
Social Media U: Best Practices &

Case Studies Teaching with

Web 2.0 Tools

Rick Reo,

Instructional Designer, GMU

Adjunct Instructor, AIT & CEHD

Source: Gartner

What We’re Going To Talk


• What is Web 2.0?

• Why should you care?

- How does Web 2.0 change how we

do things?

• Best educational practices

• Web 2.0 tools & technologies

Backchannel Resources

Twitter hashtag: #cehdpw


Rick’s Delicious tags:

Rick’s ShareTabs:

Rick’s Slideshare:

What does Web 2.0 meanto

We know it when we see it?

Social software is a subset of Web 2.0 and a continuation of older computer-mediated communication (CMC) tools such as IM, newsgroups, groupware, and virtual communities (Alexander, 2006; Rheingold, 2003, ¶4).


Social Software

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 includes a broad range of web technologies, services, and tools, and refers to a renewed pattern of web technology adoption and innovation.

Dabbagh, N., & Reo, R. (in press). Back to the future: Tracing the roots and learning affordances of social software. In M.J.W. Lee and C. McLoughlin (Eds.), Web 2.0-based e-Learning: Applying social informatics for tertiary teaching. Hershey, PA: IGI Global (formerly Idea Group, Inc.).

Educational Social Software

aka Web 2.0 Tools

ESS enable:

• lower the barriers to participation and self-authoring: web-based & easy-to-use community-based & sense of ownership

• increased capacity for working together• (communication, collaboration)

• collectively change the rules of social interaction

• personalization-- goals, interface,

“networked tools that support and encourage individuals to learn together while retaining individual control over their time, space, presence, activity, indentity, and relationship.

~ Terry Anderson, Ch.9, p.227Theory and Practice of Online Learning

1. User-Generated Content – media content, publicly available, produced by end-users

2. Architecture of Participation – the way a service is designed facilitates participation and promotes UGC.

3. Wisdom of the Crowds (Crowdsourcing) –leveraging the mass collaboration enabled by Web 2.0 technologies to achieve small goals/task or solve problems.

4. Network Effects & the Long Tail – large user base; value increases for everyone as new users join/participate

5. Data on Epic Scale –information collected indirectly from users and aggregated as a side effect of ordinary use of Google, etc.

6. Open-ness -- Web has a strong tradition of working in an open fashion

Six Big Ideas Behind Web 2.0

Anderson, Paul (2007). What is Web 2.0? Ideas, technologies and implications for education. Tech Watch Report, JISC,

Web 2.0 Transforms


• Teaching 2.0

• Learning 2.0

• Library 2.0

• Enterprise 2.0

• Journalism 2.0

What do these changes mean for Higher Education?

• Changes in the way we:– collaborate– communicate– provide content,

services, or resources

Why you should care?• In the end, you don’t really have a choice: Embrace 2.0

technologies– most people are already social computing aficionados– that is what our student body is expecting– and what our mandates require with our limited resources and

increasing demands.

• Why Faculty Should Care?– students are using these tools– improve disciplinary communication and knowledge sharing /

Professional Development– authentic learning opportunities

Why should you care?

• Web 2.0 tools offer several benefits to instructors, including:– ease of use– interactions/integrations with other commonly-used tools– filling needs not currently met with other tools– inspiring creativity and exploration in teaching– authentic learning experiences


Source: Wired magazine

Copyright, Privacy, and Security

Public Domain

No rights reserved

Unrestricted redistribution and


Creative Commons licensing

Some rights reserved

Choice of restriction on redistribution and modification

and Share-Alike

Traditional Copyright

©All rights reserved

Exclusive restrictions on

redistribution and modification


Source: Reo

Teaching & Learning with Web 2.0 Tools (TLT2.0)

• Iterative instructional design – Traditional ID

Don’t start with the technology. Think about your course goals first – what are you trying to do?

• what are your needs, especially in terms of collaboration, content, and communication

• then you can move to thinking about technology

– Iterative IDTraditional ID + Web 2.0 tools simultaneously

• tool affordances for users

Web 2.0 Technology Selection Criteria

Evaluate your possible tool choices using these criteria to eliminate poor choices quickly. Then, do more extensive testing to find that ‘perfect' Web 2.0 technology.

Criteria 1: Access •Is the tool accessible by Windows and Mac users?•Is the tool / product of tool viewable in a variety of web browsers?•Does the tool work well for those with dial-up connections?•Does the tool provide options that support ADA compliance?•Is the tool free?•Will the tool be around for a while?

Criteria 2: Usability•Do you have to create an account to use the tool?•Is the tool easy to use?•Does the tool have a robust and easy to use Help section?•Does anything have to be downloaded and installed on the computer to use the tool?

Criteria 3: Privacy & Intellectual Property•Does the tool allow you to restrict access of your work/your students' work?•Does the tool protect your personal data (e.g. email address given when account created)?•Does the tool allow you / your students to retain sole IP rights to the content you create?•Does the tool allow you to determine the copyright status of the content you've created?•Can you save a copy of the product to your desktop for archival purposes?

Criteria 4: Workload & Time Management•Does the tool make it easy to track student work (for grading purposes).•Does the tool support private and public commenting (for individual and group feedback)?•Does the tool provide for an RSS feed to track work via email or an RSS reader?•Is it possible to embed the tool into the LCMS you're using?

Criteria 5: Fun Factor•Does the tool allow you to be creative during the learning process?•Does the tool allow you to demonstrate creativity in the learning product?•Does the tool provide opportunities for different types of interaction (visual, verbal, written)?•Does the tool increase the perception of connectedness?•Does the tool encourage collaboration?

Source: Sloan-C

Types of Uses

Web 2.0 Tools

Private Information Management

Open Resource Sharing

Social Networking

Common FeaturesSettings

Setup for private/personal use

Disable search engine indexing

Enable public view Setup personal profile Configure tool for resource


Configure to pull in other people’s content or activity via comments, RSS feeds, etc.

Enable information “push” via subscription, follow, watch list, notifications etc.

Build tool-based communities / groups / collections Employ promotional activities or send invitations Setup multi modal, two-way communication pathways


(including microblogging)

•Use as private online journal •Create multimedia blog posts•Enable Blogroll

•Dynamic access to related/recommended content, e.g., Trackback•Enable comments, Trackback , RSS feeds•Add blog to RSS aggregation services – e.g., Technorati•Stimulate social connectivity via micro interactions features.


• Use as private content management space

• Password protected collaborative document editing & commenting

• Open collaborative document editing & commenting• Enable view history• Provide user statistics

RSS Reader (Bloglines, Google)

• Private news/ media feed archive • Enable personal archive sharing • Network with like minded subscribers or discover content via recommendations

Social Bookmarking(delicious)

• Private bookmark archive • Personal and collective tagging • Create/join user networks to access other people’s links • Use group tags; bundle tags

Social Media(Flickr, YouTube)

• Set-up private media archive or channel (consume only)

• Create/add media content and apply Creative Commons licenses

• Create/join public user groups or channels

Start Pages(iGoogle, PageFlakes)

• Private multiple media information management web pages built on widgets.

• Enable subscriptions • Invite / enable group or open editing of content

Social Networking sites (MySpace, Facebook)

• N/A – public view / personal social information sharing enabled by default

• Add contacts, friends, etc. • Enable two-way communication features via comments, subscription, notifications, chat, or wall graffiti

Social Software Use Continuum

Dabbagh & Reo, 2010

TLT 2.0

• Course integration1

– supplement Bb course with Web 2.0 course assignments• Wikipedia, Google search, blog etc.

• Course integration2

– augment Blackboard courses by embedding Web 2.0 tools

• Course transformation– “Small pieces loosely joined” approach

Case Study -Twitter Experimentby Dr. Monica Rankin, UT Dallas

Problem• Large lecture class (90) - wanted to find a way to involve students in the materials via


Solution• Twitter posts short messages that can be posted in real-time (with mobile devices via texting

as well as via Web-based tools on laptops/netbooks.

Setup• Course Twitter account, hashtags, Tweetdeck, how-to training, factor down time for trial and

error use

Good Practices• Experimented with strategies for producing constructive discussions

– Twitter most effective when it was combined with other discussion strategies (small group discussions, Interaction with instructor, time to process as an entire class) also organize discussions by topic, needed TA to monitor Twitter stream on computer and respond to questions

Conclusion • Twitter did not replace more conventional discussion formats; instead, it enhanced the

discussions and brought more student interaction



In-class Back Channel for Discussion

Used to support ad hoc class discussions or lecture commenting (use hashtags to categorize real-time, on-task chatter/texting (M.Sample)

Good for monitoring key points in a discussion, collating viewpoints

Outside of Class Discussions

Used to collate classroom viewsSetup topics with separate twitter accounts or hashtagsStudents initiate and/ or follow topics and participate in discussion per instructor protocols asynchronously.

Good for community building, discussions, assignments

In-class Directed Discussion (Rankin style)

Open question/topical discussion format1.Use semi-anonymous Twitter stream of comments to lead discussions (2.Twitter aggregates and collates student responses to separate webpage3.End of class large group processing4.Optional step to analyze aggregated content (could be used as makeup assignment for missed class)

Good for engaging all students in discussions in large lecture classes (monitoring key points, collating viewpoints)

Lightly Structured Activities(low threshold)

Follow some instruction and Tweet about itgather course feedback ambient office hourspoll class (e.g., identify an object (D.Cohen)

Tracking Activities

find and follow instructor, experts, topics

Feedback Activitieslanguage or writing practice


Student activity to share resources and report on self learning events like difficult topics, interesting applications etc.-Muddiest point-One thing I learned most (S.Klein)

Institutional communication channel (outreach, alerts etc.)

Instructor communication channel (e.g., announcements, reminders)

Broadcast course links and share resources

(Implement only, assessment not factored in here)

Adoption Assessment Tool Twitter as Learning Tool -- Levels of Educational Use

Twitter is defined in a course context as a light-weight micro blogging platform used to support micro interactions and social networking in the service of student community building, discussions, tracking & reporting, metacognition and a variety of spontaneous learning activities

Prepared by Rick Reo on behalf of DoIT/LSS, 9/09

Case Study -Twitter Experiment(cont.)

Pros• find a way to engage students in the materials via discussions

Cons• Messy• Not sustainable

Good Practices• Experimented with strategies for producing constructive discussions

– Twitter most effective when it was combined with other discussion strategies (small group discussions, Interaction with instructor, time to process as an entire class) also organize discussions by topic, needed TA to monitor Twitter stream on computer and respond to questions

• Twitter did not replace more conventional discussion formats; instead, it enhanced the discussions and brought more student interaction

Case Study -Twitter Back Channel

Collections of Case Studies

• Educause -- 7 Things You Should Know• Educause/ELI – Emerging Technologies and Practices section• Duke -- Case Studies on Web 2.0 Tools

– Duke Web 2.0 Toolkit

• Twitter Experiment by Dr. Rankin, Prof. of History at UT Dallas.– Comments:

– The video:

Duke Case Studies


Misc. Mason Web 2.0 Tool Kit or Faculty Blogs

Mark Sample, English Dept.– –

Dan Cohen–

Glenda Morgan––

Resources for TLT2.0

• In Plain English video series• Educause -- 7 Things You Should Know series• iTunes U• JISC• Classroom 2.0

Course Transformation

• Start with a good foundation (base tool)– my tostada metaphor

• You can add all sorts of fun widgets, mash-ups etc. but strong base tool– often a blog or a wiki

• But start by looking at what others have done

Social Software-based Learning Environment -- Course Examples

• My Examples– Course Blog -– Course Wiki- – Course Startpage -

• Other Examples– OpenEd Class – Connectivism and Connective Knowledge massive online open course

(MOOC)– Econ Class Blog --


Turracher Schwarzsee (Austria)Source: Wikimedia Commons

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