Sixth Avenue UMC Messenger January/February 2019...Sixth Avenue UMC Messenger January/February 2019 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not

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Sixth Avenue UMC Messenger

January/February 2019

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified;

do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you

go.” (Joshua 1:9)

Dear Friends,

Each year on December 31st, hundreds of thousands of people stand in Times

Square, New Your. No big event invites them. No ballgame is being played. No

rock concert is about to start. It’s simply a huge, lighted ball that drops from a

tall building. And within a few seconds, hardly worth fighting traffic and

crowds, it descends marking a new year.

Why has this nonevent turned into a huge, money-making holiday? Most other

holidays celebrate a respected person, famous birthdays, document signings, or a

noted event. But New Year’s Eve only celebrates the passage of time -

something that many of us would rather not recognize. We make a big deal out

of it because it signals the end of an old year and the start of a new one.

The old year’s problems, heartaches, and struggles seem to vanish and become a

faded memory when we think of getting the chance of a new year and a new start.

It must have been the same way for the Israelites when they stood with Joshua

looking forward to a new era ahead of them. They had wandered for 40 years in

the desert, and finally they could see land flowing with milk and honey ahead.

Better yet, they had God’s promise that He would never leave or forsake them.

Beloved, as you stand with your back to 2018 and look forward to 2019, you can

have hope in God’s promises. You will certainly face both trying and joyful

times ahead, but you can rest assure that God “will never leave you nor forsake

you” (Joshua 1:5). That promise is enough to celebrate the new year ahead!

Blessings in Jesus,

Pastor Rick

(Used with permission, Daily Living for Senior, 1/2/18)

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

I am announcing my retirement as the pastor of Sixth Avenue United

Methodist Church, effective June 30, 2019.

It’s always difficult to make a decision such as this. In the almost nine

years I have served here, I’ve enjoyed many opportunities for ministry. Ja-

net and I have made many friends, and we have seen the church grow in a

number of areas. I have come to know Jesus in deeper ways, and I will

always treasure the time I spent here.

You have always been a source of support to me. I appreciate the long

hours we have co-labored in sharing the Gospel message to our community.

It is my hope and prayer that you will continue to do so with your new


In Christian Love,

Pastor Rick

Christian Love and Sympathy to:

The family of David Straten upon his death on No-

vember 1st.

The family of Mary Redd upon her death on

November 19th.

Rita Hanes upon the death of her mother, Ruth

Heffner, on November 23rd.

Ed & Sandy Gurile and family upon the death of

Ed’s mother, Juanita Rexroad, on December 10th.

Carl & Sharon Mathias upon the death of their

brother-in-law, George Nicolia, on

December 11th.

Louise Carpenter upon the death of her son-in-law,

Steve Kern on December 9th.

I just want you to know how much the Thanksgiving

Meal Blessed us and how delicious it was!

Your kindness & generosity mean a lot to us & may it be

returned to you!

Thank You!

The Messerknecht/Heft Family

The 2019 Altar Flower Chart, located near the

Pastor’s office, is quickly

filling up. Please fill in the

dates you want before they

are taken. You can either

write on the date on the

calendar or you can call the

office at 740-653-1196.


We rejoice to welcome the following boys into the

family of God through the Sacrament of Baptism!

On November 18, 2018: Jack Martin DeRing

Parents: Johnny & Rachael DeRing

On November 25, 2018:

Caleb Thomas Witham

Parents: Curtis & Sarah (Pendleton) Witham

Tyler Cash Suman

Parents: Todd & Jackie (Witham) Suman

Dear Dottie Raymond and crew that helped

with the funeral dinner, Thank you so much

for the meal. Everyone enjoyed it. Thank

you for the love and prayers.

Lundy Drake and family

Thank you to Judy Fahrer for

purchasing and donating the

custom-made window

coverings to replace those in the

windows at the rear of the

sanctuary, in the sound room, and in the cry room.

The color matches the pew pads also.

Your generosity is much appreciated!

The Trustees

Judy did this in memory of Jerry Fahrer.

When a Level 2 or higher snow

emergency is issued, all church

functions are cancelled. This

includes worship services,

meetings, and activities.

Once again the Heartwarmers have completed another successful year in our outreach ministries, thanks to

the help and support of the congregation and their generosity of donations, we were able to serve those less

fortunate. Thanksgiving and Christmas combined we fed 62 families; 140 adults and 55 children.

Fruit Plates were given to 12 church members who are unable to get out to attend church, and 14 church

members residing in different nursing homes. It takes a lot of

planning and work and with the help of not only our committee, but all the volunteers, you know who you

are, making this happen. A shout out to the Youth for helping on pick up day, doing a great job. Blessings

to all.

A special thanks to my committee, all listed below, who are always ready to help where needed, what a great

feeling of love and gratitude when doing God’s work.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Blessed, Healthy 2019.

The Heartwarmer’s Committee

Donna Dickson – Chair,

Donna Ballmer, Ruth Bowland, Jerry Dickson, Phyllis Flowers, Jan Lentz, Mary Ann Polliard,

Dottie Raymond, John & Lou Ellen Reef, Judy Wheatley, Judy Woods, and Norma Zumbro.

Dear Friends in Christ,

Janet and I were overwhelmed

by the generosity of your cards,

gift cards, baked goodies, and

cash gift to us! I realize that for

many of you it was a sacrifice. I’m so blessed

and honored to serve you. We appreciate the

love, prayers, and support of our church family.

May all of your days in the New Year be filled

with the peace and joy of Jesus Christ!

Pastor Rick

Dear Sixth Ave. UMC family,

We, the staff, would like to thank each and every

one of you that blessed us with cards, candy,

gifts, and cash gifts. We hope all of you have a

very safe and happy New Year!

Again thank you and God bless,

David, Jackie, Debbie, and Lee Ann

World Mission Coin Box Ministry

With your loose change, you can help send a Treasure (a solar-

powered audio Bible, which can be programmed in over 6,000 lan-

guages and dialects) to the poorest of poor and who are oral learners.

There are small ‘Change the World’ coin boxes on the Welcome Cen-

ter counter. Please take a box, fill it with your loose change, and re-

turn it to the office whenever you get it full. You can tape your name

to the box if you want record of it. We will be reusing all of the coin

boxes, so please be gentle with them. This year we are going to con-

tinue doing this all year long. As some of you may know, the Adult

Bible Study on Sunday mornings, collect for this twice a month.

Let’s help to continue to help spread the Word of God all across the


It doesn’t take much and every cent counts.

Thank you for you continued generosity!

May God Bless you and keep you!


Edmond and Dollie Spangler January l

Max and Mary Thomas January 18

Carl and Sharon Mathias January 27

Birthdays - JANUARY

Barbara Beougher January 1

Patricia Disbennet January 1

Fred Beougher January 2

Fred North January 9

Tae’lyn Wallis January 10

Marge Agosta January 11

Stephanie Rader January 12

Michael Stalder January 12

Phyllis Flowers January 13

Rev. John Glick January 15

Carol Davis January 18

Joan Dowd January 19

Krista Spangler January 19

Mark Johnson January 23

Tim Schaffer January 25

Doris Shauger January 25

Lou Ellen Reef January 25

Sonya Chaffin January 26

Angela Trogus January 27

Sharon Funkhouser January 30

Judy Woods January 30

Vicki Miller January 31

Birthdays - FEBRUARY

Stephen Parker February 1

Stephanie Brunney February 2

Arthur Lowell Hite February 2

Becky Tener February 4

Kathryn Wagner February 6

Drew Winegardner February 6

Don Taylor February 7

Sondra Kern February 10

Robert Trogus February 10

Jerry Zumbro February 10

Kathryn Taylor February 12

Jackie Howard February 13

Dee Wright February 13

Dan Ansel February 15

Kathy Starner February 15

Susan Fernow February 18

Dorothy North February 18

Shirley Pickering February 18

Scott Rader February 18

Vonda Strawn February 18

Lloyd Helber February 21

Dotty Jassogne February 21

Marilyn Smith February 22

Dollie Spangler February 24

Karen Baughman February 25

Juanita Thomas February 27

Aleese Spangler February 28

ANNIVERSARIES – FEBRUARY Kevin and Mary Groves February 3

Keith and Sondra Kern February 9

Bruce and Karen Baughman February 14

E.J. and Kim Gurile, III February 14

Howard and Dottie Raymond February 22

Shawn and Cassie Andrews February 25

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