Southern Monterey County Republican Women Federated · Southern Monterey County Republican Women Federated P.O. Box 221, King City, CA 93930 President-Karen Leonhard (

Post on 01-Aug-2020






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Southern Monterey County Republican Women Federated

P.O. Box 221, King City, CA 93930

President-Karen Leonhard ( Newsletter Editor ~ Jeane Errea Mills ( Membership Chair-Dorothy Errea ( California Federation of Republican Women

30th Assembly District 12th State Senatorial District 20th Congressional District


October 4th General Membership Meeting

Lawrence's Restaurant 611 Canal St., King City

Tuesday, October 4, 2016 Gather at 11:30 am, Lunch served as you arrive

Menu is: Club Sandwich with Potato Salad

or Salad and Chicken Noodle Soup

$15.00 Includes beverage, tax and tip!

RESERVATIONS ARE A MUST!!!!!! Respond to Karen at or (831) 385-1333 by Sunday, Oct 2nd .


“ALL ABOARD! GET ON THE TRUMP TRAIN" The guest speaker for the October 4th General Membership Meeting will be Nan Lesnick, a member of the Central Committee, Monterey County Republican Party. Ms. Lesnick is a representative of the Trump-Pence Campaign and will discuss the upcoming November election. Everyone is welcome for lunch or to stop by to hear the speaker.

QUOTE OF THE MONTH "I think the people have told us they want to see America return to the can-do spirit that made this country an industrial and economic giant" Ronald Reagan May 11, 1981


It was a pleasure to have Juli Mitchell, President of the Monterey Peninsula RWF attend our September meeting along with Recording Secretary, Ruth Pedroza-Moore. They both became Associate Members of our club that day. Kathy Forgnone and I attended Monterey's meeting the next week and we were welcomed warmly. Our Regional Director, Bunny Hacker, was there also. I find that going to other RWF club meetings is inspiring and it is wonderful to meet other ladies and exchange ideas. We have Paso Robles RWF less than an hour away and 3 of their members are Associate Members here in King City. I would urge you to take that trip South to Paso or West to Carmel Valley in the next few months to meet our sister members of the Federation. Another way to become energized and enthused is to attend the CFRW conferences. The State conference is coming up on Oct. 14-16 in Ontario, CA. The Northern Division Conference is Nov. 11-13 in Rancho Cordova and our Region is the host this year. If you would like to attend these conferences, please let me know. There are funds available to help with the cost of registration and expenses. We all belong to a Federation of Republican Women that is the largest grassroots women's political organization in the United States. Together, we can make a difference. Karen Leonhard President NEWS OF MONTEREY COUNTY REPUBLICAN PARTY Thanks to the dedication of our volunteers, we've extended our office hours at the headquarters to Saturday from 10am-4pm. If you have a free hour on Saturday, stop by the office to register, learn about candidates and help out the cause! Phone (831) 324-0617 or e mail for information. TROOPS PACKAGES We will be sending packages to the Troops serving in Afghanistan on November 1st. Priority large flat rate boxes and customs forms will be available at our October 4th meeting or at the Rustler office. Sharlene Hughes will receive boxes at her office at 117 South Third Street or you may drop

off at the Rustler Office. This is a great time of the year to shop for the troops and include some Christmas items, a decoration or some Christmas cards for them to send to friends and family. We need names and addresses of local Servicemen and Women. If you cannot drop off your box or items for the Troops, please give me a call and I will pick them up. Let's do all we can to send some Christmas Cheer to our wonderful Troops fighting to keep America free.

Kathy Merritt, Troop Box Chair (831) 385-4634

View From The Edge Of The Crowd by Lee Schell

It's no secret that what we now term "The Main Stream Media" were in-the-tank for Obama and are all wearing little short skirts and waving pom poms around as members of Hillary's cheer-leading squad. Having spent over 30-years in the broadcast "news" business I can't believe what I am seeing when so-called journalists are doing everything they can to drive a negative narrative when it comes to the candidacy of Republican Donald Trump. Members of the Southern Monterey County Republican Women Federated, may remember that a then local man, Bob Kohn, drove down from his home in Pebble Beach to address the group about the subtle techniques that he found the New York Times was using to create a negative atmosphere around conservative political office holders. In 2004 when Kohn spoke to the club, these sneaky little mini hatchet jobs were hard to spot. They were just little, snarky inferences in the middle of a news story. Snide remarks of this type are supposed to be limited to the Op/Ed page. Instead, reporters with political agendas, were sneaking these comments into so-called news stories as part of the daily news content. Kohn used a make-believe story to illustrate how this works: The Pope was visiting Washington D.C. and, then, President George W. Bush, took the Holy Father for a sail on the Potomac River when a gust of wind blew off the Pope's Zucchetto into the water. President Bush says: "...don't worry, Father, I'll get it". The President steps out of the boat...walks across the water...picks up the cap...walks back to the boat and hands it to the Holy Father amid stunned silence on the Presidential Yacht. The headline in the next day's New York Times announced: BUSH CAN'T SWIM! You may, at the time, have thought that example was somewhat exaggerated. But last week in a headline above-the-fold, the Monterey Herald did something almost as blatant. When it was revealed that former Secretary Of State, Colin Powell's email account had been hacked and that he had nasty things to say about both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, the Herald's headline announced: Powell's emails bash Trump. The fact that Powell's emails spent more time bashing Hillary Clinton than the Republican candidate wasn't mentioned until many paragraphs down in the story.

So, if anyone still needs proof that most reporters and news organizations are not just sympathetic to the candidacy of Hillary Clinton, but also are actively working in-support of getting her elected, here it is all the way down to one of our local newspapers. Just a few years ago, this kind of political partisanship by reporters and their news outlets, would have been seen as cross-the-line in responsible journalism. Today it happens as a matter of course. So-called reporters are selectively using or ignoring certain facts in their stories to either help or hinder political candidates. Most of Hillary's email troubles with that private server are glossed over as being "old news" or justified because ..."...Powell did it, too!"

Hillary damn near falls flat on her face in front of TV cameras and the Media says she was just big deal. Yet a doctor on the Internet posts a video, with much substantiation, that makes a good case that Hillary might be suffering from an advanced case of Parkinson's disease. Yet, Donald Trump releases results of his recent physical examination which all but says he is healthy as a horse, and reporters point out that Trump still hasn't released his tax returns. If Trump wins, [and it's time for ALL of us to get on-board] it will be in spite of the Media. And if he does win, think how much fun he will have saying, to the press: Na Na Nah Na Na!


Carla Stewart is a Republican candidate for City Council in Soledad and is working for the Monterey County Office of Education. She is an active community volunteer and has helped organize, fundraise and manage the Soledad High Sober Grad night since 2008. She is involved with the Soledad-Mission Chamber of Commerce, Old Town Soledad Beautification Association, Soledad Christmas Parade, Fiesta Days and Wind and Wine Festival. Ms. Stewart has recently joined the Board of the South County Animal Rescue and was honored by KRKC Radio with "Superstar Citizen of the Week" award for her dedication to the Soledad Community. Check out Carla's website for more information.


We registered voters at Safeway on September 10th and had several people opt to sign up for vote by mail. With so many propositions on the November ballot, this is a good way to study the information, make the decisions and mail the ballot in. Many thanks to Kathy Merritt, Roz Arnett and Mike Oliveira for taking a shift at the voter registration table. We will be at Safeway again on Saturday, October 15th from 11am-5pm. Please call Karen at 385-1333 to sign up for a 2 hour shift. SUNSHINE

Happy to report that Arlene Azcona and Billie McElmoyl are both at home after hospital and rehabilitation stays. They would be happy to receive your best wishes by phone or a card. Peggy Strickland, our Associate Member from Paso Roble RWF, is recovering from a stroke and we wish Peggy and her family our hope for a complete recovery soon. If you hear of anyone needing some cheer, give Roz Arness a call at 385-5856 and she will send a card.



Monterey Peninsula RWF presents Larry Greenfield, Founding Executive Director of the Reagan Legacy. Election 2016 and American National Security-Weds. Oct. 12th 7pm -Conservative Speaker's Forum-Bay Park Hotel, 1425 Munras, Monterey-$15 Luncheon meeting, Thurs., Oct. 13th, 11:30am Rancho Canada Golf Club, Carmel Valley-lunch cost $22 members $25 non members -RSVP (831) 484-1104 DEBATE DATES

Sept. 26 Presidential Debate-all networks-6pm Sept. 27 Casey Lucius & Jimmy Panetta-KSBW-6pm Oct. 4 Vice Presidential Debate-all networks-6pm Oct. 9 Presidential Debate-all networks-6pm Oct. 19 Presidential Debate-all networks-6pm CHAMBER NEWS

The monthly Chamber luncheon will be at noon on October 6th at St. John's Hall. The program will be a forum of Candidates for King City City Council election On November 8th. Call the Chamber for reservations: (831) 385-3814 Farmer's Market is held every Wednesday through Oct. 26th, 3-7pm and located on Broadway between First and Second Streets. Our club will be there to register voters and volunteers are needed. Contact Dorothy Errea to sign up. Call 382-4230.

MEMBERSHIP Please welcome new Associate Members Juli Mitchell, President and Ruth Pedroza-Moore, co-Secretary of the Monterey Peninsula RWF. Don’t forget to add their information to your roster. Juli Mitchell Ruth Pedroza-Moore 25031 Hidden Mesa Ct. 519 Echo Valley Rd. Monterey, CA 93940 Prunedale, CA 559-515-1131 831-261-1974 Birthday, 07-25 Birthday, 11-23 BIRTHDAYS

Oct. 1 Sandy Lockwood Oct. 4 Adele Gauer Oct. 6 Darlene Acosta Oct. 19 Barbara Vaughan Oct. 21 Mike LeBarre Oct. 24 Suzanne Tavernetti Oct. 26 Marky Dean Oct. 28 Diane Braga


Sept. 27 Board Meeting, 12 noon, Rabo Bank, King City. Everyone is welcome. Oct. 4 General Membership Meeting, 11:30am, Lawrence's, 611 Canal, King City Oct. 6 King City Chamber Luncheon, 12 noon, call 385-3814 to RSVP Oct. 6-10 The Moving Wall Vietnam Memorial Exhibit, Salinas Valley Fairgrounds Oct. 10 Columbus Day Oct. 15 Voter Registration, Safeway, King City, 11am-5pm OCT. 25 Board Meeting, 12 noon, Rabo Bank, King City, Everyone is welcome. Oct. 31 Halloween


Oct. 6 Dick Morris- Armageddon, How Trump Can Beat Hillary Lecture 6pm, Book Signing 7pm Oct. 11 Ann Coulter-In Trump We Trust- Lecture 6pm, Book Signing 7pm Oct. 18 Newt & Callista Gingrich-Treason by Newt Gingrich-Hail to the Chief By Callista Gingrich-Lecture 6pm, Book signing 7pm Oct. 23 Conversation With Mike Love- Good Vibrations, My Life As a Beach Boy Program 4pm, Book Signing 5pm Call (805) 577-4066 or for reservations

Member Diana Braga enjoying an event at the Reagan Library with

Dr. Charles Krauthammer and Don Braga.

PROP SPOTLIGHT Prop 53: Voter Approval for Revenue Bonds- SUPPORT Requires statewide voter approval before any revenue bonds can be issued or sold by the state for certain

projects if the bond amount exceeds $2 billion Applies to any projects that are financed, owned, operated, or managed by the state, or by a joint agency formed

between the state and a federal government agency, another state, and/or a local government Prohibits dividing projects into multiple separate projects to avoid statewide voter approval requirement Typically some bonds do appear on California ballots for voter approval, BUT bonds paid for out of state

revenue are not required to be voter-approved. This is a loophole that we should close! Our governments, whether city, county, or state, should be accountable to voters.

California has issued over $50 billion in revenue bond debt over the last 20 years and our state's current total debt is $157 billion, including principal and interest. It's time voters have more of a say on when and how bonds are issued.

Prop 54: Legislative Transparency- SUPPORT Requires every bill to be posted online and distributed to lawmakers at least 72 hours before each house of the

Legislature is permitted to vote on it (except when the Governor declares an emergency). Prohibits any bill passed in violation of this 72-hour requirement from becoming law. Makes audiovisual recordings of ALL public legislative meetings and posts those recordings online within 24

hours, to remain online for at least 20 years. Guarantees the right of every person to also record and broadcast any open legislative meetings. Requires NO new taxpayer money. The Legislature's existing budget will cover this measure's minor costs. Republicans in the legislature have been trying to pass bills that do what Prop 54 will do for decades. Each time,

the Democrats in power kill these bills, often times before they even clear their first committee. What are Democrats trying to hide from Californians if they do not support increased government transparency?

Prop 55: Prop 30 Tax Extension- OPPOSE Remember Prop 30? The “temporary” tax increase touted by Governor Brown and the Democrats? Well, the

legislature and Governor Brown want to extend the personal income tax portion of Prop 30 for 12 more years. This means that income taxes for single earners of $250,000 a year, joint filers of $500,00 a year, and heads of

household filers of $340,000 a year This INCLUDES small business whose owners file their small business earners within their personal income

taxes Prop 55 spells out yet another broken promise made by Governor Brown and legislative Democrats to our

taxpayers Prop 55 extends taxes while higher taxes are not necessary. California takes in more tax dollars than we need

each year — we currently have a $2.7 billion surplus. Let’s use the revenue we have wisely, not tax and spend more than we need.

-California’s critical spending- healthcare, education- can be funded without this tax unnecessary tax extension. Unsurprisingly, education and healthcare spending skyrocketed since the original passage of Prop 30. Education spending has soared by $24.6 billion since 2012 — a 52% increase. Medi-Cal spending has increased by $2.9 billion a 13% increase. Let’s get back to 2012 spending instead of extending Prop 30.

Prop 56: Cigarette Tax Increase- OPPOSE Increases cigarette tax by $2.00 per pack, with equivalent increase on other tobacco products and electronic

cigarettes containing nicotine. Prop. 56 allocates just 13% of new tobacco tax money to treat smokers or for school education to prevent

smoking. The authors of Prop 56 purposefully wrote in a loophole so that revenue will fill their pockets and not go to

school funding. California's Constitution (through Proposition 98), requires that schools get at least 43% of any new tax increase. Prop. 56 was written to undermine our Constitution's minimum school funding guarantee, allowing the authors to deceptively divert at least $600 million a year from schools to health insurance companies and other wealthy special interests.

$147 million a year from the higher cigarette tax revenue will go towards just overhead and bureaucracy alone. This is an intentionally deceptive and regressive tax on a small (generally poor and less educated) population of

Californians that will pay the increase because of an addiction. The higher tax does nothing to help prevent or decrease smoking or tobacco usage. It is a farce.



Free Gardening Classes Oct. 1-15 & 29 Free Pest & Disease Screening- 1:30pm- Not a class- no RSVP needed Oct 8-Citrus & Avocado Workshop-1:30pm-pruning citrus & avocado trees Oct.22-Insect & Bug Identifying Workshop for Kids-1:30pm-What kind of bug is that? No RSVP needed-Call Claire for more information (831) 455-1876 WILDHORSE CAFÉ

Wildhorse Poker Run, Saturday, October 29th-Motorcycles and cars welcome! Slow ride competition- open to all bikes and riders -Raffle Prizes-50/50 Drawing Poker run check in 8am-10am. All hands due in by 1pm-lunch starts at 11:30am T-shirt/BBQ/Poker Hand and raffle ticket-$30. 2nd rider T-shirt/BBQ-$20 BBQ only $10 Call Jeff (831) 809-7952, Katie(831)710-1453 or Mac (916)742-8998

TRUE VALUE HARDWARE Bargains for the month of October:

Pennzoil 1 qt. $ 2.99 Lysol wipes/spray 2 pk. 5.97 Wild bird food 20lb 4.99 Carbon monoxide alarm 19.99 Birder's blend 8 lb. 4.99 Living area smoke alarm 19.99 4-pk halogen bulbs 5.99 40 lb. water softener pellets 5.99




Location: Lawrence’s Restaurant, King City, CA

CALL TO ORDER: With a quorum present, the meeting was called to order by President Karen Leonhard at 12:00 p.m. Officers Present:

President Karen Leonhard, 1st Vice President, Sue Kleber, 2nd Vice President Sharlene Hughes, Treasurer, Dorothy Errea, and Secretary,

Kathy Forgnone. Officers Absent: None.

ATTENDANCE: There were 34 members, associate members and guests present. President Leonhard welcomed the speaker, Darlene

Acosta, Member and King City Councilmember, Juli Mitchell, MPRWF President, Ruth Pedroza-Moore, MPRWF Secretary, 2016

Scholarship Recipient, Abigail Foster, Sandy Pineda, Youth Leadership Coordinator for Sun Street Center, Joanne Banuelos, Reporter for the

King City Rustler Newspaper, Jeanette Ray, Assistant to Brandon Gesicki, with Measure J, Aaron Cognina. Member and City Councilman

Mike LeBarre introduced Abraham Aguayo who is going to run from District 4 for a seat on the King City Council. President Leonhard

invited him to speak to our members in October.

INVOCATION, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance was led by Secretary, Kathy Forgnone, who also shared

events of the past for this day in history.

2016 SCHOLARSHIP PRESENTATION: Sue Miller presented former King City High School Graduate, Abigail Foster with the

SMCRWF 2016 Scholarship check for $1,000. Abigail will be going to nursing school and she thanked the membership. Also presented to

Abigail was a Certificate of Achievement from California Senator Cannella’s office and a Republican Elephant pin. President Leonhard said

that Abigail also registered for the first time, and designated herself as a Republican.

GUEST SPEAKER: 1st Vice President Sue Kleber introduced King City Councilmember Darlene Acosta who is State certified in sex and

alcohol abuse. She spoke against California Proposition 64, Recreational Marijuana use. The recreational use is detrimental to youth who

experience loss in IQ levels.

MOVING WALL: Member Kathy Merritt announced that on October 6th-10th, the scale model of the Viet Nam Veteran’s Wall will be

coming to King City. Many volunteers will be needed to stand by the wall and monitor visitors 24/7.

GUN LAW PETITION. Associate Member, Lee Leonhard said that for years American citizens have been punished by lawmakers for

things they did not do and would never do as law abiding citizens. He invited members to take the time to sign the 8 petitions to help override

a package of 7 anti-gun measures passed by the California Legislature that will severely limit our 2nd Amendment rights as gun owners.

MEASURE J.: Brandon Gesicki, Political Director, of the Monterey County Republican Party, spoke on behalf of Measure J, on the ballot

for King City residents allowing business’s to grow Marijuana indoors for medical use. He is the Vice President of Government Relations for

King City Cultivation and is trying to bring their business locally. At the end of 2017 the City is predicted to receive from the proposed 20

indoor growth facilities, approximately 2 million dollars, and in 2018, 5 million dollars annually. The first year of building will bring in 500

new jobs, including engineering, research positions.

HILLARY’S AMERICA MOVIE. President Leonhard said they are still trying to set the date with the local theatre owner to bring the

movie “Hillary’s America” to King City. Members will receive the information as soon as it is known.

COMMITTEE REPORTS: Membership - Chair, Dorothy Errea, reported current membership numbers: 47 regular members. Associate

members total 28. (Exhibit A). Programs. The speaker for the October 6th, meeting will be Nan Lesnick with the Republican Central

Committee. Legislative. Suzanne Krause read Propositions 51 and 52 to the members. The CFRW is neutral on Proposition 51 and supports

Proposition 52. The CFRW’s positions on all the Propositions appearing on the State ballot was passed out to the members. Sunshine. Roz

Arness told members that Arlene Azcona is now at home continuing to recover from a broken neck. Recovering from back surgery, Janice

Grim said she hopes to attend our October meeting. A card from the Club was sent to Associate member Peggy Strickland who suffered a

stroke. Voter Registration. Voter Registration will be set up on September 10th and October 15th at Safeway from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

We will emphasis vote by mail. Farmer’s Market. Dorothy Errea said the Board decided to participate in Farmer’s Markets in September

and October in view of the fact that the last day of Voter Registration is October 24th. We were invited to set up by the Chamber of

Commerce booth. Volunteers are needed. Newsletter. The deadline to submit items to Editor Jeane Errea-Mills for the September Newsletter

is September 17th.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made by Dorothy Errea, seconded by Roz Arness, to approve the Minutes of the, August 2nd,

2016 General Membership Meeting, as posted in the September Newsletter. Motion unanimously carried.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer Errea submitted the Treasurer’s Report as of September 6th, showing a balance of $7,380.94. The

report will be filed for audit. (Exhibit B.)

CALENDAR OF EVENTS: MPRWF meeting, September 8th, Rancho Canada Golf Club, King City Chamber Luncheon & Business Expo

on Wednesday, Sept. 15th. MCRP Debate Watch Party on September 26th, at the Bay Park Hotel in Monterey. RSVP (831) 324-0617. The

next SMCRWF Board meeting will be Tuesday, September 27th, 12:00 noon at Rabo Bank. The next General Membership meeting is

Tuesday, October 4th, at 11:30 a.m. at Lawrence’s Restaurant. CFRW State Conference, October 14th-16th, in Ontario, CA. No. Div.

CRWF Fall Conference November 12th & 13th, Rancho Cordova. Still looking for a Club Member to attend and assist the Northern


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dorothy Errea said that the local VFW’s Auxiliary is participating in a national program, “Wreath’s Across

America”. It will raise money for their organization and fund wreaths to be placed on soldier’s graves without wreaths during the holidays.

The cost is $15 each.

DISCUSSION ON SPEAKER CANCELLATION. After consulting with the parliamentarian, presidents of other clubs and our CFRW

Regional Director it was decided to cancel Casey Lucius as our speaker this date. It is against our bylaws to speak disparagingly against a

Republican Candidate. Unfortunately, she spoke to the press against Donald Trump.

President Leonhard did encourage the membership to continue to support Casey. Positive comments were received by members.

OPPORTUNITY DRAWING: Member Mikel Ann Miller won $46 in the Opportunity Drawing.

ADJOURNMENT: With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:15 p.m.

Submitted by: Kathy Forgnone, Secretary Approved: ______________________


MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Name________________________________________________ Birthday (Mo/Day)______________________________________ Address________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone_______________________________________________ E-Mail___________________________________________________ Active Member $25/Year__________________ Associate Member $10/Year_______________ Active member is a registered Republican Woman. She will have voting privileges and may hold office. Associate member is a woman who is an active member of another Republican Women Federated club or a man that is a registered Republican. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature Date Please make check payable to SoMoCo RWF

Mail to: SoMoCo RWF P. O. Box 221 King City, CA 93930


MONTEREY COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS CONGRESS U.S. HOUSE GOVERNOR Simon Salinas D District 3 South County 168 W. Alisal, 3rd Floor. Salinas, CA 93901 Sam Farr D District 20 Jerry Brown D (831) 385-8333 1126 Longworth House Office Bldg. State Capitol Bldg. #1173 Washington, DC 20515 Sacramento, CA. 95814 KING CITY CITY COUNCIL (202) 225-2861 (916) 445-2841 100 W. Alisal, #127, Salinas, CA 93901 Mayor Rob Cullen D (831) 424-2229 Darlene Acosta R Belinda Hendrickson D U.S. SENATE Karen Jernigan D Mike LeBarre R Sen. Barbara Boxer D 112 Hart Senate Office Bldg. 2121 S. Vanderhurst St., King City, CA 93930 Washington, DC 20510 (831) 385-3281 (202) 224-3553 70 Washington,#203, Oakland, CA 94607 STATE SENATE (415) 403-0100 Sen. Bill Monning D District 17 Sen. Dianne Feinstein D State Capitol Room 313, Sacramento, CA. 95814 331 Hart Senate Office Bldg. (916) 651-4017 Washington, DC 20510 (202) 224-3841 Sen. Anthony Cannella R District 12 1 Post St. #2450, San Francisco, CA 94104 369 Main St. #208, Salinas, CA 93901 (415) 393-0707 (831) 769-8040 PRESIDENT STATE ASSEMBLY Barack Obama D The White House Luis Alejo D District 30 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W. 100 W. Alisal #134, Salinas, CA 93901 Washington, DC 20500 (831) 759-8676 202) 456-1111 (202) 456-2461 (fax) Speaker Paul Ryan R House of Rep. Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell R 1011 Longworth H.O.B. 317 Russell Sen. Bld. Washington, DC 20510 Washington, DC 20515 (202) 224-2541 (202) 225-6205

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