Spiritual Growth and Maturity. Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and.

Post on 29-Dec-2015






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Spiritual Growthand


Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do,

forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,

I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 3:13-14

Why we should study Spiritual Growth


Lesson IDefinitions

DefinitionsSpiritual Growth – The lifetime process of progressive sanctification whose ultimate goal is to be a fully-grown, completely-formed believer in Jesus Christ and prepared for Heaven







(Progressive Sanctification)

Spiritual Growth – The lifetime process of progressive sanctification whose ultimate goal is to be a fully-grown, completely-formed believer in Jesus Christ and prepared for Heaven

Spiritual Growth – The lifetime process of progressive sanctification whose ultimate goal is to be a fully-grown, completely-formed believer in Jesus Christ and prepared for Heaven

Spiritual Maturity – Showing Christ-like characteristics in our earthly lives that match our position in Christ. It is the end result or product of spiritual growth.







(Progressive Sanctification)




Spirituality – A measure of a believer’s spiritual health.

•“Spiritual” (I Corinthians 2:15)•Spiritual fellowship with God (Philippians 3:10)•Filled with the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18)•Walking in the Spirit (Galatians 5:16)•Bearing fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22)


Spirituality – A measure of a believer’s spiritual health.

•“Spiritual” (I Corinthians 2:15)•Spiritual fellowship with God (Philippians 3:10)•Filled with the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18)•Walking in the Spirit (Galatians 5:16)•Bearing fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22)

When we walk in the flesh, our spiritual growth is “stunted”; our spiritual maturity is hindered until we return to walk with God in the Spirit.


Spiritual Growth – The lifetime process of progressive sanctification whose ultimate goal is to be a fully-grown, completely-formed believer in Jesus Christ and prepared for Heaven

Spiritual Maturity – Showing Christ-like characteristics in our earthly lives that match our position in Christ. It is the end result or product of spiritual growth.

Spirituality – A measure of a believer’s spiritual health.


Bible Words About Spiritual GROWTH and MATURITY

Familiar illustrations and metaphors in the Bible:

• An infant or small child• A fruitful plant• The human body• A building• A full-grown adult• Ever-increasing love• An object of workmanship

An Infant or a Small Child;A Fruitful Plant

GROW, GROW UP• I Peter 2:2• Ephesians 4:14-15 • II Peter 3:18

An Infant or a Small Child;A Fruitful Plant

GROW, GROW UP• I Peter 2:2• Ephesians 4:14-15 • II Peter 3:18

INCREASE• I Thessalonians 4:9-10• Colossians 1:10

The Human Body or Believers as a Building


• I Corinthians 3:9• Ephesians 2:19-22

The Human Body or Believers as a Building


• I Corinthians 3:9• Ephesians 2:19-22


• Romans 14:19• I Thessalonians 5:11 • Romans 15:2• Ephesians 4:12, 16

A Full-grown Adult

A PERFECT MAN, PERFECT• Ephesians 4:13• James 3:2


• Hebrews 5:12-14


• Ephesians 4:12

An Ever-increasing Work in Progress


• Philippians 1:9• I Thessalonians 4:1• I Thessalonians 3:12

A Finished Object of Workmanship


• Colossians 1:9• Colossians 4:12

A Finished Object of Workmanship


• Colossians 1:9• Colossians 4:12 (2:10)






(Progressive Sanctification)

“Complete in Thee”


• Ephesians 4:13b, 15b• Colossians 1:28 • II Corinthians 3:18• I Corinthians 4:10-11• Philippians 3:12-14• Hebrews 6:1-3

Spiritual Maturity is Our Goal

More Like My Savior

• Luke 6:40• John 13:34; 15:12• I John 2:6; 3:16• Philippians 2:5• I Peter 2:21-23

Spiritual Maturity is Our Goal







Spiritual Growth and MaturityKey Words






(Progressive Sanctification)

Spiritual Growth and Maturity






(Progressive Sanctification)

CompleteIn Christ

PerfectGrowing, Edifying,

Abounding More and More

Spiritual Growth and Maturity

Lesson 2Building Blocks

forSpiritual Growth

Building Blocks for Spiritual Growth

#1 – Life (Salvation, Regeneration)

Building Blocks for Spiritual Growth

• John 3:1-7• Ephesians 2:1• I Corinthians 2:14

Cautions:• Matthew 7:21-23 (13:1-9; 24:13-20)• II Corinthians 13:5• Matthew 7:24-27

#1 – Life (Regeneration, Salvation)

Building Blocks for Spiritual Growth

#1 – Life (Salvation, Regeneration)

#2 – Nourishment (God’s Word)

Building Blocks for Spiritual Growth

Desire spiritual nourishment• II Corinthians 5:17• I Peter 2:2• Job 23:12Consume God’s Word• Psalm 119:103• Jeremiah 15:16

#2 – Nourishment (God’s Word)

Building Blocks for Spiritual Growth

#2 – Nourishment (God’s Word)

II Timothy 3:14-17

Righteousness Christ Repentance Faith Baptisms Identification Resurrections Judgment

Learn the First Principles (ABCs) of God’s Word

Hebrews 15:12 - 6:3

Suggestions for Reading Your Bible

1.Read the Bible

2.Read the Bible every day

Suggestions for Reading Your Bible

"Varying paces [of reading] mitigate against strict rules. But daily reading forces us to read portions of Scripture to which we are not naturally drawn, feeding us with the whole counsel of God and giving us the fullest possible picture of who God is." ~ Dane Ortlund, Bible publishing director, Crossway Books

Suggestions for Reading Your Bible

1.Read the Bible

2.Read the Bible every day

3.When we read the Bible matters

4.Read all of the Bible

Suggestions for Reading Your Bible

“For some years now I have read through the Bible twice every year. If you picture the Bible to be a mighty tree and every word a little branch, I have shaken every one of these branches because I wanted to know what it was and what it meant.” ~ Martin Luther

Suggestions for Reading Your Bible

1.Read the Bible

2.Read the Bible every day

3.When we read the Bible matters

4.Read all of the Bible

5.Read the Bible every day according to a


Suggestions for Reading Your Bible

"Comprehensive reading of Scripture through assigned daily readings dates back to the early church. The deep grasp of Scripture this discipline provides is essential to Christian discipleship. One-year plans are a great way to achieve that." ~ Joel Scandrett, professor of historical theology, Trinity School for Ministry

Suggestions for Reading Your Bible

6.Read more of the Bible than you ever have


Suggestions for Reading Your Bible

"Given the fragmentary and out-of-context Bible sampling that pervades our Christian world, any Bible reading that is more holistic and sustained is a good thing. Feasting on whole books and getting immersed in the narrative is healthier than snacking on Bible McNuggets." ~ Glenn Paauw, Bible publisher-North America, Biblica

Suggestions for Reading Your Bible

6.Read more of the Bible than you ever have


7.Read the Bible for understanding

Suggestions for Reading Your Bible

“It will greatly help you to understand scripture if you note – no only what is spoken and written, but of whom and to whom, with what words, at what time, where, to what intent, with what circumstances, considering what goes before and what follows.”~ Miles Coverdale, in his introduction to his 1535 English Bible translation

Suggestions for Reading Your Bible

6.Read more of the Bible than you ever have


7.Read the Bible for understanding

8.Read with childlike faith to please God

Suggestions for Reading Your Bible

“If there is anything in my thoughts or style to commend, the credit is due to my parents for instilling in me an early love of the Scriptures.”~ Daniel Webster

Suggestions for Reading Your Bible

6.Read more of the Bible than you ever have


7.Read the Bible for understanding

8.Read with childlike faith to please God

9.Read to grow in communion with God

Suggestions for Reading Your Bible

“There is a way of reading the Bible that seems to leave God far away, off in the shadows somewhere. It is all information and technicalities and knowledge, but it feels like you're sitting with your back towards God. You come up against a difficulty or question, and you go to books, you ask pastors, friends, strangers on the internet, anyone but Him. Gradually God gets smaller and dimmer.”~ Unknown

Suggestions for Reading Your Bible

6.Read more of the Bible than you ever have


7.Read the Bible for understanding

8.Read with childlike faith to please God

9.Read to grow in communion with God

10.Read to be a doer of God’s Word

Suggestions for Reading Your Bible

Suggestions for Reading Your Bible

11.Read and mark your Bible

12.Read and meditate on Bible passages

“Some people like to read so many [Bible] chapters every day. I would not dissuade them from the practice, but I would rather lay my soul asoak in half a dozen verses all day than rinse my hand in several chapters. Oh, to be bathed in a text of Scripture, and to let it be sucked up in your very soul, till it saturates your heart!”~ Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Suggestions for Reading Your Bible

Suggestions for Reading Your Bible

11.Read and mark your Bible

12.Read and meditate on Bible passages

13.Read and memorize key verses

14.Read as if our lives depended on it

Isaiah 55:10-11For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

Suggestions for Reading Your Bible

Building Blocks for Spiritual Growth

#1 – Life (Salvation, Regeneration)

#2 – Nourishment (God’s Word)

#3 – Love (Communion with God)

Building Blocks for Spiritual Growth

Fellowship with God• I Thessalonians 5:17• John 15:4-5Regular examination for sin• I Corinthians 11:28• I John 1:9Warnings against neglect• I Corinthians 3:1-3• Galatians 3:3

#3 – Love (Communion with God)

Building Blocks for Spiritual Growth

Regular examination of our walk• II Corinthians 13:5• Ephesians 5:10

#3 – Love (Communion with God)

Building Blocks for Spiritual Growth

#1 – Life (Salvation, Regeneration)

#2 – Nourishment (God’s Word)

#3 – Love (Communion with God)

#4 – Protein (Doctrine)

Building Blocks for Spiritual Growth

#4 – Protein (Doctrine)

“strong meat” = spiritual food for growth; nourishment for adults

Building Blocks for Spiritual Growth

#4 – Protein (Doctrine)

“strong meat” = spiritual food for growth; nourishment for adults

“doctrine” = spiritual teaching

• In the Gospels• Foundation of the New Testament• Local Church Teaching• WARNING: False Doctrine

The Word “Doctrine”

The Word “Doctrine”

In the Gospels• Matthew 15:9; 16:12• Mark 1:27• John 7:16• Luke 4:32

Foundation of the New Testament•Acts 2:42; 5:28; 17:19•Romans 6:17; 16:17•Ephesians 2:20•II Peter 3:1-2

The Word “Doctrine”

Local Church Teaching•I Timothy 4:6, 13, 16; 5:17; 6:3•II Timothy 3:16•Titus 1:9; 2:1, 10

The Word “Doctrine”

WARNING: False Doctrine•Ephesians 4:14•Colossians 4:14•I Timothy 1:3, 10; 4:1•Hebrews 13:9•II John 9-10

The Word “Doctrine”

Building Blocks for Spiritual Growth

#4 – Protein (Doctrine)

“strong meat” = spiritual food for growth; nourishment for adults

“doctrine” = spiritual teaching

“the faith” = complete body of teaching (doctrine) of the Christian faith

Often “the faith” means the same as “doctrine””I Timothy 4:6; Jude 3

People who embraced “the faith” were believersGalatians 6:10; II Corinthians 13:5

Believers were urged to continue in the doctrine they had been taughtActs 14:22; 16:5I Corinthians 16:13; II Timothy 4:7 Acts 6:7

Those who didn’t remain in “the faith” were in errorI Timothy 6:10, 20-21

“The Faith”

Building Blocks for Spiritual Growth

#4 – Protein (Doctrine)

Practical Suggestions:• Desire more substantial spiritual


• Seek out quality, substantial

spiritual nourishment

• Learn to feed ourselves

Learn to Feed Ourselves

Major Bible Themes: 52 Vital Doctrines of the Scriptures

Simplified and Explained, Lewis Sperry Chafer and John F.

Walvoord, 1974 (1956 edition is available free on the Internet but

the revised version is better.)

Excellent for a new believer!Very simple explanations,

questions and a Study Guide.

Learn to Feed Ourselves

Basic Theology: A Popular Systematic Guide to

Understanding Biblical Truth, Charles C. Ryrie, 1999 (be sure to

get the latest edition)

Expanded, in-depth explanation of basic Bible


Learn to Feed OurselvesSystematic Theology: An Unabridged, Original Study of Systematic Theology

from a Biblical Viewpoint – Evangelical, Premillenial and Dispensational (8

Volume Set), Lewis Sperry Chafer, 1976 (this set has been reprinted many times since its original publication in 1948 and

the full, 8-volume set is the best. There is a newer, 1993, 4-volume abridged set

which is good, but the complete unabridged set is best.)

Systematic and exhaustive study of all the foundational Bible doctrines.(Do not buy the abridged version…)

Building Blocks for Spiritual Growth

#1 – Life (Salvation, Regeneration)

#2 – Nourishment (God’s Word)

#3 – Love (Communion with God)

#4 – Protein (Doctrine)

#5 – Exercise (Experience)

Building Blocks for Spiritual Growth

#5 – Exercise (Experience)

Initiative, activity, action

• II Corinthians 13:5a

• Philippians 2:12-13

• Jude 20

Building Blocks for Spiritual Growth

#5 – Exercise (Experience)

Things we can do for spiritual exercise

• Stay spiritually fit

• Obey God

• Use our spiritual gifts

Building Blocks for Spiritual Growth

#5 – Exercise (Experience)

Our attitude toward life’s trials • Philippians 2:5• I Peter 4:1• Romans 5:3-5; 8:18, 38-39• II Corinthians 4:14-18• I Peter 3:15• I Corinthians 10:13• James 1:2-4

Building Blocks for Spiritual Growth

#5 – Exercise (Experience)

Learn from life’s trials

• II Corinthians 12:7-10

• Philippians 4:11-13 (II Corinthians 11:23-28)

• I Peter 4:12-19

• Hebrews 12:5-13

Building Blocks for Spiritual Growth

#5 – Exercise (Experience)

We can hinder our spiritual growth

• Neglect spiritual things

• Fail to keep spiritually fit

• Set spiritual armor aside

• Wrong attitude toward “common” trials

• Wrong response to sovereign events

Building Blocks for Spiritual Growth

#5 – Exercise (Experience)

Be diligent; don’t become discouraged

• II Peter 3:3-10

Building Blocks for Spiritual Growth

#1 – Life (Salvation, Regeneration)

#2 – Nourishment (God’s Word)

#3 – Love (Communion with God)

#4 – Protein (Doctrine)

#5 – Exercise (Experience)

#6 – Time

Building Blocks for Spiritual Growth

#6 – Time

Spiritual maturity has a finite timetable• Hebrews 5:12• Philippians 1:6

Our responsibility• Ephesians 5:16 (Gk. KAIROS)

Building Blocks for Spiritual Growth

#6 – Time

We are in a hurry but God is not

• Psalm 37:7, 34

• Exodus 2-4; Acts 7:29 (Moses, 40 years)

• Galatians 1:17 (Paul, 3 years)

• Philippians 4:11-13 (II Corinthians 11:23-28)

• “There are no shortcuts to spiritual maturity”

Building Blocks for Spiritual Growth

#6 – Time

God can mature us quickly

• Acts 11:19 (Jerusalem church and early

believers through persecution)

• Sudden illness…tragic accident…

• God knows how to mold us and shape us

according to His schedule

Building Blocks for Spiritual Growth

#1 – Life (Salvation, Regeneration)

#2 – Nourishment (God’s Word)

#3 – Love (Communion with God)

#4 – Protein (Doctrine)

#5 – Exercise (Experience)

#6 – Time

We can help or hinder God’s schedulefor our spiritual maturity.

Building Blocks for Spiritual Growth

#1 – Life (Salvation, Regeneration)

#2 – Nourishment (God’s Word)

#3 – Love (Communion with God)

#4 – Protein (Doctrine)

#5 – Exercise (Experience)

#6 – Time

Where does the local church fit into God’s program for our spiritual growth?

What is the Local Church?

The Body of Christ is made of believers…• I Corinthians 12:13• Romans 12:5

…who gather together regularly under

spiritually qualified leaders for worship,

teaching of Scripture, observance of

ordinances, prayer, spiritual edification and


Spiritual Growth in the Local Church

The local church is where believers:

1. Learn sound doctrine

2. Learn to put doctrine into practice

3. Model spiritual maturity

4. Build up one another in the faith

5. Exercise their spiritual gifts

6. Prepare for service into eternity

Spiritual Growth in the Local Church

1. Where we learn sound doctrine• Ephesians 4:11-15• II Timothy 2:2• I Timothy 4:13, 16• Titus 2:1

Spiritual Growth in the Local Church

2. Where we learn to put doctrine into practice

• Hebrews 10:25• II Timothy 4:2• Ephesians 4-6; Colossians• Titus 1:9• I Timothy 5:20

Spiritual Growth in the Local Church

3. Where believers model spiritual maturity

• I Corinthians 11:1• I Timothy 3; Titus 1• I Timothy 4:12• Romans 15:1• Titus 2:1-6• II Timothy 2:2

Spiritual Growth in the Local Church

4. Where we build up one another in “the faith”

• I Thessalonians 5:11• Hebrews 10:23-25• We practice the “one another” verses

Spiritual Growth in the Local Church

“…one another”

Rom:12:10 be kindly affectioned one to another; preferring one another

Rom:15:7 receive ye one anotherRom:15:14 admonish one anotherI Cor:16:20 greet ye one anotherGal:5:13 serve one anotherGal:6:2 bear ye one another's burdensEph:4:2 forbearing one anotherEph:4:32 be ye kind one to another;

forgiving one another

Spiritual Growth in the Local Church

“…one another”

Col:3:16 teaching and admonishing one anotherI Thes:4:18 comfort one anotherI Thes:5:11 comfort yourselves together;

edify one anotherHeb:3:13 exhort one another dailyHeb:10:24 consider one another to

provoke unto love and to good worksHeb:10:25 not forsaking the assembling of

ourselves together; exhorting one another

I Jn:4:11 love one another

Spiritual Growth in the Local Church

5. Where we exercise spiritual giftsGifts are from the Holy Spirit• I Corinthians 12:7, 11

Gifts should be used (exercised) for the benefit of the body

• I Corinthians 12:1-11• Romans 12:4-8

Gifts should valued, honored, cherished, respected

• I Corinthians 12:12-31

Spiritual Growth in the Local Church

6. Where we prepare for service

Remember: Our GOAL is to be “perfect” “complete” “full grown” -- like Christ

…to stand unashamed before Him at the

Judgment Seat

• Ephesians 2:10• II Timothy 3:17• II Corinthians 5:9-11

Spiritual Growth in the Local Church

The local church is where believers:

1. Learn sound doctrine

2. Learn to put doctrine into practice

3. Model spiritual maturity

4. Build up one another in the faith

5. Exercise their spiritual gifts

6. Prepare for service into eternity

Building Blocks for Spiritual Growth

#1 – Life (Salvation, Regeneration)

#2 – Nourishment (God’s Word)

#3 – Love (Communion with God)

#4 – Protein (Doctrine)

#5 – Exercise (Experience)

#6 – Time

The local church is essential for ourSPIRITUAL GROWTH and MATURITY

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