SLR Corporate Brochure 2011

Post on 10-Mar-2016






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SLR specialises in the energy, waste management, mining& minerals, infrastructure, planning & development, and industrial sectors. We also provide expert sustainability advice and project management support that spans all of these sectors.


global environmental solutions

SLR is one of the world’s leading

specialist environmental consultancies.

We are dynamic, responsive and fast-growing with

an unrivalled reputation for providing high quality

tailored services.

With offices in Africa, Australasia, Europe and North

America, we provide global advice and support on a

wide range of strategic and site specific environmental

issues to a diverse and growing base of business,

regulatory and governmental clients.

SLR specialises in the energy, waste management, mining

& minerals, infrastructure, planning & development, and

industrial sectors. We also provide expert sustainability

advice and project management support that spans all

of these sectors.

SLR is organised on business sector

and technical discipline lines so that

we have both technical expertise and

in-depth knowledge of the various

business sectors which we advise.

We are therefore able to support clients on major

projects, across the business sectors in which we

specialise, with multi-disciplinary teams working under

the guidance of senior SLR professionals. Alternatively,

we are able to provide expert assistance on a single

technical or professional issue.

We provide advice from a wide range of technical

perspectives on sustainability issues relating to the need

to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the

impacts of climate change.

Our consultants listen to and understand our clients’

needs. We focus on customer care and providing

straightforward advice. We are pro-active and readily

offer suggestions that we consider will assist our clients

in achieving their strategic objectives.

Our approach is structured so that clients can regard

all of our operating companies as a single global

resource that can be deployed worldwide, ensuring clients

get the right technical professionals for their projects.

We are committed to client service and always seek

to provide quality services at good value. We foster

long-term relationships with our clients and their

employees. These core values are reinforced by SLR’s

business policies that integrate quality management,

health and safety and concern for the environment.


SLR is at the forefront of providing a wide range of technical and professional

services to the energy sector around the world. This includes regulators,

producers, generators and users. These services range from high level

strategic and economic assessments through to detailed planning and

development as well as energy management.

Our expertise and capabilities extend across the full range of energy

sources and technologies. In hydrocarbons we support the upstream oil

and gas sector both on and offshore, and are involved in a range of

emerging sources including oil sands, shale gas, hydrates and coal-bed

methane. In the renewable energy sector we have broad experience

across a range of technologies including on and offshore wind,

hydroelectricity, solar PV, biofuels, biomass, ground source, geothermal,

energy from waste and nuclear.

We also help energy generators to develop and manage their generation

and distribution infrastructure and have unique experience and expertise

in carbon capture and storage.


oil & gasSLR has a long track record in supporting the oil and gasindustry in the development of new assets (includingupstream, midstream and retail) and minimisingenvironmental risk from existing assets. Services offeredinclude:

• due diligence and the provision of services associated with divestiture or acquisition of portfolios;

• the preparation of environmental impact assessments and the provision of all of the necessary planning support;

• oil spill contingency planning, training and management of spill response;

• operations permitting and compliance;• environmental monitoring and reporting;• geotechnical assessments and the management of

any necessary site investigations; and• contamination assessment and remediation.

Increasingly, SLR is also being asked to support clientswith the permitting and environmental challengesassociated with unconventional sources of oil and gasincluding oil sands, shale gas, hydrites and coal bedmethane. Many of these assets lie in areas where thereis no history of oil and gas exploitation, makingpermitting and environmental management bothdifficult and complex.

renewable energy & power generation SLR has experience of the major renewabletechnologies as well as conventional power generationand the associated transmission and distributioninfrastructure. In addition to the range of servicesoffered above we also provide:

• feasibility assessments, option appraisals and site selection;

• civil and structural engineering outline and detailed design;

• process engineering including considerable expertise in waste technologies and thermal processes; and

• project management and construction supervision services.

We routinely provide services relating to facility closureand restoration, with our staff able to provide costeffective solutions that both reduce cost and protectthe environment.

energy and carbon management Effective energy and carbon management can beassociated with considerable cost savings for bothpublic and private sector clients. It can also facilitatecompliance with legislation as well as having beneficialeffects relating to corporate and social responsibilityissues. We also advise governments on energy strategyand regulation.

Services relating to energy and carbon managementinclude:

• development of energy and carbon management strategies;

• energy efficiency and carbon audits of business operations and activities;

• energy monitoring, targeting and climate change adaptation strategies;

• assessment of opportunities for energy conservation,emission abatement and the management of thecarbon footprint;

• feasibility assessments for on-site energy generation from renewable sources, such as wind, solar PV, geothermal, hydro and energy crops/biomass, or energy from waste;

• specification, tender preparation and the project management of energy schemes; and

• training and awareness.

In addition, SLR is able to provide all of the supportnecessary for any permitting issues relating to energyand energy generation. As set out above, SLR providesplanning and development services should on-siteenergy generation be a feasible option.

waste management

SLR is a leading global provider of environmental consultancy services

to the waste management sector giving advice to a range of clients

including waste producers, the waste management industry and its

regulators, as well as investors.

We also support government bodies at national, regional and local

levels with regard to devising and implementing practical, cost

effective strategies to manage waste in a more sustainable fashion.

Our expertise is extensive, ranging from policy and strategic issues,

engineering issues regarding the design, construction and operation of

waste management facilities, through to their planning, permitting and

environmental impact assessment.

SLR has advised on some of the largest waste-related due diligences,

being able to provide strategic, economic and technical advice.

SLR provides a complete package of services to thewaste management industry around the world. Our fullrange of services includes:

• Strategy: The development of waste management strategies;

• Waste Management Solutions: Feasibility appraisals and analysis of waste minimisation, collection, treatment and disposal solutions;

• Waste Masterplanning: Scheme masterplanningfor waste treatment and disposal facilities;

• Architecture: Architectural design and layout;• Planning & Permitting: Waste facility planning,

environmental impact assessment and permitting;

The collection, treatment and disposal of waste in allits forms is an issue for all organisations and jurisdictions.The philosophy of the waste management hierarchywith its core strategy of waste prevention, minimisation,reuse, recycling, energy recovery and final disposal isnow firmly established as a driving principle aroundthe world.

waste m


Lakeside EfW Facility

• Infrastructure: Waste treatment infrastructure design including:

- Civic amenity sites- Waste transfer stations- Materials recycling/recovery facilities- Mechanical and biological treatment facilities- Anaerobic digestion facilities- Mechanical heat treatment facilities- Composting facilities- Advanced thermal treatment facilities- Inert, non-hazardous and hazardous wasteresidual landfills;

• Procurement: Development of waste service procurement strategy and waste contract bid support;

• Energy: Advice on energy recovery and the link to energy and heat policies;

• Urban Regeneration: Waste strategy for commercial, residential and industrial development from small scale construction projects to major urban regeneration; and

• Training: Waste facility operational commissioningand training.

planning & development

SLR has established an international reputation for providing concise,

practical support to developers and their professional advisors, using

experience gained on a wide range of projects including residential,

commercial, industrial, leisure and mixed use schemes plus award winning

contributions to major education, health and infrastructure projects.

We are focused on project delivery, on time and to budget, combining

robust technical and environmental solutions with strategic planning

and design flair. The ability to bring together a wide range of in-house

specialists to work on complex development schemes gives rise to

synergies that help speed up the development process and to react

quickly as well as providing effective solutions to assist our clients.

Our broad range of services includes provision of practical advice on

sustainability, biodiversity, waste management and energy consumption

to meet the increasing levels of environmental best practice.

planning & develo


establishing the "environmental footprint"At SLR we provide sustainable solutions and we are strong advocates of adopting a ‘no surprises’ approach.Detailed baseline knowledge allows us to design thedevelopment to the site, rather than trying to engineerexpensive remedial measures at a later date.

Our land quality and regeneration specialists providefocused advice on 'brownfield' sites, via phased siteinvestigations, and have extensive experience of developingand managing remediation strategies to allow contaminatedsites to be developed.

SLR’s archaeologists advise on cultural interest and providesympathetic mitigation schemes for sensitive sites, whileour ecologists undertake pre-development surveys of landand buildings to assess biodiversity. If important speciesare found, we provide mitigation or translocation schemesand obtain all necessary permits.

Our hydrologists have an established reputation forcarrying out flood risk assessments and water managementschemes for new developments incorporating the latestmodelling techniques.

sustainable developmentSLR's engineers undertake transport assessments for newschemes, design new roads and services and advise onsustainable traffic issues while our acoustics and air qualityspecialists carry out assessments to appropriateinternational standards and advise on mitigation throughlayout, construction and external attenuation methods.

Our surveyors have global property experience and workwith our other technical teams in undertaking propertydue diligence, valuations and surplus land appraisal. Thus,we are able to incorporate environmental issues into ouradvice on value and property strategy. We also have thecombined skills to review property portfolios to identifydevelopment potential and then manage and implementstrategies to release latent value.


SLR is a global provider of technical and professional support to a wide

range of industrial sectors including chemicals, oil & gas, pharmaceuticals,

engineering, food/drink & consumables, power & electrical, water &

utilities and infrastructure (roads, railways, metro systems, pipelines,

power lines), as well as manufacturing sectors covering areas such as

aerospace, automotive and building products.

Critical to any project is a clear awareness of, and identification with,

our client’s commercial pressures such as the need to reduce cost,

business risk and delay, whilst complying with rapidly changing

legislation and standards.

From providing ‘field to factory’ solutions to working on projects where

just one area of specialist knowledge or support is required, we have the

capacity to provide worldwide support to industrial clients throughout

the entire lifecycle of a project including closure, decommissioning and

divestiture planning.

industrySLR is able to identify potential industrial sites, provideadvice on their acquisition and obtain the necessaryplanning or zoning, environmental and pollutioncontrol permits to enable such facilities to operate.

Ongoing technical support covers a wide range of areasfrom air dispersion modelling and legal compliance tonoise assessment and ecological surveys. Our technicalsupport includes carbon energy and emissions managementto comply with climate change agreements and otheremissions trading requirements.

land & estates managementIndustrial concerns that own or lease land need toensure they are reducing costs and increasing assetreturn. SLR provides a full range of land managementsupport including valuation services, rating advice,estates management, and advice on the developmentpotential and alternative use value of surplus land.

We have an extensive track record in due diligence workand can provide all of the necessary support servicesrequired for divestiture or acquisition of propertyportfolios. Such services typically involve specialist teamsexperienced in the assessment and remediation ofcontaminated land and can include multinationalassignments where a portfolio of properties is beingbought or sold.

operations and infrastructureSLR provides a variety of services to develop andmanage industrial operations and infrastructure:

• facility design and construction management;• the development of sustainable energy such as wind

power, hydroelectricity and energy from biomass and waste;

• assessment and optimum use of resources, such as water and raw materials;

• carbon footprinting to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through business audits and benchmarking;

• assessment and management of operational and environmental risks associated with asbestos, noiseand vibration, odour, health and exposure to chemicals and bioaerosols;

• environmental monitoring of emissions to land, water and air;

• process engineering and the optimum use of waste treatment solutions;

• development of waste reduction strategies; hazardous substances management and disposal; and

• compliance and best practice.

environmental risk managementManagement of environmental risk is crucial in order toreduce costs associated with aspects such as insuranceand unforeseen business disruption.

Management of environmental risk includes floodingappraisals, major accident assessment and thedevelopment of incident response plans. SLR advises on compliance with the Seveso II Directive (COMAH) in Europe and also on the requirements of riskmanagement programs in North America, Middle East,Asia and Australasia. Risk management also aidscompliance with health, safety & environmentalmanagement systems.

Environmental audits provide a rapid appraisal of thepotential liabilities associated with site risks. We havedeveloped the rapid environmental compliance appraisaltool, RECAP that provides an immediate analysis of areasof concern.

environmental management systemsOur staff have been involved with management systems including health, safety & environmentalmanagement systems (such as ISO14001 & OHSAS 18001)since their inception.

We provide assistance from the initial review and gapanalysis through to policy development, aspectsassessment and the preparation of procedures and fullyintegrated company-wide systems.

mining & minerals

SLR is a leading consultancy within the mining and minerals sector and

advises companies and funding agencies throughout the world. We have

extensive experience within the aggregates, cement, building products,

industrial minerals, coal, and metaliferous mining sectors.

We provide a full range of environmental services throughout the

project life cycle from initial site assessment, identification and

acquisition through to detailed design, environmental impact

assessment, planning, permitting and compliance, to final restoration

and afteruse, including alternative afteruse development and

enhanced residual development value.

SLR’s expertise is founded on a wide range of earth science skills

where SLR geologists, hydrogeologists and geotechnical engineers

can define the operational constraints associated with extraction and

waste disposal operations. We can also provide a wide range of

inter-relating environmental and professional services that combine

to offer the mining and minerals sector a unique package of services

from a single provider.

mining &


SLR offers ongoing management, planning andpermitting support throughout the life of a siteincluding decommissioning and restoration.

Careful planning of mine development maximisesreserves and reduces extraction and restoration costs.SLR’s geologists use advanced computer techniques,backed by many years of practical experience, to producepractical working schemes for mines and quarries. Ourgeotechnical engineers also have worldwide experiencein the mining and minerals sector having advised bothmine operators, funding institutions and agencies.

Ongoing technical support covers a wide and diverserange of areas from design of large tailings dams andexcavated slopes to ecological surveys and post closurelandscaping for nature conservation or recreational afteruse of sites.

We recognise the importance of maximising site valueand minimising post-closure liabilities. SLR has beenresponsible for successful promotion of residential,commercial and industrial property development aswell as recreation schemes on old mineral sites.

Of growing importance is the management of energyand emissions to comply with climate change agreementsand other emissions trading requirements. SLR hasadvised mining sector clients on the development ofrenewable energy resources as this sector is a relativelyintense energy user.

In addition to its technical expertise, SLR also advisesmining and minerals clients relating to negotiationadvice and support for all manner of commercialagreements and transactions. Such advice includesmineral and property valuations, insurance issues andcost estimates for decommissioning in accordance withrelevant accounting standards. SLR has also providedtechnical, environmental and economic advice onmining and mineral related due diligence projects.

Infrastructure projects, by their nature, often present significantimplications for both the natural and human environment. As a providerof specialist environmental services across a wide range of internationalinfrastructure developments, SLR has the necessary insight, skills andexperience to confidently develop and deliver sustainable technical andenvironmental solutions for infrastructure projects.


SLR provides a wide range of professional environmental, engineering

and economic services required for the successful delivery of

infrastructure in fields as diverse as energy distribution, water supply,

ports, transport (road and rail), wastewater treatment, waste

management, flood management and tourism.

We provide professional services to private and public sector clients

at every stage of infrastructure delivery, from initial feasibility and

appraisal, through to stakeholder consultation, planning and

preliminary design, contract procurement and construction as well

as operation and maintenance.

SLR’s insight and experience, gained across a wide range of sectors,

can assist clients in identifying, mitigating and managing environmental

risks and impacts which arise from infrastructural development.


We help our clients develop safe, reliable and cost-effective infrastructure that achieves an optimal balancebetween benefits to the community and the widereconomy and local environmental impact. We do this byidentifying and avoiding environmental risks at the earlieststages of infrastructural planning and design, byundertaking well planned and targeted surveys, byengaging proactively with stakeholders and by applyingour mix of technical skills and global experience.

SLR has had successful involvement in the delivery ofservices for large, complex, infrastructure projects acrossthe world that have been completed in a timely, costeffective and sustainable manner. Many of these projectshave been delivered to exacting environmental standards,across difficult or pristine natural terrain and withinchallenging timescales.

Some infrastructure projects with which we have beeninvolved include:

• motorway and road schemes;• railway projects;• urban light rail projects;• underground metro projects;• port development and redevelopment;• onshore and offshore power transmission networks;• oil and gas pipelines; • waste facilities; and• development of water supplies.

As an international consultancy with very

broad employee ownership spread across

the world, we are motivated by client

service and developing and retaining long

term client relationships both locally and

internationally. As a result, our interests

are aligned clearly with those of our

clients. We are also motivated by our

professional pride in all that we do.

We have attracted and retained staff with an

unrivalled depth and breadth of expertise and

experience that they have developed from working

not just in consultancy, but also in commercial,

industrial and regulatory environments.

SLR offers rewarding careers to all of our staff.

We value and reward customer care and commitment

as well as technical expertise.

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