
Hello!! We are celebrating…

what exactly is it and why is it celebrated? For many Catholic countries, including Spain, Carnaval is a big outdoor celebration that includes parades, dancing, singing and merry-making and takes place the week prior to Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent.

The streets in towns and cities all over Spain are filled with funny partying, humour, parodies and

a general atmosphere of fun and high spirits.

The carnivals that are particularly worth experiencing for their originality, beauty

and their spectacular displays are the festivities in Cadiz, in Andalusia, and Santa Cruz de Tenerife, in the Canary


The hallmarks of the Cadiz carnival are the typical songs sung by a variety of music bands: these songs are full of irony and social criticism and are composed by the various popular clubs and associations that take part in the festivities

The capital of the island of Tenerife hosts one of the most important carnivals in the world.There´s a celebration to choose the Carnival Queen

There are also contests featuring the typical musical groups singing their satirical songs, the body paint and disguises, and the Grand Parade that attracts more than 200,000 people every year.

But there are numerous other carnival festivities in Spain. Here, In Palencia we also celebrate Carnival. There is a parade and a lot of people

wear costumes and have fun

HELLO!!! I´m a funny clown


I´m dressed up as a

flamenco dancer…

Hi! I´m dressed up as a…???

We´re a devil and an angel…

And I´m dressed up as a policeman

We are a Musketeer and a zombie…

We are Minnies…

We are dressed up as friendly “tigers”

I´m a rabbit!!!


These “sweets” are traditionally eaten during Lent, the 40-days before Easter.

• Bunuelo is believed to have originated in Spain, among the Morisco people. These fried balls usually have some kind of filling or topping, which are savory or sweet.

It is believed that "torrijas" originated in Andalucian convents during the XV century as a way to use up stale bread. Today it is a popular breakfast food all over Spain,

although they may be eaten anytime. The British call it bread pudding, while Americans would

probably call it "French Toast."

Hojuelasis a typical dessert for carnival time made of

a sort of puff pastry.They are delicious!!!

The carnival in Spain ends with the bizarre burial of a sardine. Entierro de la Sardina. It is a Spanish

ceremony celebrating the end of carnival . The "Burials" generally consist of a carnival parade that parodies a funeral procession and culminates with

the burning of a symbolic figure, usually a representation of a sardine. It is a symbol which

represents the excesses of the festival so they are burned or destroyed.

No matter where you are in Spain, you can reach out and touch the

Carnival spirit and let it touch you in return!

And you, How do you celebrate Carnival?

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