
2015Holiday Inn Regents Park Hotel, London, UK

Meter AssetManagement

22nd - 23rd



• Listen to an update on the SMDA

• Learn how to implement best

practice being used across Europe

• Understand how to train and

optimise your workforce

• Discuss how interoperability can be


• Hear how to maximise the benefits

of smart metering

www.meterassetmanagement.comRegister online or fax your registration to +44 (0) 870 9090 712 or call +44 (0) 870 9090 711


PLUS AN INTERACTIVE HALF-DAY POST-CONFERENCE WORKSHOPWednesday 24th June, Holiday Inn Regents Park Hotel, London, UK

The Skills Agenda for SMARTPresented by: Neil Robertson, Chief Executive, Energy and Utility Skills

8.30am – 4.00pm


SMi presents the 2nd annual conference on…


CONFERENCE CHAIRS: • Jeremy Yapp, Deputy Director, Smart Metering, BEAMA• Brendan McGarry, Head of Service, SMDA Scheme Operator, Gemserv

KEY SPEAKERS INCLUDE: • Senior Representative, Department of Energy and Climate Change• Neil Robertson, Chief Executive, EU Skills• Dennis Palmer, Head of GB Smart Meter Programme Liason, Smart

Energy GB• Gavin Jones, Business Development Director, Electralink• Stephen Dallas, Smart Meter Deployment Optimisation Manager, EDF

ENERGY• Dirk Costrop, Project Leader Engineering of Smart Meters, Eandis• Brian Stratton, Head of Distribution Capital Delivery, Head of Network

Meter Asset Management Day One | Monday 22nd June 2015

Register online at • Alternatively

8.30 Registration & Coffee

9.00 Chairman's Opening Remarks

Jeremy Yapp, Deputy Director, Smart Metering, BEAMA


9.10 Optimising your workforce

• What skills will be required of your workforce?

• Ensuring your staff are fully competent

• Top tips for training and developing your workforce

Neil Robertson, Chief Executive, Energy & Utility Skills

9.50 Consumer energy data and the connected home

• Status update of equipment availability

• The role of consumer data in the connected home

• Addressing the remaining challenges to rollout

• Unlocking the power of smart energy data

Jeremy Yapp, Deputy Director, Smart Metering, BEAMA

10.30 Morning Coffee

11.00 How to mitigate your meter financing risks

• Meter failure – who to blame!

• Churn agreements – what you need you know

• Other lessons learnt from down-under

Phil Hack, Head of Strategic Projects and Smart Metering,

UK Power Networks

11.40 The big logistical challenge

• How to ensure assets are returned correctly

• Best methods of keeping asset records

• Ensuring logistical smoothness

Ray Bennett, Supply Chain Process Manager, National Grid

12.20 Networking Lunch

1.40 Best Practice and Case Study in Smart Metering

• Hear how Caruna Oy implemented smart metering

• Understand and learn from their experiences

• Getting the most out of your data – what can it tell you

Tommi Pyhähuhta, Head of Metering and Customer Data

Management, Customer Relations, Caruna Oy

2.20 Working together to increase efficiency

• The obstacles to a smooth roll out from the networks point

of view

• Working together in order to overcome these issues

• Optimising work between energy suppliers and energy


• What UK power networks are doing to prepare

Brian Stratton, Head of Distribution Capital Delivery, Network

Operations, UK Power Networks

3.00 Afternoon Tea

3.30 How can customer switching become a seamless


• What are the problems posed by meter interoperability

and interchangeability?

• What can we do to try and resolve these and meet the

high expectations of your customers

• Working together to achieve this goal

David Scott, Industry Relationship Manager, Smart Metering,

Scottish Power

4.10 Panel Discussion: Preparing for the key steps in the transition:

What to watch out for

• Appreciating the responsibilities of different parties

• What tricky situations could arise

• How preparation could be the key

Dirk Costrop, Project Manager Smart MEter Data Acquisition,

Smart Meter Programme, Eandis

Ray Bennett, Supply Chain Process Manager, National Grid

4.50 Chairman's Closing Remarks and Close of Day One


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fax your registration to +44 (0)870 9090 712 or call +44 (0)870 9090 711

8.30 Registration & Coffee

9.00 Chairman's Opening Remarks

Brendan McGarry, Head of Sercice, SMDA Scheme

Operator, Gemserv Ltd


9.10 An update from the Department of Energy and Climate

Change on the smart metering implementation programme

• Programme overview

• Progress and key developments in the industry-wide

delivery programme

• Preparing for Initial Live Operations

• Successful consumer engagement/ Outcome of the

Early Learning Project

Speaker to be confirmed, Department of Energy and

Climate Change

9.50 Looking towards opportunities in the future

• How will the industry develop in the future?

• Looking towards smart grids – what can be done to


• What are the benefits to electricity consumers? 

Goran Strbac, Chair Electrical Energy Systems, Imperial

College London

10.30 Morning Coffee

11.00 Using market data to improve asset data accuracy

• Challenges of data accuracy in the British Electricity


• Considerations in using market data

• How ElectraLink is helping improve Meter Asset information

Gavin Jones, Business Development Director, Electralink

11.40 Optimisation of the processes and systems to maximise

smart meter deployment

• Understanding the value chain for SMART Meter


• Selecting where to target interventions to maximise

deployment efficiency

• Designing and testing interventions

• Applying the learning’s

Stephen Dallas, Consultant, EDF Energy

12.20 Networking Lunch

1.40 If the technology isn’t available, what’s missing?

• What do the energy suppliers and DSO’s expect from a

smart meter?

• Where do current assets leave us wanting?

• The top 7 things new meters should incorporate.

• What must be done to get these available?

Dirk Costrop, Project Manager Smart Meter Data Acquisition,

Smart Meter Programme, Eandis

2.20 SMDA overview

• Why is SMDA needed?

• How does it work?

• How and when can I start benefitting from it?

Brendan McGarry, Head of Service, SMDA Scheme

Operator, Gemserv Ltd

3.00 Afternoon Tea

3.30 Ensuring positive consumer engagement

• What the most controversial topics going be?

• What are the key messages to promote to your customers?

• How can your company get ahead and avoid backlash?

Dennis Palmer, Head of GB Smart Meter Programme Liaison,

Smart Energy GB

4.10 Optimising the energy savings from smart metering

• How can energy savings be realised

• How do these savings differ between gas and electric?

• Planning ahead to achieve these savings

• Encouraging your customers to change their behaviours

Nick Lomax, Smart Technology Manager, Energy Saving Trust

4.50 Chairman’s Closing Remarks and Close of Day Two

Meter Asset Management Day Two | Tuesday 23rd June 2015

Supported by


Holiday Inn Regents Park Hotel, London8.30am - 4.00pm

The Skills Agenda for SMARTHosted by:

Neil Robertson, Chief Executive, Energy and Utility Skills


The workshop will offer an introduction to the skills agenda forthe utility sector and the transition to employers assumingresponsibility for skilling their workforce. It will cover thephasing in of new apprenticeship schemes that enable youthe employer to develop apprenticeships for your sector. Inaddition, traineeships will provide opportunities for NEETs toenter the jobs market. We will guide you through recruiting,retaining and reskilling your future and existing workforce.

Why you should attend:

To discover the new agenda for skills and participate indeveloping and shaping ways framed around smartmetering for you to bring new people into your industry.


8.30 Registration and Coffee

9.00 Opening remarks

9.10 Session 1: The Skills Agenda

9.55 Session 2: The Energy & Efficiency IndustrialPartnership

10.45 Morning Coffee

11.15 Session 3: Independent Assessment Service

• Assessment Function • Quality Framework • Affiliate Community

11.45 Session 4: SMART metering

• Trailblazer Apprenticeships • Traineeships

1.00 Lunch

2.10 Session 5: EUSR – A platform for Skills

2.50 Afternoon Tea

3.20 Session 6: Talent Source Network

• Attract • Retain • Reskill

4.00 End of Workshop

About the workshop leader:

Neil RobertsonNeil has been the Chief Executive of Energy & Utility SkillsGroup since May 2012.

Neil has recently led and secured a £55m collaboration bidin energy and utilities aimed at diversifying the workforceand filling vacancies.

Prior to joining the Energy & Utility Skills Group, he was Directorof Training at Babcock International. His main focus in this rolewas to lead the Apprenticeships training function.

Earlier in his career, Neil served as a senior civil servant at DfESand DIUS (now the Department for Business, Innovation andSkills (BIS)) on skills issues with responsibility for Public ServiceAgreement targets, basic skills, employability, qualifications,adult learning, English for Speakers of Other Languages(ESOL) and migration. He completed a one yearsecondment to Government Office North East where he ledon economic development and European funding.

Neil has also worked with City & Guilds where he heldmanagement responsibilities in customer relations, qualityassurance and business development. In January 2003, Neilwas appointed to lead vocational qualificationdevelopment across all occupational sectors at the ScottishQualifications Authority. In this he initiated a number ofinternational programmes.

About Energy & Utility Skills:

Energy & Utility Skills is an employer-led membershiporganisation that helps ensure the gas, power, wastemanagement and water industries have the skills they need- now and in the future.

We are the UK authority on professional development andemployment in the energy and utilities industries.  Through arange of products and services we help employers attractnew talent, develop their workforces, and assure a high levelof competence across their businesses.



Project Financing in Oil and GasNorth America

9-10 March 2015, Houston, USA

European Smart Grid Cyber Security9-10 March 2015,

London, UK

Gas to Liquids North America11-12 March 2015,

Houston, USA

Oil and Gas Telecommunications25-26 March 2015,

London, UK


Social Media in the Utilities Sector16-17 April 2015

London, UK

Smart Water Systems29-30 April 2015,

London, UK


Oil and Gas Cyber Security North America13-14 May 2015Houston, USA


Gas Storage and Transmissions17-18 June 2015,

London, UK

Meter Asset Management22-23 June 2015

London, UK


Gas To Liquids12-13 October 2015

London, UK

Shale Gas Environmental Summit26-27 October 2015

London, UK

For more information please visit

METER ASSET MANAGEMENT Conference: 22nd - 23rd June 2015 | Holiday Inn Regents Park Hotel | London, UK Workshop: 24th June 2015, London, UK


FAX your booking form to +44 (0) 870 9090 712PHONE on +44 (0) 870 9090 711 POST your booking form to: Events Team, SMi Group Ltd, 2nd FloorSouth, Harling House, 47-51 Great Suffolk Street, London, SE1 0BS

If you have any further queries please call the Events Team on tel +44 (0) 870 9090 711 or you can email them at

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Substitutions/Name Changes: If you are unable to attend you may nominate, in writing, anotherdelegate to take your place at any time prior to the start of the event. Two or more delegates maynot ‘share’ a place at an event. Please make separate bookings for each delegate.

Cancellation: If you wish to cancel your attendance at an event and you are unable to send asubstitute, then we will refund/credit 50% of the due fee less a £50 administration charge, providingthat cancellation is made in writing and received at least 28 days prior to the start of the event.Regretfully cancellation after this time cannot be accepted. We will however provide theconferences documentation via the Document Portal to any delegate who has paid but is unableto attend for any reason. Due to the interactive nature of the Briefings we are not normally able toprovide documentation in these circumstances. We cannot accept cancellations of orders placedfor Documentation or the Document Portal as these are reproduced specifically to order. If we haveto cancel the event for any reason, then we will make a full refund immediately, but disclaim anyfurther liability.

Alterations: It may become necessary for us to make alterations to the content, speakers, timing,venue or date of the event compared to the advertised programme.

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VENUE Holiday Inn Regent's Park, Carburton St, London, W1W 5EE

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□ Book by 31st March to receive £300 off the conference price□ Book by 30th April to receive £100 off the conference price


Payment must be made to SMi Group Ltd, and received before the event, by one ofthe following methods quoting reference U-039 and the delegate’s name. Bookingsmade within 7 days of the event require payment on booking, methods of paymentare below. Please indicate method of payment:

□ UK BACS Sort Code 300009, Account 00936418□ Wire Transfer Lloyds TSB Bank plc, 39 Threadneedle Street, London, EC2R 8AU Swift (BIC): LOYDGB21013, Account 00936418 IBAN GB48 LOYD 3000 0900 9364 18□ Cheque We can only accept Sterling cheques drawn on a UK bank.□ Credit Card □ Visa □ MasterCard □ American Express All credit card payments will be subject to standard credit card charges.

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DOCUMENTATIONI cannot attend but would like to purchase access to the following DocumentPortal/paper copy documentation Price Total□ Access to the conference documentation

on the Document Portal £499.00 + VAT £598.80□ The Conference Presentations – paper copy £499.00 - £499.00

(or only £300 if ordered with the Document Portal)


VATVAT at 20% is charged on the attendance fees for all delegates. VAT is also charged onDocument portal and literature distribution for all UK customers and for those EU Customersnot supplying a registration number for their own country here.______________________________________________________________________________________________

CONFERENCE PRICESI would like to attend: (Please tick as appropriate) Fee Total

UTILITY COMPANIES□ Conference and Workshop £1498.00 +VAT £1797.60□ Conference only £899.00 +VAT £1078.80□ Workshop only £599.00 +VAT £718.80

COMMERCIAL ORGANISATIONS□ Conference and Workshop £2098.00 +VAT £2517.60□ Conference only £1499.00 +VAT £1798.80□ Workshop only £599.00 +VAT £718.80

PROMOTIONAL LITERATURE DISTRIBUTION □ Distribution of your company’s promotional literature to all conference attendees £999.00 + VAT £1198.80

The conference fee includes refreshments, lunch, conference papers, and access to the

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address provided during registration. Details are sent within 24 hours post conference.

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