SOA114 Enterprise Services Repository – Overview and Roadmap.pdf

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SOA114 Enterprise Services Repository – Overview and Roadmap

Rathish BalakrishnanSAP NW Product Management SOA Middleware

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / SOA114 Page 2


This presentation outlines our general product direction and should not be relied on in making a purchase decision. This presentation is not subject to your license agreement or any other agreement with SAP. SAP has no obligation to pursue any course of business outlined in this presentation or to develop or release any functionality mentioned in this presentation. This presentation and SAP's strategy and possible future developments are subject to change and may be changed by SAP at any time for any reason without notice. This document is provided without a warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. SAP assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in this document, except if such damages were caused by SAP intentionally or grossly negligent.

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / SOA114 Page 3

1. Introduction to Enterprise Services Repository2. Overview of SAP SOA Methodology3. Key features and capabilities4. The Journey so far and Road ahead5. Summary


© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / SOA114 Page 4

The Approach: Service Oriented Architecture SOA is essential but Missing Business Semantics



Manually builtVery minimal reuseNo governance

Delete from database

Rollback inventory

Cancel Shipment

Cancel Invoicing

Send Notification

Adjust Planning

Notify Suppliers



Business semanticsProductizedUnified repository

Cancel Order

Cancel Order

Presentation Notes
Today everybody agrees that SOA is required and SOA is the way forward. But quite a few SOA projects fall under what we call wild-west SOA where existing systems are exposed as web services without any thought given to reuse or governance. When someone starts creating a new service there is absolutely nothing that he can reuse. And if someone in the higher management or central architecture wants to understand the SOA landscape, all he will get to see are a set of WSDLs. However, SAP’s version of SOA is enterprise SOA. Where services are not just WSDLs but have business semantics. Even our own enterprise services are delivered with rich models to contextualize services and to understand their business need. There is one single source of truth where all objects are maintained and created so that, tomorrow when someone wants to create a new service he can reuse optimally all the data types and services. That single source of truth is the Enterprise Services Repository.

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / SOA114 Page 5

Lifecycle of SOA-based Applications – SAP’s Approach

Enterprise Architects Analyze business requirementsDiscover available enterprise services in ESR for reuseGap analysis

ProvidersDesign and model servicesImplement new business logicCreate new services reusing existing assets and publish to SR

ConsumersCompose views by reusing implemented services and BOsCompose and orchestrate services and views to form new business processTest and validate

AdministratorsManage changeSecurityMonitor service execution (e.g. performance, availability, process progress, events) Administrators

Package and deploy application Configure runtime (adapt to IT landscape)

Governance along all phases of the lifecycle

Analyze & Discover

Compose & OrchestrateIntegrate &


Manage & Optimize

Model & Build

Presentation Notes
Governance automation is needed as the number of services increase. Tools for design-time and runtime governance cover the whole lifecycle Analyze & Discover Analyzes business requirements Identify needed business objects, services, and views Discover available enterprise services in ESR for reuse Identify missing services for new business logic Model & Build Design and model business objects (BOs) Implement new business logic Model and build UIs Create new services reusing existing assets and publish to ESR Compose & Orchestrate Compose views by reusing implemented services and BO's Compose and orchestrate services and views to form new business process Integrate & deploy Package and deploy application Configure runtime (adapt to IT landscape) Test and validate application Execute application Manage & Optimize Manage change and maintain version (governance) Monitor service execution (e.g. performance, availability, process progress, events) With respect to roles Consumers : Discover Services for Use, Request Service Consumption (Select Service, Validate Usability ) Providers : Publish Business Service, Advertise Service, Track Consumption Enterprise Architects : Analyze Usage and Trends, Create and manage conformance policies, governance

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / SOA114 Page 6

Swiss Post Group Feedback on Enterprise Services Repository – Profitability analysis*

* Based on their presentation in SAPPHIRE, Berlin 2008

Enterprise Services Repository is used across SAP, .Net, oracle, SUN, BEA technologies

Duration reduction by 20%

Duration reduction by 25%

Reduction of Integration effort

by 30%

Reduction of Deployment per service by 1 day

Only possible with ESR/SR

Analyze & Discover

Compose & OrchestrateIntegrate &


Manage & Optimize

Model & Build

Presentation Notes
Here’s an actual customer testimony of the benefits of the Enterprise Services Repository Swiss Post Group is a company owned by the Swiss Confederation which is incorporated under public law. It has over 58,000 employees spread over 2500 post offices. The company has a turn over of CHF 8,712 bn and the group profit for the year is CHF 909 million. Swiss post Group is also the first customer to go live with SAP NetWeaver Process Integration 7.1. In the last few months since they went live, they are clearly able to leverage on the new features of the Process Integration 7.1 in solving their Enterprise IT issues. One of the key features that they use as part of PI 7.1 is the Enterprise Services Repository. The organization is committed to advance and use Service oriented Architecture and integrate it into Business Process Management. And over the last two years, based on an extensive study done within the group, the company has defined the SOA roadmap for the organization. Swiss post has a very heterogeneous landscape with technologies such as .Net, Oracle, SUN, BEA and SAP distributed all across its stack. Swiss post made a conscious decision to separate the implementation technology (the technology in which the service is implemented) from the methodology and process. They required a repository that is able to handle the technology heterogeneity and provide a unified view across this technologically diverse landscape. After an extensive proof of concept, Swiss post decided to use the Enterprise Services Repository as the sole central services repository. Today, after using the ESR across all steps of the SOA lifecycle, they are clearly able to see how ESR helps in every step of the Service lifecycle.

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / SOA114 Page 7

Enterprise Services Repository is ...

“… the central repository where Enterprise service definitions are modeled, stored and maintained.”

Services Registry - UDDI V3 compliant registry that supports publishing, classifying and discovering services

Services Registry

ES Repository - The metadata repository of all service objects for enterprise SOA

Presentation Notes
So if you look at the ESR in some more detail you see that there are two parts to it, one is the ES Repository and the other being the Services Registry The ES Repository is really the master data repository of service objects for eSOA What do we mean by a design time repository? This refers to the process of designing services and the ES Repository supports the whole process around contract first or the well known outside in way of developing services It provides you with a central modeling and design environment which provides you with all the tools and editors that enable you to go through this process of service definition it provides you with the infrastructure to store, manage and version service metadata Besides service definition the ESR also provides you with a central point for finding and managing service metadata from different sources , including application deployments – this is where the Services Registry comes in. The Services Registry is the UDDI part of the ESR which enables service consumers to find services Once these two components are in place – visibility is controlled, versions are managed, proposed changes are analyzed and communicated, usage is monitored and other parts of the SOA foundation can access service metadata

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / SOA114 Page 8

Key Usage Scenarios

Focus: Process Component architecture models in ES Repository, Drill down to standards based service interface design

Value: Enable SOA Governance

Benefit: Transparency into Business Semantics, Contextualization of Service metadata, Easy access to Enterprise services & gap analysis.

Focus: Model Service Interface based on GDTs, Provide Service Metadata, Seamless Tool integration

Value: Manage service metadata in one central repository

Benefit: Enable reuse of design time artifacts, End to end modeling support, Governed definition of SOA assets.

Process Visibility and Design Governance Service Provisioning

Focus: Use services defined in ES Repository for consumption in A2A and B2B scenarios

Value: Enable integration in heterogeneous landscape

Benefit: Collaboration knowledge of non-SAP systems, Support for defining Integration Scenarios

Focus: Composition tools query Repository-Registry to discover services

Value: Composite Application Development

Benefit: Contract first development process, Easy discovery, consumption & composition.

Process Integration Composition

Presentation Notes
Service Provisioning – The Enterprise Services Repository provides unparalleled support for modeling services. Users can define all artifacts from Service Interfaces (that can be exported as WSDLs) to individual Data Types (that can be exported as XSDs). ESR also supports the reuse of artifacts at all levels. The ESR is delivered with pre-defined Global Data Types, basic building blocks created out of SAP’s methodology, which provide a foundation for defining your services. Process Visibility – In addition to service artifacts, ESR supports definition of high level models such as Process Component models and Scenario models that help contextualize the services that are delivered. For instance, the Enterprise services delivered with SAP are delivered with these high level models that help a user drill down to services from a high level overview. Process Integration – ESR provides support for classical A2A and B2B integration scenarios. This includes support for artifacts such as message types, message mapping and executable business processes. Consumption – The Services Registry provides support to publish services, discover services and manage services. Users can search services using keyword search and based on classification. The Services Registry is pre-delivered with industry classifications which can be used to classify services. In addition, users can extend the classification metamodel based on their needs.

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / SOA114 Page 9

1. Introduction to Enterprise Services Repository2. Overview of SAP SOA Methodology3. Key features and capabilities4. The Journey so far and Road ahead5. Summary


© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / SOA114 Page 10

Semantics and taxonomyHarmonized enterprise model:same understanding between service consumers and service providersTechnical:transport protocols, security standards, formats, and so on

Governance for Enterprise Services

Common modeling and implementation guidelines proven by SAP development are the basis for every (new) service developmentArchitectural guidelines and standards

Global data typesCompanywide defineddata types based oninternational standardsSemantic building blocks for interfaces

Global datatype (SAP)

Core data type(CCTS)

Primitive data type(XSD)

Enterprise Services Repository is the central repository in which service interfaces and enterprise services are modeled and the corresponding metadata is managed throughout the life cycleEnterprise Services Repository


Signatureraw design:


Signaturefinal design:


Enter in ES Repository

Definition and cut: PIC 0

Element Definition:GDT PIC

Presentation Notes
Semantics and taxonomy – Process Component Architecture, Business Objects Architectural guidelines – Exactly once behavior, forward error handling – Behaviour of the services 1. How to start - Start with external world entities - outside-in approach - e.g. material, purchase orders, contracts - find the business definition - SOA 300 - find an abstraction - e.g. WorkingContract & Employee -

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / SOA114 Page 11

Enterprise Services are Delivered Along Rich Semantic Models

Deployment Unit

Process Component

Business Object

Process ComponentModel

Presentation Notes
Starting Point for the modeling is the Business Object Map: On the Business Object Map Deployment Units, Process Components and Business Objects are defined Business Object Maps are defined for all major applications and show all the deployment Units that belong to that application Process Components are assigned to the Deployment Units while the Business Objects are assigned to the Process Components

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / SOA114 Page 12

Service Definitions are Based on

Process componentsGroup business objects. A business object belongs to exactly one process component. Process components describe a part of the value chain. That part is typically executed by one department (in large companies).

Deployment unitsAre groups of decoupled process components that can be operated separately.

<sync. Service Operation><sync. Service Operation>

<Service Interface><Service Interface>

Process component

Service operationsEach belongs to exactly one business object. A business object has multiple operations.

<Business Object>

<Business Object>

Business objectsRepresent a specific view on well-defined and outlined business content. Business objects are defined free of business functionality redundancies.

Service interfacesAre grouping service operations.

Presentation Notes
Business object represents the Data model and Service operation – method exposed by the object that works on the data. Process component – arbitary grouping based on people who are caring for this data. E.g. Set of objects used in one department, who have the responsibility Deployment unit – Physically installable systems and systems that can be run independently (In ERP, Logistics, HCM – run them separately) These modeling entities are representations of a logical business content e.g. a business object like ‘Business Partner’ that is defined in the ESR data base. Working with these entities you should be aware of the following: All this elements have a name and should have a short business description Each entity has a set of attributes that can be maintained Be careful when creating entities with the same name ARIS will ask you whether you want to create an new entity in the database or reference the element to an existing one All existing ones with the same name will be offered and you should carefully select the correct one when you want to reference Be careful when copying entities: Normal copy and paste will create new referenced entities If you paste an entity as definition copy you create a new entry in the ESR database with the same name

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / SOA114 Page 13

Service Modeling Roadmap

<Integration Scenario>

Integration Scenario Model

Process Component Interaction Model

Process ComponentModel

Rich models to support end to end service definition process

Presentation Notes
PC model – view of the objects contained and shows the service operations that work on the objects that are contained. IS model PCIM model In the harmonized Enterprise Service Model that is shipped with ESR Process Component Models are the place where Service Operations and Service Interfaces are defined and shows all possible interactions with other Process Components Integration Scenarios Models are view on the interaction of Process Components in business scenario The details of the interactions are shown Process Component Interaction Models

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / SOA114 Page 14

SAP's Platform Delivers a New Level of Governance to Ensure Enterprise Readiness


Process Components

Global Data Types


Integration Scenarios

Service Interfaces

Interface Mapping

Analyze & Discover

Compose & OrchestrateTest,

Integrate & Deploy

Manage & Optimize

Model & Build

Enterprise Services RepositoryMoving beyond service definitions

Services, business objects, processes

Moving beyond developmentBusiness process expert, architect, developer

Moving beyond discoveryUDDI based discovery, lifecycle management governance

Enterprise Services Repository: The Basis for End-to-End

Co-Innovation and Governance

Presentation Notes
Enterprise Services Repository With SAP NetWeaver Process Integration and SAP NetWeaver Composition Environment, SAP brings to market the Enterprise Services Repository and Registry. The Enterprise Services Repository (ES Repository) is the central SOA repository for storing all SOA artifacts based on particular business semantics. The ES Repository is enhanced with objects that enables customers to service enable their applications based on SAP’s process component modeling methodology. These models are the vehicles to communicate between business process experts and developers. The Services Registry contains information in the form of an yellow pages to have one central place where all the services in the customers landscape can be discovered. The Services Registry is based on a UDDI V3.0 server. This is enhanced further with business classifications based on the same methodology that is used at design time. These tools are essential to centrally administrate the development and consumption of services in the context of business processes. However only with a strong methodology for SOA governance it is possible to create a consistent, SOA based meta model that serves all processes in the enterprise. SAP has developed such a governance process and uses it to service-enable the SAP Business Suite. In addition SAP offers trainings to enable customers and partners to make use of the SAP SOA governance methodology.

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / SOA114 Page 15

1. Introduction to Enterprise Services Repository2. Overview of SAP SOA Methodology3. Key features and capabilities4. The Journey so far and Road ahead5. Summary


© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / SOA114 Page 16

Enterprise Services Repository and Registry




(SAP NetWeaver Composition Environment)












MEDIATED INVOCATIONProcess integration



Presentation Notes
This is how the overall picture looks like. At the heart of the landcape is the Enterprise Services Repository where an Enterprise Architect defines the services Based on these service definitions, proxies are generated in the provider system Once the implementation is done in the provider system, the end points of the service are published into the Services Registry It is also possible to publish the Service model endpoints directly from the repository to the registry The Services Registry becomes the point of contact for the consumer tools (CE) which discover the services from the Services Registry At runtime, the Consumer application (running on the CE server) contacts the service implementation in the provider sysem This can happen either directly (through point to point or direct connection). Or if there are requirements of routing or mapping, then it happens through the Integration server at runtime as mediated invocation.

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / SOA114 Page 17

Role of Enterprise Services Repository

Reuse Existing assets Model Definition Implementation Publishing Consumption

Unified Lifecycle Management Design time Governance

Support for standards

Enterprise Services Repository plays a key role in all steps of the service lifecycle

Presentation Notes
ESR has a key role to play in all of the steps in Service lifecycle. And across all of these steps, ESR provides support for Unified Lifecycle management (in terms of Versioning, transport), Design time Governance and Support for Standards (like XSD, WSDL). In the course of the next few slides, I will explain how these three factors are reflected in each of the steps in Service Lifecycle.

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / SOA114 Page 18

Reuse Existing Assets Enterprise Services Provided by SAP

Reuse Existing assets Model Definition Implementation Publishing Consumption

Delivered with rich models to support discovery and Gap analysisOne step import into the Enterprise Services RepositorySimplified navigation of models and access to documentation

Enterprise Services

Presentation Notes
ESR serves as the delivery vehicle for Enterprise services. Users can import the enterprise services definitions from the Service Marketplace using one step. There is tool support to import content into the ESR. Also, they have the possibility to navigate to the documentation of the models and the services right from within the ESR.

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / SOA114 Page 19

Reuse Existing Assets – SOA Content to Kick Start Your Implementation

SAP- wide approved Global Data Types based on Governance methodology

Based on ISO 15000-5 and UN/CEFACT CCTSSupport for Industry context extensions

Standard Industry classificationsSample models and applicationsSupport for reuse at all levelsEnforces standardization of service metadata

Pre-delivered SOA content

Reuse Existing assets Model Definition Implementation Publishing Consumption

Presentation Notes
With the ESR, we don’t just provide you a tool to start building your services. We provide content that is created out of SAP’s methodology. For instance, all our enterprise services across both Business ByDesign and Business suite are based on a standard set of data types called the Global Data Types. These data types are based on the CCTS standards and based on XSD. In addition to that, we also provide standard industry classifications along with the Services Registry; Sample models and applications are pre-delivered with the Enterprise services Repository. All of this content is reusable. In fact, we encourage the reuse of Global Data types and Industry classifications as a way of standardizing your services and making sure you don’t reinvent the wheel .

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / SOA114 Page 20

Reuse Existing assets Model Definition Implementation Publishing Consumption



Reuse Existing Assets – End to End Support for External Services

Presentation Notes
Just as you can work with SAP Enterprise services or your own services in the Enterprise Services Repository, you can also work with external web services. You can import and maintain external web services definitions within the ESR. You can publish external services to the Services Registry and just as you can do with any service, you can also classify external web services in the Services Registry

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / SOA114 Page 21

Proxy ImplementationIntegration Scenarios

Process Components Service Interfaces

Global Data Types

Proxy Implementation

Decision on Service Cut

Raw Design

Elements / Data Types

Final Design

Implement & Publish

Business Objects Service Messages

Industry Contexts

Reuse Existing assets Model Definition Implementation Publishing Consumption

Model Definition End to End Modeling Support

Presentation Notes
ESR provides end to end modeling support for the provisioning scenario. Missing enterprise services are built in a phased approach including Defining the granularity of the cut, name and scope Defining the patterns and leveraged business objects Defining the global data types used in the enterprise service Defining the interface including element structure and the mappings Implementing it and publishing it in the ESR And in each of these steps, there is support for modeling

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / SOA114 Page 22

Organized by Software Component versions and NamespacesNaming conventions for better management Flexible organization into Folders Classification of servicesIntegrated documentation for all SOA artifacts

Organization of Content

Reuse Existing assets Model Definition Implementation Publishing Consumption

Model Definition Organization of Content

Presentation Notes
One of the most important requirements for achieving optimal reusability is to have a clear and efficient organization of content. In ESR, all content is organized in the form of Software components and Namespaces. What this forces you to do is to give a thought right when you are creating a service as to which semantical entity it should be a part of. Organizing content as namespaces also helps in putting together similar objects which helps in navigation In addition to namespaces, you can also organize content into folders in which case you can form sub-collections of objects that belong together Another advantage of folders is to be able to define authorizations for objects that belong that folder. You can also classify services (both in the registry and with 7.1.1, the repository as well) There is also integrated documentation for SOA artifacts. You can for instance navigate from an SAP Enterprise service in the ESR to its corresponding documentation in the ESWorkplaace

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / SOA114 Page 23

Support for Versioning Impact analysis using where-used list for all artifactsInbuilt support for extensibilityRoles and Authorization supportUpcoming : Customized Usage profiles to restrict access

Controlled Modification

Reuse Existing assets Model Definition Implementation Publishing Consumption

Model Definition Support for Controlled Modification

Presentation Notes
One of key requirements for Design time governance is to be able to track and control modification of services. In order to achieve that, the ESR provides the following features All Content in the ESR is implicitly versioned and one can track the version history at the level of every object to know who is modified the object and when One can find out where a certain artifact in the ESR is used using the Where-Used list. This lists down all the different objects which use this artifact There is in-built modeling support for modeling extensions for objects such Data Types so that if a user wants to extend a data type, he can do it using inbuilt mechanisms One can assign roles and authorizations to control who can edit a certain artifact at the level of a software component, namespace, folder In the next major release of ESR, Administrators will be able to define custom usage profiles to define who can view what software component or type of an object

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / SOA114 Page 24

Reuse Existing assets Model Definition Implementation Publishing Consumption

Native plugin implementations for NetWeaver Developer Studio, ABAP Workbench Browse the list of services and create skeleton implementations Support for publishing services into the Services RegistrySupport for browsing Services Registry and creating client proxies in Microsoft Visual studio

Integration with Development Environment

Implementation Integration with Development Environment

Presentation Notes
While it is an Enterprise Architect who models the services in the Enterprise Services Builder, the developer who will implement the service does not login to the Enterprise Services Builder but will work with his developer studio (which could Eclipse, Visual studio or the ABAP Workbench). So, it is important that the developer is able to access and browse the Enterprise Services Repository from within his developer environment rather than going to the ESR. So, we have provided native plugins the most common development environments to login and browse enterprise services. We also have support for publishing services from the Services Registry.

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / SOA114 Page 25

Reuse Existing assets Model Definition Implementation Publishing Consumption

Discovery of services using keywords and semantics based searchDelivered with pre-defined taxonomies to classify servicesCapabilities to define and manage custom taxonomies

Enhanced UDDI Registry

ServiceSR Classification

ServiceER Keyword

SR KeywordSearch service UDDI


UDDI v3 Server



ER SR Classification& Modeling

Best practices


PublishingWSDL in UDDI

StandardSAP Standard

Services RegistryWS/SOAPlocal call local call

Publishing Services Registry – Enhanced UDDI Registry

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / SOA114 Page 26

Reuse Existing assets Model Definition Implementation Publishing Consumption

Consumption Integrated Tool Support

Presentation Notes
Once the services have been published into the services registry, they are available for consumption through composition tools such as Visual composer and Web Dynpro. To do consumption effectively, the following will be the key requirements The services should be easily discoverable from the Services Registry There should be integrated toolset support so that the developers / end users can directly query the Services registry from within their current working environment and import the required metadata. In order to achieve the same, all the Composition tools have integrated toolset support for Services Registry which supports querying the services registry with either keywords or using the Classification metamodel that has been defined.

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / SOA114 Page 27


© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / SOA114 Page 28

1. Introduction to Enterprise Services Repository2. Overview of SAP SOA Methodology3. Key features and capabilities4. The Journey so far and Road ahead5. Summary


© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / SOA114 Page 29

From a Pure Integration Repository to the Leading Repository in Heterogeneous Landscapes

2000s 2007 2008/09Focus on Integration


Integration processes and scenarios

System-centric BPEL processes

Message Types, Mapping artifacts

Support for Enterprise Services Modeling

Process Component Architecture

Services Modeling aligned to WS standards

Pre-delivered Global Data types based on CCTS

Key Governance Features

Policies, Workflows, Notifications

Roles and Authorizations

Reporting and Compliance

Classification, Industry context drivers

Leading Repository in heterogeneous landscapes

Custom Modeling methodology support

Federation with non-SAP repositories and registries

Unified Organization and Identity Model

Enterprise SOA Semantics


Presentation Notes
The Journey so far and the Road Ahead The genesis of the Enterprise Services Repository was as the Integration Repository in Exchange Infrastructure (which has subsequently been renamed to Process Integration). The Integration repository was focused on modeling mediated communication in A2A and B2B scenarios and provided rich capabilities to model data transformation and high level integration scenarios. The Integration Repository also provided design time support to model system-centric BPEL processes. With SAP NetWeaver Process Integration 7.1, the capabilities of the repository were enhanced to provide end to end support for modeling of Enterprise Services. The Enterprise Services Repository support the governed definition of SOA assets (such as services and BOs) for SOA by evolution – with contract first development process from service definition to proxy implementation in the applications. It provides transparency into the business semantics exposed via enterprise services, for designers and developers of solutions on top of BPP. It is the basis to enable easy access to enterprise services – described in plain English with rich business classifications - when developing composite applications and business processes. In SOA by design, the rich meta-models in ESR enable the fully model-driven development of Business objects and UIs as well as decoupled process components. The Enterprise Services Repository is open to manage non-SAP services (provided by customers, and ISVs) in a customer landscape and as such provides the single source of truth of a customers BPP. The meta-data in the Enterprise Services Repository (and Registry) enables plug & play of composites leveraging the well-defined SAP process component models. Enterprise Services Repository (ESR) is also the delivery vehicle of the rich process component architecture models. These models enable SOA governance and model-based design of service-enabled business applications. These models represent a formalized modeling approach, as the modeling entities (process components, enterprise services, service operations, global data types) are deployed based on the models in the application platform. SAP NetWeaver Composition Environment can leverage a business process model representation of process components to facilitate modeled process composition and extension of the application core via defined extension points of a packaged service enabled business process. Going forward, the long term objective is that the Enterprise Services Repository will become the Leading Repository in heterogeneous landscapes. In other words, the Enterprise Services Repository will be central repository which provides a transparent and governed view of all SOA artifacts that can be maintained in various repositories in heterogeneous landscapes. In the next two years (2008/09), the Enterprise Services Repository will support modeling and enforcing key governance features such policies, roles and authorizations. Customers will be able to define personas or roles and thus control the visibility of selected artifacts. Customers can also define policies over a generic policy framework to enforce syntactic (e.g. the WSDL should WS-I compliant) and semantic (e.g. the service should use only global data types) conditions. The policy framework can also be used for defining SLAs to measure key performance indicators at runtime (e.g. the service should be up 99% of the time). There will also be support for generating reports based on the behaviour of these services against these policies (e.g. Find all services that fail a certain SLA) and ways to enforce compliance (e.g. A service cannot be marked as ‘released’ unless it meets all policy criteria). There will be a continued focus on enriching the modeling capability of the Enterprise Services Repository and thus support rich Enterprise SOA Semantics. As explained above, with SAP NetWeaver Process Integration 7.1, there has already been a substantial improvement in the support for Enterprise SOA Semantics. Enterprise Services Repository supports the governed definition of end to end models right from high level process architecture models to defining the service interfaces and data types. In addition, the Enterprise Services Repository is also pre-delivered with Global Data types which form the building blocks of all SAP Enterprise services and are based on SAP’s methodology. Similarly, the services registry is delivered with Industry classifications that can be used to classify their services. In 2008/09, customers will be able to add rich contextual information on top of these building blocks. Customers can classify their services right at the time of definition within their services to specify, for instance, which industry the service belongs to and which Application it is used as part of. Customers can also define additional contexts for a data type that will be active based on specific contexts (based on industry, geo-political factors). For instance, the customer can specify certain fields or attributes (e.g. District) are active for a datatype (e.g. Address) in a given country (e.g. India). There will also be support for defining additional artifacts such as Business Events within the Enterprise Services Repository. These enhancements will set the stage for the future years (2010+) , when Enterprise Services Repository will support governance of SOA artifacts maintained in diverse repositories. In addition to supporting the requirements of delivering our applications and realizing our methodology, there will be a focused effort providing better support for customers to overlay their organizational context on top their SOA applications. The Enterprise Services repository will support definition of modeling artifacts that are relevant to the customer’s context and capturing their organization and identity model.

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / SOA114 Page 30

Roadmap for SAP NetWeaver Enterprise Services Repository for Partners and Customers


Rich repository with end to end modeling support


Integrated repository with key governance features

2010 & >

Heart of heterogeneous SOA landscapes

Integrated modeling supportIntegrated toolset for Provisioning and discoveryOne ESR : Development modes



e SO













Integrated Eclipse-based ESRGuided development

Release to customer



e In




Custom defined workflowsImpact analysisGovernance across non-SAP repositoriesUnified Organization & Identity model

Federation with non-SAP repositories and registries

Custom modeling methodology supportModel driven Extensibility

Integration with Solution Manager & BPM offeringEnhanced Lifecycle management support

Policy definition/extensionRoles and AuthorizationWorkflows, NotificationsReporting and ComplianceWhere-used list of service consumers

Read API support for Selective ESR contentCentralized Admin supportFederation of SAP Service Registries

Classification & context definitionBusiness events modelingService ExtensibilitySupport for Application process flow models for extension

Integration with Solution ComposerInteroperability with UDDI registries

Pre-delivered classification and Global Data Types Services aligned to WS standard (multiple operations)

Where-used list of design time artifactsOrganization of content

Presentation Notes
Summary – One of our greatest strengths as of today with 7.1 release is the rich end to end modeling support. In 2008/09, we will build on our current strengths and provide to our customers a repository that provides key Governance features and is integrated with other SAP capabilities in the SOA space (such as Composition Environment, Solution Manager) and provides an API to integrate with other external tools. Beyond 2008/09, we will focus on becoming the leading repository in customer’s heterogeneous SOA landscapes with functionality to define custom methodology and federate with SAP and non-SAP repositories and registries. Details - In 2007, Enterprise Services Repository and Registry was brought to market. Enterprise Services Repository is the central SOA repository for storing all your SOA artifacts based on particular business semantics. With the first release of Enterprise Services Repository, customers have End to end support for modeling right from defining high level models to contextualize SOA artifacts using the Integrated modeling environment to Service Interfaces and Data types Integrated tool support for provisioning in java, and ABAP and discovery of services from a variety of composition tools Support for organizing content into Software Components and namespaces to implicitly support Design time governance Capabilities to understand dependencies between SOA artifacts using the where-used list for all SOA artifacts Integration with Solution Composer to provide rich documentation for services Pre-delivered classifications and Global Data Types (based on CCTS) to help jumpstart your SOA implementation Interoperability of the Services registry with other UDDI v3 compliant registries In 2008/09, we focus on enhancing our governance features and providing seamless integration with other SAP tools. Some highlights in this phase include Integration with Solution Manager to provide a seamless experience from navigating from the reference models in the Solution Manager to the Service definitions in the Enterprise Services Repository. Similarly, Integration with the NetWeaver BPM offering to navigate from process definitions in Galaxy to detailed Service definitions. Support for lifecycle management including synchronized change management to support synchronized delivery across service metadata, implementation and business processes. Definition of policies, workflows and roles within the Enterprise Services Repository along with support to monitor and track compliance based on the policies. Selectively opening up the Enterprise Services Repository through a standard API to support interoperability with other repositories Consolidated support for Administrators to carry out tasks such as configuration, managing authorization and monitoring Capabilities to model and manage business events within Enterprise Services Repository Providing a top down model-based approach for extensibility of Services Support for classifying Services and enriching them with context information based on Industrial, Process-related and Geo-political contexts Starting from 2010, the Enterprise Services Repository, with its end to end governance and federation capabilities, will become the leading repository of choice in heterogeneous landscapes. The repository will support adaptation of modeling methodologies and workflows to tailor to customer’s organizations and processes. The Enterprise Services Repository will Have an integrated Eclipse-based environment which will seamlessly interact with other design time environments based on Eclipse Support definition of custom defined workflows to customize Service Lifecycle based on customer needs Allow creation and customization of the modeling methodology to support creation of custom SOA artifacts and models Support federation and central governance across both SAP and non-SAP repositories Facilitate guided development of SOA assets through a wizard based approach Provide support for Impact analysis to understand and simulate how modifying a service will impact dependent services and processes Allow overlaying the organization model and Identity management over SOA artifacts to understand services in the organizational context

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1. Introduction to Enterprise Services Repository2. Overview of SAP SOA Methodology3. Key features and capabilities4. The Journey so far and Road ahead5. Summary


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Enterprise ServicesRepository

Central repository for enterprise services modelingProductized enterprise servicesBuilt-in SOA design governance

Process IntegrationSOA Middleware for SAP and nonSAP landscapesBased on open SOA standardsSOA runtime governanceEnterprise SOA provisioning

Composition EnvironmentJava EE 5 based modeling environment for rapid innovationModel-driven development tools for Business Process ExpertsStandards-based Eclipse-IDE* for developers

Process Components

SAP Applications

Order Mgmt. ...

Platform Components

SAP NetWeaverNon SAP &


Service & Event Composition

Service & Event Enablement

Business Process Composition & Management

Forms Portal Dashboards SAP GUI MobileBusiness Client


UI Composition

Service Bus

Customer & Partner Applications

Information Composition

Connectivity & Integration

SOA Management


SOA Design Governance

Enterprise Services

*IDE: Integrated Development Environment

Delivery Options – Process Integration and Composition Environment

Presentation Notes
End-To-End SOA Infrastructure – Today SAP provides a comprehensive blueprint, that delivers key building blocks of the Enterprise Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). The Enterprise SOA blueprint shows how these building blocks facilitate innovation, enable business network transformation, and achieve operational excellence in an cost efficient way. Any given enterprise-level scenario does not need to use all of the capabilities that reside in these building blocks; different scenarios will use different capabilities and the facilitating platform will enable the incremental adoption of more capabilities to ensure flexibility and innovation. Building blocks are organized in the following SOA principles which define ground rules for SOA capabilities: User Interface: Provide a high performance and rich UI experience Enterprise SOA Consumption: Composition of service based applications by consuming business entities delivered through the platform. Business Process Composition & Management: Modeling, configuration, execution and monitoring of business processes UI Composition: Build, code, compose, and adapt UI interaction, logic, and best-practice UI patterns Service & Event Composition: Composition and adaptation of services and events Information Composition: Collaborative composition (in business user runtime) of structured and unstructured information within a business context (aka situational composites) SOA Middleware: Communication and service management layer to ensure optimized interoperability between consumption, provisioning and external entities. Service Bus: Allows efficient and scalable messaging, routing, mediation, federation, and event processing. Seamless integration with Enterprise Services Repository (ESR), Services Registry (SR), and SOA management capabilities SOA Design Governance: SOA metadata repository; design, configuration, and management of services prior to deployment; supported by the ESR SOA Management: Safe-guard deployment and operations of SOA applications. Runtime governance solutions and security; monitoring and measurement

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Summary – Key Benefits and Value Proposition

Enables the governed definition of SOA assets with contract first development process and end to end modeling support.

Provides transparency into the business semantics exposed via enterprise services, for designers and developers.

Provides out-of-the-box SOA business content built on SAP modeling principles and support for asset reuse to jumpstart your SOA implementation.

Provides a single source of truth though openness & interoperability within a heterogeneous landscape.

Enables higher developer productivity through model-driven architecture using an integrated toolset for defining, provisioning, and consumption of enterprise services.

Supports a comprehensive software lifecycle managementacross the entire enterprise service lifecycle to reduce TCO

Enables discovery of SOA assets to build, modify, and run innovative and flexible composite applications & Business processes.

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Further Information

Related Workshops/Lectures at SAP TechEd 2008SOA211 : Enterprise Services Repository in Complex Customer Landscapes (Lecture)SOA 210 : End to end capabilities of Enterprise Services Repository in Action (Lecture)COMP166 : Service Provisioning in Java (Hands-on)

SAP Public Web:ES Repository on SDN - NetWeaver PI on SDN -

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SDN Subscriptions offers developers and consultants like you, an annual license to the complete SAP NetWeaver platform software, related services, and educational content, to keep you at the top of your profession.

SDN Software Subscriptions: (currently available in U.S. and Germany)A one year low cost, development, test, and commercialization license to the complete SAP NetWeaver software platform Automatic notification for patches and updatesContinuous learning presentations and demos to build expertise in each of the SAP NetWeaver platform componentsA personal SAP namespace

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Starter Kit

Building Your Business with SDN Subscriptions

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Presentation Notes
Unlike trial versions which expire after 90 days, requiring you to uninstall, reinstall, and re-configure. SDN Subscriptions provides developers uninterrupted access to an environment that they can personalize and completely control, saving them valuable time and increasing productivity through reduced downtime. Specific subscriptions include: SAP NetWeaver Development Subscription. Hands-on access and ownership to the complete SAP NetWeaver software platform. (available in Germany and U.S.) Low cost, access to the SAP NetWeaver platform with a one year, development and commercialization license Choice of development method with SAP NetWeaver ABAP, Java, and/or composite applications Continuous learning presentations and demos to build skills in each of the SAP NetWeaver platform components SAP NetWeaver Content Subscription. An online library of continuous learning content to help build skills. (available globally) SAP NetWeaver Composition Subscription. Uninterrupted, total control for creating, testing, and selling Java-based solutions that integrate with SAP applications. (available in Germany and U.S.) To learn more or to get your own SDN Subscription, visit SAP NetWeaver, Development Subscription, SAP NetWeaver, Content Subscription, SAP NetWeaver, Composition Subscription, Key Benefits include: Complete control Uninterrupted, hands-on access Latest NetWeaver software Continuous learning And Supporting services

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