Social Media-Palooza (Part II), by LeapFrog Interactive

Post on 16-Jan-2015






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As an addendum to Part I, we take lessons learned and apply them to real-world business initiatives using social media. Learn if your company or organization is a prime candidate for Social Media Marketing and what steps to take when beginning a campaign.Presentation compiled and presented by Michael Wunsch, VP of Client Services, and Emily Van Winkle.


Social Media Palooza

Your Presenters

Michael Wunsch VP, Client Services

Suzanne Beane VP, Media + Strategy

3 Today’s Agenda

Are You A Candidate?

5 Integrated Digital Lifestyle

Your next client or customer is always on

at work.

6 Integrated Digital Lifestyle

at home. Your next client or customer is always on

7 Integrated Digital Lifestyle

at leisure. Your next client or customer is always on

8 Are You A Candidate?

Business to Business

+  Become a thought leader in your industry

+  Social network prospecting

+  Industry collaboration

9 Are You A Candidate?

Business to Consumer

+  Personalizes the brand +  Shows the culture of a company

+  Lower cost than traditional marketing and advertising

+  Helps accomplish branding goals +  Extends the branding reach

+  Large Search Engine Optimization impact +  Links, fresh content, more real estate

10 Are You A Candidate?


+  Social loves a cause

+  Low cost alternative

+  Utilize volunteers

+  Furthers community

11 Are You A Candidate?

2010 Social Media Marketing Industry Report | Michael A. Stelzner

12 Respondent Makeup

2010 Social Media Marketing Industry Report | Michael A. Stelzner

13 Are Businesses Using Social Media

2010 Social Media Marketing Industry Report | Michael A. Stelzner


14 Are Businesses Using Social Media

2010 Social Media Marketing Industry Report | Michael A. Stelzner


15 Are Businesses Using Social Media

2010 Social Media Marketing Industry Report | Michael A. Stelzner

Worksheet�Our Pros / Cons

Core Platforms

18 Top Social Media Platforms

2010 Social Media Marketing Industry Report | Michael A. Stelzner

19 What Are The Possibilities?

Three Main Forms of Social

+  Sharing +, StumbleUpon, Mixx

+  Networking +  Facebook, MySpace, Bebo

+  Publishing +  Twitter, YouTube, Yelp

20 Core Platforms

+  Post news / inside info

+  Offer specials

+  Reward / Comp

+  Monitor for CS issues

+  Customize page

+  Post links

+  Promote events

21 Core Platforms

25 Core Platforms

+  Create Official or Community page

+  Create Place page and merge with business page

+  Create a community page

+  CPC / CPM ads

+  Customize tabs

+  Post videos / photos

+  Promote events

26 If Facebook Was Real

Core Platforms

+  Show expertise in industry

+  Sponsored videos

+  Advertisements

+  Customize channel

+  Universal Search

34 Core Platforms

+  Create groups

+  Prospect

+  CPC / CPM ads (highly targeted)

+  Use Answers

+  Think Facebook created in boardroom

+  Recruit

35 Core Platforms

+  Company announcement channel

+  Real-time

+  Information feed

+  Huge SEO benefit

+  Control the message

+  Promote conversation with target audience


Worksheet�Property Strategy

Tips For Success

41 Tips For Success

+  Be transparent: Always be clear that you are a representative of a company when you’re doing social media on behalf of them.

+  The social sites are an extension of your brand: Use the same colors, tone and wording as you do on the rest of your marketing materials.

+  Be timely: When there is a question on a social site, answer as quickly as possible.

42 Tips For Success

+  If there is a complaint, address when appropriate. 9 times out of 10, they will appreciate the fact that you’re listening.

+  Monitor! People are going to talk about your brand in other locations than your social sites.

+  Be honest.

+  Talk to them like you would in person.

43 Tips For Success

+  Update on a consistent basis.

+  Start with one site until you get the hang of it, then expand.

+  Don’t be afraid to ask what your Fans/Followers/Subscribers want to see.

+  Keep the posts on-brand.


45 Monitoring

+  Look for variations of your company name. Misspell words and keywords as variations to find all posts.

+  What are your competitors doing?

+  Brand awareness

+  Public Perception

+  Influencers

+  Leads

+  Paid: Radian6, Nielsen BuzzMetrics, Meltwater Group

+  Free: Google, Google Blog Search,


47 Monitoring

+  Interactions

+  Search results – videos, images, tweets

+  Sentiment

+  Page visitors on Facebook (determined by Facebook Insights)

+  Site traffic as determined by Google Analytics

+  Number of Retweets

+  Number of Fans/Followers/Subscribers

+  Video plays and channel views

+  Share of voice

+  Facebook Insights report

+  Email unsubscribes

PR Crisis Planning / Response

49 PR Crisis Planning / Response

+  Prevent +  Act +  Communicate

+  Who (Internal/External) +  What +  When +  How

+  Evaluate +  Why

50 Should Our Brand Blog?

+  What is commitment level

+  Set content calendar / mins.

+  Strategy – one or many (purpose)

+  Not content for content’s sake

+  Real people, real situations

+  Is brand ready???



Phase I - LISTEN Hear and understand customer perception as it exists today, uncover opportunities for strategic growth and create an engagement roadmap for achievements.

Phase II - ENGAGE Create content and programs that help you connect with and learn from customers, partners and employees.

Phase III - ACT Content deployment and property management execution – daily activities that makes social media – and your customers – come alive.

Phase IV - PERFORM Actionable insights are measured against benchmarks in the Listen phase and inform future strategies.

The LEAP Social Media Platform

53 The LEAP Social Media Platform Step 1 – Listen to your customers, learn about opportunities.


+ Social Network Analysis + Competitive Analysis + Business Case Development + Customer Persona Development + Social Media Audit: Profile, Inventory & Goals + PR & Social Media Marketing Plan + Benchmarks and Key Performance Indicators

54 The LEAP Social Media Platform Step 2 – Engage with creative content


+ Key Message and Response Definition + Social Media Property Development + Publication Creation – white papers, case studies, press kits, newsletters + Content Creation – webinars, videos, podcasts, blogs + Cause PR Planning and support + Promotion scheduling and support

55 The LEAP Social Media Platform Conversation and interaction… delivered.


+ Blog Management – onsite and offsite + Media, Community and Blogger Relations + Social Media Property Management – postings and responding + Press Release writing, pitching, posting (online and offline) + Public affairs monitoring and posting + Online News Management + Event Management

56 The LEAP Social Media Platform How it’s working and what to do next


+ Social Network Analysis and Reporting + Conversation Clouds + Topic Trend Reporting + Media Type Trend Reporting + Buzz Analysis + Site Analytics

57 Social Network Analysis

+ SNAs can evaluate all social media properties + Maps social networks + Views social relationships and social capital + Relationships viewed along network theory which consists of nodes and ties + Identifies key influencers (focal nodes) or those who might be marginalized (isolates) + Focuses on structure and relationships + Data is mined and classified + What people do online can be tracked (messages, responses, followers, followers of followers)

The State of the Blogosphere







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