
Designing Social media

IntroductionDenis Gillet & Adrian Holzer

The copyright of images belong to their authors. I will remove them on demand. Contact me at

The rise of the social


Chapter 1

“The Web is more a social creation than a technical one. I designed it for a social effect - to help people work together - and not as a technical toy.”

[Tim Berners-Lee]

The amazon effect

Thanks for joining this usability study

Hello, sure!

Go to CircuitCity to buy a camera

Can I go to Amazon first?

No, it’s not allowed

Why do you want to go there?

I always go to Amazon first I love it

To research products

Even if you don’t plan to buy it there?

Of course !!

Huh ?!?!?

customer reviews

There are often 4000 pixels before the most magnetic content...

Information from manufacturers are de facto biased

Information from customers are a priori independent

Assumptions at play

This ”truth” is simply an aggregation of social interactions of people like you and me

Customer reviews provide the Truth

Social Designis the conception, planning, and production of web sites and applications that support social interaction

We’ve barely seen the tip of the iceberg when it comes to designing social software


Social software is accelerating

Humans are innately social

Social software is a forced moveyesyes

Humans are innately social

Interact for almost

everything Organize in groupsBelong to

many groups

People influence each other

Groups influence people

Environment influences people

Software interface is part of the environment

It also influences the behavior

If an action is available, you can perform it

If an action is not available, you can’t

So are designers in full control ?

Nope, designing an interface that triggers a desired behavior is a huge challenge

Too confined people won’t

use it

Too flexible people won’t know how to

use it

Sweet spot supports

individuals and their groups

Thus, the challenge is to design interfaces that support current and desired social behavior of people who use them

Just as humans are social, so our software must be as well



Social software is a forced move

Relying on social networks is how the vast majority of decisions are made



Living in the Information age is like drinking from the firehose

Also, we have to overcome the unacceptable ad bias

Wealth of information means scarcity of


We must allocate our attention efficiently

We need to find trusted sources to help us filter information

Social software allows us to filter the quantity and the quality of information by focusing our attention on people like us and people we trust

Less quantity More quality

We don’t have a choice!



Social software is our only chance to filter information

Social software is accelerating

1960s - email


Temporary Social Media

Over time, conversations evolved...

One-way conversation

Early static web

Two-way conversation

Early web apps with cookies and databases

Many-way conversation

Social web apps

The most popular web properties are social



The current social software landscape


Social media growth is mind boggling

But only 35% of people are on the Internet so far

So social media is still in its infancy

The copyright of images belong to their authors. I will remove them on demand. Contact me at

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