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PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCETuesday, October 19, 2010

PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCETuesday, October 19, 2010

Meeting OverviewMeeting Overview

Sign-In Sheets: Be sure to sign in. Sign-In sheets will be available on the METRO website.

Questions: Please defer all questions until thedesignated Question and Answer period.

Opportunity: This conference is the sole opportunity toask questions on the Request for Qualifications processand/or technical scope of work with METRO staff.

Post Pre-Proposal Questions must be submitted in writingper solicitation Section 13.

Pre-Proposal Conference Process

Pre-Proposal Conference Process

During the pre-proposal presentation, write yourquestions on the index cards provided.

After the pre-proposal presentation, questions willbe collected and read aloud.

Where possible, verbal answers will be provided.

Responses to all questions will be issued to allRecord Holders by written addendum.

Responses to questions that require furtherresearch will be included in a written addendum.

AgendaAgendaIntroductions / Opening Remarks

Russell A. Smith

Project Overview/ScopeRobert Forrest

Request for Qualifications OverviewMelody Baughman

DBE InformationReginald L. Ragland

City of Phoenix

Question and AnswersMelody Baughman

Robert Forrest

Closing Remarks / AdjournRussell A. Smith


Study Area

Project OverviewThe corridor is currently a limitedstop/express bus BRT in the RTP. Thisstudy will evaluate the feasibility of HighCapacity Transit investment for federal NewStarts funding.

Project Overview

The selected consultant will complete thefollowing: Alignment/route options Ridership forecasts and cost range Issues and constraints Land use and economic development

opportunities HCT feasibility

Project Overview

Transit mode Corridor potential for HCT Funding Two phases


Project Scope

Project Scope

Task 1: Project Management PlanTask 2: Agency and City Coordination, through Phase IITask 3: Study ObjectivesTask 4: Opportunities and Constraints AnalysisTask 5: Development of Screening CriteriaTask 6: Identify Alignment Alternatives for

Analysis/Initial Screening Task 7: Final Alignment Alternative Evaluation Task 8: Federal Funding AssessmentTask 9: Recommendation

Project Scope

Task 1 Consultant will prepare a Project

Management Plan Consultant will identify a Project

Management Team (PMT)

Task 2 PMT will meet monthly. Consultant will conduct regular briefings

for the City of Phoenix, MAG and METRO. Consultant, with METRO support, will

provide two to three briefings to theSouth Mountain Village PlanningCommittee.

Project Scope

Task 3 Consultant will develop quantitative

Goals and Objectives for the study. Consultant will utilize existing plans and

studies pertinent to the Corridor.

Project Scope

Task 4

Consultant will assess available data toidentify specific opportunities andconstraints for developing the alignmentand station locations for modeling.

Projected demographic and land use datawill be based on MAG’s horizon yearforecast.

Project Scope

Task 5

Consultant will develop screening criteria toidentify and evaluate the alignment.

Considerations for Evaluation Criteriainclude:• Mobility• Constructability• Social and Environmental Compatibility• Station Area and Economic Development

Project Scope

Task 6

Consultant will identify three potentialalignment alternatives.

Consultant will select and applyappropriate qualitative screening criteriato determine the final alignmentalternative.

Project Scope

Task 7 Consultant will prepare a conceptual level

design of the alignment. Consultant will utilize the screening

criteria to perform a quantitative andqualitative assessment of the alignment.

Consultant will prepare a memorandum onTravel Demand Forecasting Methodology.

Project Scope

Task 7 The travel demand model will consist of:

• Ridership response range using theMAG forecasts and sketch planning togenerate estimates.

• Travel time savings to estimate transitsystem user benefits using FTA SummitProgram.

Project Scope

Task 7 Consultant will prepare cost estimate. Consultant will review the regional

economic and market conditions. Consultant will collect qualitative data

regarding the City of Phoenix.

Project Scope

Task 8 Consultant will evaluate how the HCT

alignment performs against the FTA NewStarts Criteria.

Consultant will recommend ways toenhance the corridor’s performance.

Project Scope

Task 9 Consultant will prepare final report

describing the feasibility of the Corridorand the next steps.

Project Scope


Correspondence & Communications

Correspondence & Communications

All correspondence, communications, and/orcontacts regarding this RFQ shall be in writing andmust be addressed to:

Manager, Procurement & Risk Management ServicesValley Metro Rail, Inc.101 N. 1st Avenue, Suite 1300Phoenix, AZ 85003FAX: 602-271-9361 Email:

Notice to ProposersNotice to Proposers

Please refer to the FTA Website for allreporting requirements

Notice to ProposersNotice to Proposers


Workers Compensation statutory limits;employer’s liability $1 Million minimum policylimit

Commercial General Liability, minimum$5 Million per occurrence; naming AGENCY asAdditional Insured

Auto Liability, minimum $5 Million peroccurrence; naming AGENCY as AdditionalInsured

Notice to Proposers Notice to Proposers


Valley Metro Rail fully intends to adhere to theInsurance Requirements. Questions regardinginsurance requirements should be submittedto

Prior to Notice to Proceed, Contractor shallprovide Certificate(s) of Insurance



DBE Goal AssessmentDBE Goal Assessment

DBE participation shall represent notless than 13.4% of the total NegotiatedPrice

DBE FormsSubmittal Requirements

DBE FormsSubmittal Requirements

Proposed DBE Participation (Attachment A) Summary of proposed DBE(s) participation Must meet or exceed the required 13.4% DBE Goal No dollars should be recorded on this form, show

percentages only Providing dollar amounts may result in your proposal

being deemed non-responsive Must be signed and dated by authorized representative of


Subcontractor Contact/Bidder List (Attachment B) Must list all subcontractors contacted by submitter for bids/quotes Must be signed and dated by authorized representative of


Qualifying DBE FirmsQualifying DBE Firms

To be counted toward the DBE Goal, DBE firms:

Must be certified through the Arizona Unified Certification Program (AzUCP) website

Must be certified in the trade for which they are included in the Proposal

Must provide a Commercially Useful Function DBEs must perform or exercise responsibility for at least

30% of total cost of its contract with its own work force (49 CFR Part 26.55(c)(3))

DBE Forms Proposal SubmittalDBE Forms Proposal Submittal

DBE forms A & B must be submitted with proposal

Proposals submitted without the required forms will NOT be considered

DBE Primes using their own resources to achieve the DBE Goal must include their DBE information on the “Proposed DBE Participation” form (Attachment A)

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) ProgramDisadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program

CITY OF PHOENIXNegotiated (Professional Services) Contracts

Prepared by:City of Phoenix, Public Transit DepartmentPrograms Oversight

DBE Questions DBE Questions

Valley Metro Rail fully intends to adhere to theDBE Program Plan Requirements. Questionsregarding DBE compliance should be addressedto:





Proposal ProcessProposal Process

Request for Qualifications Documents are availableby Request via e-mail to

Post Pre-Con: All questions regarding thisSolicitation must be submitted in writing to:Manager, Procurement & Risk Management Services by e-mail to

or by fax to 602.271.9361

Schedule of EventsSchedule of Events

Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Schedule of Events

The solicitation, receipt, evaluation and selection of the Offerorawarded will conform to the following anticipated schedule:RFP Release: October 11, 2010Pre-Proposal Conference: October 19, 2010Last Date for Questions/Inquiries: October 27, 2010Final Addendum November 2, 2010Proposals Due November 15, 2010Interviews ???Notice of Intent to Award December 3, 2010Board Approval January 19, 2011Notice to Proceed (contingent upon receipt of Grant approval)

RFQ Addendum ProcessRFQ Addendum Process

Clarifications or modifications to RFQ Documents Result of issues requiring changes which were

received at Pre-Proposal Conference or identifiedby the Agency

Projected date for final Addendum is November 2,2010

Addenda issued only to “Document Holders of Record” who obtained the RFQ documents from METRO

Proposal Delivery, Due Date and TimeProposal Delivery, Due Date and Time

Timely receipt of the Proposal will be determinedby the date and time the Proposal is received.Proposals received after the Submittal Date shallbe returned to Offeror(s) unopened and withoutfurther consideration by the Agency.

Offerors are encouraged to hand deliver their Proposals. No facsimile or electronic submissions will be accepted.

Proposal FormatProposal Format

Offerors shall submit one (1) original and eight(8) copies of their SOQ. Offerors shall alsosubmit one CD containing a PDF of their SOQ.

Proposal Format(Section 18 of RFQ)Proposal Format(Section 18 of RFQ)

Section I – Introduction (maximum 2 pages)Introductory Letter

Section II - Evaluation Criteria (maximum 18 pages)1. Project Manager’s Qualifications & Experience2. Personnel Qualifications & Experience3. Firm Qualifications & Experience4. Understanding/Approach to the Scope of Work

Section III – Additional Supportive Information (maximum 5 pages)1. Resumes, additional project descriptions, additional

references, graphs, charts, etc.

Section IV – Required Inclusions (not included in page limits)

Required Documents & Acknowledgements

Required Documents & Acknowledgements

Offerors shall complete and submit the followingattachments:

Attachment E Submit required DBE forms per this Attachment

Attachment F Exceptions Form Attachment G Acknowledgement of Addenda Attachment H Proposed Subcontractors Attachment J Certification Regarding Lobbying

Attachment K Certification of Offeror Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters

Attachment L Responsibility Questionnaire

Proposal Format(Section 11 of RFQ)Proposal Format(Section 11 of RFQ)

Proposals shall be submitted in a sealed package, clearly marked in the lower left hand corner as follows:

RFQ No. LRT-11-159-SCCE South Central Corridor HCT Feasibility Study(Name of Submitting Firm)November 15, 2010 (Phoenix local time) 3:00 P.M.

Proposals must be addressed to:Manager, Procurement & Risk Management Services Valley Metro Rail, Inc.101 North 1st Avenue, Suite 1300Phoenix, Arizona 85003

Contract AwardContract Award

NOTICE OF INTENT TO AWARD Each Offeror shall be notified in writing of the

Agency’s Intent to Award a Contract at leastfive (5) working days prior to award of theContract.

Protest ProceduresProtest Procedures

Protest Procedures Interested parties have a right to seek resolution of any

concerns, issues, or perceived wrongs associated with thisprocurement. Upon receipt of a written protest(s), issues ofconcern will be researched and a written final determinationto the protesting party will be issued by the Chief ExecutiveOfficer of the Agency. In responding to this RFQ, the Offeroragrees that any legal action in any state or federal courtrelating to this procurement may not be commenced untilthe administrative Protest Procedures promulgated by theAgency have been exhausted.

Protests must be made in accordance with the Agency’swritten protest procedures, which are available from theManager, Contracts & Procurement, Valley Metro Rail, Inc.101 North 1st Avenue, Suite 1300, Phoenix, Arizona 85003.

Public DisclosurePublic Disclosure

Proposals will not be publicly opened.

Proposals received are public records.

Subject to public inspection and copying after the procurement.

Offerors will specifically mark and clearly label“CONFIDENTIAL” any materials which aredeemed to contain trade secrets or otherproprietary information and which are exemptfrom public inspection and copying.

EvaluationEvaluationThe following criterion shall be applied in the evaluation of the Proposals.

Project Manager’s Qualifications & Experience (Maximum 250 Points)

Personnel Qualifications & Experience (Maximum 200 Points)

Firm Qualifications & Experience (Maximum 250 Points)

Understanding/Approach to the Scope of Work (Maximum 300 Points)

Pre-Award DebriefingPre-Award Debriefing METRO will limit the information disclosed to that offeror’s

proposal and not disclose any information about the otherofferors. To reveal information about other offerors wouldcompromise the integrity of the procurement. Informationrevealed to an offeror prior to award must be limited to thefollowing: The agency’s evaluation of the significant strengths and

weaknesses of the offeror’s proposal in accordance withthe evaluation criteria;

A summary of the reasons for eliminating the offerorfrom the competition;

Reasonable responses to relevant questions aboutwhether the evaluation procedures contained in thesolicitation and other regulations were followed ineliminating the offeror from the competition.

Pre-Award DebriefingPre-Award Debriefing

Pre-award debriefings will not disclose thefollowing: The number of offerors; The identity of other offerors; The content or evaluation of other offerors’

proposals; The ranking of other offerors; Confidential business information of other



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