

Solar energy is radiant light and heat fromthe sun that supports all life on earth.

The earth is so reliant on the sun's energy that without it, it could mean the earth's destruction.

Almost every living thing needs the sun's energy to carry out their organism cycles.

All Green plants need the sunlight to full fill photosynthesis, which takes place in their chloroplast, to create self sustained sugar.

Our bodies also need the rays to obtain vitamin D which is “synthesized in the skin through photosynthetic reactions”.

Solar power is captured when energy from the sun is converted into electricity. Solar power can also be useful to heat water or


Sadly, the disadvantages include the fact that the there is not always a clear blue sky. Since clouds are naturally forming all the time the sun gets blocked time to time.

Although shade is nice to have the Solar Power panels would be useless, which would pause the conversion of energy to power.

Although there are clouds, there is still a lot of energy being produced. If we were to build more panels to harness the solar power, we would be not only save a lot of

energy, but we would be saving the planet from the increase of polluting power plants.

There aren’t many solutions to fixing the cloud problem, but having clear days would still be a helping hand. The solution

would be that solar energy could be stored in batteries.

Almost everything that is creative or built runs on electricity and there is just so much demand for it, it wouldn't hurt to build more solar panels where the environment allows it.

Many believe that this advancement of converting solar energy into power would be very beneficial to mankind seeing that the whole world

uses mass consumption of electricity each day.

Germany heavily subsidized solar energy, but they started from almost not too long ago, in the year 2000. Then ten years later, they were

absorbing around 17,000 mega watts.

Germany, at the moment, is absorbing the most solar energy which is ironic since, here in California, we have sunshine with abundance of sunlight each clear day, yet we do not have many solar panels.

Lately, many corporations are advertising installation of solar panels in order to save energy which is a great first step for many.

Some advantages of Solar Power is that it is 100% renewable, It can be converted into electricity, and its used in technology.

Due to it being super renewable, solar power is here to stay which means we can convert it into more and more


The benefits are air that is free from pollution, saves money, and helps the environment.

Solar energy is everywhere and California should make a better effort to use solar energy in their homes, their cars, and their offices.

WORK CITED Images. n.d. Web.

Petersen, James F., and Dorothy Irene Sack. Physical Geography. 10th ed. Belmont, CA/Cole Cengage Learning, 2012. Print.

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