SON 3-286-585-I I (I)Model No. AC-Serial No. i If you have any questions about this product, you may call: Sony Customer hfformation Center 1-800-222-SONY (7669). The number below

Post on 25-Jan-2021






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  • SON

    Digital lid Video Camera Recorder

    Operating Guide

    Guia de operaciones

    HDR-SR 11/$R 12

    3-286-585-I I (I)

    1_ I1,,.I

    I_ =[,,,i


    For delails on Ihe advanced operations, please refer to "HandycanlHandbook" (PDF).

    Para oblener re:is informaci6n acerca de las funciones avanzadas,

    consulte la "Gufa prfictica de Handycam" (PDF).

    © 2008 Sony Corporation

  • To reduce fire or shock hazard, do

    not expose the unit to rain ormoisture.

    Do not expose the batteries to

    excessive heat such as sunshine,fire or the like.


    nO _omREMOWCOVE_(On_AC_).



    This synlbol is intended to alert

    tile iiser to the presence of

    unh3sulated "dangerous

    voltage" within the product's

    enclosure thal lllay be of

    sufficient n_agnimde to

    constitute a risk of electric

    shock to persons.

    This synlbol is intended to alert

    tile riser to the presence of

    important operating and

    maintenance (servicing)

    instructions in tile literature

    acconlpanying the appliance.

    IMPORTANTSAFEGUARDSFor your protection, please read these safetyinstructitms completely bel\_re operatingthe appliance, attd keep this manual forfuture reference.

    Carefully observe all warnings, precautionsand instructions on the appliance, or the uuedescribed in the operating iuslructions attdadhere to them.

    PowerSourcesTiffs sel sllould be operaled only fi'om tile lype ofpower source indicated on tile marking label. Ityou are IIOI sure ol file type ol eleclrical power

    supplied to your honle, consult your dealer orlocal power company. For those sets designed tooperate lroln bat tell' power, or ot]ler sourcvs, reler

    tO file operaling instructions.

    PolarizationThis set may be equipped with a polarized acpower cord plug (a plug having one blade widerthan tile ()tiler).

    This plug will fit into the power outlet only oneway. This is a salcty lcature, lfyou arc unable toinsert tile plug flflly into the outlet, try reversingthe phlg. If the plug should still lail to fit, contactyour electrician to have a suitable outlet installed.Do not delirat the salcty purpo_ of tile polarizedplug by lorcing it in.

    OverloadingDo not overload wall outlets, extension cords or

    convenience receptacles beyond their capacity,since lifts can rCSllll ill l]rc or eleclric sllock.

    ObjectandLiquidEntryNe_er push objects ol any kind into the setthrough openings as they may touch dangerousvollage points or short oul paris thal could resull

    in a fire or electric shock. Never spill Ik]uid of anykind on lhe set.


    Do no1 use aU,,iC]llnt:nts llOl reconlnlended by the

    nlanu|_lcturer, as riley may Cause hazards,

  • CleaningUnplug tile set fi'onl the wall outlet befineclemling or polishing it. Do not use liqukl clemlersor aerosol cleaners. U_ a cloth lightly dampenedwith water for cleaning tile exterior of tile set.

    long periods of time, unplug it from tile walloullel and disconnect file antenna or cable system.

    This will prevent damage 1o lhe set due toligbming and power-line surges.

    WaterandMoistureDo nol use power-]hie operaled _ls llear waler

    lor example, near a bathtub, washbowl, kitchensink. or laundry tub, in a wet basement, or nero aswimndng pool. etc.

    Power-CordProtectionRoute tile power cord so that it is not likely to bewalked on or pinched by ilems placed upon oragainst tbenl, paying particular attention to tileplugs, receplacles, and the poinl where the cordexils lrom tile appliance.

    AccessoriesDo llot place tile set Oil all /instable cart, stand,tripod, bracket, or table. Tile set may lhll, causingserious injury to a child or an adult, and seriousdanlage to tile set. Use only a carl stand, tripod,bracket, or table recommended by theii/anu filcl urcr.

    VentilationTile slots and openings in tile cabinet arc pro', idedlor necessary ventilation. To ensure reliableoperation of tile set, and to protecl it Ii'oln

    overhealing, lbese slots and openings musl neverbe blocked or covered.

    Never cover file slots and openings with a clothor ()tiler lnalerials,

    Never block lhe slots and openings by placingtile set on a bed, sola, rug, or other similarsurtace.

    Never place the set in a confined space, such asa bookcase, or buill-in cabinet, unless properventilatkm is provided.

    Do nol place tile set near or over a radialor orIleal register, or where it is exposed to directsunlighl,

    LightningFor added protection Ior this set during a lightningslorm, or when il is left unattended and unused fi)r

    DamageRequiringServiceUnplug tile set fi'oln tile wall outlet and rel_rservicing to qualified service personnel under tilelollowing conditions:

    When tile power cord or phlg is damaged orh'ayed.

    If liquid has been spilled or objects hz_ve lalleninto lhe set.

    If lfie set has been exposed to rain or water.

    If the _t has been subject to excessive shock bybeing dropped, or the cabinet has beendamaged.

    If tile set does not operate normally whenlollowing tile operating instructions. Adjustonly lhose controls that are specified in lheoperating instruclions, hnproper adjusmlent ofother controls may result in damage and willoften require exlensive work by a qualifiedteclmician to restore the set lo norlnal operalion.

    When lbe sel exhibits a distinct change inperlormance this indicg_tes a need lot service.

    ServicingDo not attelllpl to service tile set yourselI asopening or rcnloving covers may expose you IOdangerous voltage or other hazards.

    Relcr all selwicing to qualified service personnel.

    Replacementparts_¢Vhellreph,cenlent parts are Ivquh'cd, be sure tileservice technician has used mplacelnent partsspecified by the manufi_cmrcr lhat have file samecharacteristics as the original paris.

    Unauthorized substimfions may r_2gu][in fire,electric shock, or other hazards.

    Safety Check

    Upon colnplelion oI any sel"_ice or repairs to tileset, ask tile selwice technician to perfi)rm ro/llillesalcty checks (as specified by tile manuli_cturcr)to detcrnline that file set is ill salP operatingColldJlion.

  • Readthis first

    Belk_re operating the unit, please read thismanual thoroughly, and retain it for futurereference.

    Replace the battery with thespecified type only. Otherwise, fireor injury may result.

    Excessive sound pressure fromearphones and headphones causehearing loss.


    Liddum-lon batteries are rccydable.

    You can hel l) pl-eqel-ve our

    en_,'irOlllnent by rettlrning your

    used rechargeable batteries to tilecollection and recycling locationnearesl you.

    For more inlormalkm regarding

    recycling of rechargeable baueries, call toll fiee 1-800-822- 8837, or visit

    Caution: Do not handle damaged (51"leakingLitllium-lon batteries.

    Owner'sRecordTile model and serial numbers are located (511tile

    bottom. Record tile serial number in the spaceprovkled below. Reli:r to these lnmlbers whene_ eryou cMl your Sony dealer regarding lifts product.

    Model No. HDR-

    Serial No.

    Model No. AC-

    Serial No.


    If you have any questions about thisproduct, you may call:Sony Customer hfformation Center 1-800-222-SONY (7669).The number below is for the FCC related

    matters only.

    Regulatory Information

    Declaration of ConformityTrade Name: SONY

    Model No.: HDR-SRI 1

    Responsible Party: Sony Electronics Inc.

    Address: 16530 Via Esprilk_. San Diego. CA92127 U.S.A.

    Telephone nunlber: 858-942-2230

    This device complies with Part 15 of the FCCRules. Operation is subject to the following twoconditions: (1)This device lnay not causeharmlul interli:mnce, and (2) this device mustaccept any interlercncc received, includingiluerlcrcnce that may ciluse undesired operatkm.

    Declaration of Conformity

    Trade Name: SONY

    Model No.: HDR-SR 12

    Responsible Party: Sony Electronics lnc.

    Address: 16530 Via Esprillo. San Diego. CA92127 U.S.A.

    Telephone number: 858-942-2230

    This device complies with Part 15 of tile FCCRules. Operation is subject to tile lollowing twoconddions: (1)This device may not causeharmlul interli:mnce, and (2) this device must

    accept *my interlemnce received, includingintcrlcrcnce lhal may cause undesired operatkm.


    HDR-SRI I/HDR-SRI2 is to be used with

    the Haudycam Station Model DCRA-C210and AC Adaptor Model AC-L200/L200B.


    You arc cautioned that any cllanges ormoditications not expressly approved in thismanual couM xoid your authority to operate thisequipment,


    This equipment has been tested and h)und toconlply with tile lindls lor a Class B digitaldevice, pursuant to Part 15 ol tile FCC Rules.

    These limits are designed to provide reasonableprotection againsl hannlul interlPrcnce in aresidential installation. This equipnlent generates,uses, and can radiate radio lrequency energy and,if not installed and used in accordance witll the

    instructions, inay cause barmlu] interlPrcnce toradio conlnlunicalions.

    However, there is 11o guaranlee thal interlkrcncc

    will not occur in a parlicular inslallation. If thisequipment does cause harmlul interlPmnce to

    radio or television reception, which can bedetermined by turning tile equipment oil and on,tile user is encouraged to tl)' IOcorrect tileinterlPrence by one or nloD2 of tile lo]lowingmeasures:

    Rcorienl or relocate the receiving amenna.

    lncmase the separation between the equipnlenlrind receiver.

    Conllect tile equipment into gin outlet on acircuit diflcmnl fl'om thal to which the receiveris connected.

    Consull the dealer or all experienced radio/TVtechnician lot llelp.

    The supplied intcrli_ce cable must be used with tileequipment ill order to conlply with the limits k)r adigilal device pursuanl to Subparl B of Parl 15 ofFCC Rules.

    FortheStateofCalifornia,USAonlyPerchlorate Material - special handling nmyapply, See,gov/hazardouswaste/perchloralc

    Pcrchloratc Malerial: Lilhium ballery conlains


    Supplied items

    The numbers in ( ) are the supplied


    AC Adaptor ( 1)

    Power cord (Mains lead) (1)

    Handycam Station (1)

    Componenl A/V cable (1)

    A/V connecting cable (1)

    USB cable (1)

    Wireless Remote Commander (1)

    A button-type litllitltll battery is already inslalled.

    • Rechargeable ballel T pack NP-FH60 (1)

    • CD-ROM "Handycaul Applicalion Software"(1) (p. 26)

    Picture Motion Browser (Soltware)PMB Guide

    Handycam Handbook (PDF)

    • "Operating Guide" (Tbis nlanual) ( 1)

    [] [] [] []

    Usingthe camcorder

    • Tile cluncorder is not dustproollrd, dripproolPdor walerproot_d. See "PrccmHions' (p. 32).

    • Do not do any o1 tile lollowing when the

    (Movie)/_ (Still) mode lamps or tileACCESS lamps (p. 13, 17) are lit or flaslling.Otllerwise, the media may be damaged,recorded images may be losl or otbermall/lnctions could occur.

    Eject file "Menlo W Stick PRO Duo"

    Remove the batlclT pack or AC Adaplor lromtile camcorder

    Apply mecllanical shock or vibration to lhecanlcorder

    • When connecting your cmncorder to anotllerdevice wil]l conmmnication cables, be sure to

    insert the connector phlg ill the correct way.Pushing the plug lorcibly into the lerminal willdamage tile lerminal and may result in aillall/lnclion of your calncorder,

  • • Connect cables to tile connectors of tile

    Handycanl Station when using your canlcorder

    attached to the Handycam Station. Do not

    connect the cables to both tile Handycanl

    Station and your canlcorder.

    • Do not apply shock or vibration to your

    canlcorder. The internal hard disk of the

    canlcorder nlay not be recognized or recording/

    playback may not be possible.

    • Do not u_ your canlcoMer ill very loud areas.

    Tile hard disk of your canlcorder may not be

    recognized, or recording may not be possible.

    • To protect the internal hard disk hom shock by

    dropping, tile camcorder has drop sensor

    Ihnction*. When a drop occurs, or under a non-

    gravity condition, tile block noise made when

    lids flmction is activated by tile camcorder nlay

    also be recorded. If the drop sensor catches a

    drop lvpeatedly, recording/playback may be


    • When tile tcnlperature of file camcorder

    becomes extremely high or extlvmely low, you

    nlay not be able to record or play back on the

    catllcorder, due to tile protection l_alUl_2S of the

    canlcorder being activated in such situatkms. In

    this case. a message appears on tile LCD screen

    or in tile viewfinder (p. 30).

    • DO 11(71 IUrll on the camcorder in a low-plvssurc

    area, where the altitude is more than 3.000

    nleters (9,gh_l leer). Doing so may damage tile

    hard disk drive of your canlcorder.

    • If you repeat recording/deleting inlages k_r a

    long lime, lragmentation of data occurs (in l]le

    medkt, hnages cannot be saved or recorded. In

    such a case, save your images on sonic type of

    external nledia first, and then perlornl [MEDIA


    • Fasten the grip belt and hold your canlcorder

    correctly while recording.

    • To adjust tile LCD panel, open tile LCD panel90 degrees to file camcorder (@), then rotate itto the best angle to record or play (@). You can

    rotate the LCD panel 180 degrees to the lensside (@) to record in nlirror nlode.

    @90 degrees to thecamcorder

    @90 degrees


    @ 180 deg rees (max.)

    • Tile viewfinder and tile LCD screen are

    manulactured using extremely high-prcciskm

    technology, so over 99.99% of the pixels are

    operational Ior elllrctive use. However, there

    nlay be some tiny black points and/or bright

    points (white, red, blue, or green in color) that

    appear constantly on the LCD screen. Tbese

    points are normal results of the manuh_cturing

    process and do not afl)ct the recording in ally


    • Renlove the insulation sheet belore using the

    tenlote Conlnlander.

    Insulation sheet

    fTypesof"Memory Stick" youcanusewithyour camcorder

    • For recording nlovies, it is reconmlended that

    you use a '_[Vlemory Stick PRO Duo' ol I GB or

    larger marked with:

    II/]EMDRY_TJEK PIR_ DUO ( "Menloly Stick

    PRO Duo")*

    MEMllRYSTI[RPRI]-HI_[III[I ('Memoly StickPRO-HG Duo")

    * Marked wilh Mark2 or not, either call be


    • A "Memo W Stick PRO Duo" of 1117to g GB has

    been confirnled to operate correctly with this


  • • Seepage12lortilerecordablelimeofa"MenloryStickPRODuo."

    • "MenloWStickPRO Duo" and "Memory StickPRO-HG Duo" are both called as "MemoryStick PRO Duo" in this nlanual.

    Onrecording• Betore starlhlg to l_2cord, tesl tile recordillg

    flmction to make sllre tile image and SOtllldarerecorded without any problems.

    • Conlpensation tot tile contems of recordingscannol be provided, even if recording orplayback is not possible due to a malfimction ofthe camcorder, recording media, etc.

    • TV color syslenls differ depending on lhecountlT/rcgion. To view your recordings on aTV. you need an NTSC system-based TV.

    • Television programs, fihns, video tapes, andother materials may be copyrighted.Unauthorized recording of such malerials nlWbe contrary to lhe copyrighl laws.

    Onplayinghackrecordedimagesonother devices

    • Your camcorder is comp_,tible wilh MPEG-4AVC/H264 High Profile lor HD/highdefinition) image quality recording. Tberelore,you cannot play back images recorded with HD(higll definition) image quality on yourcamcorder with the lollowing devices;

    Oilier AVCHD lormat compatible devices

    wllich are not compatible with High Profile

    Devices wllich are not compatible with theAVCHD lornlat

    Saveall yourrecordedimagedata• To plvvent your image data fi'om being losL

    sa_e all your recorded images on external mediaperiodically. It is recomnlended tbt you sltvetile inl_ge data on a disc such as DVD-R usingyour colnpuler*. Also, you c_ln save your hllilge

    data using a VCR, or a DVD/HDD recorder*.

    Whenthe¢amcorderis connectedtoacomputer• Do llO[ try to |]ll'tllat tile tliJrd disk of the

    Calllcorder using a conlpllter. If you do so, your

    canlcorder may not operate COITcctly.

    Note on disposal/transfer

    • E_en if you perlornl [MEDIA FORMAT]* orIornlatling tim llard disk of tile camcorder, youmay not delete data frolll tile hard diskcompletely. When yoll transler tile camcorder, itis rcconllncnded that you perklrm [_)

    EMPTY]* to prevem the recovery of your data.Also. when you dispose of tile camcorder, it is

    reconlmended lllal you deslroy tile actual bodyof tile canlcorder,


    • Tile on-screen disph,ys in each local language areused lot illustrating the operating procedures.Change the screen language belorc using yourcanlcorder if necessal T (p. 11).

    Aboutthis manual

    • Tile images of the LCD screen used in thisn/amml lor illustratkm purposes are c_ptumd

    using a digital still canlera, and lberelom mayappegw dillerenl fl'om the actual inlages of tileLCD screen.

    • Ill this Operating Guide. the hard disk of yourcanlcorder and "Memory Stick PRO Duo" arecalled "nledia."

    • The screensbots are liom Windows Vista. The

    scenes may vary depending on the operatingsystenl of the conlputer,

    * Reler also to "Handycanl Handbook" (PDF) and"PMB Guide."

  • Table of Contents


    Read this first ................................. 4

    Step 1: Charging the battery pack..................................................... 9

    Step 2: Turning the power on, andsetting the date and time ............ 11

    Changing the language setting................................................... 11

    Step 3: Selecting the media ......... 12

    Recording ..................................... 14

    Playback ....................................... 15Playing the image on a TV .......... 16

    Name and functions of each part................................................... 17

    Indicators displayed during recording/playback ..................................... 19

    Performing various functions - "1_HOME" and ,,0__-OPTION". ......... 21

    Saving images .............................. 24

    Deleting images ........................... 25

    Performing with a computer ......... 26Installing and viewing "Handycam

    Handbook" (PDF) ...................... 26Installing "Picture Motion Browser"

    ................................................... 26

    Troubleshooting ........................... 29

    Precautions .................................. 32

    Specifications ............................... 34

  • Step1: Chargingthe batterypack

    Battery pack


    DC IN jack

    -- §/CHG lamp


    2 POWER switch

    DC plug To the wall outlet(wall socket)

    AC AdaptorPower cord (Mains lead)

    You can charge the "InfoLITHIUM"battery pack (H series) afterattaching it to your camcorder,

    O Notes

    • You cannot attach any "InLoLITHIUM" batte D'

    pack oIh¢l" Ihall Ihe H SCl'JCs to yotlr Cal/lcordel.

    4/ Connect the AC Adaptor to the

    DC IN jack on the HandycamStation.

    Be sure thai tile • mark on the DC plug

    is facing up.

    /iHI, Attach the battery pack by sliding

    it in the direction of the arrowuntil it clicks.

    5 Set the camcorder onto the

    Handycam Station securely.

    The ,_/CHG (charge) lamp lights up and

    charging starts. The ,_/CHG (charge)

    lamp turns off Yvhen the battery pack is

    fully charged. Remove the camcorder

    from the Handycam Svation.

    2 Connect the power cord (mainslead) to the AC Adaptor and thewall outlet (wall socket).

    0 Turn the POWER switch in thedirection of the arrow to OFF

    (CHG) (the default setting).

    To remove the battery pack

    Turn the POWER switch to OFF (('HG).

    Slide the BATT (battery release) lever andremove the b:_ttery pack.

    BATT (battery release) lever


  • US


    To chargethe battery pack usingonlythe ACAdaptor

    Turn the PC'WER ',witch to OFF (CH(-;),

    then conttect the AC Adaptur directly tu tile

    DC IN.jack un the camcorder.

    POWER switch

    With the • mark

    on the right

    DC IN jackDC plug Open Ihe jack


    Charging time:Appruximate tithe (rain.) required whenyou fitlly charge a completely exhaustedbattery pack.

    Recording/Playback time:Appruximate time (rain.) available whenyou use a fully charged battery pack.

    "HD" stands for high defitfition imagequality, and "SD" stands for standard imagequality.



    Charging time 135

    Recording time*_.2

    Continuous85 105 9(1 1(15

    recording time

    Typicalrecording 40 50 40 50time*3

    Playback time .2 130 130 140 140

    "1 [REC MODEl: SP

    *2 When lhe LCD backlighl is on

    .3 Typical recording time shows the time whenyou repeal recording start/stop, turning thepower on/otl and zoonfing.

    On the battery pack

    • When you rcnlove the battery pack ordisconnect the AC Adaptor. turn tile POWERswilch to OFF (CHG) and nlake sure thai the

    (Movie) lamp/_ (Slill) lamp (p. I 1)1ACCESS lamps (p. 13, 17) am turned o11.

    • The power will not be supplied liom the batte Uas long as the AC Adaptor is connected to theDC IN jack of your camcorder or the HandycumStation, even when tile power cord (mains lead)is disconnected fiom the wall omlet (wallsocket).

    On the charging/recording/playback time

    • Tinles nle_lsurcd whell using the Calllcorder _lt

    25°C 177°F)/lO°C to 30°C/50°F to 86°F) is


    • The available recording and playback time willbe shorter when you Ilse your c_lnlcorder ill ]OWtelnperatures.

    • The available recording and playback time willbe shorter depending on the conditions underwhich yoll use yollr camcorder.

    On the AC Adaptor

    • Use the nearby wall outlet (wall socket) whenusing the AC Adaptor. Disconnect the ACAdaptor liom the wall outlel (wall socke0immedialely if any malfunclion occurs whileusing your camcorder.

    • Do not use the AC Adaplor placed ill a narrowspace, such as between a wall and filrniturc.

    • Do not sholl-circuil the DC plug of ltle ACAdaptor or bauery terminal widl any metallicot!iects. This may cause a nmlhmction.

    • Even if your camcorder is turned oil AC powersource (mains) is slill supplied 1o it whileconnected 1o the wall outlel (wall sockeQ via dieAC Adaptor.

  • Step2: Turningthe poweron, and setting thedate andtime

    "_ (HOME) (p. 21 )

    Touch Ihe button on the

    LCD screen.

    POWER switch



    POWER(¢_e)0_ Oa

    When using thecamcorder lk)rthefirst time, theICLOCK SETIscreen appears onthe LCD screen.



    1 While pressing the green button,turn the POWER switch

    repeatedly in the direction of thearrow until the respective lamp

    lights up.

    (Movie): To record movies

    (Still): To record still images

    Go to step 3 when you turn on yourcamcorder for the first time.

    • When you turn on _ (Still) lamp, thescreen aspecl ratio is changed to 4:3autonmtically.

    2 Touch 1_ (HOME) -* i,m(SETTINGS) -_ [CLOCK/[] LANG] -_ [CLOCK SET].

    3 Select the desired geographicalarea with H/_, then touch


    4 Set [DST SET] or [SUMMERTIME],[Y] (year), [M] (month), [D] (day),hour and minute, then touch rsgl.

    The clock starts.

    "_° Tips

    • The date and lime does not appem"duringrecording, but riley are automatically recordedon lhe media, and can be displayed duringplayback.

    • You can turn olf the operation beeps bytouching _ (HOME)--_ _ (SETTINGS) -+[SOUND/DISP SET] --+ [BEEP] --+ [OFF].

    You can change the on-screen displays toshow messages in a specified language.Touch 1_ (HOME) --+ _ (SETTINGS)-+ [CLOCK/[] LANG] -+[[] LANGUAGE SET], then select thedesired language.



  • Step3: Selectingthe media



    You can select the hard disk or "MentoryStick PRO Duo" as the recording/playback/editing media on your cmncorder. Select themedia for movies and still imagesseparately.The default setting is hard disk for moviesand still images.

    Hard disk



    fO Notes

    • You can do recording/playback/edilingoperatk)ns lot the selected media. When youwant to change media, reselect the media.

    • The recordable lime with [HDSPI recordingmode (the delmlll seUing) is as Rdlows:

    On lhe inlernal hard disk: approx. 17 h 50 m(HDR-SR1 lh approx. 36 h/HDR-SRI 2)

    On a "Memory Stick PRO Duo" (4 GB) madeby Sony Corporation: approx. 1h 5 m

    "_° Tips

    • Check the nunlber of recordable still images onlhe LCD screen ol your camcorder (p. 19).

    1 Touch _ (HOME) --+(MANAGE MEDIA).

    e_*" Touch [MOVIE MEDIA SET] to

    select the media for movies.

    The media selling screen appears.

    3 Touch the desired media andimage quality.

    indicates HI)/high definition)image quality, :rod _ indicates SD(standard definition) image quality.

    4 Touch [YES] -+ log].The media is changed.

    To select the media for still images

    Touch [PHOTO MEDIA SET] in step 2,then touch Ihe desired media.

    To check the media setting

    (!) Turn the POWER sxvitchrepeatedly to lightup the _ (Movie)/ff']l (Still) lamp,depending on which media setting youwant to check.

    (_) Check the media icon on the screen.

    Media icon

    @: Hard disk: "Memory Stick PRO Duo"

    Insert a "Memory Stick PRO Duo" if"Memory Stick PRO Duo" has beenselected as the media.

    For types of "Memory Stick" you can use inyour camcorder, see page 6.

  • 1 Insert the "Memory Stick PRODuo."

    t[_ Open the Men3ory Stick Duo cover inthe direction of the arrow.

    t_ Insert the "MemoU Stick PRO Duo"into the Memory Stick Duo slot in theright direction until it clicks.

    O Ck)se the Memory Stick Duo cover.

    ACCESS lamp ("MemoryStick PRO Duo")

    ," If you have selected "MemoryStick PRO Duo" as the moviemedia, turn the POWER switch

    until the _ (Movie) lamp lightsup.

    If the POWER switch is set to OFF

    (CHG), turn il on while pressing tilegreen bullon.

    3 Touch [YES].To record only still images on a

    "Memory Stick PRO Duo," touch INOI.

    To eject the "Memory Stick PRODuo"

    Open the Memory Slick Duo cover and

    lighlly push the "Memory Slick PRO Duo"in once.


    • Do not open the Memory Stick Duo coverduring recording.

    • II you l_rce the "Memory Stick PRO Duo" inlothe slot in tile wrong direction, the "MemoryStick PRO Duo," the Memory Stick Duo slot. orimage dala may be damaged.

    • If [Failed to create a new Image Databa_ File.11nlay be possible that there is not enough fivespace.I is displayed in step 3. lormat the"Memory Stick PRO Duo." Note that lonnalfingwill delete all dam recorded on the "MenloryStick PRO Duo?'

    • When inselting or ejecting lhe "Menlory Stick

    PRO Duo." be camlhl so that the "Memol TStick PRO Duo" does not pop oul and drop,




    The [Create a new hnage DatabaseFile.] screen appears on the LCDscreenwhen you insert a new "Memory StickPRO Duo."



  • The images are recorded on the media selected in the media setting (p. 12). In the default

    selting, both movies and still images are recorded on the hard disk.

    1 2POWER switch []

    : To record 111o'_'Jes: To record still images

    1_" (HOME) []

    (p. 21)


    [STBY] _ [REC]

    l!o+tOTO ...... _' ,,.ooE+

    IFlashing _ Lights upSTART/STOP []

    1 Turn the POWER switch [] until the respective lamp lights up.Press Ihe green button only v,'hen Ihe POWER sv,itch [] is in the OFF/CHG) position.

    2 Start recording.

    Press START/STOP [] (or [_).

    To stop recording, press START/STOP []

    /or [_l/ again.

    Press PHOTO [] lightly to adjust thefocus O (a beep sounds), then pressit fully _ (a shutter click sounds).UMI appears heside (_ or _. When IIIlUlldisappears, the image has been recorded.



    "_° Tips

    • You can check lhe recordable lime and the

    remaining capacity by pressing '_ (HOME)_ (MANAGE MEDIA) _ [MEDIA


    • You can capture still images by pressingPHOTO _ during movie recording.

    • Tile inaxitllUtll continuous recordable lime of

    movies is approxinmlely 13 hours.

    • When a movie file exceeds 2 GB, the nexl

    movie file is created automatically.

  • PlaybackYou can play back the image recorded in the media that has been sel on the media selling

    (p. 12). ht tile defaull setting, the images on tile hard disk are played back.

    [] (VIEW IMAGES) [] ( 3

    /2 POWER switch []

    [] (VIEW IMAGES) []

    (&) Goes to the I_ (Fihn Roll Index) screen

    (_)Goes to the [] (Face hldex) screen

    @Goes to _ (HOME)

    @ Previous 6 images

    (_) Next 6 images

    (&) Returns to file recording screen

    (_ Displays movies with HD (high delinition)

    image quality*

    _) Displays still images =o

    (_) Searches Ior images by date o

    @ _ (OPTION) __.

    * _ appears when you select the n'_ovie wilh SD

    (standard delinition) image quality in [MOVIE "1o

    MEDIA SET] (p. 12),

    1 Turn the POWER switch [] to turn on your camcorder.

    2 Press [] (VIEW IMAGES) [] (or [_).Tile VISUAL INDEX screen appears on tile LCD screen (ll may take some seconds).


    3 Start playback.

    Touch the _ or _ tab, then selectthe desired movie to play back.

    Beginningolthe Toggles Play

    ii]o!,Je/previOllS or Pause ils

    IDov]e yoII tOllch Next l/lOV]e

    Sto _

    INDEX screen) _ (OPTION)

    Touch the _ tab, then select thedesired still image to play back.

    Slide show

    101-0014 1

    Goes to the V[SUAL Previous/Next

    INDEX screen _ (OPTION)



  • To adjust the sound volume of movies

    When ph_ying back a movie, touch(OPTION) --+ [_ tab --+ [VOLUME],Ihen adjusl tile vcllume wilh _/_.

    "_" Tips

    • On the VISUAL INDEX scrcen, IIm,-t/_-appearswith the image on tile lab that was inost rccentlyplayed back/mcorded. When you touch an

    image marked with Ilk-I/,, you can play it backflom the point it was previously stopped.

    Conttectiott methods attd quality uf the

    image (HD (high definition)/SD (standarddefittitiott)) viewed on the TV screett differ

    depeuding un what type of TV is connected.and the counectors used.

    Use the supplied AC Adaptor as the power

    source (p. 9).Refer also to the instruction manuals

    supplied with the device to be connected.

    O Notes

    • When recording, _t [X.V.COLORI to ION] toplay back on an x.v.Color-compliant TV. Sortiesvttings may need to be m/iusted on the TVwhen playing back. Relcr to the instructionmanual of your TV lot details.

    Operation flow

    Switch the input on the TV to the

    connected jack.Refer to tile iustrtlction tnauuals of tile


    +Connect your camcorder and TVreferring to [TV CONNECT Guide].

    Touch _ (HOME) --+ _ (OTHERS)

    --+ [TV CONNECT Guide].

    Make the required output settings

    on your camcorder.

    Handycam StationAtVOUT


    AN Remote


    Open the jack cover.

    (J Notes

    • When tile A/V connecting cable is used tooutput images, inlages are output wilh SD(standard definition) image qualily.

    • Your camcorder and tile Handycam Station areequipped with A/V Remote Connector or A/VOUT jack (p. 17). Connect the A/V connectingcable or componenl A/V cable either to theHandycam Slation or to your camcorder. If youconnecl A/V connecting cables or component A/V cable to both file Handycam Station and yourcamcorder al lhe same time, image dJsl/irbancemay occur.



  • Nameandfunctionsof each part

    Buttons, .jacks, etc., which are not explainedin other chapters, are explained here.









    Handycam Station

    [] Power zoom leverMove the power zoom lever slightly for aslower zoom. Move it further for a faster


    You can magnify still images from aboutI.l to 5 times the original size (Playback

    ZOOIII ).

    • When you touch the screen during playb_ckzoom,the poinl you touchedwill be displayed inthe cenler of the LCD screen.

    [] Eyecup

    [] ViewfinderYou can view images on the viewfinderwith the LCD panel closed. The viewfinderis usel)d when you want to avoid wearingdown the battery, or when the image seenon the LCD panel is poor.

    [] Viewfinder lens adjustment leverMove up the viewfinder and move theviewfiuder lens a;liustmeut lever until theimage is clear.

    [] QUICK ON buttonWhen you press QUICK ON, thecamcorder goes to sleep mode (powersaving mode) instead of turning off. TheQUICK ON lamp keeps flashing duringsleep mode. Press QUICK ON again to startrecording next time. Your camcorderreturns to recording standby inapproximately 1 second.The power turns off automatically if you douot operate your camcorder for a certaiuperiod during sleep mode.

    [] ACCESS lamp (Hard disk)When the ACCESS lamp is lit or flashing,your camcorder is writing/reading data.

    [] Hook for a shoulder beltAttach the shoulder belt (optional).

    [] Speaker

    [] NIGHTSHOT switch

    Set the NIGHTSHOT switch to ON/{_}appears) to record in dark places.






  • US


    [] Zoom buttonsPress for zooming in/out.You call magnify still images from about1.1 to 5 times the original size (PlaybackZOOI)]).

    • When you loucb thescreen during playbackzoom,the point you touched will be displayed intile center of the LCD screen.

    [] RESET button

    Press RESET to initialize all the settingsincluding the clock setting.

    [] EASY button

    Press EASY to display _ and most ofthe settings are set automatically lk_reasyrecording/playback. To cancel, press EASYagain.

    [] DISP/BATT INFO button

    You can switch the screen display whenyou press while the power is set to on.When you press while the POWER switchis set to OFF (CHG), you can check theremafifiug battery.

    [] Built-in microphone

    Souud picked up by the internalmicrophone is converted to 5. Ich surroundsound and recorded.

    [] Flash

    The flash will flash automaticallydepending on recording conditions in thedefault setting.Touch {_" (HOME) --+ _ (SETTINGS)

    --+ ]PHOTO SETTINGS] --+ ]FLASHMODE] to change the setting.

    [] Remote sensor/InlYared portReceives the signal from the Remote(-'olnmau(ler.

    [] Camera recording lamp

    The camera recording lamp lights up in redduring recording. The lamp flashes whenthe remaining media capacity or batterypower is low.

    [] Tripod receptacle (Bottoln surface)Attach a tripod (optional) to the tripodreceptacle using a tripod screw (optional:

    the length of the screw must be less than 5.5mm (7/32 in.)).

    [] MANUAL buttonYou can display the [DIAL SETTING]screen with pressing and holding themanual button.

    [] [] (back light) buttonPress [] (back light) to display [] foradjusting the exposure lk_rbacklit subject.Press [] (back light) again to cancel thebacklight function.

    [] CAM CTRL dialYou can use the menu item assigned on the[DIAL SETTING] screen.

    [] MIC (PLUG IN POWER) jackWhen an external microphone (optional) iscommcted, it takes precedence over theBuilt-in microphone (p. 18).

    [] Q (headphones) jack

    [] HDMI OUT (mini) jackConnect with the HDMI cable (optional).

    [] A/V Remote Connector/A/V OUTjackConnect with the component A/V cable orA/V connecting cable.

    [] _ (USB)jackConnect with the USB cable.

    [] "_ (DISC BURN) buttonCreate a disc by' connecting the camcorderto a comlmter, etc. For details, see "PMBGuide" (p. 28).

    [] Active Interface Shoe/J _[_os_,o_The Active h_tertace Shoe supplies powerto optional accessories such as a video light,a flash, or a microphone. The accessory canbe turned on or off as you operate thePOWER switch on your camcorder.

    [] Interface connectorConnect your camcorder and the HandycamStation.

  • Indicatorsdisplayedduringrecording/playback

    Recording movies

    Recording still images




    [] HOME buttun

    [] Remaining battery (approx.)

    [] Recording status ([STBY]/standby) or

    [REC] (recording))

    [] Recording quality (HD/SD) andRecurding mode/FH/HQ/SP/LP)

    [] Recording/playback media

    [] Counter (hour/minute/second)

    [] Recording remaining time

    [] OPTION button


    [] VIEW IMAGES button

    [] Face Index set

    [] 5. l ch surround recording

    [] hnage size

    [] Appruximate number uf recurdable stillimages and medi_dDuriug still imagerecurding

    [] Return button

    [] Playback mode

    [] Current playing movie numbeffNumberof total recorded movies

    [] Previous/Next button

    [] Vide() operation buttons

    [] Current playing still image numbeffNumber of total recurded still images

    [] Playback folder

    Displays only when the playback mediaof still images is a "Memury Stick PRODUU."

    [] Slide show button

    [] Data file name

    [] VISUAL INDEX button





  • Following indicators appear duringrecording/playback to indicate the settingsof your camcorder.

    Upper left Center Upper right



    _L-do_ LCD backlighl off

    _ Drop sensor off

    '_3 Drop sensor activated

    O+Q 0+g2] Media for still images


    Upper left

    .b5.1ch ,,b2ch AUDIO MODE

    Self-limer recording

    @ §+ §= Flash, REDEYE



    _,L MICREF LEVEL low

    4:3 W[DE SELECT


    1_0.2M _7.GM [] IMAGE SIZE

    C*D Slide show set

    [] NightShot

    S[_ Super NighiShot

    L-_] Cok)r Slow Shutter

    D PictB rklge connecting

    c\_[13[_,.-10_@,, _ Warning


    [] Face Index


    P_ Picture effect

    D_ Digital ell_:ct

    t_ _ • Manual l_)cus

    {i{!:"[] &5 @ SCENE SELECTION

    [] Backlight

    _ @,_ _mz+ White balance

    '_,-_ SteadyShot off



    [] AE SHIFT



    [_ ZEBRA

    ({_OLOR_) X.V.COLOR


    _° Tips

    • Indicators and their positions are approximateand differ from what you actually see. See"HmKlycam HalKlbook" (PDF) t_r details,

    • The recording dale and time is recordedaulonlalically on the lnedia, They are noldisplayed while recording, However, you cancheck lhem as [DATA CODEI during playback,



  • Performingvariousfunctions- HOME"andOPTION"

    You can display the menu screen bypressing _ (HOME) []/or [_)/

    /OPTION). For details of the menu

    items, see "Handycam Handbook" (PDF)(p. 26).

    "_ (HOME) []


    1_ (HOME) []

    To see the explanation of the HONE

    MENU (HELP)@ Press _ (HOME) [] (,)r []).

    @ Touch [] (HELP).

    The bottom of [] (HELP) turns orange.

    @ Touch Ihe ilem you wanl Io lelrn about.

    When you touch an ilem, its explanalionappe irs on [h_ scrL, en.

    To ippl3 lhe selected item, touch [YES].

    You can change the operaling settings foryour convenience. Press _ (HOME) []/or [_) Io display Ihe menu screen.

    Menu items


    1 Touch the desired category then

    item to change the setting.

    2 Follow the instructions on thescreen.

    The _. (OPTION) MENU appears just like

    the pop-up window that appears when youright-click the mouse on a computer.Press @===(OPTION) to display the menuitems you can change in the currentsituation.

    Menu items




    1 Touch the desired tab then itemto change the setting.

    2 After completing the setting,touch I_gl.

    "_° Tips

    • II lhe item is not on lhe screen, touch _/_ tochange the page.

    • To hide fileHOME MENU screen, much r_],

    • You cannot simullaneously select or aclivate lhe

    grayed items in the currenl recording/playbacksituation.



  • (J Notes

    • When the itell'_ you \vmlt is not on tile scrtren,touch another t_lb+ If you cunnot lind tile ittrnl

    anywhere, the lunction is not available under fileCUlTent sJltlalJon,

    • The _ (OPTION) MENU cmmot be used

    during Easy Handycam operation.



    MOVIE DUB [_ _-4 _ DUB],

    [[_-_ _0 +4 _ DUB]

    PHOTO [COPY by select], [COPY by

    COPY date]

    EDIT [_ DELETE],

    [_ DELETE], [DIVIDE]

    PLAYLIST []_[_ ADD], [[_['ff_ ADD],

    EDIT [_ ADD by dale],

    [F_ ADD by date],

    [_--1_ ERASE], [_SD ERASE],

    [_rrra ERASE ALL],

    [,._.srJ ERASE ALL],

    [_rrra MOVE]+ [_SD MOVE]



















    IMG.DB F,



































    [LCD COLOR]_ [VF






    [{_ LANGUAGE SET]*







    * You can set the_ itcms also during EasyHandycam operation.

    **The menu name is changed to [SOUNDSETTINGS] during Easy Handycam operation.

    Items you can set only on the OPTIONMENU will be described below.







    (Th i: ,mtio,_i







  • Savingimages

    Due to tile limited capacity of the media.make sure that you save tile image data tosome type of external media such as aDVD-R or a computer.You can save the images recorded on thecamcorder as described below.

    By using "Picture Motion Browser" on tilesupplied CD-ROM. you can save theimages recorded oil your camcorder withHD (high definition) image quality or SD(standard definition) image quality.You can rewrite movies with HD (highdefinition) image quality from the computerto your camcorder, if necessary. For details.see "PMB Guide" (p. 28).

    Creatinga discwith OneTouch(OneTouchDiscBurn)

    You can save images recorded on the harddisk of your camcorder directly to a discwith ease by pressing the *_ (DISCBURN) button.

    Saving images on a computer

    (EasyPCBack-up)You can save images recorded on thecamcorder on the hard disk of a computer.

    Creating a discwith selectedimages

    You can save images copied to _o/lrcomputer on a disc. You c:malso edit thoseimages.

    For details, see "Handycam Handbook"(PDF).

    Connecting with theA/V connectingcable

    You can dub to VCRs. DVD/HDDrecorders with SD (standard definition)image quality.

    Connecting with the USB cable

    You can dub to movie dubbing compatibleDVD writers, etc.. with HD (highdefinition) image quality.


    • You can dub mo_iesor copy still images homthe hard disk to a "MemolT Stick PRO Duo."

    Touch _ (HOME) _ _ (OTHERS)




  • Deletingimages

    Selecl tile media which contains tile imageyou wahl to delele before lhe operation/p. 12).

    1 Touch _ (HOME)-+ I_(OTHERS) --+ [DELETE].

    2 Touch [_ DELETE].

    3 Touch [1_ DELETE] or [_DELETE], then touch the movie tobe deleted.

    Tile selected movie is marked _,_ith _/.

    4 Touch _ -+ [YES] -+ 15_.





    To delete all movies at one time

    In step 3, touch 1_ DELETE ALL]/[_DELETE ALL] --+ [YES] --+ [YES] --+gig].

    To delete still images

    (_) In step 2, touch 1[] DELETE].

    (_) Touch [Iml DELETE], then touch the

    still image to be deleted.The selected still image is marked with4.

    @ Touch _ -+ [YES] -+ 15_1.

    "_" Tips• To delete all still ilnages on the lnedia, inslop

    (_), touch [_ DELETE ALLI _ [YESI[YES]_ [Og].



  • Performingwith a computer

    ¸ii¸i:i :! : ;i i !iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i !!i "Handycam Handbook"(PDF)"Handycam Handbook" (PDF) explains indetail about your camcorder and itspractical use.

    N "Picture Motion Browser" (only forWindows users)

    "Picture Motion Bro'_ ser" is the suppliedsoftware. You can el_joy the followingoperations.

    CreaUng a disc with one louch operation

    hnporling images to a conlputer

    EdUingin/ported in/ages

    CrcaUng a disc

    0 Notes

    • The supplieU software "Picture Motion

    Browser" is not sl_pported by Macintosh

    computers. To use a Macintosh computerconnected to your c;lnleorder_ see tile

    following website for details.

    To view "Handycam Handbook" (PDF),you need to install Adobe Reader on yourcomputer.

    (!) Turn on the computer.

    @ Place the CD-ROM (supplied) in the discdrive of your computer.The select screen fur installation appears.

    @ Click [Handycam Handbook].The installation screen for "HandycamHandbook" (PDF) appears.

    (_) Select the desired language and the model

    name of your Handycam, then click[Handycam Handbook IPDF)].

    Installation starts. When the installation is

    completed, Ihe short-cut icon of"Handycam Handbook" (PDF) appears on

    the desktop of your computer.• The model name of your Handycam is

    printed on ils bolIOlll surldce.

    (_) (:lick [Exit] --+ [Exit], then remove the

    CD-ROM frum the disc drive of your


    To view "Handycam Handbook," double-

    click the short-cut icon of "HandycamHandbook."

    "_° Tips

    • For [Vlacinl_shusers, l_]low tile sleps below.

    Turn on the computer.

    !_ Place the CD-ROM (supplied) in thedisc drive of your computer.

    Open the [Handbook] folder in the CD-ROM, double-click the [US] R)lder andthen drag-and-drop the"Handbook.pdF' on the computer.To view _Handycam Handbook,"double-click "Handbook.pd£"



    N System requirements

    OS: Microsoft Windows 2(R)0 ProfessionalSP4/Wiudows XP SP2*/WindowsVista*

    * 64-bit editions and Starter (Edition) arc notsupported.

  • Standard installation is required.Operation is not assured if the above OShas been upgraded or in a multi-bootenvironment.

    gPo: lutel Peutium 4 2.8 GHz or faster

    (Intel Peutium 4 3.6 GHz or faster, lntelPentium D 2.8 GHz or faster. Iutel CoreDuo 1.66 GHz or faster, or Intel (!ore 2Duo 1.66 GHz or faster isrecom mended.)

    httel Pentium II1 1 GHz or faster

    enables the following operations:

    Importing die conlenls to the con/purer

    One Touch Disc Burn

    Creating an AVCHD lk_rlnaldisc/DVD-video

    Copying a disc

    Processing only lhe contents in SD(slandard definuion) image qualdy

    Memory: For Windows 2000/WindowsXP: 512 MB or more 11 GB or more isrecommended.)

    For processing SD/standard definition)ima,qe quality content only, 256 MB of

    uleulory or more is necessary.

    For Windows Vista: I GB or more

    Nard disk: Disk volume required liarinstdlation: Approximately 500 MB(10 G B or more may be necessary whencreating AVCHD format discs.)

    Display: Minimum 1.024 x 768 dots

    Others: ¢ USB port (this must beprovided as standard. Hi-Speed USB(USB 2.0 compatible) is recommended),DVD burner (CD-ROM drive isnecessa U lk_rinstallation)


    This camcorder captures high definitionfootage in the AVCHD lkwmat. Using theenclosed PC software, high definitionfootage can be copied onto DVD media.However. DVD media containing AVCHDfootage should not be used with DVD basedplayers or recorders, as the DVD player/

    recorder may fail to eject the media andmay erase its contents without warning.DVD media containing AVCHD footagemay be played on a compatible Blu-rayDisc j\l player/recorder or other compatibledevice.

    N Installation procedureYou need to install the soft'_xare to yourWindows computer befiwe connectingyour calncorder to the computer. Theinstallation is required only for the firsttime.

    Contents to be installed and proceduresmay differ depending on your OS.

    (!) Confirm that your camcorder is notconnected to the computer.

    @ Turn on the computer.

    0 Notes

    • Log on as an Administrator tor installation.• Close _dlapplications rumling on the

    computer bel_re installing the soliw_u'c.

    @ Place the supplied CD-ROM in the discdrive of your computer.

    The installation screen appears.

    It the screen does not appeartill Click [Star@ then click [My

    Computer]. (For Windows 2000,double-click [My Computer].)

    !_ Douhle-click [SONYPICTUTIL (E:)](CD-ROM) (disc drive)7

    * Drive names (such as (E:)) may valy

    depending on the compuler.

    (3) Click [Install].

    (_) Select the language l_r the application tobe installed, then click [Next].

    (_) As the screen to confirm the connection

    appears_ connect your camcorder to thecomputer follox_ing the steps belox_.





  • O Connect the AC Adaptor to the

    Handycam Station and a waU outh:t

    lwall socket).

    !_ Set your camcorder onto the Handycam

    Station, then turn on your camcorder.

    O Connect the _' (USB) jack of the

    Handycam Station (p. 18) to the

    computer using the supplied USB


    The [USB SELECT] screen appears on

    your camcorder automatically.

    O Touch [O USB CONNECT] or

    [_ USB CONNECT] on the [USB

    SELECT] screen of your camcorder.

    Operatingthe "Picture MotionBrowser"To start "Picture Motion Browser," click

    [Start] -+ [All Programs] -+ [Sony Picture

    Utility] --+ [PMB - Picture Motion


    For the basic operation of "Picture Motion

    Browser." see "PMB Guide." To display

    "PMB Guide." click [Start] --+ [All

    Programs] --+ [Sony Picture Utility] --+

    [Help] --+ [PMB Guide].

    "_" Tips

    • If tile [USB SELECT] screen does not appear,

    much _" (HOME) _- [_ (OTHERS) _-[USB CONNECT].



    (_) Click [Continue].

    (g) Read [License Agreement], select [1 accept

    the terms of the license agreement] if you

    agree, then click [Next].

    (_) Confirm the installation settings, then click


    @ Follow the on-screen instructions to installthe software.

    Depending on the computer, you may need

    to install third party software. If theinstallatkm screen appears, follow the

    instructions to install the required software.

    (_ Restart the computer if required to

    complete the installation.

    (_ Remove Ihe CD-ROM from the disc drive

    of your computer.

    To disconnectthe USBcable

    (_) (:lick the _ icon --+ [Safely rcmo_c USB

    Mass Storage Device] --+ [OK] lWindows20(}(}only) on the task tray on the bottom

    right of the desktop of the computer.

    @ Touch [ENDI --+ [YESI on the screen of

    your canlcorder.

    @ Disconnect the USB cable.

  • Tro@fesflooh_g


    If you run into any problems using yourcamcorder, use tile following table totroubleshoot the problem. If the problenlpersists, disconnect the power source attdcontact your Sony dealer.

    Notes beforesendingyour camcorderforrepair• Your c;mlcorder may be required to initialize or

    cbnge the current hard disk ot the camcorder,depending on the problen_. In the event ot this,the dak_ stored on the hard di_k will be deleted.Be snl_: to sa_ethe data on tile internal ham di_k

    (see ' Hm_dycmn HmMbook"/PDF)) omo oiliermcdia (backup) belore sending your camcorder

    lot repair, We will not compensate you lot anyloss of hard disk data,

    • During repair, we may check a minimumamount of data storcd on the hard disk in order

    to investigz_te the problem. However, your Sonydealer will neither copy nor retain your okla.

    • For lhe sytllplonls of your calncorder, see"Handycam Handbook" (PDF) and R)rconnecting 1o the compuler, see "PMB Guide."

    The power does not turn on.

    • Attach a charged battery _:_ackto thecamcorder (p. 9).

    • Connect the plug of the AC Adaplor to

    the wall outlet (wall socket) (p. 9).

    The camcorder does not operate

    even when the power is set to on.

    • It takes a 1_.'_ seconds for your

    camcorder to be ready to shoot after thepower is turned on. This is not amalfunction.

    • Disconnect Ihe AC Adaptor from thewall outlet (wall socket) or remove the

    battely pack, then reconnect it d'lerabout 1 minute. If the functions still do

    not work, press the RESET button(p. 18) using a pointed object (lf you

    press the RESET button, all settings,including the clock setting, are reset).

    • The tenlperature of your camcorder isextremely high. Turn off yourcamcorder md leave it lbr a while ill a

    cool place.

    • The temperature of your camcorder is

    extremely h)w. Leave your camcorderwith the power of your camcorder on.Turn off the camcorder and take it to a

    warm place. Leave the camcorder therefor a while, then turn on the camcorder.

    Your camcorder gets warm.

    • This is because tile power has beenturned on for a long time. This is not amalfimction.

    The power abruptly turns off.

    • Use tile AC Adaptor.

    • Turn on the power again.

    • Charge the battery pack (p. 9).

    Pressing START/STOP or PHOTOdoes not record images.

    • Set Ihe POWER switch Io _ (Movie)or I1_11(Still)(p. 14).

    • You cannot record images in sleepmode. Press the QUICK ON button(p. 17).

    • Your camcorder is recording the imageyou have just shot on the media. Youcannot make new recording during thisperiod.

    • The media is fulh Delete tmnecessaryimages (p. 25).

    • Total number of movie scenes or stillimages exceeds the recordable capacityof the media. Delete unnecessaryimages (p. 25).

    The recording stops.

    • The temperature of your camcorder isextremely high/low. Turn off yourcamcorder md leave it lbr a while ill acoolA_amt place.





  • US


    You cannot install "Picture Motion


    • Check the computer emironmentrequired to install "Picture MotionBrowser."

    • Install ' Picture Motion Brox_ ser" in the

    proper order (p. 27).

    "Picture Motion Browser" does notwork correctly.

    • Quit 'Picture Motion Brm_scr" andrestart your computer.

    Your camcorder is not recognized by

    the computer.

    • Discotmcct devices from the USB jackof the computer other than the

    keyboard, mouse, and your camcorder.

    • Disconnect the USB cable from the

    computer and the Handycam Station,

    and restart the computer, then connectthe computer and your camcorder again

    in the proper order.

    If indicators appear on the LCD screen or in

    the viewfinder, check the lk_llowing.

    If the problem persists evett after you have

    tried to fix a couple of times, contact your

    Sony dealer or local authorized Sony

    service facility.

    C:04:u]u] • Tile baltcly pack is not an

    "InloLITHIUM" battery pack/H series), Use an

    "InlbLITHIUM" bauery pack/H series) (p. 9).

    • Connect Hm DC plug of theAC Adaptor to flm DC IN iack

    of the Handycam Station oryour camcorder securc]y

    (p. 9).

    C:I3:V]U] / • Remove the power source.C:32:NN Reconnect il and opelale your

    camcorder again.

    E:20:U]N / • A malhmction that you cannotE:31:NN / _rvice has occurred. Contact

    E:61:U]U] / your Sony defiler or local

    E:62:NN / aufllorized Sony service

    E:91 :U]U] / lacility. Inlbrm them of the 5-E:94:NN digit code, which starts flom


    101-0001 • When the indicator flashes

    slowly, the file is damaged orunreadable.

    {_ • All have occllrrederror lllay

    with the hard disk drive in

    your cat/lcorder,

    ___ • The hard disk of the camcorderis full. Delete unnecessa W

    images on the hard disk.• An error may have occurred

    with the hard disk drive in

    your camcordcr,

    c\? • Battery power is ]ow,

    [_ • The temperature of your

    camcorder is geuing high.T/Irn Oil your camcorder and

    leglve il in a cool phJce.

  • • The telnperaturc O1 yo/ir

    camcorder is low. Make tilecanlcorder warnl,

    • When the indictm>r flashes

    slowly, five space lot

    recording images are runningOil[.

    • No "MemoJ T Stick PRO Duo"is inserted (p. 12).

    • When the indicator flashes

    quickly, them are not enoughltee sp_ce lot recording

    images.• Delele unnecessary images, or

    Ibrmal lhe "Memory StickPRO Duo" alter sloring lhe

    images on oilier media (p. 24).• The Image Database File is


    • The "Memo W Stick PRO

    Duo" is damaged. Formal the"Memo W Stick PRO Duo"

    with your camcorder.

    • An incompmible "MemoryStick Duo" is in_rted.

    • Access to the _'Memory StickPRO Duo" was restricted on

    anolher device.

    • There is somelhing wrong withtile flash.

    • The amount of light is notsufficient. Use the flash.

    • The camcorder is unstcady.

    Hold the camcorder steadywith both hands. However.note lhal the canlera-shake

    warning indicator does not


    • The drop sensor lunction is

    activated. You may not record/play back inl_ges.

    • The media is lulh

    • Still inlages cgmnot berecorded during processing.Wait k)r a while, then record.




  • Addf_do#a, I #No;ma_i_n




    On use and care

    • Do llOl uqe or store the C_llllCOrder _llld

    accessories in the lonowing locations:

    Anywhere extremely hot, cold or humid.

    Ne_er le_l\e them exposed to leulpel'alures

    abme 6t)°C (140°F), such as under direct

    sunlighb near heaters or ill a car parked in tile

    sun. riley nlay nla]l/lllCtion or become


    Near strong magnelic fields or mechanical

    vibration. Tile camcorder may malhmction.

    Near strong radio waves or radiation. Tile

    calncorder may not be able to record properly.

    Near AM receivers and video equipment,

    Noise lnay occ/ir.

    On a sandy beach or anywhere dusty. If sand

    or dusI gets ill your calncorder, it maymalflmction. Solnefimes this nlalhmction

    cannot be repaired.

    Near windows or outdoors, where file LCD

    screen, the view finder or tile lens may be

    exposed to direct sunlighL This danlages the

    inside of the LCD screen or tile viewlinder.

    • Operate your camcorder on DC 6.8 V/7.2 V

    (bauely pack) or DC 8.4 V/AC Adaptor).

    • For DC or AC operation, use the accessories

    ix:conmlended in these operating instructions.

    • Do not let your camcorder get wet, k)r example,

    [ionl rain or sea waler. If your camcorder gets

    wet, it may malflmction. Sonletimes this

    nlalfunction cannot be repaired.

    • If any solid (q_iect or lktukl gets inside the

    casing, unplug your camcorder and have it

    checked by a Sony dealer belore operating it

    any flmher.

    • Avoid rough handling, disas_mbling,

    nlodilying, physical shock, or impact such as

    hamlnering, dropping or stepping on the

    producl. Be particuhu'ly careful of tile lens.

    • Keep the POWER swilch setting to OFF (CHG)

    when you are not using your camcorder.

    • Do not wrap your canlcorder with a towel, lor

    example, and operate it. Doing so might cause

    heat to build up inside.

    • When disconnecting the power cord (mains

    leg_d), pun it by the plug and not the cord (lead).

    • Do not damage the power cord (mains lead)

    such as by placing anything heavy on it.

    • Kee I) nletal conlacts clean.

    • Keep tile Remote Conmlander and buuon-type

    battery (1111of children's reach. It the barrel T is

    accidentally swanowed, consult a doctor


    • If the battery electrolytic liqukl has leaked:

    Consult your local authorized Sony selxice


    Wash oil any liquid thai nlay have conlacled

    your skin.

    If any liqukl gets in your eyes, wash with

    plenly of walcr and consull a doclor.

    N Whennotusingyourcamcorderforalongtime

    • Periodically turn it on and lel il lun such as byplaying back or recording itmtges lor about 3


    • Use up the baltery pack completely bek)re

    storing it,


    • Do not exert excessive pressure on the LCDscreen, as it may cause danlage.

    • If your camcorder is used in a cold place, aresidual inlage nlay appear on the LCD semen.This is nol a u/alfimclion,

    • While using your calncorder, the back of theLCD semen nlay heal 1117.This is not anlallhnction.

    N To clean the LCD screen

    If fingerprints or dust make the LCD screendirty, it is recommended yuu use a softcloth to clean it. When you use the LCDCleaning Kit (optional), do not apply the

    cleaning liquid directly to the LCD screen.Use cleaning paper moistened with theliquid.

    Onhandlingthecasing• If file casing is soiled, clean tile canlcorder hody

    with a soft cloth lightly nloistened with water,

    and then wipe tile casing with a dry soil cloth,

    • A_oid tile tonowing lo avoid damage to lhelinish:

    Using chenliclds such as thinner, benzine.

    alcohol, chenlical cloths, repellenl, inseclicide

    and sunscreen

    Handling the camcorder with above

    subslances on your hands

  • Leavingthecasingincontactwithrubberorvinylobjectsloralongperiodoftime

    About care and storage of the lens

    • Wipe the SUl'l_ce ol file lens clean with a sol_

    c]ofll ill tile lollowing illsb'lllces:

    When flmre are tingerprinls on lhe lens

    surl,/ce.In hot or hunlid locations

    When tile lens is exposed to salty air such asat tile seaside.

    • Store in a well-venlilated Iocalion sut_iect 1olittle dirl or dllsI.

    • To prcvenl mold, periodically clean the lens asdescribed above. II is rccomnmnded that youoperale your calncorder aboul once a nlont]l Iokeep it ill optinlum sine k)r a long lilne.

    Onchargingthe pre-installedrechargeablebatteryYour cmncoMer has a preqnstalledrechargeable battery to retaitt the date, time,and other settittgs even whett the POWERswitch is set to OFF (CHG). The pre-installed rechargeable battery is alwayscharged while your catncorder is connectedto the wall outlet (wall socket) via the AC

    Adaptor or while the battery pack isattached. The rechargeable battery will befully discharged in about 3 months ifyou do trot use your camcorder at all. Useyour camcorder al-ler charging the pre-ittstalled rechargeable battery.However. even if the pre-ittstalledrechargeable battery is not charged, thecamcorder operatiott will not be affected aslong as you are not recording the date.

    N ProceduresConuect _o/Ir camcorder to a "_xall outlet(wall socket) using the supplied ACAdaptor. attd leave it with the POWERswitch set to OFF (CHG) for more than 24hours.

    PowersupplyYou cun use yotlr CalllCOrder ill ;Ill)' countries/

    regions using tile AC Adaptor supplied with yourcamcorder within tile AC 100 V to 240 V, 50/60 Hz


    Use a commercially availableACplug adaptor [a],if necessary, depending on the design of tile walloutlet [b],

    [AC-L2OO/I_2OOB [a] [b]

    To change the battery of the RemoteCommander

    (!) While pressing ott the tab. inset _ourfittgernail ittto the slit to pull out thebattery case.

    (_) Place a new battery with the + sidefacing up.

    @ lusert the battery case back into theRemote Commander until it clicks.


    Battery may explode ff mistreated. Do notrecharge, disassemble or dispose of infire.

    •When tile lithium battclT becomes weak, lheoperating distance of tile Remole Commanderinay shorten, or the tenlole Commander may

    nol Iunclion properly. In this case, replace lhe _"

    battery with a Sony CR2025 lithiuin battery. _'

    Use of another baltely may present a risk ol fire

    or explosion.




  • Specifications

    SystemVkleo compression lommt: AVCHD (HD))/

    MPEG2 (SD)/JPEG (Still images)

    Audio compression lommt: E)olby Digilal 2/5.1cb

    Dolby E)igilal 5.1 Crealor

    Video signal: NTSC color, EIA standards

    1(180/60i specificalion

    Hard disk: HDR-SR 11 : 60 GB

    HE)R-SR 12:120 GB

    When measuring media capacity, 1 GB equals

    I billion bytes, a portion of wbich is used lor

    (hlt_l ll]_ulagelllen[,

    Recording lormal: Movie (HD): AVCHD Illg0/


    Movie (SD): MPEG2-PS

    Slill image: Exif Vet.2.2*

    Viewfinder: Electric viewfinder: color

    hnage device: 5.8 mm ( 1/3.13 type) CMOS sensor

    Recording pixels (still image, 4:3):

    Max. 10.2 mega (3 680 × 2 760) pixels**

    Gross: Appro×. 5 660 000 pixels

    Effective (movie, 16:9):

    Approx. 3 810 000 pixels

    Effective (slill image, 16:9):

    Approx. 3 810 000 pixels

    Effective (still image, 4:3):

    Approx. 5 080 00tt pixels

    Lens: Carl Zeiss Vario-Sonmw T:g

    12 x (Oplical), 24 ×, 150 x (Digital)

    Focal length: FI.g - 3.1

    Filter diameter: 37 mm (1 1/2 in.)

    1=4,9 - 58.8 mm (7/32 _ 2 3/8 in.)

    When converted to a 35 mm still camera

    For movies: 40 _ 480 mm ( 1 5/8 - 19 in.)


    For slill images: 37 - 444 mm (1 1/2 - 17 I/2

    in.) (4:3)

    Color temperature: [AUTO], [ONE PUSH],

    [INDOOR] (3 200 K),

    [OUTDOOR] (5 800 K)

    Minimum illumination: 5 Ix (lu×) ([AUTO SLW

    SHUTTR] [ON], Shutter speed 1/30 sec)

    0 Ix (lux) (during N]ghtShot function)

    * "ExiF is a file format lor still images,

    established by the JEITA (Japan

    Electronics and Inlormation Technology

    Industries Association). Files in tbis

    I()rlllal can have additional inlklrlnalion

    such as yollr camcorder's setting

    inR_rnlalion al lhe lime of recording.

    ** Tbe unique pixel array of Sony's ClearVidCMOS sensor and image processingsystem (BIONZ) allows lot slill imageresohltion equivalenl to tile si/csdescribed.

    Input/0utputconnectorsA/V Remote Connector: ComponentA ideo mid

    mldio outpul jack

    HDM[ OUT jack; HE)M[ Type C mini cozmectoz

    Headphone jack: Stereo minijack (® 3.5nml)

    MIC inpm jack: Slemo minijack (® 3.5ram)

    USB jack: mini-B


    Image: 8.0 cnl (3.2 lype, aspect ratio 16:9)

    Total dol number: 921 600 (1 920 x 480)


    Power requirements: DC 6.8 V/7.2 V (battery


    E)C 8.4 V (AC Adaptor)

    Average power conslltnplion: During canlera

    recording using the viewfinder with nimnal


    Hard disk:

    HE): 4.5 W SE): 3.6 W

    "Memol T Stick PRO Duo":

    HE): 4,4 W SE): 3.6 W

    During camera recording using the LCD with

    nomml brightness:

    Hard disk:

    HE): 4.8 W SE): 4.(I W

    "Memol T Slick PRO Duo":HE): 4.6 W SE): 3.9 W

    Operating lelnperaturc: 0 °C 1o + 40 °C (32 °F to

    104 °F)

    Storage tenlperalurc: -2(I °C to + 60 °C (-4 °F 1o +

    140 °F)

    E)imensions (approx.): 83 x 76 x 138 mm

    (3 3/8 x 3 x 5 1/2 in.) (wkl/d)

    including file proiecling parts

    83 x 76 x 138 mm

    (3 3/8 x 3 x 5 1/2 in.) (wkl/d)

    including the proiecting parts, and the supplied

    rccbargeable battel T pack allached



  • Mass (approx.): HDR-SR 11 : 560 g ( 1 Ib 3 oz)

    main unit only

    640 g (1 lb 6 oz) including tile supplied

    rcchargeable battery pack

    HDR-SRI2:570 g (1 Ib 4 oz) main unil only

    650 g (1 lb 6 oz) including the supplied

    rcchargeable batlery pack

    HandycamStation DCRA-C210

    Input/OutputconnectorsA/V OUT jack: Component/x ideo and audio

    ouq_ut jack

    USB jack: mini-B

    AC Adaptor AC-L200/L200B

    Power requirements: AC 100 V - 240 V_ 50/60 Hz

    Current consumption: 0.35 - 0.18 A

    Power consumplion: 18 W

    Outpul vollage: DC 8.4 V*

    Operating lemperamre: 0 °C lo + 40 °C (32 °F to

    104 °F)

    Storage telnperaturc: -20 °C to + 60 °C (-4 °F to +

    140 °F)

    Dimensions (approx.): 48 × 29 × 81 into

    (1 15116 × 1 3116 × 3 1/4 in.) (w/hkl)

    excluding the projecting parts

    Mass (approx.): 170 g (6.0 oz) excluding lhe

    power cord (mains lead)

    * See the label on the AC Adaptor lor other


    RechargeablebatterypackNP-FH60Maxinmnl output voltage: DC 8.4 V

    Output _ oltage: DC 7.2 V

    Capacity: 7.2 Wh (l (100 nlAh)

    Type: Li-ion

    Design _nd specifications of your camcorder and

    _lccessories _lre s/ibjecl to cbilnge withollt notice.

    • Your camcorder is produced under the license of

    Dolby Laboratories.


    al_ registered trademarks of Sony Corporation.

    • "AVCHD" and "AVCHD" h)gotype arc

    trademarks of Malsushila Electric Industrial

    Co., Ltd. and Sony Corporation.

    • "Melnoly Stick," "_ .." "Memory Stick

    Duo," "MEMORY STICK DUO," "Memory Slick

    PRO Duo2' "MEMIIRY STICK PR[I rluD ,""Melnory Stick PRO-HG Duo,"

    "M[MORY 5TvI(PRD-H[_ nu0 ." "MagicGate,"

    "[VIz_GICGZ_TEi," "MagicGate Memory

    Stick" and "MagicGate Memory Stick Duo" are

    trademarks or registered trademarks of Sony


    • "lnloLITHIUM" is a trademark of Sony


    • "x.v.Color" is a trademark of Sony Corporation.

    • "BIONZ" is a trademark of Sony Corporation.

    • "BRAVIA" is a trademark of Sony Corporation.

    • Dolby and the double-D synlbol are lrademarks

    of Dolby Laboralories.

    • Dolby Digital 5.1 Crealor is a lrademark of

    Dolby Laboralories.

    • HDMI, tile HDMI logo and High-Definilion

    Mullilnedia Interlace are tradenlarks or

    regislered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC.

    • Microsoll. Windows, Windows Media,

    Windows Vista, and DircclX are either

    regislered trademarks or trademarks of

    Microsoft Corporation in the Uniled States and/

    or oilier countries.

    • Macintosh and Mac OS are registered

    trademaNs of Apple Inc. ill the U.S. and other


    • lntel. Intel Core, and Pentium are lrademarks or

    registered lrademarks of Inlel Corporatkm or ils

    subsidiaries ill the United States and other


    • Adobe, tile Adobe logo, and Adobe Acrobal are

    either registered trademarks or tradelnarks of

    Adobe Systems Incorporated in tile United

    States _llld/or other co/intries.

    All other product names lnentioned heroin may be

    the trademarks or registered trademarks of flleir

    respective colnpanies. Purlbermore, IM and _'('g3"are not nlentioned ill each czlse ill this ii/anua],




  • Leaesto primero

    Antes de poner en funcionamiento launidad, lea detenidamente este manual yconsdrve]o para ftlttlras consllltas.






    Para reducir el riesgo de incendios oelectrocuci6n, no exponga la unidada la Iluvia ni a la humedad.

    No exponga las pilas a fuentes decalor excesivo, como la luz solardirecta, el fuego o similares.

    Sustituya la bateria dnicamente porotra del tipo especificado. De Iocontrario, es posible que seproduzcan incendios o lesiones.

    Un exceso de presion sonora de losauriculares puede ocasionar laperdida de la capacidad auditiva.


    Los nfimerosentre ( ) corresponden a lacantidad suministrada.

    Adaptador de alimenlaci6n de ca ( 1)

    Cable de alimentacidn ( 1)

    Handycam Stalion ( 1)

    Cable de A/V de componentc ( 1)

    Cable de conexidn de A/V (1)

    Cable USB (1)

    Con[to] rcnlo[o inalrimbrico ( 1)

    La pila de litio tipo bot6n ya viene instalada.

    • Balerfa recargable NP-FH60 ( 1)

    • CD-ROM "Handycam Ai)plicatkm Software"(1) (prig. 27)

    Picture Motion Browser (software)Gufa de PMB

    Gufa prrictica de Handycam (PDF)

    • "Guia de operaciones" (esle manual) ( 1)

    [] [] [] []

    Us0de lavide0c_mara• La _ ideocrimara no estri protegida contra el

    polio, las salpicuduras o el agua. Consulle"Precm/ciones" (prig. 33).

    • No imente realizar ninguna de las siguientesoperaciones cuando los indicadores de modo

    (Pelfcula)/_ ([mrigenes tijas) o losindicadoms ACCESS (prig. l 1. 17) estdnencendidos o parpadeen. Si 1ohace, los soportes

    podrian dafiarse, podrian perderse las imrigenesgrabadas, o bien. producirse otras lallas en elfullcionalnienlo.

    Expulsar el "Memo W Stick PRO Duo"

    Extraer la bateria o el adaptador dealimentaci6n de ca de la videocrimara

    Someler la videocrimara a golpes o avibraciones

    • AI conectar la videocrimara a otto disposifivomediante cables de comunicaciones, asegfiresede insertar la clavija del conector de la lbrmacorrecta. Si cjerc_ presi6n al insertar el conectoren el lerminal, esle filtimo podria dafiarse yocasionar el real tuncionmnienlo de lavideocrimara.

    • Conectc los cables a los coneclorcs de la

    Handycam Slation cuando utilicc lavideocrimara coneclada a la Handycam Station.No conecte los cables a ninguna de las

    Handycam Slation ni a la videocrimara.

    • No someta la videocrimara a golpes nivibraciones. Es posible que el disco duro de lavideocrinlara no se reconozca o que la operacidnde grabacidn o rcproducci6n no sea posible.

    • No utilice la vkleocrimara en hlgarcs con nmchoruido. Es posible que el disc() duro de lavideocritllara no se reconozca o que la operacidn

    de grabacidn no sea posible.

  • •Paraprotcgereldisc()durointerno de los golpesprox ocados por una cMda, la _,ideocdmara

    dispone de un sensor de caida*. Si la c&narasuite una cafda, o ell condiciones de ausencia de

    gravedad, puede que se grabe el sonido debloqueo que emite la videoc_mara cuando seactiva dicha hlnci6n. Si el _nsor de cafda

    detecta golpes repelidos, la grabaci6n o lamproducci6n podrian deteneme.

    • Cuando la temperamra de la videoc_imara esextrcmadamenle alta o b_ja, es posible que no sepueda grabar ni rcproducir, ya que podrfanactivarse las funciones de prolecci6n de lavideoci_mara. Ell este caso, aparcce un mensi_jeen la pantalla LCD o ell el visor (p_ig. 31 ).

    • NO encienda la videoc_imara ell zonas de bajapresi6n con una altilud superior a 3 000 metro.Si 1o hace, podria dafiarse el disco duro de lavideoci_mara.

    • Si graba y elilnina im_genes mpelidamentedurante mucho tiempo, los dalos del soportequedan flagmentados. Las im_genes no sepueden guardar ni grabar. En dicho caso, guardelas imzigenes en algfin tipo de soporte exlernoprimero y. a conlinuaci6n, ejecute[FORMAT.SOPORTEI*.

    • Aprietc la correa de sujeci6n y sujete lavideoc_mara corrcctamenle duranle ]a




    • Para t_juslar el panel LCD. tibralo 90 gradosmspeclo de la videocfimara ((_)) y, acontinuaci6n, g(relo en el fingulo que le resulleinlls adecuado para grabar o repwducir ((_)).Puede girar el panel de crislal lktuido 180grados hacia el lado del objetivo ((_)) paragrabar ell modo de espejo.

    Qgo grados respecto dela videocamara

    Q180 grados (max.)

    • El visor y la pantalla LCD se Iabricaron contecnologia de alia pmcisi6n, 1o que hace queinzisde199.99% de los pixeles sean hmcionales.

    Sin embargo, es posible que aparezcanconslanlenlente algunos pequefios puntos negroso brillantcs (blancos, rojos, azules o verdes) enla pantalla LCD. Eslos puntos son el resultadonormal del proceso de labricacidn y no atcctan

    en lnodo alguno a la grabacidn.• Retire la IZilnina de aislamienlo del control

    remoto alltcs de ulJlizar]o,

    Lamina de aislimiento

    Tipos de "Memory Stick"que puedenutilizarseconla videoc;imara• Para la grabaci6n de pelfculas, se rccomienda

    que utilice un "Memo W Stick PRO Duo" deI GB o mayor capacidad con la marca:

    MEMIIR¥SLIERPR[I nu0 ("Memory SlickPRO Duo")*

    MEr_ORYSTI[KPR[t-HGDIIII("Memory SlickPRO-HG Duo")

    * Con o sin la marca Mark2, se puedenulili/ar ambos.

    • Se comprob6 que los "Melnory Stick PRO Duo"de hasta 8 GB de capacidad luncionancormctatllentc con esta videocfimara.

    • Consulte la pfigina 10 para obtener inlonnaci6nacerca del liempo de grabaci6n de un "Memol TStick PRO Duo".

    • Tanto el "Memoly Stick PRO Duo" como el"Memory Stick PRO-HG Duo" se denominan"Memory Stick PRO Duo" en esle munual,

  • Grabaci6n

    • Ant_s de colnenzar a grabar, pruebe las

    Ihnciones de grabacidn para asegurarse de que

    la imagen y el sonido se graben sin problemas.

    • No es posible compensar el contenido de las

    grabaciones, aun si la grabaci6n o la

    rcproducci6n no son posibles debido a una lalla

    en el flmcionamiento de la videocfimara, de los

    sopoltes de grabaci6n, etc.

    • Los sistemas de tclevisidn en color vafian en

    Ihnci6n del pais o la regi6n. Si desea ver su

    grabaci6n en un televisor, necesita un televisor

    con sistcma NTSC.

    • Los programas de televisi6n, pelfculas, cintas de

    video y demris matcriales pueden estar st_ietos a

    derechos de autor. La grabaci6n no amorizada

    de tales materiales puede ir en contra de las

    leyes sobre los derechos de autor.

    Reproducci6nde im;igenesgrabadasen otrosdispositivos

    • La _ideocrimara es compatible con MPEG-4

    AVC/H.264 High Profile para la grabacidn con

    calidad de ilnagen HD (alia detilfici6n). Pot 1o

    tanto, no se pueden mproducir imfigenes

    grabadas con calidad de imagen HD (alta

    definici6n) en la videocfimara con los siguientes


    Otros dispositivos compatibles con el kwmalo

    AVCHD que no son compatibles con HighProfile

    Disposifivos que no son compatibles con ellormato AVCHD

    Guardetodos los datosde imagengrabados• Para e_itar que se pierdan sus dams de ilnagen,

    guaMe todas las imfigenes gr_badas en soportcs

    ¢xternos. S¢ recolllienda gu_ll'dar los datos de

    ilnagen ell 1/11disco COlllO_ por ¢jelnp]o, Ull

    DVD-R mediante la computadora*. Tambi6n

    pueden guardar los datos de hnagen con unavideograbadora o una gz'abadora de DVD/HDD*.

    Cuandola videoc;imaraest;iconectadaaunacomputadora• No inlcnle lbrmalear el disco duro de la

    videocrilnara con Ulla col/lputadortt, gi 10 ]lace,

    la videocrilnara podria fimcionarincorrectalnenle,

    Nota sobre eliminaci6n ytransferencia

    • Incluso si ejecuta [FORMAT.SOPORTE]* o

    Iormatea el disco duro de la videocfimara, es

    posible que no pueda eliminar totahnenle los

    dalos del disco duro. Si transfiem la

    videocfimara, se reconlienda cjecutar

    [{_ VACIARI* para evitar la recuperaci6n de

    los datos.

    Ademris, cuando deseche la videocrilnara, se

    recomienda destruir el cuerpo de la misma.

    Acercadelajustedeidioma• Para ilusmu- los procedimientos operativos se

    utilizan indicaciones en pantalla en cada idioma

    local. Si es necesario, calnbie el idiolna de la

    pantalla antes de milizar la xideocrimara

    (prig. 10),

    Acercade este manual

    • Las imfigenes de la panlalla LCD ulilizadas ell

    ¢st¢ tllttlllltll _ capturalx)n COil Illltl Crilnar_l

    digital de imfigenes fijas; pot 1o tanto, pueden

    ser distintas de las imfigenes que aparezcan enrealidad.

    • En esta guia de operaciones, tanto el disco duro

    de la videocfimara como el 'Memory Stick PRO

    Duo" se denonlinan "soporte '.

    • Las capmras de pantalla corrcsponden a

    Windows Vista. Las escenas pueden variar en

    funci6n del sistema operativo de la


    * Consulte tambidn la 'Gufa prfictica de

    Hzmdycam" (PDF) y la "Guia de PMB".

  • |ndice

    Lea esto primero ............................. 2

    Paso 1 : Carga de la baterfa ............ 6

    Paso 2: Conexion de la alimentacion

    y ajuste de la fecha y la hora ........ 9Cambio del ajuste de idioma ...... 10

    Paso 3: Selecci6n del soporte ...... 10

    Grabacbn ..................................... 13

    Neproduccion ............................... 14

    Reproducci0n de im_genes en untelevisor .................................... 15

    Nombres y funciones de loscomponentes .............................. 17

    Indicadores que se muestran durantelag rabaciOn/reproduccion .......... 20

    RealizaciOn de distintas funciones:"t1_ HOME'y ,,0___-OPTION" . ...... 22

    Almacenamiento de imdtgenes ..... 25

    Borrado de imagenes ................... 26

    Precauciones ................................ 33

    Especificaciones ........................... 35

    Utilizacidn con una computadora..................................................... 27

    InstalaciOn y visualizaciOn de la"Gu[a pr_ctica de Handycam"(PDF) ......................................... 27

    InstalaciOn de "Picture MotionBrowser". ................................... 28

    Soluci6n de problemas ................. 30

  • Procedfmie_[as i_icfafes

    Paso1: Cargade la bater[a

    Indicador _/CHG


    BateriaToma de entrada de POWER

    I _,_ AI tomacorrienteAdaptador de alimentaci6n de ca r _== _ de pared

    Cable de alimentaci6n

    Puede cargar la bateria"InfoLITHIUM" (serie H) despu6s deconectarla a la videoc_mara.

    O Notas

    • No ptled¢ co]ocar ell l_l vidcoc_lIlal'a otra batel'_a

    "InfoLITHIUM" que no sea de la serie H.

    4/ Conecte el adaptador de

    alimentaci6n de ca a la toma de

    entrada de cc de la HandycamStation.

    Compruebe que la marca • de ia clavijade cc est,5 orientada hacia arriba.

    2 Conecte el cable de alimentaci6nal adaptador de alimentaci6n deca y al tomacorriente de pared.



    Instale la bateria deslizandola en

    el sentido de la flecha hasta quehaga clic.

    Coloque la videocamarafirmemente en la HandycamStation.

    Se enciende el indicador ,_ ICH(;(carga) y se inicia el proceso de carga.E1 indicador 'i/CHG (carga) se apagacuando la bateria estfi totahnente

    cargada. Retire la videoc:hnara de laHandycam Station.

    0 Deslice el interruptor POWER enel sentido de la flecha hasta la

    posici6n OFF (CHG) (ajustepredeterminado).

  • Paraextraerla bateria

    Deslice el interruptor POWER hacia laposicidn OFF (CHG).Deslice la palanca BATT (liberaci6n de labateffa) y extraiga la bateffa.

    Palanca BATT (liberaci6n de la bateria)

    Paracargarla baterias61oconeladaptadorde alimentaci6ndeca(-;ire el imermptor POWER hacia la

    posici6n OFF (CHG) y, a continuaci6n.conecte el adaptador de alimentaci6n de cadirectamente a la toma de entrada de cc de

    la videoc:hnara.

    Interruptor POWER

    Toma deClavija de cc entrada de cc

    Abra la tlpa deIi tom&

    Tiempo de carga:Tiempo aproximado (rain) necesario paracargar pot completo una bater/a totalmenteagotada.

    Tiempo de grabaci6n/reproducci6n:Tiempo aproximado (rain) disponiblecuando utiliza una baterfa completamentecargada.

    "HD" significa calidad de imagen de altadefinici6n y "SD" significa calidad deimagen estfndar.

    (Unidad: min)


    Tiempo de carga 135Tiempo de grabaci6n *_.2

    Wiempo de _:grabaci6n 85 105 90 105 =m


    Tiempo de _:grabaci6n 40 5{) 4( ) 5( } _l

    nOl'll]{I] *s

    Tiempo de 130 130 140 14(}rvproducci6n .2

    .1 [MODO GRAB.l: SP

    *2 Con la luz de londo de la panlalla de crislall(quido encendida,

    *a El tielnpo de grabaci6n nornlal indica el lienlpode grabaci6n al mpetir las operaciones deinicio/parada, conexi6n/desconexi6n de laalimenlaci6n y ulilizaci6n del zoom.

    Acerca de la bateria

    • Anles de extraer Izl baleria o de desconectar el

    adaptador de alimenlaci6n de ca gire el

    interruptor POWER haskl la posici6n OFF

    (CHG) y asegfirese de que d indicador(Pelfcula)/l_ll (hnrigenes tijas) (pilg. 9)/

    indicadorcs ACCESS se apaguen (prig. 11. 17).

    • NO se suministrarfi energia de la bateria

    mientras el adaptador de alimenlaci6n de ca se

    encuentre coneckldo a la tonla de entrada de cc

    de la videocfimara o de la Handycam Stalion,

    aunque el cable de alimentaci6n estd

    desconectado del lomacorrienle de parcd.

    Acerca del tiempo de carga/grabaci6n/reproducci6n

    • Tiempos calculados utilizando la _ideocrimara auna temperatura de 25 %" (se lvcomienda unatemperalura de 10 °C a 30 %')

    • El tiempo de grabaci6n y de reproducci6ndisponible serfi mils corto cuando ulilice laxideocrimara a b@ls temperaluras.

  • •Enhmci6ndelascondicionesenlasqueufilicelavideocfimara,esposiblequeeltiempodegrabaci6nyrcproduccidndisponibleseveg_reducido,

    Acerca del adaptador de alimentacion deca

    • Si utiliza el adaplador de alimentaci6n de cacon_ct_lo _1 un lonlacOlTientc de ptlrcd Celctlno.

    Si se produce alguna lalla de hlncionamiento alufilizar ]a _ideocilmm'a, desconecte e] adaptadorde alimentaci6n de ca del tomacorrienle dehmmdiato.

    • No utilice el adaptador de alilnentaci6n de cacolocado en Ull ¢sptlcio angoslo, lit] colno entre

    una pared y los muebles.

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