SMASH... Winning The Game of Life eBOOK

Post on 06-May-2015






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How to: Avoid the 4 Human Ailments Deliver Gold Medal Service Reverse your Expectations and Win


Malcolm Out Loud TV

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How to: Avoid the 4 Human Ailments Deliver Gold Medal Service Reverse your Expectations and Win

SMASH... Winning... the Game of Life! You will find chapters 1 and 2 included here.

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“It was emotional and good to read. Within the book Malcolm describes the issues as I experience them as well in my day-to-day business. As a consultant for efficiency I can recommend the book and say it drives people to rethink their processes even if they are already on a high level. Congratulations!” - Stephan Reithmann, Vice President, Ingenics Corp.

“This book is right on! In the end it’s all about what the customer wants and exceeding their expectations. Malcolm understands this and the book will help the reader to get it as well.”- Jack B. Healan, Jr., President, Amelia Island Plantation

“This is a superb read for anyone trying to achieve high performance for themselves and their organizations. It succinctly highlights many of the “blockers” to achievement and provides great tools to bring them to the forefront of your thinking.”- John Pieno, Jr.,Chairman, Florida Sterling Council

“Get this book! Questions you have to answer about yourself, change that you can implement to make you a winner! And the best part: Malcolm actually practices what he preaches!”- Dianne H.B. Welsh, Ph.D., Hayes Distinguished Professor of Entrepreneurship, University of North Carolina

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“Malcolm brings old world best business practices back in-line with fast-track emerging technology, business leaders and cultures. Malcolm’s relevance in business today begins with innovation, and finishes stronger as he partners with companies that change the world, and enables them to be part of the solution, and not the problem.” - Brian Patrick Cork, Cultural Architect, Human Capital

“Malcolm is true to form. He lays out a compelling plan and then supports it with practical advice on how to accomplish it. Malcolm brings clarity and a new way of looking at competition to executives at all levels. Competition is not for the faint of heart and his message and practical advice is timeless.” - Chuck Papageorgiou, Managing Partner, Ideasphere

“Malcolm presents a rich mosaic of spirit, competitiveness, desire and attitude and the role they plan in achieving success in life and business. He highlights the value of innovation and inspiration, of self in others, in the work place and the creation of objective systems for monitoring performance. “- David Smith, Managing Partner, GrayRobinson, P.A.

“Malcolm’s book is compelling reading for those who are earnest about success. Knowing and admiring Malcolm and his work as I do, I’ve found that this book articulates his own personal path to succeeding. Malcolm’s presence fills a room. This primer for success fills a motivational void that’s all too prevalent in business these days. We can all be inspired by the planning and hard work of the American swim team in the 2008 Olympics and we can be well-instructed with the blue-print provided in this book on how to achieve their level of success and subsequent rewards.” - Jack Harris, Radio Personality, Clear Channel

“Fresh and provocative, like its title, Smash the Competition teaches what we must know to succeed but too often learn the hard way. Malcolm draws on his own life experiences to say in plain English how to make winning the right way a way of life.”- Gary Sasso, President and CEO, Carlton Fields

“A chapter a day will keep the competition away... a book for those looking for inspiration and a new perspective on how to reach your goals.”- Terrie M. Williams, Author of The Personal Touch: What You Really Need To Succeed in Today’s Fast-Paced Business World.

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“I have known Malcolm for many years. His book brings those years of work to life and the reader will benefit from Malcolm’s experience, insight and style. His writing challenges us to step away from the norm and pursue greatness! A must read for any executive or middle manager who is looking to get a leg up on their competition in today’s very competitive business world.” - Keith E. Sirois, Chief Executive Officer, Big Boy Restaurants Internationa

“Smash the Competition is so much more than competing; it’s about living life to its fullest. Whether you are competing in business or leading a purposeful life, Malcolm takes you on a journey through a powerfully woven story each of us can relate to and profit from. A must read in today’s era of change.”- John R. Schueler, President, Media General

“Malcolm has written more than a book, this is the guide to open heart surgery in business. Like a skillful surgeon, he cuts through the chase by providing tangible ideas to cure the pain in your business and life. He is a category of one that will have you swimming against the current and loving every minute of it.”- Simon T. Bailey, Author of “Release Your Brilliance”

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1 ! We’re Going to Smash the Americans 2 ! 4 Human Ailments

3 ! Team Cyclones 4! A Winning Lineup

5! Take Nothing for Granted 6 ! Defining New Space

7! The Gun Sounded and the Race Began 8! Winning and Losing

9! Rings of Gold Medal Service 10! The Longest Road to Glory

11! Measure with Milestones 12! Creating Milestones in Your Life

13! Eight-Hundredths of a Second 14! Reverse Expectations Model

15! The Difference in Winning ! Acknowledgements

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CHAPTER ONE The Olympic 4 x 100 Men’s Freestyle Relay Race


Four Frenchmen taunted the opposition. They came to the 2008 summer Olympic games in Beijing with one goal in mind...

Smash the Americans!

Physically powerful and athletically accomplished they consisted of Maury Levee, Fabian Gilt, Frederick Bousquet and Alain Bernard. Along with 18,000 ticket holders they fixed on the Americans and one swimmer in particular: Michael Phelps. Hundreds of photographers and television cameras were on-hand to memorialize the occasion.

The Frenchmen watched Phelps, by then arguably the greatest swimmer of all time. Having won a total of nine gold and two silver medals spanning the Athens and Beijing games and innumerable world records, he was on his way to amassing more medals than any athlete in Olympic history.

On that day, however, Sunday August 10, 2008, at 10:30 a.m., only the future mattered along with a dream to equal and even surpass fellow American, Mark Spitz and his legendary seven gold medal wins at the 1972 Munich games. If Phelps succeeded in bringing home eight gold medals, he would be the most decorated athlete in the history of the modern games.

The goal for the 4 x 100 was simple. Phelps would lead off and provide the Americans with an unbeatable lead thereby keeping his chances for a string of gold medal-winning performances intact. In spite of the drama that occurred each time he dove into the pool and the hovering tension of the occasion, he had to face a team of French

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and Australian swimmers thoroughly capable of beating the Americans.

Whenever Phelps pushed off the wall, excitement intensified and anticipation spiraled through the crowd. A new world record was always tortuously close. But this race was different, different because he could only account for his performance and not the rest of the team. He was one fourth of the equation and part of eight teams of four swimmers poised to splash their way to individual and team glory.

Phelps hit the water first and powered through 100 meters, providing his team with the biggest lead possible. And he did that by his lifetime of training and competition.

Where he ended up and what the world would remember or put into the record books depended in great part on the rest of his team and how many mistakes the French made, or perhaps both. If Phelps or a teammate faltered or if the Frenchmen swam flawlessly, the goal was beyond reach. Alain Bernard’s audacious statement... “We’re going to smash the Americans! That’s what we came for” only pumped up his teammates and echoed painfully in the American’s ears. America had two consecutive Olympic attempts without winning the 4 x 100 freestyle relay, an event they previously dominated. If they were to end the drought and rise above Bernard’s prediction to preserve Phelps’ golden journey, the time for the American swimmer’s immortality had arrived.

Eddie Reese, the American coach, stood in the stands thousands of miles away from his Texas home. For the past thirty years he was the men’s swimming coach at the University of Texas and although he currently coached three world record-holders, the American Olympic free-style relay team now in his charge was undoubtedly his greatest collection of swimmers. Two powerful thoughts must have raced through his mind. First, anything could happen in the race and second, he had done the best that he could with the remarkable talent.

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He stood in the stands, yards away from his team, although it could have been a mile. There was nothing more he could say to inspire them more than the French challenge had done.

Now it was in the hands of destiny.

The swimmers had spent several days training in their home programs, then onto a swimming camp in Japan before arriving in China. But Reese was smugly satisfied that he had witnessed a level of intensity and commitment that he could not have imagined. Some of the swimmers had even achieved career bests during the training process.

CHAPTER TWO The Difference in Winning and What it Takes


Do you ever wonder why some people succeed in a big way while others struggle to get by?

Being the best that you can possibly be is no accident. The human spirit is a marvelous creation. We all have unlimited potential to succeed at whatever we put our mind to. When you dig down for that little bit extra there is no telling what you can accomplish. You’ve seen it in sports, business and in politics. The awkward baseball player that doesn’t really fit the profile but in 1920 puts up an absurd .847 slugging percentage and then goes on to be an all-time superstar. The nerdy college students that go on to creating the worlds biggest and most successful search engine in the world. The unlikely senator from Illinois who breaks the race barrier and against all odds becomes the 44th President of the United States.

Unfortunately many people will never realize that potential because they suffer from one or more of what I call the “4 Human Ailments”. If

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you’re not completely aware of the symptoms you won’t even realize that you have these ailments, but if you know the signs you can avoid them all together.



What is your procrastination level?

Surely you remember the old adage, “don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today.” The meaning of that saying seems to have gone the way of the five-dollar lunch. Let’s get something’s bad business. Procrastinators are made, not born. It starts at a very young age. When a child doesn’t want to do something, they respond with a not-now attitude. Children don’t often understand that there are always consequences to their actions. Children can easily pick up their procrastination habits from their parents. They see how their parents behave and assume that it’s normal behavior. Parents must reinforce a more positive attitude of follow-through with their children. Otherwise these childhood episodes will follow them into their adult life.

Procrastination is habit forming. The word is derived from the latin verb procrastinare, which simply means to put off or postpone for another day. Today, behaviorists typically define it as a learned habit derived from a human preference for short-term rewards. There is no set reason why procrastinators delay in completing projects. There are three types of procrastination behaviors, as identified by Joseph Ferrari, Ph.D., associate professor of psychology at De Paul University in Chicago, and Timothy Pychyl, Ph.D., associate professor of psychology at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. The arousal procrastinator, the avoider procrastinator, and the decisional procrastinator.

First, arousal procrastinators do so for the thrill of working at the last

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minute to complete a project. Often these people are unorganized and have trouble with time management. They may get it done, but because it was so rushed right before the deadline the quality will suffer.

Second, there is the avoider procrastinator who avoids either the fear of failure or the fear of success. Their indecisiveness will prohibit them from trying new things and exploring new ideas. People who fall into this category will achieve average throughout their life.

Third, decisional procrastinators believe that not making a decision relieves them of the responsibility of the outcome. They simply don’t want it to fall on their shoulders. These people are followers. They don’t want to stick out, they prefer to blend in and let others make the decision.

We not only put off projects we could finish but we put off projects we don’t want to do. This is our way of saying “I don’t have time”. How many times have you heard that said? We make time for everything that is important to us and everything we want to do. If you “don’t have time” it’s because you don’t want to make the time. Let’s face it, it’s simply an easy excuse to use when you want to avoid something. We’ve all done it. We just tell people we don’t have the time when what we really want to say is that we don’t want to.

You have time to party, you have time to watch tv, you have time for relationships, you have time for everything you deem important. If it’s important to you then you’ll make the time. I wish people would be more honest with each other. Instead they just drag people along with the thought that they might actually still be interested – and they’re not.

How many times have you made a call to someone, or left a voicemail, or sent an email and they never call back or respond in anyway? It doesn’t feel good does it? How many times do you do it to people who are trying to reach you? Your intentions may be honorable, you planned on calling them back, you’re just too busy, whatever your excuse is it’s still procrastination. It is also

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unprofessional and just plain rude.

Work ethics must be taken seriously. You are accountable for your behavior.The stakes need to be redefined.

Have you considered what procrastination or lazy work habits are doing to your productivity? Failing to follow through with a sensible timeline and deadline for your projects is the kiss of death. I see too many people with no sense of urgency. They’ll get it done when they get it done!

Ideas to cure Not-Now Fever:

- Each morning start with a list of things to accomplish for that day. Make a decision as to what can be finished by the day’s end. Commit yourself to not leaving until the list is finished. If you can’t finish every item on the list then donate twenty dollars to your favorite charity. Do this every time you miss completing an item. This should make you accountable pretty quickly. Either that or you’ll be broke. Be honest with yourself, if you cheat then you’re only fooling yourself.

- It is human nature for people to unload their challenges on others. Do not be too accessible throughout the workday. Your agenda will never be completed with interruptions. Plan your day so that you have time to collaborate and isolate yourself the remainder of the time. It may be best to start off the morning with open time for others so that they can get on with their day. When you are focused on your work, do not allow yourself to be dragged into other problems. If you must close the door or find a quiet place to work - then do it.

- Don’t over-promise! Don’t set yourself up for failure! Deliver what you know you can finish in a timely manner. Your word is your most vital asset. If you tell someone the deadline is Friday then make absolutely sure that you can finish the project prior to Friday or do not

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make the promise. Whenever you make a promise, be certain you can deliver what you promised or refrain from inserting that foot of yours in your mouth. This will take serious discipline.


How complacent are you?

Do you feel like you’re in the same routine going through the same motions day in and day out? The same cast of characters doing the same activities can grow old over time. If you can identify with any of the R O U T I N E levels below then read on for further help.

R ! Rundown O ! Out of sorts U ! Usual Suspects T ! Timid to change I ! Incapable of imagining N ! Nothing seems exciting E ! Everything is the same

Maybe your personal life is on auto-pilot, or you’re not at your peak in your professional life. If you find yourself idling and feel the need to take a different road, make the move. Stop complaining. Do something about it. We’ve become a society terrified of change. We like things to stay the way they are. There is an old saying that familiarity breeds contempt – or is it complacency?

I’ve often asked myself, what makes a good client? The obvious answer is one that appreciates my hard work and pays their bills timely. But it’s much more than that. A good client is one that is willing to confront issues, understands challenges and addresses them in a Ema i l Ma l co lm a t : SpeakUp@Ma lco lmOutLoud .com © 2013 Ma l co lm Out Loud , LLC 12

timely manner. Clients that I find the most troubling are those that are not prepared to address their deficiencies. They often find themselves in a crisis that is a direct result of their own mismanagement. These clients complain about everything and are capable of lashing out at the most insignificant things. Their complacent habits are always at the center of their difficulties. Selecting the right clients to work with or the right people to associate with can save you big headaches down the road.

Our brains are wired to follow the same patterns. We’ve become automated without even knowing it. Sometimes to the point where you have no control over it. I was a passenger in a horrible car accident in 1991, which resulted in reconstructive jaw surgery. I remember months after the accident driving to familiar places yet having no idea where I was going. I was in a complete fog yet my brain was on autopilot. I would end up at the right place in complete amazement.

Think about when you’re driving on a routine road that you normally drive on. You need to turn left but the car turns to the right. You make the right turn and then wonder what were you thinking. Your brain took over and went the most familiar way it knew. Your brain can complete the most routine actions without any conscious guidance from you.

When we get too used to a situation, complacency sets in. We will never do well at anything unless we push the envelope. This is a difficult one for most people because they get into a comfort zone and idle on through life. It’s equivalent to being in neutral. Your engine is running but you’re not moving forward. If complacency is the disease, change is the cure! Start with the easy things.

Ideas to cure Complacentitis:

- Drive a different way to work. - Try a new restaurant. - Move your furniture around. - Change your look.

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- Find ways to improve your surroundings. - Review your processes and procedures; how can they be improved? - Start a list of action areas that can use some help. - Identify one item a day for your review and change.- Make a deliberate attempt to apply new ideas to your everyday life.- One thing is certain. You’ll have a new direction in your life. These changes can and will help you become more and more efficient. Don’t settle for mediocrity.- If it ain’t broke, break it!


Are you a follower or a leader?

When a reporter asked that ridiculous question to Michael Phelps: was he the next Mark Spitz, having just broken Spitz’s record? Phelps response was perfect. “I’m working on being the first Michael Phelps.” I’ve never understood why anyone would want to be anyone else but themself. Some people live their whole life trying to be like someone else. They convince themselves of their limitations. They never reach their potential because they will not allow themselves to envision all that is possible. If you find yourself caught up in this world, then you must snap out of it. You are capable of anything and everything when you let your mind go. Allow yourself to move beyond those self-imposed restrictions.

The benefits of being yourself are tremendous. It’s the only way to win the game. You won’t be without controversy. People will be jealous, after all you’re being someone they can’t be. Since they’re caught into the world of average, they want you to find a seat there with them. Don’t do it. You can respect their decision to stay there but don’t succumb to the rat syndrome.

We need to tap into the individuality of our corporate executives. While the corporate boardroom is expecting you to conform to the

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rules, more than ever your company needs you to breakthrough with new ideas. We have become a society that is all too predictable. If you don’t conform then you’re a screwball. If you don’t do what every other business executive does then you’re not accepted into the business club. God forbid you think a little different and standout. What is wrong with this scenario?

We are creating a society of followers. Everyone clawing their way to the top trying to be like the next guy. If they do everything by the book then maybe they can join the club. You don’t have to look any further than the automotive industry, the furniture industry or the medical industry. You can’t tell one company from the next. They all look the same. Their message is the same. Their program is all too familiar. Yet they are all wondering why they are losing ground in their quest for market dominance.

I love those meetings where you get some lunatic speaking about something that you know is B.S. Everyone else in the room also knows it’s B.S. But nobody speaks up. I’ve been in those rooms and find myself being the only guy that speaks up. Many people end up telling me their real feelings later. They usually question me as to how can I be so honest.


The rat syndrome can be a hazardous journey. Copying others and blending in will put you at the front of the class. A class you won’t want to lead. There are those who set the trends and those who follow. If you don’t get uncomfortable with yourself and your routine, you will never discover that being innovative is your key to success.

Ideas to cure the Rat Syndrome:

- Stop imitating the crowd and try new ways of doing things.- Step up and lead by example - Be diametrical to the usual routine. - Justify the reasoning behind your involvement or actions.- Chart a new course that will take you in a new direction.

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- Do things that make you stand out. - Make a commitment to yourself that you will introduce two new things into your life every week.- Refuse to follow trends, start your own.


How does money play into your decision-making?

Everyone is in sales – and that includes you. Before you start to argue on how you have nothing to do with sales, consider that on any given day in one respect or another you have to sell someone. Whether you’re in an administrative role, back of the warehouse, the front desk or at an executive level within the company, you are selling to someone at some point of the day. You might need to convince someone of an alternative view on how to best handle the client needs. But in some roundabout way we all have an agenda and need to convince others to see it our way. Employees in your organization are your internal customers. They are just as important as your external customers. If you can’t convince your internal customers then how are you going to convince your external customers? It’s everyone’s responsibility to insure success through every touch-point of your communication. Whether or not you interact with your external customers does not relieve you of that responsibility.

We’ve all played the sales game at one time or another. When I was younger, I sold lemonade, vacuum cleaners, encyclopedias and magazines. You name it.

It’s a process of learning and uncovering the benefits of a product and knowing when to shut up and let the product sell itself. You must believe in your product. When you fully understand it and you believe in it, your role becomes considerably easier. You can speak with ease and the conviction that you would buy the product yourself. The buyer will sense this confidence.

In the 90’s I was so busy working and trying to get ahead that I barely

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paid attention to people. Sure people were important in my life, in fact a great many people. I was always trying to chase the sale. I found myself caught in the day-to-day mode of running the business. I had no idea of what a relationship looked like. I didn’t think relationships were that important. It’s not that I didn’t like people. I just didn’t put the time in to develop quality relationships. I was guilty of putting the sale ahead of the relationship. Guilty as charged.

When September 11th rocked the world, it devastated the advertising community. Everyone was so caught up in this world-changing event that everything else seemed unimportant by comparison. Like many others our business took a hit. Companies were going out of business and people were simply not buying. Well, let me tell you, I found out real quickly how important relationships were to sales. I promised myself shortly thereafter to develop the very best relationships possible. I made it my number one goal. No longer did I want to rely on just the sale. It wasn’t a matter of people just knowing the company and what it stood for, it was a matter of people knowing the man. I spent decades building business and chasing the sale without ever realizing the value and the strength of creating great relationships.

I kept my promise to myself and set out to nurture the best possible relationships that I could. I made a commitment to get involved in the community. I associated my name with things that mattered. I set out to make a difference in the world around me. I discovered it wasn’t just about my business and the almighty sale. It was much more than that. It was about helping people. Making an impact in the community around me and putting people before the sale. It was about developing relationships.

Instead of focusing on money, focus on how you can make a difference in someone else’s life. How can the benefits of your product or service make their life easier and richer? Does it improve their quality of life? If you can connect your product or service to making their life better - then the sale is made. Help people solve a problem and they’ll buy from you. Be sincere, straightforward and honest – even if it cost you money or the sale. Now that can be a

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challenge. Especially if you have to pay the mortgage or buy a loaf of bread. But you’ll be rewarded with more sales and better relationships than you ever imagined.

The golden rule in developing relationships is not to sell people out. People are not for sale. I define money as ‘a dirty substance’ that elicits the worst in people. When you know your product or service and you do the right thing, money will take care of itself. That’s a hard lesson to learn folks. We’re all anxious to make a buck.

BUT Don’t sell your soul for that buck.

Ideas to cure the Dirty Money ailment

- The best way to sell is actually not to sell. - It’s easier to get people to buy. - Focus on the real benefits of the product or service. - Go the extra mile. - Do the right thing no matter what. - Make a commitment to excel at the details.

Remember, people do business with people they like and trust. Straight talk works wonders and people will feel your honesty and that will separate you from the pack.

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Self-assessment Exam

Go to for your free assessment.

Password: Antidote

1. Do you take on more projects at one time than you should? 2. Do you start projects only when you understand them?3. Do you always drive the same way to work?4. Do you like to order the same meal when you’re at a restaurant? 5. If you disagree with someone’s view do you speak out about it?6. Do you consider yourself a trendsetter?7. Do you decide with your gut even when it is not the rational thing to do?8. Do you prioritize projects according to size and/or profit?9. Do you delay starting projects until minor tasks are complete?10. Do you consistently underestimate the time needed to accomplish a project?11. Do you find comfort in your workday by being consistent everyday? 12. Do you look for new ways to do the same tasks?13. Do you speak out in a room when popular opinion is the opposite view?14. If something isn’t broken do you mess with it anyway?15. If a mistake is made on a client’s project, do you let them know?16. Do you have a process in place to measure customer satisfaction?17. Do you work on more than one project at a given time?18. Do you answer emails and phone calls when working on Ema i l Ma l co lm a t : SpeakUp@Ma lco lmOutLoud .com © 2013 Ma l co lm Out Loud , LLC 19

deadline?19. If something is going well do you change it up anyway?20. Do you pick out a new vacation destination every year?21. If it’s a black tie event, do you wear a black tie or gown?22. Are you willing to stand in line at the most popular restaurant?23. Do your short-term goals win out over your long-term goals?24. Do you focus on clients that are more profitable?25. Are you finding reasons as to why you shouldn’t start a project?26. Do you have a set time when you work on certain projects?27. Do you consistently under deliver on your goals?28. Do you ask to get involved in projects other than your own?29. Do you attempt to solve an old problem with a new direction?30. Do you feel you’re part of a team when you go along with others?31. Do you review customer satisfaction on a weekly basis? 32. If you had a profitable but challenging client would you fire them?33. Are your resources lined-up in advance before you start a project34. Once you start a project do you finish it by the deadline? 35. Do you enjoy working with new people?36. Do you voice your opinion strongly when you disagree?37. If it’s popular and everyone has one, do you want one as well?38. If everyone leaves work early, should you leave as well?39. Do you measure client success by profitability?40. If you have to compromise your principles, but the money is good do you take the job?

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2121If these four ailments are holding you back, commit to a new direction. You’ll see a significant difference in your life. Set the example and pull ahead of the pack. You will gain a huge competitive advantage and ultimately win your race.

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