so left him out. Did the Co fission'' This editing put the ...

Post on 09-May-2022






Click to see full reader


,dot? thstion 121231p, ell ,ft r the FBI knew there was e Commission to'wldch it r:, T;orted, which it was to fully inform, which was in cher:e, it edited out of the sup7osedly Nord-for-word trenscription the id ntity of FBI Agent Hosty. The fictitious explana-tion was that it knew its own agent'. so left him out. Did the Co fission'' This editing put the Comlisoion in the position of not knowing that Oswald had Hoety's nem( etc., in his notebook. On February 11, the FBI Pra-pared another report "correctinz" this (page 4).

2-3 /



DL 100-10461 RPG:mvs

(4) Subject's address book


1 DL 100-10461 JTX:gmf:mam

On November 27, 1963, Captain WILL FRITZ made avail-a'a-le, to SA JAMES P. HOSTY, JR., an address book found at the residence of LEE HARVEY OSWALD, Dallas, Texas. This address book had writing in both the English and Russian languages. The following names, addresses and/or phone numbers were obtained from the aforementioned address book:

Flyleaf 1:


Louisiana employment 5241741 Extension 28 Rachal

Ri....3pian Translation

Today wedding (?)

Flyleaf 3:

Russian Translation

Top of page: Lee Harvey Oswald.


Frei 12.0D

Elsbeth, Apartment No. 2 (Note: OSWALD's Dallas residence.

Beckly (Note: OSWALD's Dallas residence.)

Industrial Mich Co. 2400 South Main Mr. Cinn




LL 100-10461

Ros Page (7)

WA 7-8441.

Midland 2550

To Hemphill (OSWALD usually wrote names of streets in this fashion.)


Page 1 Ev212La

Wm. B. Roily and Co. 640 Magizane Gen. Of-c-ST 524-6131

nr.r2e 3


Wolke or Volke LA 1-4115

No, 1 1147 Monday 2, 600 Baliey Room 203 Mon. State Em. Agency

=bath, Apt. 2

EMU Hillcrest Bank ' Danials to Dickens

Russian Translation

Rough street plan of _Moscow, Russia, with the Kremlin in the center.

- 2 -



DL 100-10661


7313 Davanport St. PE 2-3245

312; W. 5th ED 6-0820

757 French St. EU 3-326

Quinn Eurret

1612 Burley

John B. Connally 2ort Worth, Texas Sec. of Navy

I;. Oswald Box 982 "Vernon (presumably Vernon, Texas) Vernon,_Texas 2-2080

S. 5.433-54-3907

Russian Translation

A1eisey (Lonya) (after the name Quin, Murret)

Page 5

Russian Translation

1. Application 2 cop. 2. Autobiography 2 cop. E3. Reference from work 4. Reference from residence 5. Characteristic 6. A copy of birth certificate 7.' A copy of marriage certificate 3. A request from the husband . 9. Photograph 3 copies

- 3 --

Wen rm....anti,.



Page 7


rrs. E. Oswald Box 982 P. E. RI 2-6519 home (Work) DI 2-2212

"Vernon Convalescent Home"

Box 437 Crowell, Texas 684-3271

Imm. & Nat. Service 1402 Rio Grande Big. 251 No., Field St. Dallas, Texas

American Pass 1733242

11 Sept. 1950

Criner (?) Biewley.Bign. Con. Con. Servive

Russian Translation

--- citizenship Liesgorispolkom (Executive Committee of the Moscow C

ity Soviet

of Workers' Deputies) Issued January 4, 1960 (No. 311479)

Residence permit for a foreigner

(AA X. 549666)

- 4


DI 100-10461

Pzge 3


At Embassy

1. Include Juno - pass. 3 Eotos

2. Regis. Jun at Embass Birth cert.

.3. Travel arrange.

A. Passport extention

Mrs.- Cunningham Texas State Employment RI 7-2071 320

N. Y. Russ. Em. .worker Socialist Party Re typeing papers

Buy shoes (W) Socks (2) . Pants (Li)

Crowell. 316 E. Donal Bus .0- ?? (Presumably Crowell, Taxns.)

907 Burk Burnett Bldg. Pauline Bates ED 2-8991 or ED 2-8997 BD 5-5003

- 5-



EL 1GC-10461



U. S. Department of Justice Immtgration and Naturalization Service P. 0. Box 2539 San Antonio, Texas F.1E Al2 530 645 Class. Section 101(A) 27 (A) Date pet. filed Oct. 9, 1961

Russian Translation

Russ. Am. ILikhal A. 7Lenskikov New York

See Navy For Worth Fred Xorth

Washington, D. C. Soviet Embassy

01c. 1125 16th N. W. Sec'y to Ambassador NA 8-8549

02c. /706 1Sth N. 'Cr. AD 2-3092

PE 8-1951 Ft. Worth T. V. Sta.

Page 12

Russian 7-2:::nslation •

Znanya (Znanie) (Knowledge) (believed to be Russian bookstore in San Francisco.)

- 6

0 0

DL 100-10461


ansiEn Ttanelation

Wadding (ring) (Crossed-out: Bank 36

5 rubles

Pol. (?)

Ed TOraz or Editor Director P. 0. Box 2119 U P 0 New York, N. Y. Account No. 38210

Camara U S Gun. Watch Ring Rail tickets

Par.ze 14

Russian Translat:..on


Zakharova B-1.4365 '

12./ •Corkova No. 15

(Translator's note; The above is aa address.)

Cut ok. work 2nd 178.50 „1".z:ne 2nd, 171.00 June 10th Leaves Moscow 1645 Azz 11.30




Eou - Tram a

Left to right

Mathenesser (phonetic)

Marina's visa

No. 1-1229544

imm.' visa no. 52

issues on 24 May 1962

Russian pass no. K U 37790

From 11 January 1962

To 11 January 1964

Entrance visa 1959, 14 Oct.

No. 40339

Pape 15

Englin Exit visa - 305002 Given 22 May, 1959

Russian Trams1r,t7l on,

Followins the words, "Given 22 May, 1962":

iiili .a Administration of Minsk

77-ln-1 -7 071

U. S. Renewal May 24, 1962, to June 24, 1962

Service No. 1152091

U. S. Efbassy, Moscow

Dallas Rooming House

Lrs. L Bledsoe

W2 2-1935

ua 3-C993

2-4101 - 272 212272 Bricic


P. O. Box 23

LLdison Square Station

Now Yor% 10, N. Y.

; .


DL 100-10431

Imm. Card No. 1, 12 530 645

Inmigration and Naturalization Service 1402 Rio Grande Bldg. 251 No. Field St. Dallas, Texas Riverside 8.-5611, Ext 2644

Texas State Board of Pharmacy Littlefield Bldg, Congress & 6th St. Austin, Texas Ph. GR. 8-8146

George Bouho 4740 Ectme;: T.& 7-223S

• ." • • • ••• •••• •• • ....

Anna Uoller. 5930- La Vista TA 3-2219 RI 7-4011 Stetion 521

Paul Gregory 3513. Dorothy Lane P2 1-1630 (possibly ps X -1639)

R. Barton Llawtern

3900 Larnett J 6-1981

LaJTV 1,2.3-7951

- 9 -

aL, 130-10451


:Following letters "MTV" are words of a popular Russian song.

15aWs-Ei. EncYlish

Jarrgars-Chiles-Stovall 522 Browder 2I 1-5501

Now U. S. kPassport D 092526 June 25, 1963

Russian Translation Bereslachagin (Russian translator's note: possibly

_ a man's surname.)

°Pages 22 aid 2S Russian Translation

Calendar dates :tor Mara, April, October, November, December, January, 1060, and February, with Russian abbreviations for days o2 t-na weols.

Pages 24, 25 •r.. nd 23 Brosian Translation,

Consist of Russian words pertaining to gram=r, Soviet Socialist Republics, and etc.

Page 27 (Al)

Russian Translation

Reza Agadonova Eotol "Berlin" 1:21; (?) (Sovoy). (Savoy?) _

AL:sr. Embassy Eloscow

Tel. - - 52-00-CS/Chailweva:y St.

19/21 9-6 - businoss (?)


U 0

DL 100-10,101

Alizberg, Vera V. -- (illegible)

Aksonov, Colonel Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR


Russ. for forin AA 549636 Amer. pass. 1733242 WO Russian 1131147(87)

-Page 28 (1.2)


ACLU - Box 2251 Dallas L. En. - 42000

384 1 - 2 Dinner noon 384 jalsavcio "MASDAIP Eon. -. Amer. Am. Ex. 92 Lleent /20200 .- Rotterdath Debovy or Debooy

Russian Translation

*(Trauslater's Note: Significance of above is unIznownj

7'ai7e 29


West Berlin F. R. 0, Tempelhofor damn 7,iJeo E.

agii104*ftook ,


LL 100-10431

P.-.7zsian 'T'ranslation

Vneshtorg Bank Bank or Poreign Trade Moscow Neglinnuya Ul., 12

Zozlova (woman's surname) K-03400 (telephone number) • (792) (possibly telephone extension) Page 31 raglish

Zr. Harvey Allen roA 1-1927 Baylor tin. Coll, of Don.

Alex. Mleinrer Ndoma° Industrips George Do Mobialsohildt 6623 Dickens EN 3-1335 (Aunt Alice) A.'P. Barre_ Tew Orleans

Eussian Translation

vi2(a) and Reg(istratien. 7). Office Zcapachny Per._9 (9 Kolpaehny Lame) 17.bsocw • _

(2.1inos.cressed out, writing illegible) Colonel'(?) Petrikov

Dobromyslenski Lsne'5 - Citizen Demushkina


DL 100-10461

2s..,7n 33

Norman, Ok. 1318.1g Garfield

Everett Glover LA 8-3901 George as friend

Russian Translation

14 (?) Zhdaxova Eotel-Savoy (?) X 41980 (possibly telephone number)

Ul (Street) Zakharova -,:.ouse No. 11, A? t. 72' Clovachev, Pavel (nan's name)

Ella Germ,--1 Ul, Laysko Naberezhnaya (Embankment) No. 22, Apt. 2

Cdr. (?) Ul. Stanislayskogo 20

(Crossed out:) also Sastan (7) Minsk

El a German ul. Layskaya Embankment No. 22, Apt. 22

to America

- 13-

DL 100-10461


Peter Gregory

Continental Life Bldg.

ED 6-8449


Mrs. Lax Clark la 4-9377 Russian speaker

Elena Mall 4760 Trail Lane Dr. UN 6-3741

Carry & Alex Taylor 3519 Fairmont Apt. 12 LA 1 - 0692

Mather of U. S. Embassy doctor tars . HAL DAVISON 404 F Tuxedo Road Atlanta, Geozgia

Natalia Alekseevna

11.,Issian Tr=31e.tion

Lyudmir (Lyudmila ?) Bmitrievna Hotel uEerlin" (Savoy)

- -

- iY -

DL 100-10461

Gomam DemIca (2) 20244 (Business (phone 7)) - -

Following "Atlanta, Georgia" NATALIA ALEUSF.EVNA

Children's Polyclinic

B 3-91-92 Petrov. Vorot (Petrovskie Gate 7)


Russian Translation

acks. Bomanovich Ziger Krasnaya Ul.,- Minsk (?) House 14, Apt. 42 - -

West German Enbassy B. Grua insksya Ui. 17 Miss Kaisenheim

Kalashnaya Lane 6 Dutch Ethassy

Van Rattun

Pane 43


latzr. Rescue Comm. 251 ?ark Avenue South Ns York OR 4-4200

- 15-

rti 0

DL 100-13461

Russisn Trzslation

Sovmarkhoz (Council of the National Economy) o2 Minsk

for a job Gorsoviet (City Council)

for a flat -

Indereaco (Inter. Rescue Committee ?)

Paw,: 45


Jagg2xs-Chiles-Stoval Typograhv 522 Browder r.1 1-5501 miro dos

Russian Tranalation

7/18 Moscow, K 31 (?), Ul. Zhdanova (above is an address)

Yana: Ul. Karla Marl sa No. 35

Eon. Narolshsov. (?) Tel. 206311 Comrade Dyadev Room 279

--- (illegible)

20575 Sharapov


- 16-

LL 100-13461

use No. 4, Apt. '1/4 Ui. Kalinina

Kuznetsova, Rosa Inter. (Intourist ?) Hotel "Zansk"

- 92-463

use 20, Apt. 8 - Ul. Kola Miakrieva (?) gel Norodovekvim (?), 112 In tiffs) of Foreign Languages

Page 45 Encrlish

Ruth :floater 336 Pin Se. Naw Orleans 13, La.

E. Uarner Kloepfer UN 6-0389 UN 6-2741, Ex. 276

Russian Ttanslatio7,

Communist Party U. S. A. 23 Vast 26th St. New-York

Page 47

Sosnish Translation

Z1Bxido City Consulate of Cuba Zmnra and F. Marquez 11-23-47 Sylvia Duran

- 17 -

n *An

M.. 100-10461

Embascy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic 15-61 55 (15-60 55) Department of Consular Matters

Cubano Airliaes Paseo de la Reforms. 56 35-79-00

U. S. massy Lafragua 18 46 94 00 Bills 1-5-10-20 12.5 Pesos = $1.00 1 Peso = Coins 1-5 pesos.

2ussion '2.757amslation

Eedical Zactitute LUCIA. 31390 UI. Naliniaa 14.

2212_51 Rassiza T=rslotion

sm3la (?) 14 stow (?).

Page 53

Passim TrEn1=iom

LEy (maa's suraams) :J'23.speot Stalina 12, Apt. 26 vz,ogda (?) 7-14-53

- 18 -


DI, 100-10451

Oilant Palina) Yharkov Vezed Trinklera Nouse 5, Apt. 7 Eikhaylovich M -

Nil) Canistry of Foreign Affairs) 1/..tro Smolenskaya

ft :2e 55


Nat. Sec. Dan Burros Lincoln Rockwall Arlington, Virginia Am-rican Nazi Party

(merican National Party) Hollis sec. of Queens, N. Y.

(Newspancr) International Socialist Bulletin

Rnf;sian Tr8nslation,

Notary pffice Ul. Zaicha. from 9 to 13:30

Re;:ezo 13-14 Saturday 9-13 Closed Sunday


DL 100-10461



RDbert Oswa/d Route 5, Box 140 Mlvan, Axk.

W. S. Oswald 136 Elmeer St. L'etrice

. Oswald 1009 Siera Dr. Denton, Texas

Russia: Tramslat:Ion

OVIR (?) Mascow Ul. Ogareva VZIA D.A. Vlgeda (?)

X 45026 DD 10206 DD, 19106 ;. • ,

Ostmkino (residence of Russian writer Boris Pasternak)

--- (illegible) "3"

OTIR, Ig..oscow Ipachny Late 9

58 a7„..f_ 59


Phillipes L: 2-2-2030 (Probably LI 2-2080) (2'ossibly Vernon, Texas)

- 20-


DL 100-10461

Kharkov Irezd Trinklera (Trinkler's Gate ?) Eouse 5, Apt. 7' the Mikhaylovs (for Marina)

Registry Office IC-73545 Passport No. P311479 J. 4(?) 60 Wk 25994 EN-39 Vidim (Vadlm ?) Petrovich Teacher, Moscow, IN. OR. Yak.

Riga Ul. Pernovas Rouse 39, Apt. 1 Pogorelskaya, Leta (Lena Pogorelskaya is a woan's name) Tel. 70540

Prusecova, Maria Kalinina 30 (?) Ecuse 39, Apt. 20

Page 60

—ith Paine, 2515 W. 5th St. Irving, lamas BL 3-162S

Rnssian Translation

Petrikov CTL. L charkogo S Azzencine Eleoassy


- 21 -

DL 100-19461

Pelsay (Polish ?) Ul. A, Myskogo, (?)


Page 61


Elsa Moshey

The Ass. Pr. 726430 Unit. Pr. 726581 With Mosby

Mc. Goldberg

Russian Translation

(Two first lines crossed out:

"Comrade Roman - Works (at) Karl Marx Technical Library")

Radio Factory "Comminar" ExperiLmontal Shop 3-29-56'

Page 63

Russian Trcnslation

Lay Setyaey - Radio Moscow


Lev Setyaev Leo Setyaev V 3-65-8S 65ork) Novo-Preschanaya 23/7 Apt. 63

Skrylav, Elsa and Gri-- Ul. Cherlcogo, Rouse 13 Apt. 1 (at the wedding)

Nov. 6

RiMMP "' (Translator's Note: woman s 1:1•CIZZ.")

Special Services 42 F=anklin St. New York 13, N. Y. Worth 4-6363 Mr. ,Isaacs

Washington, D. C. 1125 16th N. W. - NA 5-7550 1706 18th N. W. - AD 2-3092


N. 0. T.V. - W.D.S.V. (New 0:71eans TV Station WDSV) 1. Burna,RotimAn - 523-5033

Bill Stuckey 529-2274

- 23-

:1 100-10461



?acre 69


DL 100-10461

Mission, Trgmslatiaa

Ina TakhoGoeva (?) (zoman's name) House 4, Apt. 19i in Minsk

Ninsk Leningradskaya House 1,•Apt. 11 - Ernst Titovets (nan's name)

Pacts. 70


Horace Tuiford 7019 Suhley Eouston, Texas MI 9-8500

WA 3-5492

Tenas School Depository M. Truly RI 7-3521

Page 73


Katya Ford

Dale= Ford AD 9-5642 - ?4057 Brookerest Dallas, Texas .

- 24 -

25 DL 100-10461

Russian Traa2lation

Ministry of Finances of the USSR Ul. naybysheva, 9 792



Burton Dixie HA 8-1581

Mr. Hodson

Pae 75


Eleaa Hall 4.760 Trail Dr. WA 63741

Dallas Texas State Robert Adams RI 7-2071 Randal; at Jobco RI 8-7604 •

DL 100-10461

PF7e 31

Russi:ln 1

Rimma Sherdkaya (Shirokova) (woman's "Intourist" lbscow

Sherakev 2-05-75 (=an's name)

Shirokova, Rimma S. Ul, Korova Main Post Office General Delivery

Lase 82


Pilislelphia Russ.-brzr. Citizenship Club 2730 Snyder EN.

R. :as. Lan. School 12/2 Spruce

Russian Daily Paper Jotters= Bldg.

Russian inn. trn. 2/6 S. 20 ,

Russ. Broth-Food C-zgan.

:; Spring Grdn.


- 26-

DL 103-10461

Appoint=ent with tv

Greg Cryotal TYL4itg Watch

Add. Ellt. in a. Y. Job

Plug for Racio

Finger Prints

Bank ice.


Barber shop

Page 83


Cuban Student Derectorate 107 Decatur St. New, Orleans, La. Carlos Briaguier

N. O. City address "Cowan" David Crawford Reporter

- 27-

DL 100-10461

Cu'aan stores 117 Cam? 107 Decatur 1032 Cra1

Kat. Progressive Youth Organization 80 Clinton St. N. Y. 2, N. Y. Mvance Youth Organ.

Page &I

Erns. - N. - 331.80 Ybs. - Par. - 149/39

Lon.• - 166.40 Unsk - Berlin 48.3'3 Lon.,- N. Y.

by trait 55.71 p.

211 10. Czys C to Paris

ELlb 4S Sy Newspa?ers Rath Lk 8-1706- RI 7-2071 ep1oy Box 2915 LI) 2-8187 Izelie Welding Co. FR 5-5591 Tom - a_lle (P. 34220)

-(L 135.) (149.40)

-• 23 -


DL 100-10461

Lae H. Ocwald Cardes

Rear Flyleaf'. 1 Engl5sh

EC S. Oswald (City hall or Federal n2dical certificate) ImLi . and zeturat DD 293 ilarine Corps Blank application for discharge Library newspapers

Book •1934 - Oswald Employment

Type papers Crastle for watch Nair- cut TV station Socks - 25 Eat - -56 Cvercoat - 43 Shoes - 40 - 41 Shirts - 37

Russian Transla::Lon

Stanislav Shushkevich Aleksandr Rudenchek (or Rubenchek).

. -


2. Vorosholov (?) Protilimsky (?)

- Teachers

- 29-

DL 100-10461

IC i11 Dit (?) near movie theater "Pobeda"

(Possibly meaning "near the Pobede movie theater")

Rosa (woman's name) House 130 - Apt. 8

Xaz1a Oginkneta (Liebknecht ?) Street CO - -

Sweat shirt - 48 Elie Lida 32109 (woman's nmrh and phone number) pia 3-38-53 (woman's name and phone number),

Apt. 20 House (sic)


L. T. Oswald, Stove Rd. Leonard Calverley

Personal labdell Yrs. VI. Oswald

From Mrs. Hail U. White Special -

Howell Instr. 3829 W. Vickory


Bargas 200 2. N. Vacey Louv - X - P 1316 -

top related