Social Media - Past Present Future

Post on 16-May-2015






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Social media - Past present and future.


Social Media Past, Present & Future

Girish S PrabhuArchitectArbitron

2© 2010 Arbitron Inc.

What really is Social Media ?

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Efforts to create content that attracts

attention and encourages readers to share it with their


Social Media is …

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Is this some thing new ?

People met, gathered to share their passions always…

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How did it evolve…

»We had Geocities that allowed to create pages and tag them in 1994.

» which allowed to create custom content and interact with others with similar interest was existing in 1995.

»Also was launched in 1995.

Based on study from Danah M. Boyd, University of California-Berkeley

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We do not surf the web anymore!

…We shape it!!

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Why people love to share ?

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Why people share …

Performance Feel powerful to

perform with people whom you know.

- Corporate

- Personal Branding

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Why people share …

Reputation- The more important information you share your reputation increase.

- The more value people get out of interactions, the more they interact.

- Product Info (pre launch)

- Training

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Why people share …

Novelty- Want to share only an idea that is not shared earlier in the same network

- Product Launches

- Concepts

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Why people share …

Scarcity- Scarcity of information

- Specialized Subjects

- Product Blogs

- Customer training

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Why people share …

Warning- Natural Calamities

- Product Misbehaving

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Why organizations need

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Brand Building through SM

People trust…»Recommendations from friends and family

»Expert product review from websites and Blogs

»Independent reviews in publications

»Consumer product reviews

»Momentary reactions from real people

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Social Media Marketing …

People can influence other people

- Greater trust factor

- Rapid word of mouth

- Unbiased feedback

- Insights

- Earns Coverage and Credibility

- Powerful than surveys.

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Main reasons to embrace SMM

Unless you drive your BRAND others will take advantage.

Your employees/prospects are doing it already.

Discussion on your brand is happening already

Does not require a huge media budget

Word-of-mouth / viral effect can carry a message a long way.

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How can we use Social Media ?

It is not just for marketing…

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Social Media can be used for…

Reputation Management

»Listen to your brand

»Real-time reactions with real people

»React to good and bad news

»Immediate damage control

»Opportunity to win back consumer trust

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Social Media can be used for…

Customer Acquisition

»Social Media Campaigns

»Have people participate

»Have integrated campaigns (Online & Offline)

»Offer based campaigns

»Online Contests

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Social Media can be used for…

Customer Service

»New help line.

»Appreciation and follow-up

»Customer service in Public

»Use multi-channel help lines.

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Social Media can be used for…

Public Relations

»Blogs and ‘How-to’s

»Democratization of reporting

»Every customer can become a journalist

»Easy access to Media

»Press releases

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Social Media can be used for…

Employee Engagement

»Employees feel valued when :• Involved in decision making

• They are able to voice their ideas, thoughts and the management listen to these views

• The organization is concerned about growth and health

»Four attributes of engagement:• Collaboration

• Transparency

• Trust

• Authenticity

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Social Media can be used for…


»Use multiple channels

»Be very transparent

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»Social Advertising

»Social Avatars

»Social Search

»Communication methods will change

»Work culture will grow out of organizational boundaries

»Network Analysis based insights.

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Last but not the least…


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