Some General Features of Animals Animals are ___________________________ that are ____________ in form and habitat, are _______________, and have ___________________________.

Post on 21-Jan-2016






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Some General Features of Animals• Animals are ___________________________that are ____________ in form and habitat, are _______________, and have ___________________________

• Kingdom Animalia is traditionally divided into the Parazoa ___________________________

Eumetazoa ___________________________

• The eumetazoan branch is divided into Radiata and Bilateria -__________________________.• Bilateral animals have _____________ ( a head region)Bilateral animals further split into groups with and without a body cavity (_____________). (p. 660)

This is a distinction long used for classification

Types of Body Cavitiespage 660

• _______________ -no body cavity– flatworms

• ______________-pseudocoel located between mesoderm and endoderm– roundworms, rotifers

• _______________- body cavity completely contained within mesoderm– many members inc Homo sapiens

Protostome/ Deuterostome• ___________________-

– Blastopore (invagination of blastula) becomes mouth

• ____________________– Blastopore becomes anus

• Puzzles related to Animal Evolution

• Origin of sponges?– The multinucleate hypothesis, polyphyletic

origin hypothesis, and the ___________________________ all try to account for the origin of metazoans from single-celled protists.

– See picture on page 656

• Puzzles related to Animal Evolution

• A large diversity of animal body plans occurred around the __________________, with no major innovations since. Cause?...– the emergence of


– debut of ___________________within developing animal embryos.

Arthropods are the most diverse of all animal groups.

• ________________________________________

• Arthopod body plan________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

…arthropods • The exoskeleton is secreted by, and fused with, the epidermis, and provides a hard surface for muscle attachment. • ______________________________________________________________________; some have adaptations such as compound eyes, a respiratory system composed of tracheae, and an excretory system composed of Malpighian tubules.

A Major Group of Arthropods: Crustaceans

• Most crustaceans have two pairs of antennae, three types of chewing appendages, and various pairs of legs. • Crustaceans are found in marine, freshwater, and terrestrial habitats.

Major Classes of Arthropods: Arachnids

• Arachnids have a pair of chelicerae (mouthparts), a pair of pedipalps (copulatory or pincer function), and four pairs of walking legs.

Major Classes of Arthropods: Centipedes and Millipedes

• Centipedes and millipedes are made of a head region followed by numerous similar segments. – Centipedes have one pair of legs per segment,

and millipedes have two pairs per segment.

Major Classes of Arthropods: Insects

• Class Insecta is the largest group of organisms on the planet, living in nearly every possible habitat. • Most are relatively small, and contain three body sections: head, thorax, and abdomen, with three pairs of legs attached to the thorax, and one pair of antennae. • Most insects have compound eyes.


• Many insects undergo either simple or complex metamorphosis.

• What are the stages of complete metamorphosis?

Complete Metamorphosis in Insecta

Complete Metamorphosis

• _____________________

• _____________________

• _____________________

• ______________________

• The Chordates• Four features characterize the chordates: (1) single, __________________;

• (2) a flexible ____________________present at some developmental stage;

• (3) _____________________connecting the pharynx and the esophagus (gill slits in human embryos-1

pair remain as eustacian tubes);

• (4)_________________________________at least during embryonic development. (p. 684)

• 34.2 Nonvertebrate chordates have a notochord but no backbone.The Nonvertebrate Chordates• Tunicates possess a _______________ and a _________________as larvae, but look at them as adults! (p. 700) • ___________________ are fishlike marine chordates with a ____________________running the entire length of the ___________________(p. 699)

• The evolution of vertebrates involved invasions of sea, land, and air.Characteristics of Vertebrates• Vertebrates -vertebral column instead of a notochord, and a distinct head. (p• The history of the vertebrates -they invaded the sea and then the land. (p. 703)

• Distinction

– __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Vertebrates are distinguished from other chordates

• _________________________

• __________________________

• _____________________________________________________________________

• Fishes• Fish were the first vertebrates and are the most diverse and successful vertebrate group. (p. 690) • Key characteristics of fish include a _________________________________________________________________________________________________________(they need to eat a nitrogen source). (p 707 and circulation


• __________________ eventually became dominant sea predators, partially due to a skeleton composed of __________________. Sharks were also among the first vertebrates to develop _____________________.

• What do you know about shark’s teeth?

• We will closely examine a shark after AP testing

• ______________________-- ossification provides a strong base for muscle attachment and evolved in fresh water. (p. 696)

– __________________for buoyancy

– a _________________________(also found in sharks, to be seen in lab)

– ____________________________to permit water to be pumped over the gills. (pp. 696-697)


• ________________

• ___________________

• _____________________

• ________________________(711-12 and circulation PPT)

• evolved from lobe-finned fishes.

• Include frogs and toads, salamanders, and caecilians (w/o limbs).

Reptiles• Key characteristics of reptiles include the _______________________________________________________________(expand ribcage).

• Turtles, lizards and snakes, tuataras, and crocodiles. (pp. 714-718)

• What are the components of the amniotic egg?

Watertight Amniotic Egg

• ________________ Membrane that surrounds embryo and maintains watery environment (portable sea)

• ________________-Gas exchange• In bird egg, this membrane is found attached to inner shell.• In mammals, becomes embryo’s part of the placenta

• _________________-Helps dispose of nitrogenous waste (garbage bag) (forms part of umbilical cord in mammals)

• ______________-Contains fat rich nutrients (develops into allantois in mammals)

Birds• Modern birds retain many reptilian characteristics, but lack teeth and have vestigial tails. They are distinguished from living reptiles by ___________________________________________________________(p. 718-720)

They have a __________________through the lungs.

• Descended from dinosaurs

• Mammals• _______________________________

• ___________________________________

• ___________________________________

• The Orders of Mammals• Mammals were not common until dinosaurs disappeared. Modern mammals fall into one of three categories: _______________________, egg-laying mammals; _________________, pouched mammals; and _________________________(721-27)

Evolution among the primates has focused on brain size and locomotion.Primates• ________________________and toes and _____________________are two features that allowed primates to flourish. • Modern _________________ include lemurs, lorises, and tarsiers, while ____________________ include monkeys, apes, and humans. - (Zaboomafoo from PBS)

List major vertebrate developments

• __________________________________

• __________________________________

• ________________________________

• _______________________________

• _______________________________

• _______________________________

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