Social media: opportunities for pharma

Post on 23-Aug-2014



Health & Medicine



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A comprehensive look at how social media could benefit the pharmaceutical industry, from a leading social media agency, Topics in the presentation include:- Social media overview - Corporate marketplace for social media- The rise of patient-driven health care and online patient communities - 3 areas for opportunity: corporate social responsibility; identifying sector influencers; creating a corporate wiki for knowledge sharing, archiving and management.


Social media: Opportunities for pharma


What we’ll cover

Social media overview

Corporate marketplace

Rise of online communities

3 ideas

What is social media?

“Any online technology or practice that lets us share

(content, opinions, insights, experiences, media) and

have a conversation about the ideas we care about.

The numbers

Active blogs on the Internet: 25-40 million

Social networks: 2,900. 57% of Americans have joined a social network.

Active Facebook members: 200 million

Corporations with social media campaigns: 300+

Photos on Flickr: 3 billion

Daily Twitter messages: 6 million

YouTube = 10% of all Internet traffic

Reality check

World Internet users by region

Asia: 650 million

Europe: 390 million

North America: 246 million

Latin America/Caribbean: 166 million

Africa: 54 million

Middle East: 45 million

Australia/Oceana: 20 million

1.57 billion users worldwide

Source: Internet World Stats, February 2009










0% 50% 100%










Source: Nielsen, Oct. 2007

Who’s commanding trust?

Social media principles

Be human. Be aware. Be honest. Be respectful. Be a participant. Be open. Be courageous.

Photo illustration (c) 2008 AdWeek

“The wisdom of crowds does not resist expert opinion — only dependence on a single expert opinion.”

- The Wisdom of Patients:Health care meets online social mediaCalif. HealthCare Foundation, April 2008

Social sites leading the way

Top 15 brands, unique monthly audience (in thousands)

Nielsen/NetRatings NetViewTwitter growth: 1,350%

Conversation economy

Whenever someone opens a computer, 60% of time it’s for social reasons.

To succeed in this new world,companies must leverage social mediato have conversations with customers at scale.

Fortune 500 still at Web 1.0Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution’s site

Where the action is taking place


Left Lane News

Left Lane News


American Cancer Society

“In 2009, you canʼt build a $2 million destination site and use marketing muscle to drive traffic to it.”

- David NeffAmerican Cancer Society

American Cancer Society, Web 2.0

Create a space for ‘us’

Leveraging sharing culture

Let’s turn to pharma & health care

Culture clash

Regulatory realities

Emerging communities


Culture challengesPharma values

Risk averse

Heavily regulated

Closed, security-focused

Controlled access to data

Authoritative, heavily filtered

Remote voice

Long lead times

IP closely guarded


Social media valuesRisk taking

Open to all


Sharing culture

Wisdom of crowd

Personal voice

Rapid deployment

Open source


Hat tip to Len Starnes, Head of Digital Marketing, Bayer Schering Pharma

Regulatory challenges

In pharma, we can manage chronic pain.

We can manage once-fatal diseases.So we can manage adverse event regulations.

—JD Lasica

“Compliance and regulation should not be used as a shield against engagement and communication.”

— J&J’s top social media strategist

Regulation: real but manageable

Social media life in financial sector

She blogs like a regular blogger ...

Here’s howbut occasionally includes a disclaimer:

and clever use of url shortenersShannon’s tweets sometimes end like this:

Health care ecosystem

To thrive in the participatory era, pharma must engage with:

Patient communities

Physician (& pharmacist) communities

Social media influencers

Its own employees & internal champions

The evolution of Patient Power

1993: simple search and information gathering

mid-’90s: info sharing in forums and comments

1995-2006: Stand-alone portals, websites

2005 to now: small organized communities created by patients for patients

Patient-driven health care'Patient-driven' health care doesn't mean patients provide for themselves but that health care is not just marketed to them from above.

It means patients want to actively participate in the delivery and potentially the design of health care technology and treatment — if not directly then indirectly by capturing, producing, analyzing and sharing their own data, observations and experiences.

The tools bring much to the patient. There’s no reason they can’t bring as much, and more, to pharma and health care providers.

Patient communities

PatientsLikeMe is a social network of people with Lou Gehrigʼs disease (ALS), MS and other health conditions. People share very personal data on prescription drug histories, health conditions, side effects, what works and what doesnʼt work.

Patient communities

Founder Amy Tenderich: “The first thing I did was search on the Internet. When it came to reach out to people with diabetes there was nothing that felt real or personal. There wasn’t any place for patients.”

She adds: The users of social network health sites “are more than readers — these are community members who you interact with. People are intimate in a way they never would be on a site like WebMD, for example, which offers great information but feels impersonal.”

Diabetes Mine

Patient communities

Iʼm Too Young For This! Cancer Foundation is a national cancer advocacy, research and support organization working exclusively on behalf of survivors under 40. There are countless little-known sites that can be helpful to young cancer survivors, says founder Matt Zachary, and “Weʼre going to tell you about it.”

Patient communities

Founder John LeSieur tried to find online tools that could guide autistic children around the Web, but he couldn't find anything satisfactory. So he had one built, named it the Zac Browser For Autistic Children in honor of his grandson, and is making it available to anyone for free at

Zone for Autistic Children

Patient community on Facebook


1. Acne 2. ADD/ADHD 3. Ear infections 4. Eye infections 5. Migraine 6. Bipolar disorder 7. Anxiety/social phobia 8. Infertility 9. Asthma10. Allergies

Top conditions Facebook users search for

Manhattan Research ePharma Consumer,no. 11, 2008

Patient communities

Founder Amy Gurowitz: “The focus of this blog moves between my MS Diary

(a common venue for those of us with this chronic questionable confusing conundrum that is MS) to the website I am developing (MS SoftServe, a place for people to learn about their own

disease without scaring themselves to death) and then what my life of learning experience is.”

MS-LOL: Life Of Learning

Social networking --> drug sales

Launched by Bayer HealthCare, evolved into a patient community.

12,000+ members200,000+ postsLed to increased global sales of Betaferon


Efforts by competition


alliConnect is the official corporate blog for alli, the only

FDA-approved OTC weight loss product.

Notice the sponsorship of a networked cause for breast


J&J bloggerMarc Monseau

Efforts by competition


Hundreds of reader comments on JNJ BTW & Kilmer house blogs since 2007. # of adverse events reported: 0

Physician social networksUSA

Sermo (75,000)Physician Connect (50,000)Student Doctor NetworkHealthevaRelaxdocSocialMDSosido (HC associations)Clinical VillageMedicSpeak

CanadaAsklepiosDoctorNetworking (160,000)Escanum (23,000)DocCheck Faces (5,000)ColiquioOnMedica

InternationalNew Media MedicineDoctorsHangoutDoctor.VG Tiromed

Source: Len Starnes, Head of Digital MarketingBayer Schering Pharma


So, if pharma must join the conversation,

how do we move forward?

Strategy to sandbox

Start with a strategy

Understand core values of social media“We went into it thinking of it as broadcast media and

within a few months we realized we were wrong.”

—Paula Drum, VP of Marketing, H&R Block

Create a sandbox for engagement

3 ideas

1. CSR campaign on Twitter & Facebook

2. Influence the influencers

3. Knowledge-sharing corporate wiki

1. Corporate social responsibility

A new narrative:Enabling citizen philanthropy

Corporate social responsibilityCrate & Barrel’s CEO sent 18,000 $25 gift certificates to their

customers on behalf of

Corporate social responsibilityCrate & Barrel not only received positive coverage but showed

a 12% increase in merchandise sales by gift certificate redeemers.

Find the right causeGlobal Hug Tour

2. Influence the new influencers


3. Internal wiki

MedpediaWikiHealthWikiSurgerywikiCancerDiabetes WikiMacSurg WikifluwikiRads WikiDocCheck Flexikon wikiECG

Health wikis:

A model corporate wiki: Intel

A model corporate wiki: Intel

# of corporate secrets/unauthorized posts leaked outside the firewall: Zero— Josh Bancroft, founder of Intelpedia,

interview, May 7, 2009

Other ideas

Wellness campaigns

Storytelling with video

Thank you!

Twitter: @jdlasica

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