Post on 14-Apr-2017






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SMARTY PANTS water’s mission is to promote the consumption

of pure, clean water and a love for knowledge among children.

We aim to cut through the constant barrage of flashy sugary

drinks all vying for children’s attention and provide them with

a smarter, healthier alternative. Healthy doesn’t have to be

boring; we aim to educate and entertain while ensuring that

children remain hydrated.

Pure Natural Spring Water,

Fun Eye-Catching Characters,

Interesting Fun Facts.


SMARTY PANTS water aims to be an active

contributor in your child’s development.

We want to teach children the importance

of making healthy choices and the need to

stay hydrated while highlighting its link to

children’s capacity to effectively take part

in their education.

SMARTY PANTS water strives to become a

household name synonymous with healthy

living and promoting the love for education,

one bottle at a time!


SMARTY PANTS water was

created to accomplish two goals:

1. To make water more

enticing for children.

2. To spark children’s

imaginations and

create excitement

around education.

Did you know that more than half of children between the ages of 3

to 13 years old are not adequately hydrated throughout the day? This

is significant for many obvious reasons but a fact that isn’t discussed

too often is that dehydration decreases children’s abilities to learn. In

other words, a child who is well hydrated is a child who has a greater

potential to be an effective learner. SMARTY PANTS water is the only

bottled-water company to highlight the importance of this relationship.

Each SMARTY PANTS water bottle contains 360 ml of fresh, natural,

spring water and a special fun fact which gives children a small

dose of knowledge; we call it our “bottle of knowledge”.

We at SMARTY PANTS water understand that the best way to teach

a child is to present them with knowledge in a fun and engaging way.

This is why we make it a point to use bright, fun colours and visually

captivating characters to help us deliver a quick and refreshing dose

of knowledge to every SMARTY PANTS child all while keeping them

hydrated throughout the day.

A hydrated

learner is

an effective

and engaged


Our bottles are designed to fit into all lunch bags

and are easy to handle for even the smallest learner;

we make education fun and convenient.

SMARTY PANTS water is more than just bottled water.

SMARTY PANTS water is a child’s source for better

health and a more enjoyable educational experience!

Water is essential for a healthy brain in developing children. In fact, our brain is up

to 85% water; not drinking enough water can have serious consequences for brain

health and learning ability. Young children must be hydrated at all times during their

development years.

A drop in as little as 1-2% of fluid levels can result in slower processing speeds, impaired

short-term memory, and difficulties in focus. By the time a child feels thirsty, there can

be an up to 2% water loss, which is as much of a 10% cognitive decline!



Our 360 ml square-shaped

bottles are uniquely designed

for children. This is in response

to the unappealing, larger, round

500 ml bottles which don’t fit

inside the average lunchbox and

are often difficult to manage for

small children.

Our water is sourced from a

spring located in the Appalachian

Mountains, one of the purest and

cleanest springs in Canada. Our

spring water is certified by Health

Canada as a naturally alkaline

spring water source.


On any given day, our kids are bombarded by hundreds of

different shows, commercials, video games, app downloads all

vying for their attention. If they aren’t entertained quickly then

it’s on to the next contender waiting in line. Sad to say but this

has led to our children developing very short attention spans.

Understanding this reality, SMARTY PANTS water has developed

our “bottles of knowledge” in a way that delivers a quick fun fact

without taking up too much of their time. We’ve tried to ensure

that children are engaged long enough to learn new information

by pairing fun, informative, facts with loveable characters to keep

them entertained. Our facts are a fun way to explore science,

mathematics, technology, history, geography, literacy and more.

Our goal is to present children with fun facts that spark their

imaginations and encourage them to seek out more knowledge.

Here at SMARTY PANTS water we are full believers in the philosophy that it takes

a village to raise a child. We would love to be a part of your child’s upbringing!

We promise to deliver creative, fun, and healthy products for OUR children.

Together, we will ensure that our children understand the importance of making

healthier choices while learning fun and interesting facts along the way!



SMARTY PANTS water® is available

for purchase in stores.

For location information visit us at:




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