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gdm file computer


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STATION SETUP For starting any survey with total station one needs to have the following: Station setup can be done with the following: 1. One known coordinate and bearing

Or 2. At least two known coordinates Before starting station setup we need to know that four kinds of file format are supported in geodimeter. They are –

• Job File (File extension is *.job) : Job file will contain the actual measured/recorded data from field.

• Area File (File extension is *.area) : This File contains known data and can be uploaded to control unit.

• Pcode File (File extension is *.pco) : This contains point/Feature code library.

• User defined sequence (File extension is *.uds) : This is very significant and unique file as you can define your own program sequence and save it in the control unit.

Detachable Keyborad

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1. One known coordinate and bearing After leveling the instrument, Let us start the station setup with the following data N = 100 E = 200 ELE = 50 & One bearing. If we don’t have the station coordinate with us we can assume the station coordinate and start the survey.

1. Go to Menu > 3. Coordinates > 1.stn coordinates

2. Feed in the station number. Stn = 1

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3. If you want to take into consideration the Elevation for your survey say Yes to HT (height) Measure? & feed Ih (Instrument height) = 1.5

4. Now feed the coordinates. N=1000, E=200,ELE=50. (If we had said No to Measure height in point no.3 we could have skipped with ELE.)

5. Now for orientation it will ask you for the bearing. Feed the HA ref = 0 (for example) and direct your telescope in the direction you want the bearing to be set and Press ENT. The setup is now done.

You will return to Program 0 which is your theodolite mode. Here you can see HA, VA. Since in the above example you have set HA ref = 0. Your HA will be displayed as 0.

You can now switch to Topography (Data collection) or any other application, as your station has been setup.

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2. Station Setup with at least two known coordinates PROGRAM 20 – STATION ESTABLISHMENT This program is used to calculate and store instrument setup data, which is required for some of the field calculation programs. The program is divided in three main functions: 1. Known station (When you know coordinates of station and reference object) 2. Free Station (when you have 2-8 known coordinates. Minimum 2 coordinates

are required. This is useful to calculate station coordinate based on known reference coordinates)

3. Known station + (when station coordinates and up to ten reference coordinates are known

Known Station Let us start with operation of program 20 assuming that we know station and reference coordinate. Switch on the instrument and go step by step through Program 0 until you are in theodolite position – that is, HA and VA is shown on the display. Let’s say our known data is as below: Station coordinates: N = 1000 E = 1000 ELE = 100 Ref. Coordinates: N = 2000 E = 2000 ELE = 102

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Let us begin with Program 20 with Known Station 1. Press PRG button and feed 20 to go to program 20

2. Select 1 for known station

3. Now it will ask you for the name of Job file where you would store your

data. 4. Ensure to switch on the Imem (Internal memory) or else it won’t record

the data.

5. Key in the Station number

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6. Key in the name of the Area file in which you have stored your station

point and your reference object. If you leave the line blank you are able to enter the coordinates manually. Let us manually enter the data here.

Note: Please note that area file contains known data. We can just supply the name of the file and recall the data from the area file. 7. Enter your station coordinates.

Once you enter the data it will reconfirm by asking station ok? If you want to correct the entered data press NO and reenter the data else proceed further press Yes (ENT). 8. If you want Elevation to be measured say yes to HT (height) Measure?

This means you have to take into consideration instrument height (IH) and signal height (SH). If you say no you can ignore it.

9. Now key in the point no of your reference object.

Ref object = 2 N = 2000 E = 2000 ELE = 102

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10. Now enter the Signal height / Prism height (SH)

11. Are you coordinates correct? Press ENT to accept them. To reenter

press NO.

12. Now aim towards the reference object and press A/M (Aim and measure)


13. Based on two entered coordinates it will calculate bearing - HA ref

between the station point and the reference point. If you want to check the distance to the reference object, press ENT. Otherwise press REG to store the station establishment.

Once the establishment is done you are returned back to Program 0.

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Application Let us start with few important applications frequently used in survey. We will learn the following applications: Program 3 (UDS) Data Collection in Job File

(Topography Survey) Program 30 Recording Data to Area File Program 43 Enter Coordinates in Area File Program 23 Set Out IMPORTANT: Before we start with Program 3, 23, 30 etc. Program 20 is mandatory.

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Program 3 – Topography Note: Program 3 is defined by user and can be numbered anything between 1 to 19. For study purpose we are taking it as Program 3. Please see the attached pages for creating UDS (program 40). After doing the station setup we can go to Program 3 for data collection.

1. Go to Program = 3

2. Enter the Job file name = xyz

3. Make the Imemory (IMEM) on if it is off by pressing 1. If Imem is off data wont be recorded.

4. Enter Pno (point number = 100)

5. Enter Pcode (Point code = EP)

6. Enter SH (Signal / prism height = 1.5)

7. Now you will see the HA, VA displayed on the screen once you enter all the above details. This means it is ready to Measure.

8. Target the prism Aim it and Measure (by pressing A/M key). Once the readings are displayed on screen just press REG (register button) to record the data. The data is stored in the Job file.

Go on sighting the prism at different points and complete the survey by recording the data.

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Program 30 : Measure Coordinates to Area File: With Program 30, Measure Coordinates, you can measure and store your coordinates directly to an Area file, i.e you don't have to store the coordinates in a Job file and then transfer them to an Area file. The coordinates can then be used for new station establishments. Steps:

1. Assuming that station establishment has been carried let us start with program = 30

2. Enter the station number where you are standing

3. Enter the name of the Area file in which you want to store your coordinates.

4. Make the Imem ON.

5. Enter the number of the point to be measured. Confirm with ENT.

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6. Enter Point code and Signal / prism height (SH)

7. Aim towards the Prism and Press A/M.

8. Once the coordinates are displayed press REG to record data.

9. It will ask you if more points are to be recorded. Say Yes / ENT if you want to continue or No to Finish.

After taking all the coordinates you are taken back to program 0.

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Program 43: Enter Coordinates in Area File With program 43 you can carry out storage of known coordinates. These known values are stored in an Area file. The data contained in these AREA files will take the format Pno, Pcode, Northing, Easting and Elevation and must be keyed in manually. Coordinates are entered with up to 7 positions and 4 decimals. Steps:

1. Go to Program = 43 and make the Imem ON if it Is OFF.

2. Key in the name of the Area file in which you wish to store the point coordinates and height values. In this example we key in 25 and ENT.

3. Do you want to store heights? In this example we choose to do so. Press

YES (ENT) to accept or NO to cancel.

4. Key in the first point number you wish to store in the Area file. In this example we key in 1 and ENT.

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5. Enter Pcode. However it is optional and you can leave it blank if not required by pressing ENT.

6. Enter the Northing, Easting and Elevation.

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7. Say Yes to Store or NO to re-enter the details.

8. Key in next point number to enter more data or just press ENT to finish.

You are taken back to Program 0.

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Program 23 : Set Out For Carrying out this program the known coordinates are to be stored in the Area file that can be later recalled for setout. The coordinates can be entered in the area file using Program 43 or through software. Steps: Let us assume that Station establishment is done. If no station establishment has been made, P23 will automatically propose establishment

1. Go to Program = 23. Enter the Job no = xyz & make the Imem ON if it is OFF.

2. Enter the Station number.

3. Key in the Area file name where coordinates for setout are stored and press ENT.

4. Choose Imem by pressing 1.

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5. If you have entered a Pcode for the set out point you can enter the desired Pcode here. The program will then seek for the point with that Pcode. If you have no Pcode just leave the line blank and press ENT.

6. The program suggests the first point in the Areafile. Accept it or key in the point number at which you wish to begin with your setting out task. In this example we key in 206.

7. Check the coordinates and answer YES to accept them or NO.

8. The instrument now automatically switches to the TRK mode. In below example the instrument should be rotated to the right + 70.000 degrees.

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9. Now the countdown to Zero method will follow to set out the point. You have to get the dHA and dHD to zero to get the desired point.

10. First make the dHA = 0 so that you get the direction.

11. As soon as the prism comes within the measurement beam you will see dHD=remaining. In this case the prism is on line but the distance has to be increased by 2.75m.

Move the prism till you get dHD to zero.

The point is now set out. Press ENT to check the point’s coordinates and deviations to the theoretical set out point. Switch to STD or D-bar mode to check the point more accurately. Press REG to store and the program continues with the next set out point. Press the PRG-key and 0 to exit to theodolite mode.

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Program 40 : User Defined Sequences

Program1 to Program19 are 20 U.D.S, which can be created and stored. Program 40 is used to enter UDS in the CU. Label Types 0 Register 1 Prompt 3 Duplicate 4 Increment / Decrement 5 Loop 7 Link to Program & End 8 Display Only Program1 => <Customer Name>

Sr. No Description Label Type Type Description 1 PROJ 54 1 Prompt 2 OPER 53 1 Prompt 3 DATE 51 1 Prompt 4 TIME 52 1 Prompt 5 END 79 7/2 Link to Program2

Program2 => STN

Sr. No Description Label Type Type Description 1 STN 2 3 Duplicate 2 IH 3 3 Duplicate 3 END 79 7/3 Link to Program3

Program3 => Topo

Sr. No Description Label Type Type Description 1 PNO 5 4 Increment / Decrement 2 PCODE 4 3 Duplicate 3 SH 6 3 Duplicate 4 N 37 0 Register 5 E 38 0 Register 6 ELE 39 0 Register 7 HA 7 8 Display 8 VA 8 8 Display 9 HD 11 8 Display

10 SD 9 8 Display 11 END 79 5 Loop

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Sr. No Description Label Type Type Description 1 PROJ 54 1 Prompt 2 OPER 53 1 Prompt 3 TIME 52 1 Prompt 4 DATE 51 1 Prompt 5 STN 2 1 Prompt 6 PCODE 4 1 Prompt 7 IH 3 1 Prompt 8 N 37 1 Prompt 9 E 38 1 Prompt

10 ELE 39 1 Prompt 11 HA Ref 21 1 Prompt 12 END 79 7/3 End & Link to 3

Note: Type 0 will register the Values measured. However if, certain parameters like VA, HD etc are not be stored but only to be displayed then, you can opt for Type – 8 (only Display). F

Terramodel Data downloading from Control Unit to Computer using TerraModel The below steps are for downloading data from a detachable GDM 600 CU. The below shows steps for downloading Job files from CU to Computer: 1) Open TerraModel. Go to File > New > (Make a project file… 2) File > download / Import > select 3600 GDM > 3) In Available Devices Window select 3600 GDM > Next > Select File type as Job file if you

want to download job files from the keyboard or area if you want to download area files > 4) After selecting job files, select the files to be downloaded and click open > Next > Select a

destination folder to save the files > Click Next and files will be downloaded on your PC. (A screen showing transfer of files from Instrument to PC will appear till the data gets downloaded.) > Next >

5) Select a template: -------/geodimeter RAW.igr (for job files) > Next > Next > Next > 6) In raw Data settings window --- select Import Co-ordinates: All Co-ordinates & Import

bearings: All Bearings & say Next > Next > Click Import > Finish. 7) On clicking Finish a raw editor window will pop up showing all data. On closing this

window you can see all the points in TerraModel.

Label Points & Export to Autocad 1. Draft - Labels Points with Text.. 2. Take cursor to Black screen & right click – Layer & click to any point 3. Setting – Keep Point Number & Description & press ok. 4. Label 5. File – Export/Upload – AutoCAD Drawing File 6. Brows – Give AutoCAD file name 7. Save version as 2000 8. Next – next – next 9. Pick Objects 10. Take cursor to Black screen & right click – Window & Drag the required window –

click OK 11. Next - Export – Finish Export to Ascii points ( *. Pts) 1. File – Export/Upload – Ascii points 2. Browse – Give Ascii points file name 3. Next – next – next 4. Pick Objects 5. Take cursor to Black screen & right click – Window & Drag the required window –

click OK 6. Next - Next - Export - Finish

Import ASCII data from Computer & Export to Autocad using Terramodel 1. Start Terra Model 2. Give new file Name to the project 3. File – Download Import – ASCII 4. Brows – (Select file from Your Folder) 5. File Type – Misc. Point (*.*) 6. Select your file & OPEN 7. Next – Next – Next – Next – Import – Finish 8. Draft - Labels Points with Text.. 9. Take cursor to Black screen & right click – Layer & click to any point 10. Setting – Keep Point Number & Description & press ok. 11. Label 12. File – Export/Upload – AutoCAD Drawing File 13. Brows – Give AutoCAD file name 14. Save version as 2000 15. Next – Next – Next 16. Pick Objects 17. Take cursor to Black screen & right click – Window & Drag the required window –

click OK 18. Next - Export - Finish

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