
Word for the dayWord for the day

MonarchyMonarchy: supreme power or sovereignty : supreme power or sovereignty held by a single personheld by a single person

Early Civilization in Early Civilization in IndiaIndia

The Land of IndiaThe Land of India India is a land of diversityIndia is a land of diversity Today, about 110 languages Today, about 110 languages

and more than 1,000 varieties and more than 1,000 varieties of languages are spoken in of languages are spoken in IndiaIndia

The Indian Subcontinent The Indian Subcontinent shaped like a triangle hanging shaped like a triangle hanging from the southern ridge of from the southern ridge of Asia, is composed of a number Asia, is composed of a number of core regions, including of core regions, including mountain ranges, river valleys mountain ranges, river valleys & a dry interior plateau& a dry interior plateau

The Land of IndiaThe Land of India In the far North are the In the far North are the

HimalayaHimalaya The highest mountains in the The highest mountains in the

worldworld To the South of the Himalaya To the South of the Himalaya

is the rich river valley of the is the rich river valley of the Ganges RiverGanges River

South of India’s Ganges River South of India’s Ganges River lies the lies the Deccan PlateauDeccan Plateau

The Interior of the plateau is The Interior of the plateau is relatively hilly and dryrelatively hilly and dry

The Land of IndiaThe Land of India The primary feature of India’s The primary feature of India’s

climate is the climate is the monsoon, monsoon, a seasonal a seasonal wind pattern in southern Asiawind pattern in southern Asia

In the summer a monsoon blows In the summer a monsoon blows warm moist air from the southwestwarm moist air from the southwest

The southwest monsoon brings The southwest monsoon brings heavy rains, and throughout history heavy rains, and throughout history Indian farmers have depended on Indian farmers have depended on these cropsthese crops

If these monsoon came to early, to If these monsoon came to early, to late, or if the rainfall was too much, late, or if the rainfall was too much, or too little then crops are destroyed or too little then crops are destroyed and thousands starve.and thousands starve.

In the winter a monsoon blows cold In the winter a monsoon blows cold dry air from the northeastdry air from the northeast

India’s First CivilizationIndia’s First Civilization

As in Mesopotamia and Egypt, early As in Mesopotamia and Egypt, early civilization in India and China emerged in civilization in India and China emerged in river valleysriver valleys

The valleys of the Indus River valley of the The valleys of the Indus River valley of the River supported a flourishing civilization that River supported a flourishing civilization that extended hundreds of miles from the extended hundreds of miles from the Himalayas to the coast of the Arabian SeaHimalayas to the coast of the Arabian Sea

India’s First CivilizationIndia’s First Civilization

Archeologists have more than a thousand Archeologists have more than a thousand settlements in the regionsettlements in the region

Two of the major cities we are going to Two of the major cities we are going to discuss are:discuss are:

HarappaHarappa Mohenjo-DaroMohenjo-Daro

Harappa & Mohenjo-Doro Harappa & Mohenjo-Doro

At its height, Harappa had 35,000 inhabitants At its height, Harappa had 35,000 inhabitants Mohenjo-Daro had perhaps 35,000 to 40,000Mohenjo-Daro had perhaps 35,000 to 40,000 Both cities were planned carefullyBoth cities were planned carefully Most buildings were constructed of mud bricks Most buildings were constructed of mud bricks

baked in oven and were square, forming a grid baked in oven and were square, forming a grid patternpattern

Public wells provided a regular supply of Public wells provided a regular supply of water for all the inhabitantswater for all the inhabitants

Rulers and the EconomyRulers and the Economy

As in Egypt and Mesopotamia, Harappan rulers based As in Egypt and Mesopotamia, Harappan rulers based their power on a belief in divine assistancetheir power on a belief in divine assistance

Also like those in Egypt and Mesopotamia, Harappan Also like those in Egypt and Mesopotamia, Harappan economy was based primarily on farmingeconomy was based primarily on farming

The Indus river flooded every year, providing rich The Indus river flooded every year, providing rich soil for the growing of wheat, barely, and peassoil for the growing of wheat, barely, and peas

This Indus Valley civilization also traded with the This Indus Valley civilization also traded with the city-states in Mesopotamiacity-states in Mesopotamia

The Arrival of the AryansThe Arrival of the Aryans

Around 1500 BC a group of nomadic people Around 1500 BC a group of nomadic people known as the known as the Aryans Aryans moved out of their moved out of their homeland in central Asiahomeland in central Asia

They moved south into northern India and They moved south into northern India and conquered the Harappans and created a new conquered the Harappans and created a new Indian society based on Aryan culture and Indian society based on Aryan culture and institutionsinstitutions

Aryan Ways of lifeAryan Ways of life

Aryans were a pastoral nomadic people with a Aryans were a pastoral nomadic people with a strong warrior traditionstrong warrior tradition

After settling in India, the Aryans gave up After settling in India, the Aryans gave up there nomadic ways for regular farmingthere nomadic ways for regular farming

The introduction of Iron led to this changeThe introduction of Iron led to this change The use of the iron plow along with the use of The use of the iron plow along with the use of

irrigation made it possible for the people to irrigation made it possible for the people to clear the dense jungle growth and turn it into a clear the dense jungle growth and turn it into a rich farming arearich farming area

Aryan Ways of lifeAryan Ways of life The Aryans developed their first writing system The Aryans developed their first writing system

known as known as SanskritSanskrit This enabled them to write down the legends and This enabled them to write down the legends and

religious chants and rituals that had previously been religious chants and rituals that had previously been passed down from generation to generationpassed down from generation to generation

The early writings of the Aryans revealed that India The early writings of the Aryans revealed that India was a world of warring kingdoms and shifting was a world of warring kingdoms and shifting alliancesalliances

Various Aryan leaders known as Various Aryan leaders known as rajasrajas (princes) (princes) carved out small states and attacked one another’s carved out small states and attacked one another’s fortresses and seized women, cattle, and treasure fortresses and seized women, cattle, and treasure

Society in Ancient IndiaSociety in Ancient India

The conquest by the Aryans had a lasting The conquest by the Aryans had a lasting impact on Indian Societyimpact on Indian Society

Out of the clash between conqueror and Out of the clash between conqueror and conquered came a set of social divisions that conquered came a set of social divisions that has lasted in India, with only minor changes to has lasted in India, with only minor changes to this present daythis present day

The Caste SystemThe Caste System

The The caste system caste system of ancient India was a set of rigid of ancient India was a set of rigid social categories that determined not only a persons social categories that determined not only a persons occupation and economic potential, but also his or her occupation and economic potential, but also his or her position in societyposition in society

It was based on part on skin colorIt was based on part on skin color The Aryan invaders looked down on their subjects The Aryan invaders looked down on their subjects

who were dark skinned, despite the fact that the who were dark skinned, despite the fact that the civilization of the dark skinned inhabitants of the civilization of the dark skinned inhabitants of the Indus Valley was much more advanced than the Indus Valley was much more advanced than the Aryan CivilizationAryan Civilization

The Caste SystemThe Caste System

There were 5 major divisions of Indian classes There were 5 major divisions of Indian classes (known (known castescastes in English) in English)

At the top were two castes that were clearly At the top were two castes that were clearly the ruling elites in Aryan Society:the ruling elites in Aryan Society:

Priests Priests WarriorsWarriors

The Caste SystemThe Caste System

The priestly class known as The priestly class known as Brahmans Brahmans were were considered at the topconsidered at the top

The second caste was the The second caste was the Kshatriyas, Kshatriyas, or or warriorswarriors

The third caste was in Indian Society was the The third caste was in Indian Society was the Vaisyas, or commonersVaisyas, or commoners

Most Vaisyas were merchants who engaged in Most Vaisyas were merchants who engaged in commerce or farmers caring for the landcommerce or farmers caring for the land

The Caste SystemThe Caste System

The fourth level in the caste system was the The fourth level in the caste system was the SudrasSudras, who made a great bulk of the Indian , who made a great bulk of the Indian populationpopulation

The Sudras were not Aryans, and the term The Sudras were not Aryans, and the term “Sudras” probably referred to conquered dark “Sudras” probably referred to conquered dark skinned nativesskinned natives

Most Sudras were peasants and people who Most Sudras were peasants and people who worked at other forms of manual laborworked at other forms of manual labor

The Caste SystemThe Caste System

At the lowest level of Indian society – and in At the lowest level of Indian society – and in fact not even considered as a part of the caste fact not even considered as a part of the caste system were the system were the UntouchablesUntouchables

The Untouchables were given degrading tasks The Untouchables were given degrading tasks such as collecting trash and handling dead such as collecting trash and handling dead bodies bodies

They made up of about 5 percent of ancient They made up of about 5 percent of ancient IndiaIndia

The Caste SystemThe Caste System

The untouchables were not even considered human, The untouchables were not even considered human, and there very presence was considered harmful to and there very presence was considered harmful to the members of other classesthe members of other classes

No Indian would touch or eat food handled by an No Indian would touch or eat food handled by an Untouchable Untouchable

Untouchables lived in separate areas than the rest of Untouchables lived in separate areas than the rest of the populationthe population

When they traveled outside their areas, they were When they traveled outside their areas, they were required to tap two sticks together so others would required to tap two sticks together so others would hear them coming and avoid themhear them coming and avoid them

The Family in Ancient IndiaThe Family in Ancient India

Life in Ancient India was patriarchalLife in Ancient India was patriarchal The superiority of males in ancient Indian The superiority of males in ancient Indian

society was evident in a number of wayssociety was evident in a number of ways Only males could inherit property, except in a Only males could inherit property, except in a

few cases where their were no sonsfew cases where their were no sons Women were not allowed to serve as priest, Women were not allowed to serve as priest,

and generally, only males were educatedand generally, only males were educated

The Family in Ancient IndiaThe Family in Ancient India

Perhaps the most vivid symbol of the men’s Perhaps the most vivid symbol of the men’s dominance was a ritual of suttee. dominance was a ritual of suttee.

During this ritual the dead was placed on a During this ritual the dead was placed on a heap of burning materialsheap of burning materials

The suttee required a wife to throw herself on The suttee required a wife to throw herself on her dead husband’s flaming pileher dead husband’s flaming pile

Most women did this gladlyMost women did this gladly Women who refused were held in disgraceWomen who refused were held in disgrace


Early Hindus believed in the existence of a Early Hindus believed in the existence of a single force in the universe, a form of ultimate single force in the universe, a form of ultimate reality or God called reality or God called BrahmanBrahman

Reincarnation Reincarnation had soon become apart of had soon become apart of HinduismHinduism

Reincarnation is the belief that the individual Reincarnation is the belief that the individual soul is reborn in a different form after deathsoul is reborn in a different form after death

According to Hinduism, all living beings seek According to Hinduism, all living beings seek to achieve this goalto achieve this goal


Important top this process is the idea of karmaImportant top this process is the idea of karma Karma Karma is the force generated by a person’s actions is the force generated by a person’s actions

that determines how the person will be reborn in the that determines how the person will be reborn in the next life.

According to this Idea, what people do in their According to this Idea, what people do in their present lives determines what they will be in their present lives determines what they will be in their next livesnext lives

So the current status of an individual is not an So the current status of an individual is not an accident, it is a result of actions in a past existenceaccident, it is a result of actions in a past existence


The concept of karma is ruled by the The concept of karma is ruled by the dharma, dharma, or the or the divine lawdivine law

This law required all people to do their dutyThis law required all people to do their duty The system of reincarnation provided a religious The system of reincarnation provided a religious

basis for the rigid class division in Indian societybasis for the rigid class division in Indian society This system justified the privileges of the higher class This system justified the privileges of the higher class

peoplepeople After all, they would not have these privileges if they After all, they would not have these privileges if they

were not deservingwere not deserving


Hindus developed the practice of Hindus developed the practice of yogayoga to to achieve a oneness with the gods.achieve a oneness with the gods.

There are hundreds of deities in the Hindu There are hundreds of deities in the Hindu Religion including three chief ones:Religion including three chief ones:

Brahma the CreatorBrahma the Creator Vishnu the PreserverVishnu the Preserver Siva the Destroyer Siva the Destroyer


In the 6In the 6thth century B.C., a new doctrine called century B.C., a new doctrine called Buddhism, appeared in India and soon became Buddhism, appeared in India and soon became a rival of Hinduisma rival of Hinduism

The Story of BuddhaThe Story of Buddha The founder of Buddhism was The founder of Buddhism was

Siddhartha Gautama, known as the Siddhartha Gautama, known as the Buddha, or the “Enlightened One”Buddha, or the “Enlightened One”

Buddha was the son of a ruling Buddha was the son of a ruling family, he was next in line for kingfamily, he was next in line for king

He decided to give all of that up to He decided to give all of that up to find the true meaning of lifefind the true meaning of life

He practiced He practiced asceticsascetics, which is a , which is a practice of self denial to achieve an practice of self denial to achieve an understanding of ultimate realityunderstanding of ultimate reality

The Story of BuddhaThe Story of Buddha

The practice of ascetics however led to a close The practice of ascetics however led to a close brush with death from not eatingbrush with death from not eating

He went into a long period of meditation He went into a long period of meditation where it was said he found the true meaning of where it was said he found the true meaning of lifelife

He spent the rest of his life preaching what he He spent the rest of his life preaching what he had discoveredhad discovered

The Basic Principles of BuddhismThe Basic Principles of Buddhism

Buddha denied the reality of the material Buddha denied the reality of the material worldworld

The physical surroundings of humans, he The physical surroundings of humans, he believed were simply illusionsbelieved were simply illusions

The pain, poverty, and sorrow that affect The pain, poverty, and sorrow that affect human beings are caused by their attachment human beings are caused by their attachment to things of this worldto things of this world

The Basic Principles of BuddhismThe Basic Principles of Buddhism

Achieving wisdom is a key step to achieving Achieving wisdom is a key step to achieving nirvana, nirvana, or ultimate reality – the end of the or ultimate reality – the end of the self and a reunion with the Great World Soulself and a reunion with the Great World Soul

Buddha accepted the idea of reincarnation, but Buddha accepted the idea of reincarnation, but he rejected the Hindu division of human he rejected the Hindu division of human beings into different caste based on previous beings into different caste based on previous reincarnationreincarnation

The Basic Principles of BuddhismThe Basic Principles of Buddhism

Buddhism also rejected the multitude of gods Buddhism also rejected the multitude of gods that have become identified with Hinduismthat have become identified with Hinduism

He forbade his followers to worship him or his He forbade his followers to worship him or his image after his deathimage after his death

For that reason, many Buddhist see Buddhism For that reason, many Buddhist see Buddhism as a philosophy rather than a religion as a philosophy rather than a religion

The Basic Principles of BuddhismThe Basic Principles of Buddhism

After his death, his followers traveled After his death, his followers traveled throughout India, spreading his messagethroughout India, spreading his message

Temples sprang up through out the Temples sprang up through out the countrysidecountryside

Buddhist monasteries were also established to Buddhist monasteries were also established to promote his teaching and provide housing and promote his teaching and provide housing and training for monks dedicated to the simple life training for monks dedicated to the simple life and the pursuit of wisdomand the pursuit of wisdom


1.1. What were the natural borders of ancient India? What were the natural borders of ancient India?

2.2. What were the two major civilizations of ancient What were the two major civilizations of ancient India?India?

3.3. Who conquered the Harappans and what year?Who conquered the Harappans and what year?

4.4. What did the Caste System provide?What did the Caste System provide?

5.5. Who were the Untouchables?Who were the Untouchables?

6.6. What is Nirvana?What is Nirvana?

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