

By Larisa Ozdemir

LanguageSpanish is spoken all over the Spanish territory. However other languages are also spoken in certain areas of Spain. (Catalan, Galician, Basque, Valencian)

ReligionThe majority of the population is Catholic. Other religions also practised in Spain include Islam, Judaism, Protestantism, and Hinduism.

Georgraphy Spain is geographically divided into very distinct territories. Spain covers an area of 505,955 square kilometres.

Climate Spain has a warm Mediterranean climate, with dry summers and winters with balanced temperatures. When talking of weather, special mention should be made of the Canary Islands. Their special location, facing the coast of Africa, gives them a climate with mild temperatures.

The Population and Cities:

The large metropolitan areas include Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Seville, Zaragoza, Bilbao, etc. The Spanish population now stands at over 47 million.To this we must add the fact that life expectancy in Spain is one of the highest in the world. (Average 81)

Eating Habits:Breakfast: 08:00-10:00Lunch:13.00-15.30 Dinner: 20.30-23.00 Many establishments are open continuously throughout the day, especially bars and cafeterias; there you can have "tapas", appetisers, and combo meals.Cinemas usually have flexible hours. Pubs, bars, and nightclubs usually stay open until three or four in the morning.



Working Hours:

The most usual business hours are from Monday-Saturday, from 9:30-13:30,16:30-20:00

What to WearIn the coast, because of the mild climate, it is usually not necessary to pack warm clothes. In the interior of Spain, temperatures vary greatly from one season to the next, with very cold winters, and really hot summers. Spanish people don't dress up too much to go out, although of course, it depends on where you are going.

Culture:Spain has a very extensive network of libraries and museums throughout the Spanish territory where some of the most valuable cultural and world art treasures are held. The most important library is the National Library in Madrid.

FestivalsSpanish popular festivities

and traditions often have a clearly religious origin. The festive year in Spain starts with New Year with a grape swallowed for each chime of the clock.

One of the most important traditional celebrations in Spain, however, is Easter week.

The greatest number of festive events takes place in the summer months, between June and September.

La Tomatina

Extras:The currency in Spain is the euro, the same as in other European Union countries.

Drinking water supply is guaranteed throughout Spain. They have stringent control systems that guarantee water quality.

In Spain there are no laws specifically prohibiting nudism on beaches. It is not a crime. There are more than 300 beaches classified as nude beaches.

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