SPARK UI TOOLKIT - · Process Application(s) or Toolkit(s) that use the SPARK UI toolkit. Permanent Solution: This problem will be permanently resolved

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Release 4.5.4 March 2018

SPARK UI TOOLKIT For IBM Business Process Manager

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Trademarks, Licensing, and Credits

Salient Process is a registered trademark of Salient Process, Inc.

SPARK UI Toolkit is a registered trademark of Salient Process, Inc.

IBM, the IBM logo, and are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.

Open Source Libraries

SPARK UI Toolkit makes use of open source software for various technologies and interfaces. Therefore, Salient Process would like to acknowledge the following open source projects:

• Resize Detection -

• C3 - • D3 - • DatePicker - • DropZone - • FastClick - • FileSaver - • JSZip - • MaskedInput - • OpenLayers - • QRCode - • Signature - • SheetJS - • TinyMCE - • Typeahead - • Videojs -

For licensing information, please refer to the terms included with the version of the toolkit you received from Salient Process.

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Documentation and Forums

Documentation for the SPARK UI Toolkit can be found here:

There is also a growing forum community where users can ask questions:

Contact Salient Process Support

For additional support see the Salient Process Web site:

If you would like to submit a bug or feature request, email us at

Note that only Standard and Enterprise customers will receive follow up responses from our Support team. If you are interested in getting an increased level of support from Salient, please inquire here:

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SPARK UI TOOLKIT Release Notes v4.5.4 March 2018

SPARK User Interface (UI) Toolkit improves both the End-user and UI Authoring experience in IBM BPM with the aid of a more efficient UI development model. The SPARK UI Toolkit is faster, control rich, simple, powerful, modern, flexible, and responsive. It provides developers UI controls with:

• methods, events and properties, • attachable logic, • simplified addressability, • full consistency between views and pages, • formula based computations in fields and tables • high-performance for large tabular data sets • heightened “build & use” experience throughout • consistent 3X to 4X efficiency gains

SPARK UI TOOLKIT 4.0 features:

• suitable for both production and fast-build demo scenarios • high-performance tabular data controls • electronic signature • full BPM content management support • standard and advanced form controls • multi-function sections and layouts • analytics-ready drill-down charts • media, mobile and system & service integration • menus, popups, tooltips, alerts, timers, on-page AJAX, publish-subscribe, modal

dialogues, etc.

For more information on the controls available in your version of the toolkit, visit the Controls page of Salient Support.

There are 90+ ready to use UI controls with full cross-device capabilities.

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Transition of Content Management SPARK UI controls

The following controls were removed from the SPARK UI Toolkit and relocated into the SPARK Content Management toolkit:

• BPM File List • BPM File Dropzone • BPM File Uploader • File Viewer

Please use the fully equivalent controls in the SPARK Content Management toolkit (available to customers with an Enterprise Subscription). If validation errors are observed in Coaches and Coach Views that use these controls (after the Toolkit snapshot is upgraded to the latest), simply change the control references from the SPARK UI Toolkit to the SPARK Content Management Toolkit in Process Designer. Please note configuration options for those controls have remained the same.

What happens to the SPARK UI Toolkit as of IBM BPM 8.5.7 CF201706?

The SPARK UI has become the UI Toolkit of choice as of IBM BPM 8.5.7 CF201706. As BPM 8.5.7 installations are upgraded to CF201706, the SPARK UI Toolkit dependency will need to be upgraded to snapshot "8.5.7". With this upgrade, the toolkit acronym has changed from SPARK15 to BPMUI (or SYSBPMUI). The acronym change should have no effect on process apps and toolkits using the SPARK UI Toolkit. However, in the unlikely event that managed assets in SPARK UI are programmatically referred to by your own logic, the statements accessing these managed assets will need to be adjusted to use BPMUI instead of SPARK15.

Why can I still download SPARK UI from Salient Process?

IBM has arranged for Salient Process to continue hosting and providing the SPARK UI Toolkit for any version of IBM BPM prior to BPM 8.5.7 CF201706. Therefore, customers using a version prior to BPM 8.5.7 CF201706 will still need to get regular updates from Salient Process, in accordance with any support agreement that customers may already in place with Salient Process. Salient Process will not provide downloads for BPM 8.5.7 CF201706 or higher directly, as SPARK UI now comes with the product.

How does this change how I get updates and fixes for the SPARK UI Toolkit?

Salient Process has arranged to continue design and development collaboration with IBM, going forward, on various potential updates, fixes and enhancements to the toolkit. Because the SPARK UI Toolkit is now an IBM product and follows quarterly release cycles (in line with IBM BPM itself) SPARK UI updates will be published quarterly also - unless you enter into a Managed Services agreement with Salient Process to obtain more immediate updates or to have special enhancements made to the toolkit. To set up Managed Services with Salient Process please contact

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The SPARK UI Toolkit requires at least IBM Business Process Manager Any version of IBM Business Process Manager (Express, Standard, or Advanced) will work with the SPARK UI Toolkit.

System Requirements

Since the SPARK UI Toolkit comes as a .twx file that is used for IBM Business Process Manager development, IBM Business Process Manager’s Process Designer client is required for use.*

Browser Support:

• IE 10+ • Firefox (25+) • Chrome (30+) • Safari in iOS 6+

* IBM Business Process Manager 8.5.5+ includes a web based Process Designer. Our toolkit is compatible with the web based Process Designer, however some development features are not fully functional with the web based version.

Installation and Update

Before you begin:

• Obtain the SPARK UI Toolkit from Salient Process for your version of IBM BPM • You must have access to your environment’s process center repository to be able to

import the SPARK UI Toolkit.

Installation Procedure:

1. Copy the SPARK toolkit on a drive that is accessible from the IBM BPM server. 2. Log in to the IBM BPM Process Designer or Process Center 3. Click the Toolkits tab. 4. Click the Import Toolkit link on the right side of the Toolkits view and locate the file to

import from step 1. 5. Click Import. 6. To verify the import of the toolkit, click on the Process Apps tab and then back to

Toolkits tab. The toolkit should be listed.

Update Procedure:

Because every version of the SPARK UI Toolkit is just a new snapshot, simply import a new snapshot of the toolkit to complete your update. For more information on installing the toolkit, visit:

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Important note on using SPARK in IBM BPM 8.5.7:

Using this SPARK UI toolkit version into your IBM BPM 8.5.7 environment can cause a temporary error regarding missing or undefined Less variables which you must manually fix!


1) Error messages regarding missing Less variables are displayed in Web Process Designer when opening a Coach. For example:

org.mozilla.javascript.JavaScriptException Error: NameError: variable @bpm-input-height-base is undefined in /tmp/bpmCoachThemeCompilation/982ca93d-39ce-4bb3-88b9-90ccd9e1b022/26865295-8511-4538-b8f1-4cb99c203a92/spark.less on line 5149, column 13:

5148 form-control { 5149 height: @bpm-input-height-base; 5150 padding: @bpm-padding-base-vertical @bpm-padding-base-horizontal;


2) Coach pages render without any styling at design time (in Web Process Designer) or when a Coach is run/played back.


The SPARK UI Theme is a superset of the BPM Theme in the System Data toolkit. As such it contains more variables than what is currently defined in the BPM UI Theme (or a in derivative you may have created from the BPM UI Theme). Without all the new variables defined in the SPARK UI Theme, the SPARK less file doesn’t find all the variables it expects to compile properly, which causes the error.

Temporary Solution:

Open the Process Application(s) or Toolkit(s) that use the SPARK UI toolkit and specifically select the SPARK UI Theme (or a theme you derived from the SPARK UI Theme) as the theme for the toolkit or process app:

• Process App Settings or Toolkit Settings > Overview Tab > Coach Designer Settings > Theme > Select…

• Select the SPARK UI Theme (or a theme you have created that derives from the SPARK UI Theme)

• Save the settings

The problem should be resolved for your Process Application or Toolkit. Repeat for all your Process Application(s) or Toolkit(s) that use the SPARK UI toolkit.

Permanent Solution:

This problem will be permanently resolved once the BPM UI Theme in the System Data toolkit defines all supplementary SPARK UI variables. This has been addressed IBM BPM 8.5.7 CF201703 and higher.

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• Added Custom Headers configuration to Data Export control • Added Label Width configuration to Date Time Picker control • Added support for alphanumeric mask to Mask Text control • Added isListItem() method to Type Ahead Text control


• Added as On All Rows Selected event to Table • Added an Allow HTML configuration option to Output Text • Read Only Table now allows paging, sorting and setting page size


• Added a Tab Index configuration option to Checkbox Group • Added a Tab Index configuration option to Radio Button Group • Added a Show Pop-up Menus configuration option to Table (works only when no Height

configuration is specified)


• Added Date Time Picker control • Upgraded Font Awesome to version 4.7.0 • Implemented Localization Support • Table now responds to Run Time changes in Column Specifications, Show Add and

Show Delete configuration options • WYSIWYG enabled for the following controls:

o Bar Chart o Breadcrumbs o Donut Chart o Line Chart o Multi Purpose Chart o Pie Chart o Popup Menu o Slider

• Accessibility enabled for the following controls: o Badge o Checkbox o Collapsible Panel o Horizontal Split o Map o Modal Section o Panel o QRCode o Signature

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o Switch o Video o Well


• SPARK now fully leverages the new design-time events in Web Process Designer for IBM BPM 8.5.7 CF 201703 to provide an even better UI developer experience. The latest version of IBM BPM 8.5.7 uses parts of the SPARK UI runtime to support the SPARK addressing and eventing model. In exposing SPARK events to the developer at design time, Web Process Designer provides a JavaScript editor for events which allows as many lines as needed for event logic, syntax highlighting, and code completion when applicable.

• WYSIWYG enabled for the following controls: o Map o Modal Section o Panel Footer o Panel Header o QR Code o Signature o Tab Section o Text Editor o Text Reader

• Accessibility enabled for the following controls: o Switch


• WYSIWYG enabled for the following controls: o Spacer o Status Box o Well

• Accessibility enabled for the following controls: o Popup Menu

• Table configuration option to add new row at run time • getColumns() method to return column specifications for Service Data Table


• WYSIWYG enabled for the following controls: o Caption Box o Date Picker o Horizontal Layout o Image o Modal Alert o Vertical Layout o Video

• Accessibility enhancements for the following controls:

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o Alerts o Caption Box o Input Group o Modal Alert o Note o Status Box o Tooltip


• Table now allows setAllRecordsSelected(false) in Single Select mode • Single Select support for leading spaces to facilitate indentation


• Community Edition now contains all controls (Obfuscated and not for Production) • Added Update button to the File List control • Added Document Version support to the File List control • Added localization support to Caption Box configuration options • WYSIWYG enabled for the following controls:

o Alerts o Checkbox o Checkbox Group o Collapsible Panel o Data Export o Decimal o Input Group o Integer o Line o Link o Masked Test o Multi Select o Note o Notification o Output Text o Panel o Password o Progress Bar o Radio Button o Radio Button Group o Single Select o Text o Text Area o Tooltip o Type Ahead

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• Added Radio Button Group control • BPM File List now works with BPM and above • Added default local support for dates • Accessibility enhancements for the following controls:

o Checkbox Group o Radio Button o Single Select o Type Ahead Text

• WYSIWYG enabled for the following controls: o Badge o Button o Icon o Switch o Radio Button


• IBM BPM Web Process Designer-based theming through the Less-based “SPARK UI Theme” now shipped with the SPARK UI toolkit

• Tab Section control supports specific color styles (Default, Primary, Info, Success, Warning, Danger/Alert)

• Accessibility enhancements for the following controls: o Text Reader o Text Area o Text o Password o Output Text o Masked Text


• Trial Edition toolkits (TE) now say TRIAL instead of TE • Enabled the use of functions of searching tables. Functions can be passed to a table

through the search() method • Various accessibility enhancements added to the following:

o Button o Data Export o Decimal o Icon o Image o Integer o Link o Notification o Progress Bar o Slider

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• Added the following methods to Popup Menu o getMenuItems() o getMenuIndex() o getMenuItem()


• Deferred Section enhancements o lazyLoad method now takes a Boolean as the second parameter, which can be

used to trigger the “On Lazy Loaded” event even if view is already loaded o added getDeferredView() method, which provides reference to child view

• Reduced size of OpenLayersAPI file


• Added Breadcrumbs control • Removed Google dependency from all location sensitive controls and replaced with

OpenLayers dependency. Includes the following changes: o Added config options to Map

Map Source Disable Panning

o Removed config options from Map Hide Street View Control Hide Overview Map Control Hide Pan Control API Key API Version

o Changes to Places control Search radius now has a max of 15km Properties of places context variable in On Place Resolved event has

changed to the following: • address_components • formatted_address • geometry • icon • id • name • opening_hours • type • vicinity • website

• Added getSelectedDataPoint method to charts

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• Fixed issue with Data control source file Unicode characters • Fixed issue with clear() method causing error to be thrown on boundary event for Date

Picker and Date Time Picker • Fixed issue with Date Time Picker throwing an error when Label is not defined • Fixed issue with Decimal control not allowing leading decimal separator • Fixed issue with setTitle() method causing width to change for Panel and Collapsible

Panel controls • Fixed issue with focus() method setting focus to incorrect element for Text Editor control


• Fixed issue with incorrect indexes after a row deletion in nested Tables • Fixed issue with Table throwing an error when nested Table is not initialized with default

value • Fixed issue with Table incorrectly rendering Date Time Picker as Simple HTML • Fixed issue with formula support for Status Box • Fixed issue with Label Visibility setting for Tooltip • Fixed issue with Radio Button Group setSelectedItem() not updating binding • Fixed issue with Label Visibility setting for Radio Button Group • Fixed issue with Masked Text control On Input not firing on backspace key, delete key

and cut for Internet Explorer 11 • Fixed issue with List getSelectedItems() not returning selected record • Fixed issue with Decimal control not allowing same value after setData() • Fixed issue with Checkbox label text extending beyond container • Fixed issue with Alert control text extending beyond container • Fixed issue with Data Export skipping null values • Fixed issue with Variant control throwing TypeError when control is switched On Load • Fixed issue with Single Select throwing TypeError when unloaded before complete load • Fixed issue with Bogus testing artifact remaining in released toolkit


• Fixed issue with formulas not calculating correctly after a row deletion in Table • Fixed issue with Table throwing an error when switching binding from undefined to a list

variable at runtime • Fixed issue with Date Picker throwing an error when bound to a simple list of Date in a

repeating layout • Fixed issue with Checkbox Group method potentially referencing a Map value while

undefined • Fixed issue with the appendElement() method of the Layout controls to add items of

simple type • Fixed issue with the Masked Text control not triggering the On Input event when text is

pasted in IE11

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• Fixed issue with styling the Checkbox control to show a highlight on focus • Fixed issue with styling in the Modal Section for display to be compatible with the

Responsive Portal Task List control • Fixed issue with the getSelectedRecordCount() method in Table returning 1 after the

Table has been cleared • Fixed issue with Table Select All checkbox not allowing deselection • Fixed issue with Table loading with all rows highlighted without being selected • Fixed issue with Date Time Picker positioning in lower rows of Table • Fixed issue with Table clear() method throwing error on boundary event after rows are

selected • Fixed issue with Date Time Picker calendar not closing when ESC key is pressed • Fixed issue with Single Select not showing placeholder text when initially set with

Visibility of None • Fixed issue with multiple Slider controls responding to touch on mobile devices • Fixed issue with Masked Text On Input event not firing on keypress in IE11 • Fixed issue with Checkbox Group setItem() method leaving old value in selected values • Fixed issue with Text On Input not triggering when same value is input after using

setText() to change value • Fixed issue with Masked Text On Change not triggering when same value is input after

using setData() to change the value • Fixed documentation for Navigation control • Fixed issue with QR Code throwing error on unload view • Fixed issue with Single Select getItemCount() throwing error when called from On

Service Items • Fixed issue with Status Box throwing error when no label is specified • Fixed issue with Date Time Picker throwing error when no label is specified • Fixed issue with Multiselect control honoring label visibility setting


• Fixed issue with documentation in BPMExt • Fixed issue with documentation in Table for setSortCirteria • Fixed issue with documentation in Tab Section for getViewInPane • Fixed issue with documentation in Radio Button Group for getSelectedItem() • Fixed issue with Radio Button Group Items from Service overriding Read Only • Fixed issue with Table responding to TableColumnVisibility setting of “R” • Fixed issue with Toolitp throwing Type Error for view.getUID() • Fixed issue with Table clearing on Adding Row when multiple Tables are bound to the

same list • Fixed issue with Table Single Selection Mode when Table is paginated • Fixed issue with Table selection style when index is set through setRecordSelected() • Fixed issue with Service Data Table renderAsSimpleHTML causing Decimal and Integer

to display NaN when undefined • Fixed issue with Radio Button Group to use Item Value on getOption() instead of Display


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• Fixed issue with Checkbox Group appendItem() not indicating a selected item from the bound variable

• Fixed issue with Date Picker On Day Cell Render to allow passing Boolean for disabled days, String for CSS class, and Object for class and Tooltip message

• Fixed issue with Checkbox Group to use Item Value on getOption() instead of Display Text

• Fixed issue with Table setAllRecordsSelected(false) not deselecting filtered Table • Fixed issue with Decimal using clipboarddata for the onpaste event in Internet Explorer

11 to use Window • Fixed issue with Spacer handling changes in visibility • Fixed issue with Decimal accepting pasted values when disabled • Fixed issue with Radio Button Group getSelectedIndex() throwing error if no option is

selected • Fixed issue with Radio Button Group appendItem() not indicating a selected item from

the bound variable • Fixed issue with Table pagination control buttons requiring multiple Tab presses to

navigate • Fixed issue with Link control visibility in CSHS • Fixed issue with Date Picker confirmation dialog causing Date to be removed • Fixed issue with Data Control On Change event when bound to complex type • Fixed issue with Single Select bound to variable containing special characters • Fixed issue with Date Picker calendar opening away from input in CSHS • Fixed issue with Table pagination not updating when Page Size is set to 0 or “”

• Fixed issue with underlying toolkit dependency identical names and acronyms for CF201703 versus CF201612 environments

• Fixed issue with Service Call control not loading in CF201703 environment • Fixed issue with non-breaking space in causing issues in certain UTF16 server

environments • Fixed issue with BPMEXT propagateUpValueChange() throwing error for list variables

passed as Configuration options to nested Coach Views • Fixed issue with Community Edition throwing error when combined with the commonly

used General Exception Handler toolkit (GEX)


• Fixed issue with Table clear() clearing filtered items • Fixed issue with Text Reader not wrapping text • Fixed issue with Decimal accepting pasted commas • Fixed issue with Table content displayed beyond width • Fixed issue with Date Picker On Change event firing multiple times • Fixed Issue with Label and Output Text respecting Theme color setting

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• Fixed Issue with Table column specification Business Object • Fixed issue with clipping Validation messages in CSHS • Fixed order of events for Decimal and Integer control to process On Blur after On

Change • Fixed issue with Radio Button and Radio Button Group printing selected items • Fixed issue with Response Sensor when initialized with Visibility of None • Fixed issue with Data Export throwing error on bound Complex Types • Fixed issue with Tooltip control preview file for CSHS • Fixed issue with Map control displaying Show Marker in center • Fixed issue with Single Select loading list containing only “1” • Fixed issue with Stack control binding to variable for current tab • Fixed issue with timing of Modal Alerts response to events • Fixed issue with Table delete row causing errors in SUM • Fixed issue with Table formula support for FOR EACH • Fixed issue with Map control Use Location Sensor configuration option • Fixed issue with Table control load issue for Content Management • Fixed issue with Table loading Column Specifications when already loaded • Fixed issue with BPM-Ext-Style throwing error in certain locales • Fixed issue with displaying multiple File List controls


• Fixed issue with Table showing scrollbar on empty tables • Fixed issue with specified height in Table causing overlapping headers • Fixed issue with Table Multiselect items index with Stay on Page • Fixed issue with Single Select initial when bound to a String • Fixed issue with multiple Alerts listening for the same Topic • Fixed issue with File Viewer respecting visibility propagation • Fixed issue with File List respecting visibility propagation • Fixed issue with specified Help Text and Formula for Status Box • Fixed issue with Date Picker handling ISO string format • Fixed issue with page and bpmext variables reference in multi-page CSHS • Fixed issue with Horizontal Layout alignments clipping validation messages • Fixed issue with Table JS containing console.debug messages • Fixed issue with appending element to a sorted Table

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• Fixed issue with Date Picker setting the date today on tab out • Fixed issue with Date Picker End Date not showing bound date of today • Fixed issue with Date Picker showing invalid format for yyyymmdd • Fixed issue with Table style when Height is setting • Fixed setSelectedItem() and setSelectedItemAt() for Single Select • Fixed issue with Single Select returning the selected index • Fixed setSelectedItems() and setSelectedItemsAt() for Multi Select • Fixed setSelectedItems() for Checkbox Group • Fixed issue with Data Export Table referencing • Fixed issue with Radio Button Group after Setting Invalid • Fixed issue with control previews for Client Side Human Services in version 8.5.6 • Fixed issue with clearItems() for Single Select • Fixed issue with getItemCount() for Single Select • Fixed issue with Service Call is null is returned • Fixed issue with Caption Box display when set to right alignment • Fixed issue with clearItems() for Radio Button Group • Fixed issue with Image control not saving default option of Web • Fixed issue with uncaught error on Donut Chart refresh • Fixed Date Picker text height to match other controls • Fixed issue with Table / Service Data Table clearSort() • Fixed issue with Validation icon for Right-to-Left display • Fixed issue with Caption Box horizontal label alignment • Fixed issue with ui.getIndex() to prevent duplication on boundary event • Fixed issue with getItemText() for Checkbox Group • Fixed issue with Link control opening javascript:void() in Internet Explorer • Fixed issue with Table index when backing list variable is altered • Fixed issue with Date Picker Right-to-Left orientation • Fixed issue with setting invalid text color for Checkbox Group • Fixed issue with setting invalid text color for Radio Button Group


• Minor formatting of Table header options • Fixed BPM File List issues in Firefox • Fixed issue setting the current pane on the initial display of the Stack control • Fixed issue with the Tab control not hiding responsive layouts • Fixed issue with Pop-Up Menu addMenuItem() • Fixed issue with Service Data Table logging errors • Fixed issue with validation of Decimal control maximum value • Fixed issue with Text Editor loading controls for IE11 • Fixed issue with Theme modifying color of disabled controls • Fixed issue with Checkbox Group maintaining Read Only for items Loaded from a


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• Fixed issue with setItem() method to update the correct item in the Single Select control • Fixed error log output to use correct log.warn() method • Fixed Input Group to ignore error when no label is specified • Fixed issue with Link control responding to visibility changes • Fixed Checkbox Group control label Visibility property • Fixed issue with Output Text honoring Label hidden when set to Left and Centered • Fixed issue with Single Select clearItems() method for the Start Empty configuration • Fixed issue with Multi Select clearItems() method for the Start Empty configuration • Fixed issue with Checkbox Group clearItems() method for the Start Empty configuration • Fixed issue with Service Call busy icon not responding to empty return


• Fixed issue with the Row Reference (=) for Table Formulas in the Trial and Community Editions

• Fixed issue with Refresh Method of the Table control to clear the table if the query returns 0 records

• Fixed issue with AJAX service in the Multi Select control • Fixed issue with SPARK loading Theme in 8.5.7 • Fixed issue with Type Ahead Text control to use the Start Empty configuration option • Fixed issue with Map Control loading the API • Fixed issue with Map Control On Click context variable • Fixed issue with Modal Section behavior on Window resize • Fixed issue with Styler applying default color • Fixed issue with File Uploader and Dropzone updating the File Name • Fixed issue with Data Export control and table data • Fixed issue with File Uploader control visibility behavior in Modal Section • Fixed minor CSS issues with the following controls:

o Button o Badge o Area Chart SDS o Bar Chart SDS o Donut Char SDS o Line Chart SDS o Multi Purpose Chart o Pie Chart SDS o Step Chart SDS o Responsive Sensor o Spacer o Text Area

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• Fixed issue with select all checkbox in Service Data Table where selecting the checkbox did not select all records

• Fixed issue in Service Data Table with Highlight Selection configuration option not working

• Added error to console when delete method is invoked on a Service Data Table • Fixed issue with image radius not working • Fixed an issue with file uploading for BPM File List and BPM File Dropzone in BPM on

Cloud environments • Fixed an issue where an Image inside of a Modal Section would not display when the

Modal Section’s visibility was changed from false to true


• Fixed an issue with passing complex objects to AJAX services that were backing the following

o Single Select o Checkbox Group o Multi Select

• Fixed an issue with bound data in Data Export when used in Internet Explorer, Opera, or Safari

• Fixed a visibility issue in Table when visibility was set to “Same as Parent” while nested inside a Modal Section

• Fixed an issue with BPM File List in where incorrect usernames were shown for Created By and Modified By columns

o Customers using the release of SPARK that wish to have the ‘Modified By’ or ‘Created By’ show the correct user name should use the ‘BPM File List 8501’ control instead of the ‘BPM File List’ control. A work around was applied to replicate the fix applied by IBM for JR48637 see the following for additional info

• Fixed an indexing issue which occurred in Table and Service Data Table after using the clear() method for either control

• Fixed an issue with Input Group where the set width was not being honored • Fixed an issue with the getServiceInputData method of Checkbox Group • getType() method of Password control no longer returns “text.3” • added getType() method to Variant • BPM File Uploader and BPM File Dropzone now set file name properly when uploading • newValue in the On Change event of Integer and Decimal controls is now a Number,

and not a String • BPM File Uploader now allows setting the document title before selecting the file • Fixed an issue where data bound to the Slider control was not being set as a Decimal • Fixed an issue where Signature Pad wouldn’t draw signatures if previously hidden • Fixed several issues regarding updating formatting options for Integer and Decimal

controls on the fly, including Prefix, Postfix, Thousands Separator, Decimal Separator, and Decimal Places

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• Removed validation errors from community edition

• Fixed an issue with the way the Community Edition displays controls in Web based Process Designer

• Removed Responsive Coaches Dependency


• Using backspace to clear the Date Picker and then tabbing off now properly updates the binding

• Automatic uploads through Dropzone and file uploader no longer happen if file does not match an allowed type

• Single selects that are populated through an AJAX service will now be emptied if the service returns no items after having previously returned a non-empty list



• Date Picker


• BPM File Dropzone • BPM File List • BPM File Uploader • File Viewer


• Page Layout Cell • Page Layout Row • Page Layout Col

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Known Issues

• For Service Data Table, setPageIndex() will throw an error if called from the On Load event. This is working as designed as the Service Data needs to be loaded before setPageIndex() can be called. The appropriate time to call setPageIndex() is from the On Service Data Loaded event or later.

• Tables cannot be populated through lists of simple types o Workaround: wrap simple types in complex types and use a list of these instead o Workaround 2: use repeating layout capabilities in vertical layouts

• Date Picker does not update values when clicking “Clear” button o Workaround: Hit enter in the Date Picker box after hitting the clear button to

update data • Single/Multi Select - On Service Items and On Service Error do not fire when using

reloadServiceItems method • Documentation missing for various configuration options in showcase • Intermittent issue with tabbed sections not always displaying tab names

o Workaround: close and reopen task • Display issues when table width exceeds that of containing section • Incorrectly colored line in panels when placed inside collapsible panels of a differing

color • All resource bundles currently exist only in English. Non-English translations are planned

for future releases • Setting Link control as Boundary type causes IE11 to open a new blank window.

Workaround: Check the Open in Same Window option. • Due to an Internet Explorer defect acknowledged by Microsoft (see, Internet Explorer may fail to display font faces over an https connection in rare circumstances. Since glyph font faces are used to display icons and render checkboxes in the SPARK UI toolkit, customers using IE10, or IE11 in IE10 compatibility mode, may notice that icons and checked checkboxes don’t display properly. The workaround is to use another browser such as Google Chrome, Firefox or Microsoft Edge

• In some circumstances, the Data Export control produces no data on export. Workaround: Bind the control to the same list variable as the Table control.

• The Community version prevents the use of me.ui.invoke. As a work-around, use view.myFuntion() where myFunction is the name or your function contained in your coach view.

• Charts may be slow to react or unresponsive when the screen size is adjusted rapidly. This is an issue with how the c3 chart library works. At this time there is no work around.

• Table column widths will evenly distribute any remaining width if the specified column widths do not fill the Table width. It is suggested to leave one column's width undefined to allow the browser to calculate any remaining space in this column.

• Sorting a Complex type in Table will produce incorrect results unless the sort value is specified in the On New Cell event. (See Table article)

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• Table control may cause long header names to overlap cells when the Color Style is set to None or Default. To work around this issue, choose a Table Color Style in the configuration options.

• Responsive Sensor control will not respond to changes in screen size when placed in a Collapsible Panel that is set as initially collapsed. To work around this issue, set the Responsive Sensor to a Visibility of None, and add ${Responsive_Sensor}.setVisible(true) to the On Expand event of the Collapsible Panel.

• For Service Data Table, setPageIndex() will throw an error is called from the On Load event. This is working as designed as the Service Data needs to be loaded before setPageIndex() can be called. The appropriate time to call setPageIndex() is from the On Service Data Loaded event or later.

• Table with the Height configuration option set will cause controls that pop out such as Popup Menu, Tooltip and Date Time Picker's calendar to not display out of the scrollable body of the Table. Using the Table with pagination and page size configured will help to control the maximum height of the Table while still allowing content to pop out of the Table body.

• The Date Picker control has been deprecated and replaced with the Date Time Picker control. The Date Time Picker control is a full replacement for the Date Picker which provides more capabilities than its predecessor, including a number of enhancements and fixes for defects previously reported with the Date Picker control.

Other Notes

• The ServiceDataTable control is not supposed to be bound to a list variable. • Due to a limitation in Coach NG framework, one will not be able to bind a simple type list

to Table control. As a work-around please wrap the simple type into a Business Object and bind that complex object list to the Table control.

• The Table refresh() method is not supposed to be called programmatically. Please see the documentation of the control.

• Bi directional support is not currently enabled for controls other than those listed above • Data Export control does not export data from the Service Data Table control


Please send an email to, in order to submit bugs and suggestions for the SPARK UI Toolkit that Salient Process will consider for future releases.

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