Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church for Catechists

Post on 14-Jan-2015






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Contained here is an outline and brief presentation of the basic principles of the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church. This is not a comprehensive course.


Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church

A Short Introduction for Catechists

ByRev. Cornelius T. Mc Quillan, C.S.Sp., Psy.D.

Edited by Sharon Piper


The Social Teaching of the Catholic Church is based on three truths:

Man is made in God’s ImageThe Law of Jesus is to love others as He

has loved us.The Death of Jesus was meant to save all



Mankind is made in God’s Image (Gen 1).

God is the creator of the Universes but only human beings are created in his Image making the Human Person superior to all creation.

Adam is God’s masterpiece


Mankind is made in God’s Image (Gen 1)

God gave the rest of creation to mankind to tend and look after.

Mankind is therefore accountable to God for the care he gives the rest of creation.


Mankind is made in God’s Image (Gen 1).

God is absolutely perfect.

Man, made is His Image, has a relative share in God’s attributes.


Mankind is made in God’s Image (Gen 1).

God is Man Omniscient Has limited

knowledge Omnipresent is trapped in time Omnipotent is limited in what he

can do

Basis of the Social Doctrine

Mankind is made in God’s Image (Gen 1).

God is the Supreme Authority.

In so far as man is responsible for creation, he has a limited share in God’s authority.

All authority comes from the Almighty.

Basis of the Social Doctrine

Thus the Social Doctrine of the Church is based on the Dignity of the Human Person as

having a privileged position above all creation.


Christ’s Law of Love governs all those who belong to His Kingdom, a kingdom of Justice and Peace.

There can be no Peace without Justice.

Jesus commands us to love one another as we love ourselves.


Later Jesus raised the stakes and told us to love

each other as He has loved us.

The Social Doctrine attempts to specify the exigencies of love in the various social strata in

which mankind lives.


The Social Doctrine attempts to teach the exigencies of love for the Individual, Family,

Social Institutions, Organizations, and Governments.

An integral aspect of Evangelization is the articulation of the Social Doctrine.



The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines justice as the moral virtue of constant,

consistent and firm will to give God and neighbor that which is their due (CCC #1807).


Mission of the Church:

The Role of the Church is not to govern and the Church disclaims any authority to do so. However, her mission is to Evangelize. The Church therefore,

enters into dialogue with Governments, Social Institutions, Organizations, Families and all men and

women of good will, in order to defend human dignity, peoples’ rights as well as to remind all of

their obligations.


The social doctrine of the Church springs from the Gospel and the command of Jesus for us

to love one another.

Pope Leo XIII began to formalize the expression of this Social Doctrine with his Encyclical Rerum Novarum (May 1891), in

which he delineates the rights and obligations of business owners as well as that of workers.


Rerum Novarum:

Reacting to Communism Pope Leo defends:

Personal Property.Workers right to unionize.The principle of a Just Wage.The obligation of any company to justify its

existence by serving the Common Good.


Common Good(CCC #1906):The basis of any society is the human person.The good of each individual is necessarily

related to the common good.This the some total of social conditions, which

allow people, either as groups or individuals to reach their fulfillment more fully and more easily.

Principles of the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church

The Social Doctrine of the Church is based on the Dignity of the Human Person.

The Human Person needs to live in Society. (CCC #1879).

Therefore, People have the right to associate with others.

Principle of the Common Good

The Human person is, and ought to be, the principle, the subject and the end of all social Institutions (CCC #1881).

Every aspect of social life must be related to and stems from the dignity, unity and equality of all people.

Principle of the Common Good

Everyone is responsible for the Common Good

and therefore, the state as well.

Principle of the Universal Destination of Goods

God destined creation for all men and women.

Therefore, there is a universal right to use (not abuse) the goods of the Earth.

People have a right to what they need, not just to survive, but to thrive.

Principle of the Universal Destination of Goods

This principle requires that all men and women co-operate so that the goods of the

earth are available for the integral development of all.

Principle of Solidarity

Through the Mystery of the Incarnation, Jesus made Himself one with Humanity, even in Death.

Solidarity is a moral virtue that determines the order of institutions.

It is a firm and constant commitment to the Common Good.

Principle of Solidarity

This principle implies participation as an individual or society collaborating in a series of activities, either directly or by means of representation, which contribute to the cultural, economic, political and social life of the community.

Principle of the Universal Destination of Goods

The Principles of the Universal Destination of goods, that of the Common Good and the Principle of Solidarity, oblige us to make a preferential option for the poor.

Human Rights

A person’s basic rights are the basis of the Ten Commandments.

Human Rights


Family & Descendants


Good Name &/or Reputation

ObligationsThou shalt not kill.

Do not commit adultery.Respect Father and Mother.

Do not steal. Do not covet your neighbors’ goods.

Do not give false testimony.


Principle of Subsidiarity states that:

A community of higher order should not interfere in the internal life of a community of a lower order.

Other Rights

Right to WorkFreedom of ReligionRight to ImmigrateRight to AssociationRight to live SecureEquality before the LawHealth Care

Human Institutions

All human organizations need the authority to govern themselves

The members have the corresponding duty to obey legitimate authority.

An organization does not derive its moral authority from itself, but from God & its members

Each right has a corresponding duty


Equal protection under the Law




DutiesWork honestly

Respect just laws

Fulfill requirements

Obey the rules

Sustain offspring


AuthorityProtect the Common Good

Enact Laws

Protect Individuals’ Rights

Regulate Immigration

DutiesWork for the Common Good

Execute the Law with Equity

Respect Individuals’ Rights

Defend the Right to Immigrate

Human Institutions

Every Human community needs authority in order to endure and develop (CCC #1919).

The diversity of political regimes is legitimate, provided that they contribute to the good of the community.

Principle of Subsidiarity

This Principle is opposed to all forms of collectivism (CCC #1885).

Authority is only exercised with moral legitimacy when it serves the common Good (CCC #1903).

Principle of Subsidiarity

All societies of a superior order must adapt attitudes of help and therefore support, promotion and development, with respect to lower order societies.

Principle of Subsidiarity

The Principle of Subsidarity protects people from abuses by higher level social authority.


God is free and mankind made in His image has a share in God’s freedom.

Man is not free to lose his freedom.In order to remain free, people need to base their choices on truth.


All have a right to know the Truth.

The exercise of free choice depends on knowing the benefits and cost of each option, that is Informed Consent.

Part II

The Family


The Family is the basic Social Unit.

God Himself is a Communityof Persons.

The Family is our first experience of community and therefore of God.


God is creator and the couple made in His image have the vocation of procreation.

The family is the Sanctuary of Life

The family has the Right and Duties of Procreation.


The couple has the exclusive right and obligation to determine the number of and time between children.

Their decision on the number of children should not depend on economic factors alone.

The poor have the same right to children as do the wealthy and society has the obligation to help them by

the Principle of Solidarity.


Couples should avoid artificial means of avoiding pregnancy.

Parents have the obligation of protecting andeducating their children.


God is the Supreme Being and all Authority is a share in His

People have the right to association and to form the government of their choice.

Citizens have the right of participation in their government.


A Government has the authority to govern from the people and to enact laws and

provide a juridical system.

The first responsibility of a government is to work for the Common Good.


Governments should not engage is private enterprise since their duty includes protecting the Rights of both Entrepreneurs and workers.

They may be obliged to initiate a project for the Common Good; but once feasible, should

privatize all industry.


Nations, by the Principle of Solidarity have the moral obligation to aid other nations which

are sub-developed.

International Collaboration is in service of the Common Good.


Has the obligation to oversee private industry, protecting both workers’ rights and the



Have equal rights under the Law.

Have the obligation to obey just laws and to pay for governmental services.


All institutions, which are composed of persons are obliged as well as their members to work

for the Common Good.

This principle applies equally to any business enterprise.


This course is not meant to be comprehensive, but merely an resumé of some of the basic

principles of the Social Doctrine of the Church.


CCC – The Catechism of the Catholic Church

Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, 2005, Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, Libreria Editrice Vaticana

Gaudium et Spes – Pastoral Constituion, Doc. Of Vat II.

Papal EncyclicalsCan be found at

Leo XIII, Rerum Novarum

Benedict XV, Quadrageimo Anno

John XXIII, Mater et Magistra , Pacem in Terris

Paul VI, Populorum Progressio, Humanae Vitae

John Paul II, Veritatis Splendor, Fides et Ratio, Centesimos Annus, Sollicitudo Rei Socialis, Rights of the Family, Sollicitudo Rei Socialis, Christifideles Laici, Mullieris Dignitatem , Laborem Exercens

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