Sparse Real Estate Ranking with Online User Reviews and ...€¦ · Sparse Real Estate Ranking with Online User Reviews and Offline Moving Behaviors ... ranking objective and sparsity

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Sparse Real Estate Ranking with Online UserReviews and Offline Moving Behaviors

Yanjie Fu‡, Yong Ge�, Yu Zheng♦, Zijun Yao‡, Yanchi Liu†, Hui Xiong‡�, Nicholas Jing Yuan♦‡Rutgers University, Email: {yanjie.fu, zijun,yao, hxiong}�University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Email:♦Microsoft Research, Email: {yuzheng, nicholas.yuan}

†New Jersey Institute of Technology, Email:

Abstract—Ranking residential real estates based on investmentvalues can provide decision making support for home buyersand thus plays an important role in estate marketplace. In thispaper, we aim to develop methods for ranking estates basedon investment values by mining users opinions about estatesfrom online user reviews and offline moving behaviors (e.g., taxitraces, smart card transactions, check-ins). While a variety offeatures could be extracted from these data, these features areintercorrelated and redundant. Thus, selecting good features andintegrating the feature selection into the fitting of a ranking modelare essential. To this end, in this paper, we first strategicallymine the fine-grained discriminative features from user reviewsand moving behaviors, and then propose a probabilistic sparsepairwise ranking method for estates. Specifically, we first extractthe explicit features from online user reviews which express usersopinions about point of interests (POIs) near an estate. We alsomine the implicit features from offline moving behaviors frommultiple perspectives (e.g., direction, volume, velocity, hetero-geneity, topic, popularity, etc.). Then we learn an estate rankingpredictor by combining a pairwise ranking objective and asparsity regularization in a unified probabilistic framework. Andwe develop an effective solution for the optimization problem.Finally, we conduct a comprehensive performance evaluationwith real world estate related data, and the experimental resultsdemonstrate the competitive performance of both features andthe proposed model.

Keywords—Real Estate, Sparse Ranking, Online User Reviews,Offline Moving Behaviors


There are several definitions of estate value accordingto International Valuation Standards 1. For instance, marketvalue is defined as the price at which an estate would tradein a competitive Walrasian auction setting. Another exampleis investment value, which is the value of an estate to oneparticular investor and may or may not be higher than themarket value of the estate. Difference between the investmentvalue and the market value for a particular estate provides themotivation for buyers or sellers to enter the estate marketplace.Thus, providing a ranking of estates based on investmentvalues will greatly help buyers make their purchase decisions.

Which estates have high investment values? While estateindustry professionals have used different housing indexes(e.g., price-rent ratio) to approximate the fundamental valueof estates, researchers have also used financial time seriesanalysis to investigate the trend, periodicity and volatility of

�Contact author.1

estate prices and assess estate investment potentials [1], [2].Recent studies have tried to correlate the estate value to thestatic statistics of urban infrastructure (e.g., the numbers ofPOIs, the distances to bus stops), because they explicitly reflectthe physical facilities of a neighborhood [3], [4]. However, in-frastructure statistics is not sufficient for evaluating investmentvalues of estates. Considering the distance to public transit,while an estate near public transit usually leads to high rentand sale price in many cities, there is also possible negativeeffect when living nearby public transit. For example, the noiseand pollution associated with train/bus systems can lower thevalue of an estate as reported in [5]–[7]. Thus, there is somelimitation for using these infrastructure statistics. Moreover,these statistics are often lack of dynamics and hardly reflectthe changing pulses of a city.

On the contrary, there are more estate-related dynamic andinformation-rich data which has been accumulated with thedevelopment of mobile, internet and sensor technologies. Forexample, people may post comments and ratings for POIs (e.g.,schools, restaurants and shopping centers, etc.) via mobileapps after their consumptions. Also, the mobility data, suchas smart card transactions and taxi GPS traces, compriseboth trajectories and consumption records of residents’ dailycommutes. People’s check-ins may reflect the popularity ofPOIs. If properly analyzed, these data (e.g., user reviews,location traces, smart card transactions, check-ins, etc.) canbe a rich source of intelligence for discovering estates of highinvestment-value.

Indeed, these estate-related dynamic data generated byusers could better reflect investment values of estates thanurban infrastructure statistics. Generally speaking, if peoplehave better opinions for an estate, the demand for this estateis higher and its investment value will be higher. The challengeis how to uncover people’s opinions for an estate. In fact, theopinions of users for an estate can be mined from (1) onlineuser reviews and (2) offline moving behaviors. Specifically, theonline reviews (e.g., Zagat/Yelp ratings) contain the explicitopinions for places surrounding an estate. For example, thequality of neighborhood can be partially approximated bythe ratings of business venues, such as overall rating, servicerating, environment rating, etc. Meanwhile, the offline movingbehaviors near an estate not only encode the static statisticsof urban infrastructure, but also reflect the implicit “opinions”of residents for a neighborhood. For example, the arriving,transition, and leaving volumes of taxies and buses imply themobility density of a neighborhood; the average velocity of

taxies and buses indicates the degree of traffic congestion oraccessibility; the daily frequency of check-ins shows regionalpopularity and prosperity; the heterogeneity of distributionsof check-ins over categories reflects if the facility planningis balanced or not. All these indications by the estate-relateddynamic user-generated data comprise the important facets ofan estate that home buyers care very much and convey theimplicit “opinions” of users for a neighborhood. Therefore,we consider and mine both the explicit opinions from userreviews and the implicit opinions from moving behaviors toenhance the evaluation of estate investment value.

Although we may extract a lot of features from the varietyof data sources, these extracted estate-related features usuallyare correlated and redundant. The feature redundancy resultsin poor generalization performance. In reality, a small numberof good features can determine the ranking of estates based oninvestment values. Therefore, we explore the sparse learningtechnique for the ranking of estates. However, classic sparselearning methods use a two-step paradigm, which is basicallyto first select a feature subset and then learn a rankingmodel based on the selected features. But the selected featuresubset may not be optimal for ranking because the two stepsare modelled separately. In contrast, combining sparsity andranking in a unified model can help to identify the optimalfeature subset for better learning an estate ranker, and alsohave less computational cost in prediction.

Along this line, in this paper, we propose to mine opinionsof mobile users and explore the learning-to-rank with sparsityfor the investment value based estate ranking. We considerand explore both explicit and implicit opinions that reflectestate investment value by mining online user reviews andoffline moving behaviors. Specifically, to capture the opinionsof mobile users toward estates, we extract the explicit fea-tures from user reviews to reveal user satisfaction of estateneighborhoods. Besides, we measure the traffic volumes withrespect to different directions, traffic velocity, functionalityheterogeneity, neighborhood popularity, topical profile of estateneighborhoods by mining multi-type mobility data includingtaxi traces, smart card transactions and check-ins. Moreover,we learn a linear ranking predictor by combining pairwiseranking objective and sparsity regularization in a unified prob-abilistic framework, which is greatly enhanced by simulta-neously conducting feature selection and maximizing estateranking accuracy. Finally, we conduct comprehensive perfor-mance evaluations for the feature sets and models with large-scale real world data and the experimental results demonstratethe competitive performance of our method with respect todifferent validation metrics.


In this section, we present the proposed system of sparseestate ranking, namely SEK.

A. The Overview of Sparse Estate Ranking

As shown in Figure 1, our estate ranking system consistsof two major components: (1) estate feature extraction and (2)sparse estate ranking.

Estate Feature Extractions: As shown in Figure 1, we firstcollect historical prices of each estate, compute the return

Model Model

Mobility Features

Business Reviews



Synthetically Ranking

R1 R2 R3Moving Behaviors


Business ReviewFeature Extraction

Human Mobility Feature Extraction

Business Review Features








Rising Market Falling Market

Estate Ranking Mixture


Estate RankingPredictor

Neighborhood Profiling (Direction, Volume, Popularity, Velocity Heterogeneity, Topic, Density, Contrast)


se E


e R




Estate Grades Estate Grading

Rising Market Data Falling Market DataProfile Vectors of Real Estates



Fig. 1. The framework of the proposed system.

rates 2 of estates and grade estates into five bins/levels interms of investment returns to prepare labels for training data.The discretization of the estate returns is important becausethe small difference between estate values in the same valuecategory might be noisy for the ranking model.













Falling Market Rising Market

Fig. 2. The rising market period and the falling market period in Beijing.

Specifically, we first calculate the average estate price of acity for each month. For instance, Figure 2 shows the trend ofthe average estate prices in Beijing. We can see an inflectionpoint in the curve. The point is used to split the time periodinto two phases, i.e., the rising phrase (from Feb. 2012 to Sept.2012) and the falling phrase (from Apr. 2011 to Feb. 2012). Wethen sort estates in rising phase and falling phrase accordingto their investment returns in the decreasing order as shown inFigures 3 (a) and (d), where the horizontal axis is the order ofan estate in the sorted list and the vertical axis represents returnrates. As can be seen, the prices of a small number of estatessignificantly increase or decrease whereas many estates’ pricesremain stable. In fact, these distributions indicate the powerlaw distribution for estate investment returns. After computingthe second order derivatives of these two curves, we find outfour inflection points, which show the significant change ofreturn rates as shown in Figures 3 (b) and (e). As a result, weobtain five rating levels for the rising and falling phrases asshown in Figures 3 (c) and (f).

Decending Order of Real Estates

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500


l Est

















Desceding Order of Real Estates

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000




er D












Decending Order of Real Estates

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500


el o

f R

eal E











Descending Order of Real Estate

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500-1.0









l Est





e R


n R



Descending Order of Real Estates

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000




er D













Descending Order of Real Estates

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500


el o

f R

eal E










(f)Fig. 3. The grading process of estates.

Next we aim at extracting the features from online userreviews and offline moving behaviors such as taxi traces, smart


card transactions, check-ins as shown in Table I. The featuresfrom user reviews are summarized by spatial statistics andthe features from moving behaviors are derived from multipleangles (e.g., direction, volume, velocity, heterogeneity, topic,contrast, popularity).


Online User Reviews Offline Moving BehaviorsUser Reviews Taxi Bus Check-inOverall Salification Arriving Volume Arriving Volume PopularityService Quality Leaving Volume Leaving Volume TopicEnvironment Class Transition Volume Transition VolumeConsumption Cost Driving Velocity Bus Stop DensityFunctionality Planning Commute Distance Smart Card Balance

Sparse Estate Ranking: We learn a linear ranking predictorby combining a pairwise ranking objective and a sparsityregularization together. By optimizing the overall objectivefunction, we learn the estate ranker by simultaneously conduct-ing feature selection and maximizing ranking accuracy. Twoseparated models are then built to infer the value-adding andvalue-protecting ability of an estate in a rising and a fallingmarket respectively. Given a set of estates specified by a user,we extract the features in the same way as we show in Figure1. Since we do not know whether the market will go up ordown, the extracted features are fed into two ranking modelsrespectively to produce the potential ranks of these estates atthe current time. Finally, we generate a final score for an estateby aggregating the ranking outputs of these two models.

B. Estate Feature Extraction

Rather than simply considering the static statistics of urbaninfrastructure (e.g., the numbers of POIs, the distances to busstops), we introduce the fine-grained features we have ex-tracted from online users reviews and offline moving behaviorsfor estate ranking.

1) Explicit Features from Online User Reviews: Both pros-perity and users’ opinion of neighborhood are two importantfactors determining property investment value. Recent study[8] shows that a strong regional economy usually indicateshigh housing demand. [9] further points out the word-of-mouth reflects the satisfaction of people toward the qualityof a neighborhood. We thus consider to mine the onlineuser reviews of Beijing collected from specifically, for each estate ei, we measure (1) overallsatisfaction, (2) service quality, (3) environment class, (4)consumption level, and (5) functionality planning of the neigh-borhood ri by mining the reviews of business venues locatedin ri, {p : p ∈ P&p ∈ ri} in which P is the set of businessvenues in Beijing.

Overall Satisfaction: For each estate ei, we access the overallsatisfaction of users over the neighborhood ri. Since the overallrating of a business venue p represents the satisfaction ofusers, we extract the average of overall ratings of all businessvenues located in ri as a numeric score of overall satisfaction.Formally we have:

fOSi =



|{p : p ∈ P&p ∈ ri}|. (1)

Service Quality: Similarly, we compute the average of servicerating of business venues in ri and represent the service qualityof the neighborhood of ei by

fSQi =



|{p : p ∈ P&p ∈ ri}|(2)

Environment Class: The environment class of business venuescould reflect whether the neighborhood is high-class or not.Therefore, we extract the average environment ratings as

fECi =



|{p : p ∈ P&p ∈ ri}|(3)

Consumption Cost: Average costs of consumption behaviorsin business venues can partially reflect the salary income andneighborhood class. We calculate the average consumption costof business venues of a targeted neighborhood as a feature.

fCCi =



|{p : p ∈ P&p ∈ ri}|(4)

Functionality Planning: A competitive neighborhood usuallyprovides convenient access to diverse facilities, such as livingdemands (e.g., restaurants, supermarkets, and hospitals), edu-cation demands (e.g., schools and libraries), safety demands(e.g., police and fire department) and entertainment demands(e.g., theaters and parks), so that it meets various demandsof residents. Shortage of diverse facility would reduce estateinvestment value. High facility diversity of a neighborhoodhelps to enhance the attractiveness of its estates. This effectis called mixed/diverse land use which plays an importantrole in metropolitan realty market. We therefore investigatethe distribution of POIs over categories in each neighborhood.A high-class neighborhood is expected to provide balancedand heterogeneous categories of facilities. Hence, we applyan entropy to measure the functionality heterogeneity of aneighborhood. Let #(i, c) denotes the number of businessvenues of category c ∈ C located in ri, #(i) be the totalnumber of business venues of all categories located in ri. Theentropy is defined as

fFPi = −


#(i, c)

#(i)× log

#(i, c)


2) Implicit Features from Offline Moving Behaviors: Re-cent study [8] reports different types of transit systems (e.g.,taxi, bus) have different impacts on estate values due to theirdifferent fares, frequencies, speeds, and scopes of service.Figure 4 (a), (b) and (c) show the density distribution ofthree types of moving behaviors respectively (i.e., taxi, busand check-in) in Beijing. Taxi transits are fast, expensive andmainly distributed in central business district (CBD) and finan-cial areas. Bus transits are slow, cheap and mainly distributedin information technology (IT) and education areas. Check-insreflect a broad range of mobility and are mainly distributedin areas full of attractions, entertainments, and POIs. Sincedifferent moving behaviors reflect different geographic prefer-ences and social classes of mobile users, we exploit these threetypes of moving behaviors to uncover the implicit preferenceof mobile users toward a neighborhood.

Taxi-Related Features. Recent study [8] suggests that theability to travel within a large metropolitan area in a shorttime, for example, by taxi, is highly valued by residents.To extract the taxi related features, we measure the arrivingvolume, leaving volume, transition volume, driving velocityand commute distance of a neighborhood using taxi GPStraces. Let TT denote the set of all taxi trajectories of Beijing,each of which represents a taxi trajectory, denoted by a tuple< p, d > where p is a pickup point and d is a drop-off point.

Taxi Arriving, Leaving and Transition Volume: According to[8], most affluent homeowners expect time-saving commute

(a) Taxi drop-off points (b) Bus drop-off points (c) Check-ins



(d) Estate topic profiling

Fig. 4. (a), (b), and (c) respectively show spatial distribution of taxi drop-offs, bus drop-offs and check-ins; (d) illustrates the process of estate topic profilingusing the associated word-of-mouth from check-ins.

to white-collar jobs downtown and value faster taxies ac-cess.Therefore, the arriving, leaving, and transition volumes oftaxi mobility reflect the income and social class of residents ofthe targeted neighborhood. We define a feature as the countedtaxi arriving volume of external passengers toward the targetedneighborhood. Formally, the taxi arriving volume is given by

fTAVi = |{< p, d >∈ TT : p �∈ ri&d ∈ ri}| (6)

Similarly, we define a feature as the counted taxi leavingvolume from the targeted neighborhood to external venues.Formally, the taxi leaving volume is defined as

fTLVi = |{< p, d >∈ TT : p ∈ ri&d �∈ ri}| (7)

We also define a feature as the taxi transition volume betweendifferent venues inside the targeted neighborhood. Formally,

fTTVi = |{< p, d >∈ TT : p ∈ ri&d ∈ ri}| (8)

Taxi Driving Velocity: According to [8], the value of increasedtravel velocity and reduced traffic congestion should be re-flected in home values. We investigate the average taxi velocityof the neighborhood of each estate, namely fTDV

i . Usually,the taxi speed of a neighborhood indicates the accessibility ofroad network and transportation efficiency. Formally, fTDV

i isgiven by

fTDVi =


dist(p, d)/time(p, d)

|{< p, d >∈ TT : p ∈ ri&d ∈ ri}|(9)

Taxi Commute Distance: Taxi is a kind of expensive but fasttransit. Normally, passengers take taxi to the important places(e.g., work place, theater, hotel, etc.) for business or urgentpurposes. The shorter distance an estate neighbor is fromimportant places, the more prosperous the neighborhood is,and the higher commute convenience the neighborhood has. Ahuge part of motivations of trading an estate comes from theincentive of convenient living environment. Formally, the taxicommute distance is defined by

fTCDi =


dist(p, d)

|{< p, d >∈ TT : p ∈ ri||d ∈ ri}|(10)

Bus-Related Features. Most of moderate-income residentschoose buses which are cheaper with acceptable speed ratherthan taxies which are expensive with faster speed [8]. Sincemost of the residents in a city are middle-class, bus trafficrepresents the majority of urban mobility. Besides, according to[10], there is a connection between a drop in estate prices anda decreased flow of bus mobility. We thus measure the arriving,leaving and transition volumes of buses in the neighborhoodof each estate. Let BT denote the set of all the bus trajectoriesof Beijing, each of which represents a bus trajectory, denoted

by a tuple < p, d > where p is a pickup bus stop and d is adrop-off bus stop.

Bus Arriving, Leaving and Transition Volume: Similar totaxi mobility volume, we also extract the arriving volume,leaving volume and transition volume of buses from smartcard transactions. Formally,

fBAVi = |{< p, d >∈ BT : p �∈ ri&d ∈ ri}|fBLVi = |{< p, d >∈ BT : p ∈ ri&d �∈ ri}|

fBTVi = |{< p, d >∈ BT : p ∈ ri&d ∈ ri}|


Bus Stop Density: Recent work [11] reports that price pre-miums of up to ten percents are estimated for estates within300m of more bus stops. In other words, the bus stop densityis positively correlated to estate prices. Here, we propose analternative approach and strategically estimate bus stop densityusing smart card transactions. In smart card transactions, theticket fare of a trajectory indeed reflects the number of busstops in this trajectory. This is because the Beijing PublicTransportation Group charges passengers according to thenumber of stops of each trip. Given the pick-up stop p andthe drop-off stop d, the trip distance between p and d is fixedin a designed bus route. Then, the ratio of trip distance to busstop number implicitly suggests in average distance betweenevery two consecutive bus stops. Since the bus stop numberof a trip can be approximated by the fare, we compute theratio of distance to fare for estimating the density of bus stopin a neighborhood. The smaller the distance-fare ratio is, thehigher the bus stop density is.

fBSDi =


dist(p, d)/fare(p, d)

|{< p, d >∈ BT : p ∈ ri||d ∈ ri}|(12)

Smart Card Balance: The smart card balances imply thepatterns of the consumption and recharge behaviors. If resi-dences always maintain a higher balance in their smart card,this suggests the card holders spend more money on bustravel. The large expense of bus travel implies: (1) residencesdepend on buses more than other transportation (e.g., subway,taxi), which may indicate that the affiliated neighborhood islack of subways and taxies; (2) residences travel a longerdistance to work, shop and pick up children, and thus need tomaintain a high balance. In other words, this place is remoteand inconvenient. We thus consider to extract the smart cardbalance as a feature. Formally,

fSCBi =


balance(p, d)

|{< p, d >∈ BT : p ∈ ri||d ∈ ri}|(13)

Check-in Related Features. Mobile users check in at onlinelocation-aware social networks when they walk in an important

place. These check-ins are a significant portion of urbanmobility. Estate price is likely high in communities wherethere are convenient transit stations with good access to retailstores and services [8]. Therefore, check-in behaviors couldpartially reflect the access convenience to these locations. Inour data set, each check-in event can be denoted by a tuple,< p, t, c >∈ CI , where p, t, c and CI represent the POI ofthe check-in, the check-in time stamp, the category of POI,and the set of check-in events, respectively.

Neighborhood Popularity: We count the total number of check-ins reported in the neighborhood of each estate as popularitymeasurement. Formally,

fNPi = |{< p, t, c >∈ CI : p ∈ ri}| (14)

Topic Profile: The goal of topic distillation is to learn the topicdistribution of a neighborhood based on the textual informationof check-ins via a two-step approach.

STEP1: Propagating word-of-mouth from poi to neighborhood.In check-in data, each POI is associated with textual reviewsposted by users. This textual information reflects opinion ofusers toward this POI. Since each neighborhood is associatedwith a cluster of POIs, we therefore propose to propagate theword-of-mouth of mobile users from poi to neighborhoods byspatio-textual aggregation using check-in data. We get a clusterof textual posts denoted as dei for the neighborhood of eachestate ei. We then segment these sentences into words andextract the semantically significant tags for each neighborhood.One reason for propagating word-of-mouth from poi to neigh-borhood is that the terms associated with a single POI areusually short, incomplete and ambiguous. Moreover, LDA isproven non-effective for short texts. The aggregation processcan better learn thousands of mobile users’ opinions towardestates in terms of latent topic distributions.

STEP2: Textual profiling from words to topics. Next we exploitthe LDA model for estate topic profiling by treating eachestate neighborhood as a document. In LDA, each document isrepresented as a probability distribution over topics (document-topic distribution) and each topic is represented as a probabilitydistribution over a number of words (topic-word distribu-tion).In this way, we build an aggregated LDA model as shownin Figure 4(d). Here, the topic distribution of each documentPr(z | dei) is treated as topical features of estate, where z anddei are topic and document respectively. The topic profilingprocess of the estates is as following:

1. For each topic z ∈ {1, ...,K}, draw a multinomialdistribution over terms, φz ∼ Dir(β).

2. For the document dei given an estate ei(a) Draw a multinomial distribution over topics,

θdei∼ Dir(α)

(b) For each word wd,n in document dei :i. Draw a topic zd,n ∼ Mult(θdei

)ii. Draw a word wd,n ∼ Mult(φzd,n)

So far, we have extracted two categories of estate featuresas shown in Table I. We emphasize that the above features aredefined in terms of the neighborhood (ri) of each estate, whichis parameterized by its radius d. Hence, we can extract multiplegroups of estate features with respect to different neighborhoodradius (e.g., d=0.25,0.5,0.75,1,1.25,...,3km).

C. Sparse Pairwise Ranking for Estate Appraisal

Here we present the sparse pairwise estate ranker.

Model Description: Since many existing learning-to-rank al-gorithms use linear rankers, we learn a linear ranking predictor.Let xixixi denote the M-size vector representation of estate eiwith the above extracted features, fi denote the predictedestate value, and yi denote the ground truth estate value,then we have fi(xixixi;www) = www�xixixi + εi =

∑Mm=1 wmxim + εi,

where εi is a zero-mean Gaussian bias with variance σ2, andwww is the weights of features. In other words, P (yi|xixixi) =N (yi|fi, σ2) = N (yi|www�xixixi, σ

2) where N represents normaldistribution.

Objective Function: While these features indeed captureresidents’ opinions about estates to be ranked, they usuallyare inter-correlated and redundant. Thus possible confounderslead to poor generalization performance. To address this issue,we adopt a strategy which simultaneously conducts featureselection while maximizing estate ranking accuracy. Sincepairwise ranking strategy is effective with lower complexitycomparing with listwise ranking strategy, we combine a pair-wise ranking objective and a sparsity regularization term in aunified probabilistic modeling framework.

Next we introduce how to derive the mixture objective ofsparse pairwise estate ranking. Let us denote all parametersby Ψ =


}which are the parameters of estate ranker

(we will introduce βββ2 in the following), the hyperparamtersby Ω = {a, b, σ2} which are the parameters of sparsityregularization, and the observed data by D = {Y,Π} whereY and Π are the investment values and ranks of I estatesrespectively. For simplicity, we assume the real estates in Dare sorted and indexed in a descending order in terms of theirinvestment values, which compiles a descending ranks as well.In other words, i is both the index and the ranking order of thegiven estate xi By Bayesian inference, we have the posteriorprobability as

Pr(Ψ;D,Ω) = P (D|Ψ,Ω)P (Ψ|Ω) (15)

First, the term P (D|Ψ,Ω) is the likelihood of the observeddata collection D, which can be explained as a joint probabil-ity of both estate investment values, P (Y |Ψ,Ω), and estateranking consistency, P (Π|Ψ,Ω). Here we treat the ranked listof estates as a directed graph, G =< V,E >, with nodes asestates and edges as pairwise ranking orders. For instance, edgei → h represents an estate i is ranked higher than estate h.From a generative modeling angle, edge i → h is generated byour model through a likelihood function P (i → h). The morevaluable estate i is than estate h, the larger P (i → h) shouldbe. On the contrary, the case, in which i → h but fi < fh,will punish P (i → h). Therefore,

P (D|Ψ,Ω) = P (Y |Ψ,Ω)P (Π|Ψ,Ω)



N (yi|fi, σ2)



P (i → h|Ψ,Ω)(16)

where the generative likelihood of each edge i → h is definedas Sigmoid(fi − fh): P (i → h) = 1


Second, the term P (Ψ|Ω) is the prior of the parametersΨ. Here, we introduce a sparse weight prior distribution bymodifying the commonly used Gaussian prior, such that a

different and separate variance parameter β2m is assigned for

each weight. Thus, P (www|ααα) =∏M

m=1 N (wm|0, β2m), where

β2m represents the variance of corresponding parameter wm and

βββ2 = (β21 , ..., β

2M )�, each of which is treated as a random vari-

able. Later, an Inverse Gamma prior distribution is further as-signed on these hyperparameters, P (βββ2|a, b) = ∏M


m; a, b), where a and b are constants and are usuallyset close to zero. By integrating over the hyperparameters, wecan obtain a student-t prior for each weight, which is known toenforce sparse representations during learning by setting somefeature weights to zero and avoiding overfitting.

P (Ψ|Ω) = P (www|0,βββ2)P (βββ2|a, b)



N (wm|0, β2m)


Inverse − Gamma(β2m|a, b)


Parameter Estimation: With the formulated posterior proba-bility, the learning objective is to find the optimal estimationof the parameters Ψ that maximize the posterior. Hence, byinferring Equation 15, we can have the log of the posterior forthe proposed model.

L(www,βββ2|Y,Π, a, b, σ2) =


[− 1

2lnσ2 − (yi − fi)







1 + exp(−(fi − fh))



[− 1


m − w2m




[−(a + 1) ln β2

m − b


] (18)

We apply a gradient descent method to maximize theposterior by updating wm, β2

m through w(t+1)m = w

(t)m −ε∂(−L)


and β2(t+1)m = β

2(t)m − ε∂(−L)








σ2(yi −


wm · xim)xim+



exp(−(fi − fh))

1 + exp(−(fi − fh))(xim − xhm) +







m + b


− 3 + 2a



D. Ranking Inference

After parameters Ψ are estimated via maximizing theposterior probability, we will obtain the learned model forinvestment value of estate, i.e., E(yi|www,βββ) = xixixiwww given arising or falling market period. For a new coming estate k, wemay predict its investment value accordingly. The larger theE(yk|www,βββ) is, the higher investment value it has.

For practical usage, we train two ranking models, g(x) andg

′(x), for the rising and falling markets respectively. Since we

do not predict whether a market will go up or go down, wefeed the features of a real estate into two models respectivelyand generate two value levels, which denote its value-addingand value-protecting abilities in rising and falling markets. Toprovide a unified ranking to users, the output of these twomodels can be aggregated as R = α · g(x) + (1 − α) · g′



We provide an empirical evaluation of the performances ofthe proposed method on real-world estate related data.

A. Experimental Data

Table II shows five data sources. The taxi GPS traces arecollected from a Beijing taxi company. Each trajectory con-tains trip id, distance(m), travel time(s), average speed(km/h),pick-up time and drop-off time, pick-up point and drop-offpoint. Also, we extract features from the Beijing smart cardtransactions. Each bus trip has card id, time, expense, balance,route name, pick-up and drop-off stops information (names,longitudes and latitudes). Moreover, the check-in data ofBeijing is crawled from which is a Chineseversion of Fourquare. Each check-in event includes poi name,poi category, address, longitude and latitude, comments. Fur-thermore, we crawl the online business reviews of Beijing which is a business review site in China.Each review contains shop ID, name, address, latitude andlongitude, consumption cost, star (from 1 to 5), poi category,city, environment, service, and overall ratings. Finally, wecrawl the Beijing estate data from which isthe largest real-estate online system in China.


Data Sources Properties Statistics

Taxi Traces

Number of taxis 13,597Effective days 92Time period Apr. - Aug. 2012Number of trips 8,202,012Number of GPS points 111,602Total distance(km) 61,269,029

Smart CardTransactions

Number of bus stops 9,810Time Period Aug 2012 to May 2013.Number of car holders 300,250Number of trips 1,730,000

Check-InsNumber of check-in POIs 5,874Number of check-in events 2,762,128Number of POI categories 9Time Period 01/2012-12/2012

Business ReviewNumber of business POIs 1472Number of reviews 470846Number of users 159820

Real EstatesNumber of real estates 2,851Size of bounding box (km) 40*40Time period of transactions 04/2011 - 09/2012

B. Baseline Algorithms

To show the effectiveness of our method, we compare ourmethod against the following algorithms. (1) MART [12]:it is a boosted tree model, specifically, a linear combinationof the outputs of a set of regression trees. (2) RankBoost[13]: it is a boosted pairwise ranking method, which trainsmultiple weak rankers and combines their outputs as finalranking. (3) Coordinate Ascent [14]: it uses domination lossand applies coordinate descent for optimization. (4) Lamb-daMART [15]: it is the boosted tree version of LambdaRank,which is based on RankNet. LambdaMART combines MARTand LambdaRank. (5) FenchelRank [16] beyond traditionalranking methods, we further compare with FenchelRank whichis designed for solving the sparse learning-to-rank (LTR)problem with a L1 constraint.

We utilize RTree 3 to index geographic items (i.e., taxi andbus trajectories, checkins, etc.) and extract the defined features.We use Jieba 4 which is a Chinese/English text segmentationmodule to segment words and extract tags. For traditional LTRalgorithms, we use RankLib 5. We set the number of trees =


1000, the number of leaves = 10, the number of thresholdcandidates = 256, and the learning rate = 0.1 for MART. Weset the number of iteration = 300, the number of thresholdcandidates = 10 for RankBoost. We set step base = 0.05, stepscale = 2.0, tolerance = 0.001, and slack = 0.001 for CoordinateAscent. We set number of trees = 100, number of leaves =10, number of threshold candidates = 256, learning rate = 0.1for LambdaMART. For FenchelRank, we use the source code6

provided by the author. We set a=0.01, b=0.01, and σ2 = 1000for our model.

All the codes are implemented in R (modeling), Python(feature extraction) and Matlab (visualization). And all theevaluations are performed on a x64 machine with i7 3.40GHzIntel CPU (with 4 cores) and 24GB RAM. The operationsystem is Microsoft Windows 7.

C. Evaluation Metrics

Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain. The discountedcumulative gain (DCG@N) is given by DCG[n] ={

rel1 if n = 1

DCG[n− 1] + relnlog2n , if n >= 2 Later, given the ideal dis-

counted cumulative gain DCG′, NDCG at the n-th posi-

tion can be computed as NDCG[n]= DCG[n]

DCG′ [n] . The largerNDCG@N is, the higher top-N ranking accuracy is.

Precision and Recall. Since we use a five-level rating system(4 > 3 > 2 > 1 > 0) instead of binary rating, we treat therating ≥ 3 as “high-value” and the rating < 3 as “low-value”.Given a top-N estate list EN sorted in a descending orderof the prediction values, the precision and recall are definedas Precision@N =


E≥3|N and Recall@N =


E≥3||E≥3| ,

where E≥3 are the estates whose ratings are greater or equalto three (3).

Kendall’s Tau Coefficient. Kendall’s Tau Coefficient (or Taufor short) measures the overall ranking accuracy. Let us assumethat each estate i is associated with a benchmark score yi anda predicted score fi. Then, for an estate pair < i, j >, < i, j >is said to be concordant, if both yi > yj and fi > fj or if bothyi < yj and fi < fj . Also, < i, j > is said to be discordant,if both yi < yj and fi > fj or if both yi < yj and fi > fj .Tau is given by Tau = #conc−#disc


D. Correlation Analysis

We provide a visualization analysis to validate the corre-lation between the extracted features and estate investmentvalues. We use scatter-plot matrix for correlation analysis.Each non-diagonal chart in a scatter plot matrix shows thecorrelation between a pair of features whose feature namesare listed in the corresponding diagonal charts. Given a set ofN features, there are N-choose-2 pairs of features, and thus thesame numbers of scatter plots. The dots represent the estatesand their colors represent the grades of investment value. Forreadability, we use R5 > R4 > R3 > R2 > R1 (symbol ) torepresent 4 > 3 > 2 > 1 > 0 (number) in Figure 5.

In Figure 5(a), we present the correlation between businessreview features (overall satisfaction, service quality, environ-ment class, consumption cost) and estate investment value. Ascan be seen, the R5 estates tend to appear at the top right corner

6 py/fenchelcode.rar

of all the non-diagonal charts. This implies that if mobileusers have higher ratings for estate neighborhoods, estateinvestment values are the higher. Remind that we mean theheterogenesis of poi planning by the entropy of frequency ofcategorized POIs. Interestingly, we observe if the heterogenesisof functionality planning is too high or too low, these estatesare usually low-value. This can be intuitively explained by thefact that people are willing to live in a community that canmeet and balance the needs of their life.

In Figure 5(b), we show the positive correlation betweenthe taxi leaving, arriving and transition volumes of estateneighborhoods and estate investment value. However, the com-mute distance of taxies has negative correlation with estateinvestment value. In other words, the shorter the commutedistance of taxies is, the higher is the estate investment value.A potential interpretation of this observation is that since taxiesare valued by white-collar and business people, the destinationsof taxi trajectories usually are important places (e.g., con-ference centers, business hotels, companies and governmentorganizations, etc). If the commute distance of taxies is short,the targeted neighborhood is close to these important places.

In Figure 5(c), we show the positive correlation betweenestate investment value and bus related features, such asthe leaving, arriving, and transition volumes of buses, busstop density. Figure 5(d) illustrates that Topic 4 has positivecorrelation with estate investment value whereas Topic 1,2,3,5have negative correlation. This validates topic profiling ofcheckin posts can help discriminate estate values.

The visualization results show the collectiveness of ourintuitions for defining and extracting discriminative features

E. Feature Evaluation

We evaluate the performances of different features seg-mented from two perspectives.

Evaluation on features of different data sources. We seg-ment the extracted features in terms of different data sourcesand investigate which source is more effective for rankingestates. Figure 6 and Figure 7 shows the Tau, NDCG, Pre-cision, and Recall of four feature sets (business reviews, taxitraces, smart card transactions and check-ins) in rising marketand falling market respectively. In all cases, we observe theextracted features achieve good performances, yet there arefeatures which are substantially better than others.

Specifically, the check-in features perform best with Tau0.1046198, NDCGs > 0.75, Precisions > 0.85, and Recalls> 0.24 in rising market, and consistently achieve the bestranking results in falling market. The features of businessreviews hold the second place of overall and top-k rankings inrising and falling markets. In sum, business reviews and check-ins performs better than taxi and bus traces. One possiblereason is that people’s outdoor activities consist (1) movingphrase and (2) attending phrase. Although moving phrase (taxiand bus trajectories) help realize activity attending (check-ins and business reviews), the drop-off points of taxi andbus trajectories are not always the destinations of outdooractivities. Whereas, the locations of check-ins and businessreviews usually are the final destinations of people’s visits.They reflect direct interaction between users and activitiesvia locations, and thus have semantically richer information


Overall Satifaction

0 5 15 25 0 2000 4000




25 Service Quality

Environment Class





Consumption Cost

0 1 2 3 4 5 0 5 15 25 0 1 2 3 4 5


4Functionality Planning

(a) Features of business review


Leaving Volume

2 4 6 8 0 1 2 3 4



Arriving Volume

Transition Volume




4 Driving Velocity

2 6 10 0 2 4 6 8 9.0 10.0



Commute Distance

(b) Features of taxi traces


Leaving Volume

4 6 8 10 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0




10 Arriving Volume

Transition Volume




2.5 Busstop Density

2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 3.4 3.8 4.2


4.0Smartcard Balance

(c) Features of bus traces


Topic 1

0.1 0.3 0.5 0.1 0.3 0.5




0.4 Topic 2

Topic 3




0.4 Topic 4

0.1 0.3 0.5 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.1 0.3 0.5


0.4Topic 5

(d) Topics of mobile check-ins

Fig. 5. Feature correlation analysis of business reviews, taxi traces, bus traces, and mobile check-ins.

than public transits. Besides, a comparison between Figure6 and Figure 7 shows that bus features perform better thantaxi features in rising market, whereas taxi features performbetter than bus ones in falling market. We note that bustraces stand for the mobility of mediate classes while taxitraces stand for the mobility of white-collar and businesspeople. This observation implies that in falling market, despiteeconomic recession, since the high-income groups still havestrong purchasing power of estates, their preferences have moreinfluence on estate prices than middle class.Evaluation on features of different radius distances. Wesegment the features in terms of different neighborhood ra-diuses and investigate the proper radiuses of neighborhoodsfor estate ranking. In Figure 8 and Figure 9, we report theperformance comparison of feature sets of different radiusdistances (i.e., 0.25, 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 3km) in both risingand falling markets. We observe that the radius distance ofneighborhood can affect the ranking performance. Some radiusdistances substantially outperform others. Figure 8 illustratesthe radiuses of 0.5km, 0.75km, 1km outperform other radiuseswith a significant margin with respect to both overall and top-kranking in rising market. The setting of 0.25, 1.5 or 2km inrising market lead to lower ranking accuracy. In falling market,0.75km performs best. Besides, 0.25, 1.5 and 2km consistentlyperform worst as they do in rising market. Therefore, werecommend to set the radius of neighborhood to 0.75±0.25km,rather than too short(<0.25km) or too long(>2km). This mightbe because 0.75km is not only a comfortable walking distancefor bus and taxi stops, but also sufficient to capture the outdooractivities of estate neighborhoods.

The results justify the mining and fusion methods of fea-ture extraction (e.g., direction, volume, velocity, heterogeneity,density, popularity, etc.).

F. Model Evaluation

We report the performance comparison of our methodcomparing to five baseline algorithms on rising market andfalling market in terms of Tau and NDCG.

Rising Market Data. In Table III, we present the performancecomparison of NDCG and Tau in rising market. Our methodachieves 0.75 NDCG@1, 0.6900469 NDCG@3, 0.6915216NDCG@5, 0.6861585 NDCG@7, and 0.7016248 NDCG@10,which obviously outperform the baseline algorithms with asignificant margin. Our method fuses sparsity regularizationand pairwise ranking objective, and offers an increase in com-parison to FenchelRank [16] which is a newly proposed sparseranking algorithm. Specifically, our method achieves 15.9% in-crease in NDCG@3 and 24.2% increase in NDCG@5 compar-ing to FechelRank. This observation validates the superiorityof our method when considering many intercorrelative features

with confounders. Meanwhile, we also observe FenchelRankachieve the second best ranking accuracy comparing traditionalranking algorithms. This justifies the benefits of consideringboth sparsity regularization and ranking accuracy. With re-spect to overall ranking, our method achieves the highest Tau(0.3493753). In the comparison between tau and NDCG, anobservation stands out is that although FenchelRank holdsthe second place in top-k ranking, it surprisingly achieve thelowest tau value. However, our method achieves a balanceperformance in both top-k and overall ranking.



Metric MART RankBst CoordAsc LamMART FenRank SEKNDCG@3 0.50089 0.46493 0.55995 0.46493 0.59502 0.69005NDCG@5 0.58295 0.52506 0.628623 0.48887 0.55679 0.69152NDCG@7 0.59649 0.59105 0.63199 0.51548 0.61837 0.68616NDCG@10 0.62377 0.56735 0.65563 0.50471 0.65999 0.70162Tau -0.01755 0.08892 -0.13704 0.07150 0.12243 0.34938

Falling Market Data. Table IV shows the performance com-parison of NDCG and Tau in falling market. We first compareall the six methods in terms of NDCG. Our method andRankBoost outperform the other algorithms with a significantmargin. Regarding Tau, our method achieves the highest accu-racy with 0.3347548. Although RankBoost obtains impressiveNDCGs in falling market, it fails to consistently achieve goodNDCGs in rising market. Whereas, our method consistentlyreports high and balanced performances in both rising andfalling markets.



Metric MART RankBst CoordAsc LamMART FenRank SEKNDCG@3 0.46493 0.75 0.59502 0.36991 0.44005 0.69005NDCG@5 0.57712 0.77008 0.5725 0.46968 0.55746 0.68514NDCG@7 0.61288 0.80305 0.53820 0.52281 0.59603 0.68249NDCG@10 0.65570 0.81719 0.55537 0.54510 0.64049 0.69719Tau 0.09481 0.12978 0.22331 0.23113 -0.12477 0.33475

The results validate the advantages of considering bothranking accuracy and sparsity regularization with the extractedintercorrealative features from heterogenous sources.


Related work can be grouped into two categories. Thefirst one includes the work on estate appraisal. In the secondcategory, we present the ranking related methods.

Real estate appraisal is the process of valuing the property’smarket value. Traditional research on estate appraisal is basedon financial real estate theory, typically constructing an explicitindex of estate value [17], such as price-rent ratio, priceto income ratio. More studies rely on financial time seriesanalysis by inspecting the trend, periodicity and volatility

Business Review Taxi Bus Checkin









(a) Tau

@3 @5 @7 @100.3








Business ReviewTaxiBusCheckin

(b) NDCG@N

@3 @5 @7 @100.1











Business ReviewTaxiBusCheckin

(c) Precision@N

@3 @5 @7 @100









Business ReviewTaxiBusCheckin

(d) Recall@NFig. 6. Feature performances of different sources on the rising market dataset.

Business Review Taxi Bus Checkin





(a) Tau

@3 @5 @7 @100










Business ReviewTaxiBusCheckin

(b) NDCG@N

@3 @5 @7 @100.4








Business ReviewTaxiBusCheckin

(c) Precision@N

@3 @5 @7 @100









Business ReviewTaxiBusCheckin

(d) Recall@NFig. 7. Feature performances of different sources on the falling market dataset.

0.25km 0.5km 0.75km 1km 1.5km 2km 3km0










(a) Tau

@3 @5 @7 @100.2








(b) NDCG@N

@3 @5 @7 @100







(c) Precision@N

@3 @5 @7 @100









(d) Recall@NFig. 8. Feature performances of different radius on the rising market dataset.

0.25km 0.5km 0.75km 1km 1.5km 2km 3km−0.06










(a) Tau

@3 @5 @7 @100.2








(b) NDCG@N

@3 @5 @7 @100







(c) Precision@N

@3 @5 @7 @100








(d) Recall@NFig. 9. Feature performances of different radius on the falling market dataset.

of estate prices [2]. Work [1] checks the volatility of estateprice and concludes that low investment-valued estate valuesrelatively volatile. More classic works are based on repeatsales methods and hedonic methods. The repeat sales methods[18] construct a predefined price index based on propertiessold more than once during the given period. The hedonicmethods [3] assume the price of a property depends on itscharacteristics and location. Work [1] studies the automatedvaluation models which aggregate and analyze physical char-acteristics and sales prices of comparable properties to provideproperty valuations. More recent works [4], [19] apply generaladditive mode, support vector machine regression, multilayerperceptron, ranking and clustering ensemble method to com-putational estate appraisal. In our earlier work [4], we focuson exploiting the mutual enhancement between ranking andclustering to model geographic utility, popularity and influenceof latent business area for estimating estate value. Besides, in[4], we identify and jointly capture the geographical individual,

peer, and zone dependencies as an estate-specific rankingobjective for enhancing prediction of estate value. However,in this paper, we details comprehensive feature designs thatcover most of aspects that have an impact on estate value.Also, we integrate sparsity regularization into pairwise rankingstrategy because the extracted features are usually correlatedand redundant.

Also, our work can be categorized into Learning-To-Rank(LTR) which includes pointwise, pairwise, and listwise ap-proaches [20]. The point-wise methods [20] reduce the LTRtask to a regression problem: given a single query-documentpair, predict its score. The pair-wise methods approximatethe LTR task to a classification problem. The goal of thepairwise ranking is to learn a binary classifier to identifythe better document in a given document pair by minimizeaverage number of inversions in ranking [13], [21]–[23]. Thelist-wise methods, optimize a ranking loss metric over lists

instead of document pairs [24]. For instance, H. Li et al.propose AdaRank [25] and ListNet [26] and Burges et al.propose LambdaMART [15]. More recent work [16] furtherlearn the ranking model which is constrained to be with onlya few nonzero coefficients using L1 constraint and propose alearning algorithm from the primal dual perspective.

Urban computing [27] is a process of acquisition, integra-tion, and analysis of urban data (e.g., sensors, devices, vehicles,buildings, human) to tackle the major issues that cities face.Our work also has a connection with mining mobile, geographyand mobility data to tackle issues in urban space. Work [29]identifies emerging patterns with multirelational approach fromspatial data. Liu et al. detects spatio-temporal causality ofoutliers in traffic data [30]. Yuan et al. discovers regionalfunctions of a city using POIs and taxi traces [31] . Heierman etal. mines the device usage patterns of homeowners for smarthouses [32] . Paper [33] selects the optimal sites for retailstores by mining Foursquare data. [27] mines the driving routefor end users by considering physical feature of a route, trafficflow, and driving behavior.


In this paper, we aimed to assess estate investment valueby mining a variety of user-generated data. We collected alarge scale of online user reviews and offline moving behaviors(taxi traces, smart card transactions, and checkins) of mobileusers. We index, filter, propagate, distill, aggregate mobile data,and extract the fine-grained features from multiple perspectives(e.g., direction, volume, velocity, heterogeneity, popularity,topic, etc.) for evaluating estate values. However, since theextracted estate features usually are intercorrelated and redun-dant, we proposed to learn a sparse pairwise ranker, whichis mutually enhanced by simultaneously conducting featureselection and maximizing estate ranking accuracy. Finally,the experimental results with real world estate-related datademonstrates the competitive effectiveness of both extractedfeatures and learning models.


This research was partially supported by National ScienceFoundation (NSF) via grant numbers CCF-1018151 and IIS-1256016. Also, it was supported in part by Natural ScienceFoundation of China (71028002).


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