Skripsi Analysis Of The Time To Hospital Admission For Stroke Patient In Dr. Sardjito Hospital From 2011-2013

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Skripsi Analysis Of The Time To Hospital Admission For Stroke Patient In Dr. Sardjito Hospital From 2011-2013


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    A graduating paper

    Submitted to the board of examiners as partial

    fulfillment of the requirement of the sarjana Degree in

    Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada









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    All praise be to Allah, The God Almighty for the

    blessings of His guidance and direction that He showed

    me throughout the completion of this research. I would

    like to express my deepest gratitude to my material

    advisor Dr. dr. Ismail Setyopranoto, Sp.S (K) for his

    guidance and time he spent on me during this study. I

    also would like to thank my methodology advisor dr. H.

    Abdul Ghofir, Sp.S (K) for spending time for

    consultation during the course of study. Special thanks

    to dr. Kusumo Dananjoyo, M.Sc.,Sp.S who agreed to be my

    expert examiner for this study and contributing his

    valuable opinion for a better improvement in this

    study. All the valuable opinions given by this great

    team of experts has contributed greatly to the

    successful and completing of this study.

    Thanks and grateful acknowledgement also goes to

    all those who were involved in helping me finish this

    study successfully, including the administrative staffs

    of Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada, fellow

    group mates, family, friends, and to all whose thoughts

    and prayers contributed to the successful of this

    study. This paper presents the analysis of time to

    hospital admission of stroke patients in RSUP Dr.

    Sardjito form 2011-2013. This paper primarily addressed

    to the health practitioners and the society to be more

    alert about the importance of the Golden Hour of the

    stroke management. This paper can also be used by those

    who wish to use it as a base for future studies. Any

    lack of information and inadequacies of this paper are

    deeply regretted. May this paper be useful to the

    responsible sectors for the improvement of patient care

    and advancement of strokes preventions in the future.

    Thank you.

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    Table of Contents page

    Cover Page------------------------------------------i

    Approval Page--------------------------------------ii

    Authenticity Statement----------------------------iii


    Table of Contents-----------------------------------v

    List of Tables-------------------------------------vi

    List of Figures------------------------------------vi



    Chapter I- Introduction

    a) Background-------------------------------------1 b) Formulation of Problems------------------------3 c) Research Objectives ---------------------------3 d) Research Benefits -----------------------------3 e) Research Authenticity -------------------------4

    Chapter II- Literature Review

    a) Definition of Stroke---------------------------5 b) Type of Stroke---------------------------------5 c) Pathophysiology of Stroke----------------------6 d) Golden Hour of stroke treatment----------------7


    e) Theoretical Framework--------------------------9 f) Conceptual Framework--------------------------10

    Chapter III- Research Methodology

    a) Research Design-------------------------------11 b) Research Population---------------------------11 c) Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria--------------11 d) Equipment-------------------------------------12 e) Research Step---------------------------------13 f) Variables and Operational Definition----------13 g) Result Analysis and Approval Study------------14

    Chapter IV- Result and Discussion------------------15

    - Limitation and Recommendation----------22

    Chapter V- Conclusion and Suggestion---------------23

    Chapter VI- References-----------------------------25


  • vi

    List of Tables page

    Result of Time to Hospital Admission,------- 15 percentage and mean of TTHA in 2011

    until 2013

    List of Figures page

    Theoretical Framework---------------------- 9

    Conceptual Framework----------------------- 10

    Comparison of time to hospital admission of stroke patient between 2011-2013-------- 15

    Comparison of time to hospital admission of stroke patients

    between3 hours in 2011------- 16

    Distribution of reason for late admission for stroke patients in 2011------- 17

    Comparison of time to hospital admission of stroke patients between

    3 hours in 2012--------------- 18

    Distribution of reason for late admission for stroke patients in 2012------- 19

    Comparison of time to hospital admission of stroke patients between

    3 hours in 2013--------------- 19

    Distribution of reason for late admission for stroke patients in 2013------- 20

    Comparison of percentage of time to hospital admission

    of stroke patients between 2011-2013-------- 21

    Comparison of mean of time to hospital admission of stroke

    patients from 2011-2013--------------------- 21

    Appendices page

    1.Researcher Curriculum Vitae------------------27

  • vii


    RSUP Dr. SARDJITO IN 2011-2013

    Muhammad Nurazam Bin Azman*


    Background: Stroke is a cerebrovascular disease that occurs due to

    the obstruction of oxygen supply to the brain, causing brain

    tissue to die. This in turn resulted in various disabilities to

    the patients such as paralysis and cognitive impairment and can

    even lead to death. This high number of mortality and morbidity is

    partly due to the delayed time to hospital admission after the

    onset of stroke in this study, we hope to see the progress of time

    to admission of strokes patients in Dr. Sardjito Hospital from the

    year 2009-2013 in order to know if the time to admission has

    improved for stroke patients over the years as this will greatly

    affect the prognosis for the stroke patients. The data from this

    study can be used by the hospitals and healthcare office to know

    about the current rate of time of admission and for the

    improvement of healthcare for stroke patients in the future.

    Aim: To analyze the time to admission of stroke in Dr. Sardjito

    Hospital from 2011-2013.

    Methods: This is a non-experimental research; it is an

    observational descriptive study using the retrospective method.

    All the data from this study will be obtained from secondary data;

    the medical record of the stroke patients who have been admitted

    to stroke unit of RSUP Dr.Sardjito from 2011-2013.

    Results: The percentage of time to admission for stroke patient in

    2011 is 22.66%, for 2012 is 30.98% while in 2013 is 17.395. While

    the mean for time to admission for 2011 is 23.93 hours, for 2012

    is 23.07 hours and for 2013 is 25.79hours

    Conclusion: The trend of percentage of time to admission of stroke

    patient in less then 3 hours from 2011 to 2013 is fluctuating.

    This might be due to the lack of knowledge of the patient and

    their family and also the lack in sense of urgency to send the

    patient for immediate medical treatment. The percentage of time to

    admission in RSUP Dr. Sardjito is almost similar to other places

    such as Japan and France but the mean of time to admission is

    still falling behind other countries such as United State

    Keywords: Time of admission for stroke patient, Golden Hour of

    stroke treatment, Sardjito Hospital

    *Student of Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University

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    A. Background

    Stroke occur when the blood supply to the brain is

    blocked or when a blood vessel in the brain ruptures,

    causing brain tissue to die. It is defined as a sudden,

    non-convulsive loss of neurological function due to an

    ischemic or hemorrhagic intracranial vascular event(Adams

    et al., 2003). It can be classified into 2 major groups

    that are ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. Hemorrhagic

    stroke refers to the condition where a weakened blood

    vessel ruptures. It is mostly in the form of

    aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations. However, the

    most common cause of hemorrhagic stroke is uncontrolled

    hypertension. Ischemic stroke on the other hand occurs as

    a result of an obstruction of a blood vessel supplying

    blood to the brain causing tissue hypoxia and later

    ischemic. It is a biggest type of stroke as it accounts

    for 87 percent of all stroke cases. Meanwhile, there is

    also a condition called Transient Ischemic Attack(TIA)

    which sometimes called mini-stroke that occurs when the

    blood flow to the brain is blocked for a short time

    usually under 5 minutes. However, it is still an emergency

    condition that requires emergency care and may be a

    warning sign for future stroke.

  • 2

    Stroke had become one of the major cause of death in

    recent years as about 6.2 million or around 10.6% of

    deaths worldwide in 2011 are caused by this disease and

    this trend continue to increase as compared to the

    previous decade. In Indonesia alone, stroke has become the

    leading cause of death among adult contribute up to 15.4%

    of all deaths among Indonesians over five, followed by

    Tuberculosis at 7.5% (IRIN, 2009).

    Symptoms of strokes arise due to the obstruction or

    rupture of blood supply to the brain. It include sudden

    numbness or weakness of the arms, face or legs, sudden

    confusion or trouble speaking or understanding others,

    sudden trouble for seeing in one or both eyes, impairment

    of motoric and sensoric function and also severe headache

    with no known cause (CDC-DHDSP, 2008). Some of the

    complication of strokes are lasting brain damage, long-

    term disabilities or even death and this is worsen by

    delayed hospital admission from the time of stroke onset.

    Early time of admission after stroke event can

    greatly affect the mortality or morbidity of stroke

    patient. A study by the American Heart Association suggest

    that stroke patient who are sent to the hospitals within

    90 minutes after the onset and receive thrombolytic

    medication stand a greater chance of surviving with little

    or no disabilities within three months as compared to the

  • 3

    patient with longer time to admission. Meanwhile, a study

    by European Stroke Organization also recommend that

    patient who arrive at hospital within the golden hour of

    3-4.5 hours of onset could be given recombinant tissue

    plasminogen activator alteplase which are shown to reduce

    the incidence of stroke-related disability.

    B. Problem Formulation

    1) What is the time to admission for stroke patient in Dr.

    Sardjito Hospital?

    2) What is the appropriate time of admission that should

    be used as the Golden Standard for stroke patient?

    3) Are there any changes in the time of admission of

    stroke patient in Dr. Sardjito Hospital during 2011-


    C. Research Objective

    The main objective of this study is to evaluate the

    time to admission of stroke patient in Dr. Sardjito

    Hospital and to see is there any improvement in the

    yearly trend of time to admission from 2009 to 2013.

    D. Research Benefits

    This research can help us to know about the yearly

    trend of time to admission and see whether there is any

    improvement of time of admission for stroke patient in

    Dr. Sardjito. This information could help the Healthcare

    Office, Dr. Sardjito Hospital management and the doctors

  • 4

    to formulate the appropriate guideline and procedure in

    managing stroke patient. This research is also important

    for the Healthcare Office in educating the public on the

    importance of getting the stroke patient to the hospital

    as soon as possible.

    E. Research Authenticity

    There are several studies that already conducted in

    various countries to analyze the time to admission of

    stroke patients in their respective community.For

    example, there is a study in Australia that involves 284

    patients who are admitted to Royal Adelaide Hospital

    Stroke Unit, South Australia between the year 2000 and

    2002 (Broadley&Thompson, 2003).

    There is also a study about the time to hospital

    admission and start of treatment in patients with

    ischemic stroke in northern Italy which also study about

    the prediction of delay(Vidale et al., 2013).

    In this study, I hope to analyze the time to

    admission of stroke patient in Dr. Sardjito Hospital

    between 2009-2013 to see whether there are any

    improvement in the time to admission over the years.

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    A. Definition of Stroke

    Stroke is a sudden focal neurologic syndrome;

    specifically the type caused by cerebrovascular disease

    (Ropper et al., 2009).Brain disease that occurs secondary

    to a pathological disorder of blood vessels (usually

    arteries) or blood supply is defined as cerebrovascular

    disease. It is due to occlusion by rupture or disease of

    vessel wall,thrombus or embolus, and disturbance of normal

    properties of blood. There are two types of stroke which

    are hemorrhagic stroke and ischemic stroke (Linslay et

    al., 2002).

    B. Types of Stroke

    a) Ischemic Stroke

    Atherosclerotic obstructions of big cervical and

    cerebral arteries, with ischemia in all parts or part of

    the territory of the occluded artery lead to thrombotic

    cerebral infarction. This is due to the main

    atherosclerotic lesion or embolism at the more distal

    cerebral arteries. Embolism of a clot in the cerebral

    arteries coming from the other parts of the arterial

    system can cause embolic cerebral infection. Small deep

    infarcts in the small penetrating artery explained the

    lacunar cerebral infarction. Usually it is caused by local

  • 6

    disease such as chronic hypertension (Truelsen et al.,


    b) Hemorrhagic Stroke

    Hemorrhagic stroke occur due to spontaneous

    intracerebral hemorrhage which lead to increase of

    intracranial pressure and diminished supply of blood to

    the brain. There are several factors that can lead to

    hemorrhagic stroke such as arteriolar hypertensive

    disease, coagulation disorder, vascular malformation

    within the brain and malnutrition (Truelsen et al., 2006).

    c) Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

    Subarachnoid hemorrhage occurs when there is rupture

    of aneurysms at the bifurcations of large arteries at the

    inferior surface of brain. Some studies just exclude this

    type of stroke because it is not often to cause direct

    damage to the brain. However, symptoms in accordance to

    stroke definition maybe developed in person with this type

    of stroke and make it should be counted as stroke too

    (Truelsen et al., 2006).

    C. Pathophysiology of Stroke

    In ischemic stroke, the blood supply to the brain is

    disturbed causing the decreasing supply of oxygen and

    glucose supply to the brain. Small or large artery (45%)

    embolic in origin (20%) and others unknown causes are the

    causes of ischemic stroke (Hinkle et al., 2007).

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    When intima is roughened and plague forms along the

    injury vessel, thrombosis in extracranial and intracranial

    can be formed. Platelet will adhere and aggregate at the

    injured endothelial, activates the coagulation at the site

    of plague, thrombus is developed. This will lead to

    decrease in blood flow in the extracranial and

    intracranial system and the function of collateral

    circulation is maintained.

    Decrease perfusion and cell death will occur when

    compensatory mechanism of collateral circulation is failed

    and compromised the perfusion(Hinkle et al., 2007).A clot

    travels from a distant source and embedded in cerebral

    vessel may cause embolic stroke (Hinkle et al., 2007).

    D. Golden Hour of Stroke Treatment

    Stroke patients who arrive at the hospitals within a

    short period of time after the onset of stroke and receive

    IV thrombolytic therapy show better prognosis as compare

    to those who have longer time to admission to hospital.

    However, there is a certain time window where

    administration of IV thrombolytic therapy could provide

    affective result to the patient. A study by the NINCDS has

    provide the evidence of IV rtPA benefits when given within

    3 hours of the symptoms onset of which the result shows an

    increase of 30% in the number of patients who show little

    or no neurologic deficit when re-examined after 3 months.

  • 8

    This 3 hours time window or also called the Golden

    Hours for stroke treatment is also used by the United

    States, Canada and Europe as a benchmark for the

    administration of IV rtPA for stroke patients where the

    onset of stroke is defined as the time when the stroke

    began of the last time where the patient was seen normal.

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    Figure 1: Theoretical framework

    Haemorrhagic Ischemic Subarachnoid



    Roughened of endothelial

    Forming of plague

    Forming of thrombosis

    Adherence of platelet

    Activated of coagulation

    Developing of thrombus

    Hypertension, coagulation

    disorder, vascular malformation

    rupture of brain blood vessels

    Intracerebral haemorrhage

    Formation of blood clot in the brain

    Increase intracranial pressure

    damages the brain tissue

  • 10

    F. Conceptual Framework

    Figure 2: Conceptual framework

    Time to admission for stroke patient in Dr. Sardjito

    Hospital in 2009-2013

    3 hours

  • 11



    A. Research Design

    The research is performed as a descriptive

    retrospective study. It will be conducted at RSUP Dr.

    Sardjito General Hospital Yogyakarta. The time range of

    this study is from year 2013 to 2014.The data is collected

    from the secondary data which is the medical record of the

    patient who have ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke for the

    first time in 2011-2013 in Dr. Sardjito Hospital


    The reason for late admission will also be recorded

    to know if there is any correlation with the late time to

    admission. The data will be used to analyze the trend of

    time to admission for stroke patient in Dr. Sardjito


    B. Population and Subject

    The target population for this research is stroke

    patient, and the accessible population is stroke patients

    who are treated in RSUP Dr. Sardjito General Hospital,

    Yogyakarta and has the medical record data kept in the


    Subject inclusion criteria:

    1) Medical record which shows the first event of stroke

    2) Patients with transient ischemic attack (TIA)

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    3) Patients with thrombotic and embolic

    4) Primary intracerebral hemorrhage of any cause

    5) Medical record date from January 2011 until December


    Subject exclusion criteria:

    1) Children patients which is 16 years old and under

    2) Patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage

    3) Incomplete data on the medical record or the record is

    not clear.

    C. Equipment

    The data for this study will be taken from the

    medical record of stroke patient from medical record

    department in Dr. Sardjito Hospital Yogyakarta

    D. Research Material (Sample Size)

    N= (Z)^2 (P)(lP)



    N= minimal sample size

    Z= 1.96 the Confidence Interval is 95%

    P= proportion of cases in the population, which is 0.27

    (Triono, 2007)

    D= level of error tolerance (0.087)

    With this formula applied to the study, the minimal sample

    size is 100.04, rounded off to 100 samples. The sample

    selection method will be random consecutive sampling.

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    E. Research Step

    1) Consultation with research supervisor

    2) Research preparation

    3) Obtaining the ethical clearance and permission letter

    for the research

    4) Data collection on patients medical record

    5) Data calculation and data analysis.

    F. Variables

    Independent variable: Time to hospital admission for

    stroke patient from 2011-2013

    Dependent variable: Patient with first event of stroke

    from year 2011-2013

    G. Operational Definition

    - Stroke: WHO defines stroke as a rapidly developing

    clinical signs of focal (or global) disturbance of

    cerebral function, with symptoms lasting 24 hours or

    longer or leading to death, with no apparent cause other

    than of vascular origin. So, this sample is the patient

    who has been diagnosed with stroke in RSUP Dr. Sardjito.

    Ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke patients will be


    - Age: the age of patient is ranging from 17 until 90

    - First Stroke event: in this study, the data will be

    taken only from patient with first event of stroke.

  • 14

    H. Result Analysis

    The time to hospital admission for the first stroke

    event patient from RSUP Dr. Sardjito will be taken and

    grouped into each consecutive from 2011 until 2013. This

    data will be analyzed and assessed into each year and

    compared to the other years using descriptive statistics

    such as table and bar chart to describe the trend of the

    time to hospital admission for stroke patient in RSUP Dr.


    I. Approval Study

    The study will be approved by Biomedical Research Ethics

    Commissions of Faculty of Medicine of Gadjah Mada University

    and permission letter from Director of Dr. Sardjito General

    Hospital, Yogyakarta.

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    A. Result and Discussion

    The data that are taken in this research are stroke

    patients from the Neurology Department of RSUP Dr.

    Sardjito that were first evaluated for the inclusion and

    exclusion criteria in the 2011-2013. The data from medical

    record that did not meet the criteria were dismissed and

    the one that meet the criteria was taken. The data are

    shown in the Table 1 below

    Table 1.Result of Time to Hospital Admission, percentage

    and mean of TTHA in 2011 until 2013


    Time to hospital

    admission(TTHA) total Percentage of


  • 16

    In 2011, there are a total of 75 stroke patients that

    meet the criteria and the data are recorded. Out of these

    75 patients, only 17 (22.67%)were arrived and admitted to

    the hospital within 3 hours after the onset of stroke

    while the rest 58 (77.33%) were admitted after the 3 hours

    window period as shown in Figure 4. The mean time to

    hospital admission for this year is 23.93 hours with the

    shortest time to admission is 1 hour and the longest time

    to admission is 6 days.

    Figure 4. Comparison of time to hospital admission of

    stroke patients between 3 hours in 2011

    The patient who arrive late at the hospital were

    asked patients who arrived at the hospital for more than 3

    hours were asked about the reason for late admission and

    recorded into 5 categories which are;(1)due to

  • 17

    transportation, (2)waiting for family members,(3) long

    distance from the hospital, (4)economic factors, (5)lack

    of awareness and knowledge and (6)other factors.

    In 2011, the majority of stroke patient who arrive

    late at hospital or about 51.67% of them gave lack of

    awareness and knowledge about the stroke sign and symptoms

    as the main reason for late hospital admission. This is

    followed by others factors at 21.67%, waiting for family

    members at 15%, long distance from hospital at 5%,

    transportation at 5% and economic factors at 1.67%. The

    distribution of reason of delayed admission is shown in

    Figure 5.

    Figure 5.Distribution of reason for late admission for

    stroke patients in 2011

    In 2012, the number of stroke patient who are

    admitted to the RSUP Dr. Sardjito that meet the inclusion

    and exclusion criteria is 71. Out of this 71 patients 22

    of them (30.98%) are admitted to the hospital under 3

  • 18

    hours while 49 (69.02%) arrive after the 3 hours Golden

    Period as shown in figure 6. The mean time to hospital

    admission for the year 2012 is 23.02 hours with the

    shortest time to admission is 30 minutes and the longest

    time to admission is 6 days.

    Figure 6.Comparison of time to hospital admission of

    stroke patients between 3 hours in 2012

    In this year, the highest reason of delayed hospital

    admission is still due to the lack of awareness and

    knowledge which stands at 51.85% followed by other factors

    at 24.07%, waiting for family members at 11.11%,

    transportation at 9.26% and long distance from hospitals

    and economic factors both at 1.85%.The distribution of

    reason for late admission for stroke patients in 2012 is

    shown in Figure 7.

  • 19

    Figure 7.Distribution of reason for late admission for

    stroke patients in 2012

    In 2013, there are 115 patient who meet the criteria

    and taken as sample. Out of these 115 patients, only

    21(18.26%) of them arrived at the hospitals within the 3

    hours period while the rest 94(81.74%) of them were only

    admitted 3 hours after the onset of stroke as shown in

    Figure 8. The mean of time to hospital admission for this

    year is 25.79 hours with the shortest time to admission is

    30 minutes and the longest time to admission is 5 days.

    Figure 8. Comparison of time to hospital admission of

    stroke patients between 3 hours in 2013

  • 20

    For the reason of hospital admittance of more than 3

    hours, the factors of lack of awareness and knowledge

    still became the number one reason for delay in hospital

    admittance with 52.11%, followed by waiting for family at

    22.54%, other factors at 18.31%, transportation at 4.23%,

    while long distance to hospitals at and economic factors

    are both at 1.41%.The distribution of reason for late

    admission for stroke patients in 2012 is shown in Figure


    Figure 9.Distribution of reason for late admission for

    stroke patients in 2013

    Figure 10 shows the comparison of percentage of time

    to hospital admission

  • 21

    patient who was admitted in less than 3 hours to the

    hospital which is only 17.39% of all the stroke cases.

    Figure 10.Comparison of percentage of time to hospital

    admission of stroke patients between 2011-2013

    Meanwhile, the mean time to hospital admission from

    the year 2011 until 2013 follows the same progression as

    the percentage of the time to admission where it started

    at 23.93 hours in 2011 and improves to 23.02 hours in 2012

    before rising significantly to 25.79 hours in 2013 as

    shown in Figure 11 below.

    Figure 11.Comparison of mean of time to hospital admission

    of stroke patients from 2011-2013

  • 22

    B. Limitation and Recommendation

    This study was conducted at only one location

    (Neurology Department RSUP Dr. Sardjito), so these

    findings cannot be generalized to all of Yogyakarta

    society. I hope that in the future this research will be

    done in the population based.

    The number of sample in the year 2011 and 2012 was

    also less than the sample size needed due to the lack of

    suitable cases after going through the inclusion and

    exclusion criteria process.

    I hope that the length of study is extended not only

    3 years from 2011-2013 but more than 5 years span if


  • 23



    C. Conclusion

    As a conclusion, the data shows that trend of the

    percentage of stroke patient that were admitted to

    hospital within 3 hours after the onset of stroke is

    irregular and fluctuate between 2011 to 2013. There are

    several factors that may play a key role in determining

    the cause of the fluctuation such as the level of

    awareness and knowledge of the stoke patient and their

    family about the sign and symptoms of stroke and the sense

    of urgency for the patient to seek medical treatment upon

    the onset of stroke.

    However, stroke patient who wait for their family

    member before seeking medical treatment shows proportional

    correlation with the fluctuating trend of time to

    admission percentage where it is at 15% in 2011 and

    decrease at 11.11% in 2012 before soaring to 18.31% in


    D. Suggestions

    This suggests that there is still a vast majority of

    patient and their family that doesnt aware about the sign

    and symptoms of stroke and the severity of this disease if

    they do not receive the medical treatment as soon as

    possible. There is also lack of the sense of urgency as

  • 24

    the stroke patient still waits for their family members to

    send them to the hospital rather than using the ambulance

    service or other transportation.

    We also found out that the percentage of stroke

    patient who arrive at the hospital within the 3 hours

    period after onset is more of less the same with other

    developed and developing countries. However, the mean of

    time to admission of stroke patient in RSUP Dr. Sardjito

    is 23 hours to 26 hours. This suggests that there is still

    a barrier between patients in urban and rural setting in

    seeking treatment. These barriers might include the long

    distance to the nearest hospitals, level of knowledge and

    also economic factors.

    Based on the outcome of this study, it can be

    concluded that the Healthcare Department in Yogyakarta and

    Indonesia will need to step up the effort to spread the

    awareness about the sign and symptoms of stroke and also

    the benefits of admitting the stroke patient as soon as

    possible to the hospital. Better emergency medical service

    should also be provided so that the time from onset to

    treatment can be reduced hence increasing the probability

    of better outcome.

  • 25



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    Full Name : Muhammad Nurazam bin Azman

    Nick Name : Azam

    Address : No.35, Jl. Narodo, RT1/RW55/CC17, Condongcatur,

    Depok, Sleman

    Zip Code : 55283

    Phone Number : 087839782845

    Email :

    Place of Birth : Terengganu, Malaysia

    Date of Birth : 08 October 1990

    Sex : Male

    Nationality : Malaysia

    Religion : Islam

    Hobby : Reading and browsing internet

    GPA : 2.92


    1997-2002 Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Budiman II

    2003-2007 Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Sultan Sulaiman

    2008-2010 Management Science University (A-level)

    2010-now Medical Faculty International Programme of Gadjah

    Mada University Yogyakarta, Indonesia

  • 28


    2007 President of Bahasa Melayu Society, Sekolah

    Menengah Kebangsaan Sultan Sulaiman

    2011 Head of Islamic Bureau for Persatuan Kebangsaan

    Pelajar Malaysia di Indonesia(PKPMI) Cawangan


    2012 Head of Ukhuwah Pelajar Islam Malaysia



    CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEWA. Definition of StrokeB. Types of StrokeC. Pathophysiology of StrokeD. Golden Hour of Stroke TreatmentE. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORKF. Conceptual Framework

    CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGYA. Research DesignB. Population and SubjectC. EquipmentD. Research Material (Sample Size)E. Research StepF. VariablesG. Operational DefinitionH. Result AnalysisI. Approval Study

    CHAPTER IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONA. Result and DiscussionB. Limitation and Recommendation



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