Social, Intellectual and Cultural Thresholds 1914 - PRESENT.

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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Social, Intellectual and Cultural Thresholds

1914 - PRESENT

Gender• Feminism and equal rights

– Early century: World War I saw Western women get vote– Status of women changed dramatically after WWII in industrialized states

• Women mobilized to support war; some actually fought in war• Women demanded full equality with men, access to education and employment • Birth control enables women to control their bodies and avoid "biology destiny"

– U.N. Declaration of Women’s Rights officially grant women international rights– U.S. Civil Rights Act of 1964 forbids discrimination on basis of race or sex– In Western Europe, US, Oceania women entered politics, board rooms

• Gender equality in Communist Countries? – Communist states often improved women's legal status – Despite legal reforms, women have not yet gained true equality – In USSR, Eastern Europe many women entered medicine, science but second to men– In China, one-child policy encourages infanticide or abandonment of baby girls

• The Developing World: Africa, SW Asia– Decolonization often as much from colonizing country as husbands, males– Domesticity and abuse restricting rights of women– Women in Arab and Muslim societies twice as likely as men to be illiterate – Most Indian women illiterate (75 perecent in 1980s) and confined at home – "Dowry deaths" common in India; burning of wives in Pakistan

• Women leaders in South Asia – Effective political leaders: Indira Gandhi (India) and Benazir Bhutto (Pakistan) – Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga became president of Sri Lanka, 1994 – Democratic activist Aung Sang Suu Kyi

• Received Nobel Peace Prize in 1991 when under house arrest in Myanmar• Seeks democracy in Burma

– UN launched a Decade for Women program in 1975• Latin America, Japan, Little Tigers beginning to follow early 20th century West


– Defined: Women should enjoy equal rights in • Society, law, business, government• Decisions about their bodies especially abortion, birth control

– The Issue• By 1920s: Women have the vote but this is not equality• By 1940s: Latin American women generally have the vote• Opposition to feminism came from both left, right

– Left felt women would vote conservative, listen to their husbands– Right felt women would be liberals, vote to change society

• Post War Europe saw the rise of feminism– Simone de Beauvoir: society oppresses women, creates differences– 1960s

• Feminism becomes a middle class movement• Pill, right to work and education helped movement

– NOW: National Organization of Women (USA)• Pressed for legislation to end discrimination towards women• 1973: Roe v. Wade made abortion legal and strengthened women’s movement• Presses for equal access to jobs• Runs up against the glass ceiling

– An artificial barrier women cannot pass into management– Women not entering the board rooms (CEOs), senior government positions

Women around the world• East Asia

– China• Communists push women into society

– Women are comrades aiding the revolution– True also of USSR, Eastern Europe; to a lesser extend also true in Vietnam, North Korea

• In China– 1960s Cultural Revolution pushed this idea– 1980s economic liberalization seems to have hurt progress

– Japan• Meiji women entered workforce (2/3 of work force); poor conditions• World War II

– Women enter into all workforces to free up men for army– This is true of every major combatant in World War II (US, UK, USSR, Germany)

• US Occupation changed Japanese society beginning in 1945– US insisted on equal rights, women’s vote, equal pay– Women enter grassroots politics, consumer groups, environmental issues

• Religious States– Muslim states

• Egypt, Turkey, Morocco, Malaya, Pakistan, Libya saw some positive changes• Muslim states ruled by Communists, USSR saw progress but only to a certain level• Afghanistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia so no significant changes and experienced some decline

– Christian societies• Divorce, ownership of property allowed; control of bodies (birth control, abortion) opposed• Many Catholic societies repeatedly blocked abortion, divorce

– Attempts to liberalize repeatedly drew intervention of the Church, Pope– True of much of Latin America, African countries, Philippines, Catholic Europe

• Protestant fundamentalist forces in the US, Latin America opposed liberalized women’s rights

Broad References • 19th Century: Era of Transportation• 20th Century: Era of Telecommunications

– Newspapers: 1890s– Radios, Movies, Teletypes: 1920s– News magazines, journals: 1930s– Television: 1950s– Personal Computers, Fax: 1980s– Internet, World Wide Web, Email: 1990s– Cell Phones: 1990s

• Mechanization of the Home – Major aspect of consumerism– Began with electrification of 1910s, 1920s– Refrigerators, washing machines, vacuum machines– Home computers, microwaves, advanced entertainment

• Service Industries– Largest sector of Western economies is now service related– Service industries are retail, entertainment, sales, technology support

Early Century• Post World War I Pessimism

– The "lost generation" • Term described pessimism of U.S., European thinkers after the war • Postwar poetry, fiction reflected disillusionment with western culture • Scholars--Oswald Spengler, Arnold Toynbee--lamented decline of west

– Religious thought reflected uncertainty and pessimism • Karl Barth attacked liberal Christian theology embracing idea of progress • Older concepts of original sin and human depravity revived

– Attacks on the ideal of progress • Science tarnished by the technological horrors of World War I • Most western societies granted suffrage to all men and women • Many intellectuals disillusioned with democracy • Conservatives decried "the rule of inferiors

• Intellectual Revolutions– Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, 1906

• Space and time relative to the person measuring them • Implication: reality or truth merely a set of mental constructions

– Werner Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, 1927 • Impossible to state position, velocity of a subatomic particle at same time • Atomic universe indeterminate; can only speak of probabilities • Challenged long-held assumptions about truth, cause and effect

– Freud's psychoanalytic theory, 1896 • Conflict between conscious and unconscious mental processes • Sought psychological causes of mental illness • Sexual repression frequent cause of neuroses • Freud's ideas shaped psychiatric profession, influenced literature and arts

– Modern painting• When photography can reproduce nature, why should painting? • Painters like Pablo Picasso sought freedom of expression, emotional expression • Borrowed from artistic traditions of Asia, Pacific, and Africa • No widely accepted standards of good or bad art

– Modern architecture: the Bauhaus school started in Germany, 1920 • An international style for twentieth-century urban buildings

– Walter Gropius: form should follow function; combined engineering and art – Simple shapes, steel frames, and walls of glass

After WW II mostly American• Domestic containment

– U.S. leaders held families to be best defense against communism – Women discouraged from working, should stay home and raise kids – Senator McCarthy led attack against suspected communists in United States – Increasing pressure to conform, retreat to home and family

• Female liberation movement a reaction to postwar domesticity – Working women unhappy with new cult of domesticity – Writers Simone de Beauvoir (The Second Sex) and Betty Friedan (The Feminine Mystique) reflected women's

dissatisfaction – Some feminists used Marxist language, argued for "women's liberation"

• Black nationalism in United States, Caribbean, and emerging states of Africa – Influenced by Jamaicans, singer Bob Marley, nationalist Marcus Garvey – Martin Luther King Jr. inspired by Gandhi's nonviolent methods

• The U.S. civil rights movement emerged from cold war – USSR critical of United States for treatment of African-Americans – African-Americans organized in protest of southern segregation – 1954, U.S. Supreme Court ruled that segregated education was unconstitutional – Rosa Parks started boycott of Montgomery buses, led by M. L. King, 1955

• Cold war consumerism – Socialist countries could not match United States in material wealth, consumer goods – Stark contrasts between economies of western and eastern Europe – Marshall Plan infused western Europe with aid, increased standard of living

• The space race exemplified U.S.-Soviet competition in science and technology – Soviet gained nuclear weapons, then intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) – Soviets launched Sputnik, first satellite, 1957 – Soviet cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin, first man to orbit the earth, 1961 – American space program followed; John Glenn orbited, 1962 – President Kennedy established NASA; United States put man on the moon, 1969

• Peaceful coexistence somewhat improved after Stalin's death, 1953 – Slight relaxation of censorship under Khrushchev – Both sides feared nuclear confrontation – Khrushchev visited United States in 1959, put a human face on communism

Cross Cultural Exchanges• Global Barbie

– Western consumerism becoming a global phenomenon – Sara versus Barbie in Iran

• Barbie seen as a threat to Islamic values, symbol of cultural imperialism • Iranian dolls, Sara and her brother Dara (an Islamic cleric), are modest alternatives

– Barbie in Japan • Image of Barbie unsettling, Mattel created a younger doll for Japanese market • Whereas Iranians reject image of Barbie, Japanese adjust Barbie to their aesthetic

• Consumption and cultural interaction – Global culture of consumption

• Satisfies wants and desires rather than needs or necessities • Homogenization of global culture: blue jeans, Coca-Cola, McDonalds • Western icons often replace local businesses and indigenous cultures • Brand names also identify local products, for example, Swiss Rolex, Perrier, Armani

– Pan-American culture competes with United States • Eva Peon (Evita) has become a pop icon in Argentina and beyond • Latin American societies blended foreign and indigenous cultural practices

• The age of access – Globalization minimizes social, economic, and political isolation – Preeminence of English language

• Critics: mass media become a vehicle of cultural imperialism • Internet is an information colony, with English hegemony • China attempts a firewall to control Internet information

– Adaptations of technology in authoritarian states • Zaire television showed dictator Mobutu Sese Seko walking on clouds • Vietnam and Iraq limit access to foreign servers on Internet

POP CULTURE• Leisure time allowed for development of mass entertainment• Technology led to syncretic blend of world artistic traditions• Globalizing Art and Culture

– Fine art vs. pop(ular) art• Distinction blurred• National distinctions largely gone

– Interconnections, exchanges without war

• Music– Probably greatest aspect of Globalization– Syncretic World Beat: Classical, African, ethnic influences led to Jazz, Blues, Rock– Popularity of Beatles, ABBA, Ladysmith Black Mazembo around world

• Movies– Technological wonder born of marriage between photography, art, music– Hollywood and Bollywood dominate production of world movies

• Sports– Outgrowth of British interest in competitive sports, 1895 Olympic revival– 1920s/1950s: Baseball, basketball spreads wherever Americans live, stationed– 1930s: Popularity of soccer spreads from Europe to Latin America– Today perhaps the primary world wide entertainment: 2 billion watch Olympics

Internet Connections

McDonald’s in Tokyo

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