Socially Integrated Dynamic Newsrooms. The NEW newsroom.

Post on 09-Jan-2017






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INTEGRATED NEWSROOM:• Significantly Increases Your Online Brand Exposure• Gives you better control over your Content

Marketing, PR and Social Media strategy• Makes managing your social media more efficient

and effective• Helps you easily reach your customers, journalist,

influencers and industry partners• Is remarkably inexpensive

Why is content marketing important today?

• In today’s digital world, quality online content about a company or brand creates strong visibility and helps build a positive reputation.

• Demonstrates you are a subject matter expert providing more credibility.

• Online content strongly influences buying behavior and brand loyalty

• If your business or organization doesn’t achieve and maintain a strong online presence through great content, it quickly becomes “out of sight and out of mind”

A marketing platform that directly connects businesses with journalists, researchers, bloggers and their customers in real time while increasing online visibility through a newsroom.

• Content marketing depends on two kinds of quality content • Quick news bites that are

shareable and reach a large audience

• In-depth information that engages its audience at a deep level

• An online newsroom creates a professionally organized, centralized hub of content to support marketing and PR

What is an online newsroom?• An online location where a

company or organization can post news and information about its business, programs and services

• For media, bloggers, writers, customers, influencers and industry partners, an online place where they can find up-to-date news and information about a business, service or organization.

What an online newsroom IS NOT

• It is not a way to mass-distribute news to journalists. That’s the old-school way of doing things. Journalists dislike receiving news that isn’t pertinent to their news beats, but that’s what they get when news is mass-distributed.

• It is not expensive like traditional mass-distributed press releases.

Passive Newsroom vs. Our Interactive Newsroom:

PASSIVE – When you post to your newsroom, your information sits there waiting for someone to find it. Often, passive newsrooms on a website are difficult to find. Layout and design are often boring or confusing.

INTERACTIVE – Newsrooms are FOLLOWABLE. When something is posted to a newsroom, people following that newsroom are automatically updated.

Newsrooms are Media-Rich

• Today’s journalists are creating news stories for all kinds of media: print, broadcast and the Internet.

• They need media files as well as text and narrative. That means: photos, video, and audio

• It is easy to post high-resolution and broadcast quality media files

• Journalists can easily find and download them

Key components an online newsrooms should include:

• A home page that is automatically updated with your most recent posts,

• Your company background information, contact information of those people who serve as your media contacts and spokespersons

• ‘In The News’ which showcases newspapers, etc. that have published news about your company.

• An events calendar where you provide information on all of your key events and milestones—you can even link your events to online ticket sales and RSVP management sites

• Social media feeds—the latest feeds from your social media sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+ are displayed on one page for all to see

All Information Consistently Laid Out in a Professional, Clean, Easy to Navigate Site.

• It’s easy to update and change the look and feel of the newsroom through our Newsroom Manager dashboard.

• All newsrooms have the same consistent layout, making them very attractive to journalists looking for information easily & quickly.

• A search box that will make finding information within your newsroom easy.

Is Your Newsroom Shareable?• A newsroom that may be shared

allows visitors to your newsroom to SHARE it across multiple social media platforms.

• Increases the exposure of your newsroom across the web so you can reach more people and attract more followers

• Not only is your newsroom shareable, however ALL CONTENT within (including events) are also shareable.

Is your newsroom fully integrated with social media? It should be!

• Your online newsroom should pull content from your social media sites in, and push your latest newsroom posts out to them.

• When you post information to your newsroom, it should also post the information to your social media sites, without having to log in.

• Can you pre-schedule your social media posts, so you can create your posts now and publish them later, at an appropriate date?

• Your social media site content is displayed right in your newsroom so viewers don’t have to leave your newsroom to see what’s going on in your social media world.

• Viewers can sort through your social media content to see exactly the content they want to see, for example, view only your Facebook content, or only your Twitter feed, or all social media feeds all at once.

• Keeping your social posts within your newsroom keeps visitors from straying away from your newsroom.

Your Newsroom Tied Directly into Journalists, Researchers & Bloggers through our MediaDesk.

Using a socially integrated dynamic newsroom platform offers the following:

FOLLOWING – Journalists, bloggers & researchers (along with customers) can follow your newsroom so they will be updated any time you post new information.

POSTING – Every time you post information to your newsroom, the information is made available to our journalists, researchers & bloggers where they may search by keywords, industry, regions and more.

FILTERS – Filters can allow journalists to be notified when a keyword matches their interest.

EVENTS – When you post an event, it is not just being posted to your newsroom, it is made available to journalists as well through the media desk.

‘JACK’ (JAQ) – You don’t know JACK? You need to know JAQ! A Media Desk tool that allows journalists to anonymously query newsrooms for info when they are seeking content to help fill out a story. They can include a deadline to make sure news sources send the information in time for publication.

MATCH MAKING – Does your newsroom platform automatically match your newsroom to journalists who cover the same industry and news topics?

• When your newsroom comes online, journalists whose industry and news categories match your newsroom are notified that your newsroom has come online. They can check it out and have the option to follow it.

• When a new JOURNALIST registers, they are made aware of newsrooms that might be of interest to them, based on industry and news categories, which they may wish to follow.

Ditch your Newsletter and the Expense?

Why update your audience monthly when they could be updated as everything happens? Many businesses now using a socially dynamic, media integrated newsroom ditched their newsletters and advised their newsletter subscribers to start following their newsroom to be kept up to date of information as it happens.

Increased Online Exposure Through Search Results

• Your newsroom platform provider, with its newsroom content, should be loved by search engines providing increased online visibility and exposure of your service or business.

You Have the Content, Creating & Targeting Your Post is Easy and quick.

• For each post type (press release, images, etc.), does your system remember your previously selected categories? This would mean you only need to select categories once, unless your post becomes relevant for another category.

• When creating a post, you should be able to have flexibility in your targeting. For instance, North America, US, Canada, Individual states or provinces, cities, a combination of cities, states & provinces as well as zip code or area code.

A platform that is changing the landscape of content marketing

and news communication.

Your provider should give you a socially integrated, dynamic newsroom that is tied into a hub of journalists, bloggers & writers looking for information, while keeping those who are following your newsroom up to date. In turn providing an excellent way to increase your online exposure and visibility.

Thank You!Questions?

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