

The Evolution of Human Consciousness

‘Colors’ of Consciousness

Not the differences between people, but the differences within people.

Spiral Dynamics: A Context for Communication

Clare Graves.

Don Beck & Chris Cowan.

Ken Wilber.

Never-ending Upward Spiral

‘The Emergent, Cyclical, Double-Helix Model of Adult Biopsychosocial Systems Development.’

--Clare Graves

Unfolding Consciousness‘…An unfolding, emergent, oscillating, spiraling process, marked by progressive subordination of older, lower-order behavior systems to newer, higher-order behavior systems as our existential problems change.’ (Clare Graves)

Spiral Dynamics

The Eight-Stage Spiral of Development

Inclusive EmergenceMetaphor of the ‘Russian doll’.

Everything belongs…

Emergence from within.

Beige: Instinctive/Survivalist

Do what you must just to stay alive.

Food, water, warmth, sex and safety.

Survival bands to perpetuate life.

Distinct self barely awakened.

Purple: Magical/Animistic

Keep the spirits happy and the tribe’s nest warm and safe.

Individual subsumed into group.

Rituals of passage and magical spirituality.

Red: Impulsive/Egocentric

Be what you are and do what you want, regardless…

World as jungle.

Only the strong and aggressive survive.

Do unto others before they do it unto you.

Blue: Purposeful/Authoritarian

Life has purpose with predetermined outcomes.

Sacrifice self to the ultimate cause.

Control impulses for law/order and future reward.

Orange: Achievist/Strategic

Act in your own self-interest by playing game to win.

Promote progress by using earth’s resources and personal initiative.

Green: Communitarian/Egalatarian

Seek peace inwardly and build community.

Free human spirit from dogma, greed, and divisiveness.

Spirituality, collaboration, consensus.

Yellow: Integrative

Live fully and responsibly by respecting earth-systems.

Life as kaleidoscope of natural hierarchies, systems, and forms.

Spirituality higher than materialism.

Turquoise: Holistic

Experience the wholeness of existence thru mind and spirit.

Universe as living organism.

Holistic, intuitive thinking and cooperative spirit.

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