examination of past and present policies, we need an “Office of Patriotism” developing, building and administering a “Curriculum of Patriotism”, with of course, an emphasis on our traditions, especially the founding principle of all men being created equal. Our citizenry needs to be constantly performing acts of patriotism by one and all. This should start in kindergarten and extend into old age. Love never stops, neither does the patriotic love and fervor of love in acts of love for this country. We need national service for one and all. We all need to take two years to devote to building this country out of our patriotic love.

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Thus, whether its military service, Peace Corps, or planting apple trees throughout the country, we need to act by patriotic fervor, and by law. One of the most important spiritual principles is to become selfless, to love one’s neighbor as our self. What better way than giving up two years of our life in national service to give and love our Father Mother Land? This is where immigration needs to come in most strongly. Anyone who thinks that immigrants are coming to America to be patriotic, or because of our history, must send all these immigrants to me, as I have an infinite number of bridges to sell them most cheaply. We have missed the boat, while our immigrants have caught it to our shores. We and they came for freedom, but freedom of what; most of them to enrich themselves, to make money, to follow their economic dreams. This is fine for one and all, citizens and immigrants, illegal and legal, as the primary motivation, but first must come the adherence to our spiritual and patriotic goals. First, we must insist on the mandatory service to our country of at least two years for immigrants. We must insist on a demonstration of a firm foundation in our patriotic history. We need to have detectives ferret out those who cannot or will not demonstrate love for their new country, and send them on their way back, if so discovered. In line with this, it is patriotic to learn and speak English. We must, for the sake of our patriotic souls, declare English the national language, and the language of government and business activities. Most of our forefathers, as did mine, of Polish and German ancestry, came with a different language, but they learned. They assimilated, and worked, and hopefully loved this country patriotically.

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When not, we teach and train, test, and evaluate. We must do this sooner, if not yesterday. To not acknowledge and address this language issue with our Hispanic brothers would be putting our heads in the sand. Patriotism demands that we treat everyone equally, that we find employment for all our citizens at a living wage, and provides programs, such as small business opportunities, for all our citizens. But, it demands that we all speak and deal with each other in our common language. It does not ever mean giving up the beauty and wonder of one’s culture, but it does require assimilation, fully, into the family of America. To do anything else would be to discriminate against all of our other immigrants who come here with their own language. As patriotic and spiritual leaders, loving our neighbors as ourselves, we would have massive language training programs, also creating a whole new set of career opportunities. Educationally, we always have known that to be able to use more than one language optimizes ones potential. It would also create a great career path for teachers. When all can be done to make us both One in family, while maintaining our own unique spark of divinity, Mother Father Country is enhanced, and patriotism practiced. This still leaves the question of what to do with our approximately 12 million illegal aliens, who, again, are here for economic advantages, not for love of country.Despite what anyone says, are taking jobs from others who would be doing them, as long as a living wage was being paid. It is impractical to try to round up all illegals and deport them. We don’t even know where they are.We need to accept them as here, as our brothers, as Jesus taught us about the Good Samaritan.

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We need to put all the illegal aliens on a citizen path, require the mandatory service listed before, with, perhaps extending such service to five years. This group could perhaps form an important military adjunct, similar to the French Foreign Legion, but different in that it would be a path to citizenship. Such a Corps would be invaluable in natural disasters such as Katrina, Irene, and Sandy. Once again, those judged to be solely about themselves and economic advantage only, and thus, unpatriotic, would be those who are actually deported. It may be time for a national identity card, so we can spot those not doing their patriotic duty, both citizens, and especially illegal aliens. We need to especially punish employers with jail time for hiring illegals, especially since we have now given them entry to U.S. life. And, we must get the help of and cooperation of the Mexican government. We must use the old adage of: "You are either with us, or against us; you are either our friend or our enemy, which would you like it to be?" Done right, this emphasis on the truth of what patriotism is, continuous acts of love towards our country, will lead to a Renaissance in innumerable ways, and a brotherhood of true Americans in common cause, where selfishness is banned to a love of God, Country, family, and then ourselves, a union of the One Heart of America for our great nation will be formed and all its citizens will grow and prosper.




Let us pray. I affirm the highest Joy of America, and remember that only our inner divinity of being the children of God can save us from our sleeping selves. I forgive that, as a single individual, I cannot affect changes that are necessary for the survival of our very Democracy, as I have remembered that I am the very divine light of God, here to do “greater things than I.” I forgive that I don’t know how to act in this emergency over this coming election, as I have remembered that I have the Holy Spirit within me to shape, and guide me, and I turn to this force Brother Jesus gave me to guide my actions. Know that our founding fathers are rolling in their graves, especially Jefferson, as a small group of individuals have taken the principle of being created equal and turned it to only those who have an official photo ID. The rest can be termed by them as "unworthy” of the advantages our creator has imbued us with. What is this guy talking about? While watching the Bill Maher show a short time ago, I was struck by what can only be prophesied for this coming election: that the

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Republicans and Mr. Romney will win, but not because of anything other than the relentlessness of the Republicans to limit the vote in many key states through these new provisions for photo IDs. This effectively cuts out the poor and the minorities that don’t know how, are unable, or are afraid to get these IDs. The number being thrown around was that maybe 10 % of the voters in Pennsylvania, a key battleground state, would not be able to vote, effectively giving the state to Mr. Romney, and when replicated in other states, giving the election to Mr. Romney. It would obviously take a moral Mr. Romney to proclaim that he would not want to win with everyone not being able to vote his conscience. Father, forgive us for we have been asleep. As has been pointed out, limiting the vote is the only reason for these new laws, because voter fraud, the ostensible reason for these new laws, is not a problem, a fact brought out by statistics pointed out on the show. Father, forgive us, for we have let politics take over our country’s sacred concepts. One may assume I am a Democrat, and have an ax to grind, or that I am an Obama supporter, or Obama apologist. I am anything but; I describe myself as a fierce Independent, a truth seeker for any and all issues. I sincerely believe that our party system has produced tragedy for our country, and a party system that needs to be abolished. But that is a subject for another day. In fact, I ask and pray that a person the caliber of Mike Huckabee, a moral conscience of our country, will, immediately speak out on this issue, and if necessary, lead a third party candidacy. Mr. Huckabee, I will vote for you, as will all of us who have awoken to the truth that we are all, indeed, children of God, and are created equal in this country. Just as it took a Republican in the White House, President Nixon, to open China, it will take you and your

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Christian and spiritual brethren in the Republican party to lead the charge to change these laws so this coming election is not stolen. I do not in any way doubt the patriotism of those who have sought these new voting laws, and know simply that they are asleep to the truth in this issue. Thus, I call on every American who had and is participating in these laws, if you think they are wise, to show your patriotism by simply mobilizing in every state an army of your supporters, and seek and find every registered person who does not have a photo ID. Then, make sure that each of these people are taken and accompanied to the appropriate agency to obtain these voter IDs. Once everyone has a photo ID, our consciences can be clear, and there is no issue. But to leave one person behind is to leave a stain on the very soul of America. If not that, then, at the very least, lead along with the other Republican Christian, Jewish and spiritual leaders, a moral revolt against these laws, knowing what an abomination they are to God. Jesus must be crying at the numbers of the “least of me” who will be denied by the continued enforcement of these laws. We must, as patriotic Americans, have them repealed and abolished and Now. We all know as truth seekers that exclusion of anyone for any reason is anathema to our God of Love. Father, forgive us for we have violated the most precious concept of what “we do to the least of me, we do to thee.” Mr. Huckabee and all who care about the moral and ethical, religious, and spiritual underpinnings of this country, we pray you will see the spiritual justice of this request. However, if you do not, this issue is so important to the very survival of our country, that the rest of us, need to act Now. Our very survival as a nation is at stake.

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Today, we need to mobilize and say: "No More” for this election. Every one of us, Democrats and even Republicans who cannot stomach the idea of a fraudulent election need to act now. Although this seems to be a state issue at present, and through our efforts may be able to overturn these laws in the states that have passed this voter ID law, we must prepare to act on the federal level, and make sure that such affronts are declared unconstitutional. If we do not succeed, this is election number two that will be stolen. The 2000 election was stolen by five Republican members of the Supreme Court, who gave the Presidency to President Bush, who then gave us the Iraq war based on a pack of lies, and a recession worse than anything since the Great Depression. Us people of Christian and spiritual beliefs and of basic truth understand the law of truth. We shall reap what we sow, and indeed, we have been reaping the results of that decision ever since. The question of whether we are better off from four years ago is inappropriate. It needs to be asked if we are better off from that Supreme Court decision in 2000, which has sown the seeds of our present tragic circumstances for so many. Father forgive us, we know not what we did, but remember, we have awoken, and will never let it be done again, and we will succeed by your grace and love. What did we reap in 2000? None of us can predict what an Al Gore Presidency would have looked like, but could it have been worse that the Bush Presidency? Maybe, just maybe, we might have had the reality of not one life being lost in an Iraq war, which we now know was based on lies, untruths, and half-truths. When we deviate from the truth, when power corrupts, when deviousness rules the day, we get the causal effects of this. Father forgive us all because we let down those soldiers who died in Iraq by not confronting and insisting on the truth, as only the truth will set us free.

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Father, we know that all these heroes of the Iraq war are in heaven with you, as they are the martyrs of our slothful inaction. What I do know, in truth, is that if Mr. Romney wins this election because of these new voting laws, we will have condemned ourselves to the destruction of our country and its beliefs. The reality is that the more clever liars will run the country, to our horror. Let us, one by one then, jointly and collectively, overturn this attempt to steal our Presidency once again. To repeat, it does not matter if President Obama wins. Heck, let’s run a better Third Party candidate. President Obama is not the issue. Our individual and collective souls are the issue. Just let us have an election based on truth and fairness, because the metaphysical law of what we give, we shall receive, will take place nationwide and worldwide, and fraud and political opportunism will rule, not the concept that we are all created equal. Not the concept of “loving your neighbor as yourself.” Since this is a deeply spiritual issue, let us make sure every priest, minister, rabbi, and imam, every person of the cloth, is appraised of this, and urge each and every one to lead the charge from the pulpits and alters around the country, of course, starting with their own congregations and communities, as we defeat the darkness and cynicism of these laws. We shall reap what we sow, and out of lies, we can only sow deceit. One thought I have for you, for those just coming to the awareness of the great importance of this concept is why a nonpartisan organization such as the League of Women Voters are so opposed

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to these new laws. They don’t take a position on a candidate, but they sure do on issues. An on this issue, the League of Women Voters is clear. We are in crisis. We have deadlines here. I ask two things, after my inner meditations that, people of faith act and act now and that people who believe in the founding principles of this country act, and act now. I do not tell any secret when I say that there has been much hatred directed towards President Obama. Would it be better for the soul of America to reelect President Obama, and have our souls and conscience be free, or elect anyone based on a fraud of our very lifeblood as Americans? Let us elect whoever based on our democratic principles, not based on a few power-hungry politicians. Let us get the brotherhood and sisterhood of America mobilized, simply to enact, the truth, and only the truth, because only the truth will set us free. Let us, at the very least, send pyramiding and cascading emails to all in our address books, and let that inner wisdom of the American people, so blessed by God, prevail. Amazing grace is simply amazing. Remember, we have just been asleep, but by grace, we are now awoken, and can see.





We have completely lost our way in education.

We have tried to divorce education from spirituality and the soul, and thus have fallen into mires of muck, with all criteria of educational success decreasing each year. Where are the great thinkers? Where are the great philosophers of the soul that used to dominate our thinking? Where is a modern day Aquinas, or Emerson, or Whitman, or Einstein?

They no longer exist because of the divorce and disregard of our spiritual traditions. Once we separate ourselves from our innate divine energies, from our inner divinity, we can only fail.

Where is there a 21st century Plato teaching an Aristotle?

Where is Professor Kingsfield teaching law students other than in the “Paper Chase” series? There are no teachers to follow; they do not exist because we have stripped teachers of their professional worth with massive disrespect.

And the final blow to our present system of education is that every parent thinks he or she is an expert in education. These “experts” then negatively criticize everything that is happening in school, reducing our teachers to puppets and baby sitters.

We can reverse this immediately by returning to a spiritual base, and seeing this as not inconsistent with freedom of religion. This proposal does not advocate any specific religion; it only advocates releasing the inner genius of every student.

So where do we start?

1. Immediate and total repeal of "No Child Left Behind" This latest version of the Elementary and Secondary School Education Act,

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first in effect in 1965, has removed the spirit from learning by testing that which is not really substantive learning, only drill and rote recitation. Our children do not have the chance to develop their own Spirit, which is the single most important aspect of their evolution to adulthood.

2. After the” No Child Left Behind” act is replaced with spiritually sound legislation to fund and support teachers and students in their learning, a sound learning/teaching approach needs to be developed immediately.

This will be a Renaissance in learning and education dictated by the concept of discovering and blossoming the talents of both teachers and students wherever they exist, leaving no stone unturned, as education is the key to whether our country and civilization survives.Always remember that we must trust our most precious assets, our children, with our teachers from age five, if not three, until they hit 18.

3. For schools and students

The Renaissance shall contain a joyful expression of song, dance, and artistic expression, along with a release of inspiration in all the technological areas.

Reading and Math would be taught within these contexts, along with the most important tenet: that all students are gifted, and we just need to learn how to find and release these gifts .Reading and math texts would revolve around soul issues, and, curricula: instead of Dick finding Jane, our first reading texts, would be about Dick finding his and Jane’s own inner abilities.

Instead of memorizing multiplication tables, students will learn to add, subtract, multiply and divide in exercises on how to reduce hunger and suffering in the world, as well as always, within each individual’s community.

Students will further learn to write about their own artistic expression, as well as the other student’s work, and the world of art in general, with emphasis on the release of soulful expression in

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art. The expression of song and singing, with emphasis on the lyrics and poetry of song will reemphasize all language skills along with promoting joyful expression of Spirit. Advanced art and music expression will be glorified, as these gifts we know to be of the soul.

Other concepts will be interpreted spiritually, as opposed to the rigidity of "No Child Left Behind.” Thinking of all that each can learn and experience will lead to “High Expectations equals High Results,” expected of every student. Mastery Learning will be the norm, in that every student will go at his own fastest pace, moving on as he or she masters the skill sets, and learning as they proceed at their optimal pace.

And especially, we have a responsibility to educate students who are disabled to be self-sufficient---until age 21. We need to think beyond the age limits to the student, to their Spirit, to their places in a world that needs us all.

Within this body of students particularly; their needs are great, their learning atmosphere is often less than they are. Now, we have special education students who can't read being forced to read material at six and eight grade levels ahead; teachers know this utter insanity of the applications of present law.

Yet, we seem to be locked into these non spiritual and logical applications of teaching/learning that we have known forever. Our founders were certainly not subject to such insanity, or we would have never have had a Declaration of Independence.

4. For teachers, it means:

A return of the respect by all that they once enjoyed, starting with the recognition that they are professionals in every way, shape, and form as much as doctors, and lawyers. We have to trust our future with them; yet, at present, we don't respect or pay them.

Thus, pay scales need to be adjusted upwards. New legislation at the Federal level may well include a federal teacher pay scale.

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Training needs to be given to all teachers with the modern technology of video conferencing that would allow them, within the shortest time frame, in conjunction with our universities, to earn doctorates in Education/and or Teaching Science, so that they all will be known as and addressed as Dr. Smith and Dr. Jones, fully equal to our doctors and lawyers in status, prestige and respect.

Video conferencing will allow the continuous exchange of the best and brightest ideas nationwide through technology so we get the best in our classrooms.

There will be an academy for administrators, especially principals, so our leaders are continuously nurturing this blossoming in teachers, and students, rather than working on clerical duties and paper work. Let our principals be seen continuously in our hallways and classrooms. Hire clerks to do the clerical work.

We need a “no tolerance” policy on lack of respect to be applied to both students and parents. We need to know that every right has a corresponding responsibility. Thus, the right to an education is tempered by codes of conduct that do not detract from any other student receiving his or her right to an education, based on the conduct of individual parents and students.

5. And for our country supporting a Renaissance education, this means:

With these reforms, the country will be awash in creative expression led by the Department of Education in Washington, and by all State Departments of Educations.

Special concentration, and in fact, a Los Alamos style concentration needs to be put forth to bring forth math majors, advanced science students in physics, and advanced chemistry just to catch up with the world.

Both the best of education and earlier specialization will permeate the education landscape. There will be virtually no limit as to the

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scope and width of magnet schools, as long as this blossoming of gifts and genius is the objective.

Our secondary schools will offer many more options for technical and scientific training at earlier ages. Right now, students are going to college for no particular reason other than status and the emphasis on better salaries with a degree.

One of our biggest losses has been in vocational education, although there are exceptions, such as the vocational educational agency in Texas, and the BOCES system in New York State. We need to identify early on those students who will best benefit from a vocational education rather than an academic approach, and then build in systems of equal status, and certainly equal pay, however that can be done.

Not only is vocational education necessary, but even our academics need the skills of vocational courses to be true Renaissance graduates, so that they, at least, know how to use a hammer and screw driver, and how to sew a button on a shirt.

The number of doctors will be quadrupled, by starting pre med courses in one’s Junior Year in High School, and completing medical School two years earlier.

A Renaissance of ideas nationwide will be constant through technology, and once we know what works and works best get it into our training sessions, and directly into our classrooms.

Lastly, we need a renewed emphasis on the teaching of patriotism, and what it really means. If a national curriculum is needed, so be it, just so it permeates the grades, and the emphasis is not on flag waving but on service, and on how we can all engage in making our country prosper, within the parameter of seeing and learning how our patriotic greats did it.

It will be proactive, and will be based on JFK's words:

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“Ask not what your country can do for you -- ask what can you do for your country."

All of these proposals are within the sacred concept that "It takes a village to educate a child." Community responsibilities will be addressed in the discussion of building a nation one community at a time.

Funding is part of community support, and will be addressed substantially in A Spiritual Platform for America paper. We, all citizens, need to explore all the ways we can fund education, from all sources, including private support.

This is most crucial in the training of teachers to teach these subject areas, and this can be funded in many ways, including bonuses, scholarships and exchanges of teaching assignments. The whole spectrum of funding possibilities, including grants and private sector funding, need to be totally explored and used for virtually every kind of magnet school and charter school.

Thus, let us start the Renaissance where all of our gifts, and our inner geniuses come forth, and let it begin this with me and you who will make sure it is carried out, as" No child left behind" is totally dissolved in favor of the discovery of the American Spirit and genius through our education system.

Let us submit and surrender our seeming expertise, train our teachers, and support, administer and evaluate our system to produce the geniuses of our families and communities, as genius lies in all of us waiting to be brought forth. Our national tragedy would be, if we ignore the genius and divinity of our most precious asset.

Let us begin here and now. Delay is tragic.

Start in our homes and communities along with our state and federal representatives, and insist on the right of all our students to exercise their right of our tradition that all are created equal, and the promise that no genius will remain undiscovered.



HOUSING Principle 1. Everyone in this country deserves a place to call Home.

Principle 2. “All men are created equal.” If they do not have a home, they are anything but equal.

Principle 3. “Love your neighbor as yourself.” If we have a house, and our neighbor does not, we are violating the second of the great commandments of Christianity.

Principle 4. “What you do to the least of me, you do to me.”

If we deny the living representative of Jesus, in essence his incarnation, we are making and rendering Jesus himself homeless. The homeless die early in most miserable deaths.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory tells us that nothing good can happen in the lives of those who do not have a home. Maslow tells us that until basic survival needs are met, we, in many ways, are worse off than animals, as animals have better coping skills.

Food, water and shelter are absolutely necessary for everyone to survive and thrive, whatever country we are talking about. To not provide housing: good, clean housing, to every one of our citizens is an abominable disgrace, and a sin against God and humanity.

Too strong?

Sorry, look again at the principles articulated here.

Thus, in not addressing homelessness, we have relegated millions, both the bag lady homeless, and even the working poor who live

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out of cars or with over-burdened friends and relatives, to the dung heap.

For our Christian and Evangelical brothers, is it Jesus’ will that we worship him on Sunday in warm cozy churches and chapels? Or would the answer be to “WWJD,” (What Would Jesus Do?) in addressing Jesus’ two most profound pronouncements:

"Love your neighbor as yourself,"

And "What you do to the least of me, you do to me”.

Or is it about the business of mentally and physically housing all that need shelter, however we can, as the first order of business, and then we can rest on Sunday?

The homeless of every stripe fit this description, so whether it is the pragmatism of increased economic activity, pure empathy and compassion, a humanitarian heart, or the implementation of these profound religious and spiritual concepts, we, as a nation, must address this issue totally and completely.

I propose that a federal law be enacted that would mandate that it is illegal to be homeless in America, to be implemented by every law-giving institution and strata of our society. Thus, we must move to a Marshall Plan for the Homeless, building structures that will house all the different segments of this population.

I fully know that, since Reagan opened up the mental institutions and just released thousands to the streets back in the 80s, we have a subculture of mentally ill roaming the streets. I have personally, interacted with them, and can appreciate the psychoses they operate under, along with the difficulty of caregivers in reaching this segment of the population.

I also know that many of these people, with their psychoses, cannot live in a regular home atmosphere. But there are many excellent programs that can be replicated across this country to house this segment of the population. New York, for one, has some great programs where this group, if they so choose, can wander in

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their own mental worlds during the day, yet know they have a room, house, and home to come to that night.

“Home is where the heart is,” and all they want is some heart expression of love and belonging while we begin to implement: “What you do to the least of me, you do to me"

However, this is not nearly enough; we need to start a revolution in Housing to conform to these principles so that the dream of the white picket fence, whether in rural America, suburbia, or a condo in the city, can take place, first housing our homeless, then the rest of us, desperate for a place called “Home.”

Think about the economic boom of building and all the various segments of society that will benefit: builders, retailers, auto companies; the list go on and on.

Think about creative minds finding solutions to high building costs.

Think about training programs in masonry so we build structures that are both beautiful and can last 400 years.

Think about alternative building techniques. Adobe works. The Swedes build building blocks out of food grains. Let the genius within us spark a total revolution in building our cherished homes.

How to do it:

First, everyone works; everyone is paid a living wage, not a minimum wage.

Second, a National Mortgage Bank is set up, in which other banks can participate or not as they do now, with a maximum mortgage rate of 2 %. We print the money, and if necessary, we subsidize the mortgage companies, knowing that increased tax revenues will more than make up for the subsidies.

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We guarantee the mortgages by deducting payments directly from paychecks, and we monitor the work, so living paychecks continue.

We can solve the high cost of housing in a number of ways.

First, we understand that much of the present high cost of housing is in the price of the land underneath the house. Thus, all government entities, federal, state, county, and city, see what land they own, and what housing they can erect on that housing, and then lease it to the homeowners, not the landowners, for $1 a year.

From this starting point, there is almost no stopping the creativity of this Renaissance, as on this land, we can erect new cities that will encourage the breakup of ghettos, both urban and rural. Just think of the new tax revenues that will come in from unused land.

It will also discourage renting in favor of individual ownership, instill the pride of house and family, and generate tax revenues beyond belief. Let Mayor Bloomberg of New York calculate what tax revenues would be available from 100 % individual ownership of New York’s presently rent-controlled and rent stabilized apartments.

Lastly, we need to be a Nation of Hope, of renewal, and of dreams being met by everyone. Right now, 46 million or 15% of the American people are at the poverty threshold and cannot even hope to dream of home ownership; they just live from day to day in pure survival mode. And 35% of our citizens rent their places; many of them, too, have deferred dreams of home ownership.

We have not all been created equal; let us at least try to start to make this a possibility, and release the creative energies that have lain so dormant by our lack of foresight and vision.

Let us create a cherished home for every one of our citizens, who are our brothers and sisters of the Family of God, Jesus, Mary, and the Holy Spirit. We are indeed One. What we give to another, we

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give to our self. What we deny another, we deny our self, and deny the light of infinite grace and love.

Let us begin today; yesterday is too late.

Blessings and love,





A constant theme of these writings will be the injunction in “A Course in Miracles” :”Delay is nothing in eternity, but tragic in time.” What is tragic is our present health care system, and to delay fixing it will be even more traumatic if we do not act on the cures right away. What could be more spiritual, more Christian and more religious than caring for and healing the sick? Jesus reiterated this concept many times and we, who have awoken, will do greater things that he when we realize that all of us have healing powers within us. But until light and energy manifestation becomes our norm, we must act to save America from itself. We hear the constant cry within the slogan that “America is the best country in the world”, and that “Our health system is the best.” It is not, and all available statistics that one might obtain point this out. Some are downright embarrassing compared to much less developed countries, seen in child mortality rates. There is one area in which America is clearly the best or highest. It is cost. It is exorbitant. It is downright outrageous. It bankrupts people, and people who have certain types of employment could never afford health insurance. The irony of all this, in the squabbling over competing plans, and the constant derision the one party throws at what they call “Obamacare” is that, prior to setting up his plan, Obama nailed it. He identified the problem. He said that health care in America

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costs $6,000 per person, more than in the rest of the industrialized world. He didn’t go on to say it is better or worse, but I will: it is worse. President Obama did very little in his plan to curb the costs, and since health care is so expensive, every dollar wasted or going in the pockets of those who can do with less, comes out of every other program, such as education and job training. The product is, in the long run, much less and inefficient compared to other countries. What is the cause of this? We know from our truth studies and from our awakening, it is the lack of love within the profession. It is engaging ego mind and ego delusionary thinking to the profession. Thus we must ascend to the Consciousness of the One, the Christolic consciousness, as we deal with this most sacred charge: to care for and heal the sick. I used the word “profession”. Health care is not a “profession” here in America. It is a business, pure and simple. It is called the “health care industry” by one and all. It is profit- and greed driven. Costs are arbitrarily assigned, and what can be gotten away with occurs every day. Tell me why a heart operation taking the same amount of time as another operation may cost 10 times as much? Someone must assign those costs. We, as truth seekers, must not assign blame, but awaken all to these truths and simply pray. “Forgive them for they know not what they do.” Forgive who?

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The pharmaceutical companies who charge exorbitant prices for prescription drugs, and hang onto the patents for far too long? Answer: Pass a new Federal law- no drug can be sold for more than the price charged to recipients in other countries like Canada. Since drug companies are, obviously, making a profit on these outside sales, it indicates that obscene and predatory profits are being inflicted on Americans. This will be illegal henceforth. Such a new law will take care of these costs, and will probably avoid interrogations into how our Government entered into secret pacts with the drug companies to keep prices high. “Forgive them for they know not what they do.” We are awakening them to the sacredness of their profession, not their business. And we should never fall for the pseudo argument that we will not receive any new drugs, because the profit motive has been removed. Right now, we have salaried professionals and scientists working on new drugs for the National Institute of Health and other organizations. The scientists at the drug companies can stay there or work for the government. We, the American people, who have so much to do, just will not be held hostage to them. 2. “Forgive them for they know not what they do”, and in this case it is The Health Care Insurance Industry. They saw an opportunity in our capitalistic society, and seized it, ran with it, and now have us by the short hairs. I don’t even remember this industry growing up, where did it mushroom from? Because we don’t need it, and, in truth we need professionalism, not industrialists, and bureaucrats. Our sacred charge is too precious. Answer: Return to truth: love your neighbor as yourself. We assume responsibility out of this concept for the health and well-being of our neighbor. We set up a bottom-to-top organization, starting with neighborhoods of communities, communicating to

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States their health needs. The top-to- bottom approach of bureaucracy just does not work. We must love our neighbor. We advocate states and groups of states forming their own consortiums and self-insure themselves, eliminating, entirely and completely the health insurance companies, and the profits they generated. They are just brokers and middlemen, and provide nothing but lack of care within the profession. But, it was never a profession for them; it was a business. If they are interested in the profession, we shall set up training programs so they can be health care professionals caring for the sick, or work for these new community-based health cooperatives. Needless to say, there will be universal health care for every citizen at the highest levels of both preventive and curative care, fully transferable from one State to another without insurance claims and all of the bureaucratic tangles we have advanced. Let the health care profession profess by caring for the sick and loving their neighbor. 3. Lawyers have made the health care profession much more expensive by suing for every possible mistake in medicine. We must understand that medicine is an inexact science, and that mistakes will be made. Let’s tighten the standards and accountability of our professionals, but not bankrupt the system with expensive court costs. As we understand the concepts of Love, Oneness, and +Love your neighbor”, everyone will be taken care of according to their need. Thus, we propose tort reform, which will eliminate totally malpractice insurance from the doctor’s burden, and once again, let them practice their profession of working with the sick. And for our hard working lawyers, we forgive them for they know not what they do.

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4. Forgive our doctors for they know not what they do. Many are loving and compassionate souls, burdened with all the responsibilities of our unwieldy system. Those who are not need to be awoken to the profession they practice, and forget that it is a business. First, doctors will be salaried. Let them practice medicine, not run offices. We have support people to do that. Second, they will operate out of respect for the patient. Many do not now by scheduling appointments that require onerous amounts of waiting time, totally disrespecting the lives of their patients. I was told by one doctor in Orange County, California that I was lucky to only wait one hour. My next words were: “You’re fired”. Once again, doctors have been caught in the dynamics of the business aspects of the profession, so are they professionals or business men right now? The patient can only lose when it is more of the latter. Once again, community custodians will watch to make sure all neighbors are given appropriate care. We shall quadruple the number of American trained doctors, so we do not have to import doctors. There are so many qualified people who want to be doctors, and so many communities with not enough. Love your neighbor to the full extent of this spiritual and metaphysical law. We must remember that by loving another, we are loving ourselves. We shall start training physicians two years earlier, so we get the doctors sooner. All qualified potential medical professionals will be admitted, just as exists in Law Schools. However, qualifications will be most high for admittance. New areas of specialization in nutrition and natural healing methods and treatments will be a part of new medical curricula.

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The states and communities where the doctors will work will pay the cost of medical school. Doctors will learn to “do nothing but love your patients by helping them in any way you can.” Lastly, all doctors will be required to watch the movie, “The Doctor”, with William Hurt, who finds what it is like to be a patient when he has a heart attack, and feels the horror and non-compassion of it. Boot camp and retraining may be required by becoming a patient under the present system and feeling the dehumanization of it. 5. Hospitals and HMO’s and all other services will be non-profit serving the good and health of the populace. For those who don't like it, "Sayonara" to another job for profit. Our health care system is no longer for sale. We shall raise the status of all professionals, so that our nurses, for example, are trained in their skills to the levels of a Doctorate of Nursing, and receive the status and pay deserved. And, lastly, we shall get down to the principle that we are here to help the sick, not deal in bureaucracy and waste, where aspirin tablets in hospitals cost $10 a pill; where appointments can only be gotten months in advance and where people die waiting for service and help in emergency rooms. How many books could be written just of the horror stories on our health system, simply because of greed, and the profit motive in medicine? Probably tens of thousands. We shall be a profession of honor, and where it is not, we shall root out the offenders, and restore the sacredness to the profession of helping our people.

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And, we shall live by spiritual and metaphysical concepts of truth, loving our neighbors as ourselves. Delay is nothing in eternity, but tragic in time. Let us sing, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, I have been sick; I have been blind, but now I can see by the loving hands of our health care professionals.





The Time to act is Now, Immediately, if not Yesterday, and Sooner. Truth, it is always true. It is always simple, but not easy. We are now awakening from our dreams of limitedness, lack, and littleness, and thus we, yes, us, must be the implementers of truth in whatever ways we can. Who else? There is only us, you and I. And, if not now, when? If not today, then children and families go hungry longer. The evening news, just last night, said 10 % of the people are going hungry every night, and that is in America. The statistics worldwide are staggering. What do we do? We start a campaign in which we don’t blame our leaders, just as we don’t blame ourselves. We tell the leaders our realization that it is time to awaken to the truth that we have been sleeping and dreaming a lie of illusion, and we must start implementing the truth immediately. We remind our leaders from all walks of life, especially our political leaders, and our ministers and priests, that we have failed in living up to our profession of Christian beliefs and, in particular, the injunctions of the Head of Christianity.

Hal Schroeder


I am talking about the two Biblical injunctions of Jesus, the first being to “Love your neighbor as yourself”, not anything less. Can this mean anything else that we would eliminate poverty, homelessness and unemployment?

And, the Biblical injunction that “What you do to the least of me, you do to me.”

Can this mean anything else than that we are doing unto Jesus what we fail to do with our brothers and sisters countrywideand worldwide? Remember, truth is simple, it is not easy.

How do we draw out a drastic solution from where we are and where we sit as a country? First, we implement a law and program of 100 % employment, so every person and family has the means to survive and thrive. This also means that we pay them a living wage, not a subsistence wage. I would think at least $30,000 a year.

Remember truth: the truth is that employment and work are ego words of dualistic consciousness and we are awoken. We need to stress that we are talking about providing every person with the opportunity and the responsibility to creatively express them in some endeavor that until now we called work and employment.

We need this call to arms to please God, our creator, because we have been saying that we accept imprisoning the spirits of 25 % of our population to the jail cells of idleness, and producing a world of such limitation that so many are going hungry. Even if we start reducing unemployment, one soul, without the opportunity, is too many. He or she is our prodigal son of the Bible, and we must love our neighbor as our self. The politicians will scream: “We can’t pay for such a program!” The truth is: it’s simple, not easy. We will pay for it; every one of us citizens will pay for it, with reallocations of the

Spiritual Platform for America


Federal budget, and with special assessments on all working, according to their means. Obviously, the rich and well-off and the corporations would pay substantially more that low income workers, whose contribution might be pennies or a few dollars.

But such a program does not just fulfill biblical injunctions, it is also, metaphysically sound, meaning what we do now is clearly unsound. The energy of money operates by its own metaphysical laws. Every dollar exchanged goes through seven sets of hands; thus to deny 25,000,000 people their birthright as divine beings, when one has the ability to do this, is violating the laws of the universe, and the Supreme Being. Energy denied is death to our citizens and to our country.

The words “body politic” take on new meaning here. Our country is a body, and every citizen is a part of that body. It is a cell or organ in that body, and to deny those cells and organs life affirming energy is to kill those cells and organs, which will eventually kill the body.

Chaos theory says that the fluttering of a butterfly in China affects us all. Certainly one of our divine beings of our citizenry hurting and gasping to survive has to affect the very health and even survivability of the country

The key or major or most important metaphysical concept that we must preach and teach is that we are all One, that we are interconnected, and what we give or not give to the all of the One, we give to ourselves.

For those who argue in sleeping ego minds that the poor and unemployed will always be with us, just tell them that this universe of the One was created perfectly, and that divisions of rich and poor exist solely by individuals taking more than their share out of the universal pie, leaving less for the rest.

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We are One and indivisible, and when we destroy our weakest, we are condemning and ultimately destroying ourselves.

Thus, by putting money in the hands of the unemployed, besides letting them exercise their creative divine talents, we will be increasing the amount of money in circulation times seven. And just imagine a government and agencies dedicated to helping everyone exercise their creative gifts. There has been a model in Bangladesh for years helping the poorest women start businesses, and we have our own recent model of the government partnering with the large financial institutions until they were solvent. We must give to the “least of us” the opportunity to be the best of us, which are us as the One and All.

We have to become a country of selflessness, not selfishness, which we have become. All businesses must put in mandated profit sharing agreements with their employees, and stop treating them like chattel, or donkeys.

Do you know what the owner of a MacDonald’s makes in a year?

Millions, while his employees struggle to survive, yet the owner would not make one penny without his employees.

There is so much more to be said with specifics galore, but now we must issue our rallying cry to every person in authority that we will not tolerate anything other than full employment, and that we have the thinkers that will make it work, because they are thinking outside the narrow politician’s box of lack, limitation, and littleness, and because their programs are based on spiritual and metaphysical truth. We, as the knowers of truth, cannot accept any other resolution. We will elect a president who will immediately undertake this, regardless of who he is, or we will run a candidate who will.Thus, start contacting your elected officials and our presidential candidates that only the truth shall set us all free, and at the very least, know that the “least of me” will not go hungry any longer, and us divine beings will race with ideas of our emergence as a giving economic power, and become once again, a shining example to the world.

Spiritual Platform for America


We cannot take “No” for an answer because” No” is the lie of the illusion and we are the awoken sons and daughters of Source of the most High here to love, give create and serve the One and All. Be the giver of truth, because we know as we give, we shall be given, and we will be given a country that supports the humanity and divinity of us all. Thus, we need you to speak the truth in pyramided emails so millions can start a campaign of disseminating these ideas. We need messengers of the truth; we need action. 25,000 million of us, and all who are being underutilized creatively await this new energy of liberation.

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, I am free to co-create with my brothers and sisters and send this divine energy of giving love to the body of America to grow and flourish.

Please affirm with me the following: I forgive my belief and fear that I cannot change the world right here and right now by my individual and collective actions, because I have remembered that I am the divine creation of source, and can manifest and materialize through my giving of light energy, and create exactly what the world needs, based on truth, which I now set free.

Blessings and love, Hal

Hal Schroeder





How to Make a Difference and Love our Neighbor as Our Self

Let us pray together. Repeat three times with me:

1. I affirm the highest joy of my neighbor. I radically submit and surrender my will to the highest joy of my neighbor. 2. I forgive that I am a limited person with limited power to affect change, as I have remembered that I am a Divine being of infinite and unlimited power, the power that Jesus said would move mountains. 3. I forgive that I do not have the time nor the energy to get involved as my life is full, as I have remembered that as I so shall give, so shall I receive, and I start with loving my neighbor, my community, my country, and my world as they are whole and part of me in the Oneness of us All I can only hope that you have been active in this, especially in pyramiding emails, which is simply urging all of your contacts to email all of their contacts. We should have contacted 20,000 million people in a couple of weeks, and with the knowingness that some political leaders must be hit with the truth, that some of us

Hal Schroeder


will be invited to, immediately start working on this stark policy change, hopefully before the election. I know that you have remembered that it is just as important that we elect members of Congress who will act on this policy initiative as the White house, and if ignored, you might start thinking in terms of who might run in your state or district that would carry this sword of truth forward. But today, I want to talk about what we can do much closer to home, the neighbors in our neighborhood, as the law of loving our neighbor as ourself starts there, starts next door, and extends to our community, however we define it, whether it is an isolated community, or one within a large city whether it covers a large or small population. Although not necessarily necessary,( only an English major angel would run those two words together, and get away with it), I would like as many as possible to read the book, entitled “Gotcha Capitalism” by Bob Sullivan. Simply put, it is about corporations stealing from us with hidden fees, not even caring about their product, as they know they can make more money by taking in fees. He lists about 10 categories of companies, such as mutual fund companies, and our precious 401 K’s, telephone companies, and others, but I will confine this discussion to the large banks, which we know are "feeing" us today and to death, and do virtually nothing for our neighborhoods, and communities. Again, they are not to blame, as they live in an ego dream world of greed, profit, and getting, grabbing and taking as much profit for themselves and their ubiquitous share holders, as their justification. Do they care about you and me? Just witness the recent bailouts of these institutions. Did they learn anything? Only to make more profit for themselves, and of course, with not even the semblance

Spiritual Platform for America


of profit sharing so that those on the lower rungs eat the dust of the profit grabbers. But, they are asleep, and we are awake, and are applying our consciousness of the One, hoping that these institutions will awake soon, but knowing that we must awake and act now, as truth must prevail and truth is we must love our neighbor as ourself, now, today and tomorrow. Thus, every community in America, and hopefully the world will feed and nourish the community, loving every neighbor in the community. How? Establish through its leaders a Community non –profit bank, with all net revenues going to feed and nourish the community. It should have two major functions in loving our neighbor. First, it will provide housing through low cost mortgages and a building program of affordable housing, with the common sense rule that if the community, town, or whatever political entity of community we are talking about, owns land, to use the land to build housing and then lease it to the buyers with 100 year, or 200 year leases, to bring the cost of the housing down. In any event, it should be as affordable as possible, with the goal being that we will establish our riches through our creative talents as divine beings, not through Real Estate appreciation, and speculation. We, simply must house our neighbor as ourself. The second major responsibility of our community bank will be to provide all possible stimuli for us to engage our creative talents, or in ego lingo, employment. We now know that to love our neighbor, we must have him fully engaged in realizing his divine power to love, give, create and serve, and every neighbor so engaged in his

Hal Schroeder


creative talents changes the energy in the community geometrically. We must provide all possible means: bring in experts in analyzing the needs, and as suggested with the Federal government, even take part ownership in these new businesses.Of course, all these enterprises would contain the provisions for maximum profit sharing so all employees will feel whole and part of the enterprise. It need not even be mentioned that if there are funds available after these two goals are met, then they can and should be given to the highest joy of the community, whether it be for the schools and specific educational programs, or anything that enhances the creative life and energy of the Community. Remember, the theme that The Time is Now. Start presenting this proposal to community leaders, to the chamber of Commerce, to the political structure of the town, and especially to the Ministry and church goers of the community as the only goal of this proposal is to love our neighbor as ourself. And, for the sake of our neighbor and community, one and the same, at the very least, take your money out of the large banks, and put it into a credit union or some other entity prior to our community bank opening its doors. Lastly, think of this community bank as our piggy bank, and with responsible leadership of awoken light filled leaders and administrators, go to the Community Piggy bank, whenever it will help fulfill the injunction to love our neighbor as ourself, and then walk hand in hand with Brother Jesus, while enriching the souls of our brothers, sisters, families, and communities while being an example of Love to the Country and world..Amen. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, I have seen the divine light of my neighbor, and in giving to him as myself, I have seen and felt the divine light of my soul, and heard the words of Brother Jesus: ‘Well done, my brother.”



ENERGY We have misunderstood Energy and what it is. We are all Energy; we are energetic beings. Everything is Energy. We move on flows of energy. This is metaphysical, spiritual, and scientific truth. Thus, anything that blocks the natural flow of energy causes "disease", which transfers to every one of us. The biggest sin or error we have committed is to tax energy sources. When we do so, we immediately slow it down, and sharply decrease amounts available to all of us. Thus, I am advocating the abolition of all taxes on all sources of energy, whether it is petrol, natural gas, electricity, etal. Thus, I am advocating that all federal and state taxes on energy be eliminated.

Hal Schroeder


We need to understand that taxes on energy are especially regressive, hitting those who can least afford them, and thus stopping or delaying them from moving in to the body politic. For the wealthy, extra money at the pump bothers them not at all. The result will be a booming economy riding on these natural flows of energy, where we can transport ourselves and all goods freely and easily, where we can build an airline industry second to none, and remove the laughing stock label “around the world” from our airlines. When Ethiopian Airlines does a much better job than our airlines, someone should know we are in trouble. I further propose energy policy that is developed for immediate implementation. I propose setting ceilings on both the price of crude,equivalent to about $25 a barrel. Then the use of the most efficient costs for processing, transportation and distribution, we can look to approximately 60 cents a gallon at the pump for gasoline. diesel and jet fuel. Watch the economy take off into unprecedented stratospheres. Watch deflation occur in prices, as transportation for all transactions lower prices, and put more money in every pocket. Tax virtually anything else, penalize size of vehicles, raise miles per gallons on cars to the auto industry, build more efficient methods of curbing gases, tax casinos, or even licorice but do not tax the actual sources of energy. I propose the speed up of alternate fuels including ethanol, and the building of new refineries, to begin immediately. We have let the oil industry use antiquated refineries as a way to raise prices, with frequent disruptions. We can impose a capital expenditure program for refineries, out of the billions in profits that the oil industry generates

Spiritual Platform for America


However, we need to be careful because we can affect other resources such as the price of corn and the costs of farming food. The ideal would be to find a way to use methanol, which comes from utilizing our garbage. We cannot forget that all is energy, including our refuse. I advocate an immediate formation of another Los Alamos, where we sequester the greatest minds in the country, if not the world, to find the answers that will deliver the absolute cheapest and plentiful sources of energy to us and the world. I know there are answers, whether they be in cold fusion, solar, or my favorite, magnetic. Why, for example, haven't we been able to apply the science of magnetic levitation that powers bullet trains, to autos? I would not take “No” for an answer. I would declare a national and world energy emergency, and start immediately. Quantum physics and advanced math does us little good unless the genius of our greatest minds is put into practical applications, such as finding new forms of cheap plentiful energy. The universe has given us the elements of plentiful energy: air, wind, water, fire, and the sun. We just have to use our intellectual genius, and spiritual inspiration to find the best answers. Mr. Einstein Junior, meet Mr. Hawking and all the Nobel laureates, along with the staff at Cal Tech, MIT, and Stevens Institute of technology, amongst our best and brightest. Be our heroes in a world thirsting for cheap energy. I know the Nevada desert well, as well as other parts of the country that are virtual waste land. Why can't more solar panels and wind turbines be laid out in places like the Mohave Desert to such an extent that enough energy could be generated for the whole country? Why cannot more wind turbines be erected in areas where there are few people, such as the Dakotas?

Hal Schroeder


Although this is being done to a certain extent now, it is just not enough. And, I am sure it boggles the minds of all of us. Why our greatest minds have not been able to use the power of the sun to a much greater advantage in providing the cheapest forms of energy is a puzzle. There are some "friendly enemies" that need to be tackled, and courage in this life-affirming area needs to be put forth by our political leaders. Some sacred cows need to be gored. First and foremost, we need to take on the big oil companies. Right now, we are in the process of one of the largest transfers of wealth to a few in our history. They have become a true oligarchy. Arguments about market forces are fallacious, as in most cases, both here and abroad, they own the oil. If they cannot be held accountable for the shift in wealth, and persuaded to buy into benchmark prices as suggested, then nationalization needs to be explored. Is it more important to recognize the truth and universality of energy, or hold onto myths of privatization? It is our life force that is being tampered with, and used for pure greed. The oil cartel also needs to be vigorously, and, if necessary ruthlessly, addressed. We are being held hostage by a few desert kingdoms, the most corrupt country on earth-being Nigeria, and there is a tin cup despot in Venezuela “taking no prisoners” in this war. If necessary, we need to play Godfather to these artificial political entities, and make them offers they can’t refuse. This is our survival, and thus, whether through diplomacy, or force, it needs to be addressed. Air, food, water, and energy are the things we are all entitled to, and anyone who does not allow this to happen has declared a state of war against our very survival. We, as a nation and world, need to guarantee these four rights of life to all the world’s souls.

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In many respects, the U.S can withstand these assaults to some degree, but what about poor countries that have been decimated by this transfer of wealth to these kingdoms, called “countries” and “oil companies?” The other enemy is the environmentalists. I subscribe to virtually every one of their concerns, and believe that virtually every one of Al Gore’s suggestions need to be followed, with the proviso that they participate in the solution to these problems. My technique as a school superintendent with teachers always was: “Here is the problem, now you solve it.” The environmentalists must come up with practical solutions for the problems indicated by Gore. Let them go up to Alaska, and find an acceptable solution to their concerns, as well as finding out where we can get oil, until we can switch to alternative fuels. It is easy to say "No," but not so easy to find solutions. Thus, under my principles of life, we are as entitled to that energy in Alaska, as well as a good life for the Caribou that live there; let environmentalists find the answer to care for both, both necessary for our survival. We are smart enough to establish controls and enforce accountability for safety concerns, whether it is off-shore drilling, or the Arctic tundra. This is too vital to the entire world to ignore. Until the great minds kick in, energy needs to flow smoothly and without interruption. We need to search out, explore, find and deliver all sources of energy to a starving world for energy that is cheap, or at least reasonable in price We love our neighbor as ourselves by giving him the means to prosper, and cheap energy is necessary.

Hal Schroeder


We cannot afford to wait; we cannot delay the next oil drilling as well as the housing of our great minds to create new energy sources. I call on our governmental leaders to act today, as yesterday was too late. Blessings, Hal




The time to act is Now, immediately, if not yesterday, and sooner.

Truth, it is always true. It is always simple, but not easy. We are now awakening from our dreams of limitedness, lack, and littleness, and thus we, yes, us, must be the implementers of truth in whatever ways we can. Who else? There is only us, you and I. And, if not now, when? If not today, then children and families go hungry longer. The evening news, just last night, said 10 % of the people are going hungry every night, and that is in America. The statistics worldwide are staggering. What do we do? We start a campaign in which we don’t blame our leaders, just as we don’t blame ourselves. We tell the leaders our realization that it is time to awaken to the truth that we have been sleeping and dreaming a lie of illusion, and we must start implementing the truth immediately. We remind our leaders from all walks of life, especially our political leaders, and our ministers and priests, that we have failed in living up to our profession of Christian beliefs and, in particular, the injunctions of the Head of Christianity. I am talking about the two Biblical injunctions of Jesus, the first being to “Love your neighbor as yourself”, not anything less. Can this mean anything else that we would eliminate poverty, homelessness and unemployment?

Hal Schroeder


And, the Biblical injunction that “What you do to the least of me, you do to me.” Can this mean anything else than that we are doing unto Jesus what we fail to do with our brothers and sisters countrywideand worldwide? Remember, truth is simple, it is not easy. How do we draw out a drastic solution from where we are and where we sit as a country? First, we implement a law and program of 100 % employment, so every person and family has the means to survive and thrive. This also means that we pay them a living wage, not a subsistence wage. I would think at least $30,000 a year. Remember truth: the truth is that employment and work are ego words of dualistic consciousness and we are awoken. We need to stress that we are talking about providing every person with the opportunity and the responsibility to creatively express them in some endeavor that until now we called work and employment. We need this call to arms to please God, our creator, because we have been saying that we accept imprisoning the spirits of 25 % of our population to the jail cells of idleness, and producing a world of such limitation that so many are going hungry. Even if we start reducing unemployment, one soul, without the opportunity is too many. He or she is our prodigal son of the Bible, and we must love our neighbor as ourself. The politicians will scream: “We can’t pay for such a program!” The truth is: it’s simple, not easy. We will pay for it; every one of us citizens will pay for it, with reallocations of the Federal Budget, and with special assessments on all working, according to their means. Obviously, the rich and well-off and the corporations would pay substantially more that low income workers, whose contribution might be pennies or a few dollars.

Spiritual Platform for America


But such a program does not just fulfill biblical injunctions, it is also, metaphysically sound, meaning what we do now is clearly unsound. The energy of money operates by its own metaphysical laws. Every dollar exchanged goes through seven sets of hands; thus to deny 25,000,000 people their birthright as divine beings, when one has the ability to do this, is violating the laws of the universe, and the Supreme Being. Energy denied is death to our citizens and to our country. The words “body politic” take on new meaning here. Our Country is a Body, and every citizen is a part of that body. It is a cell or organ in that body, and to deny those cells and organs life affirming energy is to kill those cells and organs, which will eventually kill the body. Chaos theory says that the fluttering of a butterfly in China affects us all. Certainly one of our divine beings of our citizenry hurting and gasping to survive has to affect the very health and even survivability of the country The key or major or most important metaphysical concept that we must preach and teach is that we are all One, that we are interconnected, and what we give or not give to the all of the One, we give to ourselves. For those who argue in sleeping ego minds that the poor and unemployed will always be with us, just tell them that this universe of the One was created perfectly, and that divisions of rich and poor exist solely by individuals taking more than their share out of the universal pie, leaving less for the rest. We are One and indivisible, and when we destroy the weakest among us, we are condemning and ultimately destroying ourselves.

Hal Schroeder


Thus, by putting money in the hands of the unemployed, besides letting them exercise their creative divine talents, we will be increasing the amount of money in circulation times seven. And just imagine a government and agencies dedicated to helping everyone exercise their creative gifts. There has been a model in Bangladesh for years helping the poorest women start businesses, and we have our own recent model of the government partnering with the large financial institutions until they were solvent. We must give to the least of us the opportunity to be the best of us, which are us as the One and All. We have to become a country of selflessness, not selfishness, which we have become. All businesses must put in mandated profit sharing agreements with their employees, and stop treating them like chattel, or donkeys. Do you know what the owner of a MacDonald’s makes in a year? Millions, while his employees struggle to survive, yet the owner would not make one penny without his employees. There is so much more to be said with specifics galore, but now we must issue our rallying cry to every person in authority that we will not tolerate anything other than full employment, and that we have the thinkers that will make it work, because they are thinking outside the narrow politician’s box of lack, limitation, and littleness, and because their programs are based on spiritual and metaphysical truth. We, as the knowers of truth, cannot accept any other resolution. We will elect a president who will immediately undertake this, regardless of who he is, or we will run a candidate who will. Thus, start contacting your elected officials and our presidential candidates that only the truth shall set us all free, and at the very least, know that the “least of me” will not go hungry any longer, and us divine beings will race with ideas of our emergence as a giving economic power, and become once again, a shining example to the world.

Spiritual Platform for America


We cannot take “No” for an answer because” No” is the lie of the illusion and we are the awoken sons and daughters of Source of the most High here to love, give create and serve the One and All. Be the giver of truth, because we know as we give, we shall be given, and we will be given a country that supports the humanity and divinity of us all. Thus, we need you to speak the truth in pyramided emails so millions can start a campaign of disseminating these ideas. We need messengers of the truth; we need action. 25,000 million of us, and all who are being underutilized creatively await this new energy of liberation. Please affirm with me the following: I forgive my belief and fear that I cannot change the world right here and right now by my individual and collective actions, because I have remembered that I am the divine creation of source, and can manifest and materialize through my giving of light energy, and create exactly what the world needs, based on truth, which I now set free. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, I am free to co-create with my brothers and sisters and send this divine energy of giving love to the body of America to grow and flourish. Blessings and Love, Hal



Hal Schroeder is a writer who has given courses, workshops and lectures on spiritual matters for 27 years. Hal has been a Peace Corps volunteer and a school superintendent overseas and in the U.S. He holds degrees in English and School Administration. The one he values the most is his degree from within, from the University of The Holy Spirit.

Email: hal.schroeder@aol.com Blog: Ascensionistpress.blogspot.com

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