
Spelling Words


1. tiring: A long hike can be very tiring.

2. Borrowed: I borrowed my sister´s sweater.

3. freezing : The pond is freezing over.

4. Delivered: Who delivered this package?

5. whispered : Kim whispered the secret.

6. losing: Bill is losing weight on a diet.

7. decided: I decided to carry an umbrella.

8. amazing: Her athletic ability is amazing.

9. performing: Who is performing first?

10. resulting: Floods are resulting from the heavy rains.

11. related: The two events are related.

12. attending: My son is attending college.

13. damaged: Raul´s car was badly damaged.

14. remarked: He remarked about the weather.

15. practicing: Mia is practicing for the concert.

16. supported: My friends supported me during a difficult time.

17. united: The two united in marriage.

18. expected: She expected a better grade.

19. amusing: The movie was amusing.

20. repeated: I repeated my question.

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