
Social RecognitionResponsibly


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Facebook and Twitter have proven to be powerhouse sources of information. | Australia | Canada | China | India | Latin America | United Kingdom | United States

They’re places to: | Australia | Canada | China | India | Latin America | United Kingdom | United States

They’re places to:

Socialize | Australia | Canada | China | India | Latin America | United Kingdom | United States

They’re places to:

Socialize Share | Australia | Canada | China | India | Latin America | United Kingdom | United States

They’re places to:

Socialize Share Converse | Australia | Canada | China | India | Latin America | United Kingdom | United States

They’re places to:

Socialize Share Converse and Learn | Australia | Canada | China | India | Latin America | United Kingdom | United States

But what about employees who blur the line between social media that is personal and business? | Australia | Canada | China | India | Latin America | United Kingdom | United States

HR departments know how crucial it is for employees to recognize one another to increase employee engagement, reinforce company values and grow desired behaviors. | Australia | Canada | China | India | Latin America | United Kingdom | United States

So how can you provide a social atmosphere while still maintaining your organization’s dignity? | Australia | Canada | China | India | Latin America | United Kingdom | United States

G5!G5!G5! | Australia | Canada | China | India | Latin America | United Kingdom | United States

G5 is the most advanced social recognition system EVER because it harnesses the power of employee interactions and offers a place for online socializing to make a real difference in the development of your company and its employees. | Australia | Canada | China | India | Latin America | United Kingdom | United States

How does G5

achieve this?

Here are 5

ways: | Australia | Canada | China | India | Latin America | United Kingdom | United States

Profiles Peers can view profile information, recognize the individual on-the-spot or add them as someone whose recognition activity they’d like to follow.

How does G5

achieve this? | Australia | Canada | China | India | Latin America | United Kingdom | United States

Public Recognition AppEmployees can view and socialize with recognitions with filters that allow users to view different levels: • their entire organization, • their team, • personal connections or a custom selection of users.

How does G5

achieve this? | Australia | Canada | China | India | Latin America | United Kingdom | United States

Social SharingG5 is the only social recognition system with built-in privacy controls. G5 allows for integration with other social networks like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, with the ability to turn on or turn off that integration depending on what’s preferable for their business.

How does G5

achieve this? | Australia | Canada | China | India | Latin America | United Kingdom | United States

BadgesEarn badges by giving and receiving recognition, celebrating a personal or professional milestone or demonstrating core company values.

How does G5

achieve this? | Australia | Canada | China | India | Latin America | United Kingdom | United States

Recognition PURL™

The patent-pending personalized URL (PURL) is the social recognition experience that personalizes an employee’s service anniversary from co-workers, friends and even family members by contributing notes, photos and videos to commemorate the achievement.

Personalize. Personalize. Personalize!

How does G5

achieve this?

Learn more about

G5 and how G5 allows for socially responsible recognition that builds a community of engagement for your organization. | Australia | Canada | China | India | Latin America | United Kingdom | United States

Australia | Canada | China | India | Latin America | United Kingdom | United States

BI WORLDWIDE uses the principles of behavioral economics to produce measurable results for our clients by driving and sustaining engagement

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