Sociology I Final Review

Post on 23-Feb-2016






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Sociology I Final Review. 1.Which discipline defines itself as “the systematic study of human society”?. sociology . 2.C. Wright Mills claimed that the "sociological imagination" transformed. Personal problems into public issues. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Sociology I Final Review

1. Which discipline defines itself as “the systematic study of human society”?


2. C. Wright Mills claimed that the "sociological imagination" transformed

Personal problems into public issues.

3. The theoretical approach in sociology that assumes society is a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability is the:

structural-functional approach.

4. Herbert Spencer described human society as having much in common with:

the human body.

5. The social-conflict approach draws attention to:

patterns of social inequality.

6. The ____________________________ approaches are macro-level, describing societies in broad terms.

structural-functional and social-conflict

7. Which early U.S. sociologist studied the African American community, served as a founding member of the NAACP and received the first

doctorate ever awarded by Harvard University to a person of color?

W.E.B. Du Bois

8. Karl Marx argued that the point of studying society was:

to bring about needed change.

9. The basic idea of the symbolic-interaction approach is that society is:

the product of people interacting in everyday situations.

10. An exaggerated description that one applies to every person in some category is referred to as:

a stereotype.

11. Sociologists use the term "empirical evidence" to refer to:

information we can verify with our senses.

12. In the process of measurement, reliability refers to:

whether repeating the measurement yields consistent results

13. What concept below refers to measuring exactly what one intends to measure?


14. The ideal of objectivity means that a researcher:

must adopt a stance of personal neutrality toward the outcome of the research.

15. If you have been accused of "androcentricity" in your research, you are being charged with:

doing the research from a male perspective

16. What term refers to any change in a subject's behavior caused by the awareness of being studied?

the Hawthorne effect

17. A smaller number of people used to represent an entire population is called a:


18. In a questionnaire, asking respondents to identify their income level from a number of possible categories represents

which of the following?

a closed-ended format

19. As a part of human culture, religion is an example of:

nonmaterial culture

20. What is the term for the beliefs, values, behavior, and material objects that together constitute a people's way of life?


21. Mores distinguish between right and wrong; folkways distinguish between right and rude.

22. Elements of social control include:

Sanctions, including rewards & punishment; Guilt; Shame.

23. The practice of understanding another culture on its own

terms and using its own standards is called:

cultural relativism.

24. Cultural universals are cultural traits that:

are part of every known culture.

25. Which theoretical approach points out that the sexual

"double standard" is found around the world?

the sociobiology approach

26. The theoretical approach that highlights the link between culture and social inequality is the:

social-conflict approach.

27. Which of the following concepts refers to "the recognized violation of cultural norms"?


28. "Crime" differs from "deviance" in that crime:

is a violation of norms enacted into law.

29. Name three functions of deviance noted by Emile Durkheim.

Responding to deviance clarifies moral boundaries. Deviance affirms cultural values and norms.

Responding to deviance promotes social unity.

30. The basic idea behind labeling theory is that:

deviance arises not so much from what people do as how others

respond to what they do.

31. What concept did Erving Goffman use to refer to a powerful and negative label that greatly

changes a person's self-concept and social identity?


32. A hate crime is defined as

a criminal act motivated by racial or other bias.

33. In legal terms, a crime is composed of which two components?

the act and criminal intent

34. Edwin Lemert described "primary deviance" as

a passing episode of deviance that has little effect on the person's self-concept.

35. Social stratification refers to:

ranking categories of people in a hierarchy.

36. A caste system is defined as:

social stratification based on ascription or birth.

37. If you have a job that involves manual labor, you are doing:

blue-collar work

38. Work involving mostly mental activity is called:

white-collar work

39. Laura wears an expensive dress to the party to impress her friends. A sociologist might say she is engaging in:

conspicuous consumption.

40. The idea that social inequality benefits society is associated with the:

structural-functional approach

41. The idea that social inequality is harmful and divides society is associated with the:

social-conflict approach

42. According to Karl Marx, differences in wealth and power between the capitalists and

proletarians necessarily lead to:

class conflict

43. Which concept refers to the biological distinction between males and females?


44. One norm found everywhere is the incest taboo, which refers to:

norms forbidding sexual relations or marriage between certain relatives.

45. When did the sexual revolution begin?

It began in 1920s and grew quickly in the late 1960s.

46. The effect of the sexual counterrevolution was:

to encourage people to limit their number of sexual partners or, in some cases, to abstain from

sex entirely.

47. The weight of evidence indicates that sexual orientation is rooted in:

human biology, although social experience plays some role.

48. In global perspective, prostitution is most common in:

poor nations, where women have fewer economic opportunities.

49. Prostitution is regarded by many people in the United States as a:

victimless crime.

50. Which theoretical approach points to the ways in which sexuality is linked to social inequality?

the social-conflict approach

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