

Josue S. & Hugo C. Read 82 LAC

• Snickers is a 1930s prestigious brand name chocolate bar created by Mars, Incorporated.

• Snickers is named after the favorite horse of the Mars family.

• Snickers is a candy bar consisting of nougat topped with caramel, peanuts, and milk chocolate.

• Most of Snicker’s advertisements involve humorous witty jokes on hunger, and often having celebrities nagging or complaining.

• Snickers is most famously known for its strong slogan “Snickers Satisfies”

• Purpose: Persuade and Entertain consumers to buy Snickers.

• Tone: Humorous

• Argument: Eating Snickers will keep you from making egregious decisions.

• Emotional Appeal: Testimonial

• Logical Fallacy: Fallacy of false cause because the argument here is saying that because they didn’t have a Snickers and were hungry they made poor decisions.

• Implications: Snickers is saying you should eat their candy bar because you don’t want to become hungry and make bad decisions like your NFL stars did.

• Purpose: Inform and Instruct

• Tone: Formal, Dictatorial

• Argument: You must buy Snickers one month before America’s independence day because it is based on tradition and it is the patriotic thing to do.

• Emotional Appeal: Appeal to Patriotism, Appeal to Tradition

• Logical Fallacy: False Analogy, Non Sequitur

• Implications: Snickers is say you must buy their product one mouth before the 4th of July because if you don't you are not only going against tradition, but you are renouncing your patriotic duty.

Purpose: To satisfy hunger, when hungry.

Tone: Didactic, Forthright

Argument: This argument argues that whenever you start feeling hungry you should eat a snickers, because you will be satisfied from your hunger

Emotional Appeal: Appeal to transfer, if you are hungry a snickers will transfer you that satisfaction of no longer being hungry.

Fallacy: Begging the Question, because how do you know that I am hunger and that I would want to have a snickers?

Implications: If you grab a snicker whenever you are hungry your hunger will be satisfied.

• Purpose: Persuade

• Tone: Compassionate, Witty

• Argument: The argument here is that when you are hungry your mind starts to meander and spelling errors occur, so eat a Snickers to stop you from making spelling mistakes.

• Emotional appeal: Appeal to Sympathy

• Logical fallacies: False cause

• Implications: The creators of this advertisement mostly likely want to target students and knowing that students want to do will in class they are hoping that students that feel that there spelling is starting to take a nosedive will read this and buy a Snickers.

• Purpose: Entertain • Tone: Witty, Humorous• Argument: This commercial is claiming that Snickers will

get rid of your confusion and get your folklore on track with everyone else.

• Emotional Appeals: Ridicule • Logical Fallacies: This is also false cause fallacy because

the absents of not have Snickers bar does not confuse a person or in this case a giant head.

• Implications: The creators of this commercial want to save you from looking ludicrous and foolish with twisted folklore assumptions by having you eat a Snickers bar and snapping your logic back in place.

ConclusionAs a group, we were persuaded by the

Snickers advertisements that we aren’t completely ourselves when we’re very hungry. Snickers trys to make its point through witty comedy to stand out and pull us into craving its delicious nougativity. Nevertheless, these ads were very entertaining making us laugh and how we act when we are hungry. Eventually capitulating us to consume this product.

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