Space A place for Mars Candy Company * By Jarod H * Edited by Sydney M *

Post on 11-Jan-2016






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SpaceA place for Mars Candy


* By Jarod H * Edited by Sydney M *

The newest  supernova is…

•  Supernova 1987A

When stars are in a black hole they are squeezed into a point of infinite density. This

is called a singularity.

Stars burst when they get too old and can not keep themselves


Facts about Early cultures

Astrologists named objects in space with names of gods as well as spirits.

They used…

• Stonehenges

• Gromon- posts in the ground lined to show north, south, east, and west- used by early people that lived in the area of China.

The person that discovered earth orbits the sun is Nicolas Copernicus

The first person to prove the earth rotates is Aristech of Samos in 3rd

century B.C.

The First person to explain why the sun and stars move across the sky

is Copernicus, then Galileo and other people back up his theory.

The first person to developed three laws (on the next slide) regarding

planetary motion

is Johannes Kepler who made the first two in 1609 and third in 1619.

Those laws are…

• The orbit of every planet is an ellipse with the sun at one of the two foci

• A line joining a planet and the sun sweeps out equal areas during equal areas during equal intervals of time

• The square of the orbital period of a planet is directly proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit.

STS-125 crew worked on the

hubble in 2010.

SETI is the search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence

Pluto is a

dwarf planet decided by I.A.U.

First person to go space on vacation is Dennis Tito.


Here are pictures and facts about planets.



Is 310 miles long Has a crater name

Thoreau Crater



Has 27 famous Surface Temperature

land marks. 464*C



Deimos [moon] orbits Phobos [moon] orbits

once in once in

30 h. 18 m. 7 h. 39 m.


Jupiter has a

Ocean of hydrogen and 63 moons


90% of it atmosphere Io volcanoes reflect the sun

is hydrogen. light and make it sparkle

where the volcanoes are.



Has 107% of Has 7 ring parts

earth’s gravity



Has a moon 4.5 million Has 89% of earth gravity

Miles away from it.



Has 113% of earth has 13 moons.




Is 0.0002% the size of The highest Temperature

Earth on Pluto is –364 F


A plant about 8.4 billion miles away in our solar system. Named after a Inuit goddess of the ocean.

Here are some things used in space.

Mars robots

Spirit and opportunity mars rovers

Spirit and opportunity mars rovers

October 1, 2007- Spirit and Opportunity entered their fifth mission, that allows the operation of the rovers into 2009, making the rovers to have five years on t Mars surface.

August 26, 2008- Opportunity began its three-day climb out of Victoria crater. January 2009- the two rovers had sent back a quarter of a million images and traveled over 20 kilometers.

After moving about 3.2 kilometers from Victoria crater, Opportunity first saw the edge of Endeavour crater on March 7, 2009, at Gusev crater, Spirit stuck deep down in the sand.On January 3 and 24,2010 Spirit and Opportunity had been on Mars six years respectively. January 26,2010 after many months of unsuccessful attempts to free the rover from soft sand,NASA announced that Spirit will be used as a S.R.P. March 24, 2010- NASA announced on that Opportunity, drove a distance of 12 km to Endeavour Crater. March 31, 2010- Spirit went into hibernation for the Martian winter and might not run for many months.


Mars Exploration Rover Spirit drove on Thursday April 24 2009 for the first time since April 8 2009, acting on

commands from engineers who are still investigating of amnesia and other unusual behavior exhibited by Spirit in

the past two weeks.

pathfinder mars rover

The lander, named the Carl Sagan Memorial Station (C.S.M.S.) just after its touchdown on mars, and pathfinder, named Sojourner both outlived their designed lives — the C.S.M.S. by almost three

times, and pathfinder by 12 times.

From landing until September 27, 1997, the Mars Pathfinder died, returned 2.3 billion bits of information, including more than 16,500 images from C.S.M.S. and 550 images from pathfinder, as well as

15 chemical tests of rocks and soil and info on winds and other weather factors. Findings from the investigations done by scientific instruments on both C.S.M.S. and pathfinder suggest that Mars in

the past was warm and wet, with water in its liquid state and a thicker and bigger atmosphere.

Viking 1

Viking 1 orbiter Viking 1 Lander

The orbiter

The tools of the orbiter were two video cameras for images, an infrared spectrometer for mapping water and infrared radiometers for thermal mapping. The orbiter mission ended on November 5, 1976. A new mission started on December 14, 1976. Operations included a close approaches to Phobos in February on 1977. On August 7, 1980 The Viking 1 Orbiter was running low gas and its orbit was raised to prevent from crashing into Mars. Operations were stop on August 17, 1980 after 1485 orbits.

The lander The Viking 1 separated from the orbiter on July 20 1976. The

aeroshell with its heat shield slowed the craft as it when through the atmosphere. At 6 km above mars, the 160 cm diameter lander parachutes deployed. In 45 seconds the parachute had slowed the lander to 360 m/minute. At 1.5 km above mars, rockets on the lander itself were ignited. The legs had honeycomb aluminum shock absorbers to make the landing softer.

The Viking 1 Lander was named the Thomas Mutch Memorial Station (T.M.M.S) The lander operated for 2245 Mars days (about 2306 earth days or 6 years) until November 11, 1982. The viking died when a new software (to improve the lander’s batteries) overwriten the antennas software. Attempts to contact the lander during the next four months, were unsuccessful. In 2006 the Viking 1 lander was found on the Martian surface by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.

Viking 2 lander Viking 2 orbiter


• The orbiter primary mission ended on October 5, 1976. The extended mission started on 14 December 1976. The orbiter close approaches to Deimos in October 1977. The orbiter developed a leak in its system that lower its attitude control gas. It was placed in a 33,176 km orbit above mars and was turned off on July, 25 1978 after returning almost 16,000 images in about 700–706 orbits around Mars.


The lander separated from the orbiter on 3 September 1976. The Viking 2 Lander touched down about 200 km west of the crater Mie in Utopia Planitia. Approximately 50 lb. of propellants were left at landing. Due to radar misidentification of a rock the thrusters fired an extra time 0.4 second before landing, raising dust. The lander settled down with one leg on a rock. The cameras began taking images immediately after landing.

The Viking 2 lander operated on the surface for 1281 Mars days and was turned off (it’s atnnena didn’t fail like viking 1) on April 11, 1980 when its batteries stop working.


Curiosity the mars roverIn April 2008 it was said that the project cost was $235 million dollars

As of November 2008, development is essentially finished,the hardware and software are complete for the robot and testing is ongoing.

On December 3, 2008, NASA announced that the robots launch will be delayed until the fall of 2011.

From March 23–29, 2009, the public had an opportunity to rank nine finalist names through a public poll on the NASA website. On May 27, 2009, the name of Curiosity was selected, which was submitted by a Clara Ma, sixth-grader, from Kansas.

In late June 2010, engineers completed the installation of the suspension and wheel assembles on the rover body. The six-wheeled rocker-bogie suspension is similar to the design found on Mars Pathfinder rover. Engineers began testing the integrated suspension system which will also serve as landing gear for the vehicle

Moon ships

More pictures

More pictures

Moon rovers

All pictures on this page are or once were on the moon.

The LER project

More pictures

The Space Shuttles

The Saturn


The Saturn 7 is the longest rocket in nasa history.

Here are names, when there out in the sky, and pictures of


The constellations in January

Orion, and Taurus, Caelum, Dorado, Mensa, Reticulum,

The constellations in February

Auriga, Camelopardalis, Canis Major, Columba, Gemini, Lepus, Monoceros, Pictor.

The constellations in March

Cancer, Canis Minor, Carina, Lynx, Puppis, Pyxis, Vela, Volans

The constellations in April

Hydra, Leo, Ursa Major, Antlia, Chamaeleon, Crater, Leo Minor, Sextans.

The constellations in May

Canes Venatici, Centaurus, Coma Berenices, Corvus, Crux, Musca, Virgo,

The constellations in June

Boötes, Circinus, Libra, Lupus, Ursa Minor,

The constellations in July

Apus, Ara, Corona Borealis, Draco, Hercules, Norma, Ophiuchus, Scorpius, Serpens, Triangulum Australe,

The constellations in August

Corona Australis, Lyra, Sagittarius, Scutum, Telescopium,

The constellations in September

Aquila, Capricornus, Cygnus, Delphinus, Equuleus, Indus, Microscopium, Pavo, Sagitta, Vulpecula

The constellations in October

Aquarius, Cepheus, Grus, Lacerta, Octans, Pegasus, Piscis Austrinus.

The constellations in November

Andromeda, Cassiopeia, Phoenix, Pisces, Sculptor, Tucana

The constellations in December

Aries, Cetus, Eridanus, Fornax, Horologium, Hydrus, Perseus,


Star constellions



Horologium Phoenix

Pegasus Vulpecula





Here are things just for fun!

YODA’S CATis next

Space cat

“May the fur be with you”

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